interface xe-0/0/0.2001 is present in OVSDB client but stuck in ADD Defer due to same issue of physical port being empty. (gdb) p *(DBState *) 0x7f69f002c8f0 $4 = (OVSDB::VlanPortBindingEntry) { = { = { = { _vptr.KSyncEntry = 0xe22df0 , static kInvalidIndex = 4294967295, node_ = parent = 0x7f6a2c3080a8 left = 0x0 right = 0x0, index_ = 4294967295, state_ = KSyncEntry::ADD_DEFER, refcount_ = (tbb::atomic) 2, seen_ = false, stale_ = false }, = { _vptr.DBState = 0xe22ec0 }, members of KSyncDBEntry: db_entry_ = 0x7f6a0010f9c0, dup_entry_list_ = empty std::list }, = { _vptr.OvsdbEntryBase = 0xe22ee0 , ack_event_ = KSyncEntry::ADD_CHANGE_REQ }, members of OVSDB::OvsdbDBEntry: table_ = 0x7f69e000a020, ovs_entry_ = 0x0 }, members of OVSDB::VlanPortBindingEntry: logical_switch_ = (boost::intrusive_ptr) 0x0, physical_port_ = (boost::intrusive_ptr) 0x0, logical_switch_name_ = "aa91642d-1b0b-4527-8d9d-786a3fe0d692", physical_port_name_ = "", physical_device_name_ = "QFX1", vlan_ = 2001, vmi_uuid_ = (boost::uuids::uuid) fd8237aa-489e-41b6-bbc1-55537bfb8df6, old_logical_switch_name_ = "" } however for interface xe-0/0/2.2001 is missing from OVSDB introspect since there is no association of this logical interface to corresponding VMI, physical port or physical device (gdb) p *(DBEntry *) 0x7f69e4016c30 $5 = (VlanLogicalInterface) { = { = { > = { _vptr.AgentRefCount = 0xdffb10 , refcount_ = (tbb::atomic) 0 }, = { = { = { = { _vptr.DBEntryBase = 0xdffb90 , chg_list_ = next = 0x0 prev = 0x0, tpart_ = 0x7f6a2c0176f0, state_ = std::map with 1 elements = { [6] = 0x7f6a3883c8c0 }, flags = 0 '\000', onremoveq_ = (tbb::atomic) false, last_change_at_ = 1435893659364960 }, members of DBEntry: node_ = parent = 0x7f69dc3e84f0 left = 0x0 right = 0x0 }, members of AgentDBEntry: flags_ = 0 '\000' }, members of AgentOperDBEntry: ifmap_node_state_ = (boost::intrusive_ptr) 0x7f69bc4f51e0 }, members of Interface: static kInvalidIndex = 4294967295, type_ = Interface::LOGICAL, uuid_ = (boost::uuids::uuid) cd823f4d-6ae9-49f5-a93b-cb749c72586d, name_ = "default-global-system-config:QFX1:xe-0/0/2:xe-0/0/2.2001", vrf_ = (boost::intrusive_ptr) 0x0, label_ = 4294967295, l2_label_ = 4294967295, ipv4_active_ = true, ipv6_active_ = false, l2_active_ = true, id_ = 1813, dhcp_enabled_ = true, dns_enabled_ = true, mac_ = 00:00:00:00:00:00, os_index_ = 4294967295, os_oper_state_ = true, admin_state_ = true, test_oper_state_ = true, flow_key_nh_ = (boost::intrusive_ptr) 0x0, transport_ = Interface::TRANSPORT_INVALID, table_ = 0x0 }, members of LogicalInterface: display_name_ = "xe-0/0/2.2001", physical_interface_ = (boost::intrusive_ptr) 0x0, vm_interface_ = (boost::intrusive_ptr) 0x0, vm_uuid_ = (boost::uuids::uuid) 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, physical_device_ = (boost::intrusive_ptr) 0x0 }, members of VlanLogicalInterface: vlan_ = 2001 }