Activity log for bug #1429510

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2015-03-08 03:20:37 sysaxed bug added bug
2015-03-08 20:11:56 sysaxed description Currently there is no way to save a simple svg without additional stuff in it. It looks like there are many optimizers on the internet, but it would be great if inkscape at least allowed not to include invisible stuff. "Plain .svg" and "Optimized .svg" sound like they should do something like this, but they don't. Here is an IRC discussion: 04:36:31<Sysaxed> How can I save an svg without any crap that is not associated with the final result? For example, I have an image on the hidden layer. Why is it exported? I've tried plain svg and compressed svg, no luck 04:37:24<FailBit> don't embed the image 04:37:27<FailBit> plain&simple 04:37:37<Sysaxed> why? It is needed for drawing purposes 04:37:47<FailBit> but you said you don't want it exported 04:37:50<Sysaxed> why would it export hidden layers? I don't understand 04:37:59<FailBit> because they are still important 04:38:07<Sysaxed> like... for what? 04:38:18<FailBit> you can reference [xlink:href] items on any layers with any visibility settings 04:38:23<FailBit> as well as include <defs> anywhere 04:38:47<FailBit> so instead of special casing all that jazz, we export hidden layers too 04:38:57<Sysaxed> so do I get it right that I have to delete ALL invisible layers? 04:39:05<FailBit> yes 04:39:22<Sysaxed> and there is no simple checkbox "don't include hidden layers" anywhere?... 04:39:26<FailBit> no 04:39:35<Sysaxed> and are you saying that it shouldn't even be there? 04:39:44*** ted_ ( has joined channel #inkscape 04:40:01<FailBit> nope 04:43:07<Sysaxed> "The command File → icon Vacuum Defs removes unused definitions from the <defs> section of the SVG file. This includes things like unused gradients, patterns, markers, and filters." 04:43:17<Sysaxed> so what does this mean then? 04:43:58<FailBit> unreferenced items in <defs> 04:44:20<Sysaxed> yea, right 04:44:29<Sysaxed> hm 04:44:39<FailBit> items with a hrefcount of 0 04:44:40<FailBit> as in 04:44:45<FailBit> nothing points an xlink:href to them 04:44:52<FailBit> so they don't mean anything 04:44:55<FailBit> and can be wiped out 04:47:51<Sysaxed> well, I still don't get it. As I work on the image I have lots of hidden layers here and there. Sometimes I want to export a fully adequate vector image (just image, nothing else). So each time I have to go through my layers, delete them all, then export?... I don't know 04:48:13<Sysaxed> perhaps I'm retarded, but it sounds like the thing I need is pretty common 04:48:19<FailBit> I don't think it is 04:48:25<FailBit> generally when you save an image 04:48:34<FailBit> you want the parts of it that you were editing to still be there 04:49:21<Sysaxed> FailBit: and what do you mean by that? 04:49:34<FailBit> you are working on a piece 04:49:37<FailBit> you hide a layer 04:49:38<FailBit> you save 04:49:40<FailBit> re-open 04:49:41<FailBit> oops 04:49:43<FailBit> what the hell 04:49:44<FailBit> it's gone 04:49:45<Sysaxed> Wrong. 04:49:46<FailBit> whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 04:50:03<Sysaxed> There are Inkscape .svg and Plain .svg options 04:50:11<Sysaxed> and Compressed .svg 04:50:17<FailBit> compressed svg is inkscape svg 04:50:21<FailBit> but gzipped 04:50:31<Sysaxed> Wrong again? 