Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: "Zuul (22348)" Branch: master
commit 4750c4e9fa57e5381c4a63b0d22e5edd24b7d787 Author: cid <email address hidden> Date: Mon Jul 29 17:51:44 2024 +0100
docs-audit-2024: Use gerunds for task headings
Ironic docs improvements. Addressing one of the issues from the Ironic documentation audit. Using gerunds in titles and including *Ironic* in the title to improve SEO.
Closes-Bug: #2072351 Related-Bug: #2072349 Change-Id: I9f9c47654386df416b51e8a0cd48f5a89f55e799
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /ironic/ +/925129 /opendev. org/openstack/ ironic/ commit/ 4750c4e9fa57e53 81c4a63b0d22e5e dd24b7d787
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: master
commit 4750c4e9fa57e53 81c4a63b0d22e5e dd24b7d787
Author: cid <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Jul 29 17:51:44 2024 +0100
docs- audit-2024: Use gerunds for task headings
Ironic docs improvements. Addressing one of the issues from
the Ironic documentation audit. Using gerunds in titles and
including *Ironic* in the title to improve SEO.
Closes-Bug: #2072351 416b51e8a0cd48f 5a89f55e799
Related-Bug: #2072349
Change-Id: I9f9c47654386df