prkos, I'm one of those that prefers the old theme over Tango. I'm a Windows user. I've already explained that I prefer the old theme because it's cleaner than Tango. You say that under Windows a lot of people like Tango too: I don't have any statistics to say if that's true or not, but I feel that themeability under Windows is much less used as under Linux, so I'm not really convinced about that. I feel that the old theme is coherent with Windows' look, at least more than Tango. Anyway, I liked one of your sentences: "But there was a period recently when because of the work on icon code a theme switch wasn't possible so I was stuck with the old ones. It was weird and it slowed me down a bit, but not significantly since I used to use them before Tangos appeared so I was familiar with them. Now when Tangos reappeared I can tell you that it's much easier for me to work and I'm less confused about the interface." So, what do you think all those users used with the old theme could say if Inkscape suddenly switched to Tango? You gave the answer by yourself. You were used to the old theme but a lot of people that started using Inkscape with the old theme and had no reason to use or even try Tango, could just be confused. I've tried Tango and I've decided it's not for me. Changing an interface is something that must be done after a very deep evaluation, it's like changing someone's face: the brain is still the same but you could have the feeling of speaking with someone else. If you close your eyes you realize that nothing important really changed, but you can't use Inkscape with your eyes shut ;) So, ok with themeability (which I agree is the right solution to adopt), but be careful: those who will move to 0.47 without knowing about the choice to use Tango as default and that with themeability they can revert back to what they were used, could be disappointed and simply reject all those good improvements and fixes that have been added in functionality (they are a lot, really, I couldn't use original 0.46 after getting used to dev versions: move quickly to 0.47 because this is something that can really make people discard Inkscape, much more than the icons issue!). Please consider that I would say the exact same think if we were speaking about moving from Tango to the old theme. In my opinion, a change in interface should be done gradually, or at least it could be worth a question during installation, like: Do you want: - "classic" (not to say "old") or - "Tango" (or "new" or "cool" or "better" or whatever you think it is) look for your Inkscape installation? (you will be able to change this under Options->Interface->Theme...) So people saying that the old theme makes Inkscape lose new users will be happy (what do you think people will choose? ;). Simply changing it without saying anything to anybody wouldn't be kind with old users. Ah, and about helping icons' improvement: why should I help improving just to keep using something that's already good for me? This reminds me about a big software house that keeps releasing new versions of their programs so users have to buy them because if not they can't share documents between them; also if the last one was perfectly suited to their needs... It's in my tongue tip but I cant' remember, maybe you know it... So, please, don't use the "help improving" argumentation to shut "normal" user's mouth when they don't agree. Contributing is a great, noble issue: put in this way, it becomes the only door for an "elite" group in which opinions are considered, not outside. Speaking about the Tango theme, you say: "Im my personal opinion there were more of those who loved them." "There were more..." where? Among those who contribute? Are they Inkscape development's target? You should be proud for all those "normal" users using your software "as it is" and without knowing "how it works": they are the real succes of your efforts and their opinion should be the most valuable to take into account for decisions (if you really care). Unfortunately it's not easily accessible through a forum or a mailing list. Tanks a lot for this great program I can't give up using for every stupid drawing that I even don't really need... :)