Well, I didn't find any differences among releases which might be critical. - nova-compute 16.0.4-0ubuntu1~cloud0 - libvirt-daemon 3.6.0-1ubuntu6.2~cloud0 - qemu-kvm 1:2.10+dfsg-0ubuntu3.4~cloud0 And still I'm not getting what's going wrong... Maybe I missed something, could you check my config, please? *compute* nova.conf [DEFAULT] instance_usage_audit_period = hour vif_plugging_is_fatal = False vif_plugging_timeout = 0 force_raw_images = true instances_path = /var/lib/nova/instances instance_usage_audit = True block_device_allocate_retries = 200 block_device_allocate_retries_interval = 3 my_ip = transport_url = rabbit://openstack:6bba27c4ae7411e7a3ca833899985ce3@control01:5672,openstack:6bba27c4ae7411e7a3ca833899985ce3@control02:5672 [api] auth_strategy = keystone [api_database] [barbican] [cache] memcache_servers = control01:11211,control02:11211 [cells] [cinder] os_region_name = RegionOne [compute] [conductor] [console] [consoleauth] [cors] [crypto] [database] [ephemeral_storage_encryption] [filter_scheduler] [glance] api_servers = http://control:9292 [guestfs] [healthcheck] [hyperv] [ironic] [key_manager] [keystone_authtoken] auth_uri = http://control:5000 region_name = RegionOne memcached_servers = control01:11211,control02:11211 auth_url = http://control:35357 project_domain_name = default user_domain_name = default project_name = service auth_type = password username = nova password = 4b0ade06afeb11e792290be7cec06e49 [libvirt] live_migration_inbound_addr = disk_cachemodes = "network=writeback" images_type = rbd images_rbd_pool = nova_pool images_rbd_ceph_conf = /etc/ceph/ceph_std1.conf hw_disk_discard = unmap rbd_user = cinder_std1 rbd_secret_uuid = 0db560bd-cb7d-495d-8759-e7212942e8cb [matchmaker_redis] [metrics] [mks] [neutron] url = http://control:9696 region_name = RegionOne service_metadata_proxy = true metadata_proxy_shared_secret = d282e034b4ca11e7b694af91a5b5367f auth_type = password auth_url = http://control:35357 project_name = service project_domain_name = default username = neutron user_domain_name = default password = 5e590ddcb4c511e7a7765b246550c69a [notifications] notify_on_state_change = vm_and_task_state [osapi_v21] [oslo_concurrency] lock_path = /var/lib/nova/tmp [oslo_messaging_amqp] [oslo_messaging_kafka] [oslo_messaging_notifications] driver = messagingv2 topics = notifications,watcher_notifications retry =-1 [oslo_messaging_rabbit] rabbit_retry_interval = 1 rabbit_retry_backoff = 2 rabbit_ha_queues = true [oslo_messaging_zmq] [oslo_middleware] [oslo_policy] [pci] [placement] os_region_name = RegionOne auth_type = password auth_url = http://control:35357/v3 project_name = service project_domain_name = default username = placement user_domain_name = default password = e7d9d0b8afee11e7a118779924174357 [quota] [rdp] [remote_debug] [scheduler] [serial_console] [service_user] [spice] [trusted_computing] [upgrade_levels] [vendordata_dynamic_auth] [vmware] vnc_port = 5900 [vnc] enabled = true vncserver_listen = vncserver_proxyclient_address = compute01 novncproxy_base_url = http://control:6080/vnc_auto.html novncproxy_host = compute01 [workarounds] [wsgi] [xenserver] [xvp] *compute* nova-compute.conf [DEFAULT] compute_driver=libvirt.LibvirtDriver [libvirt] virt_type=kvm I didn't make any changes in libvirtd.conf besides network connectivity controls.