Patch attachments

Order by: 
Bug Importance Status Patch Age
Bug #1990157: OSSN-0090: Malicious image data modification can happen when using COW Critical New 121 weeks
Bug #1916482: rbd.IncompleteWriteError: RBD incomplete write (Wrote only 8388608 out of 8394566 bytes) since Victoria Upgrade, ceph v nautilus Undecided Confirmed 123 weeks
Bug #1546507: Regular user in non-default non-recommended configuration can delete any image file Critical Confirmed 402 weeks
Bug #968696: "admin"-ness not properly scoped High In Progress 414 weeks
Bug #1522524: User can delete deactivated images Wishlist In Progress 479 weeks
Bug #1438316: Glance does not notify systemd when the services are up. Undecided In Progress 515 weeks
16 of 6 results