Hello Shakil! In fact, my first sentence is a little confusing. It's not a problem related to Acrobat Reader (A.R.), but initially I thought, that if you change the colour settings of HPLIP within A.R. (for example), HPLIP keeps these settings for all other apps. Now that I tried everything again, I found out that this is not true and that this was not the cause of the problem. But this does not mean that there is no problem. It's only more complicated. Ready? If you change to grey scale within HPILP one of the few programs which causes the problem directly is Word via Wine; obviously because Word/Wine uses the settings of HPLIP and you won't notice that, since there is no possibility to change these setting inside the printer dialogue of Word. Another program which respects the settings of HPLIP is Mozilla Firefox. If you change to grey scale inside HPLIP, Firefox will print grey scale causing the problem. If you tell Firefox to print in colours, it will do that correctly, but if you try to print another page out of Firefox it will have changed already back to grey scale. With GEdit it's exactly the same: I printed a file with the word "test" with the same result/problem. A.R. and OpenOffice, instead, seem to ignore the settings made via the HPLIP tray icon. Colour is chosen by default or, if not, you can choose "color" within the printer dialogue of A.R. and/or OpenOffice and both apps will print fine in colours and will keep these settings. But if you change there to grey scale you can cause the problem even with A.R. and OpenOffice. However, if you change to greyscale, there's a workaround to avoid the problem: If you tell HPLIP or the program you are printing with, that only the black cartridge is installed, it will print grey scale correctly (I didn't discover this last time!). After I found all this I tried to do what you ask me to do: First I made the hp-check-log (see below). Than I opened http://hplipopensource.com/node/225 and followed the instructions, but with no success. Here is what i have done in a Terminal: rennie@Riese:~$ # /etc/init.d/cups restart rennie@Riese:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart [sudo] password for rennie: sudo: /etc/init.d/cupsys: command not found rennie@Riese:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart sudo: /etc/init.d/cupsys: command not found rennie@Riese:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart sudo: /etc/init.d/cupsys: command not found rennie@Riese:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart * Restarting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd [ OK ] rennie@Riese:~$ tail -f /var/log/cups/error_log E [08/Oct/2009:13:53:41 +0200] Resume-Printer: Unauthorized After that the terminal window hangs. Do you now what's the problem? ============================================================================================================ HP CHECK LOG ============================================================================================================ hp-check[31644]: info: : Initializing. Please wait... Ubuntu 9.04 Scheduler wird ausgeführt 1.3.9 Linux Riese 2.6.31-02063101-generic #02063101 SMP Tue Sep 29 15:51:28 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :--------------- hp-check[31644]: info: :| SYSTEM INFO | hp-check[31644]: info: :--------------- hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Basic system information: hp-check[31644]: info: :Linux Riese 2.6.31-02063101-generic #02063101 SMP Tue Sep 29 15:51:28 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Distribution: hp-check[31644]: info: :ubuntu 9.04 hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking Python version... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, version 2.6.2 installed hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking PyQt 4.x version... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, version 4.4.4 installed. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for CUPS... hp-check[31644]: info: :Status: Scheduler wird ausgeführt hp-check[31644]: info: :Version: 1.3.9 hp-check[31644]: info: :error_log is set to level: warn hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dbus/python-dbus... hp-check[31644]: info: :dbus daemon is running. hp-check[31644]: info: :python-dbus version: 0.83.0 hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :------------------------------------ hp-check[31644]: info: :| COMPILE AND RUNTIME DEPENDENCIES | hp-check[31644]: info: :------------------------------------ hp-check[31644]: info: : note: To check for compile-time only dependencies, re-run hp-check with the -c parameter (ie, hp-check -c). note: To check for run-time only dependencies, re-run hp-check with the -r parameter (ie, hp-check -r). hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: CUPS - Common Unix Printing System... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: CUPS DDK - CUPS driver development kit... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: CUPS devel- Common Unix Printing System development files... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: CUPS image - CUPS image development files... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: DBus - Message bus system... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: gcc - GNU Project C and C++ Compiler... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: GhostScript - PostScript and PDF language interpreter and previewer... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: libcrypto - OpenSSL cryptographic library... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: libjpeg - JPEG library... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: libnetsnmp-devel - SNMP networking library development files... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: libpthread - POSIX threads library... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: libtool - Library building support services... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: libusb - USB library... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: make - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: PIL - Python Imaging Library (required for commandline scanning with hp-scan)... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: PolicyKit - Administrative policy framework... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: PyQt 4 DBus - DBus Support for PyQt4... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: Python DBus - Python bindings for DBus... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: Python devel - Python development files... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: Python libnotify - Python bindings for the libnotify Desktop notifications... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: Python XML libraries... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: Python 2.3 or greater - Required for fax functionality... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: Python 2.2 or greater - Python programming language... