2016-05-13 23:11:01,144 - WARNING __init__.py:27 -- /home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/glanceclient/openstack/common/_i18n.py:20: DeprecationWarning: The oslo namespace package is deprecated. Please use oslo_i18n instead. import oslo.i18n 2016-05-13 23:11:39,616 - DEBUG suite.py:417 -- Create suite for [] 2016-05-13 23:11:39,616 - DEBUG suite.py:419 -- tests [] context None 2016-05-13 23:11:39,616 - DEBUG suite.py:538 -- wrap [] 2016-05-13 23:11:39,616 - DEBUG suite.py:147 -- Context suite for [] (None) (140200815858704) 2016-05-13 23:12:18,208 - DEBUG suite.py:417 -- Create suite for [] 2016-05-13 23:12:18,208 - DEBUG suite.py:419 -- tests [] context None 2016-05-13 23:12:18,209 - DEBUG suite.py:538 -- wrap [] 2016-05-13 23:12:18,209 - DEBUG suite.py:147 -- Context suite for [] (None) (140200808035728) 2016-05-13 23:12:18,235 - INFO actions_base.py:75 -- <<< ====================================================[ START Fuel master migration to VM ]===================================================== >>> Configuration: 1 Controller, 1 Compute on Neutron/VLAN Scenario: 0. Setup master node 1. Configuration releases 2. Bootstrap slave and make snapshot 3. Revert bootstrapped nodes 4. Create Fuel Environment 5. Add nodes to environment 6. Run network checker 7. Deploy environment 8. Run network checker 9. Migrate Fuel Master to a compute 10. Check periodically the status of Fuel Master migration process 11. Check that containers are up and running 12. Run network checker 13. Run health checker Duration 180m 2016-05-13 23:12:18,235 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< ----------------------------------------------------[ START Step 000. Setup master node ]----------------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-13 23:12:18,235 - WARNING environment.py:61 -- /home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/fuelweb_test/models/environment.py:61: DeprecationWarning: object() takes no parameters cls, *args, **kwargs) 2016-05-13 23:12:18,236 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:43 -- SSH_MANAGER: Run constructor SSHManager 2016-05-13 23:12:18,236 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_admin_node_ip with args: ([(0x7f83095bc750), ip:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:12:34,647 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_admin_node_ip with result: 2016-05-13 23:12:51,028 - INFO environment.py:466 -- Waiting for admin node to start up 2016-05-13 23:12:51,031 - INFO environment.py:468 -- Proceed with installation 2016-05-13 23:12:55,479 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: wait_for_provisioning with args: ([(0x7f83095bc750), ip:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:20:03,752 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: wait_for_provisioning with result: None 2016-05-13 23:20:03,752 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:92 -- SSH_MANAGER:Create new connection for 2016-05-13 23:20:03,753 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:20:03,764 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-13 23:20:03,902 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-13 23:20:03,941 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-13 23:20:03,941 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:20:03,941 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:20:03,942 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:20:03,962 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'date' 2016-05-13 23:20:04,052 - DEBUG environment.py:388 -- Accessing admin node using SSH: SUCCESS 2016-05-13 23:20:04,053 - INFO environment.py:414 -- Admin node login name: 'root' , password: 'r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:20:04,053 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: wait_for_external_config with args: ([(0x7f83095bc750), ip:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:20:04,053 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:20:04,053 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:20:04,054 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:20:04,139 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'pkill -0 -f wait_for_external_config' 2016-05-13 23:20:04,237 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: wait_for_external_config with result: None 2016-05-13 23:20:04,240 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: modify_configs with args: ([(0x7f83093cc350), container:None], '') {} 2016-05-13 23:20:04,240 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:20:04,240 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:20:04,240 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:20:04,327 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cat /etc/fuel/astute.yaml' 2016-05-13 23:20:04,442 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:20:04,442 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:20:04,442 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:20:04,481 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpdate -p 4 -t 0.2 -ub' 2016-05-13 23:20:10,671 - INFO fuel_actions.py:318 -- Switching NTPD on the Fuel admin node to use as the time source. 2016-05-13 23:20:10,672 - DEBUG replace_repos.py:25 -- Adding new mirrors: 'deb http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249 trusty main universe multiverse|deb http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249 trusty-updates main universe multiverse|deb http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249 trusty-security main universe multiverse' 2016-05-13 23:20:10,675 - DEBUG replace_repos.py:34 -- Removing mirror: 'ubuntu http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu' 2016-05-13 23:20:10,676 - DEBUG replace_repos.py:34 -- Removing mirror: 'ubuntu-updates http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu' 2016-05-13 23:20:10,676 - DEBUG replace_repos.py:34 -- Removing mirror: 'ubuntu-security http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu' 2016-05-13 23:20:10,676 - INFO fuel_actions.py:332 -- Replace default Ubuntu mirror URL for bootstrap image in Fuel settings 2016-05-13 23:20:10,690 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:20:10,691 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:20:10,691 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:20:10,746 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'echo '"ADMIN_NETWORK": "cidr": "" "dhcp_gateway": "" "dhcp_pool_end": "" "dhcp_pool_start": "" "interface": "enp0s3" "ipaddress": "" "mac": "64:68:ef:f8:d5:50" "netmask": "" "size": "256" "BOOTSTRAP": "flavor": "ubuntu" "http_proxy": "" "https_proxy": "" "repos": - "name": "ubuntu-0" "priority": !!int "1001" "section": "main universe multiverse" "suite": "trusty" "type": "deb" "uri": "http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249" - "name": "ubuntu-1" "priority": !!int "1001" "section": "main universe multiverse" "suite": "trusty-updates" "type": "deb" "uri": "http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249" - "name": "ubuntu-2" "priority": !!int "1001" "section": "main universe multiverse" "suite": "trusty-security" "type": "deb" "uri": "http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249" - "name": "mos" "priority": !!int "1050" "section": "main restricted" "suite": "mos8.0" "type": "deb" "uri": "" - "name": "mos-holdback" "priority": !!int "1100" "section": "main restricted" "suite": "mos8.0-holdback" "type": "deb" "uri": "http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0" - "name": "mos-updates" "priority": !!int "1050" "section": "main restricted" "suite": "mos8.0-updates" "type": "deb" "uri": "http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest" - "name": "mos-security" "priority": !!int "1050" "section": "main restricted" "suite": "mos8.0-security" "type": "deb" "uri": "http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest" "DNS_DOMAIN": "test.domain.local" "DNS_SEARCH": "test.domain.local" "DNS_UPSTREAM": "" "FEATURE_GROUPS": - "mirantis" "FUEL_ACCESS": "password": "admin" "user": "admin" "HOSTNAME": "nailgun" "NTP1": "" "PRODUCTION": "docker" "astute": "password": "iXnNjBCl" "user": "naily" "cobbler": "password": "NE5erCpR" "user": "cobbler" "keystone": "admin_token": "hN5m7JDf" "monitord_password": "DcBKzcX1" "monitord_user": "monitord" "nailgun_password": "Jx15I0bl" "nailgun_user": "nailgun" "ostf_password": "uZoduq7m" "ostf_user": "ostf" "mcollective": "password": "FRlIgQEt" "user": "mcollective" "postgres": "keystone_dbname": "keystone" "keystone_password": "XJWJrfdj" "keystone_user": "keystone" "nailgun_dbname": "nailgun" "nailgun_password": "yGCyIlZP" "nailgun_user": "nailgun" "ostf_dbname": "ostf" "ostf_password": "FX54IJwP" "ostf_user": "ostf" ' > /etc/fuel/astute.yaml' 2016-05-13 23:20:10,833 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: modify_configs with result: None 2016-05-13 23:20:10,833 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: kill_wait_for_external_config with args: ([(0x7f83095bc750), ip:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:20:10,833 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:20:10,833 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:20:10,833 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:20:10,918 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'pkill -f "^wait_for_external_config"' 2016-05-13 23:20:11,006 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:20:11,007 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:20:11,007 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:20:11,097 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'pkill -0 -f "^wait_for_external_config"; [[ $? -eq 1 ]]' 2016-05-13 23:20:11,187 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: kill_wait_for_external_config with result: None 2016-05-13 23:20:11,187 - INFO environment.py:578 -- Waiting while bootstrapping is in progress 2016-05-13 23:20:11,187 - INFO environment.py:581 -- Puppet timeout set in 6000.0 2016-05-13 23:20:11,199 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:20:11,210 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-13 23:20:11,302 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-13 23:20:11,362 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-13 23:20:11,362 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:20:16,386 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:20:21,414 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:20:26,449 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:20:31,469 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:20:36,530 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:20:41,565 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:20:46,634 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:20:51,667 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:20:56,698 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:21:01,745 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:21:06,780 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:21:11,815 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:21:16,846 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:21:21,878 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:21:26,910 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:21:31,954 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:21:36,985 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:21:42,018 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:21:47,056 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:21:52,083 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:21:57,112 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:22:02,205 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:22:07,233 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:22:12,262 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:22:17,291 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:22:22,329 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:22:27,373 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:22:32,401 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:22:37,430 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:22:42,462 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:22:47,494 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:22:52,522 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:22:57,549 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:23:02,573 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:23:07,605 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:23:12,632 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:23:17,661 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:23:22,685 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:23:27,710 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:23:32,746 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:23:37,772 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:23:42,805 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:23:47,843 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:23:52,880 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:23:57,912 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:24:02,933 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:24:07,967 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:24:13,000 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:24:18,025 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:24:23,054 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:24:28,090 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:24:33,120 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:24:38,144 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:24:43,190 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:24:48,218 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:24:53,242 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:24:58,271 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:25:03,292 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:25:08,316 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:25:13,340 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:25:18,364 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:25:23,399 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:25:28,438 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:25:33,469 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:25:38,527 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:25:43,558 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:25:48,619 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:25:53,646 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:25:58,671 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:26:03,695 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:26:08,819 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:26:13,899 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:26:18,992 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:26:24,024 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:26:29,054 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:26:34,080 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:26:39,111 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:26:44,146 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:26:49,170 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:26:54,203 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:26:59,230 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:27:04,253 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:27:09,285 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:27:14,309 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:27:19,436 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:27:24,465 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:27:29,521 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:27:34,548 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:27:39,573 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:27:44,606 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:27:49,635 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:27:54,675 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:27:59,699 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:28:04,726 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:28:09,757 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:28:14,800 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:28:19,824 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:28:24,846 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:28:29,875 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:28:34,901 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:28:39,996 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:28:45,024 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:28:50,055 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:28:55,082 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:29:00,114 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:29:05,143 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:29:10,163 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:29:15,190 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:29:20,214 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:29:25,243 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:29:30,278 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:29:35,310 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:29:40,342 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:29:45,366 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:29:50,390 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:29:55,424 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:30:00,454 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:30:05,481 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:30:10,506 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:30:15,540 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:30:20,597 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:30:25,621 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:30:30,646 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:30:35,683 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:30:40,712 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:30:45,746 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:30:50,785 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:30:55,814 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:31:00,848 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:31:05,881 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:31:10,915 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:31:15,949 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:31:20,980 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:31:26,014 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:31:31,062 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:31:36,095 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:31:41,125 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:31:46,179 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:31:51,208 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:31:56,247 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:32:01,283 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:32:06,312 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:32:11,340 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:32:16,378 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:32:21,404 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:32:26,432 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:32:31,458 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:32:36,480 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:32:41,503 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:32:46,535 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:32:51,562 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:32:56,586 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:33:01,609 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:33:06,633 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:33:11,655 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:33:16,685 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:33:21,830 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:33:27,069 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:33:32,277 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:33:37,520 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:33:42,742 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:33:48,000 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:33:53,263 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:33:58,494 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:34:03,752 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:34:08,955 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:34:14,156 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:34:19,420 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:34:24,600 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:34:29,749 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:34:34,912 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:34:40,024 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:34:45,204 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:34:50,327 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:34:55,489 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:35:00,608 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:35:05,809 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:35:11,056 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:35:16,173 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:35:21,414 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:35:26,508 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:35:31,695 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:35:36,931 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:35:42,123 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:35:47,362 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:35:52,546 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:35:57,693 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:36:02,889 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:36:08,064 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:36:13,280 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:36:18,510 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:36:23,536 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:36:28,561 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:36:33,588 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:36:38,615 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:36:43,641 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:36:48,674 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:36:53,711 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:36:58,741 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:37:03,775 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:37:08,802 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:37:13,841 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:37:18,889 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:37:18,920 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Fuel node deployment complete' '/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log'' 2016-05-13 23:37:19,009 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-13 23:37:19,073 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:37:19,074 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:37:19,074 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:37:19,100 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cat /etc/fuel/astute.yaml' 2016-05-13 23:37:19,211 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:37:19,211 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:37:19,212 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:37:19,266 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'fuel-bootstrap --quiet list' 2016-05-13 23:37:30,831 - INFO nailgun_client.py:28 -- Initiate Nailgun client with url 2016-05-13 23:37:30,831 - INFO http.py:28 -- Initiate HTTPClient with url 2016-05-13 23:37:30,832 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_releases with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:37:30,839 - WARNING http.py:95 -- Authorization failure: Authentication required 2016-05-13 23:37:30,839 - INFO http.py:38 -- Initialize keystoneclient with url 2016-05-13 23:37:30,840 - WARNING client.py:156 -- /home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/v2_0/client.py:156: DeprecationWarning: Constructing an instance of the keystoneclient.v2_0.client.Client class without a session is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. 'the 2.0.0 release.', DeprecationWarning) 2016-05-13 23:37:30,840 - WARNING _utils.py:61 -- /home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/v2_0/client.py:158: DeprecationWarning: Using the 'tenant_name' argument is deprecated in version '1.7.0' and will be removed in version '2.0.0', please use the 'project_name' argument instead super(Client, self).__init__(**kwargs) 2016-05-13 23:37:30,841 - WARNING httpclient.py:371 -- /home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/httpclient.py:371: DeprecationWarning: Constructing an HTTPClient instance without using a session is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. 'the 2.0.0 release.', DeprecationWarning) 2016-05-13 23:37:30,842 - WARNING session.py:140 -- /home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/session.py:140: DeprecationWarning: keystoneclient.session.Session is deprecated as of the 2.1.0 release in favor of keystoneauth1.session.Session. It will be removed in future releases. DeprecationWarning) 2016-05-13 23:37:30,843 - WARNING base.py:56 -- /home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/base.py:56: DeprecationWarning: keystoneclient auth plugins are deprecated as of the 2.1.0 release in favor of keystoneauth1 plugins. They will be removed in future releases. 'in future releases.', DeprecationWarning) 2016-05-13 23:37:30,843 - DEBUG v2.py:87 -- Making authentication request to 2016-05-13 23:37:30,918 - DEBUG v2.py:87 -- Making authentication request to 2016-05-13 23:37:30,987 - DEBUG http.py:44 -- Authorization token is successfully updated 2016-05-13 23:37:30,988 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:37:31,072 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_releases with result: [{u'operating_system': u'Ubuntu', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using Ubuntu as a base operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': True, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'available', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 2, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'installer_kernel': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/linux', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'}, u'installer_initrd': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/initrd.gz', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz'}}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}, u'codename': u'trusty'}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'ubuntu_1404_x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'weight': 60, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'weight': 50, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'value': True, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', u'priority': None, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-updates', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', u'priority': None, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-security', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', u'priority': None, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/x86_64', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/auxiliary', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'weight': 30, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'weight': 80, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'weight': 75, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'value': False, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'weight': 30, u'value': u'tcp', u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'enabled': False, u'group': u'logging', u'toggleable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'weight': 30, u'value': False}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'type': u'radio', u'weight': 60, u'value': u'disabled', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'value': False, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'12000', u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04'}, {u'operating_system': u'CentOS', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using a CentOS based operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': False, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'unavailable', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 1, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'centos-x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'weight': 60, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'weight': 50, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'value': True, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'To create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-package-updates --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/reference-architecture.html#fuel-rep-mirror).\n', u'value': [{u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/x86_64'}, {u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-updates', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos{cluster.release.environment_version}-centos7-fuel/updates/x86_64'}, {u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-security', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos{cluster.release.environment_version}-centos7-fuel/security/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 15, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/auxiliary'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'weight': 30, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'weight': 80, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'weight': 75, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'value': False, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'weight': 30, u'value': u'tcp', u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'enabled': False, u'group': u'logging', u'toggleable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'weight': 30, u'value': False}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'type': u'radio', u'weight': 60, u'value': u'disabled', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'use_fedora_lt': {u'kernel': {u'values': [{u'data': u'default_kernel', u'description': u'Install default 2.6.32 kernel.', u'label': u'CentOS default kernel'}, {u'data': u'fedora_lt_kernel', u'description': u'EXPERIMENTAL: Install the Fedora 3.10 longterm kernel instead of the default 2.6.32 kernel. This kernel may not work with all hardware platforms, use with caution.', u'label': u'Fedora LT kernel'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'default_kernel', u'weight': 55, u'label': u'Select kernel'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Use Fedora longterm kernel'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'value': False, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 biosdevname=0 crashkernel=none rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'12000', u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on CentOS 6.5'}] 2016-05-13 23:37:31,073 - INFO environment.py:148 -- Please wait while time on nodes: admin will be synchronized 2016-05-13 23:37:31,091 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:37:31,104 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-13 23:37:31,209 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-13 23:37:31,258 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-13 23:37:31,258 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ps -C pacemakerd && crm_resource --resource p_ntp --locate' 2016-05-13 23:37:31,302 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'systemctl list-unit-files| grep ntpd' 2016-05-13 23:37:31,586 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'awk '/^server/ && $2 !~ /127.*/ {print $2}' /etc/ntp.conf' 2016-05-13 23:37:31,679 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'systemctl stop ntpd' 2016-05-13 23:37:31,778 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpdate -p 4 -t 0.2 -bu' 2016-05-13 23:37:37,973 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'hwclock -w' 2016-05-13 23:37:39,502 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'systemctl start ntpd' 2016-05-13 23:37:39,599 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpq -pn' 2016-05-13 23:37:47,700 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpq -pn' 2016-05-13 23:37:55,743 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpq -pn' 2016-05-13 23:37:55,778 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'date' 2016-05-13 23:37:55,871 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-13 23:37:55,935 - INFO environment.py:152 -- New time on 'admin' = Fri May 13 23:37:55 UTC 2016 2016-05-13 23:37:55,935 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:37:55,935 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:37:55,935 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:37:55,963 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'echo -e '[temporary-0] name=temporary-0 baseurl=http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/updates-latest/x86_64/ gpgcheck=0 priority=1' > /etc/yum.repos.d/temporary-0.repo' 2016-05-13 23:37:56,050 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:37:56,050 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:37:56,050 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:37:56,142 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'echo -e '[temporary-1] name=temporary-1 baseurl=http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/security-latest/x86_64/ gpgcheck=0 priority=1' > /etc/yum.repos.d/temporary-1.repo' 2016-05-13 23:37:56,228 - INFO environment.py:679 -- Searching for updates.. 2016-05-13 23:37:56,228 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:37:56,228 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:37:56,228 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:37:56,312 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'yum clean expire-cache; yum update -y' 2016-05-13 23:38:55,112 - INFO environment.py:688 -- Result of "yum clean expire-cache; yum update -y" command on master node: {'exit_code': 0, 'stderr': [], 'stdout': ['Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities\n', 'Cleaning repos: 8.0_auxiliary mos mos8.0-security mos8.0-updates nailgun\n', ' : temporary-0 temporary-1\n', '5 metadata files removed\n', 'Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities\n', 'Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile\n', '214 packages excluded due to repository priority protections\n', 'Resolving Dependencies\n', '--> Running transaction check\n', '---> Package fuel.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos6270 will be updated\n', '---> Package fuel.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos6275 will be an update\n', '---> Package fuel-bootstrap-image.noarch 0:8.0.0-1 will be updated\n', '---> Package fuel-bootstrap-image.noarch 0:8.0.0-5 will be an update\n', '---> Package fuel-docker-images.x86_64 0:8.0.0-1 will be updated\n', '---> Package fuel-docker-images.x86_64 0:8.0.0-5 will be an update\n', '---> Package fuel-dockerctl.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos7799 will be updated\n', '---> Package fuel-dockerctl.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos7801 will be an update\n', '---> Package fuel-library8.0.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos7799 will be updated\n', '---> Package fuel-library8.0.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos7801 will be an update\n', '---> Package fuel-migrate.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos7799 will be updated\n', '---> Package fuel-migrate.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos7801 will be an update\n', '---> Package fuel-mirror.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos111 will be updated\n', '---> Package fuel-mirror.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos125 will be an update\n', '---> Package fuel-misc.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos7799 will be updated\n', '---> Package fuel-misc.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos7801 will be an update\n', '---> Package fuel-notify.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos7799 will be updated\n', '---> Package fuel-notify.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos7801 will be an update\n', '---> Package fuel-release.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos6270 will be updated\n', '---> Package fuel-release.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos6275 will be an update\n', '---> Package python-keystoneclient.noarch 1:1.7.2-3.el7~mos4 will be updated\n', '---> Package python-keystoneclient.noarch 1:1.7.4-3.el7~mos0 will be an update\n', '---> Package python-packetary.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos111 will be updated\n', '---> Package python-packetary.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos125 will be an update\n', '--> Finished Dependency Resolution\n', '\n', 'Dependencies Resolved\n', '\n', '================================================================================\n', ' Package Arch Version Repository Size\n', '================================================================================\n', 'Updating:\n', ' fuel noarch 8.0.0-1.mos6275 temporary-0 3.1 k\n', ' fuel-bootstrap-image noarch 8.0.0-5 temporary-0 182 M\n', ' fuel-docker-images x86_64 8.0.0-5 temporary-0 302 M\n', ' fuel-dockerctl noarch 8.0.0-1.mos7801 temporary-0 16 k\n', ' fuel-library8.0 noarch 8.0.0-1.mos7801 temporary-0 1.8 M\n', ' fuel-migrate noarch 8.0.0-1.mos7801 temporary-0 10 k\n', ' fuel-mirror noarch 8.0.0-1.mos125 temporary-0 36 k\n', ' fuel-misc noarch 8.0.0-1.mos7801 temporary-0 6.2 k\n', ' fuel-notify noarch 8.0.0-1.mos7801 temporary-0 5.4 k\n', ' fuel-release noarch 8.0.0-1.mos6275 temporary-0 3.4 k\n', ' python-keystoneclient noarch 1:1.7.4-3.el7~mos0 temporary-0 600 k\n', ' python-packetary noarch 8.0.0-1.mos125 temporary-0 106 k\n', '\n', 'Transaction Summary\n', '================================================================================\n', 'Upgrade 12 Packages\n', '\n', 'Total download size: 487 M\n', 'Downloading packages:\n', 'No Presto metadata available for temporary-0\n', '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n', 'Total 33 MB/s | 487 MB 00:14 \n', 'Running transaction check\n', 'Running transaction test\n', 'Transaction test succeeded\n', 'Running transaction\n', ' Updating : fuel-bootstrap-image-8.0.0-5.noarch 1/24 \n', ' Updating : python-packetary-8.0.0-1.mos125.noarch 2/24 \n', ' Updating : fuel-mirror-8.0.0-1.mos125.noarch 3/24 \n', ' Updating : fuel-release-8.0.0-1.mos6275.noarch 4/24 \n', ' Updating : fuel-dockerctl-8.0.0-1.mos7801.noarch 5/24 \n', ' Updating : fuel-misc-8.0.0-1.mos7801.noarch 6/24 \n', ' Updating : fuel-library8.0-8.0.0-1.mos7801.noarch 7/24 \n', 'Deployment tasks synchronized for release Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04 of version liberty-8.0\n', 'Deployment tasks synchronized for release Liberty on CentOS 6.5 of version liberty-8.0\n', ' Updating : fuel-docker-images-8.0.0-5.x86_64 8/24 \n', 'Output filename is: /var/www/nailgun/docker/images/fuel-images.tar\n', 'Decompressing...\n', ' 10% 142.57 / 1425.66 MB\r 20% 285.13 / 1425.66 MB\r 30% 427.70 / 1425.66 MB\r 40% 570.28 / 1425.66 MB\r 50% 712.83 / 1425.66 MB\r 60% 855.42 / 1425.66 MB\r 70% 998.01 / 1425.66 MB\r 80% 1140.54 / 1425.66 MB\r 90% 1283.14 / 1425.66 MB\r100% 1425.66 / 1425.66 MB\r\n', 'Average DeCompression Speed: 61.957MB/s\n', '\rOutput filename is: /var/www/nailgun/docker/images/fuel-images.tar: [OK] - 1494916608 bytes \n', 'Total time: 00:00:23.36\n', ' Updating : fuel-8.0.0-1.mos6275.noarch 9/24 \n', ' Updating : fuel-migrate-8.0.0-1.mos7801.noarch 10/24 \n', ' Updating : 1:python-keystoneclient-1.7.4-3.el7~mos0.noarch 11/24 \n', ' Updating : fuel-notify-8.0.0-1.mos7801.noarch 12/24 \n', ' Cleanup : fuel-8.0.0-1.mos6270.noarch 13/24 \n', ' Cleanup : fuel-library8.0-8.0.0-1.mos7799.noarch 14/24 \n', ' Cleanup : fuel-mirror-8.0.0-1.mos111.noarch 15/24 \n', ' Cleanup : python-packetary-8.0.0-1.mos111.noarch 16/24 \n', ' Cleanup : fuel-misc-8.0.0-1.mos7799.noarch 17/24 \n', ' Cleanup : fuel-bootstrap-image-8.0.0-1.noarch 18/24 \n', ' Cleanup : fuel-dockerctl-8.0.0-1.mos7799.noarch 19/24 \n', ' Cleanup : fuel-docker-images-8.0.0-1.x86_64 20/24 \n', ' Cleanup : fuel-release-8.0.0-1.mos6270.noarch 21/24 \n', ' Cleanup : fuel-migrate-8.0.0-1.mos7799.noarch 22/24 \n', ' Cleanup : 1:python-keystoneclient-1.7.2-3.el7~mos4.noarch 23/24 \n', ' Cleanup : fuel-notify-8.0.0-1.mos7799.noarch 24/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-notify-8.0.0-1.mos7801.noarch 1/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-docker-images-8.0.0-5.x86_64 2/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-misc-8.0.0-1.mos7801.noarch 3/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-dockerctl-8.0.0-1.mos7801.noarch 4/24 \n', ' Verifying : 1:python-keystoneclient-1.7.4-3.el7~mos0.noarch 5/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-migrate-8.0.0-1.mos7801.noarch 6/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-mirror-8.0.0-1.mos125.noarch 7/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-8.0.0-1.mos6275.noarch 8/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-release-8.0.0-1.mos6275.noarch 9/24 \n', ' Verifying : python-packetary-8.0.0-1.mos125.noarch 10/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-library8.0-8.0.0-1.mos7801.noarch 11/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-bootstrap-image-8.0.0-5.noarch 12/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-notify-8.0.0-1.mos7799.noarch 13/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-dockerctl-8.0.0-1.mos7799.noarch 14/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-docker-images-8.0.0-1.x86_64 15/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-8.0.0-1.mos6270.noarch 16/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-library8.0-8.0.0-1.mos7799.noarch 17/24 \n', ' Verifying : 1:python-keystoneclient-1.7.2-3.el7~mos4.noarch 18/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-migrate-8.0.0-1.mos7799.noarch 19/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-bootstrap-image-8.0.0-1.noarch 20/24 \n', ' Verifying : python-packetary-8.0.0-1.mos111.noarch 21/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-mirror-8.0.0-1.mos111.noarch 22/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-release-8.0.0-1.mos6270.noarch 23/24 \n', ' Verifying : fuel-misc-8.0.0-1.mos7799.noarch 24/24 \n', '\n', 'Updated:\n', ' fuel.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos6275 \n', ' fuel-bootstrap-image.noarch 0:8.0.0-5 \n', ' fuel-docker-images.x86_64 0:8.0.0-5 \n', ' fuel-dockerctl.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos7801 \n', ' fuel-library8.0.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos7801 \n', ' fuel-migrate.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos7801 \n', ' fuel-mirror.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos125 \n', ' fuel-misc.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos7801 \n', ' fuel-notify.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos7801 \n', ' fuel-release.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos6275 \n', ' python-keystoneclient.noarch 1:1.7.4-3.el7~mos0 \n', ' python-packetary.noarch 0:8.0.0-1.mos125 \n', '\n', 'Complete!\n']} 2016-05-13 23:38:55,113 - INFO environment.py:707 -- 12 packet(s) were updated 2016-05-13 23:38:55,113 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:38:55,113 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:38:55,113 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:38:55,557 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'docker load -i /var/www/nailgun/docker/images/fuel-images.tar ; dockerctl destroy all ; dockerctl start all ; fuel release --sync-deployment-tasks --dir /etc/puppet/ --user=admin --password=admin' 2016-05-13 23:50:26,296 - INFO environment.py:723 -- Result of "docker load -i /var/www/nailgun/docker/images/fuel-images.tar ; dockerctl destroy all ; dockerctl start all ; fuel release --sync-deployment-tasks --dir /etc/puppet/ --user=admin --password=admin" command on master node: {'exit_code': 0, 'stderr': ['time="2016-05-13T23:45:22Z" level=debug msg="End of CmdRun(), Waiting for hijack to finish." \n', 'time="2016-05-13T23:45:43Z" level=debug msg="End of CmdRun(), Waiting for hijack to finish." \n', 'time="2016-05-13T23:46:28Z" level=debug msg="End of CmdRun(), Waiting for hijack to finish." \n', 'time="2016-05-13T23:47:31Z" level=debug msg="End of CmdRun(), Waiting for hijack to finish." \n', 'time="2016-05-13T23:47:36Z" level=debug msg="End of CmdRun(), Waiting for hijack to finish." \n', 'time="2016-05-13T23:47:57Z" level=debug msg="End of CmdRun(), Waiting for hijack to finish." \n', 'time="2016-05-13T23:48:08Z" level=debug msg="End of CmdRun(), Waiting for hijack to finish." \n', 'time="2016-05-13T23:48:40Z" level=debug msg="End of CmdRun(), Waiting for hijack to finish." \n', 'time="2016-05-13T23:49:00Z" level=debug msg="End of CmdRun(), Waiting for hijack to finish." \n', 'time="2016-05-13T23:49:05Z" level=debug msg="End of CmdRun(), Waiting for hijack to finish." \n', 'time="2016-05-13T23:49:56Z" level=debug msg="End of CmdRun(), Waiting for hijack to finish." \n'], 'stdout': ['The image fuel/cobbler_8.0:latest already exists, renaming the old one with ID b92c1818568a to empty string\n', 'The image fuel/mcollective_8.0:latest already exists, renaming the old one with ID 08497461d68e to empty string\n', 'The image fuel/ostf_8.0:latest already exists, renaming the old one with ID ac8ff7ac6bfb to empty string\n', 'The image fuel/postgres_8.0:latest already exists, renaming the old one with ID 5f2683110d2e to empty string\n', 'The image fuel/rabbitmq_8.0:latest already exists, renaming the old one with ID 5f6da6d6d490 to empty string\n', 'The image fuel/rsync_8.0:latest already exists, renaming the old one with ID 748604ffd37c to empty string\n', 'The image fuel/astute_8.0:latest already exists, renaming the old one with ID b65e1505cf1f to empty string\n', 'The image fuel/centos:latest already exists, renaming the old one with ID f40653c0cf55 to empty string\n', 'The image fuel/keystone_8.0:latest already exists, renaming the old one with ID 092ee3e67af7 to empty string\n', 'The image fuel/nailgun_8.0:latest already exists, renaming the old one with ID e1469cf1e9e0 to empty string\n', 'The image fuel/nginx_8.0:latest already exists, renaming the old one with ID a778d590b3d1 to empty string\n', 'The image fuel/rsyslog_8.0:latest already exists, renaming the old one with ID 45e73b78899c to empty string\n', 'Stopping nginx...\n', 'Stopping rabbitmq...\n', 'Stopping astute...\n', 'Stopping rsync...\n', 'Stopping keystone...\n', 'Stopping postgres...\n', 'Stopping rsyslog...\n', 'Stopping nailgun...\n', 'Stopping cobbler...\n', 'Stopping ostf...\n', 'Stopping mcollective...\n', 'fuel-core-8.0-nginx\n', 'fuel-core-8.0-rabbitmq\n', 'fuel-core-8.0-astute\n', 'fuel-core-8.0-rsync\n', 'fuel-core-8.0-keystone\n', 'fuel-core-8.0-postgres\n', 'fuel-core-8.0-rsyslog\n', 'fuel-core-8.0-nailgun\n', 'fuel-core-8.0-cobbler\n', 'fuel-core-8.0-ostf\n', 'fuel-core-8.0-mcollective\n', 'dbfa58953e4df382baca055a771f22fb7d4d5e6db8721f7c94891de4f614d8dd\n', 'checking container postgres\n', 'checking with command "shell_container postgres PGPASSWORD=yGCyIlZP /usr/bin/psql -h -U "nailgun" "nailgun" -c \'\\copyright\' 2>&1 1>/dev/null"\n', 'psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused\n', '\tIs the server running on host "" and accepting\n', '\tTCP/IP connections on port 5432?\n', 'try number 1\n', 'return code is 2\n', 'psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused\n', '\tIs the server running on host "" and accepting\n', '\tTCP/IP connections on port 5432?\n', 'try number 2\n', 'return code is 2\n', 'psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused\n', '\tIs the server running on host "" and accepting\n', '\tTCP/IP connections on port 5432?\n', 'try number 3\n', 'return code is 2\n', 'checking with command "! shell_container postgres pgrep puppet"\n', 'postgres is ready.\n', 'f43674591da4b2cee681289c83bc12fac15b3dd610ead0d1180cca629995837d\n', 'checking container rabbitmq\n', 'checking with command "curl -f -L -i -u "naily:iXnNjBCl" 1>/dev/null 2>&1"\n', 'try number 1\n', 'return code is 7\n', 'try number 2\n', 'return code is 7\n', 'try number 3\n', 'return code is 7\n', 'try number 4\n', 'return code is 7\n', 'try number 5\n', 'return code is 22\n', 'try number 6\n', 'return code is 22\n', 'checking with command "curl -f -L -u "mcollective:FRlIgQEt" -s | grep -qw \'mcollective_broadcast\'"\n', 'try number 1\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'try number 2\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'checking with command "curl -f -L -u "mcollective:FRlIgQEt" -s | grep -qw \'mcollective_directed\'"\n', 'checking with command "! shell_container rabbitmq pgrep puppet"\n', 'rabbitmq is ready.\n', '150f10006a9a7f889640fe29b2ffbf449bb8ccbf5c79e1d229012a055cca3afd\n', 'checking container keystone\n', 'checking with command "shell_container keystone keystone --os-auth-url "" --os-username "nailgun" --os-password "Jx15I0bl" token-get &>/dev/null"\n', 'try number 1\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'try number 2\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'try number 3\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'try number 4\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'checking with command "! shell_container keystone pgrep puppet"\n', '113\n', 'try number 1\n', 'return code is 1\n', '113\n', 'try number 2\n', 'return code is 1\n', '113\n', 'try number 3\n', 'return code is 1\n', '113\n', 'try number 4\n', 'return code is 1\n', '113\n', 'try number 5\n', 'return code is 1\n', '113\n', 'try number 6\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'keystone is ready.\n', '1b541f5500c7c74c598fd10e071408a73cb5a737f81a0dfb1f8fe12b82e75202\n', 'checking container rsync\n', 'checking with command "shell_container rsync netstat -ntl | grep -q 873"\n', 'checking with command "! shell_container rsync pgrep puppet"\n', 'rsync is ready.\n', '1e3de757566824f94098426875565093934e79cb0edfed8e5c6953e1f6fde66f\n', 'checking container astute\n', 'checking with command "shell_container astute ps waux | grep -q \'astuted\'"\n', 'try number 1\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'try number 2\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'try number 3\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'checking with command "curl -f -L -u "naily:iXnNjBCl" -s | grep -qw \'nailgun\'"\n', 'checking with command "curl -f -L -u "naily:iXnNjBCl" -s | grep -qw \'naily_service\'"\n', 'checking with command "! shell_container astute pgrep puppet"\n', 'astute is ready.\n', '9010a5311192e257829bfeb39f51e0fd4a8aee82c0642e0787bab1deabf428fa\n', 'checking container rsyslog\n', 'checking with command "shell_container rsyslog netstat -nl | grep -q 514"\n', 'try number 1\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'checking with command "! shell_container rsyslog pgrep puppet"\n', 'rsyslog is ready.\n', 'a013a21dd93d382dc3b863f9192e72335a739bedbab28bdf29ec67a384164d91\n', 'checking container nailgun\n', 'checking with command "shell_container nailgun systemctl is-active nailgun"\n', 'unknown\n', 'try number 1\n', 'return code is 3\n', 'unknown\n', 'try number 2\n', 'return code is 3\n', 'unknown\n', 'try number 3\n', 'return code is 3\n', 'active\n', 'checking with command "! shell_container nailgun pgrep puppet"\n', '61\n', 'try number 1\n', 'return code is 1\n', '61\n', 'try number 2\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'nailgun is ready.\n', 'bcbf5904a3b4471876d8c68d771f5f58f4720864ba9a07300ad4dfad658f3129\n', 'checking container ostf\n', 'checking with command "egrep -q ^[2-4][0-9]? < <(curl --connect-timeout 1 -s -w \'%{http_code}\' -o /dev/null)"\n', 'try number 1\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'try number 2\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'try number 3\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'checking with command "! shell_container ostf pgrep puppet"\n', 'ostf is ready.\n', 'd1ef77865b3a75655c59d6ed7977487560ff53156d0a956c4b12cde0eb5781e1\n', 'checking container nginx\n', 'checking with command "shell_container nginx ps waux | grep -q nginx"\n', 'checking with command "! shell_container nginx pgrep puppet"\n', 'nginx is ready.\n', 'cbb6b2f26c20a4126232786f570d28aadb342377e977962b7762f85ece527cb7\n', 'checking container cobbler\n', 'checking with command "shell_container cobbler ps waux | grep -q \'cobblerd -F\' && pgrep dnsmasq"\n', 'try number 1\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'try number 2\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'try number 3\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'try number 4\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'try number 5\n', 'return code is 1\n', '3237\n', 'checking with command "shell_container cobbler cobbler profile find --name=centos* | grep -q centos && shell_container cobbler cobbler profile find --name=ubuntu* | grep -q ubuntu && shell_container cobbler cobbler profile find --name=bootstrap* | grep -q bootstrap"\n', 'checking with command "! shell_container cobbler pgrep puppet"\n', '96\n', 'try number 1\n', 'return code is 1\n', '96\n', 'try number 2\n', 'return code is 1\n', '613\n', 'try number 3\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'cobbler is ready.\n', '6840085a9772426359cc638a9fec8cdb5175e5b9ce5d72c67bc37a7ac5d378f1\n', 'checking container mcollective\n', 'checking with command "shell_container mcollective ps waux | grep -q mcollectived"\n', 'try number 1\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'checking with command "! shell_container mcollective pgrep puppet"\n', '71\n', 'try number 1\n', 'return code is 1\n', '307\n', 'try number 2\n', 'return code is 1\n', '307\n', 'try number 3\n', 'return code is 1\n', 'mcollective is ready.\n', 'Deployment tasks synchronized for release Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04 of version liberty-8.0\n', 'Deployment tasks synchronized for release Liberty on CentOS 6.5 of version liberty-8.0\n']} 2016-05-13 23:50:26,296 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:50:26,297 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:50:26,297 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:50:26,403 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'dockerctl shell nailgun awk '/COLLECTOR.*URL/' /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nailgun/settings.yaml' 2016-05-13 23:50:26,747 - DEBUG fuel_actions.py:455 -- Custom collector parameters: {'COLLECTOR_PING_URL': 'http://fuel-collect-systest.infra.mirantis.net:80/api/v1/ping/', 'OSWL_COLLECT_PERIOD': 0, 'COLLECTOR_INST_INFO_URL': 'http://fuel-collect-systest.infra.mirantis.net:80/api/v1/installation_structure/', 'COLLECTOR_OSWL_INFO_URL': 'http://fuel-collect-systest.infra.mirantis.net:80/api/v1/oswl_stats/', 'COLLECTOR_ACTION_LOGS_URL': 'http://fuel-collect-systest.infra.mirantis.net:80/api/v1/action_logs/'} 2016-05-13 23:50:26,748 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:50:26,748 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:50:26,748 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:50:26,834 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'dockerctl shell nailgun cat /etc/nailgun/settings.yaml' 2016-05-13 23:50:27,334 - DEBUG fuel_actions.py:439 -- Uploading new nailgun settings: {'FUEL_KEY': 'f2bcf1ee-a48c-4e23-bc52-bb5ec0f4abd3', 'VLANS_RANGE_START': '100', 'MCO_VHOST': 'mcollective', 'API_LOG': '/var/log/nailgun/api.log', 'TEMPLATE_DIR': '/usr/share/nailgun/static', 'AUTHORIZED_KEYS': ['ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDfxAqqsMqLxw5Dzs3FhE0u29c4LVngV/73bfhAa30/tXM8wMUj1/xMjyXIb9pMQ6xI8LADz2Avq9B4QILV0v0SVV+DYlbOrBH5CMOAs/6T/HF0EVH5O/WIhVT4lF1392vsOWGtPKngn84/bjKNOcblY8bI/b9INZ/EWGb6a7K0P01bZSip8YmwB8+eG0aLHi+gE1VYhOcuBzTGm72J8Z5rdSaWAEKtypaPyCwtz5DoIVtTWNTsdufYLcyRATv8smPZXEF6QwjoCbnViNGwYzrp5ilPCf9cFboDU8LQweYOuZIAzaZz+jDtDr9py1x86gHSB7uiCu65hSksQn/XrJOV root@nailgun.test.domain.local'], 'COLLECTOR_INST_INFO_URL': 'http://fuel-collect-systest.infra.mirantis.net:80/api/v1/installation_structure/', 'FEATURE_GROUPS': ['mirantis'], 'APP_LOG': '/var/log/nailgun/app.log', 'DNS_SEARCH': 'test.domain.local', 'NTP_UPSTREAM': '', 'ADMIN_NETWORK': {'netmask': '', 'last': '', 'cidr': '', 'gateway': '', 'mac': '64:68:ef:f8:d5:50', 'first': '', 'size': '256'}, 'PATH_TO_BOOTSTRAP_SSH_KEY': '/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'COLLECTOR_ACTION_LOGS_URL': 'http://fuel-collect-systest.infra.mirantis.net:80/api/v1/action_logs/', 'MCO_HOST': '', 'LISTEN_ADDRESS': '', 'MASTER_IP': '', 'MCO_CONNECTOR': 'rabbitmq', 'OSWL_COLLECT_PERIOD': 0, 'COBBLER_PASSWORD': 'NE5erCpR', 'APP_LOGLEVEL': 'INFO', 'MCO_PASSWORD': 'FRlIgQEt', 'DNS_SERVERS': '', 'STATIC_DIR': '/usr/share/nailgun/static', 'NETWORK_POOLS': {'private10': [''], 'private192': [''], 'public': ['']}, 'COLLECTOR_PING_URL': 'http://fuel-collect-systest.infra.mirantis.net:80/api/v1/ping/', 'PUPPET_VERSION': '2.7.19', 'MCO_PSKEY': 'unset', 'COBBLER_PROFILE': 'centos-x86_64', 'COBBLER_URL': '', 'PATH_TO_SSH_KEY': '/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'AUTH': {'auth_protocol': 'http', 'admin_user': 'nailgun', 'admin_password': 'Jx15I0bl', 'auth_host': '', 'auth_version': 'v2.0', 'AUTHENTICATION_METHOD': 'keystone', 'admin_tenant_name': 'services'}, 'PUPPET_MASTER_HOST': 'nailgun.test.domain.local', 'COLLECTOR_OSWL_INFO_URL': 'http://fuel-collect-systest.infra.mirantis.net:80/api/v1/oswl_stats/', 'COBBLER_USER': 'cobbler', 'DEVELOPMENT': False, 'LISTEN_PORT': '8001', 'DATABASE': {'engine': 'postgresql', 'host': '', 'name': 'nailgun', 'passwd': 'yGCyIlZP', 'port': '5432', 'user': 'nailgun'}, 'RABBITMQ': {'password': 'iXnNjBCl', 'virtual_host': '/', 'fake': '0', 'hostname': '', 'userid': 'naily', 'port': 5672}, 'DNS_DOMAIN': 'test.domain.local', 'MCO_USER': 'mcollective', 'DNS_UPSTREAM': '', 'NET_EXCLUDE': [''], 'VLANS_RANGE_END': '1000'} 2016-05-13 23:50:27,345 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:50:27,345 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:50:27,345 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:50:27,379 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'echo "ADMIN_NETWORK: {cidr:, first:, gateway:, last:, mac: '64:68:ef:f8:d5:50', netmask:, size: '256'} API_LOG: /var/log/nailgun/api.log APP_LOG: /var/log/nailgun/app.log APP_LOGLEVEL: INFO AUTH: {AUTHENTICATION_METHOD: keystone, admin_password: Jx15I0bl, admin_tenant_name: services, admin_user: nailgun, auth_host:, auth_protocol: http, auth_version: v2.0} AUTHORIZED_KEYS: [ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDfxAqqsMqLxw5Dzs3FhE0u29c4LVngV/73bfhAa30/tXM8wMUj1/xMjyXIb9pMQ6xI8LADz2Avq9B4QILV0v0SVV+DYlbOrBH5CMOAs/6T/HF0EVH5O/WIhVT4lF1392vsOWGtPKngn84/bjKNOcblY8bI/b9INZ/EWGb6a7K0P01bZSip8YmwB8+eG0aLHi+gE1VYhOcuBzTGm72J8Z5rdSaWAEKtypaPyCwtz5DoIVtTWNTsdufYLcyRATv8smPZXEF6QwjoCbnViNGwYzrp5ilPCf9cFboDU8LQweYOuZIAzaZz+jDtDr9py1x86gHSB7uiCu65hSksQn/XrJOV root@nailgun.test.domain.local] COBBLER_PASSWORD: NE5erCpR COBBLER_PROFILE: centos-x86_64 COBBLER_URL: COBBLER_USER: cobbler COLLECTOR_ACTION_LOGS_URL: http://fuel-collect-systest.infra.mirantis.net:80/api/v1/action_logs/ COLLECTOR_INST_INFO_URL: http://fuel-collect-systest.infra.mirantis.net:80/api/v1/installation_structure/ COLLECTOR_OSWL_INFO_URL: http://fuel-collect-systest.infra.mirantis.net:80/api/v1/oswl_stats/ COLLECTOR_PING_URL: http://fuel-collect-systest.infra.mirantis.net:80/api/v1/ping/ DATABASE: {engine: postgresql, host:, name: nailgun, passwd: yGCyIlZP, port: '5432', user: nailgun} DEVELOPMENT: false DNS_DOMAIN: test.domain.local DNS_SEARCH: test.domain.local DNS_SERVERS: DNS_UPSTREAM: FEATURE_GROUPS: [mirantis] FUEL_KEY: f2bcf1ee-a48c-4e23-bc52-bb5ec0f4abd3 LISTEN_ADDRESS: LISTEN_PORT: '8001' MASTER_IP: MCO_CONNECTOR: rabbitmq MCO_HOST: MCO_PASSWORD: FRlIgQEt MCO_PSKEY: unset MCO_USER: mcollective MCO_VHOST: mcollective NETWORK_POOLS: private10: [] private192: [] public: [] NET_EXCLUDE: [] NTP_UPSTREAM: OSWL_COLLECT_PERIOD: 0 PATH_TO_BOOTSTRAP_SSH_KEY: /root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa PATH_TO_SSH_KEY: /root/.ssh/id_rsa PUPPET_MASTER_HOST: nailgun.test.domain.local PUPPET_VERSION: 2.7.19 RABBITMQ: {fake: '0', hostname:, password: iXnNjBCl, port: 5672, userid: naily, virtual_host: /} STATIC_DIR: /usr/share/nailgun/static TEMPLATE_DIR: /usr/share/nailgun/static VLANS_RANGE_END: '1000' VLANS_RANGE_START: '100' " | dockerctl shell nailgun tee /etc/nailgun/settings.yaml' 2016-05-13 23:50:27,715 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:50:27,715 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:50:27,715 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:50:27,801 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'dockerctl shell nailgun cp /var/log/nailgun/statsenderd.log{,.backup_$(date +%s)}' 2016-05-13 23:50:28,141 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:50:28,141 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:50:28,141 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:50:28,230 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'dockerctl shell nailgun bash -c 'echo > /var/log/nailgun/statsenderd.log'' 2016-05-13 23:50:28,543 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:50:28,543 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:50:28,543 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:50:28,629 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'dockerctl shell nailgun systemctl restart statsenderd' 2016-05-13 23:50:28,967 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:50:28,967 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:50:28,967 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:50:29,052 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'dockerctl shell nailgun grep -sw "ERROR" /var/log/nailgun/statsenderd.log' 2016-05-13 23:50:29,373 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: send_fuel_stats with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {'enabled': True} 2016-05-13 23:50:29,373 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_settings with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:50:29,374 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:50:29,431 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_settings with result: {u'master_node_uid': u'46317c93-dfc0-4ace-8757-3e3cbce875a7', u'settings': {u'statistics': {u'send_user_info': {u'restrictions': [u'fuel_settings:statistics.send_anonymous_statistic.value == false', {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('mirantis' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'type': u'checkbox', u'value': False, u'weight': 20, u'label': u'statistics.setting_labels.send_user_info'}, u'name': {u'regex': {}, u'restrictions': {}, u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'statistics.setting_labels.name', u'type': u'hidden'}, u'company': {u'regex': {}, u'restrictions': {}, u'weight': 50, u'value': u'', u'label': u'statistics.setting_labels.company', u'type': u'hidden'}, u'user_choice_saved': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False}, u'send_anonymous_statistic': {u'type': u'checkbox', u'value': True, u'weight': 10, u'label': u'statistics.setting_labels.send_anonymous_statistic'}, u'email': {u'regex': {}, u'restrictions': {}, u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'statistics.setting_labels.email', u'type': u'hidden'}}, u'tracking': {u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Password cannot be empty'}, u'type': u'password', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Password'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+\\.\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'type': u'text', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Mirantis Account Email'}}, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'status': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'bootstrap': {u'error': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'', u'weight': 10}}}} 2016-05-13 23:50:29,431 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_settings with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {'data': {u'master_node_uid': u'46317c93-dfc0-4ace-8757-3e3cbce875a7', u'settings': {u'statistics': {u'send_user_info': {u'restrictions': [u'fuel_settings:statistics.send_anonymous_statistic.value == false', {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('mirantis' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'type': u'checkbox', u'value': True, u'weight': 20, u'label': u'statistics.setting_labels.send_user_info'}, u'name': {u'regex': {}, u'restrictions': {}, u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'statistics.setting_labels.name', u'type': u'hidden'}, u'company': {u'regex': {}, u'restrictions': {}, u'weight': 50, u'value': u'', u'label': u'statistics.setting_labels.company', u'type': u'hidden'}, u'user_choice_saved': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'send_anonymous_statistic': {u'type': u'checkbox', u'value': True, u'weight': 10, u'label': u'statistics.setting_labels.send_anonymous_statistic'}, u'email': {u'regex': {}, u'restrictions': {}, u'weight': 40, u'value': 'test@localhost', u'label': u'statistics.setting_labels.email', u'type': u'hidden'}}, u'tracking': {u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Password cannot be empty'}, u'type': u'password', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Password'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+\\.\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'type': u'text', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Mirantis Account Email'}}, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'status': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'bootstrap': {u'error': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'', u'weight': 10}}}}} 2016-05-13 23:50:29,431 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:50:29,819 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_settings with result: {u'master_node_uid': u'46317c93-dfc0-4ace-8757-3e3cbce875a7', u'settings': {u'statistics': {u'send_user_info': {u'restrictions': [u'fuel_settings:statistics.send_anonymous_statistic.value == false', {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('mirantis' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'type': u'checkbox', u'value': True, u'weight': 20, u'label': u'statistics.setting_labels.send_user_info'}, u'name': {u'regex': {}, u'restrictions': {}, u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'statistics.setting_labels.name', u'type': u'hidden'}, u'company': {u'regex': {}, u'restrictions': {}, u'weight': 50, u'value': u'', u'label': u'statistics.setting_labels.company', u'type': u'hidden'}, u'user_choice_saved': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'send_anonymous_statistic': {u'type': u'checkbox', u'value': True, u'weight': 10, u'label': u'statistics.setting_labels.send_anonymous_statistic'}, u'email': {u'regex': {}, u'restrictions': {}, u'weight': 40, u'value': u'test@localhost', u'label': u'statistics.setting_labels.email', u'type': u'hidden'}}, u'tracking': {u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Password cannot be empty'}, u'type': u'password', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Password'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+\\.\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'type': u'text', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Mirantis Account Email'}}, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'status': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'bootstrap': {u'error': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'', u'weight': 10}}}} 2016-05-13 23:50:29,819 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: send_fuel_stats with result: None 2016-05-13 23:50:29,820 - INFO environment.py:524 -- Enabled sending of statistics to fuel-collect-systest.infra.mirantis.net:80 2016-05-13 23:50:29,820 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-13 23:50:29,929 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: setup_master 2016-05-13 23:50:29,930 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['setup_master', 'setup_environment'], '2275.17', True) {} 2016-05-13 23:50:29,931 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-13 23:50:48,639 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_admin_node_ip with args: ([(0x7f83095bc750), ip:],) {} 2016-05-13 23:50:48,651 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_admin_node_ip with result: 2016-05-13 23:50:48,651 - INFO decorators.py:305 -- <<<<<****************************************************************************************************>>>>> 2016-05-13 23:50:48,651 - INFO decorators.py:306 -- Make snapshot: empty 2016-05-13 23:50:48,651 - INFO decorators.py:316 -- You could revert and ssh to master node: [source /home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/bin/activate; dos.py revert-resume 8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate.15.15 empty && ssh root@] 2016-05-13 23:50:48,652 - INFO decorators.py:318 -- <<<<<****************************************************************************************************>>>>> 2016-05-13 23:50:48,652 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< ----------------------------------------[ FINISH Step 000. Setup master node STEP TOOK 38 min 30 sec ]---------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-13 23:50:48,652 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-13 23:50:48,654 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-13 23:50:48,654 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '2310.42', False) {} 2016-05-13 23:50:48,657 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-13 23:50:48,722 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< --------------------------------------------------[ START Step 001. Configuration releases ]-------------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-13 23:50:48,756 - INFO environment.py:360 -- We have snapshot with such name: empty 2016-05-13 23:50:48,756 - INFO environment.py:362 -- Reverting the snapshot 'empty' .... 2016-05-13 23:51:01,284 - INFO environment.py:365 -- Resuming the snapshot 'empty' .... 2016-05-13 23:51:01,341 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:51:01,341 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:51:01,341 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:51:01,342 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:51:01,363 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-13 23:51:01,456 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-13 23:51:01,525 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-13 23:51:01,526 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'date' 2016-05-13 23:51:01,544 - DEBUG environment.py:388 -- Accessing admin node using SSH: SUCCESS 2016-05-13 23:51:01,544 - INFO environment.py:414 -- Admin node login name: 'root' , password: 'r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:51:01,545 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_releases with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:51:01,545 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:51:01,601 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_releases with result: [{u'operating_system': u'Ubuntu', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using Ubuntu as a base operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': True, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'available', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 2, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'installer_kernel': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/linux', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'}, u'installer_initrd': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/initrd.gz', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz'}}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}, u'codename': u'trusty'}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'ubuntu_1404_x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'weight': 60, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'weight': 50, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'value': True, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', u'priority': None, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-updates', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', u'priority': None, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-security', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', u'priority': None, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/x86_64', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/auxiliary', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'weight': 30, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'weight': 80, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'weight': 75, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'value': False, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'weight': 30, u'value': u'tcp', u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'enabled': False, u'group': u'logging', u'toggleable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'weight': 30, u'value': False}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'type': u'radio', u'weight': 60, u'value': u'disabled', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'value': False, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'12000', u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04'}, {u'operating_system': u'CentOS', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using a CentOS based operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': False, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'unavailable', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 1, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'centos-x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'weight': 60, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'weight': 50, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'value': True, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'To create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-package-updates --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/reference-architecture.html#fuel-rep-mirror).\n', u'value': [{u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/x86_64'}, {u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-updates', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos{cluster.release.environment_version}-centos7-fuel/updates/x86_64'}, {u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-security', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos{cluster.release.environment_version}-centos7-fuel/security/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 15, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/auxiliary'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'weight': 30, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'weight': 80, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'weight': 75, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'value': False, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'weight': 30, u'value': u'tcp', u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'enabled': False, u'group': u'logging', u'toggleable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'weight': 30, u'value': False}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'type': u'radio', u'weight': 60, u'value': u'disabled', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'use_fedora_lt': {u'kernel': {u'values': [{u'data': u'default_kernel', u'description': u'Install default 2.6.32 kernel.', u'label': u'CentOS default kernel'}, {u'data': u'fedora_lt_kernel', u'description': u'EXPERIMENTAL: Install the Fedora 3.10 longterm kernel instead of the default 2.6.32 kernel. This kernel may not work with all hardware platforms, use with caution.', u'label': u'Fedora LT kernel'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'default_kernel', u'weight': 55, u'label': u'Select kernel'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Use Fedora longterm kernel'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'value': False, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 biosdevname=0 crashkernel=none rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'12000', u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on CentOS 6.5'}] 2016-05-13 23:51:31,650 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_api_version with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:51:31,651 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:51:31,682 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_api_version with result: {u'release': u'8.0', u'api': u'1', u'openstack_version': u'liberty-8.0', u'feature_groups': [u'mirantis'], u'auth_required': True} 2016-05-13 23:51:31,682 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1953 -- ISO version: release 8.0 api 1 openstack_version liberty-8.0 feature_groups: - mirantis auth_required True 2016-05-13 23:51:31,682 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_api_version with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:51:31,682 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:51:31,686 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_api_version with result: {u'release': u'8.0', u'api': u'1', u'openstack_version': u'liberty-8.0', u'feature_groups': [u'mirantis'], u'auth_required': True} 2016-05-13 23:51:31,703 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1446 -- Applying default network settings 2016-05-13 23:51:31,703 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_releases with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:51:31,704 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:51:31,774 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_releases with result: [{u'operating_system': u'Ubuntu', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using Ubuntu as a base operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': True, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'available', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 2, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'installer_kernel': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/linux', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'}, u'installer_initrd': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/initrd.gz', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz'}}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}, u'codename': u'trusty'}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'ubuntu_1404_x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'weight': 60, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'weight': 50, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'value': True, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', u'priority': None, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-updates', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', u'priority': None, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-security', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', u'priority': None, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/x86_64', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/auxiliary', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'weight': 30, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'weight': 80, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'weight': 75, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'value': False, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'weight': 30, u'value': u'tcp', u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'enabled': False, u'group': u'logging', u'toggleable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'weight': 30, u'value': False}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'type': u'radio', u'weight': 60, u'value': u'disabled', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'value': False, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'12000', u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04'}, {u'operating_system': u'CentOS', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using a CentOS based operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': False, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'unavailable', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 1, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'centos-x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'weight': 60, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'weight': 50, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'value': True, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'To create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-package-updates --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/reference-architecture.html#fuel-rep-mirror).