map[service:python-django charm:python-django settings:map[port:map[default:true description:Port the application will be listenning. type:int value:8080] wsgi_worker_class:map[default:true description:Gunicorn workers type. Can be: sync, eventlet, gevent, tornado type:string value:sync] install_root:map[default:true description:The root directory to checkout to. type:string value:/srv/] project_template_url:map[default:true description:If not repository url is found, the charm will create a new project. This option is the --template argument value for the startproject command to use a custom project template. Django will also accept URLs (http, https, ftp) to compressed archives with the app template files, downloading and extracting them on the fly. For more informations see: type:string value:] settings_secret_key_path:map[default:true description:The place where the secret key configuration will be appended or written. Set the variable to an empty string if you don't want the feature. type:string value:juju_settings/] urls_dir_name:map[default:true description:The place where the generated urls will be written. Set the variable to an empty string if you don't want the feature. type:string value:juju_urls] wsgi_timestamp:map[default:true description:The variable to modify to trigger Gunicorn reload. type:string value:] additional_pip_packages:map[default:true description:Comma separated extra packages to install. type:string value:] repos_url:map[default:true description:The vcs url to checkout. type:string value:] settings_dir_name:map[default:true description:The place where the generated settings will be written. Set the variable to an empty string if you don't want the feature. type:string value:juju_settings] wsgi_access_logfile:map[default:true description:The Access log file to write to. type:string value:] wsgi_backlog:map[default:true description:The maximum number of pending connections. type:int value:2048] wsgi_group:map[default:true description:Switch worker process to run as this group. A valid group id (as an int) or the name. type:string value:www-data] wsgi_worker_connections:map[default:true description:The maximum number of simultaneous clients. type:int value:1000] django_version:map[default:true description:Version or origin from which to install. May be one of the following: distro (default), ppa:somecustom/ppa, a deb url sources entry or a valid pip line like 'Django' or 'Django==1.5' or a reposiroty url (without the -e). type:string value:distro] project_template_extension:map[default:true description:When Django copies the project template files, it also renders certain files through the template engine: the files whose extensions match the --extension option (py by default) and the files whose names are passed with the --name option. type:string value:] requirements_apt_files:map[default:true description:Comma separated relative paths to requirement files. Note that the charm won't manually upgrade packages defined in this file. Set the variable to an empty string if you don't want the feature. type:string value:requirements.apt] requirements_pip_files:map[default:true description:Comma separated relative paths or urls to a requirement files. Note that the charm won't manually upgrade packages defined in this file. Set the variable to an empty string if you don't want the feature. type:string value:requirements.txt,requirements.pip] wsgi_extra:map[default:true description:Space separated extra settings. For example: --debug type:string value:] wsgi_keep_alive:map[default:true description:Keep alive time in seconds. type:int value:2] wsgi_log_file:map[default:true description:The log file to write to. If empty the logs would be handle by upstart. type:string value:-] wsgi_workers:map[default:true description:The number of worker process for handling requests. 0 for count(cpu) + 1 type:int value:0] wsgi_wsgi_file:map[default:true description:The name of the WSGI application. type:string value:wsgi] additional_distro_packages:map[default:true description:Comma separated extra packages to install. type:string value:python-imaging,python-docutils,python-tz] listen_ip:map[default:true description:IP adresses that Gunicorn will listen on. By default we listen on all of them. type:string value:] settings_database_path:map[default:true description:The place where the database configuration will be appended or written. Set the variable to an empty string if you don't want the feature. type:string value:juju_settings/20-engine-%(engine_name)] site_secret_key:map[default:true description:The web site secret key. Leave empty will generate one. NOTE: You **NEED** to set this in a multi-units architecture or you will have some trouble. type:string value:] vcs:map[default:true description:The vcs software to use. Only hg, git, bzr, and svn are currently supported. type:string value:] wsgi_umask:map[default:true description:A bit mask for the file mode on files written by Gunicorn. The number 0 means Python guesses the base. Note that this affects unix socket permissions. type:string value:0] application_path:map[default:true description:The relative path to install_root where the script is located. type:string value:] django_settings:map[default:true description:The Python path to your Django settings module. type:string value:settings] repos_password:map[default:true description:The vcs password. Note: *Subversion only* settings. For other vcs use the repos_url for auth. type:string value:] wsgi_access_logformat:map[default:true description:The Access log format. Don't forget to escape all quotes and round brackets. type:string value:] wsgi_timeout:map[default:true description:Timeout of a request in seconds. type:int value:30] wsgi_user:map[default:true description:Switch worker processes to run as this user. User id (as an int) or the name. type:string value:www-data] python_path:map[default:true description:Set an additionnal PYTHONPATH to the project. type:string value:] repos_branch:map[default:true description:The repo branch to pull out from. If empty, it will pull out the default branch or trunk (such as origin/master with git). Note that this setting only applies to git. This option is not supported for hg. For svn and bzr, specify the branch name as part of the URL. type:string value:] repos_username:map[default:true description:The vcs user name. Note: *Subversion only* settings. For other vcs use the repos_url for auth. type:string value:] wsgi_log_level:map[default:true description:The granularity of Error log outputs. type:string value:info] wsgi_max_requests:map[default:true description:The maximum number of requests a worker will process before restarting. type:int value:0]]]