#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; #use Proc::Daemon; use Data::Dumper; use XML::Simple; use Sys::Syslog; use File::Temp; use POSIX; use Errno; use LWP; ### BEGIN CONFIG ### our $model = 'HP_LaserJet_M2727nf_MFP'; our $scanner = ''; our $hostid = ''; ## Max dest length is like 16 characters our %desttable = ( ## Flatbed scans (higher res) 'bed jpg @ 150' => { src => 'Flatbed', fmt => 'JPG', res => 150, }, 'bed jpg @ 300' => { src => 'Flatbed', fmt => 'JPG', res => 300, }, 'bed jpg @ 600' => { src => 'Flatbed', fmt => 'JPG', res => 600, }, 'bed jpg @ 1200' => { src => 'Flatbed', fmt => 'JPG', res => 1200, }, 'bed pdf @ 75' => { src => 'Flatbed', fmt => 'PDF', res => 75, }, 'bed pdf @ 150' => { src => 'Flatbed', fmt => 'PDF', res => 150, }, 'bed pdf @ 300' => { src => 'Flatbed', fmt => 'PDF', res => 300, }, 'bed pdf @ 600' => { src => 'Flatbed', fmt => 'PDF', res => 600, }, ## Simplex ADF scans (lower res) 'adf jpg @ 75' => { src => 'ADF', fmt => 'JPG', res => 75, }, 'adf jpg @ 150' => { src => 'ADF', fmt => 'JPG', res => 150, }, 'adf jpg @ 300' => { src => 'ADF', fmt => 'JPG', res => 300, }, 'adf pdf @ 75' => { src => 'ADF', fmt => 'PDF', res => 75, }, 'adf pdf @ 150' => { src => 'ADF', fmt => 'PDF', res => 150, }, 'adf pdf @ 300' => { src => 'ADF', fmt => 'PDF', res => 300, }, ## Duplex ADF scans (lower res) 'dpx jpg @ 75' => { src => 'Duplex', fmt => 'JPG', res => 75, }, 'dpx jpg @ 150' => { src => 'Duplex', fmt => 'JPG', res => 150, }, 'dpx jpg @ 300' => { src => 'Duplex', fmt => 'JPG', res => 300, }, 'dpx pdf @ 75' => { src => 'Duplex', fmt => 'PDF', res => 75, }, 'dpx pdf @ 150' => { src => 'Duplex', fmt => 'PDF', res => 150, }, 'dpx pdf @ 300' => { src => 'Duplex', fmt => 'PDF', res => 300, }, ); our $destpath = '/home/MOFFETT.HOME/shared/Shared Documents/Scans'; our $user = 10000; our $group = 10000; our $umask = 0007; #### END CONFIG #### ## URLs for use later my $url_notify = "http://$scanner/hp/device/notifications.xml"; my $url_dests = "http://$scanner/hp/device/info_scanto_destinations.xml"; my $url_config = "http://$scanner/hp/device/set_config.html"; ## First switch to the specified user and group unless (setgid $group) { print STDERR "setgid($group): $!\n"; exit 1; } unless (setuid $user) { print STDERR "setuid($user): $!\n"; exit 1; } ## Set up our HTTP client and XML parser my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $xml = XML::Simple->new; ## Open up syslog openlog 'hpscantod', 'ndelay,perror', 'LOCAL0'; ### ## Bunch of utility functions ### sub daemonize() { ## Create a pipe where we wait for our child process to be ready my($rd,$wr); unless (pipe $rd,$wr) { syslog('err', "pipe: $!"); exit 1; } ## Now create a child process and wait for it to be ready my $pid = fork; unless (defined $pid) { syslog('err', "fork: $!"); exit 1; } if ($pid) { close $wr; my $code = <$rd>; exit $code if defined $code and $code =~ /^\d+$/; exit 255; } close $rd; ## Reopen syslog inside the child process closelog; openlog 'hpscantod', 'ndelay', 'LOCAL0'; ## Now reopen stdin/stdout/stderr unless(open STDIN, '<', '/dev/null') { syslog('err', "/dev/null: $!"); exit 1; } unless(open STDOUT, '>', '/dev/null') { syslog('err', "/dev/null: $!"); exit 1; } unless(open STDERR, '>', '/dev/null') { syslog('err', "/dev/null: $!"); exit 1; } ## Now lose our controlling TTY... permanently... unless (POSIX::setsid) { syslog('err', "setsid: $!"); exit 1; } $pid = fork; unless (defined $pid) { syslog('err', "fork: $!"); exit 1; } exit 0 if $pid; ## Tell our parent we succeeded and continue on print $wr "0"; close $wr; } sub get_status () { my $resp = $ua->get($url_notify); unless ($resp->is_success) { printf STDERR "Unable to get notify status: %s\n", $resp->status_line; return undef; } unless ($resp->content_type eq "text/xml") { printf STDERR "Bad notify content type '%s', wanted '%s'\n", $resp->content_type, "text/xml"; return undef; } return $xml->parse_string($resp->content, SuppressEmpty => 1, ForceArray => 0, NoAttr => 1, GroupTags => { #ScanToDestinationList => 'ScanToDestination' }, KeyAttr => { #ScanToDestination => 'DeviceDisplay' }, ); } sub get_destinfo () { my $resp = $ua->get($url_dests); unless ($resp->is_success) { printf STDERR "Unable to get scanto list: %s\n", $resp->status_line; return undef; } unless ($resp->content_type eq "text/xml") { printf STDERR "Bad scanto content type '%s', wanted '%s'\n", $resp->content_type, "text/xml"; return undef; } return $xml->parse_string($resp->content, SuppressEmpty => 1, ForceArray => [qw(ScanToDestination)], NoAttr => 1, GroupTags => { ScanToDestinationList => 'ScanToDestination' }, KeyAttr => { ScanToDestination => 'DeviceDisplay' }, ); } sub add_dests ( @ ) { my $resp = $ua->post($url_config, [ map { 'AddScanToDest_'.($_+1) => $hostid.'^'.$_[$_].'^DestFolder', } 0 .. $#_ ]); unless ($resp->is_success) { printf STDERR "Unable to register destinations: %s\n", $resp->status_line; return undef; } ## Ignore the content result of that operation return 1; } sub del_dests ( @ ) { my $resp = $ua->post($url_config, [ map { 'RemoveScanToDest_'.($_+1) => $_[$_], } 0 .. $#_ ]); unless ($resp->is_success) { printf STDERR "Unable to register destinations: %s\n", $resp->status_line; return undef; } ## Ignore the content result of that operation return 1; } sub upd_dests () { my $destinfo = get_destinfo or return undef; #print Dumper($destinfo); #exit 0; my $destlist = $destinfo->{ScanToDestinationList} || {}; my %missing = %desttable; my %extra; DEST: for my $dest (keys %$destlist) { #print Dumper($destlist); next DEST unless $destlist->{$dest}{HostID} eq $hostid; delete $missing{$dest}; $extra{$dest} = 1 if not $desttable{$dest}; } if (%missing) { $destlist->{$_} and $extra{$_} = 1 for keys %desttable; } if (%extra) { syslog('info', "Removing destinations..."); syslog('info', " %s", $_) for sort keys %extra; del_dests sort keys %extra or return undef; } if (%missing) { syslog('info', "Adding destinations..."); syslog('info', " %s", $_) for sort keys %missing; add_dests sort keys %missing or return undef; } return 1; } unless(chdir $destpath) { syslog('err', "Unable to chdir to \"$destpath\": $!"); exit 1; } ## Detach from the terminal #daemonize; ## Set up a signal handler my $keepgoing = 1; sub cleanup() { syslog('info', "Got signal, gracefully shutting down..."); $keepgoing = 0; } sub reconfig() { syslog('info', "Got SIGHUP, nothing to reconfigure"); } $SIG{HUP} = \&reconfig; $SIG{INT} = \&cleanup; $SIG{QUIT} = \&cleanup; $SIG{TERM} = \&cleanup; $SIG{USR1} = \&cleanup; $SIG{USR2} = \&cleanup; sub scan_dest ( $$ ) { my($dest,$workdir) = @_; ## This is a godawful hacked up patch to the hplip sources... ## I should probably be shot for how bad this is... local $ENV{SANE_SCANID} = $dest; my @opts = qw( -p --mode Color ); push @opts, '-d', "hpaio:/net/".$model."?ip=".$scanner; push @opts, '--resolution', $desttable{$dest}{res}; push @opts, '--source', $desttable{$dest}{src}; push @opts, '--batch='.$workdir.'