\n', u'value': [{u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/x86_64'}, {u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-updates', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos{cluster.release.environment_version}-centos7-fuel/updates/x86_64'}, {u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-security', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos{cluster.release.environment_version}-centos7-fuel/security/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 15, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/auxiliary'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'weight': 30, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'weight': 80, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'weight': 75, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'value': False, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'weight': 30, u'value': u'tcp', u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'enabled': False, u'group': u'logging', u'toggleable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'weight': 30, u'value': False}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'type': u'radio', u'weight': 60, u'value': u'disabled', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'use_fedora_lt': {u'kernel': {u'values': [{u'data': u'default_kernel', u'description': u'Install default 2.6.32 kernel.', u'label': u'CentOS default kernel'}, {u'data': u'fedora_lt_kernel', u'description': u'EXPERIMENTAL: Install the Fedora 3.10 longterm kernel instead of the default 2.6.32 kernel. This kernel may not work with all hardware platforms, use with caution.', u'label': u'Fedora LT kernel'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'default_kernel', u'weight': 55, u'label': u'Select kernel'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Use Fedora longterm kernel'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'value': False, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 biosdevname=0 crashkernel=none rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'12000', u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on CentOS 6.5'}] 2016-05-13 23:51:31,775 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1450 -- Applying changes for release: Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04 2016-05-13 23:51:31,775 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_release_default_net_settings with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 2) {} 2016-05-13 23:51:31,776 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:51:31,793 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_release_default_net_settings with result: {u'bonding': {u'availability': [{u'linux': u"settings:storage.iser.value == false and settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"}, {u'ovs': u'false'}], u'properties': {u'linux': {u'lacp_rate': [{u'for_modes': [u'802.3ad'], u'values': [u'slow', u'fast']}], u'mode': [{u'values': [u'balance-rr', u'active-backup']}, {u'values': [u'802.3ad'], u'condition': u"'experimental' in version:feature_groups or interface:pxe == false"}, {u'values': [u'balance-xor', u'broadcast', u'balance-tlb', u'balance-alb'], u'condition': u"'experimental' in version:feature_groups"}], u'xmit_hash_policy': [{u'for_modes': [u'802.3ad', u'balance-xor', u'balance-tlb', u'balance-alb'], u'values': [u'layer2', u'layer2+3', u'layer3+4', u'encap2+3', u'encap3+4']}]}}}, u'nova_network': {u'config': {u'floating_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'net_manager': u'FlatDHCPManager', u'fixed_networks_vlan_start': 103, u'fixed_networks_amount': 1, u'fixed_network_size': 256, u'fixed_networks_cidr': u''}, u'networks': [{u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'public', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 1, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': True, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'public', u'cidr': u'', u'gateway': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'management', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 101, u'render_addr_mask': u'internal', u'cidr': u''}, {u'name': u'storage', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 102, u'render_addr_mask': u'storage', u'cidr': u''}, {u'ext_net_data': [u'fixed_networks_vlan_start', u'fixed_networks_amount'], u'name': u'fixed', u'notation': None, u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': False, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': None}]}, u'neutron': {u'config': {u'parameters': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': u''}, u'keystone': {u'admin_user': None, u'admin_password': u''}, u'amqp': {u'username': None, u'passwd': u'', u'hosts': u'hostname1:5672, hostname2:5672', u'provider': u'rabbitmq'}, u'database': {u'username': None, u'passwd': u'', u'database': None, u'port': u'3306', u'provider': u'mysql'}}, u'baremetal_gateway': u'', u'internal_cidr': u'', u'floating_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'floating_name': u'admin_floating_net', u'base_mac': u'fa:16:3e:00:00:00', u'internal_gateway': u'', u'internal_name': u'admin_internal_net', u'baremetal_range': [u'', u''], u'gre_id_range': [2, 65535], u'vlan_range': [1000, 1030]}, u'networks': [{u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'public', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 1, u'configurable': True, u'floating_range_var': u'floating_ranges', u'use_gateway': True, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'public', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'management', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 101, u'render_addr_mask': u'internal', u'cidr': u''}, {u'name': u'storage', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 102, u'render_addr_mask': u'storage', u'cidr': u''}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': None, u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'neutron_vlan_range': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'configurable': False, u'seg_type': u'vlan'}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 103, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'cidr': u'', u'seg_type': u'gre'}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 103, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'cidr': u'', u'seg_type': u'tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'baremetal', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 104, u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}]}} 2016-05-13 23:51:31,800 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: put_release_default_net_settings with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 2, {u'bonding': {u'availability': [{u'linux': u"settings:storage.iser.value == false and settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"}, {u'ovs': u'false'}], u'properties': {u'linux': {u'lacp_rate': [{u'for_modes': [u'802.3ad'], u'values': [u'slow', u'fast']}], u'mode': [{u'values': [u'balance-rr', u'active-backup']}, {u'values': [u'802.3ad'], u'condition': u"'experimental' in version:feature_groups or interface:pxe == false"}, {u'values': [u'balance-xor', u'broadcast', u'balance-tlb', u'balance-alb'], u'condition': u"'experimental' in version:feature_groups"}], u'xmit_hash_policy': [{u'for_modes': [u'802.3ad', u'balance-xor', u'balance-tlb', u'balance-alb'], u'values': [u'layer2', u'layer2+3', u'layer3+4', u'encap2+3', u'encap3+4']}]}}}, u'nova_network': {u'config': {u'floating_ranges': [['', '']], u'net_manager': u'FlatDHCPManager', u'fixed_networks_vlan_start': 103, u'fixed_networks_amount': 1, u'fixed_network_size': 256, u'fixed_networks_cidr': ''}, u'networks': [{u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'public', u'notation': 'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 1, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': True, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'public', u'cidr': '', u'gateway': '', u'ip_range': ['', '']}, {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'management', u'notation': 'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'internal', u'cidr': '', 'ip_range': ['', '']}, {u'name': u'storage', u'notation': 'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'storage', u'cidr': '', 'ip_range': ['', '']}, {u'ext_net_data': [u'fixed_networks_vlan_start', u'fixed_networks_amount'], u'name': u'fixed', u'notation': None, u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': False, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': None}]}, u'neutron': {u'config': {u'parameters': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': u''}, u'keystone': {u'admin_user': None, u'admin_password': u''}, u'amqp': {u'username': None, u'passwd': u'', u'hosts': u'hostname1:5672, hostname2:5672', u'provider': u'rabbitmq'}, u'database': {u'username': None, u'passwd': u'', u'database': None, u'port': u'3306', u'provider': u'mysql'}}, u'baremetal_gateway': u'', u'internal_cidr': '', u'floating_ranges': [['', '']], u'floating_name': u'admin_floating_net', u'base_mac': u'fa:16:3e:00:00:00', u'internal_gateway': '', u'internal_name': u'admin_internal_net', u'baremetal_range': [u'', u''], u'gre_id_range': [2, 65535], u'vlan_range': [1000, 1030]}, u'networks': [{u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'public', u'notation': 'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 1, u'configurable': True, u'floating_range_var': u'floating_ranges', u'use_gateway': True, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'public', u'cidr': '', 'gateway': '', u'ip_range': ['', '']}, {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'management', u'notation': 'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'internal', u'cidr': '', 'ip_range': ['', '']}, {u'name': u'storage', u'notation': 'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'storage', u'cidr': '', 'ip_range': ['', '']}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': None, u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'neutron_vlan_range': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'configurable': False, u'seg_type': u'vlan'}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 103, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'cidr': '', u'seg_type': u'gre'}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 103, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'cidr': '', u'seg_type': u'tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'baremetal', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 104, u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}]}}) {} 2016-05-13 23:51:31,800 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:51:32,190 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: put_release_default_net_settings with result: {u'bonding': {u'availability': [{u'linux': u"settings:storage.iser.value == false and settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"}, {u'ovs': u'false'}], u'properties': {u'linux': {u'lacp_rate': [{u'for_modes': [u'802.3ad'], u'values': [u'slow', u'fast']}], u'mode': [{u'values': [u'balance-rr', u'active-backup']}, {u'values': [u'802.3ad'], u'condition': u"'experimental' in version:feature_groups or interface:pxe == false"}, {u'values': [u'balance-xor', u'broadcast', u'balance-tlb', u'balance-alb'], u'condition': u"'experimental' in version:feature_groups"}], u'xmit_hash_policy': [{u'for_modes': [u'802.3ad', u'balance-xor', u'balance-tlb', u'balance-alb'], u'values': [u'layer2', u'layer2+3', u'layer3+4', u'encap2+3', u'encap3+4']}]}}}, u'nova_network': {u'config': {u'floating_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'net_manager': u'FlatDHCPManager', u'fixed_networks_vlan_start': 103, u'fixed_networks_amount': 1, u'fixed_network_size': 256, u'fixed_networks_cidr': u''}, u'networks': [{u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'public', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 1, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': True, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'public', u'cidr': u'', u'gateway': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'management', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'internal', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, {u'name': u'storage', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'storage', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, {u'ext_net_data': [u'fixed_networks_vlan_start', u'fixed_networks_amount'], u'name': u'fixed', u'notation': None, u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': False, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': None}]}, u'neutron': {u'config': {u'parameters': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': u''}, u'keystone': {u'admin_user': None, u'admin_password': u''}, u'amqp': {u'username': None, u'passwd': u'', u'hosts': u'hostname1:5672, hostname2:5672', u'provider': u'rabbitmq'}, u'database': {u'username': None, u'passwd': u'', u'database': None, u'port': u'3306', u'provider': u'mysql'}}, u'baremetal_gateway': u'', u'internal_cidr': u'', u'floating_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'floating_name': u'admin_floating_net', u'base_mac': u'fa:16:3e:00:00:00', u'internal_gateway': u'', u'internal_name': u'admin_internal_net', u'baremetal_range': [u'', u''], u'gre_id_range': [2, 65535], u'vlan_range': [1000, 1030]}, u'networks': [{u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'public', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 1, u'configurable': True, u'floating_range_var': u'floating_ranges', u'use_gateway': True, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'public', u'cidr': u'', u'gateway': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'management', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'internal', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, {u'name': u'storage', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'storage', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': None, u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'neutron_vlan_range': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'configurable': False, u'seg_type': u'vlan'}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 103, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'cidr': u'', u'seg_type': u'gre'}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 103, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'cidr': u'', u'seg_type': u'tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'baremetal', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 104, u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}]}} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,190 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1450 -- Applying changes for release: Liberty on CentOS 6.5 2016-05-13 23:51:32,191 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_release_default_net_settings with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,191 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:51:32,210 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_release_default_net_settings with result: {u'bonding': {u'availability': [{u'linux': u"settings:storage.iser.value == false and settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"}, {u'ovs': u'false'}], u'properties': {u'linux': {u'lacp_rate': [{u'for_modes': [u'802.3ad'], u'values': [u'slow', u'fast']}], u'mode': [{u'values': [u'balance-rr', u'active-backup']}, {u'values': [u'802.3ad'], u'condition': u"'experimental' in version:feature_groups or interface:pxe == false"}, {u'values': [u'balance-xor', u'broadcast', u'balance-tlb', u'balance-alb'], u'condition': u"'experimental' in version:feature_groups"}], u'xmit_hash_policy': [{u'for_modes': [u'802.3ad', u'balance-xor', u'balance-tlb', u'balance-alb'], u'values': [u'layer2', u'layer2+3', u'layer3+4', u'encap2+3', u'encap3+4']}]}}}, u'nova_network': {u'config': {u'floating_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'net_manager': u'FlatDHCPManager', u'fixed_networks_vlan_start': 103, u'fixed_networks_amount': 1, u'fixed_network_size': 256, u'fixed_networks_cidr': u''}, u'networks': [{u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'public', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 1, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': True, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'public', u'cidr': u'', u'gateway': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'management', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 101, u'render_addr_mask': u'internal', u'cidr': u''}, {u'name': u'storage', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 102, u'render_addr_mask': u'storage', u'cidr': u''}, {u'ext_net_data': [u'fixed_networks_vlan_start', u'fixed_networks_amount'], u'name': u'fixed', u'notation': None, u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': False, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': None}]}, u'neutron': {u'config': {u'parameters': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': u''}, u'keystone': {u'admin_user': None, u'admin_password': u''}, u'amqp': {u'username': None, u'passwd': u'', u'hosts': u'hostname1:5672, hostname2:5672', u'provider': u'rabbitmq'}, u'database': {u'username': None, u'passwd': u'', u'database': None, u'port': u'3306', u'provider': u'mysql'}}, u'baremetal_gateway': u'', u'internal_cidr': u'', u'floating_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'floating_name': u'admin_floating_net', u'base_mac': u'fa:16:3e:00:00:00', u'internal_gateway': u'', u'internal_name': u'admin_internal_net', u'baremetal_range': [u'', u''], u'gre_id_range': [2, 65535], u'vlan_range': [1000, 1030]}, u'networks': [{u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'public', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 1, u'configurable': True, u'floating_range_var': u'floating_ranges', u'use_gateway': True, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'public', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'management', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 101, u'render_addr_mask': u'internal', u'cidr': u''}, {u'name': u'storage', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 102, u'render_addr_mask': u'storage', u'cidr': u''}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': None, u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'neutron_vlan_range': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'configurable': False, u'seg_type': u'vlan'}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 103, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'cidr': u'', u'seg_type': u'gre'}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 103, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'cidr': u'', u'seg_type': u'tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'baremetal', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 104, u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}]}} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,216 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: put_release_default_net_settings with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1, {u'bonding': {u'availability': [{u'linux': u"settings:storage.iser.value == false and settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"}, {u'ovs': u'false'}], u'properties': {u'linux': {u'lacp_rate': [{u'for_modes': [u'802.3ad'], u'values': [u'slow', u'fast']}], u'mode': [{u'values': [u'balance-rr', u'active-backup']}, {u'values': [u'802.3ad'], u'condition': u"'experimental' in version:feature_groups or interface:pxe == false"}, {u'values': [u'balance-xor', u'broadcast', u'balance-tlb', u'balance-alb'], u'condition': u"'experimental' in version:feature_groups"}], u'xmit_hash_policy': [{u'for_modes': [u'802.3ad', u'balance-xor', u'balance-tlb', u'balance-alb'], u'values': [u'layer2', u'layer2+3', u'layer3+4', u'encap2+3', u'encap3+4']}]}}}, u'nova_network': {u'config': {u'floating_ranges': [['', '']], u'net_manager': u'FlatDHCPManager', u'fixed_networks_vlan_start': 103, u'fixed_networks_amount': 1, u'fixed_network_size': 256, u'fixed_networks_cidr': ''}, u'networks': [{u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'public', u'notation': 'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 1, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': True, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'public', u'cidr': '', u'gateway': '', u'ip_range': ['', '']}, {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'management', u'notation': 'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'internal', u'cidr': '', 'ip_range': ['', '']}, {u'name': u'storage', u'notation': 'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'storage', u'cidr': '', 'ip_range': ['', '']}, {u'ext_net_data': [u'fixed_networks_vlan_start', u'fixed_networks_amount'], u'name': u'fixed', u'notation': None, u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': False, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': None}]}, u'neutron': {u'config': {u'parameters': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': u''}, u'keystone': {u'admin_user': None, u'admin_password': u''}, u'amqp': {u'username': None, u'passwd': u'', u'hosts': u'hostname1:5672, hostname2:5672', u'provider': u'rabbitmq'}, u'database': {u'username': None, u'passwd': u'', u'database': None, u'port': u'3306', u'provider': u'mysql'}}, u'baremetal_gateway': u'', u'internal_cidr': '', u'floating_ranges': [['', '']], u'floating_name': u'admin_floating_net', u'base_mac': u'fa:16:3e:00:00:00', u'internal_gateway': '', u'internal_name': u'admin_internal_net', u'baremetal_range': [u'', u''], u'gre_id_range': [2, 65535], u'vlan_range': [1000, 1030]}, u'networks': [{u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'public', u'notation': 'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 1, u'configurable': True, u'floating_range_var': u'floating_ranges', u'use_gateway': True, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'public', u'cidr': '', 'gateway': '', u'ip_range': ['', '']}, {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'management', u'notation': 'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'internal', u'cidr': '', 'ip_range': ['', '']}, {u'name': u'storage', u'notation': 'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'storage', u'cidr': '', 'ip_range': ['', '']}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': None, u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'neutron_vlan_range': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'configurable': False, u'seg_type': u'vlan'}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 103, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'cidr': '', u'seg_type': u'gre'}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 103, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'cidr': '', u'seg_type': u'tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'baremetal', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 104, u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}]}}) {} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,217 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:51:32,285 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: put_release_default_net_settings with result: {u'bonding': {u'availability': [{u'linux': u"settings:storage.iser.value == false and settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"}, {u'ovs': u'false'}], u'properties': {u'linux': {u'lacp_rate': [{u'for_modes': [u'802.3ad'], u'values': [u'slow', u'fast']}], u'mode': [{u'values': [u'balance-rr', u'active-backup']}, {u'values': [u'802.3ad'], u'condition': u"'experimental' in version:feature_groups or interface:pxe == false"}, {u'values': [u'balance-xor', u'broadcast', u'balance-tlb', u'balance-alb'], u'condition': u"'experimental' in version:feature_groups"}], u'xmit_hash_policy': [{u'for_modes': [u'802.3ad', u'balance-xor', u'balance-tlb', u'balance-alb'], u'values': [u'layer2', u'layer2+3', u'layer3+4', u'encap2+3', u'encap3+4']}]}}}, u'nova_network': {u'config': {u'floating_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'net_manager': u'FlatDHCPManager', u'fixed_networks_vlan_start': 103, u'fixed_networks_amount': 1, u'fixed_network_size': 256, u'fixed_networks_cidr': u''}, u'networks': [{u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'public', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 1, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': True, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'public', u'cidr': u'', u'gateway': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'management', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'internal', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, {u'name': u'storage', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'storage', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, {u'ext_net_data': [u'fixed_networks_vlan_start', u'fixed_networks_amount'], u'name': u'fixed', u'notation': None, u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': False, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': None}]}, u'neutron': {u'config': {u'parameters': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': u''}, u'keystone': {u'admin_user': None, u'admin_password': u''}, u'amqp': {u'username': None, u'passwd': u'', u'hosts': u'hostname1:5672, hostname2:5672', u'provider': u'rabbitmq'}, u'database': {u'username': None, u'passwd': u'', u'database': None, u'port': u'3306', u'provider': u'mysql'}}, u'baremetal_gateway': u'', u'internal_cidr': u'', u'floating_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'floating_name': u'admin_floating_net', u'base_mac': u'fa:16:3e:00:00:00', u'internal_gateway': u'', u'internal_name': u'admin_internal_net', u'baremetal_range': [u'', u''], u'gre_id_range': [2, 65535], u'vlan_range': [1000, 1030]}, u'networks': [{u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'public', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 1, u'configurable': True, u'floating_range_var': u'floating_ranges', u'use_gateway': True, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'public', u'cidr': u'', u'gateway': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'management', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'internal', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, {u'name': u'storage', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'storage', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': None, u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'neutron_vlan_range': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'configurable': False, u'seg_type': u'vlan'}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 103, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'cidr': u'', u'seg_type': u'gre'}, {u'name': u'private', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 103, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'cidr': u'', u'seg_type': u'tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'baremetal', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 104, u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}]}} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,285 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:683 -- Replace default repository list. 2016-05-13 23:51:32,286 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_release_id with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {'release_name': 'ubuntu'} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,286 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_releases with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,286 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:51:32,330 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_releases with result: [{u'operating_system': u'Ubuntu', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using Ubuntu as a base operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': True, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'available', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 2, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'installer_kernel': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/linux', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'}, u'installer_initrd': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/initrd.gz', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz'}}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}, u'codename': u'trusty'}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'ubuntu_1404_x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'weight': 60, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'weight': 50, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'value': True, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', u'priority': None, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-updates', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', u'priority': None, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-security', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', u'priority': None, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/x86_64', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/auxiliary', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'weight': 30, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'weight': 80, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'weight': 75, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'value': False, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'weight': 30, u'value': u'tcp', u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'enabled': False, u'group': u'logging', u'toggleable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'weight': 30, u'value': False}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'type': u'radio', u'weight': 60, u'value': u'disabled', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'value': False, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'12000', u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04'}, {u'operating_system': u'CentOS', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using a CentOS based operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': False, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'unavailable', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 1, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'centos-x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'weight': 60, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'weight': 50, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'value': True, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'To create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-package-updates --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/reference-architecture.html#fuel-rep-mirror).\n', u'value': [{u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/x86_64'}, {u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-updates', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos{cluster.release.environment_version}-centos7-fuel/updates/x86_64'}, {u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-security', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos{cluster.release.environment_version}-centos7-fuel/security/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 15, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/auxiliary'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'weight': 30, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'weight': 80, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'weight': 75, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'value': False, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'weight': 30, u'value': u'tcp', u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'enabled': False, u'group': u'logging', u'toggleable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'weight': 30, u'value': False}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'type': u'radio', u'weight': 60, u'value': u'disabled', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'use_fedora_lt': {u'kernel': {u'values': [{u'data': u'default_kernel', u'description': u'Install default 2.6.32 kernel.', u'label': u'CentOS default kernel'}, {u'data': u'fedora_lt_kernel', u'description': u'EXPERIMENTAL: Install the Fedora 3.10 longterm kernel instead of the default 2.6.32 kernel. This kernel may not work with all hardware platforms, use with caution.', u'label': u'Fedora LT kernel'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'default_kernel', u'weight': 55, u'label': u'Select kernel'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Use Fedora longterm kernel'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'value': False, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 biosdevname=0 crashkernel=none rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'12000', u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on CentOS 6.5'}] 2016-05-13 23:51:32,330 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_release_id with result: 2 2016-05-13 23:51:32,331 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_release with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 2) {} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,331 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:51:32,356 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_release with result: {u'operating_system': u'Ubuntu', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using Ubuntu as a base operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': True, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'available', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 2, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'installer_kernel': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/linux', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'}, u'installer_initrd': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/initrd.gz', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz'}}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}, u'codename': u'trusty'}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'ubuntu_1404_x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'weight': 60, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'weight': 50, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'value': True, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', u'priority': None, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-updates', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', u'priority': None, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-security', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', u'priority': None, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/x86_64', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/auxiliary', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'weight': 30, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'weight': 80, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'weight': 75, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'value': False, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'weight': 30, u'value': u'tcp', u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'enabled': False, u'group': u'logging', u'toggleable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'weight': 30, u'value': False}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'type': u'radio', u'weight': 60, u'value': u'disabled', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'value': False, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'12000', u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04'} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,356 - DEBUG replace_repos.py:25 -- Adding new mirrors: 'deb http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249 trusty main universe multiverse|deb http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249 trusty-updates main universe multiverse|deb http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249 trusty-security main universe multiverse' 2016-05-13 23:51:32,356 - DEBUG replace_repos.py:34 -- Removing mirror: 'ubuntu http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/' 2016-05-13 23:51:32,356 - DEBUG replace_repos.py:34 -- Removing mirror: 'ubuntu-updates http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/' 2016-05-13 23:51:32,356 - DEBUG replace_repos.py:34 -- Removing mirror: 'ubuntu-security http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/' 2016-05-13 23:51:32,358 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: put_release with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 2, {u'operating_system': u'Ubuntu', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using Ubuntu as a base operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': True, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'available', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 2, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'installer_kernel': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/linux', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'}, u'installer_initrd': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/initrd.gz', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz'}}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}, u'codename': u'trusty'}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'ubuntu_1404_x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'weight': 60, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'weight': 50, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'value': True, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{'name': 'ubuntu-0', 'section': 'main universe multiverse', 'uri': 'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', 'priority': 1001, 'suite': 'trusty', 'type': 'deb'}, {'name': 'ubuntu-1', 'section': 'main universe multiverse', 'uri': 'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', 'priority': 1001, 'suite': 'trusty-updates', 'type': 'deb'}, {'name': 'ubuntu-2', 'section': 'main universe multiverse', 'uri': 'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', 'priority': 1001, 'suite': 'trusty-security', 'type': 'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/x86_64', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/auxiliary', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {'name': 'mos-updates', 'section': 'main restricted', 'uri': 'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', 'priority': 1050, 'suite': 'mos8.0-updates', 'type': 'deb'}, {'name': 'mos-security', 'section': 'main restricted', 'uri': 'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', 'priority': 1050, 'suite': 'mos8.0-security', 'type': 'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'weight': 30, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'weight': 80, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'weight': 75, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'value': False, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'weight': 30, u'value': u'tcp', u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'enabled': False, u'group': u'logging', u'toggleable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'weight': 30, u'value': False}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'type': u'radio', u'weight': 60, u'value': u'disabled', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'value': False, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'12000', u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04'}) {} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,359 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:51:32,436 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: put_release with result: {u'operating_system': u'Ubuntu', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using Ubuntu as a base operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': True, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'available', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 2, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'installer_kernel': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/linux', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'}, u'installer_initrd': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/initrd.gz', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz'}}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}, u'codename': u'trusty'}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'ubuntu_1404_x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'weight': 60, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'weight': 50, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'value': True, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/x86_64', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/auxiliary', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'weight': 30, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'weight': 80, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'weight': 75, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'value': False, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'weight': 30, u'value': u'tcp', u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'enabled': False, u'group': u'logging', u'toggleable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'weight': 30, u'value': False}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'type': u'radio', u'weight': 60, u'value': u'disabled', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'value': False, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'12000', u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04'} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,437 - INFO replace_repos.py:89 -- Ubuntu repo 0 'ubuntu-0': 'deb http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249 trusty main universe multiverse', priority:1001 2016-05-13 23:51:32,437 - INFO replace_repos.py:89 -- Ubuntu repo 1 'ubuntu-1': 'deb http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249 trusty-updates main universe multiverse', priority:1001 2016-05-13 23:51:32,437 - INFO replace_repos.py:89 -- Ubuntu repo 2 'ubuntu-2': 'deb http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249 trusty-security main universe multiverse', priority:1001 2016-05-13 23:51:32,437 - INFO replace_repos.py:89 -- Ubuntu repo 3 'mos': 'deb http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/x86_64 mos8.0 main restricted', priority:1050 2016-05-13 23:51:32,437 - INFO replace_repos.py:89 -- Ubuntu repo 4 'mos-holdback': 'deb http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/ mos8.0-holdback main restricted', priority:1100 2016-05-13 23:51:32,438 - INFO replace_repos.py:89 -- Ubuntu repo 5 'Auxiliary': 'deb http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/auxiliary auxiliary main restricted', priority:1150 2016-05-13 23:51:32,438 - INFO replace_repos.py:89 -- Ubuntu repo 6 'mos-updates': 'deb http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest mos8.0-updates main restricted', priority:1050 2016-05-13 23:51:32,438 - INFO replace_repos.py:89 -- Ubuntu repo 7 'mos-security': 'deb http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest mos8.0-security main restricted', priority:1050 2016-05-13 23:51:32,439 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_release_id with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {'release_name': 'centos'} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,439 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_releases with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,440 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:51:32,484 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_releases with result: [{u'operating_system': u'Ubuntu', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using Ubuntu as a base operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': True, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'available', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 2, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'installer_kernel': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/linux', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'}, u'installer_initrd': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/initrd.gz', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz'}}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'ubuntu_1404_x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}, u'codename': u'trusty'}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/x86_64', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/auxiliary', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04'}, {u'operating_system': u'CentOS', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using a CentOS based operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': False, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'unavailable', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 1, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'centos-x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'weight': 60, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'weight': 50, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'value': True, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'To create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-package-updates --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/reference-architecture.html#fuel-rep-mirror).\n', u'value': [{u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/x86_64'}, {u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-updates', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos{cluster.release.environment_version}-centos7-fuel/updates/x86_64'}, {u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-security', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos{cluster.release.environment_version}-centos7-fuel/security/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 15, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/auxiliary'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'weight': 30, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'weight': 80, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'weight': 75, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'value': False, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'weight': 30, u'value': u'tcp', u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'enabled': False, u'group': u'logging', u'toggleable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'weight': 30, u'value': False}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'type': u'radio', u'weight': 60, u'value': u'disabled', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'use_fedora_lt': {u'kernel': {u'values': [{u'data': u'default_kernel', u'description': u'Install default 2.6.32 kernel.', u'label': u'CentOS default kernel'}, {u'data': u'fedora_lt_kernel', u'description': u'EXPERIMENTAL: Install the Fedora 3.10 longterm kernel instead of the default 2.6.32 kernel. This kernel may not work with all hardware platforms, use with caution.', u'label': u'Fedora LT kernel'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'default_kernel', u'weight': 55, u'label': u'Select kernel'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Use Fedora longterm kernel'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'value': False, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 biosdevname=0 crashkernel=none rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'12000', u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on CentOS 6.5'}] 2016-05-13 23:51:32,484 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_release_id with result: 1 2016-05-13 23:51:32,484 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_release with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,485 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:51:32,508 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_release with result: {u'operating_system': u'CentOS', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using a CentOS based operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': False, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'unavailable', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 1, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'centos-x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'weight': 60, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'weight': 50, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'value': True, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'To create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-package-updates --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/reference-architecture.html#fuel-rep-mirror).\n', u'value': [{u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/x86_64'}, {u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-updates', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos{cluster.release.environment_version}-centos7-fuel/updates/x86_64'}, {u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-security', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos{cluster.release.environment_version}-centos7-fuel/security/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 15, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/auxiliary'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'weight': 30, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'weight': 80, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'weight': 75, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'value': False, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'weight': 30, u'value': u'tcp', u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'enabled': False, u'group': u'logging', u'toggleable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'weight': 30, u'value': False}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'type': u'radio', u'weight': 60, u'value': u'disabled', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'use_fedora_lt': {u'kernel': {u'values': [{u'data': u'default_kernel', u'description': u'Install default 2.6.32 kernel.', u'label': u'CentOS default kernel'}, {u'data': u'fedora_lt_kernel', u'description': u'EXPERIMENTAL: Install the Fedora 3.10 longterm kernel instead of the default 2.6.32 kernel. This kernel may not work with all hardware platforms, use with caution.', u'label': u'Fedora LT kernel'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'default_kernel', u'weight': 55, u'label': u'Select kernel'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Use Fedora longterm kernel'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'value': False, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 biosdevname=0 crashkernel=none rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'12000', u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on CentOS 6.5'} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,510 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: put_release with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1, {u'operating_system': u'CentOS', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using a CentOS based operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': False, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'unavailable', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 1, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'centos-x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'weight': 60, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'weight': 50, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'value': True, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'To create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-package-updates --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/reference-architecture.html#fuel-rep-mirror).\n', u'value': [{u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 15, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/auxiliary'}, {'priority': 20, 'type': 'rpm', 'name': 'mos-updates', 'uri': 'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/updates-latest/x86_64'}, {'priority': 20, 'type': 'rpm', 'name': 'mos-security', 'uri': 'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/security-latest/x86_64'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'weight': 30, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'weight': 80, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'weight': 75, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'value': False, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'weight': 30, u'value': u'tcp', u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'enabled': False, u'group': u'logging', u'toggleable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'weight': 30, u'value': False}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'type': u'radio', u'weight': 60, u'value': u'disabled', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'use_fedora_lt': {u'kernel': {u'values': [{u'data': u'default_kernel', u'description': u'Install default 2.6.32 kernel.', u'label': u'CentOS default kernel'}, {u'data': u'fedora_lt_kernel', u'description': u'EXPERIMENTAL: Install the Fedora 3.10 longterm kernel instead of the default 2.6.32 kernel. This kernel may not work with all hardware platforms, use with caution.', u'label': u'Fedora LT kernel'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'default_kernel', u'weight': 55, u'label': u'Select kernel'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Use Fedora longterm kernel'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'value': False, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 biosdevname=0 crashkernel=none rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'12000', u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on CentOS 6.5'}) {} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,512 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:51:32,565 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: put_release with result: {u'operating_system': u'CentOS', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using a CentOS based operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': False, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'unavailable', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 1, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'centos-x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'weight': 60, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'weight': 50, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'value': True, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'To create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-package-updates --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/reference-architecture.html#fuel-rep-mirror).\n', u'value': [{u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 15, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/auxiliary'}, {u'priority': 20, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-updates', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/updates-latest/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 20, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-security', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/security-latest/x86_64'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'weight': 30, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'weight': 80, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'weight': 75, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'value': False, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'weight': 30, u'value': u'tcp', u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'enabled': False, u'group': u'logging', u'toggleable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'weight': 30, u'value': False}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'type': u'radio', u'weight': 60, u'value': u'disabled', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'use_fedora_lt': {u'kernel': {u'values': [{u'data': u'default_kernel', u'description': u'Install default 2.6.32 kernel.', u'label': u'CentOS default kernel'}, {u'data': u'fedora_lt_kernel', u'description': u'EXPERIMENTAL: Install the Fedora 3.10 longterm kernel instead of the default 2.6.32 kernel. This kernel may not work with all hardware platforms, use with caution.', u'label': u'Fedora LT kernel'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'default_kernel', u'weight': 55, u'label': u'Select kernel'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Use Fedora longterm kernel'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'value': False, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 biosdevname=0 crashkernel=none rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'value': False, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'weight': 10, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'', u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'weight': 20, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'value': u'12000', u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on CentOS 6.5'} 2016-05-13 23:51:32,566 - INFO replace_repos.py:97 -- Centos repo 0 'mos': 'rpm http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/x86_64', priority:None 2016-05-13 23:51:32,566 - INFO replace_repos.py:97 -- Centos repo 1 'Auxiliary': 'rpm http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/auxiliary', priority:15 2016-05-13 23:51:32,566 - INFO replace_repos.py:97 -- Centos repo 2 'mos-updates': 'rpm http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/updates-latest/x86_64', priority:20 2016-05-13 23:51:32,566 - INFO replace_repos.py:97 -- Centos repo 3 'mos-security': 'rpm http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/security-latest/x86_64', priority:20 2016-05-13 23:52:01,684 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_admin_node_ip with args: ([(0x7f83095bc750), ip:],) {} 2016-05-13 23:52:01,694 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_admin_node_ip with result: 2016-05-13 23:52:01,694 - INFO decorators.py:305 -- <<<<<****************************************************************************************************>>>>> 2016-05-13 23:52:01,694 - INFO decorators.py:306 -- Make snapshot: ready 2016-05-13 23:52:01,694 - INFO decorators.py:316 -- You could revert and ssh to master node: [source /home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/bin/activate; dos.py revert-resume 8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate.15.15 ready && ssh root@] 2016-05-13 23:52:01,694 - INFO decorators.py:318 -- <<<<<****************************************************************************************************>>>>> 2016-05-13 23:52:01,695 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< --------------------------------------[ FINISH Step 001. Configuration releases STEP TOOK 1 min 13 sec ]-------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-13 23:52:01,695 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-13 23:52:01,697 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-13 23:52:01,698 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '72.97', False) {} 2016-05-13 23:52:01,702 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-13 23:52:01,816 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< --------------------------------------------[ START Step 002. Bootstrap slave and make snapshot ]--------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-13 23:52:01,846 - INFO environment.py:360 -- We have snapshot with such name: ready 2016-05-13 23:52:01,846 - INFO environment.py:362 -- Reverting the snapshot 'ready' .... 2016-05-13 23:52:10,228 - INFO environment.py:365 -- Resuming the snapshot 'ready' .... 2016-05-13 23:52:10,311 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:52:10,312 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:52:10,312 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:52:10,312 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:52:10,326 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-13 23:52:10,424 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-13 23:52:10,475 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-13 23:52:10,476 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'date' 2016-05-13 23:52:10,504 - DEBUG environment.py:388 -- Accessing admin node using SSH: SUCCESS 2016-05-13 23:52:10,504 - INFO environment.py:414 -- Admin node login name: 'root' , password: 'r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:52:10,504 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_releases with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:52:10,505 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:52:10,561 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_releases with result: [{u'operating_system': u'Ubuntu', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using Ubuntu as a base operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': True, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'available', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 2, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'installer_kernel': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/linux', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'}, u'installer_initrd': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/initrd.gz', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz'}}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'ubuntu_1404_x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}, u'codename': u'trusty'}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/x86_64', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/auxiliary', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04'}, {u'operating_system': u'CentOS', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using a CentOS based operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': False, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'unavailable', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 1, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'centos-x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'To create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-package-updates --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/reference-architecture.html#fuel-rep-mirror).\n', u'value': [{u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 15, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/auxiliary'}, {u'priority': 20, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-updates', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/updates-latest/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 20, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-security', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/security-latest/x86_64'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'use_fedora_lt': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'default_kernel', u'description': u'Install default 2.6.32 kernel.', u'label': u'CentOS default kernel'}, {u'data': u'fedora_lt_kernel', u'description': u'EXPERIMENTAL: Install the Fedora 3.10 longterm kernel instead of the default 2.6.32 kernel. This kernel may not work with all hardware platforms, use with caution.', u'label': u'Fedora LT kernel'}], u'weight': 55, u'value': u'default_kernel', u'label': u'Select kernel'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Use Fedora longterm kernel'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 biosdevname=0 crashkernel=none rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on CentOS 6.5'}] 2016-05-13 23:52:40,607 - INFO actions_base.py:129 -- Bootstrap 2 nodes 2016-05-13 23:52:40,615 - INFO environment.py:121 -- Bootstrapping node: slave-01 2016-05-13 23:52:46,808 - INFO environment.py:121 -- Bootstrapping node: slave-02 2016-05-13 23:52:52,988 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:52:52,991 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:52:52,992 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:52:52,992 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:52:53,028 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [] 2016-05-13 23:52:53,028 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:52:53,028 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: None 2016-05-13 23:52:53,028 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:52:53,030 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:52:53,030 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:52:53,031 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:52:53,062 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [] 2016-05-13 23:52:53,063 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:52:53,063 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: None 2016-05-13 23:53:08,070 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:53:08,072 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:53:08,073 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:53:08,073 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:53:08,130 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [] 2016-05-13 23:53:08,131 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:53:08,131 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: None 2016-05-13 23:53:08,131 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:53:08,133 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:53:08,133 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:53:08,133 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:53:08,164 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [] 2016-05-13 23:53:08,164 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:53:08,164 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: None 2016-05-13 23:53:23,179 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:53:23,183 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:53:23,183 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:53:23,184 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:53:23,210 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [] 2016-05-13 23:53:23,210 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:53:23,210 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: None 2016-05-13 23:53:23,210 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:53:23,212 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:53:23,212 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:53:23,213 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:53:23,237 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [] 2016-05-13 23:53:23,237 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:53:23,237 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: None 2016-05-13 23:53:38,252 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:53:38,256 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:53:38,256 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:53:38,257 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:53:38,282 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [] 2016-05-13 23:53:38,282 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:53:38,283 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: None 2016-05-13 23:53:38,283 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:53:38,284 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:53:38,284 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:53:38,285 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:53:38,308 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [] 2016-05-13 23:53:38,308 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:53:38,308 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: None 2016-05-13 23:53:53,323 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:53:53,326 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:53:53,327 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:53:53,327 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:53:53,355 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [] 2016-05-13 23:53:53,355 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:53:53,355 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: None 2016-05-13 23:53:53,356 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:53:53,357 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:53:53,357 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:53:53,358 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:53:53,382 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [] 2016-05-13 23:53:53,382 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:53:53,382 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: None 2016-05-13 23:54:08,398 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:54:08,401 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:54:08,401 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:54:08,402 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:54:08,427 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [] 2016-05-13 23:54:08,428 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:54:08,428 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: None 2016-05-13 23:54:08,428 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:54:08,430 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:54:08,430 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:54:08,430 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:54:08,452 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [] 2016-05-13 23:54:08,453 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:54:08,453 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: None 2016-05-13 23:54:23,461 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:54:23,465 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:54:23,465 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:54:23,465 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:54:23,541 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-13 23:54:23,542 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:54:23,542 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:54:23,542 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: None 2016-05-13 23:54:23,542 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:54:23,545 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:54:23,545 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:54:23,546 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:54:23,598 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', 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u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', 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u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-13 23:54:23,599 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:54:23,600 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:54:23,600 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', 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u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, 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u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit 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u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-13 23:54:38,616 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:54:38,619 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:54:38,619 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:54:38,620 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:54:38,689 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', 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u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel 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{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': 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u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode 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u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', 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{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-13 23:54:38,691 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:54:38,692 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:54:38,692 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', 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u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', 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u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-01', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-13 23:54:38,693 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:54:38,695 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:54:38,695 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:54:38,696 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:54:38,763 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', 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u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', 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{u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode 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system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, 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u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, 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[]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, 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u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-13 23:54:38,765 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:54:38,765 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:54:38,766 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:54:38,767 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, 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(NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, 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u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-13 23:54:38,768 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:54:38,770 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:54:38,770 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:54:38,771 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:54:38,828 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, 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counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page 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u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': 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(full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', 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u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', 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{u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page 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u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', 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Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-13 23:54:38,829 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:54:38,830 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:54:38,830 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': 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extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', 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u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', 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u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', 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u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-01', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-13 23:54:38,831 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:54:38,833 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:54:38,833 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:54:38,833 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:54:38,888 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', 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{u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, 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u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', 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u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', 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u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': 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u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-13 23:54:38,889 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:54:38,890 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:54:38,891 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:54:38,892 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, 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True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-13 23:55:27,588 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_admin_node_ip with args: ([(0x7f83095bc750), ip:],) {} 2016-05-13 23:55:27,600 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_admin_node_ip with result: 2016-05-13 23:55:27,600 - INFO decorators.py:305 -- <<<<<****************************************************************************************************>>>>> 2016-05-13 23:55:27,600 - INFO decorators.py:306 -- Make snapshot: ready_with_2_slaves 2016-05-13 23:55:27,600 - INFO decorators.py:316 -- You could revert and ssh to master node: [source /home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/bin/activate; dos.py revert-resume 8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate.15.15 ready_with_2_slaves && ssh root@] 2016-05-13 23:55:27,600 - INFO decorators.py:318 -- <<<<<****************************************************************************************************>>>>> 2016-05-13 23:55:27,601 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< --------------------------------[ FINISH Step 002. Bootstrap slave and make snapshot STEP TOOK 3 min 26 sec ]--------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-13 23:55:27,601 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-13 23:55:27,602 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-13 23:55:27,603 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '205.78', False) {} 2016-05-13 23:55:27,607 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-13 23:55:27,671 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< ------------------------------------------------[ START Step 003. Revert bootstrapped nodes ]------------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-13 23:55:27,703 - INFO environment.py:360 -- We have snapshot with such name: ready_with_2_slaves 2016-05-13 23:55:27,703 - INFO environment.py:362 -- Reverting the snapshot 'ready_with_2_slaves' .... 2016-05-13 23:55:46,216 - INFO environment.py:365 -- Resuming the snapshot 'ready_with_2_slaves' .... 2016-05-13 23:55:46,371 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-13 23:55:46,371 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-13 23:55:46,371 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-13 23:55:46,371 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:55:46,404 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-13 23:55:46,497 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-13 23:55:46,552 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-13 23:55:46,553 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'date' 2016-05-13 23:55:46,577 - DEBUG environment.py:388 -- Accessing admin node using SSH: SUCCESS 2016-05-13 23:55:46,577 - INFO environment.py:414 -- Admin node login name: 'root' , password: 'r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:55:46,598 - INFO environment.py:148 -- Please wait while time on nodes: admin, slave-01, slave-02 will be synchronized 2016-05-13 23:55:46,620 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:55:46,630 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-13 23:55:46,731 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-13 23:55:46,773 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-13 23:55:46,773 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ps -C pacemakerd && crm_resource --resource p_ntp --locate' 2016-05-13 23:55:46,805 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'systemctl list-unit-files| grep ntpd' 2016-05-13 23:55:47,021 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'awk '/^server/ && $2 !~ /127.*/ {print $2}' /etc/ntp.conf' 2016-05-13 23:55:47,113 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:55:47,125 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-13 23:55:47,222 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-13 23:55:47,278 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-13 23:55:47,278 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'KEYSTONE_USER=admin KEYSTONE_PASS=admin fuel nodes --json' 2016-05-13 23:55:48,099 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-13 23:55:48,180 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:55:48,191 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-13 23:55:48,286 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-13 23:55:48,342 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-13 23:55:48,342 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') 2016-05-13 23:55:48,343 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-13 23:55:48,347 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-13 23:55:48,348 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') 2016-05-13 23:55:48,350 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-13 23:55:48,354 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-13 23:55:48,355 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:55:48,369 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1) 2016-05-13 23:55:48,486 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (publickey) successful! 2016-05-13 23:55:48,537 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-13 23:55:48,537 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ps -C pacemakerd && crm_resource --resource p_ntp --locate' 2016-05-13 23:55:48,572 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'systemctl list-unit-files| grep ntpd' 2016-05-13 23:55:48,648 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'find /etc/init.d/ -regex '/etc/init.d/ntp.?'' 2016-05-13 23:55:48,720 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'awk '/^server/ && $2 !~ /127.*/ {print $2}' /etc/ntp.conf' 2016-05-13 23:55:48,792 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'sed -i 's/^server .*/server minpoll 3 maxpoll 5 iburst/' /etc/ntp.conf' 2016-05-13 23:55:48,884 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:55:48,893 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-13 23:55:48,991 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-13 23:55:49,043 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-13 23:55:49,043 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'KEYSTONE_USER=admin KEYSTONE_PASS=admin fuel nodes --json' 2016-05-13 23:55:49,777 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-13 23:55:49,856 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:55:49,866 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-13 23:55:49,955 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-13 23:55:50,011 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-13 23:55:50,011 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') 2016-05-13 23:55:50,012 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-13 23:55:50,014 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-13 23:55:50,015 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') 2016-05-13 23:55:50,016 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-13 23:55:50,018 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-13 23:55:50,018 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:55:50,029 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1) 2016-05-13 23:55:50,108 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (publickey) successful! 2016-05-13 23:55:50,159 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-13 23:55:50,159 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ps -C pacemakerd && crm_resource --resource p_ntp --locate' 2016-05-13 23:55:50,194 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'systemctl list-unit-files| grep ntpd' 2016-05-13 23:55:50,268 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'find /etc/init.d/ -regex '/etc/init.d/ntp.?'' 2016-05-13 23:55:50,343 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'awk '/^server/ && $2 !~ /127.*/ {print $2}' /etc/ntp.conf' 2016-05-13 23:55:50,417 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'sed -i 's/^server .*/server minpoll 3 maxpoll 5 iburst/' /etc/ntp.conf' 2016-05-13 23:55:50,492 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'systemctl stop ntpd' 2016-05-13 23:55:50,533 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpdate -p 4 -t 0.2 -bu' 2016-05-13 23:55:56,727 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'hwclock -w' 2016-05-13 23:55:57,502 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'systemctl start ntpd' 2016-05-13 23:55:57,602 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpq -pn' 2016-05-13 23:56:05,701 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpq -pn' 2016-05-13 23:56:13,729 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpq -pn' 2016-05-13 23:56:13,760 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: '/etc/init.d/ntp stop' 2016-05-13 23:56:13,784 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: '/etc/init.d/ntp stop' 2016-05-13 23:56:13,815 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpdate -p 4 -t 0.2 -bu' 2016-05-13 23:56:19,935 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'hwclock -w' 2016-05-13 23:56:21,501 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpdate -p 4 -t 0.2 -bu' 2016-05-13 23:56:27,615 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'hwclock -w' 2016-05-13 23:56:28,501 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: '/etc/init.d/ntp start' 2016-05-13 23:56:28,523 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: '/etc/init.d/ntp start' 2016-05-13 23:56:28,574 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpq -pn' 2016-05-13 23:56:36,607 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpq -pn' 2016-05-13 23:56:44,634 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpq -pn' 2016-05-13 23:56:44,649 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpq -pn' 2016-05-13 23:56:44,683 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'date' 2016-05-13 23:56:44,700 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'date' 2016-05-13 23:56:44,706 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'date' 2016-05-13 23:56:44,727 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-13 23:56:44,743 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-13 23:56:44,746 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-13 23:56:44,778 - INFO environment.py:152 -- New time on 'admin' = Fri May 13 23:56:44 UTC 2016 2016-05-13 23:56:44,778 - INFO environment.py:152 -- New time on 'slave-01' = Fri May 13 23:56:44 UTC 2016 2016-05-13 23:56:44,778 - INFO environment.py:152 -- New time on 'slave-02' = Fri May 13 23:56:44 UTC 2016 2016-05-13 23:56:44,778 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_releases with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:56:44,779 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:56:44,846 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_releases with result: [{u'operating_system': u'Ubuntu', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using Ubuntu as a base operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': True, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'available', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 2, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'installer_kernel': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/linux', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'}, u'installer_initrd': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/initrd.gz', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz'}}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'ubuntu_1404_x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}, u'codename': u'trusty'}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/x86_64', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/auxiliary', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04'}, {u'operating_system': u'CentOS', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using a CentOS based operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': False, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'unavailable', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 1, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'centos-x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'To create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-package-updates --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/reference-architecture.html#fuel-rep-mirror).