04:50:41<Sysaxed> ah no 04:50:45<FailBit> ok, I'm wrong 04:50:48<Sysaxed> sorry, I wanted to say "Optimized .svg" 04:50:50<FailBit> please ignore everything I've said 04:50:58<FailBit> and continue on with your life 04:51:26<Sysaxed> so yeah, three options: "Inkscape .svg", "Plain .svg" and "Optimized .svg" 04:51:56<Sysaxed> obviously, inkscape .svg contains all of the layers data and so on 04:52:02<Sysaxed> plain .svg doesn't 04:52:08<FailBit> why not? 04:52:16<Sysaxed> FailBit: because it doesn't 04:52:38<Sysaxed> I mean, if you import it back you wont see any layers 04:53:08<FailBit> they still exist 04:53:15<FailBit> they just don't have inkscape:groupmode="layer" 04:53:20<Sysaxed> yup 04:55:09<Sysaxed> I wonder how many svgs on the internet have invisible shit in them. Maybe I would have never noticed it if one of my hidden layers did not contain a raster image 04:56:42<FailBit> and why is this concerning 04:57:12<FailBit> the people that are actually concerned about optimizing their images have already done so 04:58:20<Sysaxed> FailBit: any svg optimizer you can suggest? 04:58:28<FailBit> your brain 04:58:58<Sysaxed> you mean by editing .svgs as text files? 04:59:04<FailBit> yes 04:59:11<Sysaxed> ummmmm... 04:59:18<FailBit> I do it all the time 04:59:35<FailBit> <svg><path id="R" d="M9-12C0-7 4,14-9,12 0,7-4-14 9-12Z" fill="#63b7ff"/><use xlink:href="#R" transform="rotate(30)"/><use xlink:href="#R" transform="rotate(60)"/><use xlink:href="#R" transform="rotate(90)"/><use xlink:href="#R" transform="rotate(120)"/><use xlink:href="#R" transform="rotate(150)"/><circle fill="#deefff" stroke="#a5d4ff" r="6.8"/></svg> 05:00:15<Tenacious-Techhu> Isn't the whole point of a software tool like Inkscape is that it takes care of all the pointless petty details FOR you? 05:00:39<Tenacious-Techhu> If editing the XML was the correct solution, Inkscape shouldn't exist to begin with. 05:01:08<FailBit> Tenacious-Techhu: this is about a specific workflow that is NOT related to maintaining editable work files 05:01:22*** pandeiro (~user@ has quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds 05:01:35<Tenacious-Techhu> So? 05:01:51<FailBit> so inkscape's lakk of support for it is not surprising in the slightest 05:02:01<Tenacious-Techhu> Just because he wants a finished end product, that doesn't mean it isn't Inkscape's job to deliver that. 05:02:25* FailBit reverts to ponies 05:02:55<Tenacious-Techhu> Inkscape's relevance is directly proportional to its suitability to the set of all tasks to which it can be put to. 05:03:26<FailBit> I don't care about its relevance 05:03:37<FailBit> I care about it being able to do the job it was designed to do 05:03:46<FailBit> provide a decent way to edit vector images 05:03:56<FailBit> not optimize the shit out of a finished image 05:04:19<FailBit> is useful if that's what you want. 05:04:40<Sysaxed> Tenacious-Techhu: thanks 05:06:16<Tenacious-Techhu> Sysaxed, I'm with you on this one. FailBit seems to think only his use-cases matter. :P 05:08:54<FailBit> Tenacious-Techhu, Sysaxed: read up on the unix philosophy 05:09:04<Sysaxed> Tenacious-Techhu: maybe I should open a feature request? 05:09:11<Tenacious-Techhu> To hell with the Unix philosophy. :P 05:09:15<Tenacious-Techhu> Do it. 05:09:27<Tenacious-Techhu> The Unix philosophy never got anyone anywhere. 