=========================================================================== *************** Panorama makefile generated by Hugin *************** =========================================================================== System information =========================================================================== Operating system: GNU/Linux Release: 2.6.32-32-generic Kernel version: #62-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 20 21:52:38 UTC 2011 Machine: x86_64 Disc usage Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda5 391G 165G 206G 45% / none 3.9G 376K 3.9G 1% /dev none 3.9G 864K 3.9G 1% /dev/shm none 3.9G 316K 3.9G 1% /var/run none 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /var/lock none 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /lib/init/rw none 391G 165G 206G 45% /var/lib/ureadahead/debugfs Memory usage total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 7865 7276 588 0 371 5511 -/+ buffers/cache: 1393 6471 Swap: 11016 24 10992 =========================================================================== Output options =========================================================================== Hugin Version: Pre-Release 2011.1.0.e85de31cbf04 Project file: /tmp/huginpto_D1W09j Output prefix: dsc06392a Projection: Rectilinear (0) Field of view: 28 x 18 Canvas dimensions: 3000 x 1929 Crop area: (103,82) - (2897,1847) Output exposure value: 8.61 Selected outputs Normal panorama * Blended panorama Using GPU for remapping =========================================================================== Input images =========================================================================== Number of images in project file: 1 Number of active images: 1 Image 0: /home/eckmann/sony/110508.omama90/dsc06392.jpg Image 0: Size 4912x3264, Exposure: 8.61 =========================================================================== Testing programs =========================================================================== Checking nona...[OK] Checking enblend...[OK] Checking enfuse...[OK] Checking hugin_hdrmerge...[OK] Checking exiftool...[OK] =========================================================================== Stitching panorama =========================================================================== nona -g -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o dsc06392a -i 0 /tmp/huginpto_D1W09j nona: using graphics card: NVIDIA Corporation NVS 3100M/PCI/SSE2 destStart=[103, 82] destEnd=[2903, 1847] destSize=[(2800, 1765)] srcSize=[(4912, 3264)] srcBuffer=0x2aaaaaef8010 srcAlphaBuffer=0 destBuffer=0x2aaaadcd7010 destAlphaBuffer=0x2aaaaeafb010 destGLInternalFormat=GL_RGBA8 destGLFormat=GL_RGB destGLType=GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE srcGLInternalFormat=GL_RGBA8 srcGLFormat=GL_RGB srcGLType=GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE srcAlphaGLType=GL_BYTE destAlphaGLType=GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE warparound=0 needsAtanWorkaround=0 maxTextureSize=8192 Source chunks: [(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] Dest chunks: [(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] [(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] Total GPU memory used: 220953376 Interpolator chunks: [(0, 0) to (4, 4) = (4x4)] [(4, 0) to (8, 4) = (4x4)] [(8, 0) to (12, 4) = (4x4)] [(12, 0) to (16, 4) = (4x4)] [(16, 0) to (20, 4) = (4x4)] [(20, 0) to (24, 4) = (4x4)] [(24, 0) to (28, 4) = (4x4)] [(28, 0) to (32, 4) = (4x4)] [(0, 4) to (4, 8) = (4x4)] [(4, 4) to (8, 8) = (4x4)] [(8, 4) to (12, 8) = (4x4)] [(12, 4) to (16, 8) = (4x4)] [(16, 4) to (20, 8) = (4x4)] [(20, 4) to (24, 8) = (4x4)] [(24, 4) to (28, 8) = (4x4)] [(28, 4) to (32, 8) = (4x4)] [(0, 8) to (4, 12) = (4x4)] [(4, 8) to (8, 12) = (4x4)] [(8, 8) to (12, 12) = (4x4)] [(12, 8) to (16, 12) = (4x4)] [(16, 8) to (20, 12) = (4x4)] [(20, 8) to (24, 12) = (4x4)] [(24, 8) to (28, 12) = (4x4)] [(28, 8) to (32, 12) = (4x4)] [(0, 12) to (4, 16) = (4x4)] [(4, 12) to (8, 16) = (4x4)] [(8, 12) to (12, 16) = (4x4)] [(12, 12) to (16, 16) = (4x4)] [(16, 12) to (20, 16) = (4x4)] [(20, 12) to (24, 16) = (4x4)] [(24, 12) to (28, 16) = (4x4)] [(28, 12) to (32, 16) = (4x4)] [(0, 16) to (4, 20) = (4x4)] [(4, 16) to (8, 20) = (4x4)] [(8, 16) to (12, 20) = (4x4)] [(12, 16) to (16, 20) = (4x4)] [(16, 16) to (20, 20) = (4x4)] [(20, 16) to (24, 20) = (4x4)] [(24, 16) to (28, 20) = (4x4)] [(28, 16) to (32, 20) = (4x4)] [(0, 20) to (4, 24) = (4x4)] [(4, 20) to (8, 24) = (4x4)] [(8, 20) to (12, 24) = (4x4)] [(12, 20) to (16, 24) = (4x4)] [(16, 20) to (20, 24) = (4x4)] [(20, 20) to (24, 24) = (4x4)] [(24, 20) to (28, 24) = (4x4)] [(28, 20) to (32, 24) = (4x4)] [(0, 24) to (4, 28) = (4x4)] [(4, 24) to (8, 28) = (4x4)] [(8, 24) to (12, 28) = (4x4)] [(12, 24) to (16, 28) = (4x4)] [(16, 24) to (20, 28) = (4x4)] [(20, 24) to (24, 28) = (4x4)] [(24, 24) to (28, 28) = (4x4)] [(28, 24) to (32, 28) = (4x4)] [(0, 28) to (4, 32) = (4x4)] [(4, 28) to (8, 32) = (4x4)] [(8, 28) to (12, 32) = (4x4)] [(12, 28) to (16, 32) = (4x4)] [(16, 28) to (20, 32) = (4x4)] [(20, 28) to (24, 32) = (4x4)] [(24, 28) to (28, 32) = (4x4)] [(28, 28) to (32, 32) = (4x4)] #version 110 #extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable uniform sampler2DRect SrcTexture; float sinh(in float x) { return (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / 2.0; } float cosh(in float x) { return (exp(x) + exp(-x)) / 2.0; } float atan2_xge0(const in float y, const in float x) { return atan(y, x); } float atan2_safe(const in float y, const in float x) { return atan(y, x); } float atan_safe(const in float yx) { return atan(yx); } void main(void) { float discardA = 1.0; float discardB = 0.0; vec2 src = gl_TexCoord[0].st; src -= vec2(1500.0000000000000000, 964.50000000000000000); // erect_rect(6016.1714003037668590) src.t = 6016.1714003037668590 * atan2_xge0(src.t, length(vec2(6016.1714003037668590, src.s))); src.s = 6016.1714003037668590 * atan2_safe(src.s, 6016.1714003037668590); // rotate_erect(18900.359873931331094, 0.0000000000000000000) { //src.s += 0.0000000000000000000; float w = (abs(src.s) > 18900.359873931331094) ? 1.0 : 0.0; float n = (src.s < 0.0) ? 