This bug was fixed in the package cairo-dock - 2.4.0~2-0ubuntu1 --------------- cairo-dock (2.4.0~2-0ubuntu1) oneiric; urgency=low [ Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) ] * New upstream bug fix release. (LP: #859982) * Upstream (short) ChangeLog (2.4.0~0beta2 -> 2.4.0~1): - Improved support of the new Gnome 3 session (to avoid conflicts with the new Gnome-Panel). - Code cleaned and re-organised a few functions (e.g. with cairo-dock-overlay, cairo-dock.c, etc.) - Updating translations - Improved the support of XFCE and LXDE environments - Removed invalid launcher desktop files - Used a default icon if the path set by the user is wrong - Fixed the possibility to sticky a desklet (bug due to a Xorg update) - GUI: fixed the list-entry widget - Fixed support of the Widget Layer in Compiz >= 0.9 - Compiz type filter: replaced type=utility by type=Utility - Fixed a small refresh bug in cairo mode (with icons that are always visible) - Improved the placement of icons when avoiding the mouse (when something is being dropped onto the dock) - Updated the default theme in order to use new applications - Gauge implementation: Rewritten to use CairoDockImageBuffer and fixed the problem with png images - Graphs: Improved the drawing and added more precisions - Improved the 'lock' option description - GUI simple: fixed a bad update of the parameters when switching back to the previous value - Fixed the path of the preview for the default view - Help: Fixed the problem with tips - Default-theme: .conf files: fixed lintian warnings - Fixed a few warnings at the compilation - Removed a few useless output messages - Fixed these LP bugs: + Cairo-dock corrupts Kdenlive monitor display LP: #729970 + Can't play videos in kaffeine LP: #475375 - And fixed a lot of tiny bugs, please have a look to bzr logs. * Upstream (short) ChangeLog (2.4.0~1 -> 2.4.0~2): - Fixed a bug with the detection of compiz plugins - doc: used the right version - Fixed a possible crash with an empty dock LP: #861725 - FlyingContainer: draw the icon correctly * debian/patches: - Removed 01-musicPlayer_with_banshee: now in upstream * debian/copyright: - Updated and fixed lintian warnings: old-fsf-address-in-copyright-file * debian/rules and debian/cairo-dock-data.install: - Added support of the new Gnome 3 session. * debian/control: - Fixed lintian warning: description-synopsis-starts-with-article - Fixed lintian error: version-substvar-for-external-package * debian/cairo-dock-data.lintian-overrides: - Removed old warnings (fixed) - Added binary-without-manpage (custom scripts used) * debian/cairo-dock-core.install and debian/cairo-dock-dev.install: - Fixed a lintian warning: non-dev-pkg-with-shlib-symlink * debian/patches/01-improved-cairo-dock-session.patch: - Improved the launch of our Cairo-Dock session (by removing Unity Compiz plugin and by launching the dock with a short delay) - Fixed lintian error: shell-script-fails-syntax-check (it seems I made wrong manipulation with vim...) * debian/patches/02-manpage-not-compressed-with-max-compression.patch: - Fixed this lintian error: manpage-not-compressed-with-max-compression -- Iain Lane