Hi Simon, bit of log info here... Just above the if (!aItem.recurrencInfo) {} I've added a sdbg line that prints out the "nextRem.icalString". Also included is a sdbg statement that shows when nextOcc was null. This is the output: readDismissSnoozeState: nextRem.icalString = 20100903T054500Z readDismissSnoozeState: no previous occurrence found (means nextOCC === null) These lines must be the ones for the dumped below. That day i have 3 reoccuring events, but only this one does start 20100903 - so i'm sure i grabbed the right one. (look all ath the bottom, there are other nextRem.icalStrings which don't match. It really seems the very first occurence gets hit - and that hasn'T a "PreviousOccurence that can be fetched, so nextOcc is set to null. For the timezones: i'm in GMT+2 whereas the original date is GMT-6 (Mountain Std Time) ----------------cut ----------------- Inviter - OOO When: Occurs every Friday effective 9/3/2010 until 12/17/2010 (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada). Note: The GMT offset above does not reflect daylight saving time adjustments. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 2010-08-23T02:38:12Z 2010-09-24T06:00:00Z true 15 2010-09-03T05:45:00Z BAAAAIIA4AB0xbcQGoLgCAAAAACAKkfZOULLAQAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAOB4NNX9FRpApjTBPAe40CY= 040000008200E00074C5B7101A82E00800000000802A47D93942CB01000000000000000010000000E07834D5FD151A40A634C13C07B8D026 2010-09-03T06:00:00Z 2010-09-04T06:00:00Z true false RecurringMaster NoResponseReceived inviter full name SMTP inviter full name SMTP Unknown Group1 SMTP Unknown Group2 SMTP Unknown Group3 SMTP Unknown Group4 SMTP Unknown Person1 SMTP Unknown 1 Friday 2010-09-03Z 2010-12-17Z 2010-09-03T06:00:00Z 2010-09-04T06:00:00Z 2010-09-03T06:00:00Z 2010-12-17T07:00:00Z 2010-12-18T07:00:00Z 2010-12-17T07:00:00Z PT420M PT0M Sunday First November 02:00:00 -PT60M Sunday Second March 02:00:00 ----------cut------------------- b87cc5ce-0929-406c-b77d-dccccff34404/HP: getItemReply readDismissSnoozeState: nextRem.icalString = 20100903T054500Z readDismissSnoozeState: no previous occurrence found (means nextOCC === null) readDismissSnoozeState: nextRem.icalString = 20101001T134500Z readDismissSnoozeState: nextRem.icalString = 20100817T151500Z