\n', u'value': [{u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 15, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/auxiliary'}, {u'priority': 20, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-updates', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/updates-latest/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 20, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-security', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/security-latest/x86_64'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'use_fedora_lt': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'default_kernel', u'description': u'Install default 2.6.32 kernel.', u'label': u'CentOS default kernel'}, {u'data': u'fedora_lt_kernel', u'description': u'EXPERIMENTAL: Install the Fedora 3.10 longterm kernel instead of the default 2.6.32 kernel. This kernel may not work with all hardware platforms, use with caution.', u'label': u'Fedora LT kernel'}], u'weight': 55, u'value': u'default_kernel', u'label': u'Select kernel'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Use Fedora longterm kernel'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 biosdevname=0 crashkernel=none rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on CentOS 6.5'}] 2016-05-13 23:57:14,892 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:14,895 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:57:14,895 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:57:14,896 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:14,988 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', 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u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 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u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, 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u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', 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u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-13 23:57:14,990 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:57:14,991 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:57:14,992 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, 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1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, 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53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-01', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-13 23:57:14,992 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:14,995 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:57:14,996 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:57:14,996 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:15,084 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, 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u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': 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u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, 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(APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, 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u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-13 23:57:15,085 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:57:15,086 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:57:15,086 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:57:15,087 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', 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True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', 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u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', 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u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel 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{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-13 23:57:15,087 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< ------------------------------------[ FINISH Step 003. Revert bootstrapped nodes STEP TOOK 1 min 47 sec ]------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-13 23:57:15,087 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-13 23:57:15,089 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-13 23:57:15,089 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '107.42', False) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:15,093 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-13 23:57:15,173 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< -------------------------------------------------[ START Step 004. Create Fuel Environment ]-------------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-13 23:57:15,180 - INFO actions_base.py:215 -- Create env SimpleNeutronVLAN 2016-05-13 23:57:15,180 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: create_cluster with args: (,) {'release_name': 'ubuntu', 'name': 'SimpleNeutronVLAN', 'settings': {'volumes_ceph': False, 'sahara': False, 'user': 'admin', 'osd_pool_size': '2', 'images_ceph': False, 'password': 'admin', 'tenant': 'admin', 'ceilometer': False, 'objects_ceph': False, 'ephemeral_ceph': False, 'volumes_lvm': True, 'net_provider': 'neutron', 'assign_to_all_nodes': False, 'murano': False, 'net_segment_type': 'vlan'}, 'mode': 'ha_compact'} 2016-05-13 23:57:15,181 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:428 -- Create cluster with name SimpleNeutronVLAN 2016-05-13 23:57:15,181 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_release_id with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {'release_name': 'ubuntu'} 2016-05-13 23:57:15,181 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_releases with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:15,182 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:15,222 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_releases with result: [{u'operating_system': u'Ubuntu', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using Ubuntu as a base operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': True, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'available', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 2, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'installer_kernel': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/linux', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'}, u'installer_initrd': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/initrd.gz', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz'}}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'ubuntu_1404_x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}, u'codename': u'trusty'}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/x86_64', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/auxiliary', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04'}, {u'operating_system': u'CentOS', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using a CentOS based operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': False, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'unavailable', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 1, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'centos-x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'To create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-package-updates --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/reference-architecture.html#fuel-rep-mirror).\n', u'value': [{u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 15, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/auxiliary'}, {u'priority': 20, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-updates', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/updates-latest/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 20, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-security', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/security-latest/x86_64'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'use_fedora_lt': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'default_kernel', u'description': u'Install default 2.6.32 kernel.', u'label': u'CentOS default kernel'}, {u'data': u'fedora_lt_kernel', u'description': u'EXPERIMENTAL: Install the Fedora 3.10 longterm kernel instead of the default 2.6.32 kernel. This kernel may not work with all hardware platforms, use with caution.', u'label': u'Fedora LT kernel'}], u'weight': 55, u'value': u'default_kernel', u'label': u'Select kernel'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Use Fedora longterm kernel'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 biosdevname=0 crashkernel=none rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on CentOS 6.5'}] 2016-05-13 23:57:15,222 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_release_id with result: 2 2016-05-13 23:57:15,222 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:432 -- Release_id of ubuntu is 2 2016-05-13 23:57:15,223 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster_id with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 'SimpleNeutronVLAN') {} 2016-05-13 23:57:15,223 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: list_clusters with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:15,223 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:15,233 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: list_clusters with result: [] 2016-05-13 23:57:15,233 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster_id with result: None 2016-05-13 23:57:15,234 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: create_cluster with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {'data': {'release': '2', 'net_segment_type': 'vlan', 'net_provider': 'neutron', 'name': 'SimpleNeutronVLAN', 'mode': 'ha_compact'}} 2016-05-13 23:57:15,234 - INFO nailgun_client.py:248 -- Before post to nailgun 2016-05-13 23:57:15,234 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:15,387 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: create_cluster with result: {u'status': u'new', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': u'2', u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronVLAN', u'is_locked': False, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [{u'node_id': None, u'name': u'attributes'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'networks'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'vmware_attributes'}], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'} 2016-05-13 23:57:15,387 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster_id with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 'SimpleNeutronVLAN') {} 2016-05-13 23:57:15,387 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: list_clusters with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:15,388 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:15,432 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: list_clusters with result: [{u'status': u'new', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronVLAN', u'is_locked': False, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [{u'node_id': None, u'name': u'attributes'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'networks'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'vmware_attributes'}], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'}] 2016-05-13 23:57:15,432 - INFO nailgun_client.py:325 -- cluster name is SimpleNeutronVLAN 2016-05-13 23:57:15,432 - INFO nailgun_client.py:326 -- cluster id is 1 2016-05-13 23:57:15,432 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster_id with result: 1 2016-05-13 23:57:15,432 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:470 -- The cluster id is 1 2016-05-13 23:57:15,433 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:473 -- Set cluster settings to volumes_ceph False sahara False user admin osd_pool_size 2 images_ceph False password admin tenant admin ceilometer False objects_ceph False ephemeral_ceph False volumes_lvm True net_provider neutron assign_to_all_nodes False murano False net_segment_type vlan 2016-05-13 23:57:15,433 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:15,479 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-13 23:57:15,491 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-13 23:57:15,591 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-13 23:57:15,633 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-13 23:57:15,634 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpdate -d -p 4 -t 0.2 -u' 2016-05-13 23:57:21,759 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:511 -- Configuring cluster #1to use NTP server 2016-05-13 23:57:21,760 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-13 23:57:21,824 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:518 -- Configuring cluster #1 to use DNS server 2016-05-13 23:57:21,824 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:520 -- Set DEBUG MODE to True 2016-05-13 23:57:21,826 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_cluster_attributes with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1, {u'editable': {u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': '', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': '2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'7AH5hvwlz0BOVaowtWNxVcdd'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': '', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:21,827 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:22,251 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_cluster_attributes with result: {u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'7AH5hvwlz0BOVaowtWNxVcdd'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}} 2016-05-13 23:57:22,252 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:552 -- Try to update cluster with next attributes {u'editable': {u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': '', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': '2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'7AH5hvwlz0BOVaowtWNxVcdd'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': '', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}} 2016-05-13 23:57:22,253 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_cluster_attributes with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1, {u'editable': {u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': '', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': '2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'7AH5hvwlz0BOVaowtWNxVcdd'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': '', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:22,254 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:22,657 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_cluster_attributes with result: {u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'7AH5hvwlz0BOVaowtWNxVcdd'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}} 2016-05-13 23:57:22,658 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: ssl_configure with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:22,658 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:22,685 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: change_cluster_ssl_config with args: ({u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'7AH5hvwlz0BOVaowtWNxVcdd'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, 'public.fuel.local') {} 2016-05-13 23:57:22,685 - DEBUG ssl.py:54 -- Trying to change cluster {} ssl configuration 2016-05-13 23:57:22,685 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: generate_user_own_cert with args: ('public.fuel.local',) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:22,685 - DEBUG ssl.py:31 -- Trying to generate user certificate files 2016-05-13 23:57:22,749 - DEBUG ssl.py:46 -- Generated PEM file /home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/ca.pem 2016-05-13 23:57:22,749 - DEBUG ssl.py:49 -- Generated PEM file /home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/ca.crt 2016-05-13 23:57:22,749 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: generate_user_own_cert with result: None 2016-05-13 23:57:22,749 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: change_cluster_ssl_config with result: None 2016-05-13 23:57:22,750 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:571 -- Try to update cluster with next attributes {u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': 'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': True, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': {'content': '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\ngqMBZwKR9KVFsjCNOYOwrZYkHBiF+xGZ3IiUMEwfzMkG\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\npSO3xr1IOIAEG3pO255dM4w=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n', 'name': 'ca.pem'}, u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': 'user_uploaded', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'7AH5hvwlz0BOVaowtWNxVcdd'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}} 2016-05-13 23:57:22,751 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_cluster_attributes with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1, {u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': 'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': True, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': {'content': '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\ngqMBZwKR9KVFsjCNOYOwrZYkHBiF+xGZ3IiUMEwfzMkG\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\npSO3xr1IOIAEG3pO255dM4w=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n', 'name': 'ca.pem'}, u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': 'user_uploaded', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'7AH5hvwlz0BOVaowtWNxVcdd'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:22,752 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:23,157 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_cluster_attributes with result: {u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': True, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': {u'content': u'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\ngqMBZwKR9KVFsjCNOYOwrZYkHBiF+xGZ3IiUMEwfzMkG\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQCkfRtTCQvSWuml\nayZmzC56x1jhmGbUZBHHQSszYGHe65FAgXLIAO7/AZml9UP2cLLz1MLQM0ivQQQI\njvwbfphJMh/sz2W2QSqAOGFYuabpi4UvEvprurojY6hzmMwF1HQKEGNhylYJgiy4\ngqqCws5vblHk4kRWROk6w+QgdFMUTJMAMFiG0Bd+JXC6uHZ9p2awjp2Ob0Rl2vUe\ntcf/6P//24YtFRqJXsv1bs4U6o1R9qAHxuL7nTG30Xbi6F9sf9uwR/StyxYmyuzy\n5Y29GACBELNhy00a0T0LK1Ugm1D1qzPc5acTh0E1KXjLp8emim7svaTA6shrhbkZ\n+PCBA1kVAgMBAAECggEAEDx9Jvwcm533tClYeAsth1cIEfSeKdba3mUzY3XfE0cD\nZm+gqddVv/wjc3s7QycqsuDMfgqh4RK02Dds8TXUyFzXQ+PQ8WWLUW6/RSfGLwVj\nlxrzdxDOcNHUfdyWPvkSny+w76UuSu/7hBb5x8B86gjksogXIMDamL9fVEjHLpib\n2kf7bgkX6gVe6XmAv32MWLBdvHvfsBF82zsKoYz7GhH3hWmmUmTGorIADUdAzhZ5\nQVjOXuDtTBtRFhJ+MhCMKQWueBrn6edaASlKDm0XjJZRuxOI6JOuzo3xI0BmvK7U\nGxdB/hvlIZk7D+vWo+axLiFyEiEVPgu+2acqvoOonQKBgQDV38xyIofkgeD3ncJs\nLCsPE3JpMlcvl1dquAGFdTbGC6xZQGEPdJkWgV9GFzUofllerhc6Pvw2nl578Ew9\ngbkl9pa08GiPcXExkJp0CyziU3tsX7iwVhitm14oQ6yvr0NVe0XfAKGUAtK0S2K1\nNgRMTKi5Rvs6ahtKt1KYBbyY7wKBgQDE4yMhPJG6euQTN8aA/8FJFLZTbkYPCAHI\nWDluAmvCjxx5NP8+P22yTvSNXKwrgstiXJKVeiJCkUrig/q95KcK0zk0HRkTy4BH\nsNW3mpqWS75DRcWusNTrURAbIGIlIU2Zr2k04tHrgVAh96CA+myHMC7fObO+otX+\n5DZWW3GGOwKBgQCQOE7j9BcQ5uft8crmKM6MZv+yokiahgJjq1sTRJw/5iU9NiV9\nR5Hn1CuL1yB4guL+7oQpOcnXhumNx9eRbkWMrQCpWKgZelTrKGiOse59W/ARf2bK\nOfSANRHEMwZindvY67yNCR7r8Q9mlqMkMR2q2dK4xX2pwV1P/9jJPK0VrwKBgA3U\nEjSUZ3vcg8ZhxXxr+ixi2wdzGFKX8mAa6jWyz9TDbnGI6mB53f+HEiAXoTQRJK3M\n6LK8+EkKoWLVeDf8JktZWIwzev5r7Z+baPdTUYY63asl7GN/ogTBFcuB88K92xBv\nRIllYO8UjwdDuC8254Z7ON+O0vQRxcv4RWS9WXTfAoGAOXOj5U5w09mSwqW1/5Yn\nfZAN5q169Le7H3f8yOQ6vycipCecVrJLRS6Umwmy/yiOiWlGa9YA4FwDMcDbwUAF\n+ydyG+ajaPicAqH6pUYfSmRi7a2qgnM7stezp2BthoP7sA5ZhWCPRpHfEe0IirYV\npSO3xr1IOIAEG3pO255dM4w=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n', u'name': u'ca.pem'}, u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'user_uploaded', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'7AH5hvwlz0BOVaowtWNxVcdd'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}} 2016-05-13 23:57:23,158 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: ssl_configure with result: None 2016-05-13 23:57:23,158 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: create_cluster with result: 1 2016-05-13 23:57:23,158 - INFO actions_base.py:250 -- Cluster created with ID:1 2016-05-13 23:57:23,158 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< --------------------------------------[ FINISH Step 004. Create Fuel Environment STEP TOOK 0 min 8 sec ]-------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-13 23:57:23,159 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-13 23:57:23,161 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-13 23:57:23,161 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '7.99', False) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:23,169 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-13 23:57:23,234 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< -------------------------------------------------[ START Step 005. Add nodes to environment ]------------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-13 23:57:23,234 - INFO actions_base.py:186 -- Add nodes to env 1 2016-05-13 23:57:23,234 - INFO actions_base.py:200 -- Set roles ['controller'] to node slave-01 2016-05-13 23:57:23,234 - INFO actions_base.py:200 -- Set roles ['compute'] to node slave-02 2016-05-13 23:57:23,235 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_nodes with args: (, 1, {'slave-02': ['compute'], 'slave-01': ['controller']}) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:23,238 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:23,240 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:57:23,241 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:57:23,241 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:23,298 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine 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extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, 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u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, 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u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus 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[u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions 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u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, 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u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-13 23:57:23,300 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:57:23,301 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:57:23,302 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:57:23,303 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', 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u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', 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u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-13 23:57:23,303 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:23,306 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:57:23,306 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:57:23,306 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:23,364 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', 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{u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', 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u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', 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u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', 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u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', 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u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-13 23:57:23,365 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:57:23,365 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:57:23,366 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-13 23:57:23,366 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, 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True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': 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u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-13 23:57:23,368 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:23,370 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:57:23,370 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:57:23,370 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:23,422 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': 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[u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, 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u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', 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True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions 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{u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, 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None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, 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u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-13 23:57:23,424 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:57:23,424 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:57:23,425 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', 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u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, 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u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-01', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-13 23:57:23,425 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:23,427 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-13 23:57:23,427 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-13 23:57:23,428 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:23,491 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, 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u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': 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u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', 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u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, 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u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, 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True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', 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listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, 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[]}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', 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[]}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-13 23:57:23,493 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:57:23,494 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-13 23:57:23,495 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, 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True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', 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True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', 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u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', 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None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-01', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-13 23:57:23,495 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_nodes with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], [{'name': 'slave-02_compute', 'pending_addition': True, 'cluster_id': 1, 'pending_roles': ['compute'], 'pending_deletion': False, 'id': 1}, {'name': 'slave-01_controller', 'pending_addition': True, 'cluster_id': 1, 'pending_roles': ['controller'], 'pending_deletion': False, 'id': 2}]) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:23,495 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:23,948 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_nodes with result: [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': True, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, 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53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': None, u'vlan': None, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s3'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'management', u'dev': u'enp0s5'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'storage', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': None, u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [u'controller'], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-01_controller', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, 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2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, 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Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, 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u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', 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u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus 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[u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': None, u'vlan': None, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s3'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'management', u'dev': u'enp0s5'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'storage', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': None, u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [u'compute'], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-02_compute', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}] 2016-05-13 23:57:23,949 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:24,072 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_nodes_interfaces with args: (, 1, [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': 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u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, 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{u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, 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u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', 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2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check 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u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', 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Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, 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u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', 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u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', 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u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', 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u'up', u'mac': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', 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[u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-01', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}]) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,073 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,073 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:24,094 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster with result: {u'status': u'new', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronVLAN', u'is_locked': False, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [{u'node_id': None, u'name': u'attributes'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'networks'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'vmware_attributes'}, {u'node_id': 1, u'name': u'interfaces'}, {u'node_id': 1, u'name': u'disks'}, {u'node_id': 2, u'name': u'interfaces'}, {u'node_id': 2, u'name': u'disks'}], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,094 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster_additional_components with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,095 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:24,124 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster_additional_components with result: {u'ceilometer': False, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': False, u'murano': False, u'murano-cfapi': False, u'heat': True, u'sahara': False, u'ironic': False, u'mongo': False} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,124 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1377 -- Assigned networks are: {'enp0s6': ['private'], 'enp0s7': ['storage'], 'enp0s4': ['public'], 'enp0s5': ['management'], 'enp0s3': ['fuelweb_admin']} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,124 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_node_networks with args: (, 1, {'enp0s6': ['private'], 'enp0s7': ['storage'], 'enp0s4': ['public'], 'enp0s5': ['management'], 'enp0s3': ['fuelweb_admin']}) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,124 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_node_interfaces with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,125 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:24,167 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_node_interfaces with result: [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 1, u'name': u'fuelweb_admin'}, {u'id': 5, u'name': u'private'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 1, u'pxe': True, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 2, u'name': u'public'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 2, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 3, u'name': u'management'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 3, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 4, u'name': u'storage'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 4, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 5, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}] 2016-05-13 23:57:24,168 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: put_node_interfaces with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], [{'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 1, u'name': u'fuelweb_admin'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 1, u'pxe': True, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 2, u'name': u'public'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 2, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 3, u'name': u'management'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 3, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 5, u'name': u'private'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 4, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 4, u'name': u'storage'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 5, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], 'id': 1}]) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,168 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:24,271 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: put_node_interfaces with result: [{u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 1, u'name': u'fuelweb_admin'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 1, u'pxe': True, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 2, u'name': u'public'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 2, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 3, u'name': u'management'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, 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u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 5, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'id': 1}] 2016-05-13 23:57:24,271 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_node_networks with result: None 2016-05-13 23:57:24,271 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_node_networks with args: (, 2, {'enp0s6': ['private'], 'enp0s7': ['storage'], 'enp0s4': ['public'], 'enp0s5': ['management'], 'enp0s3': ['fuelweb_admin']}) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,271 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_node_interfaces with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 2) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,272 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:24,312 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_node_interfaces with result: [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 1, u'name': u'fuelweb_admin'}, {u'id': 5, u'name': u'private'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 6, u'pxe': True, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 2, u'name': u'public'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 7, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 3, u'name': u'management'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 8, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 4, u'name': u'storage'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 9, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 10, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}] 2016-05-13 23:57:24,313 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: put_node_interfaces with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], [{'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 1, u'name': u'fuelweb_admin'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 6, u'pxe': True, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 2, u'name': u'public'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 7, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 3, u'name': u'management'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 8, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 5, u'name': u'private'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 9, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 4, u'name': u'storage'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 10, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], 'id': 2}]) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,313 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:24,412 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: put_node_interfaces with result: [{u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 1, u'name': u'fuelweb_admin'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 6, u'pxe': True, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 2, u'name': u'public'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 7, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 3, u'name': u'management'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 8, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 5, u'name': u'private'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 9, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 4, u'name': u'storage'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 10, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'id': 2}] 2016-05-13 23:57:24,412 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_node_networks with result: None 2016-05-13 23:57:24,412 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_nodes_interfaces with result: None 2016-05-13 23:57:24,414 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_nodes with result: [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': True, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': 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u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', 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u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': None, u'vlan': None, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s3'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'management', u'dev': u'enp0s5'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'storage', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': None, u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [u'controller'], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-01_controller', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}] 2016-05-13 23:57:24,414 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< -------------------------------------[ FINISH Step 005. Add nodes to environment STEP TOOK 0 min 1 sec ]-------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-13 23:57:24,414 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,416 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-13 23:57:24,416 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '1.18', False) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,421 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-13 23:57:24,422 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< ---------------------------------------------------[ START Step 006. Run network checker ]---------------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-13 23:57:24,422 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: verify_network with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,422 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_network_verify with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,422 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1030 -- Run network verification on the cluster 1 2016-05-13 23:57:24,422 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: verify_networks with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,422 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,423 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:24,440 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster with result: {u'status': u'new', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronVLAN', u'is_locked': False, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [{u'node_id': None, u'name': u'attributes'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'networks'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'vmware_attributes'}, {u'node_id': 1, u'name': u'interfaces'}, {u'node_id': 1, u'name': u'disks'}, {u'node_id': 2, u'name': u'interfaces'}, {u'node_id': 2, u'name': u'disks'}], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,440 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_networks with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,440 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,440 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:24,456 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster with result: {u'status': u'new', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronVLAN', u'is_locked': False, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [{u'node_id': None, u'name': u'attributes'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'networks'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'vmware_attributes'}, {u'node_id': 1, u'name': u'interfaces'}, {u'node_id': 1, u'name': u'disks'}, {u'node_id': 2, u'name': u'interfaces'}, {u'node_id': 2, u'name': u'disks'}], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,457 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:24,529 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_networks with result: {u'networking_parameters': {u'configuration_template': None, u'dns_nameservers': [u'', u''], u'floating_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'floating_name': u'admin_floating_net', u'net_l23_provider': u'ovs', u'base_mac': u'fa:16:3e:00:00:00', u'internal_gateway': u'', u'internal_name': u'admin_internal_net', u'internal_cidr': u'', u'gre_id_range': [2, 65535], u'vlan_range': [1000, 1030], u'segmentation_type': u'vlan'}, u'vips': {}, u'networks': [{u'name': u'public', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': u'', u'meta': {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'public', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 1, u'configurable': True, u'floating_range_var': u'floating_ranges', u'use_gateway': True, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'public', u'cidr': u'', u'gateway': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': 1, u'id': 2}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': None, u'meta': {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'management', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'internal', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': 1, u'id': 3}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': None, u'meta': {u'name': u'storage', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'storage', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': 1, u'id': 4}, {u'name': u'private', u'ip_ranges': [], u'gateway': None, u'meta': {u'name': u'private', u'notation': None, u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'neutron_vlan_range': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'configurable': False, u'seg_type': u'vlan'}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': None, u'group_id': 1, u'id': 5}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': u'', u'meta': {u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 0, u'configurable': False, u'unmovable': True, u'use_gateway': True, u'render_addr_mask': None}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': None, u'id': 1}]} 2016-05-13 23:57:24,530 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:25,036 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: verify_networks with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'9be28274-ad83-4a3a-b398-1a12e60c05d2'} 2016-05-13 23:57:25,036 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_network_verify with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'9be28274-ad83-4a3a-b398-1a12e60c05d2'} 2016-05-13 23:57:25,036 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: assert_task_success with args: (, {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'9be28274-ad83-4a3a-b398-1a12e60c05d2'}, 300) {'interval': 10} 2016-05-13 23:57:25,036 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:316 -- Assert task {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'9be28274-ad83-4a3a-b398-1a12e60c05d2'} is success 2016-05-13 23:57:25,036 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: task_wait with args: (, {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'9be28274-ad83-4a3a-b398-1a12e60c05d2'}, 300, 10) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:25,036 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1090 -- Wait for task 300 seconds: status running name verify_networks cluster 1 result {} progress 0 message None id 1 uuid 9be28274-ad83-4a3a-b398-1a12e60c05d2 2016-05-13 23:57:25,036 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:25,037 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:25,049 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'9be28274-ad83-4a3a-b398-1a12e60c05d2'} 2016-05-13 23:57:35,050 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:35,051 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:35,065 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'9be28274-ad83-4a3a-b398-1a12e60c05d2'} 2016-05-13 23:57:45,076 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:45,076 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:45,094 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'9be28274-ad83-4a3a-b398-1a12e60c05d2'} 2016-05-13 23:57:55,104 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:57:55,105 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:57:55,120 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'9be28274-ad83-4a3a-b398-1a12e60c05d2'} 2016-05-13 23:58:05,125 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:58:05,125 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:58:05,139 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': [], u'progress': 30, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'9be28274-ad83-4a3a-b398-1a12e60c05d2'} 2016-05-13 23:58:15,141 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:58:15,141 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:58:15,153 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': [], u'progress': 100, u'message': u'', u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'9be28274-ad83-4a3a-b398-1a12e60c05d2'} 2016-05-13 23:58:15,153 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:58:15,153 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:58:15,164 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': [], u'progress': 100, u'message': u'', u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'9be28274-ad83-4a3a-b398-1a12e60c05d2'} 2016-05-13 23:58:15,164 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1107 -- Task finished. Took 50.1165649891 seconds. status ready name verify_networks cluster 1 result: progress 100 message id 1 uuid 9be28274-ad83-4a3a-b398-1a12e60c05d2 2016-05-13 23:58:15,164 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: task_wait with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': [], u'progress': 100, u'message': u'', u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'9be28274-ad83-4a3a-b398-1a12e60c05d2'} 2016-05-13 23:58:15,164 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: assert_task_success with result: None 2016-05-13 23:58:15,164 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1344 -- Network verification of cluster 1 finished 2016-05-13 23:58:15,164 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: verify_network with result: None 2016-05-13 23:58:15,164 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< ---------------------------------------[ FINISH Step 006. Run network checker STEP TOOK 0 min 51 sec ]---------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-13 23:58:15,165 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-13 23:58:15,166 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-13 23:58:15,166 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '50.74', False) {} 2016-05-13 23:58:15,172 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-13 23:58:15,172 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< ----------------------------------------------------[ START Step 007. Deploy environment ]---------------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-13 23:58:15,173 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:724 -- Deploy cluster 1 2016-05-13 23:58:15,173 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: deploy_cluster with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:58:15,173 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:779 -- Launch deployment of a cluster #1 2016-05-13 23:58:15,173 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: deploy_cluster_changes with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-13 23:58:15,173 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:58:18,272 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: deploy_cluster_changes with result: {u'status': u'pending', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-13 23:58:18,272 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: deploy_cluster with result: {u'status': u'pending', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-13 23:58:18,272 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: assert_task_success with args: (, {u'status': u'pending', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'}) {'interval': 30, 'timeout': 10800} 2016-05-13 23:58:18,272 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:316 -- Assert task {u'status': u'pending', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} is success 2016-05-13 23:58:18,272 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: task_wait with args: (, {u'status': u'pending', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'}, 10800, 30) {} 2016-05-13 23:58:18,272 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1090 -- Wait for task 10800 seconds: status pending name deploy cluster 1 result {} progress 0 message None id 5 uuid 0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c 2016-05-13 23:58:18,273 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-13 23:58:18,273 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:58:18,284 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'pending', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-13 23:58:48,289 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-13 23:58:48,290 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:58:48,304 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 42, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-13 23:59:18,320 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-13 23:59:18,321 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:59:18,330 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 42, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-13 23:59:48,360 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-13 23:59:48,360 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-13 23:59:48,372 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 42, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:00:18,382 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:00:18,382 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:00:18,391 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 42, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:00:48,421 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:00:48,422 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:00:48,432 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 42, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:01:18,463 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:01:18,463 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:01:18,478 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 42, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:01:48,509 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:01:48,509 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:01:48,519 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 43, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:02:18,523 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:02:18,523 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:02:18,558 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 43, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:02:48,587 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:02:48,588 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:02:48,620 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 43, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:03:18,649 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:03:18,650 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:03:18,661 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 43, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:03:48,686 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:03:48,687 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:03:48,701 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 43, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:04:18,707 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:04:18,708 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:04:18,723 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 43, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:04:48,753 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:04:48,754 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:04:48,769 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 43, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:05:18,795 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:05:18,795 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:05:18,806 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:05:48,833 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:05:48,834 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:05:48,851 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:06:18,867 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:06:18,867 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:06:18,880 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:06:48,882 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:06:48,883 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:06:48,902 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:07:18,932 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:07:18,933 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:07:18,942 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:07:48,948 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:07:48,948 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:07:48,997 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:08:19,025 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:08:19,026 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:08:19,058 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:08:49,089 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:08:49,089 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:08:49,099 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:09:19,129 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:09:19,129 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:09:19,138 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:09:49,169 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:09:49,169 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:09:49,178 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 45, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:10:19,199 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:10:19,200 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:10:19,214 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 45, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:10:49,244 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:10:49,245 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:10:49,260 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 57, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:11:19,280 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:11:19,280 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:11:19,298 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 57, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:11:49,328 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:11:49,328 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:11:49,338 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:12:19,368 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:12:19,369 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:12:19,383 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:12:49,413 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:12:49,413 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:12:49,458 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:13:19,475 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:13:19,476 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:13:19,522 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:13:49,553 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:13:49,554 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:13:49,591 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:14:19,602 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:14:19,602 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:14:19,613 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:14:49,644 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:14:49,644 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:14:49,656 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:15:19,657 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:15:19,658 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:15:19,673 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:15:49,703 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:15:49,704 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:15:49,721 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:16:19,751 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:16:19,752 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:16:19,763 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:16:49,771 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:16:49,771 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:16:49,810 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:17:19,840 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:17:19,841 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:17:19,853 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:17:49,875 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:17:49,876 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:17:49,925 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:18:19,956 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:18:19,956 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:18:19,969 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:18:49,987 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:18:49,988 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:18:50,024 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:19:20,045 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:19:20,045 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:19:20,054 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:19:50,083 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:19:50,084 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:19:50,102 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:20:20,129 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:20:20,129 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:20:20,140 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:20:50,141 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:20:50,142 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:20:50,181 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:21:20,212 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:21:20,213 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:21:20,230 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:21:50,233 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:21:50,233 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:21:50,279 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:22:20,289 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:22:20,289 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:22:20,311 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:22:50,341 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:22:50,342 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:22:50,352 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:23:20,354 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:23:20,355 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:23:20,365 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:23:50,368 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:23:50,368 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:23:50,381 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:24:20,412 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:24:20,412 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:24:20,458 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:24:50,479 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:24:50,480 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:24:50,495 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:25:20,503 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:25:20,504 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:25:20,516 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:25:50,546 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:25:50,547 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:25:50,563 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:26:20,579 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:26:20,580 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:26:20,612 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:26:50,641 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:26:50,642 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:26:50,673 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:27:20,700 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:27:20,701 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:27:20,712 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:27:50,714 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:27:50,714 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:27:50,725 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:28:20,737 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:28:20,737 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:28:20,748 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:28:50,772 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:28:50,773 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:28:50,783 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:29:20,810 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:29:20,811 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:29:20,827 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:29:50,840 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:29:50,841 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:29:50,861 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:30:20,861 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:30:20,862 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:30:20,898 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:30:50,915 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:30:50,916 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:30:50,925 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:31:20,945 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:31:20,945 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:31:20,988 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:31:51,000 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:31:51,000 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:31:51,038 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:32:21,067 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:32:21,068 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:32:21,084 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:32:51,114 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:32:51,115 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:32:51,126 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:33:21,151 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:33:21,151 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:33:21,162 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:33:51,186 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:33:51,186 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:33:51,197 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:34:21,210 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:34:21,210 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:34:21,225 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:34:51,255 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:34:51,256 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:34:51,266 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:35:21,295 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:35:21,295 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:35:21,334 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:35:51,355 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:35:51,355 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:35:51,366 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 63, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:36:21,387 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:36:21,388 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:36:21,420 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 63, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:36:51,451 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:36:51,451 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:36:51,463 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 63, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:37:21,490 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:37:21,490 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:37:21,501 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 63, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:37:51,502 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:37:51,502 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:37:51,543 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 63, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:38:21,573 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:38:21,574 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:38:21,588 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 63, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:38:51,592 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:38:51,593 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:38:51,632 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 63, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:39:21,660 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:39:21,661 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:39:21,674 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:39:51,704 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:39:51,705 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:39:51,715 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:40:21,746 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:40:21,746 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:40:21,757 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:40:51,786 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:40:51,786 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:40:51,797 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:41:21,825 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:41:21,826 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:41:21,837 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:41:51,843 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:41:51,843 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:41:51,881 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:42:21,909 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:42:21,910 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:42:21,941 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:42:51,972 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:42:51,973 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:42:51,987 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:43:22,017 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:43:22,018 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:43:22,028 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:43:52,044 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:43:52,045 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:43:52,060 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:44:22,088 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:44:22,089 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:44:22,104 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:44:52,129 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:44:52,130 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:44:52,141 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:45:22,171 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:45:22,172 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:45:22,210 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:45:52,240 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:45:52,241 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:45:52,257 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:46:22,284 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:46:22,284 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:46:22,303 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:46:52,325 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:46:52,326 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:46:52,342 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:47:22,370 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:47:22,370 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:47:22,437 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 70, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:47:52,468 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:47:52,468 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:47:52,502 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:48:22,519 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:48:22,519 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:48:22,530 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:48:52,531 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:48:52,531 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:48:52,566 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:49:22,571 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:49:22,571 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:49:22,582 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:49:52,607 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:49:52,608 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:49:52,619 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:50:22,649 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:50:22,649 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:50:22,660 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:50:52,665 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:50:52,666 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:50:52,678 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:51:22,708 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:51:22,709 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:51:22,721 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:51:52,730 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:51:52,731 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:51:52,772 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:52:22,782 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:52:22,782 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:52:22,795 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:52:52,804 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:52:52,804 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:52:52,815 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 83, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:53:22,815 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:53:22,816 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:53:22,828 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 88, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:53:52,835 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:53:52,836 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:53:52,890 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:54:22,908 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:54:22,909 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:54:22,943 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:54:52,947 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:54:52,947 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:54:52,962 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:55:22,964 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:55:22,964 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:55:22,975 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:55:53,005 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:55:53,006 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:55:53,018 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:56:23,019 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:56:23,019 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:56:23,031 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:56:53,044 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:56:53,044 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:56:53,057 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': u"Deployment of environment 'SimpleNeutronVLAN' is done. \nProvision of environment 'SimpleNeutronVLAN' is done. ", u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:56:53,057 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 00:56:53,057 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:56:53,067 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': u"Deployment of environment 'SimpleNeutronVLAN' is done. \nProvision of environment 'SimpleNeutronVLAN' is done. ", u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:56:53,067 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1107 -- Task finished. Took 3514.78432798 seconds. status ready name deploy cluster 1 result {} progress 100 message Deployment of environment 'SimpleNeutronVLAN' is done. Provision of environment 'SimpleNeutronVLAN' is done. id 5 uuid 0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c 2016-05-14 00:56:53,067 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: task_wait with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': u"Deployment of environment 'SimpleNeutronVLAN' is done. \nProvision of environment 'SimpleNeutronVLAN' is done. ", u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'0ef1ca88-7be0-43ca-a1c7-e404297fed9c'} 2016-05-14 00:56:53,067 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: assert_task_success with result: None 2016-05-14 00:56:53,068 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: assert_ha_services_ready with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:56:53,068 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:56:53,068 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:56:53,076 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster with result: {u'status': u'operational', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronVLAN', u'is_locked': True, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'} 2016-05-14 00:56:53,077 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:162 -- Waiting 1200 sec. for passed OSTF HA tests. 2016-05-14 00:56:53,077 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_ostf with args: (, 1) {'should_fail': 0, 'test_sets': ['ha']} 2016-05-14 00:56:53,077 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: ostf_run_tests with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1, ['ha']) {} 2016-05-14 00:56:53,077 - INFO nailgun_client.py:272 -- Run OSTF tests at cluster #1: ['ha'] 2016-05-14 00:56:53,077 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_tests with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:56:53,078 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:56:53,647 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_tests with result: [{u'status': None, u'testset': u'cloudvalidation', u'name': u'Check disk space outage on controller and compute nodes', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.cloudvalidation.test_disk_space_outage.DiskSpaceTest.test_disk_space_outage', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check outage on controller and compute nodes\n\n \n\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'cloudvalidation', u'name': u'Check log rotation configuration on all nodes', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.cloudvalidation.test_logrotate.LogRotationTest.test_logrotate', u'description': u' Target component: Logging\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check logrotate cron job on all controller and compute nodes\n \n\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'configuration', u'name': u'Check usage of default credentials on master node', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.configuration.test_configuration.SanityConfigurationTest.test_001_check_default_master_node_credential_usage', u'description': u' Target component: Configuration\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check user can not ssh on master node with default credentials.\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'configuration', u'name': u'Check if default credentials for OpenStack cluster have changed', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.configuration.test_configuration.SanityConfigurationTest.test_002_check_default_openstack_credential_usage', u'description': u' Target component: Configuration\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check if default credentials for OpenStack cluster have changed.\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'configuration', u'name': u'Check usage of default credentials for keystone on master node', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.configuration.test_configuration.SanityConfigurationTest.test_003_check_default_keystone_credential_usage', u'description': u' Target component: Configuration\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check default credentials for keystone on master node are\n changed.\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create instance flavor', u'duration': u'30 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_create_flavor.FlavorsAdminTest.test_create_flavor', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create small-size flavor.\n 2. Check that created flavor has the expected name.\n 3. Check that the flavor disk has the expected size.\n 4. Delete created flavor.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Check create, update and delete image actions using Glance v2', u'duration': u'70 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_create_images.GlanceSmokeTests.test_create_and_delete_image_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario:\n 1.Send request to create image\n 2.Checking image status\n 3.Check that image was created successfully\n 4.Update image with properties\n 5.Check that properties was updated successfully\n 6.Delete image\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create volume and boot instance from it', u'duration': u'350 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_create_volume.VolumesTest.test_create_boot_volume', u'description': u' Target component: Compute\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new small-size volume from image.\n 2. Wait for volume status to become "available".\n 3. Launch instance from created volume.\n 4. Wait for "Active" status.\n 5. Delete instance.\n 6. Delete volume.\n 7. Verify that volume deleted\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create volume and attach it to instance', u'duration': u'350 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_create_volume.VolumesTest.test_volume_create', u'description': u' Target component: Compute\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new small-size volume.\n 2. Wait for volume status to become "available".\n 3. Check volume has correct name.\n 4. Create new instance.\n 5. Wait for "Active" status\n 6. Attach volume to an instance.\n 7. Check volume status is "in use".\n 8. Get information on the created volume by its id.\n 9. Detach volume from the instance.\n 10. Check volume has "available" status.\n 11. Delete volume.\n 12. Verify that volume deleted\n 13. Delete server.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Check network connectivity from instance via floating IP', u'duration': u'300 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_neutron_actions.TestNeutron.test_check_neutron_objects_creation', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new security group (if it doesn`t exist yet).\n 2. Create router\n 3. Create network\n 4. Create subnet\n 5. Uplink subnet to router.\n 6. Create an instance using the new security group\n in created subnet.\n 7. Create a new floating IP\n 8. Assign the new floating IP to the instance.\n 9. Check connectivity to the floating IP using ping command.