Uggh, digging up the details behind this was pretty terrible ... There is clearly some underlying issue we're papering over here ... but nowhere do I see any analysis of that underlying issue recorded for posterity For example, in "Having the sphinx theme in the same namespace package as the production code has been causing issues with devstack installations." The thread linked above ends with "Basically you can very easily get yourself in a situation where *just enough* of the distro package is left behind that pip thinks its there, so won't install it, but the python loader doesn't, so won't work. Then much sadness." Or in "After merging devstack gate started failing." Oh, now I'm getting somewhere fungi: the tl;dr is that when oslo.config is installed globally with "pip install -e" and oslo.sphinx is installed in a virtualenv with "pip install" python in the virtualenv can't find oslo.config ... sdague: I think bnemec worked out that it's caused by a combination of pip install -e and something else in the same namespace package not being installed in that mode sdague: alternatives to fix it seem to be install oslo.sphinx with pip install -e or change its package name sdague: or don't install it at all, of course dhellmann: sdague: Right, the problem is that we pip install -e oslo.config in the system site packages, then pip install oslo.sphinx in the venv. That combination results in oslo.config being unavailable in the venv. fungi: common namespace, split, *and* installed with .egg-link in some cases (I think) namespaces don't play well with -e so for normal production oslo libs, we'd just install them from devstack with pip install -e and be done but because oslo.sphinx is not a production lib, that's not necessarily the best answer we should probably just reserve the oslo namespace for production libraries, and rename the theme package well, it could also be said that if devstack didn't use that -e option this wouldn't be an issue, so it's a combination of all of it And, at last, I find Ben's email ! The problem seems to be when we pip install -e oslo.config on the system, then pip install oslo.sphinx in a venv. oslo.config is unavailable in the venv, apparently because the namespace package for o.s causes the egg-link for o.c to be ignored. Pretty much every other combination I've tried (regular pip install of both, or pip install -e of both, regardless of where they are) works fine, but there seem to be other issues with all of the other options we've explored so far. We can't remove the pip install -e of oslo.config because it has to be used for gating, and we can't pip install -e oslo.sphinx because it's not a runtime dep so it doesn't belong in the gate. Changing the toplevel package for oslo.sphinx was also mentioned, but has obvious drawbacks too. And then this pip bug: