This bug is about the controls on the bug +subscriptions page. We already deal with this to some degree with help text for the mute controls on bug pages; and the mockup for bug 772754 continues to consider it. Note also that bug 777786 is related. This is a communication bug: we don't expect to change the behavior, but we do want to manage our user's expectations so that they are not disappointed. I believe there are four cases for the +subscriptions page. Here they are, with my strawman solutions. 1) The user has no subscription. Strawman solution: no change. 2) The user has one or more subscriptions, but none of them are subscriptions via a team with a contact address. Strawman solution: in the box labeled "If you don't want to receive emails about this bug you can," after the options are listed, include text such as the following: "If you become subscribed to this bug via a team that has contact address set in Launchpad, the team's contact address will receive notifications based on that subscription, disregarding your individual muting or subscription level.". We could add a question mark help link to explain the situation further (e.g., mentioning mailing lists and so on) if we felt it were necessary. 3) The user has two or more subscriptions, one or more of them is via a team with a contact address, *and* one or more of them is not. Strawman solution: in the box labeled "If you don't want to receive emails about this bug you can," after the options are listed, include text such as the following: "You are subscribed to this bug via one or more teams that have their contact address set in Launchpad. These teams' contact addresses will receive notifications based on their subscriptions, disregarding your individual muting or subscription level. To identify these subscriptions, expand the "Other subscriptions" section below and look for subscriptions with a red warning label". We would then need to implement the "red warning label" functionality (or whatever visual cue we decided on). Finally, as with case 2, we could add a question mark help link to explain the situation further (e.g., mentioning mailing lists and so on) if we felt it were necessary. 4) The user has one or more subscriptions, and all of them are subscriptions via a team with a contact address. Note that, in this case, muting is irrelevant, and specifying a subscription level will cause *additional* direct emails duplicating the ones being sent by the team subscriptions (which themselves may duplicate). Strawman solution: do not show the box labeled "If you don't want to receive emails about this bug you can." Instead show text such as the following: "You are subscribed to this bug via one or more teams that have their contact address set in Launchpad. These teams' contact addresses will receive notifications based on their subscriptions. These subscriptions are shown below.". Pre-expand the "Other subscriptions" section. Note that we probably should show the box labeled "If you want to receive more emails about this bug you can" and include all options for adding a direct subscription; we may need to adjust the text for it to make sense in this case. We will probably need to be able to switch dynamically back and forth between the displays for cases 2, 3 and 4; that may affect some of the other decisions.