\n 10. Check that public IP can be pinged from instance.\n 11. Disassociate server floating ip.\n 12. Delete floating ip\n 13. Delete server.\n 14. Remove router.\n 15. Remove subnet\n 16. Remove network\n\n \n\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create keypair', u'duration': u'25 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_001_create_keypairs', u'description': u' Target component: Nova.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new keypair, check if it was created successfully.\n \n\n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create security group', u'duration': u'25 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_002_create_security_groups', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a security group, check if it was created correctly.\n \n\n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Check network parameters', u'duration': u'50 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_003_check_networks', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Get the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that networks have expected labels.\n 3. Confirm that networks have expected ids.\n \n\n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Launch instance', u'duration': u'200 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_004_create_servers', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new security group (if it doesn`t exist yet).\n 2. Create an instance using the new security group.\n 3. Delete instance.\n \n\n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Launch instance with file injection', u'duration': u'200 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_009_create_server_with_file', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new security group (if it doesn`t exist yet).\n 2. Create an instance with injected file.\n 3. Assign floating ip to instance.\n 4. Check file exists on created instance.\n 5. Delete floating ip.\n 6. Delete instance.\n \n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Launch instance, create snapshot, launch instance from snapshot', u'duration': u'300 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_image_actions.TestImageAction.test_snapshot', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Get existing image by name.\n 2. Launch an instance using the default image.\n 3. Make snapshot of the created instance.\n 4. Delete the instance created in step 1.\n 5. Wait while instance deleted\n 6. Launch another instance from the snapshot created in step 2.\n 7. Delete server.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create user and authenticate with it.', u'duration': u'80 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_user_create.TestUserTenantRole.test_create_user', u'description': u' Target components: Nova, Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new tenant.\n 2. Check that tenant was created successfully.\n 3. Create a new user.\n 4. Check that user was created successfully.\n 5. Create a new user role.\n 6. Check that user role was created successfully.\n 7. Perform token authentication.\n 8. Check that authentication was successful.\n 9. Send authentication request to Horizon.\n 10. Confirm that response status is 200.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'tests_platform', u'name': u'Typical stack actions: create, delete, show details, etc.', u'duration': u'560 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_actions', u'description': u" Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create test flavor.\n 2. Create a stack.\n 3. Wait for the stack status to change to 'CREATE_COMPLETE'.\n 4. Get the details of the created stack by its name.\n 5. Get the resources list of the created stack.\n 6. Get the details of the stack resource.\n 7. Get the events list of the created stack.\n 8. Get the details of the stack event.\n 9. Get the stack template details.\n 10. Delete the stack and wait for the stack to be deleted.\n\n \n "}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'tests_platform', u'name': u'Advanced stack actions: suspend, resume and check', u'duration': u'660 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_advanced_actions', u'description': u" Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create test flavor.\n 2. Create a stack.\n 3. Wait until the stack status will change to 'CREATE_COMPLETE'.\n 4. Call stack suspend action.\n 5. Wait until the stack status will change to 'SUSPEND_COMPLETE'.\n 6. Check that stack resources are in 'SUSPEND_COMPLETE' status.\n 7. Check that server owned by stack is in 'SUSPENDED' status.\n 8. Call stack resume action.\n 9. Wait until the stack status will change to 'RESUME_COMPLETE'.\n 10. Check that stack resources are in 'RESUME_COMPLETE' status.\n 11. Check that instance owned by stack is in 'ACTIVE' status.\n 12. Call stack check action.\n 13. Wait until the stack status will change to 'CHECK_COMPLETE'.\n 14. Check that stack resources are in 'CHECK_COMPLETE' status.\n 15. Check that instance owned by stack is in 'ACTIVE' status.\n 16. Delete the stack and wait for the stack to be deleted.\n\n \n \n "}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'tests_platform', u'name': u'Check stack rollback', u'duration': u'310 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_rollback', u'description': u" Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create extra large flavor.\n 2. Start stack creation with rollback enabled.\n 3. Verify the stack appears with status 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'.\n 4. Wait for the stack to be deleted in result of rollback after\n expiration of timeout defined in WaitHandle resource\n of the stack.\n 5. Verify the instance of the stack has been deleted.\n\n \n "}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'tests_platform', u'name': u'Update stack actions: inplace, replace and update whole template', u'duration': u'950 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_update', u'description': u" Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create test flavor.\n 2. Create a stack.\n 3. Wait for the stack status to change to 'CREATE_COMPLETE'.\n 4. Change instance name, execute update stack in-place.\n 5. Wait for the stack status to change to 'UPDATE_COMPLETE'.\n 6. Check that instance name was changed.\n 7. Create one more test flavor.\n 8. Change instance flavor to just created and update stack\n (update replace).\n 9. Wait for the stack status to change to 'UPDATE_COMPLETE'.\n 10. Check that instance flavor was changed.\n 11. Change stack template and update it.\n 12. Wait for the stack status to change to 'UPDATE_COMPLETE'.\n 13. Check that there are only two newly created stack instances.\n 14. Delete the stack.\n 15. Wait for the stack to be deleted.\n\n \n "}] 2016-05-14 00:56:53,648 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:56:54,080 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: ostf_run_tests with result: [{u'status': u'running', u'tests': [{u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': None, u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:53.959023', u'id': 1}] 2016-05-14 00:56:54,080 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1050 -- Try to run assert ostf with expected fail name None 2016-05-14 00:56:54,080 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: assert_ostf_run with args: (, 1) {'failed_test_name': None, 'should_fail': 0, 'test_sets': ['ha'], 'timeout': 1800} 2016-05-14 00:56:54,080 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:228 -- Assert OSTF run at cluster #1. Should fail 0 tests named None 2016-05-14 00:56:54,080 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: _ostf_test_wait with args: (, 1, 1800) {} 2016-05-14 00:56:54,080 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:118 -- Wait OSTF tests at cluster #1 for 1800 seconds 2016-05-14 00:56:54,080 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:56:54,081 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:56:54,105 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'running', u'tests': [{u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': None, u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:53.959023', u'id': 1}] 2016-05-14 00:56:59,111 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:56:59,111 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:56:59,131 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'running', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.818590879440308, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.450080871582031, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.56038498878479, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46937084197998, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.873255968093872, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.938857078552246, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 2.86102294921875e-06, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': None, u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:53.959023', u'id': 1}] 2016-05-14 00:57:04,133 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:04,134 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:04,154 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.818590879440308, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.450080871582031, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.56038498878479, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46937084197998, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.873255968093872, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.938857078552246, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.936414957046509, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:59.756440', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:53.959023', u'id': 1}] 2016-05-14 00:57:04,155 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:04,155 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:04,176 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.818590879440308, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.450080871582031, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.56038498878479, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46937084197998, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.873255968093872, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.938857078552246, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.936414957046509, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:59.756440', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:53.959023', u'id': 1}] 2016-05-14 00:57:04,176 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: _ostf_test_wait with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.818590879440308, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.450080871582031, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.56038498878479, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46937084197998, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.873255968093872, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.938857078552246, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.936414957046509, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:59.756440', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:53.959023', u'id': 1}] 2016-05-14 00:57:04,176 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:258 -- OSTF test statuses are : Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node skipped RabbitMQ replication skipped Check pacemaker status success Check state of haproxy backends on controllers success Check galera environment state skipped Check data replication over mysql skipped RabbitMQ availability skipped 2016-05-14 00:57:04,177 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: assert_ostf_run with result: None 2016-05-14 00:57:04,177 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_ostf with result: None 2016-05-14 00:57:04,177 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:168 -- OSTF HA tests passed successfully. 2016-05-14 00:57:04,177 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: assert_ha_services_ready with result: None 2016-05-14 00:57:04,177 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: assert_os_services_ready with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:04,177 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:179 -- Waiting 300 sec. for passed OSTF Sanity checks. 2016-05-14 00:57:04,177 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_ostf with args: (, 1) {'should_fail': 0, 'test_sets': ['sanity']} 2016-05-14 00:57:04,177 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: ostf_run_tests with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1, ['sanity']) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:04,177 - INFO nailgun_client.py:272 -- Run OSTF tests at cluster #1: ['sanity'] 2016-05-14 00:57:04,177 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_tests with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:04,178 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:04,385 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_tests with result: [{u'status': None, u'testset': u'cloudvalidation', u'name': u'Check disk space outage on controller and compute nodes', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.cloudvalidation.test_disk_space_outage.DiskSpaceTest.test_disk_space_outage', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check outage on controller and compute nodes\n\n \n\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'cloudvalidation', u'name': u'Check log rotation configuration on all nodes', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.cloudvalidation.test_logrotate.LogRotationTest.test_logrotate', u'description': u' Target component: Logging\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check logrotate cron job on all controller and compute nodes\n \n\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'configuration', u'name': u'Check usage of default credentials on master node', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.configuration.test_configuration.SanityConfigurationTest.test_001_check_default_master_node_credential_usage', u'description': u' Target component: Configuration\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check user can not ssh on master node with default credentials.\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'configuration', u'name': u'Check if default credentials for OpenStack cluster have changed', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.configuration.test_configuration.SanityConfigurationTest.test_002_check_default_openstack_credential_usage', u'description': u' Target component: Configuration\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check if default credentials for OpenStack cluster have changed.\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'configuration', u'name': u'Check usage of default credentials for keystone on master node', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.configuration.test_configuration.SanityConfigurationTest.test_003_check_default_keystone_credential_usage', u'description': u' Target component: Configuration\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check default credentials for keystone on master node are\n changed.\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.818590879440308, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.450080871582031, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.56038498878479, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46937084197998, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.873255968093872, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.938857078552246, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.936414957046509, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create instance flavor', u'duration': u'30 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_create_flavor.FlavorsAdminTest.test_create_flavor', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create small-size flavor.\n 2. Check that created flavor has the expected name.\n 3. Check that the flavor disk has the expected size.\n 4. Delete created flavor.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Check create, update and delete image actions using Glance v2', u'duration': u'70 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_create_images.GlanceSmokeTests.test_create_and_delete_image_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario:\n 1.Send request to create image\n 2.Checking image status\n 3.Check that image was created successfully\n 4.Update image with properties\n 5.Check that properties was updated successfully\n 6.Delete image\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create volume and boot instance from it', u'duration': u'350 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_create_volume.VolumesTest.test_create_boot_volume', u'description': u' Target component: Compute\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new small-size volume from image.\n 2. Wait for volume status to become "available".\n 3. Launch instance from created volume.\n 4. Wait for "Active" status.\n 5. Delete instance.\n 6. Delete volume.\n 7. Verify that volume deleted\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create volume and attach it to instance', u'duration': u'350 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_create_volume.VolumesTest.test_volume_create', u'description': u' Target component: Compute\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new small-size volume.\n 2. Wait for volume status to become "available".\n 3. Check volume has correct name.\n 4. Create new instance.\n 5. Wait for "Active" status\n 6. Attach volume to an instance.\n 7. Check volume status is "in use".\n 8. Get information on the created volume by its id.\n 9. Detach volume from the instance.\n 10. Check volume has "available" status.\n 11. Delete volume.\n 12. Verify that volume deleted\n 13. Delete server.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Check network connectivity from instance via floating IP', u'duration': u'300 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_neutron_actions.TestNeutron.test_check_neutron_objects_creation', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new security group (if it doesn`t exist yet).\n 2. Create router\n 3. Create network\n 4. Create subnet\n 5. Uplink subnet to router.\n 6. Create an instance using the new security group\n in created subnet.\n 7. Create a new floating IP\n 8. Assign the new floating IP to the instance.\n 9. Check connectivity to the floating IP using ping command.\n 10. Check that public IP can be pinged from instance.\n 11. Disassociate server floating ip.\n 12. Delete floating ip\n 13. Delete server.\n 14. Remove router.\n 15. Remove subnet\n 16. Remove network\n\n \n\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create keypair', u'duration': u'25 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_001_create_keypairs', u'description': u' Target component: Nova.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new keypair, check if it was created successfully.\n \n\n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create security group', u'duration': u'25 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_002_create_security_groups', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a security group, check if it was created correctly.\n \n\n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Check network parameters', u'duration': u'50 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_003_check_networks', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Get the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that networks have expected labels.\n 3. Confirm that networks have expected ids.\n \n\n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Launch instance', u'duration': u'200 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_004_create_servers', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new security group (if it doesn`t exist yet).\n 2. Create an instance using the new security group.\n 3. Delete instance.\n \n\n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Launch instance with file injection', u'duration': u'200 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_009_create_server_with_file', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new security group (if it doesn`t exist yet).\n 2. Create an instance with injected file.\n 3. Assign floating ip to instance.\n 4. Check file exists on created instance.\n 5. Delete floating ip.\n 6. Delete instance.\n \n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Launch instance, create snapshot, launch instance from snapshot', u'duration': u'300 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_image_actions.TestImageAction.test_snapshot', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Get existing image by name.\n 2. Launch an instance using the default image.\n 3. Make snapshot of the created instance.\n 4. Delete the instance created in step 1.\n 5. Wait while instance deleted\n 6. Launch another instance from the snapshot created in step 2.\n 7. Delete server.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create user and authenticate with it.', u'duration': u'80 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_user_create.TestUserTenantRole.test_create_user', u'description': u' Target components: Nova, Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new tenant.\n 2. Check that tenant was created successfully.\n 3. Create a new user.\n 4. Check that user was created successfully.\n 5. Create a new user role.\n 6. Check that user role was created successfully.\n 7. Perform token authentication.\n 8. Check that authentication was successful.\n 9. Send authentication request to Horizon.\n 10. Confirm that response status is 200.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'tests_platform', u'name': u'Typical stack actions: create, delete, show details, etc.', u'duration': u'560 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_actions', u'description': u" Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create test flavor.\n 2. Create a stack.\n 3. Wait for the stack status to change to 'CREATE_COMPLETE'.\n 4. Get the details of the created stack by its name.\n 5. Get the resources list of the created stack.\n 6. Get the details of the stack resource.\n 7. Get the events list of the created stack.\n 8. Get the details of the stack event.\n 9. Get the stack template details.\n 10. Delete the stack and wait for the stack to be deleted.\n\n \n "}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'tests_platform', u'name': u'Advanced stack actions: suspend, resume and check', u'duration': u'660 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_advanced_actions', u'description': u" Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create test flavor.\n 2. Create a stack.\n 3. Wait until the stack status will change to 'CREATE_COMPLETE'.\n 4. Call stack suspend action.\n 5. Wait until the stack status will change to 'SUSPEND_COMPLETE'.\n 6. Check that stack resources are in 'SUSPEND_COMPLETE' status.\n 7. Check that server owned by stack is in 'SUSPENDED' status.\n 8. Call stack resume action.\n 9. Wait until the stack status will change to 'RESUME_COMPLETE'.\n 10. Check that stack resources are in 'RESUME_COMPLETE' status.\n 11. Check that instance owned by stack is in 'ACTIVE' status.\n 12. Call stack check action.\n 13. Wait until the stack status will change to 'CHECK_COMPLETE'.\n 14. Check that stack resources are in 'CHECK_COMPLETE' status.\n 15. Check that instance owned by stack is in 'ACTIVE' status.\n 16. Delete the stack and wait for the stack to be deleted.\n\n \n \n "}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'tests_platform', u'name': u'Check stack rollback', u'duration': u'310 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_rollback', u'description': u" Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create extra large flavor.\n 2. Start stack creation with rollback enabled.\n 3. Verify the stack appears with status 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'.\n 4. Wait for the stack to be deleted in result of rollback after\n expiration of timeout defined in WaitHandle resource\n of the stack.\n 5. Verify the instance of the stack has been deleted.\n\n \n "}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'tests_platform', u'name': u'Update stack actions: inplace, replace and update whole template', u'duration': u'950 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_update', u'description': u" Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create test flavor.\n 2. Create a stack.\n 3. Wait for the stack status to change to 'CREATE_COMPLETE'.\n 4. Change instance name, execute update stack in-place.\n 5. Wait for the stack status to change to 'UPDATE_COMPLETE'.\n 6. Check that instance name was changed.\n 7. Create one more test flavor.\n 8. Change instance flavor to just created and update stack\n (update replace).\n 9. Wait for the stack status to change to 'UPDATE_COMPLETE'.\n 10. Check that instance flavor was changed.\n 11. Change stack template and update it.\n 12. Wait for the stack status to change to 'UPDATE_COMPLETE'.\n 13. Check that there are only two newly created stack instances.\n 14. Delete the stack.\n 15. Wait for the stack to be deleted.\n\n \n "}] 2016-05-14 00:57:04,385 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:04,770 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: ostf_run_tests with result: [{u'status': u'running', u'tests': [{u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'sanity', u'ended_at': None, u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:57:04.588536', u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 00:57:04,770 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1050 -- Try to run assert ostf with expected fail name None 2016-05-14 00:57:04,771 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: assert_ostf_run with args: (, 1) {'failed_test_name': None, 'should_fail': 0, 'test_sets': ['sanity'], 'timeout': 1800} 2016-05-14 00:57:04,771 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:228 -- Assert OSTF run at cluster #1. Should fail 0 tests named None 2016-05-14 00:57:04,771 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: _ostf_test_wait with args: (, 1, 1800) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:04,771 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:118 -- Wait OSTF tests at cluster #1 for 1800 seconds 2016-05-14 00:57:04,771 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:04,771 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:04,796 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.818590879440308, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.450080871582031, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.56038498878479, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46937084197998, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.873255968093872, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.938857078552246, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.936414957046509, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:59.756440', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:53.959023', u'id': 1}, {u'status': u'running', u'tests': [{u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'sanity', u'ended_at': None, u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:57:04.588536', u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 00:57:09,801 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:09,802 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:09,823 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.818590879440308, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.450080871582031, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.56038498878479, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46937084197998, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.873255968093872, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.938857078552246, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.936414957046509, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:59.756440', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:53.959023', u'id': 1}, {u'status': u'running', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.52463293075562, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.16780805587769, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.122703075408936, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 3.09944152832031e-06, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'sanity', u'ended_at': None, u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:57:04.588536', u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 00:57:14,825 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:14,826 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:14,858 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.818590879440308, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.450080871582031, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.56038498878479, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46937084197998, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.873255968093872, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.938857078552246, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.936414957046509, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:59.756440', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:53.959023', u'id': 1}, {u'status': u'running', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.52463293075562, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.16780805587769, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.122703075408936, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.506808042526245, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.37994384765625, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0967171192169189, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0155351161956787, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0111129283905029, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0124599933624268, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'sanity', u'ended_at': None, u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:57:04.588536', u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 00:57:19,861 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:19,862 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:19,883 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.818590879440308, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.450080871582031, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.56038498878479, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46937084197998, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.873255968093872, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.938857078552246, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.936414957046509, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:59.756440', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:53.959023', u'id': 1}, {u'status': u'running', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.52463293075562, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.16780805587769, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.122703075408936, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.506808042526245, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.37994384765625, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0967171192169189, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0155351161956787, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0111129283905029, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0124599933624268, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.855973958969116, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0973360538482666, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 8.82148742675781e-06, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'sanity', u'ended_at': None, u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:57:04.588536', u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 00:57:24,889 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:24,889 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:24,912 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.818590879440308, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.450080871582031, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.56038498878479, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46937084197998, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.873255968093872, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.938857078552246, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.936414957046509, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:59.756440', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:53.959023', u'id': 1}, {u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.52463293075562, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.16780805587769, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.122703075408936, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.506808042526245, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.37994384765625, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0967171192169189, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0155351161956787, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0111129283905029, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0124599933624268, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.855973958969116, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0973360538482666, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 4.49527978897095, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.278020858764648, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'sanity', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 00:57:24.198566', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:57:04.588536', u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 00:57:24,912 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:24,913 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:24,936 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.818590879440308, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.450080871582031, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.56038498878479, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46937084197998, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.873255968093872, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.938857078552246, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.936414957046509, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:59.756440', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:53.959023', u'id': 1}, {u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.52463293075562, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.16780805587769, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.122703075408936, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.506808042526245, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.37994384765625, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0967171192169189, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0155351161956787, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0111129283905029, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0124599933624268, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.855973958969116, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0973360538482666, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 4.49527978897095, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.278020858764648, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'sanity', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 00:57:24.198566', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:57:04.588536', u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 00:57:24,936 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: _ostf_test_wait with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.818590879440308, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.450080871582031, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.56038498878479, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46937084197998, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.873255968093872, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.938857078552246, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.936414957046509, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:59.756440', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:56:53.959023', u'id': 1}, {u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.52463293075562, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.16780805587769, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.122703075408936, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.506808042526245, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.37994384765625, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0967171192169189, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0155351161956787, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0111129283905029, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0124599933624268, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.855973958969116, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0973360538482666, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 4.49527978897095, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.278020858764648, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'sanity', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 00:57:24.198566', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 00:57:04.588536', u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 00:57:24,936 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:258 -- OSTF test statuses are : Request image list using Glance v1 success Request snapshot list success Request volume list success Request flavor list success Request user list success Request image list using Nova success Request image list using Glance v2 success Request instance list success Request active services list success Request list of networks success Check that required services are running success Request stack list success Request absolute limits list success 2016-05-14 00:57:24,936 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: assert_ostf_run with result: None 2016-05-14 00:57:24,936 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_ostf with result: None 2016-05-14 00:57:24,936 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:185 -- OSTF Sanity checks passed successfully. 2016-05-14 00:57:24,937 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: assert_os_services_ready with result: None 2016-05-14 00:57:24,937 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:25,075 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_devops_node_by_nailgun_node with args: (, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'disabled': True, u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'p_e52381cd-0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1', u'serial': u'da:0c:c5:ea:f5:66', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:0'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-prv', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'2', u'serial': u'fe:b5:5e:0e:21:4f', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:1'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'ovs-system', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'3', u'serial': u'b6:d2:fb:f7:15:71', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:2'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-int', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'4', u'serial': u'56:4e:4e:13:0a:4e', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:3'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'bond0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'5', u'serial': u'1a:71:36:dc:75:d5', u'configuration': {u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'firmware': u'2', u'driver': u'bonding', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'driverversion': u'3.7.1', u'master': u'yes'}, u'id': u'network:4'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, 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u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'cidr': None, u'vlan': None, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-02_compute', u'roles': [u'compute'], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:25,075 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_devops_node_by_mac with args: (, u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3') {} 2016-05-14 00:57:25,083 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_devops_node_by_mac with result: Node object 2016-05-14 00:57:25,083 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_devops_node_by_nailgun_node with result: Node object 2016-05-14 00:57:25,083 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ssh_for_node with args: (, u'slave-02') {} 2016-05-14 00:57:25,083 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_node_ip_by_devops_name with args: (, u'slave-02') {} 2016-05-14 00:57:25,085 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:25,087 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-14 00:57:25,087 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-14 00:57:25,088 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:25,224 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', 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u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', 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u'network:0'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'vr-host-base', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'2', u'serial': u'ee:42:2b:45:e7:21', u'configuration': {u'driverversion': u'1.0', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'driver': u'veth', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'p_e52381cd-0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'3', u'serial': u'8a:90:f1:8e:e0:e7', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:2'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'v_vrouter', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, 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{u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [{u'name': u'public', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s4', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', 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{u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', 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2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': 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u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM 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u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', 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u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'cidr': None, u'vlan': None, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-02_compute', u'roles': [u'compute'], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}] 2016-05-14 00:57:25,225 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-14 00:57:25,226 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-14 00:57:25,226 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-14 00:57:25,227 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', 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True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'disabled': True, u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'p_e52381cd-0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1', u'serial': u'da:0c:c5:ea:f5:66', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:0'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-prv', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'2', u'serial': u'fe:b5:5e:0e:21:4f', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:1'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'ovs-system', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'3', u'serial': u'b6:d2:fb:f7:15:71', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:2'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-int', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'4', u'serial': u'56:4e:4e:13:0a:4e', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:3'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'bond0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'5', u'serial': u'1a:71:36:dc:75:d5', u'configuration': {u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'firmware': u'2', u'driver': u'bonding', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'driverversion': u'3.7.1', u'master': u'yes'}, u'id': u'network:4'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'down', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'cidr': None, u'vlan': None, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'slave-02_compute', u'roles': [u'compute'], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1} 2016-05-14 00:57:25,227 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_node_ip_by_devops_name with result: 2016-05-14 00:57:25,236 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:25,245 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 00:57:25,338 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:25,392 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:25,392 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 00:57:25,393 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 00:57:25,396 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 00:57:25,409 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:25,422 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 00:57:25,522 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:25,571 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:25,571 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 00:57:25,572 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 00:57:25,574 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 00:57:25,575 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:25,584 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1) 2016-05-14 00:57:25,663 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (publickey) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:25,788 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:25,788 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ssh_for_node with result: 2016-05-14 00:57:25,789 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: node_freemem with args: (,) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:25,789 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_on_remote_get_results with args: (, 'free -k | grep Mem:') {} 2016-05-14 00:57:25,789 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'free -k | grep Mem:' 2016-05-14 00:57:25,804 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_on_remote_get_results with result: {'stdout_len': 1, 'stderr_len': 0, 'stdout': ['Mem: 6112412 1788712 4323700 492 131004 1168520\n'], 'exit_code': 0, 'stderr_str': '', 'stderr': [], 'stdout_str': 'Mem: 6112412 1788712 4323700 492 131004 1168520\n'} 2016-05-14 00:57:25,805 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_on_remote_get_results with args: (, 'free -k | grep Swap:') {} 2016-05-14 00:57:25,805 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'free -k | grep Swap:' 2016-05-14 00:57:25,881 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_on_remote_get_results with result: {'stdout_len': 1, 'stderr_len': 0, 'stdout': ['Swap: 6291452 0 6291452\n'], 'exit_code': 0, 'stderr_str': '', 'stderr': [], 'stdout_str': 'Swap: 6291452 0 6291452\n'} 2016-05-14 00:57:25,882 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: node_freemem with result: {'mem': {'used': 1746, 'cached': 1141, 'free': 4222, 'shared': 0, 'total': 5969, 'buffers': 127}, 'swap': {'total': 6143, 'free': 6143, 'used': 0}} 2016-05-14 00:57:25,882 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_on_remote_get_results with args: (, 'hiera roles') {} 2016-05-14 00:57:25,882 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'hiera roles' 2016-05-14 00:57:26,028 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_on_remote_get_results with result: {'stdout_len': 1, 'stderr_len': 0, 'stdout': ['["compute"]\n'], 'exit_code': 0, 'stderr_str': '', 'stderr': [], 'stdout_str': '["compute"]\n'} 2016-05-14 00:57:26,028 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 00:57:26,092 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:767 -- Node status: slave-02: Host node-1 Roles: Hiera: - compute Nailgun: - compute Memory: RAM: used 1746 cached 1141 free 4222 shared 0 total 5969 buffers 127 SWAP: total 6143 free 6143 used 0 2016-05-14 00:57:26,094 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_devops_node_by_nailgun_node with args: (, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'v_public', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1', u'serial': u'ea:18:5a:ae:e8:82', u'configuration': {u'driverversion': u'1.0', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'driver': u'veth', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'vr-host-base', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'2', u'serial': u'ee:42:2b:45:e7:21', u'configuration': {u'driverversion': u'1.0', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'driver': u'veth', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'p_e52381cd-0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'3', u'serial': u'8a:90:f1:8e:e0:e7', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:2'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'v_vrouter', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'4', u'serial': u'd6:b3:c8:a0:58:42', u'configuration': {u'driverversion': u'1.0', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'driver': u'veth', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-prv', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'5', u'serial': u'56:05:d6:80:32:43', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:4'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'ovs-system', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'6', u'serial': u'2a:d5:d5:21:ae:6a', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:5'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-int', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'7', u'serial': u'66:8c:d8:8d:52:45', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:6'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'p_ff798dba-0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'8', u'serial': u'1a:2d:82:7e:04:47', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:7'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'bond0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'9', u'serial': u'6e:72:29:7a:a0:1f', u'configuration': {u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'firmware': u'2', u'driver': u'bonding', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'driverversion': u'3.7.1', u'master': u'yes'}, u'id': u'network:8'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'v_vrouter_pub', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'a', u'serial': u'd6:7e:83:e3:a9:4d', u'configuration': {u'driverversion': u'1.0', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'driver': u'veth', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:9'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'hapr-host', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'b', u'serial': u'12:73:8b:15:0e:20', u'configuration': {u'driverversion': u'1.0', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'driver': u'veth', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:10'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'v_management', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'c', u'serial': u'6e:e2:96:ad:a7:39', u'configuration': {u'driverversion': u'1.0', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'driver': u'veth', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:11'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'mgmt-conntrd', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'd', u'serial': u'c6:29:df:08:2c:d2', u'configuration': {u'driverversion': u'1.0', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'driver': u'veth', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:12'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-floating', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'e', u'serial': u'1a:52:55:f8:d7:41', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:13'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [{u'name': u'public', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s4', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'cidr': None, u'vlan': None, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-01_controller', u'roles': [u'controller'], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:26,094 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_devops_node_by_mac with args: (, u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e') {} 2016-05-14 00:57:26,105 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_devops_node_by_mac with result: Node object 2016-05-14 00:57:26,105 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_devops_node_by_nailgun_node with result: Node object 2016-05-14 00:57:26,105 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ssh_for_node with args: (, u'slave-01') {} 2016-05-14 00:57:26,106 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_node_ip_by_devops_name with args: (, u'slave-01') {} 2016-05-14 00:57:26,108 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:26,110 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-14 00:57:26,111 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-14 00:57:26,111 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:26,242 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': 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Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'v_public', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1', u'serial': u'ea:18:5a:ae:e8:82', u'configuration': {u'driverversion': u'1.0', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'driver': u'veth', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'vr-host-base', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'2', u'serial': u'ee:42:2b:45:e7:21', u'configuration': {u'driverversion': u'1.0', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'driver': u'veth', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': 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u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [{u'name': u'public', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s4', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'cidr': None, u'vlan': None, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 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Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, 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(NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'disabled': True, u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', 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u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', 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{u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'p_e52381cd-0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1', u'serial': u'da:0c:c5:ea:f5:66', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:0'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-prv', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'2', u'serial': u'fe:b5:5e:0e:21:4f', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:1'}, 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u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'cidr': None, u'vlan': None, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-02_compute', u'roles': [u'compute'], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}] 2016-05-14 00:57:26,243 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-14 00:57:26,244 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-14 00:57:26,245 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine 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u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, 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u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet 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u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', 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u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [{u'name': u'public', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s4', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'cidr': None, u'vlan': None, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-01', u'name': u'slave-01_controller', u'roles': [u'controller'], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1} 2016-05-14 00:57:26,245 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_node_ip_by_devops_name with result: 2016-05-14 00:57:26,253 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:26,263 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 00:57:26,360 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:26,409 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:26,409 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 00:57:26,410 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 00:57:26,412 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 00:57:26,423 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:26,435 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 00:57:26,526 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:26,583 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:26,583 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 00:57:26,584 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 00:57:26,586 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 00:57:26,587 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:26,604 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1) 2016-05-14 00:57:26,712 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (publickey) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:26,831 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:26,831 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ssh_for_node with result: 2016-05-14 00:57:26,831 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: node_freemem with args: (,) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:26,832 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_on_remote_get_results with args: (, 'free -k | grep Mem:') {} 2016-05-14 00:57:26,832 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'free -k | grep Mem:' 2016-05-14 00:57:26,842 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_on_remote_get_results with result: {'stdout_len': 1, 'stderr_len': 0, 'stdout': ['Mem: 6112412 5918212 194200 55300 1092 112368\n'], 'exit_code': 0, 'stderr_str': '', 'stderr': [], 'stdout_str': 'Mem: 6112412 5918212 194200 55300 1092 112368\n'} 2016-05-14 00:57:26,843 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_on_remote_get_results with args: (, 'free -k | grep Swap:') {} 2016-05-14 00:57:26,843 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'free -k | grep Swap:' 2016-05-14 00:57:26,916 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_on_remote_get_results with result: {'stdout_len': 1, 'stderr_len': 0, 'stdout': ['Swap: 6291452 259116 6032336\n'], 'exit_code': 0, 'stderr_str': '', 'stderr': [], 'stdout_str': 'Swap: 6291452 259116 6032336\n'} 2016-05-14 00:57:26,916 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: node_freemem with result: {'mem': {'used': 5779, 'cached': 109, 'free': 189, 'shared': 54, 'total': 5969, 'buffers': 1}, 'swap': {'total': 6143, 'free': 5890, 'used': 253}} 2016-05-14 00:57:26,916 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_on_remote_get_results with args: (, 'hiera roles') {} 2016-05-14 00:57:26,916 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'hiera roles' 2016-05-14 00:57:27,076 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_on_remote_get_results with result: {'stdout_len': 1, 'stderr_len': 0, 'stdout': ['["primary-controller"]\n'], 'exit_code': 0, 'stderr_str': '', 'stderr': [], 'stdout_str': '["primary-controller"]\n'} 2016-05-14 00:57:27,076 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 00:57:27,140 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:767 -- Node status: slave-01: Host node-2 Roles: Hiera: - primary-controller Nailgun: - controller Memory: RAM: used 5779 cached 109 free 189 shared 54 total 5969 buffers 1 SWAP: total 6143 free 5890 used 253 2016-05-14 00:57:27,141 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_last_created_cluster with args: (,) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:27,141 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:842 -- Get ID of a last created cluster 2016-05-14 00:57:27,142 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: list_clusters with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:27,142 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:27,157 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: list_clusters with result: [{u'status': u'operational', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronVLAN', u'is_locked': True, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'}] 2016-05-14 00:57:27,157 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_last_created_cluster with result: 1 2016-05-14 00:57:27,157 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:27,308 - DEBUG decorators.py:494 -- Check repository management on 2016-05-14 00:57:27,316 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:27,325 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 00:57:27,416 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:27,467 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:27,467 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 00:57:27,468 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 00:57:27,470 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 00:57:27,480 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:27,490 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 00:57:27,580 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:27,633 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:27,633 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 00:57:27,635 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 00:57:27,637 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 00:57:27,638 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:27,648 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1) 2016-05-14 00:57:27,745 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (publickey) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:27,842 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:27,842 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'apt-get clean all && apt-get update > /dev/null' 2016-05-14 00:57:31,923 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 00:57:31,986 - DEBUG decorators.py:494 -- Check repository management on 2016-05-14 00:57:32,000 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:32,014 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 00:57:32,111 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:32,168 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:32,168 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 00:57:32,170 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 00:57:32,173 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 00:57:32,187 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:32,197 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 00:57:32,290 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:32,338 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:32,338 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 00:57:32,339 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 00:57:32,341 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 00:57:32,342 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:32,351 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1) 2016-05-14 00:57:32,426 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (publickey) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:32,551 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:32,552 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'apt-get clean all && apt-get update > /dev/null' 2016-05-14 00:57:36,147 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 00:57:36,212 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: store_packages_json with args: ([(0x7f83095bc750), ip:],) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:36,212 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 00:57:36,215 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: deploy_cluster 2016-05-14 00:57:36,215 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_last_created_cluster with args: (,) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:36,215 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:842 -- Get ID of a last created cluster 2016-05-14 00:57:36,216 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: list_clusters with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:36,216 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:36,230 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: list_clusters with result: [{u'status': u'operational', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronVLAN', u'is_locked': True, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'}] 2016-05-14 00:57:36,230 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_last_created_cluster with result: 1 2016-05-14 00:57:36,230 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:36,358 - DEBUG utils.py:157 -- role is compute 2016-05-14 00:57:36,371 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:36,384 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 00:57:36,478 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:36,534 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:36,534 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 00:57:36,535 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 00:57:36,537 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 00:57:36,550 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:36,563 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 00:57:36,693 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:36,745 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:36,746 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 00:57:36,747 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 00:57:36,749 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 00:57:36,750 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:36,759 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1) 2016-05-14 00:57:36,862 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (publickey) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:36,950 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:36,950 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_node_packages with args: (, 'deploy_cluster', u'compute', {'deploy_cluster': {}}) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:36,950 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'dpkg-query -W -f='${Package} ${Version}'' 2016-05-14 00:57:36,983 - DEBUG utils.py:142 -- node packages are ['accountsservice 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'acct 6.5.5-1ubuntu5', 'acl 2.2.52-1', 'acpid 1:2.0.21-1ubuntu2', 'adduser 3.113+nmu3ubuntu3', 'alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'anacron 2.3-20ubuntu1', 'apparmor 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'apt 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-transport-https 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-utils 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'atop 1.26-2', 'augeas-lenses 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'base-files 7.2ubuntu5.4', 'base-passwd 3.5.33', 'bash 4.3-7ubuntu1.5', 'bash-completion 1:2.1-4ubuntu0.1', 'bind9-host 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'binutils 2.24-5ubuntu14', 'bridge-utils 1.5-6ubuntu2', 'bsdmainutils 9.0.5ubuntu1', 'bsdutils 1:2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'build-essential 11.6ubuntu6', 'busybox-initramfs 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'busybox-static 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'bzip2 1.0.6-5', 'ca-certificates 20160104ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'cliff-tablib 1.1-1', 'cloud-guest-utils 0.27-0ubuntu9.2', 'cloud-init 0.7.5-0ubuntu1.18', 'command-not-found 0.3ubuntu12', 'command-not-found-data 0.3ubuntu12', 'conntrack 1:1.4.1-1ubuntu1', 'console-setup 1.70ubuntu8', 'coreutils 8.21-1ubuntu5.4', 'cpio 2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu1.2', 'cpp 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'cpp-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'cpu-checker 0.7-0ubuntu4', 'cpufrequtils 008-1', 'crda 1.1.2-1ubuntu2', 'cron 3.0pl1-124ubuntu2', 'curl 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'daemonize 1.7.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'dash 0.5.7-4ubuntu1', 'dbconfig-common 1.8.47+nmu1', 'dbus 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'debconf 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-i18n 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-utils 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debianutils 4.4', 'dh-python 1.20140128-1ubuntu8.2', 'diffutils 1:3.3-1', 'dkms', 'dmidecode 2.12-2', 'dmsetup 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'dnsmasq-base 2.68-1ubuntu0.1', 'dnsutils 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'dosfstools 3.0.26-1', 'dpkg 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'dpkg-dev 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'e2fslibs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'e2fsprogs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'eatmydata 26-2', 'ebtables', 'ed 1.9-2', 'eject 2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-13.1', 'ethtool 1:3.13-1', 'facter 1.7.5-1ubuntu1', 'fakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'file 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'findutils 4.4.2-7', 'fping 3.8-1', 'friendly-recovery 0.2.25', 'ftp 0.17-28', 'fuel-ha-utils 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-misc 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuse 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'g++ 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'g++-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gawk 1:4.0.1+dfsg-2.1ubuntu2', 'gcc 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'gcc-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.8-base 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.9-base 4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'gdisk 0.8.8-1ubuntu0.1', 'geoip-database 20140313-1', 'gettext-base', 'gir1.2-glib-2.0 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'gnupg 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'gpgv 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'grep 2.16-1', 'groff-base 1.22.2-5', 'grub-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-gfxpayload-lists 0.6', 'grub-pc 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-pc-bin 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub2-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'gzip 1.6-3ubuntu1', 'hdparm 9.43-1ubuntu3', 'hostname 3.15ubuntu1', 'hpsa-dkms 3.4.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'htop 1.0.2-3', 'i40e-dkms 1.3.47-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ieee-data 20131224.1', 'ifenslave 2.4ubuntu1.2', 'ifupdown', 'info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'init-system-helpers 1.18~bpo70+1~u14.04+mos1', 'initramfs-tools 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initramfs-tools-bin 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initscripts 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'insserv 1.14.0-5ubuntu2', 'install-info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'iproute2 3.12.0-2ubuntu1', 'ipset 6.20.1-1', 'iptables 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'iptables-persistent 0.5.7', 'iputils-arping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-ping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-tracepath 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'ipxe-qemu 1.0.0+git-20131111.c3d1e78-2ubuntu1.1', 'irqbalance 1.0.6-2ubuntu0.14.04.4', 'isc-dhcp-client 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'isc-dhcp-common 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'iso-codes 3.52-1', 'iw 3.4-1', 'kbd 1.15.5-1ubuntu1', 'keyboard-configuration 1.70ubuntu8', 'klibc-utils 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'kmod 15-0ubuntu6', 'kpartx 0.4.9-3ubuntu7.11', 'language-selector-common 0.129.3', 'less 458-2', 'libaccountsservice0 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'libacl1 2.2.52-1', 'libaio1 0.3.109-4', 'libalgorithm-diff-perl 1.19.02-3', 'libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl 0.04-2build4', 'libalgorithm-merge-perl 0.08-2', 'libapparmor-perl 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapparmor1 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapt-inst1.5 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libapt-pkg4.12 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libarchive-extract-perl 0.70-1', 'libasan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libasn1-8-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libasound2', 'libasound2-data', 'libasprintf0c2', 'libasyncns0 0.8-4ubuntu2', 'libatomic1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libattr1 1:2.4.47-1ubuntu1', 'libaudit-common 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaudit1 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaugeas0 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'libavahi-client3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common-data 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libbind9-90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libblas3 1.2.20110419-7', 'libblkid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libbluetooth3 4.101-0ubuntu13.1', 'libboost-system1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libboost-thread1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libbrlapi0.6 5.0-2ubuntu2', 'libbsd0 0.6.0-2ubuntu1', 'libbz2-1.0 1.0.6-5', 'libc-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc-dev-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6-dev 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libcaca0 0.99.beta18-1ubuntu5', 'libcap-ng0 0.7.3-1ubuntu2', 'libcap2 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcap2-bin 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcgmanager0 0.24-0ubuntu7.5', 'libck-connector0 0.4.5-3.1ubuntu2', 'libcloog-isl4 0.18.2-1', 'libcomerr2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libcpufreq0 008-1', 'libcurl3 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libcurl3-gnutls 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libdb5.3 5.3.28-3ubuntu3', 'libdbus-1-3 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'libdbus-glib-1-2 0.100.2-1', 'libdebconfclient0 0.187ubuntu1', 'libdevmapper-event1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdevmapper1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdns100 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libdpkg-perl 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'libdrm-intel1 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm-nouveau2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm-radeon1 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libedit2 3.1-20130712-2', 'libelf1 0.158-0ubuntu5.2', 'libestr0 0.1.9-0ubuntu2', 'libevent-2.0-5 2.0.21-stable-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libexpat1 2.1.0-4ubuntu1.1', 'libfakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'libfdt1 1.4.0+dfsg-1', 'libffi6 3.1~rc1+r3.0.13-12ubuntu0.1', 'libfile-fcntllock-perl 0.14-2build1', 'libflac8 1.3.0-2ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libfreetype6 2.5.2-1ubuntu2.5', 'libfribidi0 0.19.6-1', 'libfuse2 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'libgcc-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgcc1 1:4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'libgck-1-0 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-3-common 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-base-3-1 3.10.1-1', 'libgcrypt11 1.5.3-2ubuntu4.3', 'libgdbm3 1.8.3-12build1', 'libgeoip1 1.6.0-1', 'libgfortran3 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgirepository-1.0-1 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'libgl1-mesa-dri 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libgl1-mesa-glx 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libglapi-mesa 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libglib2.0-0 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libglib2.0-data 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libgmp10 2:5.1.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1', 'libgnutls-openssl27 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgnutls26 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgomp1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgpg-error0 1.12-0.2ubuntu1', 'libgpm2 1.20.4-6.1', 'libgssapi-krb5-2 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libgssapi3-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhcrypto4-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimbase1-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimntlm0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhx509-5-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libicu52 52.1-3ubuntu0.4', 'libidn11 1.28-1ubuntu2', 'libipset3 6.20.1-1', 'libisc95 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccc90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccfg90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisl10 0.12.2-1', 'libitm1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libjpeg-turbo8 1.3.0-0ubuntu2', 'libjpeg8 8c-2ubuntu8', 'libjs-jquery 1.7.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1', 'libjs-sphinxdoc 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'libjs-underscore 1.4.4-2ubuntu1', 'libjson-c2 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libjson0 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libk5crypto3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkeyutils1 1.5.6-1', 'libklibc 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libkmod2 15-0ubuntu6', 'libkrb5-26-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libkrb5-3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkrb5support0 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'liblapack3 3.5.0-2ubuntu1', 'libldap-2.4-2 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu8.2', 'libllvm3.4 1:3.4-1ubuntu3', 'liblocale-gettext-perl 1.05-7build3', 'liblockfile-bin 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblockfile1 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblog-message-simple-perl 0.10-1', 'liblwres90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'liblzma5 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'libmagic1 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'libmnl0 1.0.3-3ubuntu1', 'libmodule-pluggable-perl 5.1-1', 'libmount1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libmpc3 1.0.1-1ubuntu1', 'libmpdec2 2.4.0-6', 'libmpfr4 3.1.2-1', 'libmysqlclient18 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libncurses5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libncursesw5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libnetcf1 1:0.2.3-4ubuntu1', 'libnetfilter-conntrack3 1.0.4-1', 'libnewt0.52 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'libnfnetlink0 1.0.1-2', 'libnih-dbus1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnih1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-genl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-route-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnspr4 2:4.10.10-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libnss3 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnss3-nssdb 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnuma1 2.0.9~rc5-1ubuntu3.14.04.2', 'libogg0 1.3.1-1ubuntu1', 'libopts25 1:5.18-2ubuntu2', 'libp11-kit0 0.20.2-2ubuntu2', 'libpam-cap 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libpam-modules 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-modules-bin 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-runtime 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-systemd 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libpam0g 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libparted0debian1 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libpcap0.8 1.5.3-2', 'libpci3 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'libpciaccess0 0.13.2-1', 'libpcre3 1:8.31-2ubuntu2.3', 'libpgm-5.1-0 5.1.118-1~dfsg-0.1ubuntu3', 'libpipeline1 1.3.0-1', 'libpixman-1-0 0.30.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'libplymouth2 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'libpng12-0 1.2.50-1ubuntu2.14.04.2', 'libpod-latex-perl 0.61-1', 'libpolkit-agent-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpolkit-backend-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpolkit-gobject-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpopt0 1.16-8ubuntu1', 'libpq5 9.3.12-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'libprocps3 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpulse0 1:4.0-0ubuntu11.1', 'libpython-stdlib 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'libpython2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-stdlib 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython3-stdlib 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'libpython3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libpython3.4-stdlib 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libquadmath0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'librados2 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'librbd1 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'libreadline5 5.2+dfsg-2', 'libreadline6 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'libroken18-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'librtmp0 2.4+20121230.gitdf6c518-1', 'libruby1.9.1', 'libsasl2-2 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsasl2-modules-db 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsdl1.2debian 1.2.15-8ubuntu1.1', 'libseccomp2 2.1.0+dfsg-1', 'libselinux1 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsemanage-common 2.2-1', 'libsemanage1 2.2-1', 'libsepol1 2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsigsegv2 2.10-2', 'libslang2 2.2.4-15ubuntu1', 'libsndfile1 1.0.25-7ubuntu2.1', 'libspice-server1 0.12.4-0nocelt2ubuntu1.2', 'libsqlite3-0 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'libss2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libssh2-1 1.4.3-2', 'libssl1.0.0 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'libstdc++-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libstdc++6 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libsysfs2 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'libsystemd-daemon0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libsystemd-login0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libtasn1-6 3.4-3ubuntu0.4', 'libterm-ui-perl 0.42-1', 'libtext-charwidth-perl 0.04-7build3', 'libtext-iconv-perl 1.7-5build2', 'libtext-soundex-perl 3.4-1build1', 'libtext-wrapi18n-perl 0.06-7', 'libtidy-0.99-0 20091223cvs-1.2ubuntu1.1', 'libtimedate-perl 2.3000-1', 'libtinfo5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libtsan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 0~git20131104-1.1', 'libudev1 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libusb-0.1-4 2:0.1.12-23.3ubuntu1', 'libusb-1.0-0 2:1.0.17-1ubuntu2', 'libusbredirparser1 0.6-2ubuntu1.1', 'libustr-1.0-1 1.0.4-3ubuntu2', 'libuuid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libvirt-bin 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-clients 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-daemon 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-daemon-system 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt0 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvorbis0a 1.3.2-1.3ubuntu1', 'libvorbisenc2 1.3.2-1.3ubuntu1', 'libwind0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libwrap0 7.6.q-25', 'libx11-6 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-data 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-xcb1 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx86-1 1.1+ds1-10', 'libxau6 1:1.0.8-1', 'libxcb-dri2-0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-dri3-0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-glx0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-present0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-sync1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxdamage1 1:1.1.4-1ubuntu1', 'libxdmcp6 1:1.1.1-1', 'libxen-4.4 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.14.04.5', 'libxenstore3.0 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.14.04.5', 'libxext6 2:1.3.2-1ubuntu0.', 'libxfixes3 1:5.0.1-1ubuntu1.1', 'libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxml2-utils 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxmuu1 2:1.1.1-1', 'libxshmfence1 1.1-2', 'libxslt1.1 1.1.28-2build1', 'libxtables10 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'libxxf86vm1 1:1.1.3-1', 'libyajl2 2.0.4-4', 'libyaml-0-2 0.1.4-3ubuntu3.1', 'libzmq3 4.0.4+dfsg-2', 'linux-firmware 1.127.22', 'linux-firmware-nonfree 1.14ubuntu3', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-generic', 'linux-headers-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-image-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-extra-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-generic', 'linux-image-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-libc-dev 3.13.0-86.130', 'locales 2.13+git20120306-12.1', 'lockfile-progs 0.1.17', 'login 1:', 'logrotate 3.8.7-1ubuntu1', 'lsb-base 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lsb-release 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lshw 02.16-2ubuntu1.3', 'lsof 4.86+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'ltrace 0.7.3-4ubuntu5.1', 'lvm2 2.02.98-6ubuntu2', 'make 3.81-8.2ubuntu3', 'makedev 2.3.1-93ubuntu1', 'man-db', 'manpages 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'manpages-dev 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'mawk 1.3.3-17ubuntu2', 'mcollective 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mcollective-common 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mdadm 3.2.5-5ubuntu4.2', 'mime-support 3.54ubuntu1.1', 'mlocate 0.26-1ubuntu1', 'module-init-tools 15-0ubuntu6', 'mount 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'mountall 2.53', 'msr-tools 1.3-2', 'mtr-tiny 0.85-2', 'multiarch-support 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'mysql-common 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'nailgun-agent 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos151', 'nailgun-mcagents 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos699', 'nano 2.