05:09:36*** FailBit (~liamw@unaffiliated/liamw) has kicked Tenacious-Techhu off channel #inkscape: trolling 05:09:48<Sysaxed> well, what the fuck? 05:09:56<FailBit> I didn't ban him 05:10:08<FailBit> I'm just really pissed off 05:10:34<Sysaxed> FailBit: just take a break... Currently there is no way to save a simple svg without additional stuff in it. It looks like there are many optimizers on the internet, but it would be great if inkscape at least allowed not to include invisible stuff. "Plain .svg" and "Optimized .svg" sound like they should do something like this, but they don't. Here is an IRC discussion: 04:36:31<Sysaxed> How can I save an svg without any crap that is not     associated with the final result? For example, I have an     image on the hidden layer. Why is it exported? I've tried     plain svg and compressed svg, no luck 04:37:24<FailBit> don't embed the image 04:37:27<FailBit> plain&simple 04:37:37<Sysaxed> why? It is needed for drawing purposes 04:37:47<FailBit> but you said you don't want it exported 04:37:50<Sysaxed> why would it export hidden layers? I don't understand 04:37:59<FailBit> because they are still important 04:38:07<Sysaxed> like... for what? 04:38:18<FailBit> you can reference [xlink:href] items on any layers with any     visibility settings 04:38:23<FailBit> as well as include <defs> anywhere 04:38:47<FailBit> so instead of special casing all that jazz, we export hidden     layers too 04:38:57<Sysaxed> so do I get it right that I have to delete ALL invisible     layers? 04:39:05<FailBit> yes 04:39:22<Sysaxed> and there is no simple checkbox "don't include hidden     layers" anywhere?... 04:39:26<FailBit> no 04:39:35<Sysaxed> and are you saying that it shouldn't even be there? 04:40:01<FailBit> nope 04:43:07<Sysaxed> "The command File → icon Vacuum Defs removes unused     definitions from the <defs> section of the SVG file. This     includes things like unused gradients, patterns, markers,     and filters." 04:43:17<Sysaxed> so what does this mean then? 04:43:58<FailBit> unreferenced items in <defs> 04:44:20<Sysaxed> yea, right 04:44:29<Sysaxed> hm 04:44:39<FailBit> items with a hrefcount of 0 04:44:40<FailBit> as in 04:44:45<FailBit> nothing points an xlink:href to them 04:44:52<FailBit> so they don't mean anything 04:44:55<FailBit> and can be wiped out 04:47:51<Sysaxed> well, I still don't get it. As I work on the image I have     lots of hidden layers here and there. Sometimes I want to     export a fully adequate vector image (just image, nothing     else). So each time I have to go through my layers, delete     them all, then export?... I don't know 04:48:13<Sysaxed> perhaps I'm retarded, but it sounds like the thing I need is     pretty common 04:48:19<FailBit> I don't think it is 04:48:25<FailBit> generally when you save an image 04:48:34<FailBit> you want the parts of it that you were editing to still be     there 04:49:21<Sysaxed> FailBit: and what do you mean by that? 04:49:34<FailBit> you are working on a piece 04:49:37<FailBit> you hide a layer 04:49:38<FailBit> you save 04:49:40<FailBit> re-open 04:49:41<FailBit> oops 04:49:43<FailBit> what the hell 04:49:44<FailBit> it's gone 04:49:45<Sysaxed> Wrong. 04:49:46<FailBit> whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 04:50:03<Sysaxed> There are Inkscape .svg and Plain .svg options 04:50:11<Sysaxed> and Compressed .svg 04:50:17<FailBit> compressed svg is inkscape svg 04:50:21<FailBit> but gzipped 04:50:31<Sysaxed> Wrong again? 