Activity log for bug #507079

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2010-01-13 17:03:49 Fernando Perez bug added bug
2010-01-14 23:13:40 Fernando Perez summary iptest and iptest -v behave drastically differently iptest handles command-line options badly
2010-01-14 23:14:26 Fernando Perez description iptest -v should give the same output as iptest, just with more verbosity. Right now it just gets confused. iptest's main entry point is currently a manual sys.argv hack, so it breaks badly with almost any command-line option. For example. iptest -v should give the same output as iptest, just with more verbosity. Right now it just gets confused.
2010-01-15 10:05:24 Fernando Perez ipython: status Triaged Fix Committed
2010-01-15 10:05:37 Fernando Perez branch linked lp:~fdo.perez/ipython/trunk-dev