Hey Vlad, Sorry about this delay... I tried the following commands within the guest (that router/firewall " guest-fw-1.domain.com"): root@guest-fw-1:~# ethtool -K eth1 tso off root@guest-fw-1:~# ethtool -K eth1 gso off root@guest-fw-1:~# ethtool -K eth1 tx off But it did not fixed the problem... Then, I tried (it was still enabled for that "vlan device", just to test): root@guest-fw-1:~# ethtool -K vlan100 gso off Didn't worked either... --- root@guest-fw-1:~# grep vlan100 /proc/net/vlan/config vlan100 | 100 | eth1 --- Also, at the KVM host, its ovsbr1 (OpenvSwitch bridge), is attached to eth1, then, I tried to turn `tso/gso/tx off` there too but, no, same bad results. I tried to disable tso/gso/tx at another guest, of vlan100 net, didn't worked either. Regards, Thiago On 29 August 2014 11:20, Vlad Yasevich