/scan-%08d.pnm'; push @opts, '--batch-count=1' if $desttable{$dest}{src} eq 'Flatbed'; syslog('info', "SCAN: %s", join ' ', @opts); if (system {'scanimage'} 'scanimage', @opts) { if ($? == -1) { syslog('err', "scanimage: $!"); } elsif ($? & 127) { syslog('err', "scanimage died with signal %d, ". "with%s coredump", ($? & 127), ($? & 128)?'':'out'); } else { syslog('err', "scanimage exited with code %d", ($? >> 8)); } return undef; } return 1; } sub conv_pdf ( $$@ ) { my($res,$finaldir,@files) = @_; my $destfile = "$finaldir/scan.pdf"; my @opts = ( '-density', $res, '--' ); if (system {'gm'} 'gm', 'convert', @opts, @files, $destfile) { if ($? == -1) { syslog('err', "gm convert: $!"); } elsif ($? & 127) { syslog('err', "gm convert died with signal %d, ". "with%s coredump", ($? & 127), ($? & 128)?'':'out'); } else { syslog('err', "gm convert exited with code %d", ($? >> 8)); } return undef; } return 1; } sub conv_jpg ( $$$ ) { my($res,$dstfile,$srcfile) = @_; my @opts = ( '-density', $res, '--' ); if (system {'gm'} 'gm', 'convert', @opts, $srcfile, $dstfile) { if ($? == -1) { syslog('err', "gm convert: $!"); } elsif ($? & 127) { syslog('err', "gm convert died with signal %d, ". "with%s coredump", ($? & 127), ($? & 128)?'':'out'); } else { syslog('err', "gm convert exited with code %d", ($? >> 8)); } return undef; } return 1; } my $prev_bad; while ($keepgoing) { unless (upd_dests) { syslog('err', "Sleeping 5 minutes and retrying..."); sleep 5 * 60; next; } ## Get the printer's button-status my $status = get_status; my $notify = $status->{ScanToNotifications} || {}; ## If they haven't picked a ScanTo option then just go around again unless ($notify->{ScanToHostID} and $notify->{ScanToDeviceDisplay}) { sleep 5; next; } print STDERR "Saw a ScanTo op:\n"; print STDERR Dumper($status); ## If they are scanning something that isn't for us then wait longer unless ($notify->{ScanToHostID} eq $hostid) { print STDERR "Isn't for us: ", $notify->{ScanToHostID}, " vs. ", $hostid, "\n"; sleep 30; next; } ## Make sure it exists in our destination table my $dest = $notify->{ScanToDeviceDisplay}; unless ($desttable{$dest}) { syslog('warning', "Unknown destination '%s'", $dest) unless $prev_bad and $dest eq $prev_bad; $prev_bad = $dest; sleep 5; next; } ## Create a temporary directory with the results of this scan my $workdir = File::Temp->newdir(".scanXXXXXXXX", DIR => $destpath); ## Ok, we've got it... so run the scan unless (scan_dest $dest, $workdir) { sleep 30; next; } ## Create a final directory for this scan's results my $fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'; my $dirprefix = $destpath."/".POSIX::strftime($fmt, localtime); my $dirsuffix = ""; my $iter = 0; until (mkdir $dirprefix.$dirsuffix) { unless ($!{EEXIST}) { syslog('err', "mkdir(\"%s\"): %s", $dirprefix.$dirsuffix, $!); sleep 5; next; } $dirsuffix = " (" . ++$iter . ")"; } my $finaldir = $dirprefix.$dirsuffix; ## Build a list of source files my $dirh; unless (opendir $dirh, $workdir) { syslog('err', "opendir(\"%s\"): %s", $workdir, $!); sleep 5; next; } my @files = sort {$a cmp $b} grep /^scan-\d{8}\.pnm$/, <$dirh>; ## If there are no files then we're done unless (@files) { syslog('warning', "Scan produced no files"); sleep 5; next; } my $res = $desttable{$dest}{res}; ## Handle according to image type if ($desttable{$dest}{fmt} eq 'PDF') { @files = map {"$workdir/$_"} @files; conv_pdf($res, $finaldir, @files); sleep 5; next; } if ($desttable{$dest}{fmt} eq 'JPG') { FILE: for my $file (@files) { my $srcfile = "$workdir/$file"; my $dstfile = "$finaldir/$file"; $dstfile =~ s/\.pnm$/.jpg/; conv_jpg($res, $dstfile, $srcfile); } sleep 5; next; } syslog('err', "Internal error, impossible condition!"); sleep 5; } syslog('info', "Ceasing operations..."); undef %desttable; upd_dests; syslog('info', "All resources released, exiting..."); exit 0;