Comment 13 for bug 888793

Revision history for this message
David Mathog (mathog) wrote :

apenner said in message 11: Inkscape sometimes does this, for example if converting text to path, but it would never be the default behaviour in Inkscape, only an option that you might choose if needed.

There are no visible options on "convert to dashes". The only option in "save as emf" is "convert texts to paths", which is not checked.

There is still a problem even with "convert to dashes".


1. make a filled rectangle
2. set border to dashes
3. convert to path
4. convert to dashes
5. break apart
6. save as EMF

Import into PPT, the import cannot be ungrouped. Same thing if the object is first converted to a path and then the outline is made into dashes.
