/var/log/juju-evan-local/unit-rabbitmq-server-0.log: 2014-04-13 19:45:28 INFO juju runner.go:254 worker: restarting "api" in 3s 2014-04-13 19:45:31 INFO juju runner.go:262 worker: start "api" 2014-04-13 19:45:31 INFO juju apiclient.go:114 state/api: dialing "wss://" 2014-04-13 19:45:31 ERROR juju apiclient.go:119 state/api: websocket.Dial wss:// x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"local\"") 2014-04-13 19:45:31 ERROR juju runner.go:220 worker: exited "api": websocket.Dial wss:// x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"local\"") 2014-04-13 19:45:31 INFO juju runner.go:254 worker: restarting "api" in 3s 2014-04-13 19:45:34 INFO juju runner.go:262 worker: start "api" 2014-04-13 19:45:34 INFO juju apiclient.go:114 state/api: dialing "wss://" 2014-04-13 19:45:34 ERROR juju apiclient.go:119 state/api: websocket.Dial wss:// x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"local\"") 2014-04-13 19:45:34 ERROR juju runner.go:220 worker: exited "api": websocket.Dial wss:// x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"local\"") 2014-04-13 19:45:34 INFO juju runner.go:254 worker: restarting "api" in 3s 2014-04-13 19:45:37 INFO juju runner.go:262 worker: start "api" 2014-04-13 19:45:37 INFO juju apiclient.go:114 state/api: dialing "wss://" 2014-04-13 19:45:37 ERROR juju apiclient.go:119 state/api: websocket.Dial wss:// x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"local\"") 2014-04-13 19:45:37 ERROR juju runner.go:220 worker: exited "api": websocket.Dial wss:// x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"local\"") 2014-04-13 19:45:37 INFO juju runner.go:254 worker: restarting "api" in 3s juju bootstrap --debug (unfortunately lost most of this out of my scrollback buffer): 2014-04-13 19:23:13 INFO juju.environs.tools tools.go:100 filtering tools by architecture: amd64 2014-04-13 19:23:13 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:490 fetchData failed for "file:///home/evan/.juju/local/storage/tools/streams/v1/index.sjson": stat /home/evan/.juju/local/storage/tools/streams/v1/index.sjson: no such file or directory 2014-04-13 19:23:13 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:464 cannot load index "file:///home/evan/.juju/local/storage/tools/streams/v1/index.sjson": invalid URL "file:///home/evan/.juju/local/storage/tools/streams/v1/index.sjson" not found 2014-04-13 19:23:13 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:490 fetchData failed for "file:///home/evan/.juju/local/storage/tools/streams/v1/mirrors.json": stat /home/evan/.juju/local/storage/tools/streams/v1/mirrors.json: no such file or directory 2014-04-13 19:23:13 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:567 no mirror index file found 2014-04-13 19:23:13 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:548 no mirror information available for { }: mirror data for "com.ubuntu.juju:released:tools" not found 2014-04-13 19:23:13 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:468 read metadata index at "file:///home/evan/.juju/local/storage/tools/streams/v1/index.json" 2014-04-13 19:23:13 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:635 candidate matches for products ["com.ubuntu.juju:14.04:amd64"] are [{Sun, 13 Apr 2014 20:23:08 +0100 products:1.0 content-download [] streams/v1/com.ubuntu.juju:released:tools.json [com.ubuntu.juju:12.04:amd64 com.ubuntu.juju:14.04:amd64]}] 2014-04-13 19:23:13 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:947 finding products at path "streams/v1/com.ubuntu.juju:released:tools.json" 2014-04-13 19:23:13 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:985 metadata: &{map[com.ubuntu.juju:12.04:amd64:{ amd64 map[20140413:0xc210054780]} com.ubuntu.juju:14.04:amd64:{ amd64 map[20140413:0xc2100548a0]}] map[] Sun, 13 Apr 2014 20:23:08 +0100 products:1.0 com.ubuntu.juju:released:tools} 2014-04-13 19:23:13 INFO juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:58 picked newest version: Logging to /home/evan/.juju/local/cloud-init-output.log on remote host Starting MongoDB server (juju-db-evan-local) Bootstrapping Juju machine agent Starting Juju machine agent (juju-agent-evan-local) 2014-04-13 19:23:16 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:306 command finished % sudo lxc-ls -f NAME STATE IPV4 IPV6 AUTOSTART ----------------------------------------------------------- evan-local-machine-1 RUNNING - YES juju-precise-template STOPPED - - NO % sudo btrfs subvolume list /var/lib/lxc ID 262 gen 556 top level 5 path juju-precise-template/rootfs ID 265 gen 582 top level 5 path evan-local-machine-1/rootfs % juju status environment: local machines: "0": agent-state: started agent-version: dns-name: localhost instance-id: localhost series: trusty "1": agent-state: pending instance-id: evan-local-machine-1 series: precise hardware: arch=amd64 services: rabbit: charm: local:precise/rabbitmq-server-98 exposed: false relations: cluster: - rabbit units: rabbit/0: agent-state: pending machine: "1" It looked like destroy-environment after the previous bootstrap and deploy didn't clear out evan-local-machine-1.