Hi, I have reproduced the issue in my setup. Problem Description -------------------- When BMS is sending unicast ARP request for VM, ARP is coming directly to the respective compute instead of TSN, compute is responding with vhost0 mac in case of dual MX. So BMS is having incorrect ARP for VM in arp table. Details: --------- ARP, Request who-has (02:58:de:2e:8e:8c) tell, length 42 >>> VM MAC is 02:58:de:2e:8e:8c 14:43:11.877203 IP > VXLAN, flags [I] (0x08), vni 1111 ARP, Reply is-at 90:e2:ba:a7:23:80, length 42 >>>>> ARP is responding with 90:e2:ba:a7:23:80 root@5b7s8:~# ifconfig vhost0 vhost0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 90:e2:ba:a7:23:80 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::92e2:baff:fea7:2380/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:9809980 errors:0 dropped:63 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:8235068 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:1994559085 (1.9 GB) TX bytes:10342201367 (10.3 GB) root@5b7s8:~# vxlan --dump VXLAN Table VNID NextHop ---------------- 1111 12 2222 24 root@5b7s8:~# nh --get 12 Id:12 Type:Vrf_Translate Fmly: AF_INET Rid:0 Ref_cnt:2 Vrf:1 Flags:Valid, Vxlan, Vrf:1 root@5b7s8:~# rt --dump 1 --family inet| grep 32 P - 22 2:58:de:2e:8e:8c(266196) root@5b7s8:~# nh --get 22 Id:22 Type:Encap Fmly: AF_INET Rid:0 Ref_cnt:5 Vrf:1 Flags:Valid, Policy, EncapFmly:0806 Oif:3 Len:14 Encap Data: 02 58 de 2e 8e 8c 00 00 5e 00 01 00 08 00 Setup ------ Respective Compute : (root/c0ntrail123) #Management ip addresses of hosts in the cluster host1 ='root@' host2 ='root@’ host3 ='root@' host4 ='root@' host5 ='root@’ host6 ='root@' host7 ='root@' host8 ='root@' host9 ='root@' host10 ='root@’ #Role definition of the hosts. env.roledefs = { 'all': [host1,host2,host3,host4,host5,host6,host7,host8,host9,host10], 'cfgm': [host1,host2,host3], 'openstack': [host1], 'webui': [host1], 'control': [host2,host3], 'compute': [host4,host5,host6,host7,host8,host9,host10], 'tsn': [host4,host5,host6,host7], 'toragent': [host4,host5,host6,host7], 'collector': [host2,host3], 'database': [host1,host2,host3], 'build': [host_build], } env.hostnames = { 'all': ['5b7s1','5b7s2','5b7s3','5b7s4','5b7s5','5b7s6','5b7s7','5b7s8','5b7s9','5b7s10'] } Thanks and Regards, Chhandak On 6/19/16, 1:11 PM, "