heat stack-delete fails , when the stack event tries to delete the subnet

Bug #1579896 reported by Vinoth Kannan Ganapathy
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Juniper Openstack
Status tracked in Trunk
Praneet Bachheti
Praneet Bachheti

Bug Description

created loadbalancer using heat template, and when deleting the same stack , it fails.
event-list shows that the delete fails while deleting the subnet with the error saying that IP in use..it seems that subnet delete started before the ports delete is completed.

As a workaround, do heat stack-delete again.

root@b4s342:~/heat_test# heat stack-list
| id | stack_name | stack_status | creation_time | updated_time |
| e034aaa7-72c0-4e3a-9818-6ec6a4926c0b | SNAT | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-06T21:32:52 | None |
| dfcf652a-ddca-4d42-837a-e09f43e56c77 | LB_TEST | DELETE_FAILED | 2016-05-09T19:23:12 | None |
root@b4s342:~/heat_test# heat stack-show dfcf652a-ddca-4d42-837a-e09f43e56c77
| Property | Value |
| capabilities | [] |
| creation_time | 2016-05-09T19:23:12 |
| description | HOT template to create a Loadbalancer: |
| disable_rollback | True |
| id | dfcf652a-ddca-4d42-837a-e09f43e56c77 |
| links | (self) |
| notification_topics | [] |
| parameters | { |
| | "OS::project_id": "3e591fe90a174c62b21951ae44e69801", |
| | "loadbalancer_member_properties_admin_state": "True", |
| | "loadbalancer_listener_properties_protocol": "HTTP", |
| | "loadbalancer_refs": "default-domain:admin:adff8165-2f8c-42e1-ad0e-8d801a78d13e", |
| | "list_name": "HTTP_LIST", |
| | "loadbalancer_listener_properties_protocol_port": "1", |
| | "loadbalancer_properties_admin_state": "True", |
| | "loadbalancer_member_properties_protocol_port": "1", |
| | "vn_1_cidr": "", |
| | "loadbalancer_listener_properties_connection_limit": "1", |
| | "pool_name": "HTTP_POOL", |
| | "OS::stack_name": "LB_TEST", |
| | "loadbalancer_pool_properties_admin_state": "True", |
| | "loadbalancer_pool_properties_loadbalancer_method": "ROUND_ROBIN", |
| | "loadbalancer_member_properties_weight": "1", |
| | "loadbalancer_listener_properties_admin_state": "True", |
| | "name": "lb_test", |
| | "vn_1_name": "vn1", |
| | "vn_1_fq_name": "default-domain:admin:vn1", |
| | "OS::stack_id": "dfcf652a-ddca-4d42-837a-e09f43e56c77", |
| | "mem1_name": "mem1", |
| | "loadbalancer_pool_properties_protocol": "HTTP" |
| | } |
| parent | None |
| stack_name | LB_TEST |
| stack_owner | None |
| stack_status | DELETE_FAILED |
| stack_status_reason | Resource DELETE failed: BadRequest: |
| | resources.net1-subnet1: Bad network request: Cannot |
| | Delete IP Block, Instance IP(s) in use |
| stack_user_project_id | 3e591fe90a174c62b21951ae44e69801 |
| tags | None |
| template_description | HOT template to create a Loadbalancer: |
| timeout_mins | None |
| updated_time | None |
root@b4s342:~/heat_test# heat event-list dfcf652a-ddca-4d42-837a-e09f43e56c77
| resource_name | id | resource_status_reason | resource_status | event_time |
| LB_TEST | c1f026c0-8daf-437b-92ef-cca6c121da18 | Stack CREATE started | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:23:12 |
| net1 | 8b577b1b-df63-44fc-bb9d-e015950e7244 | state changed | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:23:12 |
| net1 | e6da232e-b717-4726-b4d7-ae6f73d037fd | state changed | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:23:13 |
| net1-subnet1 | 01497239-ce06-45d8-a54e-ae6eab0d484c | state changed | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:23:13 |
| net1-subnet1 | 6f9f698e-bb05-4a0d-86b0-3fe8c7e4719d | state changed | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:23:15 |
| host1_port0 | 5e388492-5db3-4eb9-b2c8-0d145aeb5d66 | state changed | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:23:15 |
| vip_port0 | bf4c3e2a-eacd-4260-83dc-b85c11277295 | state changed | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:23:15 |
| host1_port0 | 0ad79a82-f556-4fb0-b052-79075093705a | state changed | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:23:17 |
| vip_port0 | 3550ffec-d961-4de9-a97f-b64c71af35e9 | state changed | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:23:17 |
| host1 | 78203794-1b27-4078-a987-1c80f598541c | state changed | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:23:17 |
| template_Loadbalancer | a2179289-bb39-4562-aa6f-15a94cdd4077 | state changed | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:23:20 |
| template_Loadbalancer | c32ecc4c-a26c-45b4-8f4d-e49ae6af3667 | state changed | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:23:21 |