04:50:41<Sysaxed> ah no 04:50:45<FailBit> ok, I'm wrong 04:50:48<Sysaxed> sorry, I wanted to say "Optimized .svg" 04:50:50<FailBit> please ignore everything I've said 04:50:58<FailBit> and continue on with your life 04:51:26<Sysaxed> so yeah, three options: "Inkscape .svg", "Plain .svg" and     "Optimized .svg" 04:51:56<Sysaxed> obviously, inkscape .svg contains all of the layers data and     so on 04:52:02<Sysaxed> plain .svg doesn't 04:52:08<FailBit> why not? 04:52:16<Sysaxed> FailBit: because it doesn't 04:52:38<Sysaxed> I mean, if you import it back you wont see any layers 04:53:08<FailBit> they still exist 04:53:15<FailBit> they just don't have inkscape:groupmode="layer" 04:53:20<Sysaxed> yup 04:55:09<Sysaxed> I wonder how many svgs on the internet have invisible shit     in them. Maybe I would have never noticed it if one of my     hidden layers did not contain a raster image 04:56:42<FailBit> and why is this concerning 04:57:12<FailBit> the people that are actually concerned about optimizing     their images have already done so 04:58:20<Sysaxed> FailBit: any svg optimizer you can suggest? 04:58:28<FailBit> your brain 04:58:58<Sysaxed> you mean by editing .svgs as text files? 04:59:04<FailBit> yes 04:59:11<Sysaxed> ummmmm... 04:59:18<FailBit> I do it all the time 04:59:35<FailBit> <svg><path id="R" d="M9-12C0-7 4,14-9,12 0,7-4-14 9-12Z"     fill="#63b7ff"/><use xlink:href="#R"     transform="rotate(30)"/><use xlink:href="#R"     transform="rotate(60)"/><use xlink:href="#R"     transform="rotate(90)"/><use xlink:href="#R"     transform="rotate(120)"/><use xlink:href="#R"     transform="rotate(150)"/><circle fill="#deefff"     stroke="#a5d4ff" r="6.8"/></svg> 05:00:15<Tenacious-Techhu> Isn't the whole point of a software tool like     Inkscape is that it takes care of all the pointless     petty details FOR you? 05:00:39<Tenacious-Techhu> If editing the XML was the correct solution,     Inkscape shouldn't exist to begin with. 05:01:08<FailBit> Tenacious-Techhu: this is about a specific workflow that is     NOT related to maintaining editable work files 05:01:35<Tenacious-Techhu> So? 05:01:51<FailBit> so inkscape's lakk of support for it is not surprising in     the slightest 05:02:01<Tenacious-Techhu> Just because he wants a finished end product, that     doesn't mean it isn't Inkscape's job to deliver that. 05:02:25* FailBit reverts to ponies 05:02:55<Tenacious-Techhu> Inkscape's relevance is directly proportional to     its suitability to the set of all tasks to which it     can be put to. 05:03:26<FailBit> I don't care about its relevance 05:03:37<FailBit> I care about it being able to do the job it was designed to     do 05:03:46<FailBit> provide a decent way to edit vector images 05:03:56<FailBit> not optimize the shit out of a finished image 05:04:19<FailBit> is useful if that's what you want. 05:04:40<Sysaxed> Tenacious-Techhu: thanks 05:06:16<Tenacious-Techhu> Sysaxed, I'm with you on this one. FailBit seems to     think only his use-cases matter. :P 05:08:54<FailBit> Tenacious-Techhu, Sysaxed: read up on the unix philosophy 05:09:04<Sysaxed> Tenacious-Techhu: maybe I should open a feature request? 05:09:11<Tenacious-Techhu> To hell with the Unix philosophy. :P 05:09:15<Tenacious-Techhu> Do it. 05:09:27<Tenacious-Techhu> The Unix philosophy never got anyone anywhere. 05:09:36*** FailBit (~liamw@unaffiliated/liamw) has kicked Tenacious-Techhu      off channel #inkscape: trolling 05:09:48<Sysaxed> well, what the fuck? 05:09:56<FailBit> I didn't ban him 05:10:08<FailBit> I'm just really pissed off 05:10:34<Sysaxed> FailBit: just take a break...