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-base 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-bin 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-term 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'net-tools 1.60-25ubuntu2.1', 'netbase 5.2', 'netcat-openbsd 1.105-7ubuntu1', 'network-checker 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos58', 'neutron-common 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'nova-common 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-compute 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-compute-qemu 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'ntfs-3g 1:2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu2', 'ntp 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ntpdate 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ohai 6.14.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'open-iscsi 2.0.873-3ubuntu9', 'openssh-client 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-sftp-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssl 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'openvswitch-common 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-datapath-dkms 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-switch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'os-prober 1.63ubuntu1.1', 'parted 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'passwd 1:', 'patch 2.7.1-4ubuntu2.3', 'pciutils 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'perl 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-base 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-modules 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'plymouth 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'pm-utils 1.4.1-13ubuntu0.2', 'policykit-1 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'popularity-contest 1.57ubuntu1', 'postfix 2.11.0-1ubuntu1', 'powermgmt-base 1.31build1', 'ppp 2.4.5-5.1ubuntu2.2', 'pppconfig 2.3.19ubuntu1', 'pppoeconf 1.20ubuntu1', 'procps 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'psmisc 22.20-1ubuntu2', 'puppet 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'puppet-common 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-aioeventlet 0.4-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqp 1.4.6-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqplib 1.0.2-1', 'python-anyjson 0.3.3-1build1', 'python-apt-common', 'python-babel 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-babel-localedata 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-boto 2.38.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-bs4 4.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-cachetools 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cffi 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-cffi-backend 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-chardet 2.0.1-2build2', 'python-cheetah 2.4.4-3.fakesyncbuild1', 'python-cinderclient 1:1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cliff 1.14.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cmd2 0.6.7-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-concurrent.futures 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-configobj 4.7.2+ds-5build1', 'python-contextlib2 0.4.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-crypto 2.6.1-4build1', 'python-cryptography 1.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-daemonize 2.2.1-0x2go1~git20131219.5~u14.04+mos2', 'python-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-dbus-dev 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-debtcollector 0.8.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-decorator 3.4.0-2build1', 'python-dns 2.3.6-3', 'python-ecdsa 0.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-editor 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-egenix-mxdatetime 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-egenix-mxtools 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-enum34 0.9.23-1', 'python-eventlet 0.17.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-extras 0.0.3-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-fasteners 0.12.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-feedparser 5.1.3-2', 'python-fixtures 1.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-formencode 1.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'python-funcsigs 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-futurist 0.1.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-gflags 1.5.1-1build1', 'python-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python-glanceclient 1:1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-greenlet 0.4.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-httplib2 0.8-2build1', 'python-idna 2.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ipaddress 1.0.14-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-iso8601 0.1.10-0ubuntu1', 'python-jinja2 2.8-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-json-patch 1.3-4', 'python-json-pointer 1.0-2build1', 'python-jsonpatch 1.3-4', 'python-jsonschema 2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-keyring 3.5-1', 'python-keystoneclient 1:1.7.4-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-keystonemiddleware 2.3.3-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-kombu 3.0.26-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-libvirt 1.2.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'python-linecache2 1.0.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-logutils 0.3.3-1', 'python-lxml 3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-mako 1.0.2+ds1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-markupsafe 0.23-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-memcache 1.56-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-migrate 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mimeparse 0.1.4-1build1', 'python-minimal 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-mock 1.3.0-2.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-monotonic 0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-msgpack 0.4.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mysqldb 1.3.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netaddr 0.7.17-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netifaces 0.10.4-0.1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-neutron 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'python-neutronclient 1:3.1.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-nova 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'python-novaclient 2:2.30.2-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-numpy 1:1.8.2-0ubuntu0.1', 'python-oauth 1.0.1-3build2', 'python-openid 2.2.5-3ubuntu1', 'python-openssl 0.15.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-openvswitch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-os-brick 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.concurrency 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.config 1:2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.context 0.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.db 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.i18n 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.log 1.11.0-1~u14.04+mos6', 'python-oslo.messaging 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos26', 'python-oslo.middleware 2.8.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.policy 0.11.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.reports 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.rootwrap 2.3.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.serialization 1.9.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.service 0.9.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-oslo.utils 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.versionedobjects 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos7', 'python-paramiko 1.15.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-paste', 'python-pastedeploy 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastedeploy-tpl 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastescript 1.7.5-3build1', 'python-pbr 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos2', 'python-pecan 1.0.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pkg-resources 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ply 3.4-3ubuntu2', 'python-prettytable 0.7.2-2ubuntu2', 'python-psutil 1.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-psycopg2 2.6.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyasn1 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycadf 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycparser 2.10+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'python-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python-pymysql 0.6.7-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyparsing 2.0.1+dfsg1-1build1', 'python-pypcap 1.1.2+debian-2.2', 'python-pyroute2 0.3.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyudev 0.16.1-2build1', 'python-repoze.lru 0.6-4', 'python-requests 2.7.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-retrying 1.3.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-rfc3986 0.2.0-2~u14.04+mos5', 'python-routes 2.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ryu 3.24-1.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-scapy 2.2.0-1', 'python-scgi 1.13-1.1build1', 'python-secretstorage 2.0.0-1ubuntu1.1', 'python-serial 2.6-1build1', 'python-setuptools 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-simplegeneric 0.8.1-1', 'python-simplejson 3.3.1-1ubuntu6', 'python-singledispatch', 'python-six 1.9.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy-ext 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlparse 0.1.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-stevedore 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-tablib 0.9.11-2build1', 'python-tempita 0.5.2-1build1', 'python-testresources 0.2.7-1ubuntu2', 'python-testscenarios 0.4-2ubuntu2', 'python-testtools 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-traceback2 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-trollius 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-tz 2014.10~dfsg1-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unicodecsv 0.13.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unittest2 1.1.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-urllib3 1.10.4-1~u14.04+mos9', 'python-utidylib 0.2-9build1', 'python-waitress 0.8.8-1ubuntu3', 'python-warlock 1.1.0-0ubuntu2', 'python-webob 1.3.1-1', 'python-webtest 2.0.14-1ubuntu1', 'python-wrapt 1.8.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-yaml 3.10-4ubuntu0.1', 'python-zmq 14.4.0-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python3 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-apt', 'python3-commandnotfound 0.3ubuntu12', 'python3-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python3-distupgrade 1:0.220.8', 'python3-gdbm 3.4.3-1~14.04.2', 'python3-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python3-minimal 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python3-software-properties', 'python3-update-manager 1:0.196.14', 'python3.4 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'python3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'qemu 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-keymaps 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-kvm 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-arm 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-common 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-mips 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-misc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-ppc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-sparc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-x86 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-user 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-utils 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'readline-common 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'resolvconf 1.69ubuntu1.1', 'rsync 3.1.0-2ubuntu0.2', 'rsyslog 7.4.4-1ubuntu2.6', 'ruby 1:', 'ruby-augeas 0.5.0-2', 'ruby-cstruct 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-deep-merge 1.0.0+git20150630-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ruby-hiera 1.3.1-1puppetlabs1~u14.04+mos3', 'ruby-httpclient', 'ruby-ipaddress 0.8.0-2', 'ruby-json 1.8.0-1build1', 'ruby-mixlib-cli 1.4.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-config 2.1.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-log 1.4.1-1', 'ruby-netaddr 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-openstack 1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rethtool 0.0.5-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rgen 0.6.6-1', 'ruby-safe-yaml 1.0.1-1', 'ruby-selinux 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'ruby-shadow 2.2.0-1', 'ruby-sigar 0.7.2-2', 'ruby-stomp 1.3.2-1', 'ruby-systemu 2.6.0-1', 'ruby-yajl 1.2.0-1', 'ruby1.9.1', 'screen 4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-9', 'seabios 1.7.4-4ubuntu1', 'sed 4.2.2-4ubuntu1', 'sensible-utils 0.0.9', 'sgml-base 1.26+nmu4ubuntu1', 'shared-mime-info 1.2-0ubuntu3', 'sharutils 1:4.14-1ubuntu1', 'socat', 'software-properties-common', 'sqlite3 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'ssh-import-id 3.21-0ubuntu1', 'ssl-cert 1.0.33', 'strace 4.8-1ubuntu5', 'sudo 1.8.9p5-1ubuntu1.2', 'sysfsutils 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'systemd-services 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'systemd-shim 6-2bzr1', 'sysv-rc 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'tar 1.27.1-1', 'tcpd 7.6.q-25', 'tcpdump 4.5.1-2ubuntu1.2', 'telnet 0.17-36build2', 'time 1.7-24', 'tmux 1.8-5', 'tzdata 2016d-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'ubuntu-keyring 2012.05.19', 'ubuntu-minimal 1.325', 'ubuntu-release-upgrader-core 1:0.220.8', 'ubuntu-standard 1.325', 'ucf 3.0027+nmu1', 'udev 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'ufw 0.34~rc-0ubuntu2', 'unattended-upgrades 0.82.1ubuntu2.4', 'update-manager-core 1:0.196.14', 'upstart 1.12.1-0ubuntu4.2', 'ureadahead 0.100.0-16', 'usbutils 1:007-2ubuntu1.1', 'util-linux 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'uuid-runtime 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'vbetool 1.1-3', 'vim 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-common 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-runtime 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-tiny 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'virt-what 1.13-1', 'vlan 1.9-3ubuntu10', 'watershed 7', 'websockify 0.6.1+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'wget 1.15-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'whiptail 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'wireless-regdb 2013.02.13-1ubuntu1', 'xauth 1:1.0.7-1ubuntu1', 'xkb-data 2.10.1-1ubuntu1', 'xml-core 0.13+nmu2', 'xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'zlib1g 1:1.2.8.dfsg-1ubuntu1'] 2016-05-14 00:57:36,983 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_node_packages with result: {'deploy_cluster': {u'compute': ['accountsservice 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'acct 6.5.5-1ubuntu5', 'acl 2.2.52-1', 'acpid 1:2.0.21-1ubuntu2', 'adduser 3.113+nmu3ubuntu3', 'alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'anacron 2.3-20ubuntu1', 'apparmor 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'apt 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-transport-https 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-utils 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'atop 1.26-2', 'augeas-lenses 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'base-files 7.2ubuntu5.4', 'base-passwd 3.5.33', 'bash 4.3-7ubuntu1.5', 'bash-completion 1:2.1-4ubuntu0.1', 'bind9-host 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'binutils 2.24-5ubuntu14', 'bridge-utils 1.5-6ubuntu2', 'bsdmainutils 9.0.5ubuntu1', 'bsdutils 1:2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'build-essential 11.6ubuntu6', 'busybox-initramfs 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'busybox-static 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'bzip2 1.0.6-5', 'ca-certificates 20160104ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'cliff-tablib 1.1-1', 'cloud-guest-utils 0.27-0ubuntu9.2', 'cloud-init 0.7.5-0ubuntu1.18', 'command-not-found 0.3ubuntu12', 'command-not-found-data 0.3ubuntu12', 'conntrack 1:1.4.1-1ubuntu1', 'console-setup 1.70ubuntu8', 'coreutils 8.21-1ubuntu5.4', 'cpio 2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu1.2', 'cpp 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'cpp-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'cpu-checker 0.7-0ubuntu4', 'cpufrequtils 008-1', 'crda 1.1.2-1ubuntu2', 'cron 3.0pl1-124ubuntu2', 'curl 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'daemonize 1.7.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'dash 0.5.7-4ubuntu1', 'dbconfig-common 1.8.47+nmu1', 'dbus 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'debconf 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-i18n 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-utils 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debianutils 4.4', 'dh-python 1.20140128-1ubuntu8.2', 'diffutils 1:3.3-1', 'dkms', 'dmidecode 2.12-2', 'dmsetup 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'dnsmasq-base 2.68-1ubuntu0.1', 'dnsutils 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'dosfstools 3.0.26-1', 'dpkg 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'dpkg-dev 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'e2fslibs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'e2fsprogs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'eatmydata 26-2', 'ebtables', 'ed 1.9-2', 'eject 2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-13.1', 'ethtool 1:3.13-1', 'facter 1.7.5-1ubuntu1', 'fakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'file 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'findutils 4.4.2-7', 'fping 3.8-1', 'friendly-recovery 0.2.25', 'ftp 0.17-28', 'fuel-ha-utils 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-misc 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuse 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'g++ 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'g++-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gawk 1:4.0.1+dfsg-2.1ubuntu2', 'gcc 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'gcc-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.8-base 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.9-base 4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'gdisk 0.8.8-1ubuntu0.1', 'geoip-database 20140313-1', 'gettext-base', 'gir1.2-glib-2.0 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'gnupg 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'gpgv 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'grep 2.16-1', 'groff-base 1.22.2-5', 'grub-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-gfxpayload-lists 0.6', 'grub-pc 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-pc-bin 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub2-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'gzip 1.6-3ubuntu1', 'hdparm 9.43-1ubuntu3', 'hostname 3.15ubuntu1', 'hpsa-dkms 3.4.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'htop 1.0.2-3', 'i40e-dkms 1.3.47-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ieee-data 20131224.1', 'ifenslave 2.4ubuntu1.2', 'ifupdown', 'info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'init-system-helpers 1.18~bpo70+1~u14.04+mos1', 'initramfs-tools 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initramfs-tools-bin 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initscripts 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'insserv 1.14.0-5ubuntu2', 'install-info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'iproute2 3.12.0-2ubuntu1', 'ipset 6.20.1-1', 'iptables 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'iptables-persistent 0.5.7', 'iputils-arping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-ping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-tracepath 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'ipxe-qemu 1.0.0+git-20131111.c3d1e78-2ubuntu1.1', 'irqbalance 1.0.6-2ubuntu0.14.04.4', 'isc-dhcp-client 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'isc-dhcp-common 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'iso-codes 3.52-1', 'iw 3.4-1', 'kbd 1.15.5-1ubuntu1', 'keyboard-configuration 1.70ubuntu8', 'klibc-utils 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'kmod 15-0ubuntu6', 'kpartx 0.4.9-3ubuntu7.11', 'language-selector-common 0.129.3', 'less 458-2', 'libaccountsservice0 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'libacl1 2.2.52-1', 'libaio1 0.3.109-4', 'libalgorithm-diff-perl 1.19.02-3', 'libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl 0.04-2build4', 'libalgorithm-merge-perl 0.08-2', 'libapparmor-perl 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapparmor1 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapt-inst1.5 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libapt-pkg4.12 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libarchive-extract-perl 0.70-1', 'libasan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libasn1-8-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libasound2', 'libasound2-data', 'libasprintf0c2', 'libasyncns0 0.8-4ubuntu2', 'libatomic1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libattr1 1:2.4.47-1ubuntu1', 'libaudit-common 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaudit1 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaugeas0 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'libavahi-client3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common-data 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libbind9-90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libblas3 1.2.20110419-7', 'libblkid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libbluetooth3 4.101-0ubuntu13.1', 'libboost-system1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libboost-thread1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libbrlapi0.6 5.0-2ubuntu2', 'libbsd0 0.6.0-2ubuntu1', 'libbz2-1.0 1.0.6-5', 'libc-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc-dev-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6-dev 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libcaca0 0.99.beta18-1ubuntu5', 'libcap-ng0 0.7.3-1ubuntu2', 'libcap2 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcap2-bin 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcgmanager0 0.24-0ubuntu7.5', 'libck-connector0 0.4.5-3.1ubuntu2', 'libcloog-isl4 0.18.2-1', 'libcomerr2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libcpufreq0 008-1', 'libcurl3 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libcurl3-gnutls 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libdb5.3 5.3.28-3ubuntu3', 'libdbus-1-3 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'libdbus-glib-1-2 0.100.2-1', 'libdebconfclient0 0.187ubuntu1', 'libdevmapper-event1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdevmapper1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdns100 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libdpkg-perl 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'libdrm-intel1 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm-nouveau2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm-radeon1 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libedit2 3.1-20130712-2', 'libelf1 0.158-0ubuntu5.2', 'libestr0 0.1.9-0ubuntu2', 'libevent-2.0-5 2.0.21-stable-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libexpat1 2.1.0-4ubuntu1.1', 'libfakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'libfdt1 1.4.0+dfsg-1', 'libffi6 3.1~rc1+r3.0.13-12ubuntu0.1', 'libfile-fcntllock-perl 0.14-2build1', 'libflac8 1.3.0-2ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libfreetype6 2.5.2-1ubuntu2.5', 'libfribidi0 0.19.6-1', 'libfuse2 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'libgcc-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgcc1 1:4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'libgck-1-0 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-3-common 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-base-3-1 3.10.1-1', 'libgcrypt11 1.5.3-2ubuntu4.3', 'libgdbm3 1.8.3-12build1', 'libgeoip1 1.6.0-1', 'libgfortran3 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgirepository-1.0-1 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'libgl1-mesa-dri 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libgl1-mesa-glx 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libglapi-mesa 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libglib2.0-0 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libglib2.0-data 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libgmp10 2:5.1.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1', 'libgnutls-openssl27 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgnutls26 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgomp1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgpg-error0 1.12-0.2ubuntu1', 'libgpm2 1.20.4-6.1', 'libgssapi-krb5-2 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libgssapi3-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhcrypto4-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimbase1-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimntlm0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhx509-5-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libicu52 52.1-3ubuntu0.4', 'libidn11 1.28-1ubuntu2', 'libipset3 6.20.1-1', 'libisc95 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccc90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccfg90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisl10 0.12.2-1', 'libitm1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libjpeg-turbo8 1.3.0-0ubuntu2', 'libjpeg8 8c-2ubuntu8', 'libjs-jquery 1.7.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1', 'libjs-sphinxdoc 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'libjs-underscore 1.4.4-2ubuntu1', 'libjson-c2 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libjson0 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libk5crypto3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkeyutils1 1.5.6-1', 'libklibc 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libkmod2 15-0ubuntu6', 'libkrb5-26-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libkrb5-3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkrb5support0 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'liblapack3 3.5.0-2ubuntu1', 'libldap-2.4-2 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu8.2', 'libllvm3.4 1:3.4-1ubuntu3', 'liblocale-gettext-perl 1.05-7build3', 'liblockfile-bin 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblockfile1 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblog-message-simple-perl 0.10-1', 'liblwres90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'liblzma5 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'libmagic1 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'libmnl0 1.0.3-3ubuntu1', 'libmodule-pluggable-perl 5.1-1', 'libmount1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libmpc3 1.0.1-1ubuntu1', 'libmpdec2 2.4.0-6', 'libmpfr4 3.1.2-1', 'libmysqlclient18 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libncurses5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libncursesw5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libnetcf1 1:0.2.3-4ubuntu1', 'libnetfilter-conntrack3 1.0.4-1', 'libnewt0.52 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'libnfnetlink0 1.0.1-2', 'libnih-dbus1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnih1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-genl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-route-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnspr4 2:4.10.10-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libnss3 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnss3-nssdb 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnuma1 2.0.9~rc5-1ubuntu3.14.04.2', 'libogg0 1.3.1-1ubuntu1', 'libopts25 1:5.18-2ubuntu2', 'libp11-kit0 0.20.2-2ubuntu2', 'libpam-cap 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libpam-modules 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-modules-bin 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-runtime 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-systemd 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libpam0g 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libparted0debian1 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libpcap0.8 1.5.3-2', 'libpci3 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'libpciaccess0 0.13.2-1', 'libpcre3 1:8.31-2ubuntu2.3', 'libpgm-5.1-0 5.1.118-1~dfsg-0.1ubuntu3', 'libpipeline1 1.3.0-1', 'libpixman-1-0 0.30.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'libplymouth2 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'libpng12-0 1.2.50-1ubuntu2.14.04.2', 'libpod-latex-perl 0.61-1', 'libpolkit-agent-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpolkit-backend-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpolkit-gobject-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpopt0 1.16-8ubuntu1', 'libpq5 9.3.12-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'libprocps3 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpulse0 1:4.0-0ubuntu11.1', 'libpython-stdlib 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'libpython2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-stdlib 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython3-stdlib 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'libpython3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libpython3.4-stdlib 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libquadmath0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'librados2 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'librbd1 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'libreadline5 5.2+dfsg-2', 'libreadline6 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'libroken18-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'librtmp0 2.4+20121230.gitdf6c518-1', 'libruby1.9.1', 'libsasl2-2 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsasl2-modules-db 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsdl1.2debian 1.2.15-8ubuntu1.1', 'libseccomp2 2.1.0+dfsg-1', 'libselinux1 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsemanage-common 2.2-1', 'libsemanage1 2.2-1', 'libsepol1 2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsigsegv2 2.10-2', 'libslang2 2.2.4-15ubuntu1', 'libsndfile1 1.0.25-7ubuntu2.1', 'libspice-server1 0.12.4-0nocelt2ubuntu1.2', 'libsqlite3-0 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'libss2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libssh2-1 1.4.3-2', 'libssl1.0.0 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'libstdc++-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libstdc++6 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libsysfs2 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'libsystemd-daemon0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libsystemd-login0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libtasn1-6 3.4-3ubuntu0.4', 'libterm-ui-perl 0.42-1', 'libtext-charwidth-perl 0.04-7build3', 'libtext-iconv-perl 1.7-5build2', 'libtext-soundex-perl 3.4-1build1', 'libtext-wrapi18n-perl 0.06-7', 'libtidy-0.99-0 20091223cvs-1.2ubuntu1.1', 'libtimedate-perl 2.3000-1', 'libtinfo5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libtsan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 0~git20131104-1.1', 'libudev1 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libusb-0.1-4 2:0.1.12-23.3ubuntu1', 'libusb-1.0-0 2:1.0.17-1ubuntu2', 'libusbredirparser1 0.6-2ubuntu1.1', 'libustr-1.0-1 1.0.4-3ubuntu2', 'libuuid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libvirt-bin 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-clients 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-daemon 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-daemon-system 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt0 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvorbis0a 1.3.2-1.3ubuntu1', 'libvorbisenc2 1.3.2-1.3ubuntu1', 'libwind0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libwrap0 7.6.q-25', 'libx11-6 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-data 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-xcb1 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx86-1 1.1+ds1-10', 'libxau6 1:1.0.8-1', 'libxcb-dri2-0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-dri3-0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-glx0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-present0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-sync1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxdamage1 1:1.1.4-1ubuntu1', 'libxdmcp6 1:1.1.1-1', 'libxen-4.4 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.14.04.5', 'libxenstore3.0 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.14.04.5', 'libxext6 2:1.3.2-1ubuntu0.', 'libxfixes3 1:5.0.1-1ubuntu1.1', 'libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxml2-utils 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxmuu1 2:1.1.1-1', 'libxshmfence1 1.1-2', 'libxslt1.1 1.1.28-2build1', 'libxtables10 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'libxxf86vm1 1:1.1.3-1', 'libyajl2 2.0.4-4', 'libyaml-0-2 0.1.4-3ubuntu3.1', 'libzmq3 4.0.4+dfsg-2', 'linux-firmware 1.127.22', 'linux-firmware-nonfree 1.14ubuntu3', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-generic', 'linux-headers-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-image-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-extra-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-generic', 'linux-image-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-libc-dev 3.13.0-86.130', 'locales 2.13+git20120306-12.1', 'lockfile-progs 0.1.17', 'login 1:', 'logrotate 3.8.7-1ubuntu1', 'lsb-base 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lsb-release 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lshw 02.16-2ubuntu1.3', 'lsof 4.86+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'ltrace 0.7.3-4ubuntu5.1', 'lvm2 2.02.98-6ubuntu2', 'make 3.81-8.2ubuntu3', 'makedev 2.3.1-93ubuntu1', 'man-db', 'manpages 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'manpages-dev 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'mawk 1.3.3-17ubuntu2', 'mcollective 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mcollective-common 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mdadm 3.2.5-5ubuntu4.2', 'mime-support 3.54ubuntu1.1', 'mlocate 0.26-1ubuntu1', 'module-init-tools 15-0ubuntu6', 'mount 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'mountall 2.53', 'msr-tools 1.3-2', 'mtr-tiny 0.85-2', 'multiarch-support 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'mysql-common 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'nailgun-agent 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos151', 'nailgun-mcagents 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos699', 'nano 2.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-base 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-bin 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-term 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'net-tools 1.60-25ubuntu2.1', 'netbase 5.2', 'netcat-openbsd 1.105-7ubuntu1', 'network-checker 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos58', 'neutron-common 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'nova-common 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-compute 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-compute-qemu 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'ntfs-3g 1:2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu2', 'ntp 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ntpdate 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ohai 6.14.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'open-iscsi 2.0.873-3ubuntu9', 'openssh-client 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-sftp-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssl 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'openvswitch-common 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-datapath-dkms 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-switch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'os-prober 1.63ubuntu1.1', 'parted 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'passwd 1:', 'patch 2.7.1-4ubuntu2.3', 'pciutils 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'perl 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-base 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-modules 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'plymouth 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'pm-utils 1.4.1-13ubuntu0.2', 'policykit-1 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'popularity-contest 1.57ubuntu1', 'postfix 2.11.0-1ubuntu1', 'powermgmt-base 1.31build1', 'ppp 2.4.5-5.1ubuntu2.2', 'pppconfig 2.3.19ubuntu1', 'pppoeconf 1.20ubuntu1', 'procps 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'psmisc 22.20-1ubuntu2', 'puppet 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'puppet-common 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-aioeventlet 0.4-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqp 1.4.6-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqplib 1.0.2-1', 'python-anyjson 0.3.3-1build1', 'python-apt-common', 'python-babel 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-babel-localedata 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-boto 2.38.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-bs4 4.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-cachetools 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cffi 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-cffi-backend 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-chardet 2.0.1-2build2', 'python-cheetah 2.4.4-3.fakesyncbuild1', 'python-cinderclient 1:1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cliff 1.14.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cmd2 0.6.7-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-concurrent.futures 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-configobj 4.7.2+ds-5build1', 'python-contextlib2 0.4.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-crypto 2.6.1-4build1', 'python-cryptography 1.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-daemonize 2.2.1-0x2go1~git20131219.5~u14.04+mos2', 'python-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-dbus-dev 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-debtcollector 0.8.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-decorator 3.4.0-2build1', 'python-dns 2.3.6-3', 'python-ecdsa 0.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-editor 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-egenix-mxdatetime 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-egenix-mxtools 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-enum34 0.9.23-1', 'python-eventlet 0.17.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-extras 0.0.3-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-fasteners 0.12.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-feedparser 5.1.3-2', 'python-fixtures 1.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-formencode 1.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'python-funcsigs 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-futurist 0.1.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-gflags 1.5.1-1build1', 'python-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python-glanceclient 1:1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-greenlet 0.4.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-httplib2 0.8-2build1', 'python-idna 2.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ipaddress 1.0.14-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-iso8601 0.1.10-0ubuntu1', 'python-jinja2 2.8-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-json-patch 1.3-4', 'python-json-pointer 1.0-2build1', 'python-jsonpatch 1.3-4', 'python-jsonschema 2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-keyring 3.5-1', 'python-keystoneclient 1:1.7.4-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-keystonemiddleware 2.3.3-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-kombu 3.0.26-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-libvirt 1.2.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'python-linecache2 1.0.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-logutils 0.3.3-1', 'python-lxml 3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-mako 1.0.2+ds1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-markupsafe 0.23-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-memcache 1.56-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-migrate 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mimeparse 0.1.4-1build1', 'python-minimal 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-mock 1.3.0-2.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-monotonic 0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-msgpack 0.4.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mysqldb 1.3.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netaddr 0.7.17-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netifaces 0.10.4-0.1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-neutron 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'python-neutronclient 1:3.1.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-nova 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'python-novaclient 2:2.30.2-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-numpy 1:1.8.2-0ubuntu0.1', 'python-oauth 1.0.1-3build2', 'python-openid 2.2.5-3ubuntu1', 'python-openssl 0.15.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-openvswitch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-os-brick 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.concurrency 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.config 1:2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.context 0.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.db 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.i18n 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.log 1.11.0-1~u14.04+mos6', 'python-oslo.messaging 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos26', 'python-oslo.middleware 2.8.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.policy 0.11.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.reports 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.rootwrap 2.3.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.serialization 1.9.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.service 0.9.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-oslo.utils 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.versionedobjects 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos7', 'python-paramiko 1.15.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-paste', 'python-pastedeploy 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastedeploy-tpl 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastescript 1.7.5-3build1', 'python-pbr 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos2', 'python-pecan 1.0.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pkg-resources 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ply 3.4-3ubuntu2', 'python-prettytable 0.7.2-2ubuntu2', 'python-psutil 1.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-psycopg2 2.6.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyasn1 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycadf 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycparser 2.10+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'python-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python-pymysql 0.6.7-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyparsing 2.0.1+dfsg1-1build1', 'python-pypcap 1.1.2+debian-2.2', 'python-pyroute2 0.3.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyudev 0.16.1-2build1', 'python-repoze.lru 0.6-4', 'python-requests 2.7.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-retrying 1.3.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-rfc3986 0.2.0-2~u14.04+mos5', 'python-routes 2.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ryu 3.24-1.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-scapy 2.2.0-1', 'python-scgi 1.13-1.1build1', 'python-secretstorage 2.0.0-1ubuntu1.1', 'python-serial 2.6-1build1', 'python-setuptools 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-simplegeneric 0.8.1-1', 'python-simplejson 3.3.1-1ubuntu6', 'python-singledispatch', 'python-six 1.9.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy-ext 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlparse 0.1.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-stevedore 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-tablib 0.9.11-2build1', 'python-tempita 0.5.2-1build1', 'python-testresources 0.2.7-1ubuntu2', 'python-testscenarios 0.4-2ubuntu2', 'python-testtools 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-traceback2 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-trollius 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-tz 2014.10~dfsg1-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unicodecsv 0.13.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unittest2 1.1.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-urllib3 1.10.4-1~u14.04+mos9', 'python-utidylib 0.2-9build1', 'python-waitress 0.8.8-1ubuntu3', 'python-warlock 1.1.0-0ubuntu2', 'python-webob 1.3.1-1', 'python-webtest 2.0.14-1ubuntu1', 'python-wrapt 1.8.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-yaml 3.10-4ubuntu0.1', 'python-zmq 14.4.0-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python3 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-apt', 'python3-commandnotfound 0.3ubuntu12', 'python3-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python3-distupgrade 1:0.220.8', 'python3-gdbm 3.4.3-1~14.04.2', 'python3-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python3-minimal 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python3-software-properties', 'python3-update-manager 1:0.196.14', 'python3.4 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'python3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'qemu 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-keymaps 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-kvm 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-arm 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-common 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-mips 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-misc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-ppc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-sparc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-x86 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-user 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-utils 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'readline-common 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'resolvconf 1.69ubuntu1.1', 'rsync 3.1.0-2ubuntu0.2', 'rsyslog 7.4.4-1ubuntu2.6', 'ruby 1:', 'ruby-augeas 0.5.0-2', 'ruby-cstruct 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-deep-merge 1.0.0+git20150630-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ruby-hiera 1.3.1-1puppetlabs1~u14.04+mos3', 'ruby-httpclient', 'ruby-ipaddress 0.8.0-2', 'ruby-json 1.8.0-1build1', 'ruby-mixlib-cli 1.4.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-config 2.1.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-log 1.4.1-1', 'ruby-netaddr 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-openstack 1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rethtool 0.0.5-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rgen 0.6.6-1', 'ruby-safe-yaml 1.0.1-1', 'ruby-selinux 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'ruby-shadow 2.2.0-1', 'ruby-sigar 0.7.2-2', 'ruby-stomp 1.3.2-1', 'ruby-systemu 2.6.0-1', 'ruby-yajl 1.2.0-1', 'ruby1.9.1', 'screen 4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-9', 'seabios 1.7.4-4ubuntu1', 'sed 4.2.2-4ubuntu1', 'sensible-utils 0.0.9', 'sgml-base 1.26+nmu4ubuntu1', 'shared-mime-info 1.2-0ubuntu3', 'sharutils 1:4.14-1ubuntu1', 'socat', 'software-properties-common', 'sqlite3 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'ssh-import-id 3.21-0ubuntu1', 'ssl-cert 1.0.33', 'strace 4.8-1ubuntu5', 'sudo 1.8.9p5-1ubuntu1.2', 'sysfsutils 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'systemd-services 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'systemd-shim 6-2bzr1', 'sysv-rc 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'tar 1.27.1-1', 'tcpd 7.6.q-25', 'tcpdump 4.5.1-2ubuntu1.2', 'telnet 0.17-36build2', 'time 1.7-24', 'tmux 1.8-5', 'tzdata 2016d-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'ubuntu-keyring 2012.05.19', 'ubuntu-minimal 1.325', 'ubuntu-release-upgrader-core 1:0.220.8', 'ubuntu-standard 1.325', 'ucf 3.0027+nmu1', 'udev 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'ufw 0.34~rc-0ubuntu2', 'unattended-upgrades 0.82.1ubuntu2.4', 'update-manager-core 1:0.196.14', 'upstart 1.12.1-0ubuntu4.2', 'ureadahead 0.100.0-16', 'usbutils 1:007-2ubuntu1.1', 'util-linux 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'uuid-runtime 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'vbetool 1.1-3', 'vim 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-common 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-runtime 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-tiny 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'virt-what 1.13-1', 'vlan 1.9-3ubuntu10', 'watershed 7', 'websockify 0.6.1+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'wget 1.15-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'whiptail 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'wireless-regdb 2013.02.13-1ubuntu1', 'xauth 1:1.0.7-1ubuntu1', 'xkb-data 2.10.1-1ubuntu1', 'xml-core 0.13+nmu2', 'xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'zlib1g 1:1.2.8.dfsg-1ubuntu1']}} 2016-05-14 00:57:36,983 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 00:57:37,047 - DEBUG utils.py:157 -- role is controller 2016-05-14 00:57:37,057 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:37,068 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 00:57:37,157 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:37,211 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:37,212 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 00:57:37,213 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 00:57:37,215 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 00:57:37,225 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:37,237 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 00:57:37,330 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:37,387 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:37,387 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 00:57:37,388 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 00:57:37,392 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 00:57:37,393 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:57:37,411 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1) 2016-05-14 00:57:37,516 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (publickey) successful! 2016-05-14 00:57:37,636 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:57:37,636 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_node_packages with args: (, 'deploy_cluster', u'controller', {'deploy_cluster': {u'compute': ['accountsservice 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'acct 6.5.5-1ubuntu5', 'acl 2.2.52-1', 'acpid 1:2.0.21-1ubuntu2', 'adduser 3.113+nmu3ubuntu3', 'alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'anacron 2.3-20ubuntu1', 'apparmor 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'apt 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-transport-https 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-utils 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'atop 1.26-2', 'augeas-lenses 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'base-files 7.2ubuntu5.4', 'base-passwd 3.5.33', 'bash 4.3-7ubuntu1.5', 'bash-completion 1:2.1-4ubuntu0.1', 'bind9-host 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'binutils 2.24-5ubuntu14', 'bridge-utils 1.5-6ubuntu2', 'bsdmainutils 9.0.5ubuntu1', 'bsdutils 1:2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'build-essential 11.6ubuntu6', 'busybox-initramfs 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'busybox-static 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'bzip2 1.0.6-5', 'ca-certificates 20160104ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'cliff-tablib 1.1-1', 'cloud-guest-utils 0.27-0ubuntu9.2', 'cloud-init 0.7.5-0ubuntu1.18', 'command-not-found 0.3ubuntu12', 'command-not-found-data 0.3ubuntu12', 'conntrack 1:1.4.1-1ubuntu1', 'console-setup 1.70ubuntu8', 'coreutils 8.21-1ubuntu5.4', 'cpio 2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu1.2', 'cpp 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'cpp-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'cpu-checker 0.7-0ubuntu4', 'cpufrequtils 008-1', 'crda 1.1.2-1ubuntu2', 'cron 3.0pl1-124ubuntu2', 'curl 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'daemonize 1.7.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'dash 0.5.7-4ubuntu1', 'dbconfig-common 1.8.47+nmu1', 'dbus 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'debconf 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-i18n 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-utils 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debianutils 4.4', 'dh-python 1.20140128-1ubuntu8.2', 'diffutils 1:3.3-1', 'dkms', 'dmidecode 2.12-2', 'dmsetup 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'dnsmasq-base 2.68-1ubuntu0.1', 'dnsutils 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'dosfstools 3.0.26-1', 'dpkg 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'dpkg-dev 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'e2fslibs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'e2fsprogs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'eatmydata 26-2', 'ebtables', 'ed 1.9-2', 'eject 2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-13.1', 'ethtool 1:3.13-1', 'facter 1.7.5-1ubuntu1', 'fakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'file 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'findutils 4.4.2-7', 'fping 3.8-1', 'friendly-recovery 0.2.25', 'ftp 0.17-28', 'fuel-ha-utils 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-misc 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuse 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'g++ 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'g++-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gawk 1:4.0.1+dfsg-2.1ubuntu2', 'gcc 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'gcc-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.8-base 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.9-base 4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'gdisk 0.8.8-1ubuntu0.1', 'geoip-database 20140313-1', 'gettext-base', 'gir1.2-glib-2.0 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'gnupg 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'gpgv 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'grep 2.16-1', 'groff-base 1.22.2-5', 'grub-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-gfxpayload-lists 0.6', 'grub-pc 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-pc-bin 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub2-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'gzip 1.6-3ubuntu1', 'hdparm 9.43-1ubuntu3', 'hostname 3.15ubuntu1', 'hpsa-dkms 3.4.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'htop 1.0.2-3', 'i40e-dkms 1.3.47-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ieee-data 20131224.1', 'ifenslave 2.4ubuntu1.2', 'ifupdown', 'info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'init-system-helpers 1.18~bpo70+1~u14.04+mos1', 'initramfs-tools 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initramfs-tools-bin 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initscripts 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'insserv 1.14.0-5ubuntu2', 'install-info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'iproute2 3.12.0-2ubuntu1', 'ipset 6.20.1-1', 'iptables 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'iptables-persistent 0.5.7', 'iputils-arping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-ping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-tracepath 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'ipxe-qemu 1.0.0+git-20131111.c3d1e78-2ubuntu1.1', 'irqbalance 1.0.6-2ubuntu0.14.04.4', 'isc-dhcp-client 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'isc-dhcp-common 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'iso-codes 3.52-1', 'iw 3.4-1', 'kbd 1.15.5-1ubuntu1', 'keyboard-configuration 1.70ubuntu8', 'klibc-utils 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'kmod 15-0ubuntu6', 'kpartx 0.4.9-3ubuntu7.11', 'language-selector-common 0.129.3', 'less 458-2', 'libaccountsservice0 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'libacl1 2.2.52-1', 'libaio1 0.3.109-4', 'libalgorithm-diff-perl 1.19.02-3', 'libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl 0.04-2build4', 'libalgorithm-merge-perl 0.08-2', 'libapparmor-perl 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapparmor1 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapt-inst1.5 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libapt-pkg4.12 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libarchive-extract-perl 0.70-1', 'libasan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libasn1-8-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libasound2', 'libasound2-data', 'libasprintf0c2', 'libasyncns0 0.8-4ubuntu2', 'libatomic1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libattr1 1:2.4.47-1ubuntu1', 'libaudit-common 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaudit1 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaugeas0 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'libavahi-client3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common-data 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libbind9-90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libblas3 1.2.20110419-7', 'libblkid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libbluetooth3 4.101-0ubuntu13.1', 'libboost-system1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libboost-thread1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libbrlapi0.6 5.0-2ubuntu2', 'libbsd0 0.6.0-2ubuntu1', 'libbz2-1.0 1.0.6-5', 'libc-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc-dev-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6-dev 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libcaca0 0.99.beta18-1ubuntu5', 'libcap-ng0 0.7.3-1ubuntu2', 'libcap2 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcap2-bin 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcgmanager0 0.24-0ubuntu7.5', 'libck-connector0 0.4.5-3.1ubuntu2', 'libcloog-isl4 0.18.2-1', 'libcomerr2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libcpufreq0 008-1', 'libcurl3 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libcurl3-gnutls 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libdb5.3 5.3.28-3ubuntu3', 'libdbus-1-3 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'libdbus-glib-1-2 0.100.2-1', 'libdebconfclient0 0.187ubuntu1', 'libdevmapper-event1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdevmapper1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdns100 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libdpkg-perl 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'libdrm-intel1 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm-nouveau2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm-radeon1 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libedit2 3.1-20130712-2', 'libelf1 0.158-0ubuntu5.2', 'libestr0 0.1.9-0ubuntu2', 'libevent-2.0-5 2.0.21-stable-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libexpat1 2.1.0-4ubuntu1.1', 'libfakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'libfdt1 1.4.0+dfsg-1', 'libffi6 3.1~rc1+r3.0.13-12ubuntu0.1', 'libfile-fcntllock-perl 0.14-2build1', 'libflac8 1.3.0-2ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libfreetype6 2.5.2-1ubuntu2.5', 'libfribidi0 0.19.6-1', 'libfuse2 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'libgcc-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgcc1 1:4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'libgck-1-0 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-3-common 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-base-3-1 3.10.1-1', 'libgcrypt11 1.5.3-2ubuntu4.3', 'libgdbm3 1.8.3-12build1', 'libgeoip1 1.6.0-1', 'libgfortran3 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgirepository-1.0-1 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'libgl1-mesa-dri 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libgl1-mesa-glx 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libglapi-mesa 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libglib2.0-0 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libglib2.0-data 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libgmp10 2:5.1.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1', 'libgnutls-openssl27 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgnutls26 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgomp1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgpg-error0 1.12-0.2ubuntu1', 'libgpm2 1.20.4-6.1', 'libgssapi-krb5-2 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libgssapi3-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhcrypto4-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimbase1-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimntlm0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhx509-5-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libicu52 52.1-3ubuntu0.4', 'libidn11 1.28-1ubuntu2', 'libipset3 6.20.1-1', 'libisc95 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccc90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccfg90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisl10 0.12.2-1', 'libitm1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libjpeg-turbo8 1.3.0-0ubuntu2', 'libjpeg8 8c-2ubuntu8', 'libjs-jquery 1.7.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1', 'libjs-sphinxdoc 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'libjs-underscore 1.4.4-2ubuntu1', 'libjson-c2 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libjson0 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libk5crypto3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkeyutils1 1.5.6-1', 'libklibc 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libkmod2 15-0ubuntu6', 'libkrb5-26-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libkrb5-3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkrb5support0 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'liblapack3 3.5.0-2ubuntu1', 'libldap-2.4-2 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu8.2', 'libllvm3.4 1:3.4-1ubuntu3', 'liblocale-gettext-perl 1.05-7build3', 'liblockfile-bin 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblockfile1 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblog-message-simple-perl 0.10-1', 'liblwres90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'liblzma5 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'libmagic1 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'libmnl0 1.0.3-3ubuntu1', 'libmodule-pluggable-perl 5.1-1', 'libmount1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libmpc3 1.0.1-1ubuntu1', 'libmpdec2 2.4.0-6', 'libmpfr4 3.1.2-1', 'libmysqlclient18 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libncurses5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libncursesw5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libnetcf1 1:0.2.3-4ubuntu1', 'libnetfilter-conntrack3 1.0.4-1', 'libnewt0.52 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'libnfnetlink0 1.0.1-2', 'libnih-dbus1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnih1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-genl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-route-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnspr4 2:4.10.10-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libnss3 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnss3-nssdb 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnuma1 2.0.9~rc5-1ubuntu3.14.04.2', 'libogg0 1.3.1-1ubuntu1', 'libopts25 1:5.18-2ubuntu2', 'libp11-kit0 0.20.2-2ubuntu2', 'libpam-cap 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libpam-modules 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-modules-bin 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-runtime 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-systemd 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libpam0g 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libparted0debian1 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libpcap0.8 1.5.3-2', 'libpci3 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'libpciaccess0 0.13.2-1', 'libpcre3 1:8.31-2ubuntu2.3', 'libpgm-5.1-0 5.1.118-1~dfsg-0.1ubuntu3', 'libpipeline1 1.3.0-1', 'libpixman-1-0 0.30.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'libplymouth2 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'libpng12-0 1.2.50-1ubuntu2.14.04.2', 'libpod-latex-perl 0.61-1', 'libpolkit-agent-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpolkit-backend-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpolkit-gobject-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpopt0 1.16-8ubuntu1', 'libpq5 9.3.12-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'libprocps3 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpulse0 1:4.0-0ubuntu11.1', 'libpython-stdlib 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'libpython2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-stdlib 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython3-stdlib 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'libpython3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libpython3.4-stdlib 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libquadmath0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'librados2 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'librbd1 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'libreadline5 5.2+dfsg-2', 'libreadline6 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'libroken18-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'librtmp0 2.4+20121230.gitdf6c518-1', 'libruby1.9.1', 'libsasl2-2 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsasl2-modules-db 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsdl1.2debian 1.2.15-8ubuntu1.1', 'libseccomp2 2.1.0+dfsg-1', 'libselinux1 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsemanage-common 2.2-1', 'libsemanage1 2.2-1', 'libsepol1 2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsigsegv2 2.10-2', 'libslang2 2.2.4-15ubuntu1', 'libsndfile1 1.0.25-7ubuntu2.1', 'libspice-server1 0.12.4-0nocelt2ubuntu1.2', 'libsqlite3-0 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'libss2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libssh2-1 1.4.3-2', 'libssl1.0.0 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'libstdc++-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libstdc++6 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libsysfs2 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'libsystemd-daemon0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libsystemd-login0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libtasn1-6 3.4-3ubuntu0.4', 'libterm-ui-perl 0.42-1', 'libtext-charwidth-perl 0.04-7build3', 'libtext-iconv-perl 1.7-5build2', 'libtext-soundex-perl 3.4-1build1', 'libtext-wrapi18n-perl 0.06-7', 'libtidy-0.99-0 20091223cvs-1.2ubuntu1.1', 'libtimedate-perl 2.3000-1', 'libtinfo5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libtsan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 0~git20131104-1.1', 'libudev1 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libusb-0.1-4 2:0.1.12-23.3ubuntu1', 'libusb-1.0-0 2:1.0.17-1ubuntu2', 'libusbredirparser1 0.6-2ubuntu1.1', 'libustr-1.0-1 1.0.4-3ubuntu2', 'libuuid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libvirt-bin 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-clients 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-daemon 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-daemon-system 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt0 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvorbis0a 1.3.2-1.3ubuntu1', 'libvorbisenc2 1.3.2-1.3ubuntu1', 'libwind0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libwrap0 7.6.q-25', 'libx11-6 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-data 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-xcb1 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx86-1 1.1+ds1-10', 'libxau6 1:1.0.8-1', 'libxcb-dri2-0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-dri3-0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-glx0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-present0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-sync1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxdamage1 1:1.1.4-1ubuntu1', 'libxdmcp6 1:1.1.1-1', 'libxen-4.4 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.14.04.5', 'libxenstore3.0 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.14.04.5', 'libxext6 2:1.3.2-1ubuntu0.', 'libxfixes3 1:5.0.1-1ubuntu1.1', 'libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxml2-utils 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxmuu1 2:1.1.1-1', 'libxshmfence1 1.1-2', 'libxslt1.1 1.1.28-2build1', 'libxtables10 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'libxxf86vm1 1:1.1.3-1', 'libyajl2 2.0.4-4', 'libyaml-0-2 0.1.4-3ubuntu3.1', 'libzmq3 4.0.4+dfsg-2', 'linux-firmware 1.127.22', 'linux-firmware-nonfree 1.14ubuntu3', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-generic', 'linux-headers-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-image-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-extra-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-generic', 'linux-image-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-libc-dev 3.13.0-86.130', 'locales 2.13+git20120306-12.1', 'lockfile-progs 0.1.17', 'login 1:', 'logrotate 3.8.7-1ubuntu1', 'lsb-base 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lsb-release 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lshw 02.16-2ubuntu1.3', 'lsof 4.86+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'ltrace 0.7.3-4ubuntu5.1', 'lvm2 2.02.98-6ubuntu2', 'make 3.81-8.2ubuntu3', 'makedev 2.3.1-93ubuntu1', 'man-db', 'manpages 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'manpages-dev 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'mawk 1.3.3-17ubuntu2', 'mcollective 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mcollective-common 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mdadm 3.2.5-5ubuntu4.2', 'mime-support 3.54ubuntu1.1', 'mlocate 0.26-1ubuntu1', 'module-init-tools 15-0ubuntu6', 'mount 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'mountall 2.53', 'msr-tools 1.3-2', 'mtr-tiny 0.85-2', 'multiarch-support 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'mysql-common 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'nailgun-agent 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos151', 'nailgun-mcagents 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos699', 'nano 2.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-base 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-bin 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-term 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'net-tools 1.60-25ubuntu2.1', 'netbase 5.2', 'netcat-openbsd 1.105-7ubuntu1', 'network-checker 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos58', 'neutron-common 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'nova-common 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-compute 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-compute-qemu 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'ntfs-3g 1:2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu2', 'ntp 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ntpdate 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ohai 6.14.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'open-iscsi 2.0.873-3ubuntu9', 'openssh-client 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-sftp-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssl 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'openvswitch-common 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-datapath-dkms 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-switch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'os-prober 1.63ubuntu1.1', 'parted 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'passwd 1:', 'patch 2.7.1-4ubuntu2.3', 'pciutils 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'perl 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-base 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-modules 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'plymouth 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'pm-utils 1.4.1-13ubuntu0.2', 'policykit-1 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'popularity-contest 1.57ubuntu1', 'postfix 2.11.0-1ubuntu1', 'powermgmt-base 1.31build1', 'ppp 2.4.5-5.1ubuntu2.2', 'pppconfig 2.3.19ubuntu1', 'pppoeconf 1.20ubuntu1', 'procps 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'psmisc 22.20-1ubuntu2', 'puppet 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'puppet-common 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-aioeventlet 0.4-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqp 1.4.6-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqplib 1.0.2-1', 'python-anyjson 0.3.3-1build1', 'python-apt-common', 'python-babel 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-babel-localedata 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-boto 2.38.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-bs4 4.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-cachetools 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cffi 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-cffi-backend 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-chardet 2.0.1-2build2', 'python-cheetah 2.4.4-3.fakesyncbuild1', 'python-cinderclient 1:1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cliff 1.14.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cmd2 0.6.7-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-concurrent.futures 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-configobj 4.7.2+ds-5build1', 'python-contextlib2 0.4.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-crypto 2.6.1-4build1', 'python-cryptography 1.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-daemonize 2.2.1-0x2go1~git20131219.5~u14.04+mos2', 'python-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-dbus-dev 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-debtcollector 0.8.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-decorator 3.4.0-2build1', 'python-dns 2.3.6-3', 'python-ecdsa 0.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-editor 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-egenix-mxdatetime 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-egenix-mxtools 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-enum34 0.9.23-1', 'python-eventlet 0.17.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-extras 0.0.3-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-fasteners 0.12.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-feedparser 5.1.3-2', 'python-fixtures 1.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-formencode 1.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'python-funcsigs 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-futurist 0.1.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-gflags 1.5.1-1build1', 'python-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python-glanceclient 1:1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-greenlet 0.4.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-httplib2 0.8-2build1', 'python-idna 2.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ipaddress 1.0.14-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-iso8601 0.1.10-0ubuntu1', 'python-jinja2 2.8-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-json-patch 1.3-4', 'python-json-pointer 1.0-2build1', 'python-jsonpatch 1.3-4', 'python-jsonschema 2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-keyring 3.5-1', 'python-keystoneclient 1:1.7.4-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-keystonemiddleware 2.3.3-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-kombu 3.0.26-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-libvirt 1.2.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'python-linecache2 1.0.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-logutils 0.3.3-1', 'python-lxml 3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-mako 1.0.2+ds1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-markupsafe 0.23-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-memcache 1.56-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-migrate 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mimeparse 0.1.4-1build1', 'python-minimal 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-mock 1.3.0-2.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-monotonic 0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-msgpack 0.4.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mysqldb 1.3.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netaddr 0.7.17-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netifaces 0.10.4-0.1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-neutron 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'python-neutronclient 1:3.1.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-nova 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'python-novaclient 2:2.30.2-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-numpy 1:1.8.2-0ubuntu0.1', 'python-oauth 1.0.1-3build2', 'python-openid 2.2.5-3ubuntu1', 'python-openssl 0.15.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-openvswitch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-os-brick 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.concurrency 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.config 1:2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.context 0.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.db 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.i18n 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.log 1.11.0-1~u14.04+mos6', 'python-oslo.messaging 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos26', 'python-oslo.middleware 2.8.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.policy 0.11.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.reports 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.rootwrap 2.3.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.serialization 1.9.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.service 0.9.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-oslo.utils 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.versionedobjects 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos7', 'python-paramiko 1.15.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-paste', 'python-pastedeploy 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastedeploy-tpl 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastescript 1.7.5-3build1', 'python-pbr 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos2', 'python-pecan 1.0.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pkg-resources 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ply 3.4-3ubuntu2', 'python-prettytable 0.7.2-2ubuntu2', 'python-psutil 1.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-psycopg2 2.6.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyasn1 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycadf 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycparser 2.10+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'python-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python-pymysql 0.6.7-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyparsing 2.0.1+dfsg1-1build1', 'python-pypcap 1.1.2+debian-2.2', 'python-pyroute2 0.3.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyudev 0.16.1-2build1', 'python-repoze.lru 0.6-4', 'python-requests 2.7.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-retrying 1.3.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-rfc3986 0.2.0-2~u14.04+mos5', 'python-routes 2.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ryu 3.24-1.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-scapy 2.2.0-1', 'python-scgi 1.13-1.1build1', 'python-secretstorage 2.0.0-1ubuntu1.1', 'python-serial 2.6-1build1', 'python-setuptools 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-simplegeneric 0.8.1-1', 'python-simplejson 3.3.1-1ubuntu6', 'python-singledispatch', 'python-six 1.9.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy-ext 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlparse 0.1.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-stevedore 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-tablib 0.9.11-2build1', 'python-tempita 0.5.2-1build1', 'python-testresources 0.2.7-1ubuntu2', 'python-testscenarios 0.4-2ubuntu2', 'python-testtools 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-traceback2 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-trollius 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-tz 2014.10~dfsg1-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unicodecsv 0.13.