Original 0.48.5 text object in SVG file: Characters, Wardrobe,Rigging(Summer 2014 -) A dialog appears asking how to handle rescaling of the document. For this run, I chose "scale elements". However the problem seems to be the same with all three choices. I presume this would have no effect on the output code below, but I didn't compare the three cases. Save the file without changing anything, to see 0.92.1 migrated code: Characters, Wardrobe,Rigging (Summer 2014 -) (Extra per-line styles show up. WHY?) Select text tool ("A"). Attempt to change font size (note that font size implausibly starts as "4", when it's probably more like 12 as indicated above. No change to text as displayed. Open text dialog ("T") Attempt to change font size. Font sizes change in the dialog (6, 18, 40, ...), but no change to the text object. No change to text as displayed. Minor edit (deleted the '-'), then save: Characters, Wardrobe,Rigging (Summer 2014 ) (Font sizes have mysteriously changed -- but note that appearance is the same. Possibly some scale factor has caused them to be recomputed?) Reload the file to check this: Recreate same text and font using the text tool in 0.92.1: Characters, Wardrobe,Rigging(Summer 2014 +) (tspan style attributes have disappeared entirely! So why were they added in the first place?). Note that this text LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE the original text at this point. From the USER's perspective, it is IDENTICAL, except that now, the font size can be altered with the text tools. Clearly this should have happened automatically. As a workaround, there should at least be some simple way to update or recreate the text object. There is also an issue with the "line-height" property in the spec (100% -> 0% -> 1.25) -- this appears to be documented elsewhere. It creates odd results when attempting to fix the problem in the XML editor.