2015-03-08 20:15:29 sysaxed summary Feature request: exclude hidden layers (and other irrelevant stuff) Feature request: exclude hidden layers (and other irrelevant stuff) when saving to .svg
2015-03-08 21:12:40 su_v description Currently there is no way to save a simple svg without additional stuff in it. It looks like there are many optimizers on the internet, but it would be great if inkscape at least allowed not to include invisible stuff. "Plain .svg" and "Optimized .svg" sound like they should do something like this, but they don't. Here is an IRC discussion: 04:36:31<Sysaxed> How can I save an svg without any crap that is not     associated with the final result? For example, I have an     image on the hidden layer. Why is it exported? I've tried     plain svg and compressed svg, no luck 04:37:24<FailBit> don't embed the image 04:37:27<FailBit> plain&simple 04:37:37<Sysaxed> why? It is needed for drawing purposes 04:37:47<FailBit> but you said you don't want it exported 04:37:50<Sysaxed> why would it export hidden layers? I don't understand 04:37:59<FailBit> because they are still important 04:38:07<Sysaxed> like... for what? 04:38:18<FailBit> you can reference [xlink:href] items on any layers with any     visibility settings 04:38:23<FailBit> as well as include <defs> anywhere 04:38:47<FailBit> so instead of special casing all that jazz, we export hidden     layers too 04:38:57<Sysaxed> so do I get it right that I have to delete ALL invisible     layers? 04:39:05<FailBit> yes 04:39:22<Sysaxed> and there is no simple checkbox "don't include hidden     layers" anywhere?... 04:39:26<FailBit> no 04:39:35<Sysaxed> and are you saying that it shouldn't even be there? 04:40:01<FailBit> nope 04:43:07<Sysaxed> "The command File → icon Vacuum Defs removes unused     definitions from the <defs> section of the SVG file. This     includes things like unused gradients, patterns, markers,     and filters." 04:43:17<Sysaxed> so what does this mean then? 04:43:58<FailBit> unreferenced items in <defs> 04:44:20<Sysaxed> yea, right 04:44:29<Sysaxed> hm 04:44:39<FailBit> items with a hrefcount of 0 04:44:40<FailBit> as in 04:44:45<FailBit> nothing points an xlink:href to them 04:44:52<FailBit> so they don't mean anything 04:44:55<FailBit> and can be wiped out 04:47:51<Sysaxed> well, I still don't get it. As I work on the image I have     lots of hidden layers here and there. Sometimes I want to     export a fully adequate vector image (just image, nothing     else). So each time I have to go through my layers, delete     them all, then export?... I don't know 04:48:13<Sysaxed> perhaps I'm retarded, but it sounds like the thing I need is     pretty common 04:48:19<FailBit> I don't think it is 04:48:25<FailBit> generally when you save an image 04:48:34<FailBit> you want the parts of it that you were editing to still be     there 04:49:21<Sysaxed> FailBit: and what do you mean by that? 04:49:34<FailBit> you are working on a piece 04:49:37<FailBit> you hide a layer 04:49:38<FailBit> you save 04:49:40<FailBit> re-open 04:49:41<FailBit> oops 04:49:43<FailBit> what the hell 04:49:44<FailBit> it's gone 04:49:45<Sysaxed> Wrong. 04:49:46<FailBit> whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 04:50:03<Sysaxed> There are Inkscape .svg and Plain .svg options 04:50:11<Sysaxed> and Compressed .svg 04:50:17<FailBit> compressed svg is inkscape svg 04:50:21<FailBit> but gzipped 04:50:31<Sysaxed> Wrong again? 