Hi Sandip, Could you please check on your test environment the following issues? 1. Verify if hostnames on ContrailVM virtual machines are unique - hostname as in the name of the host as reported by the OS, not vCenter VM name (verify the output of 'hostname' command on ContrailVM shell, and the content of /etc/hostname file) 2. Verify if docker containers of contrail-vrouter-agent on ContrailVMs also have unique hostnames (run bash inside the container and check output of 'hostname' command and the content of /etc/hostname file inside the container) 3. Verify if there are port errors (vrf-name) in vrouter-agent introspect on ContrailVMs (http://localhost:8085/Snh_ItfReq) The above issues may cause problems with assigning IP addresses to the VMs (we came across such cases during development). Could you let us know if the above issues are correct? (+cc Krzysztof Gromadzki and Artur Debski) Also, we could help in more detail, if we could look at the failing testing environment, but we have trouble getting in via VPN. We want to access the vCenter at and Contrail Controller at Those machines respond to ping but we are unable to access the UIs via browser or login via SSH. Do you have the possibility to verify if this access works? Thanks, -- Marcin Orkiszewski Project Manager +48 736 658 288