Activity log for bug #1713635

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2017-08-29 06:54:31 Xu Jianhong bug added bug
2017-08-29 06:54:31 Xu Jianhong attachment added 2017-08-29 14-40-42 创建的截图.png
2017-08-29 07:09:29 Ubuntu QA Website tags iso-testing
2017-08-31 07:25:11 handsome_feng bug task added indicator-china-weather
2017-08-31 08:36:17 Xu Jianhong summary 优客天气添加城市卡死重启后优客天气崩溃起不来 Adding city cause OS stucked ,then restart OS,that Youker weather completely crash and nerver work
2017-08-31 08:40:26 Xu Jianhong description [system] artful-beta1-i386 [bug description] 1.使用优客天气添加城市湖南邵阳新宁县; 2.优客天气卡死,杀死进程后重启优客天气; 3.优客天气崩溃起不来。 [expectation] 添加城市成功 [system] artful-beta1-i386 [bug description] 1.使用优客天气添加城市湖南邵阳新宁县 Add the city of Xinning Country,Shaoyang city,Hunan Province The use of excellent weather to add the city of Hunan Shaoyang Xinning County; 2.优客天气卡死,杀死进程后重启优客天气; 3.优客天气崩溃起不来。 [expectation] 添加城市成功
2017-08-31 08:56:06 kobe ubuntukylin: status New Confirmed
2017-08-31 08:57:49 Xu Jianhong summary Adding city cause OS stucked ,then restart OS,that Youker weather completely crash and nerver work Adding city cause youker weather stucked ,then restart software,that Youker weather completely crash and nerver work
2017-08-31 09:05:18 Xu Jianhong description [system] artful-beta1-i386 [bug description] 1.使用优客天气添加城市湖南邵阳新宁县 Add the city of Xinning Country,Shaoyang city,Hunan Province The use of excellent weather to add the city of Hunan Shaoyang Xinning County; 2.优客天气卡死,杀死进程后重启优客天气; 3.优客天气崩溃起不来。 [expectation] 添加城市成功 [system] artful-beta1-i386 [bug description] 1.Add the city of Xinning Country,Shaoyang city,Hunan Province using youker weather; 2.Youker weather stuck,then kill all process of youker weather ,restart youker weather by terminal; 3.Youker weather completely crash and not work。 [expectation] Function of adding cities is OK.
2017-08-31 09:06:22 Xu Jianhong summary Adding city cause youker weather stucked ,then restart software,that Youker weather completely crash and nerver work Adding city cause youker weather stucked ,then restart software,that Youker weather completely crash and not work
2017-08-31 09:06:38 Xu Jianhong summary Adding city cause youker weather stucked ,then restart software,that Youker weather completely crash and not work Adding city cause youker weather stucked ,then restart software,that Youker weather completely crash and does not work
2017-08-31 09:38:35 kobe ubuntukylin: status Confirmed Fix Committed