If you can ssh into the controller machine, and connect to Mongo, you should be able to run: > rs.config() > rs.status() on the Mongo console. If you can at least ssh into the machine that has the primary mongo, this should get you access to the Mongo shell: agent=$(cd /var/lib/juju/agents; echo machine-*) pw=$(sudo grep statepassword /var/lib/juju/agents/${agent}/agent.conf | cut '-d ' -sf2) /usr/lib/juju/mongo3.2/bin/mongo --ssl -u ${agent} -p $pw --authenticationDatabase admin --sslAllowInvalidHostnames --sslAllowInvalidCertificates localhost:37017/juju At this point, I'd probably be more interested in 'juju debug-log --include-model juju.peergrouper --replay' On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 4:44 PM, Jason Hobbs