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unittest2 1.1.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-urllib3 1.10.4-1~u14.04+mos9', 'python-utidylib 0.2-9build1', 'python-waitress 0.8.8-1ubuntu3', 'python-warlock 1.1.0-0ubuntu2', 'python-webob 1.3.1-1', 'python-webtest 2.0.14-1ubuntu1', 'python-wrapt 1.8.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-yaml 3.10-4ubuntu0.1', 'python-zmq 14.4.0-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python3 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-apt', 'python3-commandnotfound 0.3ubuntu12', 'python3-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python3-distupgrade 1:0.220.8', 'python3-gdbm 3.4.3-1~14.04.2', 'python3-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python3-minimal 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python3-software-properties', 'python3-update-manager 1:0.196.14', 'python3.4 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'python3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'qemu 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-keymaps 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-kvm 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-arm 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-common 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-mips 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-misc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-ppc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-sparc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-x86 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-user 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-utils 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'readline-common 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'resolvconf 1.69ubuntu1.1', 'rsync 3.1.0-2ubuntu0.2', 'rsyslog 7.4.4-1ubuntu2.6', 'ruby 1:', 'ruby-augeas 0.5.0-2', 'ruby-cstruct 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-deep-merge 1.0.0+git20150630-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ruby-hiera 1.3.1-1puppetlabs1~u14.04+mos3', 'ruby-httpclient', 'ruby-ipaddress 0.8.0-2', 'ruby-json 1.8.0-1build1', 'ruby-mixlib-cli 1.4.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-config 2.1.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-log 1.4.1-1', 'ruby-netaddr 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-openstack 1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rethtool 0.0.5-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rgen 0.6.6-1', 'ruby-safe-yaml 1.0.1-1', 'ruby-selinux 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'ruby-shadow 2.2.0-1', 'ruby-sigar 0.7.2-2', 'ruby-stomp 1.3.2-1', 'ruby-systemu 2.6.0-1', 'ruby-yajl 1.2.0-1', 'ruby1.9.1', 'screen 4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-9', 'seabios 1.7.4-4ubuntu1', 'sed 4.2.2-4ubuntu1', 'sensible-utils 0.0.9', 'sgml-base 1.26+nmu4ubuntu1', 'shared-mime-info 1.2-0ubuntu3', 'sharutils 1:4.14-1ubuntu1', 'socat', 'software-properties-common', 'sqlite3 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'ssh-import-id 3.21-0ubuntu1', 'ssl-cert 1.0.33', 'strace 4.8-1ubuntu5', 'sudo 1.8.9p5-1ubuntu1.2', 'sysfsutils 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'systemd-services 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'systemd-shim 6-2bzr1', 'sysv-rc 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'tar 1.27.1-1', 'tcpd 7.6.q-25', 'tcpdump 4.5.1-2ubuntu1.2', 'telnet 0.17-36build2', 'time 1.7-24', 'tmux 1.8-5', 'tzdata 2016d-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'ubuntu-keyring 2012.05.19', 'ubuntu-minimal 1.325', 'ubuntu-release-upgrader-core 1:0.220.8', 'ubuntu-standard 1.325', 'ucf 3.0027+nmu1', 'udev 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'ufw 0.34~rc-0ubuntu2', 'unattended-upgrades 0.82.1ubuntu2.4', 'update-manager-core 1:0.196.14', 'upstart 1.12.1-0ubuntu4.2', 'ureadahead 0.100.0-16', 'usbutils 1:007-2ubuntu1.1', 'util-linux 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'uuid-runtime 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'vbetool 1.1-3', 'vim 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-common 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-runtime 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-tiny 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'virt-what 1.13-1', 'vlan 1.9-3ubuntu10', 'watershed 7', 'websockify 0.6.1+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'wget 1.15-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'whiptail 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'wireless-regdb 2013.02.13-1ubuntu1', 'xauth 1:1.0.7-1ubuntu1', 'xkb-data 2.10.1-1ubuntu1', 'xml-core 0.13+nmu2', 'xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'zlib1g 1:1.2.8.dfsg-1ubuntu1']}}) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:37,636 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'dpkg-query -W -f='${Package} ${Version}'' 2016-05-14 00:57:37,674 - DEBUG utils.py:142 -- node packages are ['accountsservice 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'acct 6.5.5-1ubuntu5', 'acl 2.2.52-1', 'acpid 1:2.0.21-1ubuntu2', 'adduser 3.113+nmu3ubuntu3', 'alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'anacron 2.3-20ubuntu1', 'apache2 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.9', 'apache2-bin 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.9', 'apache2-data 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.9', 'apparmor 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'apt 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-transport-https 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-utils 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'atop 1.26-2', 'augeas-lenses 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'base-files 7.2ubuntu5.4', 'base-passwd 3.5.33', 'bash 4.3-7ubuntu1.5', 'bash-completion 1:2.1-4ubuntu0.1', 'bind9-host 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'binutils 2.24-5ubuntu14', 'blt 2.4z-9~u14.04+mos1', 'bridge-utils 1.5-6ubuntu2', 'bsdmainutils 9.0.5ubuntu1', 'bsdutils 1:2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'build-essential 11.6ubuntu6', 'busybox-initramfs 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'busybox-static 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'bzip2 1.0.6-5', 'ca-certificates 20160104ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'cinder-api 2:7.0.1-1~u14.04+mos38', 'cinder-common 2:7.0.1-1~u14.04+mos38', 'cinder-scheduler 2:7.0.1-1~u14.04+mos38', 'cirros-testvm 0.3.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'cliff-tablib 1.1-1', 'cloud-guest-utils 0.27-0ubuntu9.2', 'cloud-init 0.7.5-0ubuntu1.18', 'cluster-glue 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'command-not-found 0.3ubuntu12', 'command-not-found-data 0.3ubuntu12', 'conntrack 1:1.4.1-1ubuntu1', 'conntrackd 1:1.4.1-1ubuntu1', 'console-setup 1.70ubuntu8', 'coreutils 8.21-1ubuntu5.4', 'corosync 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'cpio 2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu1.2', 'cpp 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'cpp-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'crda 1.1.2-1ubuntu2', 'crmsh 2.1.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'cron 3.0pl1-124ubuntu2', 'curl 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'daemonize 1.7.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'dash 0.5.7-4ubuntu1', 'dbconfig-common 1.8.47+nmu1', 'dbus 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'debconf 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-i18n 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-utils 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debianutils 4.4', 'dh-python 1.20140128-1ubuntu8.2', 'diffutils 1:3.3-1', 'dkms', 'dmidecode 2.12-2', 'dmsetup 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'dnsmasq-base 2.68-1ubuntu0.1', 'dnsmasq-utils 2.68-1ubuntu0.1', 'dnsutils 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'docutils-common 0.12+dfsg-1~u14.04+mos1', 'docutils-doc 0.12+dfsg-1~u14.04+mos1', 'dosfstools 3.0.26-1', 'dpkg 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'dpkg-dev 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'e2fslibs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'e2fsprogs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'eatmydata 26-2', 'ed 1.9-2', 'eject 2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-13.1', 'erlang-asn1 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-base 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-corba 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-crypto 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-diameter 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-edoc 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-eldap 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-erl-docgen 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-eunit 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-ic 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-inets 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-mnesia 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-nox 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-odbc 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-os-mon 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-parsetools 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-percept 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-public-key 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-runtime-tools 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-snmp 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-ssh 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-ssl 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-syntax-tools 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-tools 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-webtool 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-xmerl 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ethtool 1:3.13-1', 'facter 1.7.5-1ubuntu1', 'fakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'file 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'findutils 4.4.2-7', 'fontconfig 2.11.0-0ubuntu4.1', 'fontconfig-config 2.11.0-0ubuntu4.1', 'fonts-dejavu-core 2.34-1ubuntu1', 'fonts-font-awesome 4.3.0~dfsg-2~u14.04+mos1', 'fonts-lato 1.104-4', 'fonts-liberation 1.07.3-3', 'fonts-lyx', 'fonts-materialdesignicons-webfont 1.1.70-1~u14.04+mos1', 'fonts-roboto-fontface 0.4.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'friendly-recovery 0.2.25', 'ftp 0.17-28', 'fuel-ha-utils 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-misc 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-rabbit-fence 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-umm 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuse 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'g++ 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'g++-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'galera-3 25.3.10-1~u14.04+mos2', 'gcc 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'gcc-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.8-base 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.9-base 4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'gdisk 0.8.8-1ubuntu0.1', 'geoip-database 20140313-1', 'gettext-base', 'gir1.2-glib-2.0 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'glance-api 2:11.0.1-1~u14.04+mos12', 'glance-common 2:11.0.1-1~u14.04+mos12', 'glance-registry 2:11.0.1-1~u14.04+mos12', 'gnupg 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'gpgv 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'graphviz 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'grep 2.16-1', 'groff-base 1.22.2-5', 'grub-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-gfxpayload-lists 0.6', 'grub-pc 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-pc-bin 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub2-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'gzip 1.6-3ubuntu1', 'haproxy 1.5.3-1~u14.04+mos2', 'hdparm 9.43-1ubuntu3', 'heat-api 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-api-cfn 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-api-cloudwatch 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-common 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-docker 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-engine 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'hicolor-icon-theme 0.13-1', 'hostname 3.15ubuntu1', 'hpsa-dkms 3.4.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'htop 1.0.2-3', 'i40e-dkms 1.3.47-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ieee-data 20131224.1', 'ifenslave 2.4ubuntu1.2', 'ifupdown', 'info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'init-system-helpers 1.18~bpo70+1~u14.04+mos1', 'initramfs-tools 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initramfs-tools-bin 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initscripts 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'insserv 1.14.0-5ubuntu2', 'install-info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'iproute 1:3.12.0-2ubuntu1', 'iproute2 3.12.0-2ubuntu1', 'ipset 6.20.1-1', 'iptables 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'iptables-persistent 0.5.7', 'iputils-arping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-ping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-tracepath 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'ipvsadm 1:1.26-2ubuntu1', 'irqbalance 1.0.6-2ubuntu0.14.04.4', 'isc-dhcp-client 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'isc-dhcp-common 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'iso-codes 3.52-1', 'iw 3.4-1', 'javascript-common 11', 'kbd 1.15.5-1ubuntu1', 'keepalived 1:1.2.13-1~u14.04+mos1', 'keyboard-configuration 1.70ubuntu8', 'keystone 2:8.1.0-2~u14.04+mos4', 'klibc-utils 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'kmod 15-0ubuntu6', 'language-selector-common 0.129.3', 'less 458-2', 'libaccountsservice0 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'libacl1 2.2.52-1', 'libaio1 0.3.109-4', 'libalgorithm-diff-perl 1.19.02-3', 'libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl 0.04-2build4', 'libalgorithm-merge-perl 0.08-2', 'libamd2.3.1 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libapache2-mod-wsgi 4.4.15-0.1', 'libapparmor-perl 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapparmor1 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapr1 1.5.0-1', 'libaprutil1 1.5.3-1', 'libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 1.5.3-1', 'libaprutil1-ldap 1.5.3-1', 'libapt-inst1.5 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libapt-pkg4.12 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libarchive-extract-perl 0.70-1', 'libasan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libasn1-8-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libasprintf0c2', 'libatk1.0-0 2.10.0-2ubuntu2', 'libatk1.0-data 2.10.0-2ubuntu2', 'libatomic1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libattr1 1:2.4.47-1ubuntu1', 'libaudit-common 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaudit1 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaugeas0 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'libavahi-client3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common-data 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libbind9-90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libblas3 1.2.20110419-7', 'libblkid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libboost-system1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libboost-thread1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libbsd0 0.6.0-2ubuntu1', 'libbz2-1.0 1.0.6-5', 'libc-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc-dev-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6-dev 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libcairo2 1.13.0~20140204-0ubuntu1.1', 'libcamd2.3.1 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libcap-ng0 0.7.3-1ubuntu2', 'libcap2 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcap2-bin 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libccolamd2.8.0 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libcdt5 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libcephfs1 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'libcfg6 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libcgmanager0 0.24-0ubuntu7.5', 'libcgraph6 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libcholmod2.1.2 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libcib4 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libck-connector0 0.4.5-3.1ubuntu2', 'libcloog-isl4 0.18.2-1', 'libcmap4 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libcolamd2.8.0 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libcomerr2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libcorosync-common4 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libcpg4 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libcrmcluster4 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libcrmcommon3 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libcrmservice1 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libcups2 1.7.2-0ubuntu1.7', 'libcurl3 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libcurl3-gnutls 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libdaemon0 0.14-2ubuntu1', 'libdatrie1 0.2.8-1', 'libdb5.3 5.3.28-3ubuntu3', 'libdbd-mysql-perl 4.025-1', 'libdbi-perl 1.630-1', 'libdbus-1-3 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'libdbus-glib-1-2 0.100.2-1', 'libdebconfclient0 0.187ubuntu1', 'libdevmapper-event1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdevmapper1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdns100 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libdpkg-perl 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'libdrm2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libedit2 3.1-20130712-2', 'libelf1 0.158-0ubuntu5.2', 'libesmtp6 1.0.6-1ubuntu2', 'libestr0 0.1.9-0ubuntu2', 'libevent-2.0-5 2.0.21-stable-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libexpat1 2.1.0-4ubuntu1.1', 'libexpat1-dev 2.1.0-4ubuntu1.1', 'libfakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'libffi6 3.1~rc1+r3.0.13-12ubuntu0.1', 'libfile-copy-recursive-perl 0.38-1', 'libfile-fcntllock-perl 0.14-2build1', 'libfontconfig1 2.11.0-0ubuntu4.1', 'libfreetype6 2.5.2-1ubuntu2.5', 'libfribidi0 0.19.6-1', 'libfuse2 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'libgcc-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgcc1 1:4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'libgck-1-0 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-3-common 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-base-3-1 3.10.1-1', 'libgcrypt11 1.5.3-2ubuntu4.3', 'libgd3 2.1.0-3', 'libgdbm3 1.8.3-12build1', 'libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 2.30.7-0ubuntu1.2', 'libgdk-pixbuf2.0-common 2.30.7-0ubuntu1.2', 'libgeoip1 1.6.0-1', 'libgfortran3 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgirepository-1.0-1 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'libglade2-0 1:2.6.4-2', 'libglib2.0-0 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libglib2.0-data 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libgmp10 2:5.1.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1', 'libgnutls-openssl27 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgnutls26 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgomp1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgpg-error0 1.12-0.2ubuntu1', 'libgpm2 1.20.4-6.1', 'libgraphite2-3 1.3.6-1ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libgssapi-krb5-2 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libgssapi3-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libgtk2.0-0 2.24.23-0ubuntu1.4', 'libgtk2.0-bin 2.24.23-0ubuntu1.4', 'libgtk2.0-common 2.24.23-0ubuntu1.4', 'libgvc6 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libgvpr2 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libharfbuzz0b 0.9.27-1ubuntu1', 'libhcrypto4-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheartbeat2 1:3.0.5-3.2', 'libheimbase1-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimntlm0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhtml-template-perl 2.95-1', 'libhx509-5-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libibverbs1 1.1.7-1ubuntu1.1', 'libice6 2:1.0.8-2', 'libicu52 52.1-3ubuntu0.4', 'libidn11 1.28-1ubuntu2', 'libipset3 6.20.1-1', 'libisc95 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccc90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccfg90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisl10 0.12.2-1', 'libitm1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libjasper1 1.900.1-14ubuntu3.3', 'libjbig0 2.0-2ubuntu4.1', 'libjpeg-turbo8 1.3.0-0ubuntu2', 'libjpeg8 8c-2ubuntu8', 'libjs-angular-gettext 2.1.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-angularjs 1.3.17-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-angularjs-smart-table 1.4.5-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-bootswatch 3.3.5+2+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-d3 3.5.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-jquery 1.7.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1', 'libjs-jquery-metadata 8-2', 'libjs-jquery-tablesorter 2.14.5-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-jquery-ui 1.10.1+dfsg-1', 'libjs-jquery.quicksearch 2.0.4-1~u14.04+mos3', 'libjs-jsencrypt 2.0.0+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos3', 'libjs-lrdragndrop 1.0.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-magic-search 0.2.5-1~u14.04+mos2', 'libjs-modernizr 2.6.2+ds1-1', 'libjs-qunit 1.14.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-rickshaw 1.5.1.dfsg-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-sphinxdoc 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'libjs-spin.js 1.2.8+dfsg2-1~u14.04+mos3', 'libjs-swfobject 2.2+dfsg-1', 'libjs-term.js 0.0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-twitter-bootstrap 2.0.2+dfsg-4', 'libjs-twitter-bootstrap-datepicker 1.3.1+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-underscore 1.4.4-2ubuntu1', 'libjson-c2 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libjson0 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libk5crypto3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkeyutils1 1.5.6-1', 'libklibc 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libkmod2 15-0ubuntu6', 'libkrb5-26-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libkrb5-3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkrb5support0 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'liblapack3 3.5.0-2ubuntu1', 'liblcms2-2 2.5-0ubuntu4.1', 'libldap-2.4-2 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu8.2', 'liblocale-gettext-perl 1.05-7build3', 'liblockfile-bin 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblockfile1 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblog-message-simple-perl 0.10-1', 'liblrm2 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'liblrmd1 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libltdl7 2.4.2-1.7ubuntu1', 'liblwres90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'liblzma5 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'libmagic1 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'libmnl0 1.0.3-3ubuntu1', 'libmodule-pluggable-perl 5.1-1', 'libmount1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libmpc3 1.0.1-1ubuntu1', 'libmpdec2 2.4.0-6', 'libmpfr4 3.1.2-1', 'libmysqlclient18 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libncurses5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libncursesw5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libnet1 1.1.6+dfsg-2ubuntu1', 'libnetfilter-conntrack3 1.0.4-1', 'libnetfilter-cthelper0 1.0.0-1ubuntu1', 'libnetfilter-queue1 1.0.2-1', 'libnewt0.52 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'libnfnetlink0 1.0.1-2', 'libnih-dbus1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnih1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-genl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnspr4 2:4.10.10-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libnss3 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnss3-nssdb 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnuma1 2.0.9~rc5-1ubuntu3.14.04.2', 'libodbc1 2.2.14p2-5ubuntu5', 'libopenhpi2 2.14.1-1.3ubuntu2', 'libopenipmi0 2.0.18-0ubuntu7.1', 'libopts25 1:5.18-2ubuntu2', 'libp11-kit0 0.20.2-2ubuntu2', 'libpam-cap 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libpam-modules 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-modules-bin 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-runtime 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-systemd 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libpam0g 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpango-1.0-0 1.36.3-1ubuntu1.1', 'libpangocairo-1.0-0 1.36.3-1ubuntu1.1', 'libpangoft2-1.0-0 1.36.3-1ubuntu1.1', 'libpaper-utils 1.1.24+nmu2ubuntu3', 'libpaper1 1.1.24+nmu2ubuntu3', 'libparted0debian1 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libpathplan4 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libpcap0.8 1.5.3-2', 'libpci3 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'libpcre3 1:8.31-2ubuntu2.3', 'libpe-rules2 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libpe-status4 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libpengine4 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libperl5.18 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'libpgm-5.1-0 5.1.118-1~dfsg-0.1ubuntu3', 'libpils2 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'libpipeline1 1.3.0-1', 'libpixman-1-0 0.30.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'libplumb2 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'libplumbgpl2 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'libplymouth2 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'libpng12-0 1.2.50-1ubuntu2.14.04.2', 'libpod-latex-perl 0.61-1', 'libpolkit-gobject-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpopt0 1.16-8ubuntu1', 'libpq5 9.3.12-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'libprocps3 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpython-dev 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'libpython-stdlib 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'libpython2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-dev 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-stdlib 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython3-stdlib 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'libpython3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libpython3.4-stdlib 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libqb0 0.17.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'libquadmath0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libquorum5 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'librados2 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'librbd1 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'librdmacm1 1.0.16-1', 'libreadline5 5.2+dfsg-2', 'libreadline6 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'libroken18-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'librtmp0 2.4+20121230.gitdf6c518-1', 'libruby1.9.1', 'libsam4 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libsasl2-2 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsasl2-modules-db 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsctp1 1.0.15+dfsg-1', 'libselinux1 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsemanage-common 2.2-1', 'libsemanage1 2.2-1', 'libsensors4 1:3.3.4-2ubuntu1', 'libsepol1 2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libslang2 2.2.4-15ubuntu1', 'libsm6 2:1.2.1-2', 'libsnmp-base 5.7.2~dfsg-8.1ubuntu3.2', 'libsnmp30 5.7.2~dfsg-8.1ubuntu3.2', 'libsqlite3-0 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'libss2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libssl1.0.0 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'libstdc++-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libstdc++6 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libstonith1 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'libstonithd2 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libsysfs2 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'libsystemd-daemon0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libsystemd-login0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libtasn1-6 3.4-3ubuntu0.4', 'libtcl8.6 8.6.1-4ubuntu1', 'libterm-readkey-perl 2.31-1', 'libterm-ui-perl 0.42-1', 'libtext-charwidth-perl 0.04-7build3', 'libtext-iconv-perl 1.7-5build2', 'libtext-soundex-perl 3.4-1build1', 'libtext-wrapi18n-perl 0.06-7', 'libthai-data 0.1.20-3', 'libthai0 0.1.20-3', 'libtidy-0.99-0 20091223cvs-1.2ubuntu1.1', 'libtiff5 4.0.3-7ubuntu0.4', 'libtimedate-perl 2.3000-1', 'libtinfo5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libtk8.6 8.6.1-3ubuntu2', 'libtotem-pg5 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libtransitioner2 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libtsan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libudev1 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libumfpack5.6.2 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libusb-0.1-4 2:0.1.12-23.3ubuntu1', 'libusb-1.0-0 2:1.0.17-1ubuntu2', 'libustr-1.0-1 1.0.4-3ubuntu2', 'libuuid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libvotequorum7 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libvpx1 1.3.0-2', 'libwebp5 0.4.0-4', 'libwebpmux1 0.4.0-4', 'libwind0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libwrap0 7.6.q-25', 'libx11-6 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-data 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libxau6 1:1.0.8-1', 'libxaw7 2:1.0.12-1', 'libxcb-render0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-shm0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcomposite1 1:0.4.4-1', 'libxcursor1 1:1.1.14-1', 'libxdamage1 1:1.1.4-1ubuntu1', 'libxdmcp6 1:1.1.1-1', 'libxext6 2:1.3.2-1ubuntu0.', 'libxfixes3 1:5.0.1-1ubuntu1.1', 'libxft2 2.3.1-2', 'libxi6 2:', 'libxinerama1 2:1.1.3-1', 'libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxml2-dev 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxmlsec1 1.2.18-2ubuntu1', 'libxmlsec1-openssl 1.2.18-2ubuntu1', 'libxmu6 2:1.1.1-1', 'libxmuu1 2:1.1.1-1', 'libxpm4 1:3.5.10-1', 'libxrandr2 2:1.4.2-1', 'libxrender1 1:0.9.8-1build0.14.04.1', 'libxslt1-dev 1.1.28-2build1', 'libxslt1.1 1.1.28-2build1', 'libxss1 1:1.2.2-1', 'libxt6 1:1.1.4-1', 'libxtables10 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'libyaml-0-2 0.1.4-3ubuntu3.1', 'libzmq3 4.0.4+dfsg-2', 'linux-firmware 1.127.22', 'linux-firmware-nonfree 1.14ubuntu3', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-generic', 'linux-headers-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-image-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-extra-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-generic', 'linux-image-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-libc-dev 3.13.0-86.130', 'lksctp-tools 1.0.15+dfsg-1', 'locales 2.13+git20120306-12.1', 'lockfile-progs 0.1.17', 'login 1:', 'logrotate 3.8.7-1ubuntu1', 'lsb-base 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lsb-release 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lshw 02.16-2ubuntu1.3', 'lsof 4.86+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'ltrace 0.7.3-4ubuntu5.1', 'lvm2 2.02.98-6ubuntu2', 'make 3.81-8.2ubuntu3', 'makedev 2.3.1-93ubuntu1', 'man-db', 'manpages 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'manpages-dev 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'mawk 1.3.3-17ubuntu2', 'mcollective 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mcollective-common 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mdadm 3.2.5-5ubuntu4.2', 'memcached 1.4.14-0ubuntu9', 'mime-support 3.54ubuntu1.1', 'mlocate 0.26-1ubuntu1', 'module-init-tools 15-0ubuntu6', 'mount 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'mountall 2.53', 'mtr-tiny 0.85-2', 'multiarch-support 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'mysql-client-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'mysql-client-core-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'mysql-common 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'mysql-server-wsrep-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'mysql-server-wsrep-core-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'mysql-wsrep-common-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'nailgun-agent 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos151', 'nailgun-mcagents 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos699', 'nano 2.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-base 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-bin 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-term 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'net-tools 1.60-25ubuntu2.1', 'netbase 5.2', 'netcat-openbsd 1.105-7ubuntu1', 'network-checker 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos58', 'neutron-common 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-dhcp-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-l3-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-metadata-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-plugin-ml2 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-server 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'nova-api 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-cert 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-common 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-conductor 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-consoleauth 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-consoleproxy 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-objectstore 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-scheduler 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'novnc 1:0.5.1+gitfc00821eba-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ntfs-3g 1:2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu2', 'ntp 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ntpdate 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ohai 6.14.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'openhpid 2.14.1-1.3ubuntu2', 'openssh-client 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-sftp-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssl 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'openstack-dashboard 2:8.0.1-5~u14.04+mos42', 'openvswitch-common 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-datapath-dkms 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-switch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'os-prober 1.63ubuntu1.1', 'pacemaker 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'pacemaker-cli-utils 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'parted 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'passwd 1:', 'patch 2.7.1-4ubuntu2.3', 'pciutils 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'pcs 0.9.103-1~u14.04+mos3', 'percona-xtrabackup 2.1.8-1', 'perl 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-base 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-modules 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'plymouth 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'popularity-contest 1.57ubuntu1', 'postfix 2.11.0-1ubuntu1', 'powermgmt-base 1.31build1', 'ppp 2.4.5-5.1ubuntu2.2', 'pppconfig 2.3.19ubuntu1', 'pppoeconf 1.20ubuntu1', 'procps 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'psmisc 22.20-1ubuntu2', 'puppet 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'puppet-common 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-aioeventlet 0.4-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-alabaster 0.7.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqp 1.4.6-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqplib 1.0.2-1', 'python-anyjson 0.3.3-1build1', 'python-appconf 0.5-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python-appdirs 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-apt-common', 'python-automaton 0.6.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-babel 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-babel-localedata 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-backports.ssl-match-hostname', 'python-barbicanclient 3.3.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-boto 2.38.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-bs4 4.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-bson 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-bson-ext 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cachetools 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cairo 1.8.8-1ubuntu5', 'python-castellan 0.2.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ceilometerclient 1.5.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ceph 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cephfs 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cffi 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-cffi-backend 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-chardet 2.0.1-2build2', 'python-cheetah 2.4.4-3.fakesyncbuild1', 'python-cinder 2:7.0.1-1~u14.04+mos38', 'python-cinderclient 1:1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cliff 1.14.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cmd2 0.6.7-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-compressor 1.5-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-concurrent.futures 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-configobj 4.7.2+ds-5build1', 'python-contextlib2 0.4.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-croniter 0.3.4-0ubuntu1', 'python-crypto 2.6.1-4build1', 'python-cryptography 1.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-daemon 1.5.5-1ubuntu1', 'python-daemonize 2.2.1-0x2go1~git20131219.5~u14.04+mos2', 'python-dateutil 2.4.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-dbus-dev 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-debtcollector 0.8.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-decorator 3.4.0-2build1', 'python-designateclient 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos7', 'python-dev 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-django 1.7.9-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-django-babel 0.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-django-common 1.7.9-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-django-horizon 2:8.0.1-5~u14.04+mos42', 'python-django-pyscss 2.0.2-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-dns 2.3.6-3', 'python-dnspython 1.12.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-docker 1.3.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-docutils 0.12+dfsg-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-dogpile.cache 0.5.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-dogpile.core 0.4.1+dfsg1-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ecdsa 0.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-editor 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-egenix-mxdatetime 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-egenix-mxtools 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-enum34 0.9.23-1', 'python-eventlet 0.17.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-extras 0.0.3-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-fasteners 0.12.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-feedparser 5.1.3-2', 'python-fixtures 1.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-formencode 1.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'python-funcsigs 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-futurist 0.1.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-gflags 1.5.1-1build1', 'python-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python-glade2 2.24.0-3ubuntu3', 'python-glance 2:11.0.1-1~u14.04+mos12', 'python-glance-store 0.9.2-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-glanceclient 1:1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-gobject 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python-gobject-2 2.28.6-12build1', 'python-greenlet 0.4.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-gridfs 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-gtk2 2.24.0-3ubuntu3', 'python-heat 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'python-heatclient 0.8.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-hp3parclient 3.0.0-0ubuntu1', 'python-httplib2 0.8-2build1', 'python-idna 2.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-imaging 2.9.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ipaddr 2.1.10-1', 'python-ipaddress 1.0.14-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-iso8601 0.1.10-0ubuntu1', 'python-jinja2 2.8-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-json-patch 1.3-4', 'python-json-pointer 1.0-2build1', 'python-jsonpatch 1.3-4', 'python-jsonschema 2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-kazoo 2.2.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-keyring 3.5-1', 'python-keystone 2:8.1.0-2~u14.04+mos4', 'python-keystoneclient 1:1.7.4-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-keystonemiddleware 2.3.3-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-kombu 3.0.26-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ldap 2.4.10-1build1', 'python-ldappool 1.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-lesscpy 0.9j-3fakesync2', 'python-libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'python-linecache2 1.0.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-lockfile 1:0.8-2ubuntu2', 'python-logutils 0.3.3-1', 'python-lxml 3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-magnumclient 0.2.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-mako 1.0.2+ds1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-manilaclient 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-markupsafe 0.23-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-matplotlib 1.3.1-1ubuntu5', 'python-matplotlib-data 1.3.1-1ubuntu5', 'python-memcache 1.56-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-migrate 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mimeparse 0.1.4-1build1', 'python-minimal 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-mistralclient 1:1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-mock 1.3.0-2.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-monotonic 0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-msgpack 0.4.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mysqldb 1.3.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netaddr 0.7.17-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netifaces 0.10.4-0.1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-networkx 1.10-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-neutron 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'python-neutronclient 1:3.1.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-nova 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'python-novaclient 2:2.30.2-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-novnc 1:0.5.1+gitfc00821eba-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-numpy 1:1.8.2-0ubuntu0.1', 'python-oauth 1.0.1-3build2', 'python-oauthlib 0.6.1-1', 'python-openid 2.2.5-3ubuntu1', 'python-openssl 0.15.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-openstack-auth 2.0.0-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-openstackclient 1.7.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-openvswitch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-os-brick 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-os-client-config 1.6.3-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.cache 0.7.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.concurrency 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.config 1:2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.context 0.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.db 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.i18n 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.log 1.11.0-1~u14.04+mos6', 'python-oslo.messaging 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos26', 'python-oslo.middleware 2.8.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.policy 0.11.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.reports 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.rootwrap 2.3.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.serialization 1.9.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.service 0.9.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-oslo.utils 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.versionedobjects 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos7', 'python-oslo.vmware 1.21.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-osprofiler 0.3.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pam 0.4.2-13.1ubuntu3', 'python-paramiko 1.15.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-passlib 1.6.5-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-paste', 'python-pastedeploy 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastedeploy-tpl 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastescript 1.7.5-3build1', 'python-pathlib 1.0.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pbr 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos2', 'python-pecan 1.0.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pil 2.9.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pint 0.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pkg-resources 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ply 3.4-3ubuntu2', 'python-prettytable 0.7.2-2ubuntu2', 'python-psutil 1.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-psycopg2 2.6.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyasn1 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycadf 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycparser 2.10+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'python-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python-pyeclib 1.0.7-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pygments 2.0.1+dfsg-1.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pygraphviz 1.2-1', 'python-pymongo 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pymongo-ext 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pymysql 0.6.7-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyparsing 2.0.1+dfsg1-1build1', 'python-pypcap 1.1.2+debian-2.2', 'python-pyroute2 0.3.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pysaml2 3.0.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyscss 1.3.4-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pysqlite2 2.6.3-3', 'python-pyudev 0.16.1-2build1', 'python-rados 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'python-rbd 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'python-repoze.lru 0.6-4', 'python-repoze.who 2.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-requests 2.7.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-retrying 1.3.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-rfc3986 0.2.0-2~u14.04+mos5', 'python-roman 2.0.0-1', 'python-routes 2.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-rtslib-fb 2.1.57-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ryu 3.24-1.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-saharaclient 0.11.1-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-scapy 2.2.0-1', 'python-scgi 1.13-1.1build1', 'python-scipy 0.13.3-1build1', 'python-secretstorage 2.0.0-1ubuntu1.1', 'python-semantic-version 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-serial 2.6-1build1', 'python-setuptools 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-simplegeneric 0.8.1-1', 'python-simplejson 3.3.1-1ubuntu6', 'python-singledispatch', 'python-six 1.9.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sphinx 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'python-sphinx-rtd-theme 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy-ext 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlparse 0.1.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-stevedore 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-suds 0.4.1-11ubuntu0.1', 'python-support 1.0.15', 'python-swift 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'python-swiftclient 1:2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos4', 'python-tablib 0.9.11-2build1', 'python-taskflow 1.17.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-tempita 0.5.2-1build1', 'python-testresources 0.2.7-1ubuntu2', 'python-testscenarios 0.4-2ubuntu2', 'python-testtools 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-tk 2.7.9-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-traceback2 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-trollius 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-troveclient 1:1.2.0-1~u14.04+mos18', 'python-tz 2014.10~dfsg1-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unicodecsv 0.13.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unittest2 1.1.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-urllib3 1.10.4-1~u14.04+mos9', 'python-utidylib 0.2-9build1', 'python-waitress 0.8.8-1ubuntu3', 'python-warlock 1.1.0-0ubuntu2', 'python-webob 1.3.1-1', 'python-websocket 0.18.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-webtest 2.0.14-1ubuntu1', 'python-wrapt 1.8.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-wsme 0.8.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-xattr 0.6.4-2build1', 'python-xstatic 1.0.0-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python-xstatic-angular', 'python-xstatic-angular-bootstrap', 'python-xstatic-angular-gettext', 'python-xstatic-angular-lrdragndrop', 'python-xstatic-bootstrap-datepicker', 'python-xstatic-bootstrap-scss', 'python-xstatic-bootswatch', 'python-xstatic-d3 3.4.11-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-xstatic-font-awesome 4.3.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-xstatic-hogan', 'python-xstatic-jasmine', 'python-xstatic-jquery', 'python-xstatic-jquery-migrate', 'python-xstatic-jquery-ui', 'python-xstatic-jquery.quicksearch', 'python-xstatic-jquery.tablesorter', 'python-xstatic-jsencrypt', 'python-xstatic-magic-search', 'python-xstatic-mdi', 'python-xstatic-qunit', 'python-xstatic-rickshaw', 'python-xstatic-roboto-fontface', 'python-xstatic-smart-table', 'python-xstatic-spin', 'python-xstatic-term.js', 'python-yaml 3.10-4ubuntu0.1', 'python-zaqarclient 0.2.0-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-zmq 14.4.0-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python-zope.interface 4.0.5-1ubuntu4', 'python2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python2.7-dev 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python3 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-apt', 'python3-commandnotfound 0.3ubuntu12', 'python3-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python3-distupgrade 1:0.220.8', 'python3-gdbm 3.4.3-1~14.04.2', 'python3-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python3-minimal 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python3-software-properties', 'python3-update-manager 1:0.196.14', 'python3.4 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'python3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'rabbitmq-server 3.5.6-1~u14.04+mos4', 'radvd 1:1.9.1-1.1ubuntu2', 'readline-common 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'resolvconf 1.69ubuntu1.1', 'resource-agents 1:3.9.5+git+a626847-1~u14.04+mos1', 'rsync 3.1.0-2ubuntu0.2', 'rsyslog 7.4.4-1ubuntu2.6', 'ruby 1:', 'ruby-augeas 0.5.0-2', 'ruby-cstruct 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-deep-merge 1.0.0+git20150630-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ruby-hiera 1.3.1-1puppetlabs1~u14.04+mos3', 'ruby-httpclient', 'ruby-ipaddress 0.8.0-2', 'ruby-json 1.8.0-1build1', 'ruby-mixlib-cli 1.4.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-config 2.1.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-log 1.4.1-1', 'ruby-netaddr 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-openstack 1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rethtool 0.0.5-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rgen 0.6.6-1', 'ruby-safe-yaml 1.0.1-1', 'ruby-selinux 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'ruby-shadow 2.2.0-1', 'ruby-sigar 0.7.2-2', 'ruby-stomp 1.3.2-1', 'ruby-systemu 2.6.0-1', 'ruby-yajl 1.2.0-1', 'ruby1.9.1', 'screen 4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-9', 'sed 4.2.2-4ubuntu1', 'sensible-utils 0.0.9', 'sgml-base 1.26+nmu4ubuntu1', 'shared-mime-info 1.2-0ubuntu3', 'socat', 'software-properties-common', 'sphinx-common 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'sphinx-doc 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'sphinx-rtd-theme-common 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'spice-html5 0.1.4-1', 'sqlite3 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'ssh-import-id 3.21-0ubuntu1', 'ssl-cert 1.0.33', 'strace 4.8-1ubuntu5', 'sudo 1.8.9p5-1ubuntu1.2', 'swift 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'swift-account 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'swift-container 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'swift-object 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'swift-plugin-s3 1.7-3', 'swift-proxy 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'sysfsutils 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'systemd-services 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'systemd-shim 6-2bzr1', 'sysv-rc 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'tar 1.27.1-1', 'tcpd 7.6.q-25', 'tcpdump 4.5.1-2ubuntu1.2', 'telnet 0.17-36build2', 'time 1.7-24', 'tmux 1.8-5', 'tzdata 2016d-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'ubuntu-keyring 2012.05.19', 'ubuntu-minimal 1.325', 'ubuntu-release-upgrader-core 1:0.220.8', 'ubuntu-standard 1.325', 'ucf 3.0027+nmu1', 'udev 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'ufw 0.34~rc-0ubuntu2', 'unattended-upgrades 0.82.1ubuntu2.4', 'update-inetd 4.43', 'update-manager-core 1:0.196.14', 'upstart 1.12.1-0ubuntu4.2', 'ureadahead 0.100.0-16', 'usbutils 1:007-2ubuntu1.1', 'util-linux 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'uuid-runtime 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'vim 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-common 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-runtime 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-tiny 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'virt-what 1.13-1', 'vlan 1.9-3ubuntu10', 'watershed 7', 'websockify 0.6.1+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'wget 1.15-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'whiptail 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'wireless-regdb 2013.02.13-1ubuntu1', 'x11-common 1:7.7+1ubuntu8.1', 'xauth 1:1.0.7-1ubuntu1', 'xinetd 1:2.3.15-3ubuntu1', 'xkb-data 2.10.1-1ubuntu1', 'xml-core 0.13+nmu2', 'xmlsec1 1.2.18-2ubuntu1', 'xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'zlib1g 1:1.2.8.dfsg-1ubuntu1'] 2016-05-14 00:57:37,675 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_node_packages with result: {'deploy_cluster': {u'controller': ['accountsservice 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'acct 6.5.5-1ubuntu5', 'acl 2.2.52-1', 'acpid 1:2.0.21-1ubuntu2', 'adduser 3.113+nmu3ubuntu3', 'alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'anacron 2.3-20ubuntu1', 'apache2 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.9', 'apache2-bin 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.9', 'apache2-data 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.9', 'apparmor 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'apt 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-transport-https 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-utils 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'atop 1.26-2', 'augeas-lenses 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'base-files 7.2ubuntu5.4', 'base-passwd 3.5.33', 'bash 4.3-7ubuntu1.5', 'bash-completion 1:2.1-4ubuntu0.1', 'bind9-host 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'binutils 2.24-5ubuntu14', 'blt 2.4z-9~u14.04+mos1', 'bridge-utils 1.5-6ubuntu2', 'bsdmainutils 9.0.5ubuntu1', 'bsdutils 1:2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'build-essential 11.6ubuntu6', 'busybox-initramfs 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'busybox-static 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'bzip2 1.0.6-5', 'ca-certificates 20160104ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'cinder-api 2:7.0.1-1~u14.04+mos38', 'cinder-common 2:7.0.1-1~u14.04+mos38', 'cinder-scheduler 2:7.0.1-1~u14.04+mos38', 'cirros-testvm 0.3.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'cliff-tablib 1.1-1', 'cloud-guest-utils 0.27-0ubuntu9.2', 'cloud-init 0.7.5-0ubuntu1.18', 'cluster-glue 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'command-not-found 0.3ubuntu12', 'command-not-found-data 0.3ubuntu12', 'conntrack 1:1.4.1-1ubuntu1', 'conntrackd 1:1.4.1-1ubuntu1', 'console-setup 1.70ubuntu8', 'coreutils 8.21-1ubuntu5.4', 'corosync 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'cpio 2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu1.2', 'cpp 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'cpp-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'crda 1.1.2-1ubuntu2', 'crmsh 2.1.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'cron 3.0pl1-124ubuntu2', 'curl 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'daemonize 1.7.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'dash 0.5.7-4ubuntu1', 'dbconfig-common 1.8.47+nmu1', 'dbus 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'debconf 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-i18n 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-utils 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debianutils 4.4', 'dh-python 1.20140128-1ubuntu8.2', 'diffutils 1:3.3-1', 'dkms', 'dmidecode 2.12-2', 'dmsetup 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'dnsmasq-base 2.68-1ubuntu0.1', 'dnsmasq-utils 2.68-1ubuntu0.1', 'dnsutils 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'docutils-common 0.12+dfsg-1~u14.04+mos1', 'docutils-doc 0.12+dfsg-1~u14.04+mos1', 'dosfstools 3.0.26-1', 'dpkg 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'dpkg-dev 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'e2fslibs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'e2fsprogs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'eatmydata 26-2', 'ed 1.9-2', 'eject 2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-13.1', 'erlang-asn1 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-base 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-corba 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-crypto 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-diameter 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-edoc 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-eldap 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-erl-docgen 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-eunit 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-ic 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-inets 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-mnesia 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-nox 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-odbc 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-os-mon 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-parsetools 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-percept 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-public-key 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-runtime-tools 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-snmp 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-ssh 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-ssl 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-syntax-tools 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-tools 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-webtool 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-xmerl 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ethtool 1:3.13-1', 'facter 1.7.5-1ubuntu1', 'fakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'file 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'findutils 4.4.2-7', 'fontconfig 2.11.0-0ubuntu4.1', 'fontconfig-config 2.11.0-0ubuntu4.1', 'fonts-dejavu-core 2.34-1ubuntu1', 'fonts-font-awesome 4.3.0~dfsg-2~u14.04+mos1', 'fonts-lato 1.104-4', 'fonts-liberation 1.07.3-3', 'fonts-lyx', 'fonts-materialdesignicons-webfont 1.1.70-1~u14.04+mos1', 'fonts-roboto-fontface 0.4.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'friendly-recovery 0.2.25', 'ftp 0.17-28', 'fuel-ha-utils 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-misc 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-rabbit-fence 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-umm 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuse 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'g++ 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'g++-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'galera-3 25.3.10-1~u14.04+mos2', 'gcc 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'gcc-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.8-base 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.9-base 4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'gdisk 0.8.8-1ubuntu0.1', 'geoip-database 20140313-1', 'gettext-base', 'gir1.2-glib-2.0 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'glance-api 2:11.0.1-1~u14.04+mos12', 'glance-common 2:11.0.1-1~u14.04+mos12', 'glance-registry 2:11.0.1-1~u14.04+mos12', 'gnupg 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'gpgv 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'graphviz 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'grep 2.16-1', 'groff-base 1.22.2-5', 'grub-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-gfxpayload-lists 0.6', 'grub-pc 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-pc-bin 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub2-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'gzip 1.6-3ubuntu1', 'haproxy 1.5.3-1~u14.04+mos2', 'hdparm 9.43-1ubuntu3', 'heat-api 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-api-cfn 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-api-cloudwatch 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-common 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-docker 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-engine 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'hicolor-icon-theme 0.13-1', 'hostname 3.15ubuntu1', 'hpsa-dkms 3.4.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'htop 1.0.2-3', 'i40e-dkms 1.3.47-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ieee-data 20131224.1', 'ifenslave 2.4ubuntu1.2', 'ifupdown', 'info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'init-system-helpers 1.18~bpo70+1~u14.04+mos1', 'initramfs-tools 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initramfs-tools-bin 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initscripts 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'insserv 1.14.0-5ubuntu2', 'install-info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'iproute 1:3.12.0-2ubuntu1', 'iproute2 3.12.0-2ubuntu1', 'ipset 6.20.1-1', 'iptables 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'iptables-persistent 0.5.7', 'iputils-arping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-ping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-tracepath 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'ipvsadm 1:1.26-2ubuntu1', 'irqbalance 1.0.6-2ubuntu0.14.04.4', 'isc-dhcp-client 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'isc-dhcp-common 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'iso-codes 3.52-1', 'iw 3.4-1', 'javascript-common 11', 'kbd 1.15.5-1ubuntu1', 'keepalived 1:1.2.13-1~u14.04+mos1', 'keyboard-configuration 1.70ubuntu8', 'keystone 2:8.1.0-2~u14.04+mos4', 'klibc-utils 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'kmod 15-0ubuntu6', 'language-selector-common 0.129.3', 'less 458-2', 'libaccountsservice0 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'libacl1 2.2.52-1', 'libaio1 0.3.109-4', 'libalgorithm-diff-perl 1.19.02-3', 'libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl 0.04-2build4', 'libalgorithm-merge-perl 0.08-2', 'libamd2.3.1 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libapache2-mod-wsgi 4.4.15-0.1', 'libapparmor-perl 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapparmor1 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapr1 1.5.0-1', 'libaprutil1 1.5.3-1', 'libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 1.5.3-1', 'libaprutil1-ldap 1.5.3-1', 'libapt-inst1.5 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libapt-pkg4.12 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libarchive-extract-perl 0.70-1', 'libasan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libasn1-8-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libasprintf0c2', 'libatk1.0-0 2.10.0-2ubuntu2', 'libatk1.0-data 2.10.0-2ubuntu2', 'libatomic1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libattr1 1:2.4.47-1ubuntu1', 'libaudit-common 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaudit1 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaugeas0 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'libavahi-client3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common-data 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libbind9-90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libblas3 1.2.20110419-7', 'libblkid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libboost-system1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libboost-thread1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libbsd0 0.6.0-2ubuntu1', 'libbz2-1.0 1.0.6-5', 'libc-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc-dev-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6-dev 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libcairo2 1.13.0~20140204-0ubuntu1.1', 'libcamd2.3.1 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libcap-ng0 0.7.3-1ubuntu2', 'libcap2 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcap2-bin 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libccolamd2.8.0 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libcdt5 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libcephfs1 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'libcfg6 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libcgmanager0 0.24-0ubuntu7.5', 'libcgraph6 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libcholmod2.1.2 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libcib4 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libck-connector0 0.4.5-3.1ubuntu2', 'libcloog-isl4 0.18.2-1', 'libcmap4 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libcolamd2.8.0 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libcomerr2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libcorosync-common4 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libcpg4 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libcrmcluster4 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libcrmcommon3 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libcrmservice1 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libcups2 1.7.2-0ubuntu1.7', 'libcurl3 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libcurl3-gnutls 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libdaemon0 0.14-2ubuntu1', 'libdatrie1 0.2.8-1', 'libdb5.3 5.3.28-3ubuntu3', 'libdbd-mysql-perl 4.025-1', 'libdbi-perl 1.630-1', 'libdbus-1-3 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'libdbus-glib-1-2 0.100.2-1', 'libdebconfclient0 0.187ubuntu1', 'libdevmapper-event1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdevmapper1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdns100 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libdpkg-perl 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'libdrm2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libedit2 3.1-20130712-2', 'libelf1 0.158-0ubuntu5.2', 'libesmtp6 1.0.6-1ubuntu2', 'libestr0 0.1.9-0ubuntu2', 'libevent-2.0-5 2.0.21-stable-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libexpat1 2.1.0-4ubuntu1.1', 'libexpat1-dev 2.1.0-4ubuntu1.1', 'libfakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'libffi6 3.1~rc1+r3.0.13-12ubuntu0.1', 'libfile-copy-recursive-perl 0.38-1', 'libfile-fcntllock-perl 0.14-2build1', 'libfontconfig1 2.11.0-0ubuntu4.1', 'libfreetype6 2.5.2-1ubuntu2.5', 'libfribidi0 0.19.6-1', 'libfuse2 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'libgcc-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgcc1 1:4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'libgck-1-0 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-3-common 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-base-3-1 3.10.1-1', 'libgcrypt11 1.5.3-2ubuntu4.3', 'libgd3 2.1.0-3', 'libgdbm3 1.8.3-12build1', 'libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 2.30.7-0ubuntu1.2', 'libgdk-pixbuf2.0-common 2.30.7-0ubuntu1.2', 'libgeoip1 1.6.0-1', 'libgfortran3 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgirepository-1.0-1 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'libglade2-0 1:2.6.4-2', 'libglib2.0-0 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libglib2.0-data 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libgmp10 2:5.1.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1', 'libgnutls-openssl27 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgnutls26 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgomp1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgpg-error0 1.12-0.2ubuntu1', 'libgpm2 1.20.4-6.1', 'libgraphite2-3 1.3.6-1ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libgssapi-krb5-2 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libgssapi3-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libgtk2.0-0 2.24.23-0ubuntu1.4', 'libgtk2.0-bin 2.24.23-0ubuntu1.4', 'libgtk2.0-common 2.24.23-0ubuntu1.4', 'libgvc6 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libgvpr2 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libharfbuzz0b 0.9.27-1ubuntu1', 'libhcrypto4-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheartbeat2 1:3.0.5-3.2', 'libheimbase1-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimntlm0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhtml-template-perl 2.95-1', 'libhx509-5-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libibverbs1 1.1.7-1ubuntu1.1', 'libice6 2:1.0.8-2', 'libicu52 52.1-3ubuntu0.4', 'libidn11 1.28-1ubuntu2', 'libipset3 6.20.1-1', 'libisc95 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccc90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccfg90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisl10 0.12.2-1', 'libitm1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libjasper1 1.900.1-14ubuntu3.3', 'libjbig0 2.0-2ubuntu4.1', 'libjpeg-turbo8 1.3.0-0ubuntu2', 'libjpeg8 8c-2ubuntu8', 'libjs-angular-gettext 2.1.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-angularjs 1.3.17-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-angularjs-smart-table 1.4.5-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-bootswatch 3.3.5+2+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-d3 3.5.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-jquery 1.7.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1', 'libjs-jquery-metadata 8-2', 'libjs-jquery-tablesorter 2.14.5-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-jquery-ui 1.10.1+dfsg-1', 'libjs-jquery.quicksearch 2.0.4-1~u14.04+mos3', 'libjs-jsencrypt 2.0.0+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos3', 'libjs-lrdragndrop 1.0.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-magic-search 0.2.5-1~u14.04+mos2', 'libjs-modernizr 2.6.2+ds1-1', 'libjs-qunit 1.14.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-rickshaw 1.5.1.dfsg-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-sphinxdoc 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'libjs-spin.js 1.2.8+dfsg2-1~u14.04+mos3', 'libjs-swfobject 2.2+dfsg-1', 'libjs-term.js 0.0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-twitter-bootstrap 2.0.2+dfsg-4', 'libjs-twitter-bootstrap-datepicker 1.3.1+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-underscore 1.4.4-2ubuntu1', 'libjson-c2 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libjson0 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libk5crypto3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkeyutils1 1.5.6-1', 'libklibc 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libkmod2 15-0ubuntu6', 'libkrb5-26-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libkrb5-3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkrb5support0 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'liblapack3 3.5.0-2ubuntu1', 'liblcms2-2 2.5-0ubuntu4.1', 'libldap-2.4-2 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu8.2', 'liblocale-gettext-perl 1.05-7build3', 'liblockfile-bin 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblockfile1 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblog-message-simple-perl 0.10-1', 'liblrm2 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'liblrmd1 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libltdl7 2.4.2-1.7ubuntu1', 'liblwres90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'liblzma5 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'libmagic1 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'libmnl0 1.0.3-3ubuntu1', 'libmodule-pluggable-perl 5.1-1', 'libmount1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libmpc3 1.0.1-1ubuntu1', 'libmpdec2 2.4.0-6', 'libmpfr4 3.1.2-1', 'libmysqlclient18 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libncurses5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libncursesw5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libnet1 1.1.6+dfsg-2ubuntu1', 'libnetfilter-conntrack3 1.0.4-1', 'libnetfilter-cthelper0 1.0.0-1ubuntu1', 'libnetfilter-queue1 1.0.2-1', 'libnewt0.52 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'libnfnetlink0 1.0.1-2', 'libnih-dbus1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnih1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-genl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnspr4 2:4.10.10-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libnss3 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnss3-nssdb 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnuma1 2.0.9~rc5-1ubuntu3.14.04.2', 'libodbc1 2.2.14p2-5ubuntu5', 'libopenhpi2 2.14.1-1.3ubuntu2', 'libopenipmi0 2.0.18-0ubuntu7.1', 'libopts25 1:5.18-2ubuntu2', 'libp11-kit0 0.20.2-2ubuntu2', 'libpam-cap 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libpam-modules 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-modules-bin 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-runtime 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-systemd 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libpam0g 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpango-1.0-0 1.36.3-1ubuntu1.1', 'libpangocairo-1.0-0 1.36.3-1ubuntu1.1', 'libpangoft2-1.0-0 1.36.3-1ubuntu1.1', 'libpaper-utils 1.1.24+nmu2ubuntu3', 'libpaper1 1.1.24+nmu2ubuntu3', 'libparted0debian1 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libpathplan4 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libpcap0.8 1.5.3-2', 'libpci3 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'libpcre3 1:8.31-2ubuntu2.3', 'libpe-rules2 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libpe-status4 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libpengine4 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libperl5.18 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'libpgm-5.1-0 5.1.118-1~dfsg-0.1ubuntu3', 'libpils2 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'libpipeline1 1.3.0-1', 'libpixman-1-0 0.30.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'libplumb2 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'libplumbgpl2 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'libplymouth2 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'libpng12-0 1.2.50-1ubuntu2.14.04.2', 'libpod-latex-perl 0.61-1', 'libpolkit-gobject-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpopt0 1.16-8ubuntu1', 'libpq5 9.3.12-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'libprocps3 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpython-dev 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'libpython-stdlib 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'libpython2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-dev 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-stdlib 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython3-stdlib 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'libpython3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libpython3.4-stdlib 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libqb0 0.17.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'libquadmath0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libquorum5 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'librados2 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'librbd1 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'librdmacm1 1.0.16-1', 'libreadline5 5.2+dfsg-2', 'libreadline6 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'libroken18-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'librtmp0 2.4+20121230.gitdf6c518-1', 'libruby1.9.1', 'libsam4 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libsasl2-2 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsasl2-modules-db 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsctp1 1.0.15+dfsg-1', 'libselinux1 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsemanage-common 2.2-1', 'libsemanage1 2.2-1', 'libsensors4 1:3.3.4-2ubuntu1', 'libsepol1 2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libslang2 2.2.4-15ubuntu1', 'libsm6 2:1.2.1-2', 'libsnmp-base 5.7.2~dfsg-8.1ubuntu3.2', 'libsnmp30 5.7.2~dfsg-8.1ubuntu3.2', 'libsqlite3-0 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'libss2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libssl1.0.0 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'libstdc++-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libstdc++6 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libstonith1 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'libstonithd2 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libsysfs2 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'libsystemd-daemon0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libsystemd-login0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libtasn1-6 3.4-3ubuntu0.4', 'libtcl8.6 8.6.1-4ubuntu1', 'libterm-readkey-perl 2.31-1', 'libterm-ui-perl 0.42-1', 'libtext-charwidth-perl 0.04-7build3', 'libtext-iconv-perl 1.7-5build2', 'libtext-soundex-perl 3.4-1build1', 'libtext-wrapi18n-perl 0.06-7', 'libthai-data 0.1.20-3', 'libthai0 0.1.20-3', 'libtidy-0.99-0 20091223cvs-1.2ubuntu1.1', 'libtiff5 4.0.3-7ubuntu0.4', 'libtimedate-perl 2.3000-1', 'libtinfo5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libtk8.6 8.6.1-3ubuntu2', 'libtotem-pg5 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libtransitioner2 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libtsan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libudev1 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libumfpack5.6.2 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libusb-0.1-4 2:0.1.12-23.3ubuntu1', 'libusb-1.0-0 2:1.0.17-1ubuntu2', 'libustr-1.0-1 1.0.4-3ubuntu2', 'libuuid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libvotequorum7 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libvpx1 1.3.0-2', 'libwebp5 0.4.0-4', 'libwebpmux1 0.4.0-4', 'libwind0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libwrap0 7.6.q-25', 'libx11-6 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-data 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libxau6 1:1.0.8-1', 'libxaw7 2:1.0.12-1', 'libxcb-render0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-shm0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcomposite1 1:0.4.4-1', 'libxcursor1 1:1.1.14-1', 'libxdamage1 1:1.1.4-1ubuntu1', 'libxdmcp6 1:1.1.1-1', 'libxext6 2:1.3.2-1ubuntu0.', 'libxfixes3 1:5.0.1-1ubuntu1.1', 'libxft2 2.3.1-2', 'libxi6 2:', 'libxinerama1 2:1.1.3-1', 'libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxml2-dev 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxmlsec1 1.2.18-2ubuntu1', 'libxmlsec1-openssl 1.2.18-2ubuntu1', 'libxmu6 2:1.1.1-1', 'libxmuu1 2:1.1.1-1', 'libxpm4 1:3.5.10-1', 'libxrandr2 2:1.4.2-1', 'libxrender1 1:0.9.8-1build0.14.04.1', 'libxslt1-dev 1.1.28-2build1', 'libxslt1.1 1.1.28-2build1', 'libxss1 1:1.2.2-1', 'libxt6 1:1.1.4-1', 'libxtables10 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'libyaml-0-2 0.1.4-3ubuntu3.1', 'libzmq3 4.0.4+dfsg-2', 'linux-firmware 1.127.22', 'linux-firmware-nonfree 1.14ubuntu3', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-generic', 'linux-headers-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-image-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-extra-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-generic', 'linux-image-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-libc-dev 3.13.0-86.130', 'lksctp-tools 1.0.15+dfsg-1', 'locales 2.13+git20120306-12.1', 'lockfile-progs 0.1.17', 'login 1:', 'logrotate 3.8.7-1ubuntu1', 'lsb-base 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lsb-release 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lshw 02.16-2ubuntu1.3', 'lsof 4.86+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'ltrace 0.7.3-4ubuntu5.1', 'lvm2 2.02.98-6ubuntu2', 'make 3.81-8.2ubuntu3', 'makedev 2.3.1-93ubuntu1', 'man-db', 'manpages 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'manpages-dev 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'mawk 1.3.3-17ubuntu2', 'mcollective 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mcollective-common 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mdadm 3.2.5-5ubuntu4.2', 'memcached 1.4.14-0ubuntu9', 'mime-support 3.54ubuntu1.1', 'mlocate 0.26-1ubuntu1', 'module-init-tools 15-0ubuntu6', 'mount 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'mountall 2.53', 'mtr-tiny 0.85-2', 'multiarch-support 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'mysql-client-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'mysql-client-core-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'mysql-common 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'mysql-server-wsrep-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'mysql-server-wsrep-core-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'mysql-wsrep-common-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'nailgun-agent 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos151', 'nailgun-mcagents 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos699', 'nano 2.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-base 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-bin 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-term 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'net-tools 1.60-25ubuntu2.1', 'netbase 5.2', 'netcat-openbsd 1.105-7ubuntu1', 'network-checker 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos58', 'neutron-common 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-dhcp-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-l3-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-metadata-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-plugin-ml2 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-server 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'nova-api 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-cert 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-common 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-conductor 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-consoleauth 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-consoleproxy 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-objectstore 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-scheduler 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'novnc 1:0.5.1+gitfc00821eba-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ntfs-3g 1:2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu2', 'ntp 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ntpdate 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ohai 6.14.