The EFI handover protocol has been deprecated since a while
and recently moved to be optional and enabled by default [1].
As a consequence, the linuxefi and initrdefi binaries that
were specifically compiled to use that option, are
also deprecated and they have been removed in most of
the recent linux distributions in favor of the generic
linux and initrd that are now compatible with UEFI boot.
This patch changes linuxefi to linux and initrdefi to
initrd in all the grub templates, using the generic
entries for all the platform architectures.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /ironic/ +/933631 /opendev. org/openstack/ ironic/ commit/ 27bd04925748a66 866011a68eb0e26 f23cedbcfa
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: master
commit 27bd04925748a66 866011a68eb0e26 f23cedbcfa
Author: Riccardo Pittau <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Oct 29 09:05:05 2024 +0100
Use linux instead of linuxefi in grub config
The EFI handover protocol has been deprecated since a while
and recently moved to be optional and enabled by default [1].
As a consequence, the linuxefi and initrdefi binaries that
were specifically compiled to use that option, are
also deprecated and they have been removed in most of
the recent linux distributions in favor of the generic
linux and initrd that are now compatible with UEFI boot.
This patch changes linuxefi to linux and initrdefi to
initrd in all the grub templates, using the generic
entries for all the platform architectures.
[1] https:/ /git.kernel. org/pub/ scm/linux/ kernel/ git/torvalds/ linux.git/ commit/ ?id=cc3fdda2876 e58a7e83e558ab5 1853cf106afb6a
Closes-Bug: #2081305 71fabfca6ca6687 e0e34ce3b5b
Change-Id: Ie5b2265d7afc8b