0.5 : -0.5; src.s += w * -37800.719747862662189 * ceil(src.s / 37800.719747862662189 + n); } // sphere_tp_erect(6016.1714003037668590) { float phi = src.s / 6016.1714003037668590; float theta = -src.t / 6016.1714003037668590 + 1.5707963267948965580; if (theta < 0.0) { theta = -theta; phi += 3.1415926535897931160; } if (theta > 3.1415926535897931160) { theta = 3.1415926535897931160 - (theta - 3.1415926535897931160); phi += 3.1415926535897931160; } float s = sin(theta); vec2 v = vec2(s * sin(phi), cos(theta)); float r = length(v); theta = 6016.1714003037668590 * atan2_safe(r, s * cos(phi)); src = v * (theta / r); } // persp_sphere(6016.1714003037668590) { mat3 m = mat3(0.99835268032527257898, 0.057375305553382362211, 0.0000000000000000000, -0.057375305553382362211, 0.99835268032527257898, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 1.0000000000000000000); float r = length(src); float theta = r / 6016.1714003037668590; float s = 0.0; if (r != 0.0) s = sin(theta) / r; vec3 v = vec3(s * src.s, s * src.t, cos(theta)); vec3 u = v * m; r = length(u.st); theta = 0.0; if (r != 0.0) theta = 6016.1714003037668590 * atan2_safe(r, u.p) / r; src = theta * u.st; } // rect_sphere_tp(6016.1714003037668590) { float r = length(src); float theta = r / 6016.1714003037668590; float rho = 0.0; if (theta >= 1.5707963267948965580) rho = 1.6e16; else if (theta == 0.0) rho = 1.0; else rho = tan(theta) / theta; src *= rho; } // resize(1.6992681589221361182, 1.6992681589221361182) src *= vec2(1.6992681589221361182, 1.6992681589221361182); src += vec2(2455.5000000000000000, 1631.5000000000000000); src = src * discardA + vec2(-1000.0, -1000.0) * discardB; gl_FragColor = vec4(src.s, 0.0, 0.0, src.t); } #version 110 #extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable uniform sampler2DRect CoordTexture; uniform sampler2DRect SrcTexture; uniform sampler2DRect AccumTexture; uniform vec2 SrcUL; uniform vec2 SrcLR; uniform vec2 KernelUL; uniform vec2 KernelWH; float w(const in float i, const in float f) { float c = (i < 16.000000000000000000) ? 1.0 : -1.0; float x = c * (15.000000000000000000 - i + f); vec2 xpi = vec2(x, x / 16.000000000000000000) * 3.1415926535897931160; vec2 xsin = sin(xpi); vec2 result = vec2(1.0, 1.0); if (xpi.x != 0.0) result.x = xsin.x / xpi.x; if (xpi.y != 0.0) result.y = xsin.y / xpi.y; return result.x * result.y; } void main(void) { vec2 src = texture2DRect(CoordTexture, gl_TexCoord[0].st).sq; vec4 accum = texture2DRect(AccumTexture, gl_TexCoord[0].st); src -= SrcUL; vec2 t = floor(src) + -14.500000000000000000; vec2 f = fract(src); vec2 k = vec2(0.0, 0.0); for (float ky = 0.0; ky < 4.0000000000000000000; ky += 1.0) { k.t = ky + KernelUL.t; float wy = w(k.t, f.t); for (float kx = 0.0; kx < 4.0000000000000000000; kx += 1.0) { k.s = kx + KernelUL.s; float wx = w(k.s, f.s); vec2 ix = t + k; vec4 sp = texture2DRect(SrcTexture, ix); float weight = wx * wy * sp.a; accum += sp * weight; } } gl_FragColor = accum; } #version 120 #extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable uniform sampler2DRect NormTexture; uniform sampler2DRect CoordTexture; uniform sampler2DRect InvLutTexture; uniform sampler2DRect DestLutTexture; void main(void) { // Normalization vec4 n = texture2DRect(NormTexture, gl_TexCoord[0].st); vec4 p = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if (n.a >= 0.2) p = n / n.a; // Photometric // invLutSize = 256.00000000000000000 // pixelMax = 255.00000000000000000 // destLutSize = 1024.0000000000000000 // destExposure = 0.0025510201325227078485 // srcExposure = 0.0025510205516823787966 // whiteBalanceRed = 1.0000000000000000000 // whiteBalanceBlue = 1.0000000000000000000 p.rgb = p.rgb * 255.00000000000000000; vec2 invR = texture2DRect(InvLutTexture, vec2(p.r, 0.0)).sq; vec2 invG = texture2DRect(InvLutTexture, vec2(p.g, 0.0)).sq; vec2 invB = texture2DRect(InvLutTexture, vec2(p.b, 0.0)).sq; vec3 invX = vec3(invR.x, invG.x, invB.x); vec3 invY = vec3(invR.y, invG.y, invB.y); vec3 invA = fract(p.rgb); p.rgb = mix(invX, invY, invA); // VigCorrMode=VIGCORR_RADIAL float vig = 1.0; { vec2 vigCorrCenter = vec2(2455.5000000000000000, 1631.5000000000000000); float radiusScale=0.00033912219645702162702; float radialVigCorrCoeff0 = 1.0000000000000000000; float radialVigCorrCoeff1 = 0.0000000000000000000; float radialVigCorrCoeff2 = 0.0000000000000000000; float radialVigCorrCoeff3 = 0.0000000000000000000; vec2 src = texture2DRect(CoordTexture, gl_TexCoord[0].st).sq; vec2 d = src - vigCorrCenter; d *= radiusScale; vig = radialVigCorrCoeff0; float r2 = dot(d, d); float r = r2; vig += radialVigCorrCoeff1 * r; r *= r2; vig += radialVigCorrCoeff2 * r; r *= r2; vig += radialVigCorrCoeff3 * r; } vec3 exposure_whitebalance = vec3(0.99999983568941819279, 0.99999983568941819279, 0.99999983568941819279); p.rgb = (p.rgb * exposure_whitebalance) / vig; p.rgb = p.rgb * 1023.0000000000000000; vec2 destR = texture2DRect(DestLutTexture, vec2(p.r, 0.0)).sq; vec2 destG = texture2DRect(DestLutTexture, vec2(p.g, 0.0)).sq; vec2 destB = texture2DRect(DestLutTexture, vec2(p.b, 0.0)).sq; vec3 destX = vec3(destR.x, destG.x, destB.x); vec3 destY = vec3(destR.y, destG.y, destB.y); vec3 destA = fract(p.rgb); p.rgb = mix(destX, destY, destA); gl_FragColor = p; } gpu shader program compile time = 0.024 gpu shader texture/framebuffer setup time = 0.066 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] coord image render time = 0.019 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] src upload = 0.06 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] src render = 0.058 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 0) to (4, 4) = (4x4)] setup = 0.006 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 0) to (4, 4) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 0) to (8, 4) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 0) to (8, 4) = (4x4)] render = 0.063 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 0) to (12, 4) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 0) to (12, 4) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 0) to (16, 4) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 0) to (16, 4) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 0) to (20, 4) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 