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: Reportlab - PDF library for Python... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: SANE - Scanning library... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: SANE - Scanning library development files... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: scanimage - Shell scanning program... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for dependency: xsane - Graphical scanner frontend for SANE... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :---------------------- hp-check[31644]: info: :| HPLIP INSTALLATION | hp-check[31644]: info: :---------------------- hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Currently installed HPLIP version... hp-check[31644]: info: :HPLIP 3.9.8 currently installed in '/usr/share/hplip'. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Current contents of '/etc/hp/hplip.conf' file: hp-check[31644]: info: :# hplip.conf. Generated from hplip.conf.in by configure. [hplip] version=3.9.8 [dirs] home=/usr/share/hplip run=/var/run ppd=/usr/share/ppd/HP ppdbase=/usr/share/ppd doc=/usr/share/doc/hplip-3.9.8 icon=/usr/share/applications cupsbackend=/usr/lib/cups/backend cupsfilter=/usr/lib/cups/filter drv=/usr/share/cups/drv/hp # Following values are determined at configure time and cannot be changed. [configure] network-build=yes pp-build=no gui-build=yes scanner-build=yes fax-build=yes dbus-build=yes cups11-build=no doc-build=yes shadow-build=no hpijs-install=no foomatic-drv-install=no foomatic-ppd-install=no foomatic-rip-hplip-install=no hpcups-install=yes cups-drv-install=yes cups-ppd-install=no internal-tag= restricted-build=no ui-toolkit=qt4 qt3=no qt4=yes policy-kit=yes hpijs-only-build=no lite-build=no udev-acl-rules=no hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Current contents of '/var/lib/hp/hplip.state' file: hp-check[31644]: info: :# hplip.state - HPLIP runtime persistent variables. [plugin] installed=0 eula=0 hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Current contents of '~/.hplip/hplip.conf' file: hp-check[31644]: info: :[last_used] printer_name = working_dir = . device_uri = "hp:/usb/DeskJet_845C?serial=TH17519CTWSX" [commands] scan = /usr/bin/xsane -V %SANE_URI% [installation] version = date_time = 08.10.2009 15:14:46 [settings] systray_messages = 0 systray_visible = 0 [fax] email_address = voice_phone = [refresh] rate = 30 enable = false type = 1 [polling] enable = false device_list = interval = 5 hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :-------------------------- hp-check[31644]: info: :| DISCOVERED USB DEVICES | hp-check[31644]: info: :-------------------------- hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: : Device URI Model hp-check[31644]: info: : -------------------------------- ---------------- hp-check[31644]: info: : hp:/usb/DeskJet_845C?serial=TH17 HP DeskJet 845C 519CTWSX hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :--------------------------------- hp-check[31644]: info: :| INSTALLED CUPS PRINTER QUEUES | hp-check[31644]: info: :--------------------------------- hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :DESKJET-845C hp-check[31644]: info: :------------ hp-check[31644]: info: :Type: Printer hp-check[31644]: info: :Device URI: hp:/usb/DeskJet_845C?serial=TH17519CTWSX hp-check[31644]: info: :PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/DESKJET-845C.ppd hp-check[31644]: info: :PPD Description: HP Deskjet 845c, hpcups 3.9.6b hp-check[31644]: info: :Printer status: Drucker DESKJET-845C ist inaktiv. Aktiviert seit Do 08 Okt 2009 15:11:39 CEST hp-check[31644]: info: :Communication status: Good hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Officejet-J6400-series hp-check[31644]: info: :---------------------- hp-check[31644]: info: :Type: Printer hp-check[31644]: info: :Device URI: hp:/usb/Officejet_J6400_series?serial=MY81F1914J056D hp-check[31644]: info: :PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/Officejet-J6400-series.ppd hp-check[31644]: info: :PPD Description: HP Officejet j6400 Series, hpcups 3.9.6b hp-check[31644]: info: :Printer status: Drucker Officejet-J6400-series deaktiviert seit Fr 17 Jul 2009 16:01:14 CEST - Unplugged or turned off error: Unable to communicate with device (code=12): hp:/usb/Officejet_J6400_series?serial=MY81F1914J056D error: Device not found error: Communication status: Failed hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :---------------------- hp-check[31644]: info: :| SANE CONFIGURATION | hp-check[31644]: info: :---------------------- hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :'hpaio' in '/etc/sane.d/dll.conf'... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. SANE backend 'hpaio' is properly set up. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking output of 'scanimage -L'... hp-check[31644]: info: :device `v4l:/dev/video0' is a Noname HP Webcam virtual device hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :--------------------- hp-check[31644]: info: :| PYTHON EXTENSIONS | hp-check[31644]: info: :--------------------- hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking 'cupsext' CUPS extension... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking 'pcardext' Photocard extension... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking 'hpmudext' I/O extension... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking 'scanext' SANE scanning extension... hp-check[31644]: info: :OK, found. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :----------------- hp-check[31644]: info: :| USB I/O SETUP | hp-check[31644]: info: :----------------- hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Checking for permissions of USB attached printers... hp-check[31644]: info: : HP Device 0x904 at 002:007: hp-check[31644]: info: : Device URI: hp:/usb/DeskJet_845C?serial=TH17519CTWSX hp-check[31644]: info: : Device node: /dev/bus/usb/002/007 hp-check[31644]: info: : Mode: 0660 hp-check[31644]: info: :getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names # file: dev/bus/usb/002/007 # owner: lp # group: lp user::rw- user:rennie:rw- group::rw- mask::rw- other::--- hp-check[31644]: info: : HP Device 0x171d at 002:002: warning: Device URI: (Makeuri FAILED) hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :--------------- hp-check[31644]: info: :| USER GROUPS | hp-check[31644]: info: :--------------- hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :rennie adm dialout cdrom plugdev fuse lpadmin admin sambashare hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :----------- hp-check[31644]: info: :| SUMMARY | hp-check[31644]: info: :----------- hp-check[31644]: info: : error: 1 error or warning. hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Please refer to the installation instructions at: hp-check[31644]: info: :http://hplip.sourceforge.net/install/index.html hp-check[31644]: info: : hp-check[31644]: info: :Done.