Some great discussion about this from our ops folk: 06:31 < elmo> lifeless: I do categorically think what I said in the RT, namely that sending mail in-request is crazy town 06:32 < elmo> lifeless: and while i'm OK with us doing some level of investigation about the current MTA performance, I don't think 230ms is all that bad 06:32 < elmo> lifeless: and fundamentally if you guys want to continue to send 100 mails and not time out, I think it's got to be made async from the request 06:33 < lifeless> elmo: so, yes, agreed. 06:33 < gary> We do have a planned story for that, on the basis of what elmo wrote on the RT--basically, back to the original plan, in fact. 06:33 < lifeless> elmo: working on all angles at once. 06:34 < lifeless> elmo: OTOH I don't want to reinvent postfix as a module in LP. 06:34 < lifeless> elmo: putting mails-to-send into the DB and actually spooling them elsewhere is equally nuts. We should definitely make them async. 06:34 < gary> yeah, that was basically the original argument. 06:35 < lifeless> putting a 'please notify about this ' statement into a work queue makes a lot of sense to me 06:36 < elmo> so I don't know enough about postfix, but with exim, there is certainly a way of using sendmail and saying "just queue this, do not do anything that might slow me down (e.g. any network stuff)" 06:36 < elmo> OTOH, even using that seems risky if you're going to have a 100+ people being mailed and a 1-2s timeout 06:36 < lifeless> elmo: what are we running on the appservers ? 06:36 < elmo> postfix 06:37 < lifeless> k 06:38 < gary> sending the emails is ideally transactionally aware. I don't know if we do that now. 06:38 < gary> I think we do. 06:38 < gary> peripheral to this discussion; only pertinent if we have to write something fresh 06:39 < lamont> if you're mailing with /usr/sbin/sendmail from postfix, it literally just drops a file in a directory and returns 06:39 < lamont> of course, CPU gets used elsewhere after that 06:39 < lifeless> lamont: we're using SMTP 06:40 < lifeless> hmm, perhaps we should be using the submission port - it might have different rules. 06:40 * lifeless wags 06:42 < lamont> like the good little MTA that it is, postfix puts the CPU intensive stuff squarely on port 25, so that spammers get slowed down too, not just him overloaded. 06:42 < lifeless> lamont: does it treat port 587 differently? 06:42 < lamont> submission port tends to get the same daemon, but with lighter rules in some ways 06:42 < lamont> and, of course, many things are tunable wrt what it checks in which instance of the smtpd process 06:43 < lifeless> lamont: if I filed an rt saying 'please make this as light as possible for lp on lp appservers', would that be a difficult task? or is 'very light' a well known thing ? 06:44 < lamont> do you connect to, or to the host's 91.189 iP? 06:44 < lifeless> localhost 06:44 < lifeless> (literally, thats whats configured) 06:44 < lamont> it's generally going to be ugly any way you come at it 06:44 < lifeless> so it will depend on /etc/hosts 06:45 < lamont> life would be simpler if you just used /usr/sbin/sendmail - even the interface is simpler 06:45 < lamont> why re-invent the MUA? 06:46 < lifeless> existing module from Zope. 06:46 < lamont> ah, zope reinvented it. got it 06:47 < lamont> If the postfix config on the app servers is the default, and I suspect it is, it's about as light as it can get. 06:48 < elmo> it is the default 06:48 < elmo> modulo addition of a relayhost 06:49 < lamont> somewhere in the middle might be "use /usr/sbin/sendmail -bs, and pretend it's port 25"