Got an automated reply with more info. Looks like the "cancel the old account to get a refund" part is entirely optional and not required for the transfer, which is nice since I would like to keep my account (it doesn't have any monthly or yearly costs). So once you've registered a new account, tell me the associated email and I'll reply to that email to initiate the transfer process replying to that email. ============================= Thank you for contacting us. So we may assist you with your account, please reply to this email with the information requested below. Once an account is created, we cannot change the email address or country for your account. However, we can transfer your apps to a new Google Account (with a different email address), and refund the registration fee after you’ve canceled the old account: 1. Edit your current account name. If you’d like to continue to use your developer name with a new account, you will need to change your current name in order to free it up for the new account. For example, name the old account “DeveloperName-OLD,” so you can use "DeveloperName" in your new account. Save your settings. 2. Create a second Google Account (with a different email address). After you’ve created the second account and the corresponding Google Checkout Merchant account (if you want to sell applications), please select the appropriate country. 3. After you've registered the newly created Google Account with Android Market, we can transfer your existing applications to your new account (if applicable). To do this, please respond to this message including the following information: - What you are changing. E.g. email address, country, or ownership of your developer account. - The apps you would like to transfer to the new account (please provide the package name). - The sign-in email address of the new developer account. (We will verify ownership at this address). - Please let us know if you would like us to cancel and refund the old account. 4. Please note that we cannot transfer applications until the new account has been created, validated, and the registration fee has been purchased. We are able to cancel your original account and refund the registration fee. Once the refund is processed, you will no longer be able to sign in to the Android Market Developer Console with that account. ==================== On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 1:30 PM, Juanjo Alvarez