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'openhpid 2.14.1-1.3ubuntu2', 'openssh-client 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-sftp-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssl 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'openstack-dashboard 2:8.0.1-5~u14.04+mos42', 'openvswitch-common 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-datapath-dkms 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-switch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'os-prober 1.63ubuntu1.1', 'pacemaker 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'pacemaker-cli-utils 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'parted 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'passwd 1:', 'patch 2.7.1-4ubuntu2.3', 'pciutils 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'pcs 0.9.103-1~u14.04+mos3', 'percona-xtrabackup 2.1.8-1', 'perl 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-base 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-modules 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'plymouth 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'popularity-contest 1.57ubuntu1', 'postfix 2.11.0-1ubuntu1', 'powermgmt-base 1.31build1', 'ppp 2.4.5-5.1ubuntu2.2', 'pppconfig 2.3.19ubuntu1', 'pppoeconf 1.20ubuntu1', 'procps 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'psmisc 22.20-1ubuntu2', 'puppet 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'puppet-common 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-aioeventlet 0.4-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-alabaster 0.7.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqp 1.4.6-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqplib 1.0.2-1', 'python-anyjson 0.3.3-1build1', 'python-appconf 0.5-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python-appdirs 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-apt-common', 'python-automaton 0.6.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-babel 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-babel-localedata 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-backports.ssl-match-hostname', 'python-barbicanclient 3.3.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-boto 2.38.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-bs4 4.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-bson 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-bson-ext 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cachetools 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cairo 1.8.8-1ubuntu5', 'python-castellan 0.2.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ceilometerclient 1.5.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ceph 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cephfs 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cffi 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-cffi-backend 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-chardet 2.0.1-2build2', 'python-cheetah 2.4.4-3.fakesyncbuild1', 'python-cinder 2:7.0.1-1~u14.04+mos38', 'python-cinderclient 1:1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cliff 1.14.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cmd2 0.6.7-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-compressor 1.5-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-concurrent.futures 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-configobj 4.7.2+ds-5build1', 'python-contextlib2 0.4.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-croniter 0.3.4-0ubuntu1', 'python-crypto 2.6.1-4build1', 'python-cryptography 1.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-daemon 1.5.5-1ubuntu1', 'python-daemonize 2.2.1-0x2go1~git20131219.5~u14.04+mos2', 'python-dateutil 2.4.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-dbus-dev 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-debtcollector 0.8.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-decorator 3.4.0-2build1', 'python-designateclient 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos7', 'python-dev 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-django 1.7.9-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-django-babel 0.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-django-common 1.7.9-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-django-horizon 2:8.0.1-5~u14.04+mos42', 'python-django-pyscss 2.0.2-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-dns 2.3.6-3', 'python-dnspython 1.12.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-docker 1.3.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-docutils 0.12+dfsg-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-dogpile.cache 0.5.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-dogpile.core 0.4.1+dfsg1-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ecdsa 0.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-editor 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-egenix-mxdatetime 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-egenix-mxtools 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-enum34 0.9.23-1', 'python-eventlet 0.17.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-extras 0.0.3-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-fasteners 0.12.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-feedparser 5.1.3-2', 'python-fixtures 1.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-formencode 1.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'python-funcsigs 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-futurist 0.1.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-gflags 1.5.1-1build1', 'python-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python-glade2 2.24.0-3ubuntu3', 'python-glance 2:11.0.1-1~u14.04+mos12', 'python-glance-store 0.9.2-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-glanceclient 1:1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-gobject 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python-gobject-2 2.28.6-12build1', 'python-greenlet 0.4.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-gridfs 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-gtk2 2.24.0-3ubuntu3', 'python-heat 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'python-heatclient 0.8.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-hp3parclient 3.0.0-0ubuntu1', 'python-httplib2 0.8-2build1', 'python-idna 2.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-imaging 2.9.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ipaddr 2.1.10-1', 'python-ipaddress 1.0.14-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-iso8601 0.1.10-0ubuntu1', 'python-jinja2 2.8-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-json-patch 1.3-4', 'python-json-pointer 1.0-2build1', 'python-jsonpatch 1.3-4', 'python-jsonschema 2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-kazoo 2.2.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-keyring 3.5-1', 'python-keystone 2:8.1.0-2~u14.04+mos4', 'python-keystoneclient 1:1.7.4-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-keystonemiddleware 2.3.3-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-kombu 3.0.26-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ldap 2.4.10-1build1', 'python-ldappool 1.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-lesscpy 0.9j-3fakesync2', 'python-libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'python-linecache2 1.0.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-lockfile 1:0.8-2ubuntu2', 'python-logutils 0.3.3-1', 'python-lxml 3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-magnumclient 0.2.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-mako 1.0.2+ds1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-manilaclient 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-markupsafe 0.23-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-matplotlib 1.3.1-1ubuntu5', 'python-matplotlib-data 1.3.1-1ubuntu5', 'python-memcache 1.56-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-migrate 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mimeparse 0.1.4-1build1', 'python-minimal 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-mistralclient 1:1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-mock 1.3.0-2.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-monotonic 0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-msgpack 0.4.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mysqldb 1.3.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netaddr 0.7.17-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netifaces 0.10.4-0.1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-networkx 1.10-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-neutron 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'python-neutronclient 1:3.1.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-nova 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'python-novaclient 2:2.30.2-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-novnc 1:0.5.1+gitfc00821eba-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-numpy 1:1.8.2-0ubuntu0.1', 'python-oauth 1.0.1-3build2', 'python-oauthlib 0.6.1-1', 'python-openid 2.2.5-3ubuntu1', 'python-openssl 0.15.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-openstack-auth 2.0.0-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-openstackclient 1.7.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-openvswitch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-os-brick 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-os-client-config 1.6.3-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.cache 0.7.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.concurrency 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.config 1:2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.context 0.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.db 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.i18n 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.log 1.11.0-1~u14.04+mos6', 'python-oslo.messaging 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos26', 'python-oslo.middleware 2.8.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.policy 0.11.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.reports 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.rootwrap 2.3.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.serialization 1.9.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.service 0.9.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-oslo.utils 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.versionedobjects 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos7', 'python-oslo.vmware 1.21.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-osprofiler 0.3.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pam 0.4.2-13.1ubuntu3', 'python-paramiko 1.15.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-passlib 1.6.5-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-paste', 'python-pastedeploy 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastedeploy-tpl 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastescript 1.7.5-3build1', 'python-pathlib 1.0.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pbr 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos2', 'python-pecan 1.0.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pil 2.9.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pint 0.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pkg-resources 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ply 3.4-3ubuntu2', 'python-prettytable 0.7.2-2ubuntu2', 'python-psutil 1.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-psycopg2 2.6.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyasn1 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycadf 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycparser 2.10+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'python-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python-pyeclib 1.0.7-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pygments 2.0.1+dfsg-1.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pygraphviz 1.2-1', 'python-pymongo 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pymongo-ext 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pymysql 0.6.7-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyparsing 2.0.1+dfsg1-1build1', 'python-pypcap 1.1.2+debian-2.2', 'python-pyroute2 0.3.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pysaml2 3.0.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyscss 1.3.4-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pysqlite2 2.6.3-3', 'python-pyudev 0.16.1-2build1', 'python-rados 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'python-rbd 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'python-repoze.lru 0.6-4', 'python-repoze.who 2.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-requests 2.7.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-retrying 1.3.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-rfc3986 0.2.0-2~u14.04+mos5', 'python-roman 2.0.0-1', 'python-routes 2.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-rtslib-fb 2.1.57-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ryu 3.24-1.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-saharaclient 0.11.1-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-scapy 2.2.0-1', 'python-scgi 1.13-1.1build1', 'python-scipy 0.13.3-1build1', 'python-secretstorage 2.0.0-1ubuntu1.1', 'python-semantic-version 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-serial 2.6-1build1', 'python-setuptools 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-simplegeneric 0.8.1-1', 'python-simplejson 3.3.1-1ubuntu6', 'python-singledispatch', 'python-six 1.9.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sphinx 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'python-sphinx-rtd-theme 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy-ext 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlparse 0.1.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-stevedore 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-suds 0.4.1-11ubuntu0.1', 'python-support 1.0.15', 'python-swift 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'python-swiftclient 1:2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos4', 'python-tablib 0.9.11-2build1', 'python-taskflow 1.17.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-tempita 0.5.2-1build1', 'python-testresources 0.2.7-1ubuntu2', 'python-testscenarios 0.4-2ubuntu2', 'python-testtools 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-tk 2.7.9-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-traceback2 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-trollius 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-troveclient 1:1.2.0-1~u14.04+mos18', 'python-tz 2014.10~dfsg1-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unicodecsv 0.13.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unittest2 1.1.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-urllib3 1.10.4-1~u14.04+mos9', 'python-utidylib 0.2-9build1', 'python-waitress 0.8.8-1ubuntu3', 'python-warlock 1.1.0-0ubuntu2', 'python-webob 1.3.1-1', 'python-websocket 0.18.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-webtest 2.0.14-1ubuntu1', 'python-wrapt 1.8.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-wsme 0.8.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-xattr 0.6.4-2build1', 'python-xstatic 1.0.0-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python-xstatic-angular', 'python-xstatic-angular-bootstrap', 'python-xstatic-angular-gettext', 'python-xstatic-angular-lrdragndrop', 'python-xstatic-bootstrap-datepicker', 'python-xstatic-bootstrap-scss', 'python-xstatic-bootswatch', 'python-xstatic-d3 3.4.11-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-xstatic-font-awesome 4.3.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-xstatic-hogan', 'python-xstatic-jasmine', 'python-xstatic-jquery', 'python-xstatic-jquery-migrate', 'python-xstatic-jquery-ui', 'python-xstatic-jquery.quicksearch', 'python-xstatic-jquery.tablesorter', 'python-xstatic-jsencrypt', 'python-xstatic-magic-search', 'python-xstatic-mdi', 'python-xstatic-qunit', 'python-xstatic-rickshaw', 'python-xstatic-roboto-fontface', 'python-xstatic-smart-table', 'python-xstatic-spin', 'python-xstatic-term.js', 'python-yaml 3.10-4ubuntu0.1', 'python-zaqarclient 0.2.0-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-zmq 14.4.0-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python-zope.interface 4.0.5-1ubuntu4', 'python2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python2.7-dev 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python3 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-apt', 'python3-commandnotfound 0.3ubuntu12', 'python3-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python3-distupgrade 1:0.220.8', 'python3-gdbm 3.4.3-1~14.04.2', 'python3-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python3-minimal 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python3-software-properties', 'python3-update-manager 1:0.196.14', 'python3.4 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'python3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'rabbitmq-server 3.5.6-1~u14.04+mos4', 'radvd 1:1.9.1-1.1ubuntu2', 'readline-common 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'resolvconf 1.69ubuntu1.1', 'resource-agents 1:3.9.5+git+a626847-1~u14.04+mos1', 'rsync 3.1.0-2ubuntu0.2', 'rsyslog 7.4.4-1ubuntu2.6', 'ruby 1:', 'ruby-augeas 0.5.0-2', 'ruby-cstruct 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-deep-merge 1.0.0+git20150630-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ruby-hiera 1.3.1-1puppetlabs1~u14.04+mos3', 'ruby-httpclient', 'ruby-ipaddress 0.8.0-2', 'ruby-json 1.8.0-1build1', 'ruby-mixlib-cli 1.4.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-config 2.1.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-log 1.4.1-1', 'ruby-netaddr 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-openstack 1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rethtool 0.0.5-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rgen 0.6.6-1', 'ruby-safe-yaml 1.0.1-1', 'ruby-selinux 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'ruby-shadow 2.2.0-1', 'ruby-sigar 0.7.2-2', 'ruby-stomp 1.3.2-1', 'ruby-systemu 2.6.0-1', 'ruby-yajl 1.2.0-1', 'ruby1.9.1', 'screen 4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-9', 'sed 4.2.2-4ubuntu1', 'sensible-utils 0.0.9', 'sgml-base 1.26+nmu4ubuntu1', 'shared-mime-info 1.2-0ubuntu3', 'socat', 'software-properties-common', 'sphinx-common 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'sphinx-doc 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'sphinx-rtd-theme-common 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'spice-html5 0.1.4-1', 'sqlite3 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'ssh-import-id 3.21-0ubuntu1', 'ssl-cert 1.0.33', 'strace 4.8-1ubuntu5', 'sudo 1.8.9p5-1ubuntu1.2', 'swift 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'swift-account 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'swift-container 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'swift-object 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'swift-plugin-s3 1.7-3', 'swift-proxy 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'sysfsutils 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'systemd-services 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'systemd-shim 6-2bzr1', 'sysv-rc 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'tar 1.27.1-1', 'tcpd 7.6.q-25', 'tcpdump 4.5.1-2ubuntu1.2', 'telnet 0.17-36build2', 'time 1.7-24', 'tmux 1.8-5', 'tzdata 2016d-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'ubuntu-keyring 2012.05.19', 'ubuntu-minimal 1.325', 'ubuntu-release-upgrader-core 1:0.220.8', 'ubuntu-standard 1.325', 'ucf 3.0027+nmu1', 'udev 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'ufw 0.34~rc-0ubuntu2', 'unattended-upgrades 0.82.1ubuntu2.4', 'update-inetd 4.43', 'update-manager-core 1:0.196.14', 'upstart 1.12.1-0ubuntu4.2', 'ureadahead 0.100.0-16', 'usbutils 1:007-2ubuntu1.1', 'util-linux 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'uuid-runtime 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'vim 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-common 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-runtime 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-tiny 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'virt-what 1.13-1', 'vlan 1.9-3ubuntu10', 'watershed 7', 'websockify 0.6.1+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'wget 1.15-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'whiptail 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'wireless-regdb 2013.02.13-1ubuntu1', 'x11-common 1:7.7+1ubuntu8.1', 'xauth 1:1.0.7-1ubuntu1', 'xinetd 1:2.3.15-3ubuntu1', 'xkb-data 2.10.1-1ubuntu1', 'xml-core 0.13+nmu2', 'xmlsec1 1.2.18-2ubuntu1', 'xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'zlib1g 1:1.2.8.dfsg-1ubuntu1'], u'compute': ['accountsservice 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'acct 6.5.5-1ubuntu5', 'acl 2.2.52-1', 'acpid 1:2.0.21-1ubuntu2', 'adduser 3.113+nmu3ubuntu3', 'alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'anacron 2.3-20ubuntu1', 'apparmor 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'apt 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-transport-https 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-utils 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'atop 1.26-2', 'augeas-lenses 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'base-files 7.2ubuntu5.4', 'base-passwd 3.5.33', 'bash 4.3-7ubuntu1.5', 'bash-completion 1:2.1-4ubuntu0.1', 'bind9-host 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'binutils 2.24-5ubuntu14', 'bridge-utils 1.5-6ubuntu2', 'bsdmainutils 9.0.5ubuntu1', 'bsdutils 1:2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'build-essential 11.6ubuntu6', 'busybox-initramfs 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'busybox-static 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'bzip2 1.0.6-5', 'ca-certificates 20160104ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'cliff-tablib 1.1-1', 'cloud-guest-utils 0.27-0ubuntu9.2', 'cloud-init 0.7.5-0ubuntu1.18', 'command-not-found 0.3ubuntu12', 'command-not-found-data 0.3ubuntu12', 'conntrack 1:1.4.1-1ubuntu1', 'console-setup 1.70ubuntu8', 'coreutils 8.21-1ubuntu5.4', 'cpio 2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu1.2', 'cpp 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'cpp-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'cpu-checker 0.7-0ubuntu4', 'cpufrequtils 008-1', 'crda 1.1.2-1ubuntu2', 'cron 3.0pl1-124ubuntu2', 'curl 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'daemonize 1.7.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'dash 0.5.7-4ubuntu1', 'dbconfig-common 1.8.47+nmu1', 'dbus 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'debconf 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-i18n 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-utils 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debianutils 4.4', 'dh-python 1.20140128-1ubuntu8.2', 'diffutils 1:3.3-1', 'dkms', 'dmidecode 2.12-2', 'dmsetup 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'dnsmasq-base 2.68-1ubuntu0.1', 'dnsutils 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'dosfstools 3.0.26-1', 'dpkg 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'dpkg-dev 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'e2fslibs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'e2fsprogs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'eatmydata 26-2', 'ebtables', 'ed 1.9-2', 'eject 2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-13.1', 'ethtool 1:3.13-1', 'facter 1.7.5-1ubuntu1', 'fakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'file 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'findutils 4.4.2-7', 'fping 3.8-1', 'friendly-recovery 0.2.25', 'ftp 0.17-28', 'fuel-ha-utils 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-misc 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuse 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'g++ 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'g++-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gawk 1:4.0.1+dfsg-2.1ubuntu2', 'gcc 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'gcc-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.8-base 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.9-base 4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'gdisk 0.8.8-1ubuntu0.1', 'geoip-database 20140313-1', 'gettext-base', 'gir1.2-glib-2.0 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'gnupg 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'gpgv 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'grep 2.16-1', 'groff-base 1.22.2-5', 'grub-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-gfxpayload-lists 0.6', 'grub-pc 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-pc-bin 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub2-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'gzip 1.6-3ubuntu1', 'hdparm 9.43-1ubuntu3', 'hostname 3.15ubuntu1', 'hpsa-dkms 3.4.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'htop 1.0.2-3', 'i40e-dkms 1.3.47-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ieee-data 20131224.1', 'ifenslave 2.4ubuntu1.2', 'ifupdown', 'info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'init-system-helpers 1.18~bpo70+1~u14.04+mos1', 'initramfs-tools 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initramfs-tools-bin 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initscripts 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'insserv 1.14.0-5ubuntu2', 'install-info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'iproute2 3.12.0-2ubuntu1', 'ipset 6.20.1-1', 'iptables 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'iptables-persistent 0.5.7', 'iputils-arping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-ping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-tracepath 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'ipxe-qemu 1.0.0+git-20131111.c3d1e78-2ubuntu1.1', 'irqbalance 1.0.6-2ubuntu0.14.04.4', 'isc-dhcp-client 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'isc-dhcp-common 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'iso-codes 3.52-1', 'iw 3.4-1', 'kbd 1.15.5-1ubuntu1', 'keyboard-configuration 1.70ubuntu8', 'klibc-utils 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'kmod 15-0ubuntu6', 'kpartx 0.4.9-3ubuntu7.11', 'language-selector-common 0.129.3', 'less 458-2', 'libaccountsservice0 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'libacl1 2.2.52-1', 'libaio1 0.3.109-4', 'libalgorithm-diff-perl 1.19.02-3', 'libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl 0.04-2build4', 'libalgorithm-merge-perl 0.08-2', 'libapparmor-perl 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapparmor1 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapt-inst1.5 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libapt-pkg4.12 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libarchive-extract-perl 0.70-1', 'libasan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libasn1-8-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libasound2', 'libasound2-data', 'libasprintf0c2', 'libasyncns0 0.8-4ubuntu2', 'libatomic1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libattr1 1:2.4.47-1ubuntu1', 'libaudit-common 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaudit1 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaugeas0 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'libavahi-client3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common-data 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libbind9-90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libblas3 1.2.20110419-7', 'libblkid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libbluetooth3 4.101-0ubuntu13.1', 'libboost-system1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libboost-thread1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libbrlapi0.6 5.0-2ubuntu2', 'libbsd0 0.6.0-2ubuntu1', 'libbz2-1.0 1.0.6-5', 'libc-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc-dev-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6-dev 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libcaca0 0.99.beta18-1ubuntu5', 'libcap-ng0 0.7.3-1ubuntu2', 'libcap2 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcap2-bin 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcgmanager0 0.24-0ubuntu7.5', 'libck-connector0 0.4.5-3.1ubuntu2', 'libcloog-isl4 0.18.2-1', 'libcomerr2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libcpufreq0 008-1', 'libcurl3 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libcurl3-gnutls 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libdb5.3 5.3.28-3ubuntu3', 'libdbus-1-3 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'libdbus-glib-1-2 0.100.2-1', 'libdebconfclient0 0.187ubuntu1', 'libdevmapper-event1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdevmapper1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdns100 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libdpkg-perl 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'libdrm-intel1 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm-nouveau2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm-radeon1 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libedit2 3.1-20130712-2', 'libelf1 0.158-0ubuntu5.2', 'libestr0 0.1.9-0ubuntu2', 'libevent-2.0-5 2.0.21-stable-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libexpat1 2.1.0-4ubuntu1.1', 'libfakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'libfdt1 1.4.0+dfsg-1', 'libffi6 3.1~rc1+r3.0.13-12ubuntu0.1', 'libfile-fcntllock-perl 0.14-2build1', 'libflac8 1.3.0-2ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libfreetype6 2.5.2-1ubuntu2.5', 'libfribidi0 0.19.6-1', 'libfuse2 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'libgcc-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgcc1 1:4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'libgck-1-0 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-3-common 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-base-3-1 3.10.1-1', 'libgcrypt11 1.5.3-2ubuntu4.3', 'libgdbm3 1.8.3-12build1', 'libgeoip1 1.6.0-1', 'libgfortran3 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgirepository-1.0-1 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'libgl1-mesa-dri 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libgl1-mesa-glx 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libglapi-mesa 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libglib2.0-0 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libglib2.0-data 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libgmp10 2:5.1.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1', 'libgnutls-openssl27 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgnutls26 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgomp1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgpg-error0 1.12-0.2ubuntu1', 'libgpm2 1.20.4-6.1', 'libgssapi-krb5-2 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libgssapi3-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhcrypto4-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimbase1-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimntlm0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhx509-5-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libicu52 52.1-3ubuntu0.4', 'libidn11 1.28-1ubuntu2', 'libipset3 6.20.1-1', 'libisc95 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccc90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccfg90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisl10 0.12.2-1', 'libitm1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libjpeg-turbo8 1.3.0-0ubuntu2', 'libjpeg8 8c-2ubuntu8', 'libjs-jquery 1.7.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1', 'libjs-sphinxdoc 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'libjs-underscore 1.4.4-2ubuntu1', 'libjson-c2 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libjson0 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libk5crypto3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkeyutils1 1.5.6-1', 'libklibc 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libkmod2 15-0ubuntu6', 'libkrb5-26-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libkrb5-3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkrb5support0 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'liblapack3 3.5.0-2ubuntu1', 'libldap-2.4-2 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu8.2', 'libllvm3.4 1:3.4-1ubuntu3', 'liblocale-gettext-perl 1.05-7build3', 'liblockfile-bin 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblockfile1 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblog-message-simple-perl 0.10-1', 'liblwres90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'liblzma5 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'libmagic1 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'libmnl0 1.0.3-3ubuntu1', 'libmodule-pluggable-perl 5.1-1', 'libmount1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libmpc3 1.0.1-1ubuntu1', 'libmpdec2 2.4.0-6', 'libmpfr4 3.1.2-1', 'libmysqlclient18 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libncurses5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libncursesw5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libnetcf1 1:0.2.3-4ubuntu1', 'libnetfilter-conntrack3 1.0.4-1', 'libnewt0.52 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'libnfnetlink0 1.0.1-2', 'libnih-dbus1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnih1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-genl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-route-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnspr4 2:4.10.10-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libnss3 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnss3-nssdb 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnuma1 2.0.9~rc5-1ubuntu3.14.04.2', 'libogg0 1.3.1-1ubuntu1', 'libopts25 1:5.18-2ubuntu2', 'libp11-kit0 0.20.2-2ubuntu2', 'libpam-cap 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libpam-modules 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-modules-bin 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-runtime 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-systemd 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libpam0g 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libparted0debian1 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libpcap0.8 1.5.3-2', 'libpci3 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'libpciaccess0 0.13.2-1', 'libpcre3 1:8.31-2ubuntu2.3', 'libpgm-5.1-0 5.1.118-1~dfsg-0.1ubuntu3', 'libpipeline1 1.3.0-1', 'libpixman-1-0 0.30.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'libplymouth2 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'libpng12-0 1.2.50-1ubuntu2.14.04.2', 'libpod-latex-perl 0.61-1', 'libpolkit-agent-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpolkit-backend-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpolkit-gobject-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpopt0 1.16-8ubuntu1', 'libpq5 9.3.12-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'libprocps3 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpulse0 1:4.0-0ubuntu11.1', 'libpython-stdlib 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'libpython2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-stdlib 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython3-stdlib 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'libpython3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libpython3.4-stdlib 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libquadmath0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'librados2 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'librbd1 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'libreadline5 5.2+dfsg-2', 'libreadline6 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'libroken18-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'librtmp0 2.4+20121230.gitdf6c518-1', 'libruby1.9.1', 'libsasl2-2 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsasl2-modules-db 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsdl1.2debian 1.2.15-8ubuntu1.1', 'libseccomp2 2.1.0+dfsg-1', 'libselinux1 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsemanage-common 2.2-1', 'libsemanage1 2.2-1', 'libsepol1 2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsigsegv2 2.10-2', 'libslang2 2.2.4-15ubuntu1', 'libsndfile1 1.0.25-7ubuntu2.1', 'libspice-server1 0.12.4-0nocelt2ubuntu1.2', 'libsqlite3-0 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'libss2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libssh2-1 1.4.3-2', 'libssl1.0.0 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'libstdc++-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libstdc++6 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libsysfs2 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'libsystemd-daemon0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libsystemd-login0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libtasn1-6 3.4-3ubuntu0.4', 'libterm-ui-perl 0.42-1', 'libtext-charwidth-perl 0.04-7build3', 'libtext-iconv-perl 1.7-5build2', 'libtext-soundex-perl 3.4-1build1', 'libtext-wrapi18n-perl 0.06-7', 'libtidy-0.99-0 20091223cvs-1.2ubuntu1.1', 'libtimedate-perl 2.3000-1', 'libtinfo5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libtsan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 0~git20131104-1.1', 'libudev1 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libusb-0.1-4 2:0.1.12-23.3ubuntu1', 'libusb-1.0-0 2:1.0.17-1ubuntu2', 'libusbredirparser1 0.6-2ubuntu1.1', 'libustr-1.0-1 1.0.4-3ubuntu2', 'libuuid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libvirt-bin 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-clients 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-daemon 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-daemon-system 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt0 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvorbis0a 1.3.2-1.3ubuntu1', 'libvorbisenc2 1.3.2-1.3ubuntu1', 'libwind0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libwrap0 7.6.q-25', 'libx11-6 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-data 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-xcb1 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx86-1 1.1+ds1-10', 'libxau6 1:1.0.8-1', 'libxcb-dri2-0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-dri3-0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-glx0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-present0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-sync1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxdamage1 1:1.1.4-1ubuntu1', 'libxdmcp6 1:1.1.1-1', 'libxen-4.4 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.14.04.5', 'libxenstore3.0 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.14.04.5', 'libxext6 2:1.3.2-1ubuntu0.', 'libxfixes3 1:5.0.1-1ubuntu1.1', 'libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxml2-utils 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxmuu1 2:1.1.1-1', 'libxshmfence1 1.1-2', 'libxslt1.1 1.1.28-2build1', 'libxtables10 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'libxxf86vm1 1:1.1.3-1', 'libyajl2 2.0.4-4', 'libyaml-0-2 0.1.4-3ubuntu3.1', 'libzmq3 4.0.4+dfsg-2', 'linux-firmware 1.127.22', 'linux-firmware-nonfree 1.14ubuntu3', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-generic', 'linux-headers-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-image-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-extra-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-generic', 'linux-image-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-libc-dev 3.13.0-86.130', 'locales 2.13+git20120306-12.1', 'lockfile-progs 0.1.17', 'login 1:', 'logrotate 3.8.7-1ubuntu1', 'lsb-base 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lsb-release 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lshw 02.16-2ubuntu1.3', 'lsof 4.86+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'ltrace 0.7.3-4ubuntu5.1', 'lvm2 2.02.98-6ubuntu2', 'make 3.81-8.2ubuntu3', 'makedev 2.3.1-93ubuntu1', 'man-db', 'manpages 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'manpages-dev 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'mawk 1.3.3-17ubuntu2', 'mcollective 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mcollective-common 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mdadm 3.2.5-5ubuntu4.2', 'mime-support 3.54ubuntu1.1', 'mlocate 0.26-1ubuntu1', 'module-init-tools 15-0ubuntu6', 'mount 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'mountall 2.53', 'msr-tools 1.3-2', 'mtr-tiny 0.85-2', 'multiarch-support 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'mysql-common 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'nailgun-agent 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos151', 'nailgun-mcagents 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos699', 'nano 2.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-base 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-bin 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-term 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'net-tools 1.60-25ubuntu2.1', 'netbase 5.2', 'netcat-openbsd 1.105-7ubuntu1', 'network-checker 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos58', 'neutron-common 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'nova-common 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-compute 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-compute-qemu 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'ntfs-3g 1:2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu2', 'ntp 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ntpdate 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ohai 6.14.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'open-iscsi 2.0.873-3ubuntu9', 'openssh-client 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-sftp-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssl 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'openvswitch-common 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-datapath-dkms 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-switch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'os-prober 1.63ubuntu1.1', 'parted 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'passwd 1:', 'patch 2.7.1-4ubuntu2.3', 'pciutils 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'perl 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-base 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-modules 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'plymouth 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'pm-utils 1.4.1-13ubuntu0.2', 'policykit-1 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'popularity-contest 1.57ubuntu1', 'postfix 2.11.0-1ubuntu1', 'powermgmt-base 1.31build1', 'ppp 2.4.5-5.1ubuntu2.2', 'pppconfig 2.3.19ubuntu1', 'pppoeconf 1.20ubuntu1', 'procps 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'psmisc 22.20-1ubuntu2', 'puppet 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'puppet-common 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-aioeventlet 0.4-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqp 1.4.6-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqplib 1.0.2-1', 'python-anyjson 0.3.3-1build1', 'python-apt-common', 'python-babel 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-babel-localedata 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-boto 2.38.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-bs4 4.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-cachetools 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cffi 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-cffi-backend 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-chardet 2.0.1-2build2', 'python-cheetah 2.4.4-3.fakesyncbuild1', 'python-cinderclient 1:1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cliff 1.14.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cmd2 0.6.7-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-concurrent.futures 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-configobj 4.7.2+ds-5build1', 'python-contextlib2 0.4.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-crypto 2.6.1-4build1', 'python-cryptography 1.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-daemonize 2.2.1-0x2go1~git20131219.5~u14.04+mos2', 'python-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-dbus-dev 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-debtcollector 0.8.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-decorator 3.4.0-2build1', 'python-dns 2.3.6-3', 'python-ecdsa 0.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-editor 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-egenix-mxdatetime 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-egenix-mxtools 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-enum34 0.9.23-1', 'python-eventlet 0.17.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-extras 0.0.3-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-fasteners 0.12.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-feedparser 5.1.3-2', 'python-fixtures 1.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-formencode 1.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'python-funcsigs 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-futurist 0.1.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-gflags 1.5.1-1build1', 'python-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python-glanceclient 1:1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-greenlet 0.4.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-httplib2 0.8-2build1', 'python-idna 2.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ipaddress 1.0.14-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-iso8601 0.1.10-0ubuntu1', 'python-jinja2 2.8-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-json-patch 1.3-4', 'python-json-pointer 1.0-2build1', 'python-jsonpatch 1.3-4', 'python-jsonschema 2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-keyring 3.5-1', 'python-keystoneclient 1:1.7.4-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-keystonemiddleware 2.3.3-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-kombu 3.0.26-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-libvirt 1.2.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'python-linecache2 1.0.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-logutils 0.3.3-1', 'python-lxml 3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-mako 1.0.2+ds1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-markupsafe 0.23-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-memcache 1.56-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-migrate 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mimeparse 0.1.4-1build1', 'python-minimal 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-mock 1.3.0-2.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-monotonic 0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-msgpack 0.4.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mysqldb 1.3.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netaddr 0.7.17-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netifaces 0.10.4-0.1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-neutron 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'python-neutronclient 1:3.1.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-nova 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'python-novaclient 2:2.30.2-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-numpy 1:1.8.2-0ubuntu0.1', 'python-oauth 1.0.1-3build2', 'python-openid 2.2.5-3ubuntu1', 'python-openssl 0.15.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-openvswitch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-os-brick 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.concurrency 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.config 1:2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.context 0.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.db 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.i18n 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.log 1.11.0-1~u14.04+mos6', 'python-oslo.messaging 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos26', 'python-oslo.middleware 2.8.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.policy 0.11.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.reports 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.rootwrap 2.3.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.serialization 1.9.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.service 0.9.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-oslo.utils 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.versionedobjects 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos7', 'python-paramiko 1.15.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-paste', 'python-pastedeploy 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastedeploy-tpl 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastescript 1.7.5-3build1', 'python-pbr 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos2', 'python-pecan 1.0.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pkg-resources 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ply 3.4-3ubuntu2', 'python-prettytable 0.7.2-2ubuntu2', 'python-psutil 1.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-psycopg2 2.6.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyasn1 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycadf 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycparser 2.10+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'python-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python-pymysql 0.6.7-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyparsing 2.0.1+dfsg1-1build1', 'python-pypcap 1.1.2+debian-2.2', 'python-pyroute2 0.3.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyudev 0.16.1-2build1', 'python-repoze.lru 0.6-4', 'python-requests 2.7.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-retrying 1.3.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-rfc3986 0.2.0-2~u14.04+mos5', 'python-routes 2.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ryu 3.24-1.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-scapy 2.2.0-1', 'python-scgi 1.13-1.1build1', 'python-secretstorage 2.0.0-1ubuntu1.1', 'python-serial 2.6-1build1', 'python-setuptools 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-simplegeneric 0.8.1-1', 'python-simplejson 3.3.1-1ubuntu6', 'python-singledispatch', 'python-six 1.9.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy-ext 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlparse 0.1.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-stevedore 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-tablib 0.9.11-2build1', 'python-tempita 0.5.2-1build1', 'python-testresources 0.2.7-1ubuntu2', 'python-testscenarios 0.4-2ubuntu2', 'python-testtools 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-traceback2 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-trollius 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-tz 2014.10~dfsg1-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unicodecsv 0.13.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unittest2 1.1.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-urllib3 1.10.4-1~u14.04+mos9', 'python-utidylib 0.2-9build1', 'python-waitress 0.8.8-1ubuntu3', 'python-warlock 1.1.0-0ubuntu2', 'python-webob 1.3.1-1', 'python-webtest 2.0.14-1ubuntu1', 'python-wrapt 1.8.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-yaml 3.10-4ubuntu0.1', 'python-zmq 14.4.0-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python3 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-apt', 'python3-commandnotfound 0.3ubuntu12', 'python3-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python3-distupgrade 1:0.220.8', 'python3-gdbm 3.4.3-1~14.04.2', 'python3-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python3-minimal 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python3-software-properties', 'python3-update-manager 1:0.196.14', 'python3.4 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'python3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'qemu 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-keymaps 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-kvm 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-arm 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-common 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-mips 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-misc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-ppc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-sparc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-x86 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-user 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-utils 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'readline-common 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'resolvconf 1.69ubuntu1.1', 'rsync 3.1.0-2ubuntu0.2', 'rsyslog 7.4.4-1ubuntu2.6', 'ruby 1:', 'ruby-augeas 0.5.0-2', 'ruby-cstruct 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-deep-merge 1.0.0+git20150630-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ruby-hiera 1.3.1-1puppetlabs1~u14.04+mos3', 'ruby-httpclient', 'ruby-ipaddress 0.8.0-2', 'ruby-json 1.8.0-1build1', 'ruby-mixlib-cli 1.4.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-config 2.1.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-log 1.4.1-1', 'ruby-netaddr 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-openstack 1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rethtool 0.0.5-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rgen 0.6.6-1', 'ruby-safe-yaml 1.0.1-1', 'ruby-selinux 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'ruby-shadow 2.2.0-1', 'ruby-sigar 0.7.2-2', 'ruby-stomp 1.3.2-1', 'ruby-systemu 2.6.0-1', 'ruby-yajl 1.2.0-1', 'ruby1.9.1', 'screen 4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-9', 'seabios 1.7.4-4ubuntu1', 'sed 4.2.2-4ubuntu1', 'sensible-utils 0.0.9', 'sgml-base 1.26+nmu4ubuntu1', 'shared-mime-info 1.2-0ubuntu3', 'sharutils 1:4.14-1ubuntu1', 'socat', 'software-properties-common', 'sqlite3 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'ssh-import-id 3.21-0ubuntu1', 'ssl-cert 1.0.33', 'strace 4.8-1ubuntu5', 'sudo 1.8.9p5-1ubuntu1.2', 'sysfsutils 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'systemd-services 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'systemd-shim 6-2bzr1', 'sysv-rc 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'tar 1.27.1-1', 'tcpd 7.6.q-25', 'tcpdump 4.5.1-2ubuntu1.2', 'telnet 0.17-36build2', 'time 1.7-24', 'tmux 1.8-5', 'tzdata 2016d-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'ubuntu-keyring 2012.05.19', 'ubuntu-minimal 1.325', 'ubuntu-release-upgrader-core 1:0.220.8', 'ubuntu-standard 1.325', 'ucf 3.0027+nmu1', 'udev 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'ufw 0.34~rc-0ubuntu2', 'unattended-upgrades 0.82.1ubuntu2.4', 'update-manager-core 1:0.196.14', 'upstart 1.12.1-0ubuntu4.2', 'ureadahead 0.100.0-16', 'usbutils 1:007-2ubuntu1.1', 'util-linux 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'uuid-runtime 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'vbetool 1.1-3', 'vim 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-common 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-runtime 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-tiny 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'virt-what 1.13-1', 'vlan 1.9-3ubuntu10', 'watershed 7', 'websockify 0.6.1+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'wget 1.15-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'whiptail 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'wireless-regdb 2013.02.13-1ubuntu1', 'xauth 1:1.0.7-1ubuntu1', 'xkb-data 2.10.1-1ubuntu1', 'xml-core 0.13+nmu2', 'xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'zlib1g 1:1.2.8.dfsg-1ubuntu1']}} 2016-05-14 00:57:37,675 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 00:57:37,743 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: store_packages_json with result: None 2016-05-14 00:57:37,744 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< ---------------------------------------[ FINISH Step 007. Deploy environment STEP TOOK 59 min 23 sec ]---------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 00:57:37,744 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 00:57:37,747 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-14 00:57:37,747 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '3562.57', False) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:37,755 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-14 00:57:38,238 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< ---------------------------------------------------[ START Step 008. Run network checker ]---------------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 00:57:38,238 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: verify_network with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:38,238 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_network_verify with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:38,238 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1030 -- Run network verification on the cluster 1 2016-05-14 00:57:38,238 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: verify_networks with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:38,239 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:38,239 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:38,255 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster with result: {u'status': u'operational', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronVLAN', u'is_locked': True, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'} 2016-05-14 00:57:38,255 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_networks with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:38,255 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:38,256 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:38,269 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster with result: {u'status': u'operational', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronVLAN', u'is_locked': True, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'} 2016-05-14 00:57:38,269 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:38,330 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_networks with result: {u'vips': {u'vrouter_pub': {u'network_role': u'public/vip', u'vendor_specific': {u'iptables_rules': {u'ns_start': [u'iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o <%INT%> -j MASQUERADE'], u'ns_stop': [u'iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o <%INT%> -j MASQUERADE']}}, u'ipaddr': u'', u'node_roles': [u'controller', u'primary-controller'], u'namespace': u'vrouter'}, u'management': {u'network_role': u'mgmt/vip', u'vendor_specific': None, u'ipaddr': u'', u'node_roles': [u'controller', u'primary-controller'], u'namespace': u'haproxy'}, u'public': {u'network_role': u'public/vip', u'vendor_specific': None, u'ipaddr': u'', u'node_roles': [u'controller', u'primary-controller'], u'namespace': u'haproxy'}, u'vrouter': {u'network_role': u'mgmt/vip', u'vendor_specific': None, u'ipaddr': u'', u'node_roles': [u'controller', u'primary-controller'], u'namespace': u'vrouter'}}, u'public_vrouter_vip': u'', u'management_vrouter_vip': u'', u'management_vip': u'', u'public_vip': u'', u'networking_parameters': {u'configuration_template': None, u'dns_nameservers': [u'', u''], u'floating_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'floating_name': u'admin_floating_net', u'net_l23_provider': u'ovs', u'base_mac': u'fa:16:3e:00:00:00', u'internal_gateway': u'', u'internal_name': u'admin_internal_net', u'internal_cidr': u'', u'gre_id_range': [2, 65535], u'vlan_range': [1000, 1030], u'segmentation_type': u'vlan'}, u'networks': [{u'name': u'public', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': u'', u'meta': {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'public', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 1, u'configurable': True, u'floating_range_var': u'floating_ranges', u'use_gateway': True, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'public', u'cidr': u'', u'gateway': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': 1, u'id': 2}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': None, u'meta': {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'management', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'internal', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': 1, u'id': 3}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': None, u'meta': {u'name': u'storage', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'storage', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': 1, u'id': 4}, {u'name': u'private', u'ip_ranges': [], u'gateway': None, u'meta': {u'name': u'private', u'notation': None, u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 2, u'neutron_vlan_range': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'configurable': False, u'seg_type': u'vlan'}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': None, u'group_id': 1, u'id': 5}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': u'', u'meta': {u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 0, u'configurable': False, u'unmovable': True, u'use_gateway': True, u'render_addr_mask': None}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': None, u'id': 1}]} 2016-05-14 00:57:38,330 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:38,759 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: verify_networks with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'17b69b6d-ed9e-4013-82f0-2bc37c60554c'} 2016-05-14 00:57:38,760 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_network_verify with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'17b69b6d-ed9e-4013-82f0-2bc37c60554c'} 2016-05-14 00:57:38,760 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: assert_task_success with args: (, {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'17b69b6d-ed9e-4013-82f0-2bc37c60554c'}, 300) {'interval': 10} 2016-05-14 00:57:38,760 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:316 -- Assert task {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'17b69b6d-ed9e-4013-82f0-2bc37c60554c'} is success 2016-05-14 00:57:38,760 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: task_wait with args: (, {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'17b69b6d-ed9e-4013-82f0-2bc37c60554c'}, 300, 10) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:38,760 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1090 -- Wait for task 300 seconds: status running name verify_networks cluster 1 result {} progress 0 message None id 11 uuid 17b69b6d-ed9e-4013-82f0-2bc37c60554c 2016-05-14 00:57:38,760 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 11) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:38,761 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:38,772 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'17b69b6d-ed9e-4013-82f0-2bc37c60554c'} 2016-05-14 00:57:48,782 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 11) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:48,782 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:48,793 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'17b69b6d-ed9e-4013-82f0-2bc37c60554c'} 2016-05-14 00:57:58,803 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 11) {} 2016-05-14 00:57:58,804 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:57:58,814 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'17b69b6d-ed9e-4013-82f0-2bc37c60554c'} 2016-05-14 00:58:08,821 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 11) {} 2016-05-14 00:58:08,821 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:58:08,839 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'17b69b6d-ed9e-4013-82f0-2bc37c60554c'} 2016-05-14 00:58:18,850 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 11) {} 2016-05-14 00:58:18,850 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:58:18,865 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': [], u'progress': 30, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'17b69b6d-ed9e-4013-82f0-2bc37c60554c'} 2016-05-14 00:58:28,871 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 11) {} 2016-05-14 00:58:28,872 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:58:28,882 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': [], u'progress': 100, u'message': u'', u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'17b69b6d-ed9e-4013-82f0-2bc37c60554c'} 2016-05-14 00:58:28,883 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 11) {} 2016-05-14 00:58:28,883 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:58:28,898 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': [], u'progress': 100, u'message': u'', u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'17b69b6d-ed9e-4013-82f0-2bc37c60554c'} 2016-05-14 00:58:28,898 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1107 -- Task finished. Took 50.1222548485 seconds. status ready name verify_networks cluster 1 result: progress 100 message id 11 uuid 17b69b6d-ed9e-4013-82f0-2bc37c60554c 2016-05-14 00:58:28,898 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: task_wait with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': [], u'progress': 100, u'message': u'', u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'17b69b6d-ed9e-4013-82f0-2bc37c60554c'} 2016-05-14 00:58:28,899 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: assert_task_success with result: None 2016-05-14 00:58:28,899 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1344 -- Network verification of cluster 1 finished 2016-05-14 00:58:28,899 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: verify_network with result: None 2016-05-14 00:58:28,899 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< ---------------------------------------[ FINISH Step 008. Run network checker STEP TOOK 0 min 51 sec ]---------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 00:58:28,899 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 00:58:28,901 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-14 00:58:28,901 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '50.66', False) {} 2016-05-14 00:58:28,908 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-14 00:58:29,199 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< ---------------------------------------------[ START Step 009. Migrate Fuel Master to a compute ]--------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 00:58:29,200 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_last_created_cluster with args: (,) {} 2016-05-14 00:58:29,200 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:842 -- Get ID of a last created cluster 2016-05-14 00:58:29,200 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: list_clusters with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-14 00:58:29,201 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:58:29,216 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: list_clusters with result: [{u'status': u'operational', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronVLAN', u'is_locked': True, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'}] 2016-05-14 00:58:29,216 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_last_created_cluster with result: 1 2016-05-14 00:58:29,216 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_cluster_nodes_by_roles with args: (, 1, ['compute']) {} 2016-05-14 00:58:29,217 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:58:29,347 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_cluster_nodes_by_roles with result: [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'disabled': True, u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'p_e52381cd-0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1', u'serial': u'da:0c:c5:ea:f5:66', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:0'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-prv', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'2', u'serial': u'fe:b5:5e:0e:21:4f', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:1'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'ovs-system', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'3', u'serial': u'b6:d2:fb:f7:15:71', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:2'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-int', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'4', u'serial': u'56:4e:4e:13:0a:4e', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:3'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'bond0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'5', u'serial': u'1a:71:36:dc:75:d5', u'configuration': {u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'firmware': u'2', u'driver': u'bonding', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'driverversion': u'3.7.1', u'master': u'yes'}, u'id': u'network:4'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'down', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'cidr': None, u'vlan': None, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-02_compute', u'roles': [u'compute'], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}] 2016-05-14 00:58:29,348 - INFO test_fuel_migration.py:73 -- Fuel Master will be migrated to slave-02_compute compute 2016-05-14 00:58:29,356 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:58:29,364 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 00:58:29,464 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 00:58:29,512 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:58:29,513 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_name with args: (, u'slave-02') {} 2016-05-14 00:58:29,513 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:859 -- Get nailgun node by slave-02 devops node 2016-05-14 00:58:29,516 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-14 00:58:29,518 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-14 00:58:29,518 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-14 00:58:29,518 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 00:58:29,656 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, 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u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine 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CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine 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u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', 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u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, 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False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', 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2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, 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u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'disabled': True, u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}, 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{u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:2'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-int', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'4', u'serial': u'56:4e:4e:13:0a:4e', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:3'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'bond0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'5', u'serial': u'1a:71:36:dc:75:d5', u'configuration': {u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'firmware': u'2', u'driver': u'bonding', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'driverversion': u'3.7.1', u'master': u'yes'}, u'id': u'network:4'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', 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u'e1000', u'state': u'down', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', 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u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', 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[u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'cidr': None, u'vlan': None, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-02_compute', u'roles': [u'compute'], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}] 2016-05-14 00:58:29,659 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-14 00:58:29,660 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-14 00:58:29,660 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-14 00:58:29,662 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', 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u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': 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u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': 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u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': 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v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'cidr': None, u'vlan': None, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'slave-02_compute', u'roles': [u'compute'], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1} 2016-05-14 00:58:29,663 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_name with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, 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(NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', 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u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', 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u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'p_e52381cd-0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1', u'serial': u'da:0c:c5:ea:f5:66', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:0'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-prv', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'2', u'serial': u'fe:b5:5e:0e:21:4f', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:1'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'ovs-system', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'3', u'serial': u'b6:d2:fb:f7:15:71', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:2'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-int', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'4', u'serial': u'56:4e:4e:13:0a:4e', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:3'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'bond0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'5', u'serial': u'1a:71:36:dc:75:d5', u'configuration': {u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'firmware': u'2', u'driver': u'bonding', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'driverversion': u'3.7.1', u'master': u'yes'}, u'id': u'network:4'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'down', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'cidr': None, u'vlan': None, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'slave-02_compute', u'roles': [u'compute'], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1} 2016-05-14 00:58:29,663 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'fuel-migrate >/dev/null &' 2016-05-14 00:58:29,682 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 00:58:29,746 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< ---------------------------------[ FINISH Step 009. Migrate Fuel Master to a compute STEP TOOK 0 min 1 sec ]---------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 00:58:29,746 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 00:58:29,748 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-14 00:58:29,748 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '0.55', False) {} 2016-05-14 00:58:29,756 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-14 00:58:29,934 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< ------------------------------[ START Step 010. Check periodically the status of Fuel Master migration process ]------------------------------ >>> 2016-05-14 00:58:29,941 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 00:58:29,950 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 00:58:30,042 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 00:58:30,097 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 00:58:30,098 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: wait_phrase_in_log with args: (, 3600) {'log_path': '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log', 'phrase': 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process', 'interval': 0.2} 2016-05-14 00:58:30,098 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:30,321 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:30,545 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:30,764 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:30,984 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:31,205 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:31,422 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:31,644 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:31,861 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:32,079 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:32,301 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:32,521 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:32,739 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:32,959 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:33,179 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:33,396 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:33,615 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:33,833 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:34,051 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:34,274 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:34,495 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:34,715 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:34,934 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:35,157 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:35,386 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:35,612 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:35,837 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:36,063 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:36,280 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:36,505 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:36,730 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:36,947 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:37,170 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:37,388 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:37,607 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:37,831 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:38,061 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:38,283 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:38,511 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:38,730 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:38,952 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:39,171 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:39,395 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:39,615 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:39,833 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:40,050 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:40,267 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:40,484 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:40,711 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:40,930 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:41,151 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:41,370 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:41,594 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:41,816 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:42,041 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:42,270 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:42,496 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:42,717 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:42,935 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:43,161 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:43,384 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:43,606 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:43,825 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:44,050 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:44,268 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:44,489 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:44,712 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:44,929 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:45,149 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:45,372 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:45,596 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:45,821 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:46,039 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:46,259 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:46,483 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:46,709 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:46,933 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:47,157 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:47,377 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:47,600 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:47,820 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:48,039 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:48,268 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:48,487 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:48,710 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:48,932 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:49,161 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:49,382 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:49,604 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:49,826 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:50,047 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:50,267 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:50,487 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:50,711 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:50,934 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:51,162 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:51,383 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:51,631 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:51,862 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:52,086 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:52,322 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:52,549 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:52,779 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:53,008 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:53,240 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:53,463 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:53,684 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:53,903 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:54,130 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:54,354 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:54,572 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:54,795 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:55,015 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:55,236 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:55,455 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:55,672 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:55,891 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:56,111 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:56,328 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:56,546 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:56,767 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:56,989 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:57,207 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:57,426 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:57,644 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:57,861 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:58,078 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:58,296 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:58,517 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:58,739 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:58,960 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:59,180 