UIState::setState(6 -> 6) ##P4 t=868: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount ++, now is 1 ##P3 t=868: TempSerialPort::TempSerialPort() ##P5 t=868: 0x9b8a6b8 = Query::setSerial(0xbf9b92e4) ##P3 t=868: Serial::openDev('/dev/ttyUSB2') as FD 8 - Serial instance 0xbf9b92e4 ##P3 t=868: ConnectionBaseClass::chat() start ##P5 t=868: Query instance 0xbf9b9224 acquired MUTEX ##P4 t=868: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT&F' ##P5 t=868: receiveStringRetry: '\xd\xaOK\xd\xa' ##P4 t=868: answer 1:'OK' ##P5 t=868: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK' ##P5 t=868: Query instance 0xbf9b9224 abandoned MUTEX ##P5 t=868: Query instance 0xbf9b9224 acquired MUTEX ##P4 t=868: Query sends the following mesage: 'ATE1' ##P5 t=868: receiveStringRetry: '\xd\xaOK\xd\xa' ##P4 t=868: answer 1:'OK' ##P5 t=868: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK' ##P5 t=868: Query instance 0xbf9b9224 abandoned MUTEX ##P5 t=868: Query instance 0xbf9b9224 acquired MUTEX ##P4 t=868: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet.eplus.de"' ##P5 t=869: receiveStringRetry: 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet.eplus.de"\xd\xd\xaOK\xd\xa' ##P4 t=869: answer 1:'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet.eplus.de"' ##P4 t=869: answer 2:'OK' ##P5 t=869: checkQuery: removing echo up front ##P5 t=869: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK' ##P5 t=869: Query instance 0xbf9b9224 abandoned MUTEX ##P3 t=869: Dial String is: ATD*99***1# ##P5 t=869: Query instance 0xbf9b91f0 acquired MUTEX ##P4 t=869: Query sends the following mesage: 'ATD*99***1#' ##P5 t=869: receiveStringRetry: 'ATD*99***1#\xd\xd\xaCONNECT 7200000\xd\xa' ##P4 t=869: answer 1:'ATD*99***1#' ##P4 t=869: answer 2:'CONNECT 7200000' ##P5 t=869: checkQuery: removing echo up front ##P5 t=869: Query instance 0xbf9b91f0 abandoned MUTEX ##P3 t=869: ConnectionBaseClass::chat() end with result: 1 ##P4 t=869: Assembled PPP string is: 'idle 7200 asyncmap 0 updetach dump debug debug debug 460800 lock crtscts modem /dev/ttyUSB2 noipx novj nobsdcomp defaultroute usepeerdns user internet password grps ' ##P4 t=869: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount ++, now is 2 ##P2 t=869: PPPConnection::PPPThread::PPPThread() ##P5 t=869: Waiting for ppp PID ##P2 t=869: PPPThread::run, before runCommand ##P5 t=869: Runner::runCommand(1, list[23 items], 0) ##P3 t=869: INSIDE PARENT, uid=1000, pid=2313 ##P5 t=869: Parent with pipes to not detached child ##P3 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, uid=1000, pid=2332 ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, Prog: /usr/sbin/pppd ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg00: 'idle' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg01: '7200' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg02: 'asyncmap' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg03: '0' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg04: 'updetach' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg05: 'dump' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg06: 'debug' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg07: 'debug' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg08: 'debug' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg09: '460800' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg10: 'lock' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg11: 'crtscts' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg12: 'modem' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg13: '/dev/ttyUSB2' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg14: 'noipx' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg15: 'novj' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg16: 'nobsdcomp' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg17: 'defaultroute' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg18: 'usepeerdns' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg19: 'user' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg20: 'internet' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg21: 'password' ##P5 t=869: INSIDE CHILD, arg22: 'grps' ##P5 t=869: child read pipe loop end, flags: 7 ##P2 t=869: PPPThread::run, after runCommand ##P5 t=870: Found PPP PID -1 ##P5 t=870: Waiting for ppp PID ##P5 t=871: Found PPP PID -1 ##P5 t=871: Waiting for ppp PID ##P5 t=872: Found PPP PID -1 ##P5 t=872: Waiting for ppp PID ##P5 t=873: Found PPP PID -1 ##P5 t=873: Waiting for ppp PID ##P5 t=874: Found PPP PID -1 ##P3 t=874: TempSerialPort::~TempSerialPort() ##P3 t=874: SerialPort::closeDev() for FD 8 ##P5 t=874: 0xbf9b92e4 = Query::setSerial(0x9b8a6b8) ##P2 t=874: thePPPConnection.startConnection() returned without indicating problems ##P2 t=874: isDone is true ##P4 t=874: *****output of PPP to stdout ##P4 t=874: *****end-of-output ##P4 t=874: *****output of PPP to stderr ##P4 t=874: *****end-of-output ##P3 t=874: ConnectionBaseClass::setNewPPPState state 1 to 4 ##P2 t=874: UIState::newConnectionState(4) callback called ##P2 t=874: