Here's the YAML for the K8s namespace that's getting destroyed by this command: apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: annotations: ... ... creationTimestamp: "2019-08-07T21:07:11Z" name: kubeflow resourceVersion: "2208" selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/kubeflow uid: ... spec: finalizers: - kubernetes status: phase: Active Here's the output from `juju status`: Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp Notes kubeflow cdkkf cdkkf/us-east-1 2.6.7 unsupported 16:26:02-05:00 attempt 31 to destroy model failed (will retry): model not empty, found 2 volumes, 2 filesystems (model not empty) Model "admin/kubeflow" is empty. Here's the resources left in the namespace: NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE persistentvolumeclaim/database-2ee3af8e-katib-db-0 Bound pvc-2818d654-2ff9-4ef2-9ea3-7da578a1c178 1Gi RWO juju-operator-storage 14m persistentvolumeclaim/database-d6c8b0ed-mariadb-0 Bound pvc-225cd47c-e8a0-4ebb-93d6-e9eadd088dee 1Gi RWO juju-operator-storage 14m NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE persistentvolume/pvc-225cd47c-e8a0-4ebb-93d6-e9eadd088dee 1Gi RWO Delete Bound kubeflow/database-d6c8b0ed-mariadb-0 juju-operator-storage 14m persistentvolume/pvc-2818d654-2ff9-4ef2-9ea3-7da578a1c178 1Gi RWO Delete Bound kubeflow/database-2ee3af8e-katib-db-0 juju-operator-storage 14m I tried deleting the PV/PVCs, which did not make the deletion process work, and didn't destroy the Juju storage resources: storage: database/0: kind: filesystem life: alive status: current: detached since: 07 Aug 2019 16:18:17-05:00 persistent: false database/1: kind: filesystem life: alive status: current: detached since: 07 Aug 2019 16:18:16-05:00 persistent: false filesystems: "0": provider-id: 2818d654-2ff9-4ef2-9ea3-7da578a1c178 volume: "0" storage: database/0 attachments: null pool: kubernetes size: 32 life: alive status: current: detached since: 07 Aug 2019 16:18:17-05:00 "1": provider-id: 225cd47c-e8a0-4ebb-93d6-e9eadd088dee volume: "1" storage: database/1 attachments: null pool: kubernetes size: 31 life: alive status: current: detached since: 07 Aug 2019 16:18:16-05:00 volumes: "0": provider-id: pvc-2818d654-2ff9-4ef2-9ea3-7da578a1c178 storage: database/0 pool: kubernetes size: 856 persistent: false life: alive status: current: detached since: 07 Aug 2019 16:18:17-05:00 "1": provider-id: pvc-225cd47c-e8a0-4ebb-93d6-e9eadd088dee storage: database/1 pool: kubernetes size: 855 persistent: false life: alive status: current: detached since: 07 Aug 2019 16:18:16-05:00