Activity log for bug #943222

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2012-02-29 12:36:10 Alex Valavanis bug added bug
2012-02-29 12:36:10 Alex Valavanis attachment added Build log with GDKMM_DISABLE_DEPRECATED (2012-02-29)
2012-03-12 11:04:00 Alex Valavanis attachment added Build log with GDKMM_DISABLE_DEPRECATED (2012-03-12)
2012-03-12 11:04:09 Alex Valavanis attachment removed Build log with GDKMM_DISABLE_DEPRECATED (2012-02-29)
2012-04-05 09:36:37 Alex Valavanis attachment added Build log with GDKMM_DISABLE_DEPRECATED (2012-04-05)
2012-04-05 09:36:45 Alex Valavanis attachment removed Build log with GDKMM_DISABLE_DEPRECATED (2012-03-12)
2012-04-06 15:54:18 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:inkscape
2012-04-06 15:57:22 Alex Valavanis inkscape: status Triaged Fix Committed
2012-04-06 15:57:22 Alex Valavanis inkscape: milestone 0.49
2012-04-06 15:57:22 Alex Valavanis inkscape: assignee Alex Valavanis (valavanisalex)
2015-02-21 02:49:11 Bryce Harrington inkscape: status Fix Committed Fix Released