pctl.startup="" # (string, init-time) default = '0.0.0.*' : Comma-separated list of cores (wildcards allowed) to be powered up at startup or system reset bp.secure_memory=0 # (bool , init-time) default = '1' : enable security checking by TZC-400 bp.flashloader0.fname="uefi_fvp-base.bin" # (string, init-time) default = '(none)' : Filename (Default '(none)' means: Do not load any file. An empty string will cause a warning.) bp.secureflashloader.fname="bl1.bin" # (string, init-time) default = '(none)' : Filename (Default '(none)' means: Do not load any file. An empty string will cause a warning.) bp.smsc_91c111.enabled=1 # (bool , init-time) default = '0' : Host interface connection enabled bp.hostbridge.userNetworking=1 # (bool , init-time) default = '0' : Enable user-mode networking bp.hostbridge.userNetPorts="8022=22" # (string, init-time) default = '' : Listening ports to expose in user-mode networking #bp.mmc.p_mmc_file="" # (string, init-time) default = 'mmc.dat' : MMCard filename cluster0.is_uniprocessor=1 cluster1.is_uniprocessor=1 #cluster0.NUM_CORES=1 #cluster1.NUM_CORES=1