Well, thank you for your instructive and constructive post here. The paper you reference seems interesting even tough I could not access the full version since I don't have a full access account on ACM, only a web account. I agree with you that spatial paradigm should not be a reason in itself and should be motivated. I also agree with the fact that efficiency with spatial organization degrades with an increasing number of resources. However, GTG is currently using a symbolic browsing behaviour since task browsing is possible through a list. In future versions, this list will even maybe be sorted by using other abstract information, like tags, specific time period (today, this next, sometimes), etc. This behaviour is here to stay. The only spatial resources in GTG would then be the task windows. As it is sound reasonable for me to suppose that only a few of them will be displayed simultaneously, implementing a fully spatial paradigm for them seems right in regard with the problem you mention. If I must display, say, three task windows simultaneously, the spatial approach would work and be useful since each of them would then also be additionally characterized by its position. Nevertheless, I do understand the desire to have a 1-window approach as it allows not to loose focus by switching alternatively between a task window and a list window. And using more windows sometimes does not ease focusing. However I am not convinced that the 3 vertical panes view would be the most practical approach since much of the space is then lost for displaying useless information when you focus on the content of the task. Not to mention the fact that it requires a large screen. Lionel and me already discussed possibilities of including more task-related information directly in the list of tasks. On the demand of the user (for instance, when an user selects a task), additional content could be displayed below its title. First attempts were not successful, and we decided to postpone this until we find something consistent and practical. Right now the partially spatial approach for tasks works reasonably well, so we'll stick to it and make it 100% spatial. As such, I'll mark this bug as wontfix, since we don't have time right now to make experiments on those aspects of the UI. If you, however, have additional ideas about this, feel free to add other mockups or even patches to this bug, since it any modifications will pop it back under our eyes. On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 5:15 PM, Duncan Lock