| template_LoadbalancerListener | ba4d63a7-55e2-4eaa-8c4b-8fb4df1350e0 | state changed | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:23:22 |
| template_LoadbalancerListener | ceadde35-4395-470f-9f01-363a855269d0 | state changed | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:23:23 |
| template_LoadbalancerPool | 93dbbce6-36ee-42ba-a565-b98508ac63bd | state changed | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:23:23 |
| template_LoadbalancerPool | 0e874a60-faf2-4c59-a5ff-802300b2199d | state changed | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:23:25 |
| host1 | 5898410f-090b-46b7-bba5-81077c19e678 | state changed | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:23:26 |
| template_LoadbalancerMember | ac40089b-df7b-42ae-8bda-ad392ae34a5d | state changed | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:23:27 |
| template_LoadbalancerMember | f379c166-6bdd-4043-8bed-2d4bfcff414a | state changed | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:23:29 |
| LB_TEST | 9af199f3-4f46-4165-bcdd-4fb22a7460b9 | Stack CREATE completed successfully | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:23:29 |
| LB_TEST | 4505a36c-b001-46ec-b542-05385f6ebb87 | Stack DELETE started | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:27:43 |
| template_LoadbalancerMember | 39fe0163-25d3-4f59-868c-69ad4a4c962e | state changed | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:27:43 |
| template_LoadbalancerMember | e646e622-e52a-481c-8809-fd037b94f875 | state changed | DELETE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:27:44 |
| template_LoadbalancerPool | 6080d331-7d49-4201-b752-715bd0fbb25e | state changed | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:27:44 |
| host1 | 1581c5a2-6db3-4558-abd5-1feb8d28d58e | state changed | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:27:44 |
| template_LoadbalancerPool | cc92a2b4-d491-4dd5-9274-81d8e417b586 | state changed | DELETE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:27:46 |
| template_LoadbalancerListener | 15f13d34-94ff-42e9-a149-0c2db4abbea9 | state changed | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:27:46 |
| template_LoadbalancerListener | 04031557-03ed-4458-8038-4d5ff038f7bd | state changed | DELETE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:27:47 |
| host1 | e3421a0e-2e21-437c-8cf2-8417204fb24a | state changed | DELETE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:27:47 |
| host1_port0 | a357be8c-ec2b-48b0-884c-8b4fa9d62bf5 | state changed | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:27:47 |
| template_Loadbalancer | f2a73f1b-ea0f-4a2f-a8d8-97c86e9bba03 | state changed | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:27:48 |
| host1_port0 | 1fcf8589-cdd7-433d-b64e-6abebd3d9451 | state changed | DELETE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:27:49 |
| template_Loadbalancer | 47f52dc0-0442-407b-b4c1-3f72111b2dca | state changed | DELETE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:27:49 |
| vip_port0 | 9812b085-d68f-4c11-b153-931506fff87a | state changed | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:27:49 |
| vip_port0 | 269dccac-14d2-443a-8639-0c2f86624bb8 | state changed | DELETE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-09T19:27:50 |
| net1-subnet1 | 13d1a096-f239-4ec4-a110-5dd70f9b26c7 | state changed | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-05-09T19:27:51 |
| net1-subnet1 | 962816f4-268b-492a-9087-2803851b3282 | BadRequest: resources.net1-subnet1: Bad network request: Cannot Delete IP Block, Instance IP(s) in use | DELETE_FAILED | 2016-05-09T19:27:51 |
| LB_TEST | 306725f0-27c9-462c-8560-486c38b17bb7 | Resource DELETE failed: BadRequest: resources.net1-subnet1: Bad network request: Cannot Delete IP Block, Instance IP(s) in use | DELETE_FAILED | 2016-05-09T19:27:51 |
root@b4s342:~/heat_test# heat stack-delete dfcf652a-ddca-4d42-837a-e09f43e56c77
| id | stack_name | stack_status | creation_time | updated_time |
| e034aaa7-72c0-4e3a-9818-6ec6a4926c0b | SNAT | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-06T21:32:52 | None |
| dfcf652a-ddca-4d42-837a-e09f43e56c77 | LB_TEST | DELETE_FAILED | 2016-05-09T19:23:12 | None |
root@b4s342:~/heat_test# heat stack-list
| id | stack_name | stack_status | creation_time | updated_time |
| e034aaa7-72c0-4e3a-9818-6ec6a4926c0b | SNAT | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2016-05-06T21:32:52 | None |
root@b4s342:~/heat_test# heat template-show dfcf652a-ddca-4d42-837a-e09f43e56c77
description: 'HOT template to create a Loadbalancer:

