Comment 10 for bug 1831580

Revision history for this message
Seyeong Kim (seyeongkim) wrote :

I managed to find why this is happening in my env.

I found that network-get is getting info from local dns, and is returned when
trying to nslookup node-12.maas(affected machine)

This was because manage_etc_hosts: true is default for MAAS deployed machine.

so I set user_data when deploy maas machine like below

maas xtrusia machine deploy MACHINE_NAME distro_series=xenial user_data=I2Nsb3VkLWNvbmZpZwptYW5hZ2VfZXRjX2hvc3RzOiBmYWxzZQo=

user_data is like below

manage_etc_hosts: false

After that, symptom was gone.
