The error I observe (with Juju 3.4) is slightly different than what's reported when I reproduce this.
unit-zookeeper-1: 00:28:40 ERROR juju.worker.uniter resolver loop error: preparing operation "upgrade to ch:amd64/jammy/zookeeper-134" for zookeeper/1: failed to download charm "ch:amd64/jammy/zookeeper-134" from API server: download request with archiveSha256 length 0 not valid
The error I observe (with Juju 3.4) is slightly different than what's reported when I reproduce this.
``` jammy/zookeeper -134" for zookeeper/1: failed to download charm "ch:amd64/ jammy/zookeeper -134" from API server: download request with archiveSha256 length 0 not valid
unit-zookeeper-1: 00:28:40 ERROR juju.worker.uniter resolver loop error: preparing operation "upgrade to ch:amd64/
And the fix for it is up https:/ /github. com/juju/ juju/pull/ 17504
With that change, I no longer observe the error above, nor the one that's reported initially.