More Steps --- 7. After image are build, You need to deploy Openstack. Make sure your gloabls.yml has following entries correctly kolla_install_type: "source" docker_registry: "localhost:5010" docker_namespace: "kollaglue" docker_insecure_registry: "True" docker_pull_policy: "missing" kolla_internal_address: "" //Find the free address on you primary network interface. My primary network 10.1.2 / 24 #network_interface: "eth0" network_interface: "enp5s0f0" //Find the primary interface using ifconfig. My primary interface was enp5s0f0 #neutron_external_interface: "eth1" neutron_external_interface: "enp5s0f1" 8. Modify ansible/group-vars/all.yml to override default properties. I did modify following property. Otherwise deployment was failing. kolla_install_type: "source" 9. I always got problem to start haproxy container. All deployment stops after this container failed to start. To overcome this issue Modify ansible/group-vars/all.yml , disable haproxy enable_haproxy: "no" 10. deploy Openstack sudo ansible-playbook -i inventory/all-in-one -e @/etc/kolla/globals.yml -e @/etc/kolla/passwords.yml site.yml 2>&1 | tee KollaDeploy.txt If something is failed kill all the ansible running instance. I found ansible-playbook keep running after failure. So I found the process and kill it manually and rerun. With EVERYTHING OK. You will get messge "localhost : ok=289 changed=167 unreachable=0 failed=0" Also I found, it does skips deploying lots of container. Not Sure Why? TASK: [ironic | Waiting for Ironic bootstrap container to exit] *************** skipping: [localhost] TASK: [ironic | Cleaning up boostrap container] ******************************* skipping: [localhost] TASK: [ironic | Starting Ironic-api container] ******************************** skipping: [localhost] TASK: [ironic | Starting Ironic-conductor container] ************************** skipping: [localhost] TASK: [ironic | Starting Ironic-discoverd container] ************************** skipping: [localhost] TASK: [ironic | Starting Ironic-pxe container] ******************************** skipping: [localhost] PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** localhost : ok=289 changed=167 unreachable=0 failed=0 11. If the deployment is successful, Lauch OpenStack with url http://. You will see openstack admin page. SAM, It is good experience to work with Kolla. I thing it will be useful for the community who is first time doing it. If you are Ok, I can capture the structured information on Wiki. Thanks Manoj On Sun, Oct 4, 2015 at 6:42 PM, Manoj Jain