Comment 2 for bug 297324

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markuz (markuz) wrote :

Hi. I've got nothing else besides the segmentation fault, nothing is prnted to the stdout or stderr.

The window does appear, then it fetch the data from the accounts and then before it can show anything it dies. When the only account enabled is the account gwibber let me see the updates once, but when it refresh it cash again.

using the command you ask me to run I see a white window and this is all I got in the shell:

markuz$ python -c 'import gtk, webkit; print webkit; w = gtk.Window();
> w.add(webkit.WebView()); w.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit);
> w.show_all(); gtk.main()'
<module 'webkit' from '/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/gtk-2.0/'>

Anything else where I can help please let me know.