Hello, Same problem here on debian stretch 9.5 (upgrade dist-upgrade OK) ./hplip-3.18.7.run Creating directory hplip-3.18.7 Verifying archive integrity... All good. ... error: debian-9.5 version is not supported, so all dependencies may not be installed. However trying to install using debian-9.4 version packages. RUNNING PRE-INSTALL COMMANDS ---------------------------- OK MISSING DEPENDENCIES -------------------- Following dependencies are not installed. HPLIP will not work if all REQUIRED dependencies are not installed and some of the HPLIP features will not work if OPTIONAL dependencies are not installed. Package-Name Component Required/Optional pyqt5-dbus gui_qt5 REQUIRED pyqt5 gui_qt5 REQUIRED Do you want to install these missing dependencies (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? INSTALL MISSING REQUIRED DEPENDENCIES ------------------------------------- note: Installation of dependencies requires an active internet connection. warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: pyqt5-dbus (PyQt 5 DBus - DBus Support for PyQt5) warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: pyqt5 (PyQt 5- Qt interface for Python (for Qt version 4.x)) CHECKING FOR NETWORK CONNECTION ------------------------------- Network connection present. RUNNING PRE-PACKAGE COMMANDS ---------------------------- su -c "dpkg --configure -a" (Pre-depend step 1) su -c "apt-get install -f" (Pre-depend step 2) su -c "apt-get update" (Pre-depend step 3) OK DEPENDENCY AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION ---------------------------------- Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y python-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5"' Please wait, this may take several minutes... Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y gtk2-engines-pixbuf"' Please wait, this may take several minutes... Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y python-pyqt5"' Please wait, this may take several minutes... error: A required dependency 'pyqt4-dbus (PyQt 4 DBus - DBus Support for PyQt4)' is still missing. error: A required dependency 'pyqt4 (PyQt 4- Qt interface for Python (for Qt version 4.x))' is still missing. RUNNING POST-PACKAGE COMMANDS ----------------------------- OK RE-CHECKING DEPENDENCIES ------------------------ error: A required dependency 'pyqt4-dbus (PyQt 4 DBus - DBus Support for PyQt4)' is still missing. error: A required dependency 'pyqt4 (PyQt 4- Qt interface for Python (for Qt version 4.x))' is still missing. error: Installation cannot continue without these dependencies. error: Please manually install this dependency and re-run this installer. However # dpkg --get-selections | grep qt4 | grep py python-qt4 install python-qt4-dbus install python-qt4-dev install python3-pyqt4 install # apt-cache policy python-qt4 python-qt4-dbus python-qt4: Installed: 4.11.4+dfsg-2+b1 Candidate: 4.11.4+dfsg-2+b1 Version table: *** 4.11.4+dfsg-2+b1 500 500 http://deb.debian.org/debian stretch/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status python-qt4-dbus: Installed: 4.11.4+dfsg-2+b1 Candidate: 4.11.4+dfsg-2+b1 Version table: *** 4.11.4+dfsg-2+b1 500 500 http://deb.debian.org/debian stretch/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status Any idea ? Regards Thanks PS hplip is great I have an older version running but no so happy with batch scan with an HP8715 and some other screen display bugs # apt-cache policy hplip hplip: Installed: 3.16.11+repack0-3 Candidate: 3.16.11+repack0-3 Version table: *** 3.16.11+repack0-3 500 500 http://deb.debian.org/debian stretch/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status