04:50:41<Sysaxed> ah no 04:50:45<FailBit> ok, I'm wrong 04:50:48<Sysaxed> sorry, I wanted to say "Optimized .svg" 04:50:50<FailBit> please ignore everything I've said 04:50:58<FailBit> and continue on with your life 04:51:26<Sysaxed> so yeah, three options: "Inkscape .svg", "Plain .svg" and     "Optimized .svg" 04:51:56<Sysaxed> obviously, inkscape .svg contains all of the layers data and     so on 04:52:02<Sysaxed> plain .svg doesn't 04:52:08<FailBit> why not? 04:52:16<Sysaxed> FailBit: because it doesn't 04:52:38<Sysaxed> I mean, if you import it back you wont see any layers 04:53:08<FailBit> they still exist 04:53:15<FailBit> they just don't have inkscape:groupmode="layer" 04:53:20<Sysaxed> yup 04:55:09<Sysaxed> I wonder how many svgs on the internet have invisible shit     in them. Maybe I would have never noticed it if one of my     hidden layers did not contain a raster image 04:56:42<FailBit> and why is this concerning 04:57:12<FailBit> the people that are actually concerned about optimizing     their images have already done so 04:58:20<Sysaxed> FailBit: any svg optimizer you can suggest? 04:58:28<FailBit> your brain 04:58:58<Sysaxed> you mean by editing .svgs as text files? 04:59:04<FailBit> yes 04:59:11<Sysaxed> ummmmm... 04:59:18<FailBit> I do it all the time 04:59:35<FailBit> <svg><path id="R" d="M9-12C0-7 4,14-9,12 0,7-4-14 9-12Z"     fill="#63b7ff"/><use xlink:href="#R"     transform="rotate(30)"/><use xlink:href="#R"     transform="rotate(60)"/><use xlink:href="#R"     transform="rotate(90)"/><use xlink:href="#R"     transform="rotate(120)"/><use xlink:href="#R"     transform="rotate(150)"/><circle fill="#deefff"     stroke="#a5d4ff" r="6.8"/></svg> 05:00:15<Tenacious-Techhu> Isn't the whole point of a software tool like     Inkscape is that it takes care of all the pointless     petty details FOR you? 05:00:39<Tenacious-Techhu> If editing the XML was the correct solution,     Inkscape shouldn't exist to begin with. 05:01:08<FailBit> Tenacious-Techhu: this is about a specific workflow that is     NOT related to maintaining editable work files 05:01:35<Tenacious-Techhu> So? 05:01:51<FailBit> so inkscape's lakk of support for it is not surprising in     the slightest 05:02:01<Tenacious-Techhu> Just because he wants a finished end product, that     doesn't mean it isn't Inkscape's job to deliver that. 05:02:25* FailBit reverts to ponies 05:02:55<Tenacious-Techhu> Inkscape's relevance is directly proportional to     its suitability to the set of all tasks to which it     can be put to. 05:03:26<FailBit> I don't care about its relevance 05:03:37<FailBit> I care about it being able to do the job it was designed to     do 05:03:46<FailBit> provide a decent way to edit vector images 05:03:56<FailBit> not optimize the shit out of a finished image 05:04:19<FailBit> is useful if that's what you want. 05:04:40<Sysaxed> Tenacious-Techhu: thanks 05:06:16<Tenacious-Techhu> Sysaxed, I'm with you on this one. FailBit seems to     think only his use-cases matter. :P 05:08:54<FailBit> Tenacious-Techhu, Sysaxed: read up on the unix philosophy 05:09:04<Sysaxed> Tenacious-Techhu: maybe I should open a feature request? 05:09:11<Tenacious-Techhu> To hell with the Unix philosophy. :P 05:09:15<Tenacious-Techhu> Do it. 05:09:27<Tenacious-Techhu> The Unix philosophy never got anyone anywhere. 05:09:36*** FailBit (~liamw@unaffiliated/liamw) has kicked Tenacious-Techhu      off channel #inkscape: trolling 05:09:48<Sysaxed> well, what the fuck? 05:09:56<FailBit> I didn't ban him 05:10:08<FailBit> I'm just really pissed off 05:10:34<Sysaxed> FailBit: just take a break... Currently there is no way to save a simple svg without additional stuff in it. It looks like there are many optimizers on the internet, but it would be great if inkscape at least allowed not to include invisible stuff. "Plain .svg" and "Optimized .svg" sound like they should do something like this, but they don't.
2015-03-08 21:23:15 su_v tags exporting svg
2015-03-08 21:23:23 su_v inkscape: importance Undecided Wishlist