0) to (20, 4) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 0) to (24, 4) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 0) to (24, 4) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 0) to (28, 4) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 0) to (28, 4) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 0) to (32, 4) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 0) to (32, 4) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 4) to (4, 8) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 4) to (4, 8) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 4) to (8, 8) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 4) to (8, 8) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 4) to (12, 8) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 4) to (12, 8) = (4x4)] render = 0.063 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 4) to (16, 8) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 4) to (16, 8) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 4) to (20, 8) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 4) to (20, 8) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 4) to (24, 8) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 4) to (24, 8) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 4) to (28, 8) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 4) to (28, 8) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 4) to (32, 8) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 4) to (32, 8) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 8) to (4, 12) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 8) to (4, 12) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 8) to (8, 12) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 8) to (8, 12) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 8) to (12, 12) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 8) to (12, 12) = (4x4)] render = 0.063 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 8) to (16, 12) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 8) to (16, 12) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 8) to (20, 12) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 8) to (20, 12) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 8) to (24, 12) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 8) to (24, 12) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 8) to (28, 12) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 8) to (28, 12) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 8) to (32, 12) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 8) to (32, 12) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 12) to (4, 16) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 12) to (4, 16) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 12) to (8, 16) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 12) to (8, 16) = (4x4)] render = 0.063 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 12) to (12, 16) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 12) to (12, 16) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 12) to (16, 16) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 12) to (16, 16) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 12) to (20, 16) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 12) to (20, 16) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 12) to (24, 16) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 12) to (24, 16) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 12) to (28, 16) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 12) to (28, 16) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 12) to (32, 16) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 12) to (32, 16) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 16) to (4, 20) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 16) to (4, 20) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 16) to (8, 20) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 16) to (8, 20) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 16) to (12, 20) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 16) to (12, 20) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 16) to (16, 20) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 16) to (16, 20) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 16) to (20, 20) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 16) to (20, 20) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 16) to (24, 20) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 16) to (24, 20) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 16) to (28, 20) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 16) to (28, 20) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 16) to (32, 20) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 16) to (32, 20) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 20) to (4, 24) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 20) to (4, 24) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 20) to (8, 24) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 20) to (8, 24) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 20) to (12, 24) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 20) to (12, 24) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 20) to (16, 24) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 20) to (16, 24) = (4x4)] render = 0.063 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 20) to (20, 24) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 20) to (20, 24) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 20) to (24, 24) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 20) to (24, 24) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 20) to (28, 24) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 20) to (28, 24) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 20) to (32, 24) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 20) to (32, 24) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 24) to (4, 28) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 24) to (4, 28) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 24) to (8, 28) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 24) to (8, 28) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 24) to (12, 28) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 24) to (12, 28) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 24) to (16, 28) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 24) to (16, 28) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 24) to (20, 28) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 24) to (20, 28) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 24) to (24, 28) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 24) to (24, 28) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 24) to (28, 28) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 24) to (28, 28) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 24) to (32, 28) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 24) to (32, 28) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 28) to (4, 32) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 28) to (4, 32) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 28) to (8, 32) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 28) to (8, 32) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 28) to (12, 32) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 28) to (12, 32) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 28) to (16, 32) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 28) to (16, 32) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 28) to (20, 32) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 28) to (20, 32) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 28) to (24, 32) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 28) to (24, 32) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 28) to (28, 32) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 28) to (28, 32) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 28) to (32, 32) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 28) to (32, 32) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] normalization setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] normalization render = 0.012 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] dest rgb disassembly setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] dest rgb disassembly render = 0.005 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] rgb readback = 0.011 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] dest alpha disassembly setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] dest alpha disassembly render = 0.004 gpu dest chunk=[(0, 0) to (1400, 1765) = (1400x1765)] alpha readback = 0.002 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] coord image render time = 0.015 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 0) to (4, 4) = (4x4)] setup = 0.004 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 0) to (4, 4) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 0) to (8, 4) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 0) to (8, 4) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 0) to (12, 4) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 0) to (12, 4) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 0) to (16, 4) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 0) to (16, 4) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 0) to (20, 4) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 0) to (20, 4) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 0) to (24, 4) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 0) to (24, 4) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 0) to (28, 4) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 0) to (28, 4) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 0) to (32, 4) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 0) to (32, 4) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 4) to (4, 8) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 4) to (4, 8) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 4) to (8, 8) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 4) to (8, 8) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 4) to (12, 8) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 4) to (12, 8) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 4) to (16, 8) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 4) to (16, 8) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 4) to (20, 8) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 4) to (20, 8) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 4) to (24, 8) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 4) to (24, 8) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 4) to (28, 8) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 4) to (28, 8) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 4) to (32, 8) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 4) to (32, 8) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 8) to (4, 12) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 8) to (4, 12) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 8) to (8, 12) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 8) to (8, 12) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 8) to (12, 12) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 8) to (12, 12) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 8) to (16, 12) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 8) to (16, 12) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 8) to (20, 12) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 8) to (20, 12) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 8) to (24, 12) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 8) to (24, 12) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 8) to (28, 12) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 8) to (28, 12) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 8) to (32, 12) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 8) to (32, 12) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 12) to (4, 16) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 12) to (4, 16) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 12) to (8, 16) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 12) to (8, 16) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 12) to (12, 16) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 12) to (12, 16) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 12) to (16, 16) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 12) to (16, 16) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 12) to (20, 16) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 12) to (20, 16) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 12) to (24, 16) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 12) to (24, 16) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 12) to (28, 16) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 12) to (28, 16) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 12) to (32, 16) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 12) to (32, 16) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 16) to (4, 20) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 16) to (4, 20) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 16) to (8, 20) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 16) to (8, 20) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 16) to (12, 20) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 16) to (12, 20) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 16) to (16, 20) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 16) to (16, 20) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 16) to (20, 20) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 16) to (20, 20) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 16) to (24, 20) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 16) to (24, 20) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 16) to (28, 20) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 16) to (28, 20) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 16) to (32, 20) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 16) to (32, 20) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 20) to (4, 24) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 20) to (4, 24) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 20) to (8, 24) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 20) to (8, 24) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 20) to (12, 24) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 20) to (12, 24) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 20) to (16, 24) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 20) to (16, 24) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 20) to (20, 24) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 20) to (20, 24) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 20) to (24, 24) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 20) to (24, 24) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 20) to (28, 24) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 20) to (28, 24) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 20) to (32, 24) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 20) to (32, 24) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 24) to (4, 28) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 24) to (4, 28) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 24) to (8, 28) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 24) to (8, 28) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 24) to (12, 28) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 24) to (12, 28) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 24) to (16, 28) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 24) to (16, 28) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 24) to (20, 28) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 24) to (20, 28) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 24) to (24, 28) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 24) to (24, 28) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 24) to (28, 28) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 24) to (28, 28) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 24) to (32, 28) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 24) to (32, 28) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 28) to (4, 32) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(0, 28) to (4, 32) = (4x4)] render = 0.065 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 28) to (8, 32) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(4, 28) to (8, 32) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 28) to (12, 32) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(8, 28) to (12, 32) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 28) to (16, 32) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(12, 28) to (16, 32) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 28) to (20, 32) = (4x4)] setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(16, 28) to (20, 32) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 28) to (24, 32) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(20, 28) to (24, 32) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 28) to (28, 32) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(24, 28) to (28, 32) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 28) to (32, 32) = (4x4)] setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] source chunk=[(0, 0) to (4912, 3264) = (4912x3264)] interpolation chunk=[(28, 28) to (32, 32) = (4x4)] render = 0.064 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] normalization setup = 0.001 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] normalization render = 0.014 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] dest rgb disassembly setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] dest rgb disassembly render = 0.005 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] rgb readback = 0.01 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] dest alpha disassembly setup = 0 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] dest alpha disassembly render = 0.004 gpu dest chunk=[(1400, 0) to (2800, 1765) = (1400x1765)] alpha readback = 0.002 gpu destruct time = 0.007 gpu total time = 8.6 make: *** [dsc06392a0000.tif] Aborted make: *** Deleting file `dsc06392a0000.tif'