Activity log for bug #1946223

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2021-10-06 11:37:34 Doug Jacobs bug added bug
2021-10-06 11:37:34 Doug Jacobs attachment added IMG20211006185253.jpg
2021-10-06 14:49:27 Doug Jacobs summary [iotg][ehl][ehl-aaeon] 20211006 image does not boot [iotg][tgl][tgl-aaeon] 20211006 image does not boot
2021-10-06 14:50:49 Doug Jacobs description The daily build containing the new kernel does not boot. It gets stuck about 2 seconds into the cycle with the message "Run /init as init process" (see attached image file for boot message sequence.) System: EHL-Aaeon (CID: 202109-29496) Steps to reproduce: Downloaded focal-preinstalled-desktop-amd64+intel-iot.img.xz from Uncompressed file with unxz -k Copied the .img file to my secondary USB drive. Boot 20.04 LTS from primary USB drive. Select Try Ubuntu Wipe out /dev/sda (primary storage) Use dd to copy the image from secondary USB drive to /dev/sda Reboot, removing USB drives when prompted. Expected Result: System should boot Ubuntu Desktop with kernel 5.13-1006 Actual Result: System hangs 2 seconds into the boot cycle with "Run /init as init process" Reproducibility: 100% The daily build containing the new kernel does not boot. It gets stuck about 2 seconds into the cycle with the message "Run /init as init process" (see attached image file for boot message sequence.) System: TGL-Aaeon (CID: 202110-29509) Steps to reproduce: Downloaded focal-preinstalled-desktop-amd64+intel-iot.img.xz from Uncompressed file with unxz -k Copied the .img file to my secondary USB drive. Boot 20.04 LTS from primary USB drive. Select Try Ubuntu Wipe out /dev/sda (primary storage) Use dd to copy the image from secondary USB drive to /dev/sda Reboot, removing USB drives when prompted. Expected Result: System should boot Ubuntu Desktop with kernel 5.13-1006 Actual Result: System hangs 2 seconds into the boot cycle with "Run /init as init process" Reproducibility: 100%
2021-10-07 02:09:53 Alex Hung intel: assignee Alex Hung (alexhung)
2021-10-08 00:52:31 Anthony Wong intel: importance Undecided Critical
2021-10-08 01:04:20 Anthony Wong intel: status New In Progress
2021-10-08 16:39:47 Jesse Sung bug task added linux-intel-5.13 (Ubuntu)
2021-10-08 16:40:00 Jesse Sung nominated for series Ubuntu Focal
2021-10-08 16:40:00 Jesse Sung bug task added linux-intel-5.13 (Ubuntu Focal)
2021-10-08 16:40:10 Jesse Sung linux-intel-5.13 (Ubuntu Focal): status New Fix Committed
2021-10-08 16:49:29 Jesse Sung linux-intel-5.13 (Ubuntu Focal): assignee Anthony Wong (anthonywong)
2021-10-12 06:21:58 Anthony Wong intel: assignee Alex Hung (alexhung)
2021-10-12 06:22:10 Anthony Wong intel: status In Progress Fix Committed
2021-10-15 10:13:12 Anthony Wong tags ehl ehl-aaeon iotg lookout-canyon iotg lookout-canyon tgl-aaeon
2021-10-25 03:35:11 Pierre Equoy nominated for series intel/lookout-canyon
2021-10-25 03:35:11 Pierre Equoy bug task added intel/lookout-canyon
2021-10-25 03:51:06 Pierre Equoy intel/lookout-canyon: status New Fix Committed
2021-10-25 03:51:09 Pierre Equoy intel/lookout-canyon: milestone sprint2
2021-10-25 08:03:11 Pierre Equoy intel/lookout-canyon: importance Undecided Critical
2021-10-25 15:08:01 Anthony Wong tags iotg lookout-canyon tgl-aaeon iotg lookout-canyon tgl-aaeon verification-done-focal
2021-10-27 20:12:00 Launchpad Janitor linux-intel-5.13 (Ubuntu Focal): status Fix Committed Fix Released
2021-10-27 20:12:00 Launchpad Janitor cve linked 2021-40490
2021-10-27 20:12:00 Launchpad Janitor cve linked 2021-41073
2021-11-01 01:06:38 Anthony Wong linux-intel-5.13 (Ubuntu): status New Fix Released
2021-11-08 17:09:50 Ana Lasprilla intel/lookout-canyon: status Fix Committed Fix Released
2021-11-16 22:39:45 Michael Hudson-Doyle bug added subscriber Michael Hudson-Doyle