Ok, sorry for being misunderstood. For sure it was my fault and is due to how I tried to express my opinion. I must admit I did not hit the point. To prkos, I'm not so good in transmitting my mood while writing: you probably thought I was angry and attacking but that's false. I appreciate the whole work about Inkscape, a program I like and that I would probably keep using also if I were forced to use with Tango theme. I wasn't offended in any way by you, and by anybody else. I reported directly something you wrote, so I found natural directing to you. Sorry for making you think I was against you. You're true about my feeling about being stuck with Tango and loosing the old icon theme that's "Inkscape's face" for me (so you also understood the reference to that big company that doesn't let you decide what to use... ;). You wrote it better than me. Thanks. But that's not the point: I don't want the project to follow my taste. I was just trying to point out that changing the appearance of a program is something "strong", has a great impact on users. It can't be done only because somebody thinks the new appearance is better. I don't say it wouldn't be better, I just say that people could simply be not ready for that. Then I gave a suggestion: make it clear that themeability is present and let all users choose during installation, in an easy way, the theme they prefer. I know there's already someone working on that but I feel more an urge to move to Tango rather than having a clean way to switch theme. I hope I'm wrong on that (and it wouldn't be the first time... ;). I didn't want to say that you feel as being part of an elite. The point was different and is not related to you in particular but to the whole community. I've already read answers saying that if something isn't good for someone reporting something he could contribute to see it fixed. It seems to me that someone is sometimes using this answer to say: don't bother with that problem, we don't think it's important so if you want it fixed do it yourself. Ok, I don't want to generalize: please try to understand my point. Most of the time I agree with the concept, but sometimes it seems like an excuse: "the problem is there because you haven't contributed to fix it yet". This can be said between developers, not to "normal" users that simply found something they don't approve and tried to give their contribute saying their opinion. I'm just trying to give voice to all those that received this answer (I personally haven't, yet) and had a negative reaction (I wouldn't). I agree that they didn't get the true meaning, but if more than one didn't maybe there's something wrong in the communication. I was just saying: be careful in giving such advices because they could be misunderstood. You can't assume that everybody writing here has the ability or the time to fix or to help, also if they would really want to (I am one of those). I (think I) know how open source contribution should work but maybe not everybody writing here does and doesn't have to, if they simply want to help with a program they like, right? So, just keep explaining it as if nobody knew or simply avoid that "suggestion" if you're not sure the other will understand. I completely agree with your reference about politeness in communication so, if it was directed to me (I hope it's not), sorry if my way of expressing wasn't (and isn't) polite. I'm putting all my best but if I can't, my fault and please forgive me. I know there are a lot of users that like Tango and I agree with adding that theme. I mainly use Windows and I've never used it under Linux too, so I was completely unaware of it before. I'll take a look to old themes: I've used 0.45 for a while but didn't notice the change when moving to 0.46. Maybe I was not so used with Inkscape at the time or maybe the two were so similar... I'll check. I completely subscribe your conclusion on this bug report: it's what I tried to explain. Thanks. :) To Guillermo Espertino, Habit can have a great impact on usability for old users, not for new of course; but new users could be used to other programs and they look for something similar. Then I understand all people saying that having a look similar to Scribus or GIMP or other Tango-themed applications want also a Tangoified Inkscape. They are perfectly aligned with people that you've heard saying: "hey, don't change the icons, I'm used to how they look and if they are different I'll be lost". I feel that this is real usability, not taste (or maybe both!). Some kind of usability where it's difficult to be objective. I've definitely written too much. Sorry. I really can't understand why this topic makes me write so much. I don't want to bother anyone else, so I promise I'll do my best for not writing anymore about icons or themes. I've said it all: if it's still not clear, it won't be even if I wrote again and again. Thanks.