Are you able to confirm that there isn't a syslog user and/or adm group?
That feels very much like a standard user and group for Ubuntu, so not having it feels like these are nonstandard images
/etc/passwd: syslog:x:102:106::/home/syslog:/usr/sbin/nologin /etc/group: adm:x:4:syslog,ubuntu
These are both very much system users, not arbitrary users that Juju would create.
Are you able to confirm that there isn't a syslog user and/or adm group?
That feels very much like a standard user and group for Ubuntu, so not having it feels like these are nonstandard images
/etc/passwd: x:102:106: :/home/ syslog: /usr/sbin/ nologin syslog, ubuntu
These are both very much system users, not arbitrary users that Juju would create.