heat_template_version: '2015-04-30'
    description: Subnet resource
    value: {get_resource: net1-subnet1}
  list_name: {description: name for the LoadbalancerListener, type: string}
  loadbalancer_listener_properties_admin_state: {description: admin_state for the
      LoadbalancerListener, type: boolean}
  loadbalancer_listener_properties_connection_limit: {description: connection_limit
      for the LoadbalancerListener, type: number}
  loadbalancer_listener_properties_protocol: {description: protocol for the LoadbalancerListener,
    type: string}
  loadbalancer_listener_properties_protocol_port: {description: protocol_port for
      the LoadbalancerListener, type: number}
  loadbalancer_member_properties_admin_state: {description: admin_state for the LoadbalancerMember,
    type: boolean}
  loadbalancer_member_properties_protocol_port: {description: protocol_port for the
      LoadbalancerMember, type: number}
  loadbalancer_member_properties_weight: {description: weight for the LoadbalancerMember,
    type: number}
  loadbalancer_pool_properties_admin_state: {description: admin_state for the LoadbalancerPool,
    type: boolean}
  loadbalancer_pool_properties_loadbalancer_method: {description: loadbalancer_method
      for the LoadbalancerPool, type: string}
  loadbalancer_pool_properties_protocol: {description: protocol for the LoadbalancerPool,
    type: string}
  loadbalancer_properties_admin_state: {description: admin_state for the Loadbalancer,
    type: boolean}
  loadbalancer_refs: {description: loadbalancer_refs for the LoadbalancerListener,
    type: string}
  mem1_name: {description: name for the LoadbalancerMember, type: string}
  name: {description: name for the Loadbalancer, type: string}
  pool_name: {description: name for the LoadbalancerPool, type: string}
  vn_1_cidr: {description: Web tier network block (CIDR notation), type: string}
  vn_1_fq_name: {description: Web tier network name, type: string}
  vn_1_name: {description: Web tier network name, type: string}
      flavor: m1.medium
      image: ubuntu
      name: host1
      - port: {get_resource: host1_port0}
    type: OS::Nova::Server
      network_id: {get_resource: net1}
    type: OS::Neutron::Port
      name: {get_param: vn_1_name}
      - network_policy_refs_data_sequence: {network_policy_refs_data_sequence_major: 0,
          network_policy_refs_data_sequence_minor: 0}
    type: OS::ContrailV2::VirtualNetwork
      cidr: {get_param: vn_1_cidr}
      enable_dhcp: true
      name: {get_resource: net1}
      network_id: {get_resource: net1}
    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
        loadbalancer_properties_admin_state: {get_param: loadbalancer_properties_admin_state}
          get_attr: [vip_port0, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]
        loadbalancer_properties_vip_subnet_id: {get_resource: net1-subnet1}
      name: {get_param: name}
      - {get_resource: vip_port0}
    type: OS::ContrailV2::Loadbalancer
        loadbalancer_listener_properties_admin_state: {get_param: loadbalancer_listener_properties_admin_state}
        loadbalancer_listener_properties_connection_limit: {get_param: loadbalancer_listener_properties_connection_limit}
        loadbalancer_listener_properties_protocol: {get_param: loadbalancer_listener_properties_protocol}
        loadbalancer_listener_properties_protocol_port: {get_param: loadbalancer_listener_properties_protocol_port}
      - {get_resource: template_Loadbalancer}
      name: {get_param: list_name}
    type: OS::ContrailV2::LoadbalancerListener
          get_attr: [host1, first_address]
        loadbalancer_member_properties_admin_state: {get_param: loadbalancer_member_properties_admin_state}
        loadbalancer_member_properties_protocol_port: {get_param: loadbalancer_member_properties_protocol_port}
        loadbalancer_member_properties_weight: {get_param: loadbalancer_member_properties_weight}
      loadbalancer_pool: {get_resource: template_LoadbalancerPool}
      name: {get_param: mem1_name}
    type: OS::ContrailV2::LoadbalancerMember
      - {get_resource: template_LoadbalancerListener}
        loadbalancer_pool_properties_admin_state: {get_param: loadbalancer_pool_properties_admin_state}
        loadbalancer_pool_properties_loadbalancer_method: {get_param: loadbalancer_pool_properties_loadbalancer_method}
        loadbalancer_pool_properties_protocol: {get_param: loadbalancer_pool_properties_protocol}
      loadbalancer_pool_provider: opencontrail
      name: {get_param: pool_name}
    type: OS::ContrailV2::LoadbalancerPool
      network_id: {get_resource: net1}
    type: OS::Neutron::Port

Tags: heat lbaas
summary: heat stack-delete fails , when the stack event tries to delete the
- subnet before the ports delete complete
+ subnet
Changed in juniperopenstack:
assignee: nobody → Praneet Bachheti (praneetb)
tags: added: lbaas
Jeba Paulaiyan (jebap)
information type: Proprietary → Public
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