Matto, Thank you for this, I think I must be doing something wrong... Please find problem details and I will attach the log file and you will possibly laugh and say its me just doing something wrong.. As Copied from error window. Description:   Stopped working Problem signature:   Problem Event Name:CLR20r3   Problem Signature 01:icopy.exe   Problem Signature 02:   Problem Signature 03:4edd0a3a   Problem Signature 04:System   Problem Signature 05:   Problem Signature 06:4a275e12   Problem Signature 07:1fb0   Problem Signature 08:1bd   Problem Signature 09:System.Net.WebException   OS Version:6.1.7600.   Locale ID:2057 Read our privacy statement online: If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:   C:\Windows\system32\en-US\erofflps.txt I have also attached screen shot of the error message. Yours with much thanks David >________________________________ > From: Matteo Rossi