Here's what I've found: | $ while date; do ps afxuw | grep -E "[[:space:]]$(status jujud-machine-0 | awk '{ print $4 }')|RS\\S"; sudo pmap -XX $(status jujud-machine-0 | awk '{ print $4 }') | grep -E 'Rss|[[:space:]][1-9][[:digit:]]{5}'; sleep 600; done | Wed Nov 30 23:51:47 UTC 2016 | USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND | root 13713 29.0 25.7 1156072 528852 ? Ssl 22:03 31:35 /var/lib/juju/tools/machine-0/jujud machine --data-dir /var/lib/juju --machine-id 0 --debug | Address Perm Offset Device Inode Size Rss Pss Shared_Clean Shared_Dirty Private_Clean Private_Dirty Referenced Anonymous AnonHugePages Swap KernelPageSize MMUPageSize Locked VmFlagsMapping | 034a6000 rw-p 030a6000 fd:01 1071550 208 112 95 20 0 4 88 112 88 0 0 4 4 0 rd wr mr mw me dw ac sd jujud | c81f158000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 242336 241052 241052 0 0 0 241052 239684 241052 6144 0 4 4 0 rd wr mr mw me ac sd [stack:13716] | c82ea00000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 141312 141256 141256 0 0 0 141256 140672 141256 47104 0 4 4 0 rd wr mr mw me ac sd | 1156076 528908 523262 7008 0 10608 511292 526164 511292 59392 0 392 392 0 KB | ... | Thu Dec 1 01:31:48 UTC 2016 | USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND | root 13713 29.9 44.9 1593580 922328 ? Ssl Nov30 62:23 /var/lib/juju/tools/machine-0/jujud machine --data-dir /var/lib/juju --machine-id 0 --debug | Address Perm Offset Device Inode Size Rss Pss Shared_Clean Shared_Dirty Private_Clean Private_Dirty Referenced Anonymous AnonHugePages Swap KernelPageSize MMUPageSize Locked VmFlagsMapping | 034a6000 rw-p 030a6000 fd:01 1071550 208 108 95 16 0 4 88 108 88 0 0 4 4 0 rd wr mr mw me dw ac sd jujud | c81e49a000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 255384 254112 254112 0 0 0 254112 251616 254112 0 0 4 4 0 rd wr mr mw me ac sd [stack:13716] | c838000000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 223232 223232 223232 0 0 0 223232 218328 223232 0 0 4 4 0 rd wr mr mw me ac sd | c846a10000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 264832 227964 227964 0 0 0 227964 227264 227964 0 0 4 4 0 rd wr mr mw me ac sd | 1593584 922828 917828 6172 0 4340 912316 907352 912316 2048 0 444 444 0 KB Full output - | $ while date; do echo "top10" | go tool pprof 'http://localhost:10000/debug/pprof/heap'; echo ""; sleep 600; done | Thu Dec 1 11:06:40 AEDT 2016 | Fetching profile from http://localhost:10000/debug/pprof/heap | Saved profile in /home/hloeung/pprof/pprof.localhost:10000.inuse_objects.inuse_space.008.pb.gz | Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands) | (pprof) 270.67MB of 285.08MB total (94.95%) | Dropped 707 nodes (cum <= 1.43MB) | Showing top 10 nodes out of 71 (cum >= 2.50MB) | flat flat% sum% cum cum% | 86.93MB 30.49% 30.49% 104.93MB 36.81%*apiRoot).FindMethod.func1 | 68.01MB 23.86% 54.35% 68.01MB 23.86%*Tomb).init | 65.51MB 22.98% 77.33% 65.51MB 22.98% | 17MB 5.96% 83.29% 17MB 5.96% | 10.73MB 3.76% 87.05% 10.73MB 3.76% crypto/tls.(*block).reserve | 9MB 3.16% 90.21% 9MB 3.16% encoding/json.(*decodeState).literalStore | 7.50MB 2.63% 92.84% 7.50MB 2.63% runtime.malg | 3MB 1.05% 93.89% 3MB 1.05% encoding/json.stateBeginValue | 1.50MB 0.53% 94.42% 1.50MB 0.53% runtime.deferproc.func1 | 1.50MB 0.53% 94.95% 2.50MB 0.88%*RelationScopeWatcher).loop | ... | Thu Dec 1 12:37:06 AEDT 2016 | Fetching profile from http://localhost:10000/debug/pprof/heap | Saved profile in /home/hloeung/pprof/pprof.localhost:10000.inuse_objects.inuse_space.017.pb.gz | Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands) | (pprof) 541.86MB of 557.76MB total (97.15%) | Dropped 765 nodes (cum <= 2.79MB) | Showing top 10 nodes out of 46 (cum >= 11.81MB) | flat flat% sum% cum cum% | 224.49MB 40.25% 40.25% 254.49MB 45.63%*apiRoot).FindMethod.func1 | 125.51MB 22.50% 62.75% 125.51MB 22.50%*Tomb).init | 115.51MB 20.71% 83.46% 116.01MB 20.80% | 29MB 5.20% 88.66% 29MB 5.20% | 18.50MB 3.32% 91.98% 18.50MB 3.32% encoding/json.(*decodeState).literalStore | 14.84MB 2.66% 94.64% 14.84MB 2.66% crypto/tls.(*block).reserve | 7.50MB 1.35% 95.98% 7.50MB 1.35% runtime.malg | 5MB 0.9% 96.88% 5MB 0.9% encoding/json.stateBeginValue | 1MB 0.18% 97.06% 126.51MB 22.68%*docWatcher).loop | 0.50MB 0.09% 97.15% 11.81MB 2.12%*mongoSocket).readLoop Again, full output -