I think this goes beyond the Fernet issues - on a single node Train (Centos7) deploy I see the same issue. It is sporadic - sometimes for example a keystone endpoint list works and others not. As soon as I restart Keystone the issue is gone. It appears to be related to two keystone calls in close proximity. A keystone token issue never fails. An endpoint list always gets a token, but then the GET/v3/endpoints fails. An example: ```==== # openstack endpoint list (FAILS) ================== ==> keystone-apache-admin-access.log <== - - [29/Jun/2020:16:29:15 +0000] "GET /v3 HTTP/1.1" 200 253 3251 "-" "openstacksdk/0.36.3 keystoneauth1/3.17.2 python-requests/2.22.0 CPython/2.7 .5" - - [29/Jun/2020:16:29:15 +0000] "POST /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1" 201 2347 331455 "-" "openstacksdk/0.36.3 keystoneauth1/3.17.2 python-requests/2. 22.0 CPython/2.7.5" - - [29/Jun/2020:16:29:16 +0000] "POST /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1" 201 2347 341851 "-" "openstacksdk/0.36.3 keystoneauth1/3.17.2 python-requests/2. 22.0 CPython/2.7.5" ==> keystone-apache-public-access.log <== - - [29/Jun/2020:16:29:16 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 300 267 2879 "-" "openstacksdk/0.36.3 keystoneauth1/3.17.2 python-requests/2.22.0 CPython/2.7.5 " - - [29/Jun/2020:16:29:16 +0000] "GET /v3/endpoints HTTP/1.1" 200 2926 37411 "-" "python-keystoneclient" ==> keystone-apache-public-error.log <== 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734104 mod_wsgi (pid=23): Target WSGI script '/usr/bin/keystone-wsgi-public' cannot be loaded as Python module. 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734150 mod_wsgi (pid=23): Exception occurred processing WSGI script '/usr/bin/keystone-wsgi-public'. 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734195 Traceback (most recent call last): 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734240 File "/usr/bin/keystone-wsgi-public", line 52, in 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734312 application = initialize_public_application() 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734336 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystone/server/wsgi.py", line 24, in initialize_public_application 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734364 name='public', config_files=flask_core._get_config_files()) 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734382 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystone/server/flask/core.py", line 157, in initialize_application 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734414 keystone.server.configure(config_files=config_files) 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734434 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystone/server/__init__.py", line 28, in configure 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734471 keystone.conf.configure() 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734489 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystone/conf/__init__.py", line 137, in configure 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734512 deprecated_since=versionutils.deprecated.STEIN)) 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734530 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_config/cfg.py", line 2055, in __inner 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734553 result = f(self, *args, **kwargs) 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734570 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_config/cfg.py", line 2333, in register_cli_opt 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734602 raise ArgsAlreadyParsedError("cannot register CLI option") 2020-06-29 16:29:16.734637 ArgsAlreadyParsedError: arguments already parsed: cannot register CLI option ==> keystone-apache-public-access.log <== - - [29/Jun/2020:16:29:16 +0000] "GET /v3/services HTTP/1.1" 500 527 1924 "-" "python-keystoneclient" ==== # openstack endpoint list (WORKS) ================== ==> keystone-apache-admin-access.log <== - - [29/Jun/2020:16:29:21 +0000] "GET /v3 HTTP/1.1" 200 253 2769 "-" "openstacksdk/0.36.3 keystoneauth1/3.17.2 python-requests/2.22.0 CPython/2.7 .5" - - [29/Jun/2020:16:29:21 +0000] "POST /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1" 201 2347 330306 "-" "openstacksdk/0.36.3 keystoneauth1/3.17.2 python-requests/2. 22.0 CPython/2.7.5" - - [29/Jun/2020:16:29:21 +0000] "POST /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1" 201 2347 361409 "-" "openstacksdk/0.36.3 keystoneauth1/3.17.2 python-requests/2. 22.0 CPython/2.7.5" ==> keystone-apache-public-access.log <== - - [29/Jun/2020:16:29:22 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 300 267 3450 "-" "openstacksdk/0.36.3 keystoneauth1/3.17.2 python-requests/2.22.0 CPython/2.7.5 " - - [29/Jun/2020:16:29:22 +0000] "GET /v3/endpoints HTTP/1.1" 200 2926 49522 "-" "python-keystoneclient" ==> keystone.log <== 2020-06-29 16:29:22.144 24 WARNING py.warnings [req-258fde27-f856-48af-b666-76782cf29da0 eb8fe17826af43bcba56b16f942364df b55a100fe0e548ca9ae39a5a2c2e908c - d efault default] /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_policy/policy.py:970: UserWarning: Policy identity:list_services failed scope check. The token used to m ake the request was project scoped but the policy requires ['system'] scope. This behavior may change in the future where using the intended scope is required warnings.warn(msg) ==> keystone-apache-public-error.log <== 2020-06-29 16:29:22.145436 2020-06-29 16:29:22.144 24 WARNING py.warnings [req-258fde27-f856-48af-b666-76782cf29da0 eb8fe17826af43bcba56b16f942364df b55a100fe 0e548ca9ae39a5a2c2e908c - default default] /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_policy/policy.py:970: UserWarning: Policy identity:list_services failed scope check. The token used to make the request was project scoped but the policy requires ['system'] scope. This behavior may change in the future where using the intended scope is required 2020-06-29 16:29:22.145476 warnings.warn(msg) 2020-06-29 16:29:22.145507 \x1b[00m ==> keystone-apache-public-access.log <== - - [29/Jun/2020:16:29:22 +0000] "GET /v3/services HTTP/1.1" 200 793 36592 "-" "python-keystoneclient" ```