Comment 0 for bug 1614094

Revision history for this message
Lucas Alvares Gomes (lucasagomes) wrote :

Ironic is not recreating the PXE configuration file when you update the port address of an active instance (see resulting in a boot error if the instance is rebooted.

This problem does not affect nodes configured to boot from the local disk.


[stack@localhost ~]$ ironic node-list
| UUID | Name | Instance UUID | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |
| ecee7930-bd62-461c-98ef-6761d5420b63 | node-0 | 5439d859-c473-4ccd-acb0-37655e5de38f | power on | active | False |
| 5160b357-6c3b-4254-9103-7173fb1c0e6c | node-1 | None | power off | available | False |
[stack@localhost ~]$ ironic node-port-list node-0
| UUID | Address |
| 3ce9fc9b-a790-4325-bbdb-d4208bb42bba | 52:54:00:ff:3f:81 |
[stack@localhost ~]$ ls /opt/stack/data/ironic/httpboot/pxelinux.cfg/
[stack@localhost ~]$ ironic node-set-maintenance node-0 True

# Changed the last digit from 1 to 2

[stack@localhost ~]$ ironic port-update 3ce9fc9b-a790-4325-bbdb-d4208bb42bba add address="52:54:00:ff:3f:82"
| Property | Value |
| address | 52:54:00:ff:3f:82 |
| created_at | 2016-08-15T16:35:48+00:00 |
| extra | {u'vif_port_id': u'03104679-1a8a-4e6e-b09f-62868feb7eeb'} |
| local_link_connection | |
| node_uuid | ecee7930-bd62-461c-98ef-6761d5420b63 |
| pxe_enabled | |
| updated_at | 2016-08-15T21:26:08+00:00 |
| uuid | 3ce9fc9b-a790-4325-bbdb-d4208bb42bba |
[stack@localhost ~]$ ls /opt/stack/data/ironic/httpboot/pxelinux.cfg/