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:59,397 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:59,615 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:58:59,833 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:00,051 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:00,268 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:00,485 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:00,703 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:00,922 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:01,144 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:01,361 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:01,579 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:01,797 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:02,015 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:02,233 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:02,451 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:02,669 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:02,888 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:03,111 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:03,329 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:03,547 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:03,765 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:03,982 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:04,203 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:04,422 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:04,640 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:04,859 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:05,076 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:05,294 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:05,520 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:05,737 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:05,955 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:06,173 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:06,390 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:06,608 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:06,826 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:07,044 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:07,265 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:07,483 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:07,701 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:07,918 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:08,138 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:08,360 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:08,580 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:08,798 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:09,019 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:09,240 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:09,462 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:09,707 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:09,934 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:10,171 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:10,404 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:10,636 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:10,870 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:11,112 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:11,342 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:11,577 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:11,824 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:12,072 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:12,319 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:12,539 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:12,789 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:13,011 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:13,233 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:13,451 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:13,670 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:13,888 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:14,105 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:14,324 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:14,543 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:14,762 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:14,985 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:15,205 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:15,426 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:15,643 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:15,869 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:16,094 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:16,314 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:16,532 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:16,750 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:16,972 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:17,191 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:17,408 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:17,626 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:17,843 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:18,062 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:18,279 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:18,496 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:18,715 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:18,935 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:19,154 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:19,372 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:19,590 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:19,808 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:20,026 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:20,244 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:20,462 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:20,679 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:20,901 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:21,120 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:21,350 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:21,570 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:21,796 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:22,024 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:22,242 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:22,463 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:22,687 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:22,909 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:23,130 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:23,348 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:23,568 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:23,794 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:24,011 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:24,231 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:24,449 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:24,667 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:24,887 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:25,105 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:25,323 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:25,552 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:25,772 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:25,993 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:26,222 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:26,451 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:26,672 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:26,892 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:27,113 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:27,339 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:27,560 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:27,784 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:28,012 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:28,235 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:28,466 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:28,687 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:28,908 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:29,132 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:29,350 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:29,569 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:29,795 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:30,019 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:30,246 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:30,469 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:30,695 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:30,913 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:31,136 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:31,354 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:31,576 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:31,800 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:32,024 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:32,250 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:32,476 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:32,701 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:32,924 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:33,148 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:33,371 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:33,596 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:33,820 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:34,045 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:34,270 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:34,495 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:34,719 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:34,939 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:35,157 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:35,379 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:35,611 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:35,837 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:36,062 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:36,283 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:36,507 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:36,732 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:36,952 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:37,173 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:37,395 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:37,613 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:37,831 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:38,050 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:38,271 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:38,498 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:38,721 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:38,951 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:39,171 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:39,391 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:39,609 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:39,834 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:40,060 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:40,286 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:40,513 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:40,740 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:40,958 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:41,177 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:41,396 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:41,622 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:41,847 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:42,076 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:42,302 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:42,527 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:42,753 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:42,970 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:43,188 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:43,418 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:43,641 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:43,869 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:44,093 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:44,320 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:44,545 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:44,763 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:44,990 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:45,211 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:45,430 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:45,649 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:45,874 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:46,102 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:46,324 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:46,553 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:46,772 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:46,993 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:47,218 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:47,439 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:47,663 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:47,885 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:48,111 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:48,331 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:48,547 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:48,795 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:49,013 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:49,231 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:49,454 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:49,675 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:49,901 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:50,129 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:50,356 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:50,584 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:50,808 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:51,029 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:51,250 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:51,469 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:51,689 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:51,906 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:52,132 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:52,354 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:52,573 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:52,793 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:53,016 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:53,239 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:53,460 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:53,678 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:53,904 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:54,123 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:54,342 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:54,559 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:54,781 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:55,000 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:55,219 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:55,438 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:55,667 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:55,887 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:56,105 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:56,324 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:56,542 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:56,762 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:56,980 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:57,200 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:57,418 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:57,638 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:57,869 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:58,094 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:58,320 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:58,548 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:58,767 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:58,984 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:59,208 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:59,430 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:59,650 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 00:59:59,875 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:00,101 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:00,323 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:00,552 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:00,770 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:00,989 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:01,210 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:01,430 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:01,652 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:01,875 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:02,130 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:02,370 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:02,602 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:02,836 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:03,067 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:03,337 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:03,573 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:03,815 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:04,043 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:04,268 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:04,488 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:04,711 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:04,930 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:05,149 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:05,385 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:05,604 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:05,822 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:06,040 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:06,257 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:06,474 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:06,692 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:06,910 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:07,145 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:07,363 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:07,582 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:07,808 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:08,031 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:08,259 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:08,486 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:08,710 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:08,932 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:09,152 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:09,372 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:09,597 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:09,823 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:10,040 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:10,261 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:10,478 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:10,702 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:10,926 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:11,145 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:11,363 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:11,583 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:11,809 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:12,031 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:12,253 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:12,479 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:12,702 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:12,920 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:13,138 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:13,357 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:13,578 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:13,796 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:14,015 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:14,235 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:14,454 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:14,671 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:14,896 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:15,115 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:15,338 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:15,559 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:15,779 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:16,000 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:16,219 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:16,437 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:16,662 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:16,883 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:17,103 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:17,322 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:17,546 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:17,767 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 01:00:17,767 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 01:00:17,768 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: generate_logs with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-14 01:00:17,768 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:00:18,028 - ERROR decorators.py:95 -- Fetching of diagnostic snapshot failed: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/system_test/helpers/decorators.py", line 92, in wrapper "fail", name) File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/fuelweb_test/helpers/decorators.py", line 322, in create_diagnostic_snapshot task = env.fuel_web.task_wait(env.fuel_web.client.generate_logs(), 60 * 10) File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/fuelweb_test/__init__.py", line 57, in wrapped result = func(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/fuelweb_test/helpers/decorators.py", line 133, in wrapped response = func(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/fuelweb_test/models/nailgun_client.py", line 355, in generate_logs return self.client.put("/api/logs/package") File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/fuelweb_test/helpers/http.py", line 83, in put return self._open(req) File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/fuelweb_test/helpers/http.py", line 92, in _open return self._get_response(req) File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/fuelweb_test/helpers/http.py", line 116, in _get_response return self.opener.open(req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 404, in open response = self._open(req, data) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 422, in _open '_open', req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 382, in _call_chain result = func(*args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 1214, in http_open return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 1187, in do_open r = h.getresponse(buffering=True) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 1051, in getresponse response.begin() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 415, in begin version, status, reason = self._read_status() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 371, in _read_status line = self.fp.readline(_MAXLINE + 1) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 476, in readline data = self._sock.recv(self._rbufsize) error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer 2016-05-14 01:00:18,037 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 01:00:21,040 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 01:00:24,041 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 01:00:24,044 - ERROR decorators.py:102 -- Fetching of raw logs failed: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/system_test/helpers/decorators.py", line 97, in wrapper with args[0].env.d_env.get_admin_remote()\ File "/home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/devops/models/environment.py", line 395, in get_admin_remote password=password) File "/home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/devops/models/node.py", line 171, in remote password=password, private_keys=private_keys) File "/home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/devops/helpers/helpers.py", line 257, in __init__ self.reconnect() File "/home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/devops/helpers/helpers.py", line 300, in reconnect self.connect() File "/home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/devops/helpers/retry.py", line 27, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/devops/helpers/helpers.py", line 295, in connect password=self.password) File "/home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paramiko/client.py", line 324, in connect raise NoValidConnectionsError(errors) NoValidConnectionsError: [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on 2016-05-14 01:00:24,044 - DEBUG decorators.py:104 -- (,) 2016-05-14 01:01:12,308 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_admin_node_ip with args: ([(0x7f83095bc750), ip:],) {} 2016-05-14 01:01:12,317 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_admin_node_ip with result: 2016-05-14 01:01:12,317 - INFO decorators.py:305 -- <<<<<****************************************************************************************************>>>>> 2016-05-14 01:01:12,318 - INFO decorators.py:306 -- Failed in method 'Case_FuelMasterMigrate__Config_1ctrl_1comp_neutronVLAN.Step010_check_migration_status'. Make snapshot: FuelMasterMigrate_4e84240d_Step010 2016-05-14 01:01:12,318 - INFO decorators.py:316 -- You could revert and ssh to master node: [source /home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/bin/activate; dos.py revert-resume 8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate.15.15 FuelMasterMigrate_4e84240d_Step010 && ssh root@] 2016-05-14 01:01:12,318 - INFO decorators.py:318 -- <<<<<****************************************************************************************************>>>>> 2016-05-14 01:01:12,318 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 01:01:12,321 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-14 01:01:12,321 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '162.38', False) {} 2016-05-14 01:01:12,331 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-14 01:01:12,342 - INFO actions_base.py:75 -- <<< ====================================================[ START Fuel master migration to VM ]===================================================== >>> Configuration: 1 Controller, 1 Compute on Neutron/TUN Scenario: 0. Setup master node 1. Configuration releases 2. Bootstrap slave and make snapshot 3. Revert bootstrapped nodes 4. Create Fuel Environment 5. Add nodes to environment 6. Run network checker 7. Deploy environment 8. Run network checker 9. Migrate Fuel Master to a compute 10. Check periodically the status of Fuel Master migration process 11. Check that containers are up and running 12. Run network checker 13. Run health checker Duration 180m 2016-05-14 01:01:12,342 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< ----------------------------------------------------[ START Step 000. Setup master node ]----------------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 01:01:12,342 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_admin_node_ip with args: ([(0x7f83095bc750), ip:],) {} 2016-05-14 01:01:12,350 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_admin_node_ip with result: 2016-05-14 01:01:12,380 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 01:01:12,383 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-14 01:01:12,383 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '0.04', False) {} 2016-05-14 01:01:12,396 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-14 01:01:12,397 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< --------------------------------------------------[ START Step 001. Configuration releases ]-------------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 01:01:12,422 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 01:01:12,424 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-14 01:01:12,425 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '0.03', False) {} 2016-05-14 01:01:12,438 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-14 01:01:12,439 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< --------------------------------------------[ START Step 002. Bootstrap slave and make snapshot ]--------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 01:01:12,463 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 01:01:12,464 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-14 01:01:12,464 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '0.02', False) {} 2016-05-14 01:01:12,480 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-14 01:01:12,480 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< ------------------------------------------------[ START Step 003. Revert bootstrapped nodes ]------------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 01:01:12,510 - INFO environment.py:360 -- We have snapshot with such name: ready_with_2_slaves 2016-05-14 01:01:12,511 - INFO environment.py:362 -- Reverting the snapshot 'ready_with_2_slaves' .... 2016-05-14 01:01:31,925 - INFO environment.py:365 -- Resuming the snapshot 'ready_with_2_slaves' .... 2016-05-14 01:01:32,048 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:104 -- SSH_MANAGER:Return existed connection for 2016-05-14 01:01:32,048 - DEBUG ssh_manager.py:105 -- SSH_MANAGER: Connections {('', 22): } 2016-05-14 01:01:32,048 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'cd ~' 2016-05-14 01:01:32,048 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 01:01:32,113 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 01:01:32,205 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 01:01:32,253 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 01:01:32,253 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'date' 2016-05-14 01:01:32,277 - DEBUG environment.py:388 -- Accessing admin node using SSH: SUCCESS 2016-05-14 01:01:32,277 - INFO environment.py:414 -- Admin node login name: 'root' , password: 'r00tme' 2016-05-14 01:01:32,296 - INFO environment.py:148 -- Please wait while time on nodes: admin, slave-01, slave-02 will be synchronized 2016-05-14 01:01:32,313 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 01:01:32,326 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 01:01:32,428 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 01:01:32,471 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 01:01:32,471 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ps -C pacemakerd && crm_resource --resource p_ntp --locate' 2016-05-14 01:01:32,505 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'systemctl list-unit-files| grep ntpd' 2016-05-14 01:01:32,760 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'awk '/^server/ && $2 !~ /127.*/ {print $2}' /etc/ntp.conf' 2016-05-14 01:01:32,865 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 01:01:32,876 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 01:01:32,969 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 01:01:33,020 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 01:01:33,020 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'KEYSTONE_USER=admin KEYSTONE_PASS=admin fuel nodes --json' 2016-05-14 01:01:33,855 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 01:01:33,934 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 01:01:33,945 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 01:01:34,042 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 01:01:34,090 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 01:01:34,090 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 01:01:34,091 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 01:01:34,094 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 01:01:34,095 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 01:01:34,096 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 01:01:34,099 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 01:01:34,100 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 01:01:34,110 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1) 2016-05-14 01:01:34,196 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (publickey) successful! 2016-05-14 01:01:34,246 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 01:01:34,246 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ps -C pacemakerd && crm_resource --resource p_ntp --locate' 2016-05-14 01:01:34,277 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'systemctl list-unit-files| grep ntpd' 2016-05-14 01:01:34,352 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'find /etc/init.d/ -regex '/etc/init.d/ntp.?'' 2016-05-14 01:01:34,425 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'awk '/^server/ && $2 !~ /127.*/ {print $2}' /etc/ntp.conf' 2016-05-14 01:01:34,497 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'sed -i 's/^server .*/server minpoll 3 maxpoll 5 iburst/' /etc/ntp.conf' 2016-05-14 01:01:34,588 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 01:01:34,601 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 01:01:34,690 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 01:01:34,744 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 01:01:34,744 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'KEYSTONE_USER=admin KEYSTONE_PASS=admin fuel nodes --json' 2016-05-14 01:01:35,455 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 01:01:35,532 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 01:01:35,543 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 01:01:35,631 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 01:01:35,690 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 01:01:35,690 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 01:01:35,691 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 01:01:35,693 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 01:01:35,694 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 01:01:35,695 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 01:01:35,697 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 01:01:35,698 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 01:01:35,710 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1) 2016-05-14 01:01:35,819 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (publickey) successful! 2016-05-14 01:01:35,859 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 01:01:35,859 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ps -C pacemakerd && crm_resource --resource p_ntp --locate' 2016-05-14 01:01:35,888 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'systemctl list-unit-files| grep ntpd' 2016-05-14 01:01:35,962 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'find /etc/init.d/ -regex '/etc/init.d/ntp.?'' 2016-05-14 01:01:36,035 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'awk '/^server/ && $2 !~ /127.*/ {print $2}' /etc/ntp.conf' 2016-05-14 01:01:36,106 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'sed -i 's/^server .*/server minpoll 3 maxpoll 5 iburst/' /etc/ntp.conf' 2016-05-14 01:01:36,179 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'systemctl stop ntpd' 2016-05-14 01:01:36,216 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpdate -p 4 -t 0.2 -bu' 2016-05-14 01:01:42,405 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'hwclock -w' 2016-05-14 01:01:43,502 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'systemctl start ntpd' 2016-05-14 01:01:43,602 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpq -pn' 2016-05-14 01:01:51,699 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpq -pn' 2016-05-14 01:01:59,732 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpq -pn' 2016-05-14 01:01:59,758 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: '/etc/init.d/ntp stop' 2016-05-14 01:01:59,778 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: '/etc/init.d/ntp stop' 2016-05-14 01:01:59,800 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpdate -p 4 -t 0.2 -bu' 2016-05-14 01:02:05,943 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'hwclock -w' 2016-05-14 01:02:07,502 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpdate -p 4 -t 0.2 -bu' 2016-05-14 01:02:13,611 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'hwclock -w' 2016-05-14 01:02:14,501 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: '/etc/init.d/ntp start' 2016-05-14 01:03:04,520 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: '/etc/init.d/ntp start' 2016-05-14 01:03:04,543 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpq -pn' 2016-05-14 01:03:04,597 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpq -pn' 2016-05-14 01:03:12,639 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpq -pn' 2016-05-14 01:03:12,660 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'date' 2016-05-14 01:03:12,681 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'date' 2016-05-14 01:03:12,689 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'date' 2016-05-14 01:03:12,713 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 01:03:12,729 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 01:03:12,731 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 01:03:12,763 - INFO environment.py:152 -- New time on 'admin' = Sat May 14 01:03:12 UTC 2016 2016-05-14 01:03:12,763 - INFO environment.py:152 -- New time on 'slave-01' = Sat May 14 01:03:12 UTC 2016 2016-05-14 01:03:12,764 - INFO environment.py:152 -- New time on 'slave-02' = Sat May 14 01:03:12 UTC 2016 2016-05-14 01:03:12,764 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_releases with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:12,765 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:12,850 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_releases with result: [{u'operating_system': u'Ubuntu', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using Ubuntu as a base operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': True, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'available', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 2, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'installer_kernel': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/linux', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'}, u'installer_initrd': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/initrd.gz', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz'}}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'ubuntu_1404_x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}, u'codename': u'trusty'}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/x86_64', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/auxiliary', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04'}, {u'operating_system': u'CentOS', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using a CentOS based operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': False, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'unavailable', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 1, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'centos-x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'To create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-package-updates --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/reference-architecture.html#fuel-rep-mirror).\n', u'value': [{u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 15, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/auxiliary'}, {u'priority': 20, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-updates', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/updates-latest/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 20, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-security', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/security-latest/x86_64'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'use_fedora_lt': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'default_kernel', u'description': u'Install default 2.6.32 kernel.', u'label': u'CentOS default kernel'}, {u'data': u'fedora_lt_kernel', u'description': u'EXPERIMENTAL: Install the Fedora 3.10 longterm kernel instead of the default 2.6.32 kernel. This kernel may not work with all hardware platforms, use with caution.', u'label': u'Fedora LT kernel'}], u'weight': 55, u'value': u'default_kernel', u'label': u'Select kernel'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Use Fedora longterm kernel'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 biosdevname=0 crashkernel=none rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on CentOS 6.5'}] 2016-05-14 01:03:42,899 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:42,903 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-14 01:03:42,903 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-14 01:03:42,903 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:42,990 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 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u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', 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True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, 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interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-14 01:03:42,992 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-14 01:03:42,993 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-14 01:03:42,994 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, 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1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, 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53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-01', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-14 01:03:42,994 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:42,996 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-14 01:03:42,996 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-14 01:03:42,997 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:43,084 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': 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u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': 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u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, 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(APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, 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u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': 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1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-14 01:03:43,085 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-14 01:03:43,086 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-14 01:03:43,086 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-14 01:03:43,088 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-14 01:03:43,088 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< ------------------------------------[ FINISH Step 003. Revert bootstrapped nodes STEP TOOK 2 min 31 sec ]------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 01:03:43,088 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 01:03:43,090 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-14 01:03:43,090 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '150.61', False) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:43,101 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-14 01:03:43,124 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< -------------------------------------------------[ START Step 004. Create Fuel Environment ]-------------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 01:03:43,130 - INFO actions_base.py:215 -- Create env SimpleNeutronTUN 2016-05-14 01:03:43,130 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: create_cluster with args: (,) {'release_name': 'ubuntu', 'name': 'SimpleNeutronTUN', 'settings': {'volumes_ceph': False, 'sahara': False, 'user': 'admin', 'osd_pool_size': '2', 'images_ceph': False, 'password': 'admin', 'tenant': 'admin', 'ceilometer': False, 'objects_ceph': False, 'ephemeral_ceph': False, 'volumes_lvm': True, 'net_provider': 'neutron', 'assign_to_all_nodes': False, 'murano': False, 'net_segment_type': 'tun'}, 'mode': 'ha_compact'} 2016-05-14 01:03:43,130 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:428 -- Create cluster with name SimpleNeutronTUN 2016-05-14 01:03:43,130 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_release_id with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {'release_name': 'ubuntu'} 2016-05-14 01:03:43,131 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_releases with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:43,131 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:43,180 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_releases with result: [{u'operating_system': u'Ubuntu', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using Ubuntu as a base operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': True, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'available', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 2, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'installer_kernel': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/linux', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'}, u'installer_initrd': {u'local': u'/var/www/nailgun/ubuntu/x86_64/images/initrd.gz', u'remote_relative': u'dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz'}}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'ubuntu_1404_x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/env_{cluster.id}_ubuntu_1404_amd64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}, u'codename': u'trusty'}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/x86_64', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/{cluster.release.environment_version}/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/ubuntu/auxiliary', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04'}, {u'operating_system': u'CentOS', u'description': u'This option will install the OpenStack Liberty packages using a CentOS based operating system. With high availability features built in, you are getting a robust, enterprise-grade OpenStack deployment.', u'is_deployable': False, u'components_metadata': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu', u'weight': 5, u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'qemu']], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 15, u'bind': [u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_warning', u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2_description', u'weight': 1000, u'default': True, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_ml2', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:*'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:*'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'vlan']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.vlan_tun_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert', u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'bind': [[u'cluster:net_provider', u'neutron'], [u'cluster:net_segment_type', u'tun']], u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}], u'requires': [{u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}], u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.default_provider', u'weight': 5, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'LVM not compatible with Ceph', u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}], u'default': True, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.lvm', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph', u'weight': 10, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'Ceph not compatible with LVM', u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}], u'bind': [[u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value', True], [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value', False]], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_block'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_object', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_ephemeral', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_image', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}], u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.murano.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'hypervisor:vmware'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic'}], u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ironic', u'weight': 40, u'incompatible': [{u'message': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert', u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:tun'}], u'bind': [u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value'], u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'compatible': [{u'name': u'hypervisor:qemu'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:core:ml2'}, {u'name': u'network:neutron:ml2:vlan'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:lvm'}, {u'name': u'storage:block:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:object:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:ephemeral:ceph'}, {u'name': u'storage:image:ceph'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:sahara'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:murano'}, {u'name': u'additional_service:ceilometer'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description'}], u'wizard_metadata': {u'Compute': {u'hypervisor': {u'bind': u'settings:common.libvirt_type.value', u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.kvm'}, {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'neutron-vlan'}], u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.qemu'}], u'weight': 5, u'value': u'qemu', u'type': u'radio'}, u'vcenter': {u'bind': [{u'wizard:Storage.ceph': u'disable'}, {u'wizard:Network.manager': u'nova-network'}, u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value'], u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.compute.vcenter'}}, u'Network': {u'manager': {u'values': [{u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'vlan'}], u'data': u'neutron-vlan', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_vlan_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_vlan'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == true': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.hypervisor_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'neutron'}, {u'cluster:net_segment_type': u'tun'}], u'data': u'neutron-tun', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.neutron_tun_description', u'label': u'common.network.neutron_tun'}, {u'restrictions': [{u'Compute.vcenter == false': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_vcenter_alert'}], u'bind': [{u'cluster:net_provider': u'nova_network'}], u'data': u'nova-network', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network_description', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.network.nova_network'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'Storage': {u'ceph': {u'values': [{u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': False}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': False}], u'data': u'disable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_disable'}, {u'bind': [{u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.objects_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value': True}, {u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value': False}], u'data': u'enable', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.storage.ceph_enable'}], u'type': u'radio'}}, u'AdditionalServices': {u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"Network.manager != 'neutron-vlan'": u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.ironic_network_mode_alert'}], u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic_description', u'weight': 40, u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value', u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano_description', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_murano'}, u'ceilometer': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer_description', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_ceilometer'}, u'sahara': {u'bind': u'settings:additional_components.sahara.value', u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara_description', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'dialog.create_cluster_wizard.additional.install_sahara'}}, u'Mode': {u'mode': {u'bind': u'cluster:mode', u'values': [{u'data': u'ha_compact', u'label': u'cluster.mode.ha_compact'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}]}}, u'Ready': {}}, u'state': u'unavailable', u'version': u'liberty-8.0', u'roles_metadata': {u'compute-vmware': {u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'compute', u'cinder', u'cinder-block-device', u'ceph-osd', u'mongo', u'base-os', u'virt', u'ironic'], u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'name': u'Compute VMware', u'weight': 90, u'description': u'A node that runs nova-compute with VCDriver, that manages ESXi computing resources via VMware vCenter.'}, u'compute': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Compute', u'weight': 20, u'fault_tolerance': u'2%', u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'A Compute node creates, manages, and terminates virtual machine instances.'}, u'cinder-vmware': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Proxy to VMware Datastore', u'weight': 40, u'description': u'Cinder-VMware provides scheduling of block storage resources delivered over VMware vCenter. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'virt': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('advanced' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'name': u'Virtual', u'weight': 80, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'base-os'], u'description': u'ADVANCED: Make available possibilities to spawn vms on this node that can be assign as a normal nodes.'}, u'base-os': {u'name': u'Operating System', u'weight': 70, u'description': u'Install base Operating System without additional packages and configuration.'}, u'controller': {u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'overrides': [{u'message': u'Neutron L3 HA requires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly.', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l3_ha.value == true', u'min': 2}], u'min': 1}, u'name': u'Controller', u'weight': 10, u'update_required': [u'compute', u'cinder'], u'has_primary': True, u'public_ip_required': True, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'public_for_dvr_required': True, u'description': u'The Controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management), Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller as well.'}, u'cinder': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder LVM should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'limits': {u'recommended': 1}, u'name': u'Storage - Cinder', u'weight': 30, u'description': u'Cinder provides scheduling of block storage resources, typically delivered over iSCSI and other compatible backend storage systems. Block storage can be used for database storage, expandable file systems, or to provide a server with access to raw block level devices.'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ironic should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ironic.value == false'}], u'name': u'Ironic', u'weight': 100, u'limits': {u'recommended': 3, u'min': 1}, u'conflicts': [u'compute'], u'description': u'Ironic conductor'}, u'ceph-osd': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceph must be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.images_ceph.value == false and settings:storage.ephemeral_ceph.value == false'}], u'name': u'Storage - Ceph OSD', u'weight': 50, u'limits': {u'min': u'settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value'}, u'update_once': [u'controller'], u'description': u'Ceph storage can be configured to provide storage for block volumes (Cinder), images (Glance) and ephemeral instance storage (Nova). It can also provide object storage through the S3 and Swift API (See settings to enable each).'}, u'cinder-block-device': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Cinder Block Device should be enabled in settings', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == false'}, {u'message': u'Ceph RBD cannot be used with Cinder Block Device', u'condition': u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'}], u'name': u'Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 35, u'has_primary': False, u'public_ip_required': False, u'conflicts': [u'controller', u'cinder', u'cinder-vmware', u'ceph-osd'], u'description': u'Host node for Cinder Block Devices'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Ceilometer should be enabled.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'}, {u'message': u'You are already using external MongoDB.', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == true'}], u'name': u'Telemetry - MongoDB', u'weight': 60, u'conflicts': [u'compute', u'ceph-osd'], u'limits': {u'overrides': [{u'max': 1, u'message': u'At most 1 MongoDB node can be added for non-HA deployment', u'condition': u"cluster:mode != 'ha_compact'"}, {u'recommended': 3, u'message': u'At least 3 MongoDB nodes are recommended for HA deployment.', u'condition': u"cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'"}], u'min': 1}, u'has_primary': True, u'description': u'A feature-complete and recommended database for storage of metering data from OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer).'}}, u'vmware_attributes_metadata': {u'editable': {u'value': {u'glance': {u'vcenter_username': u'', u'datacenter': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'datastore': u''}, u'availability_zones': [{u'vcenter_username': u'', u'az_name': u'vcenter', u'vcenter_password': u'', u'vcenter_host': u'', u'nova_computes': [{u'datastore_regex': u'', u'vsphere_cluster': u'', u'target_node': {u'current': {u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}, u'options': [{u'id': u'controllers', u'label': u'controllers'}]}, u'service_name': u''}]}]}, u'metadata': [{u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter not enabled for cluster', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'array', u'name': u'availability_zones', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!nova$)\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid availability zone name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Availability zone name', u'name': u'az_name', u'label': u'Availability zone'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'editable_for_deployed': True, u'type': u'array', u'name': u'nova_computes', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid vSphere cluster'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vSphere cluster', u'name': u'vsphere_cluster', u'label': u'vSphere cluster'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w[\\w\\-]+$', u'error': u'Invalid service name'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Service name', u'name': u'service_name', u'label': u'Service name'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore regex'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore regex', u'name': u'datastore_regex', u'label': u'Datastore regex'}, {u'type': u'select', u'description': u'Target node for nova-compute service', u'name': u'target_node', u'label': u'Target node'}]}]}, {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'VMware vCenter datastore for images is not enabled in Settings tab', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == false or settings:common.use_vcenter.value == false'}], u'type': u'object', u'name': u'glance', u'fields': [{u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid vCenter host'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter host or IP', u'name': u'vcenter_host', u'label': u'vCenter host'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter username'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'vCenter username', u'name': u'vcenter_username', u'label': u'vCenter username'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty vCenter password'}, u'type': u'password', u'description': u'vCenter password', u'name': u'vcenter_password', u'label': u'vCenter password'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datacenter'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datacenter', u'name': u'datacenter', u'label': u'Datacenter'}, {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Invalid datastore'}, u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Datastore', u'name': u'datastore', u'label': u'Datastore'}]}]}}, u'can_update_from_versions': [], u'modes_metadata': {u'ha_compact': {u'description': u'This configuration Deploys OpenStack ready for high availability (HA). Controller services are prepared for HA by setting up a base MySQL/Galera, RabbitMQ and HAProxy so that additional controllers can be deployed NOW, or scaled out LATER. 3 or more controllers are required for a true HA environment.'}}, u'id': 1, u'attributes_metadata': {u'generated': {u'quantum_settings': {u'database': {u'passwd': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'admin_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'metadata': {u'metadata_proxy_shared_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'base_syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'514'}, u'syslog_server': {u'generator': u'ip', u'generator_arg': u'admin'}}, u'ceilometer': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'metering_secret': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'rabbit': {u'password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'swift': {u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'sahara': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'heat': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'auth_encryption_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'32'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'deployed_before': {u'value': False}, u'murano': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'rabbit_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'keystone': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'admin_token': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'nova': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'state_path': u'/var/lib/nova'}, u'horizon': {u'secret_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'mysql': {u'root_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'wsrep_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'ironic': {u'swift_tempurl_key': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'puppet': {u'modules': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/modules/', u'manifests': u'rsync://{settings.MASTER_IP}:/puppet/{cluster.release.version}/manifests/'}, u'cobbler': {u'profile': {u'generator': u'identical', u'generator_arg': u'centos-x86_64'}}, u'cinder': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'fixed_key': {u'generator': u'hexstring', u'generator_arg': u'64'}}, u'provision': {u'image_data': {u'/boot': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64-boot.img.gz', u'format': u'ext2'}, u'/': {u'container': u'gzip', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/targetimages/centos_65_x86_64.img.gz', u'format': u'ext4'}}}, u'glance': {u'db_password': {u'generator': u'password'}, u'user_password': {u'generator': u'password'}}}, u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'To create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-package-updates --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/reference-architecture.html#fuel-rep-mirror).\n', u'value': [{u'priority': None, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 15, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'uri': u'http://{settings.MASTER_IP}:8080/{cluster.release.version}/centos/auxiliary'}, {u'priority': 20, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-updates', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/updates-latest/x86_64'}, {u'priority': 20, u'type': u'rpm', u'name': u'mos-security', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos8.0-centos7-fuel/snapshots/security-latest/x86_64'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'3', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'DNS_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'use_fedora_lt': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'data': u'default_kernel', u'description': u'Install default 2.6.32 kernel.', u'label': u'CentOS default kernel'}, {u'data': u'fedora_lt_kernel', u'description': u'EXPERIMENTAL: Install the Fedora 3.10 longterm kernel instead of the default 2.6.32 kernel. This kernel may not work with all hardware platforms, use with caution.', u'label': u'Fedora LT kernel'}], u'weight': 55, u'value': u'default_kernel', u'label': u'Select kernel'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Use Fedora longterm kernel'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': {u'generator': u'password'}}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 biosdevname=0 crashkernel=none rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': {u'generator': u'from_settings', u'generator_arg': u'NTP_UPSTREAM'}, u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, u'name': u'Liberty on CentOS 6.5'}] 2016-05-14 01:03:43,181 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_release_id with result: 2 2016-05-14 01:03:43,181 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:432 -- Release_id of ubuntu is 2 2016-05-14 01:03:43,182 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster_id with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 'SimpleNeutronTUN') {} 2016-05-14 01:03:43,182 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: list_clusters with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:43,182 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:43,195 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: list_clusters with result: [] 2016-05-14 01:03:43,196 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster_id with result: None 2016-05-14 01:03:43,196 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: create_cluster with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {'data': {'release': '2', 'net_segment_type': 'tun', 'net_provider': 'neutron', 'name': 'SimpleNeutronTUN', 'mode': 'ha_compact'}} 2016-05-14 01:03:43,196 - INFO nailgun_client.py:248 -- Before post to nailgun 2016-05-14 01:03:43,196 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:43,350 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: create_cluster with result: {u'status': u'new', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': u'2', u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronTUN', u'is_locked': False, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [{u'node_id': None, u'name': u'attributes'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'networks'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'vmware_attributes'}], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'} 2016-05-14 01:03:43,350 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster_id with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 'SimpleNeutronTUN') {} 2016-05-14 01:03:43,350 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: list_clusters with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:43,351 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:43,364 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: list_clusters with result: [{u'status': u'new', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronTUN', u'is_locked': False, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [{u'node_id': None, u'name': u'attributes'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'networks'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'vmware_attributes'}], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'}] 2016-05-14 01:03:43,364 - INFO nailgun_client.py:325 -- cluster name is SimpleNeutronTUN 2016-05-14 01:03:43,365 - INFO nailgun_client.py:326 -- cluster id is 1 2016-05-14 01:03:43,365 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster_id with result: 1 2016-05-14 01:03:43,365 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:470 -- The cluster id is 1 2016-05-14 01:03:43,365 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:473 -- Set cluster settings to volumes_ceph False sahara False user admin osd_pool_size 2 images_ceph False password admin tenant admin ceilometer False objects_ceph False ephemeral_ceph False volumes_lvm True net_provider neutron assign_to_all_nodes False murano False net_segment_type tun 2016-05-14 01:03:43,365 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:43,430 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 01:03:43,441 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 01:03:43,534 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 01:03:43,591 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 01:03:43,592 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'ntpdate -d -p 4 -t 0.2 -u' 2016-05-14 01:03:49,720 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:511 -- Configuring cluster #1to use NTP server 2016-05-14 01:03:49,720 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 01:03:49,785 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:518 -- Configuring cluster #1 to use DNS server 2016-05-14 01:03:49,785 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:520 -- Set DEBUG MODE to True 2016-05-14 01:03:49,786 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_cluster_attributes with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1, {u'editable': {u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': '', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': '2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'91V98LoECouNxzAr4Ds5SCFf'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': '', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:49,788 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:50,216 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_cluster_attributes with result: {u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'91V98LoECouNxzAr4Ds5SCFf'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}} 2016-05-14 01:03:50,217 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:552 -- Try to update cluster with next attributes {u'editable': {u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': '', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': '2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'91V98LoECouNxzAr4Ds5SCFf'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': '', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}} 2016-05-14 01:03:50,217 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_cluster_attributes with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1, {u'editable': {u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': '', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': '2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': 'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'91V98LoECouNxzAr4Ds5SCFf'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': '', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:50,218 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:50,621 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_cluster_attributes with result: {u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'91V98LoECouNxzAr4Ds5SCFf'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}} 2016-05-14 01:03:50,622 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: ssl_configure with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:50,622 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:50,645 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: change_cluster_ssl_config with args: ({u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'self_signed', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'91V98LoECouNxzAr4Ds5SCFf'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}, 'public.fuel.local') {} 2016-05-14 01:03:50,645 - DEBUG ssl.py:54 -- Trying to change cluster {} ssl configuration 2016-05-14 01:03:50,645 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: generate_user_own_cert with args: ('public.fuel.local',) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:50,645 - DEBUG ssl.py:31 -- Trying to generate user certificate files 2016-05-14 01:03:50,685 - DEBUG ssl.py:46 -- Generated PEM file /home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/ca.pem 2016-05-14 01:03:50,685 - DEBUG ssl.py:49 -- Generated PEM file /home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/ca.crt 2016-05-14 01:03:50,685 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: generate_user_own_cert with result: None 2016-05-14 01:03:50,685 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: change_cluster_ssl_config with result: None 2016-05-14 01:03:50,686 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:571 -- Try to update cluster with next attributes {u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': 'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': True, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': {'content': '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\naqqWL5SBsD2BnDNx9CE2RfjGUqWeOmrglo8CraDe/TWq\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\n/RmIqDcNsPeoaO6XNCg8Ri0=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n', 'name': 'ca.pem'}, u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': 'user_uploaded', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'91V98LoECouNxzAr4Ds5SCFf'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}} 2016-05-14 01:03:50,687 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_cluster_attributes with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1, {u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': 'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': True, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': {'content': '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\naqqWL5SBsD2BnDNx9CE2RfjGUqWeOmrglo8CraDe/TWq\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\n/RmIqDcNsPeoaO6XNCg8Ri0=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n', 'name': 'ca.pem'}, u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': 'user_uploaded', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'91V98LoECouNxzAr4Ds5SCFf'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}}) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:50,688 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:51,106 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_cluster_attributes with result: {u'editable': {u'additional_components': {u'ceilometer': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Ceilometer component will be installed', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Install Ceilometer'}, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected glance artifact repository will be enabled', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable glance artifact repository', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'heat': {u'value': True, u'type': u'hidden', u'description': u'', u'weight': 50, u'label': u''}, u'murano-cfapi': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Murano should be enabled', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}, {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'If selected, Murano service broker will be installed', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Murano service broker for Cloud Foundry', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'murano': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Murano component will be installed', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Install Murano'}, u'sahara': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'If selected, Sahara component will be installed', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Install Sahara'}, u'ironic': {u'restrictions': [{u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron' or networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan'": u'Ironic requires Neutron with VLAN segmentation.'}, {u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true and settings:storage.objects_ceph.value == false': u'Ironic requires Swift or RadosGW for Glance images.'}], u'description': u'If selected, Ironic component will be installed', u'weight': 80, u'value': False, u'label': u'Install Ironic', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Additional Components'}, u'mongo': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:additional_components.ceilometer.value == false'], u'description': u'If selected, You can use external Mongo DB as ceilometer backend', u'weight': 70, u'value': False, u'label': u'Use external Mongo DB', u'type': u'checkbox'}}, u'repo_setup': {u'repos': {u'type': u'custom_repo_configuration', u'description': u'Please note: the first repository will be considered the operating system mirror that will be used during node provisioning.\nTo create a local repository mirror on the Fuel master node, please follow the instructions provided by running "fuel-createmirror --help" on the Fuel master node.\nPlease make sure your Fuel master node has Internet access to the repository before attempting to create a mirror.\nFor more details, please refer to the documentation (https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/operations.html#external-ubuntu-ops).\n', u'value': [{u'name': u'ubuntu-0', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-1', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'ubuntu-2', u'section': u'main universe multiverse', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/pkgs/ubuntu-2016-05-13-183249', u'priority': 1001, u'suite': u'trusty-security', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-holdback', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/', u'priority': 1100, u'suite': u'mos8.0-holdback', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'Auxiliary', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'', u'priority': 1150, u'suite': u'auxiliary', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-updates', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-updates', u'type': u'deb'}, {u'name': u'mos-security', u'section': u'main restricted', u'uri': u'http://mirror.seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/ubuntu/snapshots/8.0-latest', u'priority': 1050, u'suite': u'mos8.0-security', u'type': u'deb'}], u'extra_priority': None}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'always_editable': True, u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Repositories'}}, u'external_mongo': {u'mongo_db_name': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Invalid database name'}, u'description': u'Mongo database name', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Database name', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_replset': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Name for Mongo replication set', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Replset'}, u'mongo_user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\w+$', u'error': u'Empty username'}, u'description': u'Mongo database username', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'hosts_ip': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?),)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$', u'error': u'Invalid hosts ip sequence'}, u'description': u'IP Addresses of MongoDB. Use comma to split IPs', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'', u'label': u'MongoDB hosts IP', u'type': u'text'}, u'mongo_password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S*$', u'error': u'Password contains spaces'}, u'description': u'Mongo database password', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'ceilometer', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Ceilometer and MongoDB are not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.mongo.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'External MongoDB'}}, u'external_dns': {u'dns_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\*$|^(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\\s*,\\s*(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(?:\\.(?:\\d|1?\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3})*$', u'error': u'Invalid IP address list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream DNS servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'DNS list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Host OS DNS Servers'}}, u'storage': {u'iser': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value != true or settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'", {u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'High performance block storage: Cinder volumes over iSER protocol (iSCSI over RDMA). This feature requires SR-IOV capabilities in the NIC, and will use a dedicated virtual function for the storage network.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'iSER protocol for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'volumes_ceph': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_lvm.value == true or settings:storage.volumes_block_device.value == true'], u'description': u'Configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images.', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'objects_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures RadosGW front end for Ceph RBD. This exposes S3 and Swift API Interfaces. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API)'}, u'volumes_block_device': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'High performance block device storage. It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder Block Device', u'weight': 15, u'value': False, u'label': u'Cinder Block device driver', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'ephemeral_ceph': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from Cinder volumes).', u'weight': 75, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)'}, u'volumes_lvm': {u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true'], u'description': u'It is recommended to have at least one Storage - Cinder LVM node.', u'weight': 10, u'value': True, u'label': u'Cinder LVM over iSCSI for volumes', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'images_vcenter': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:common.use_vcenter.value != true'}, {u'message': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.', u'condition': u'settings:storage.images_ceph.value == true'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the vCenter/ESXi backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 35, u'value': False, u'label': u'VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'osd_pool_size': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[1-9]\\d*$', u'error': u'Invalid number'}, u'description': u"Configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph. This number must be equal to or lower than the number of deployed 'Storage - Ceph OSD' nodes.", u'weight': 85, u'value': u'2', u'label': u'Ceph object replication factor', u'type': u'text'}, u'images_ceph': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true': u'Only one Glance backend could be selected.'}], u'description': u'Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled, this option will prevent Swift from installing.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Ceph RBD for images (Glance)', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'storage', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Storage Backends'}}, u'public_ssl': {u'hostname': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u'Your DNS entries should point to this name. Self-signed certificates also will use this hostname', u'weight': 50, u'value': u'public.fuel.local', u'label': u'DNS hostname for public TLS endpoints', u'type': u'text'}, u'horizon': {u'restrictions': [{u'settings:public_ssl.services.value == false': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints should be enabled'}], u'description': u'Secure access to Horizon enabling HTTPS instead of HTTP', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'HTTPS for Horizon', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'services': {u'value': True, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Enable TLS termination on HAProxy for OpenStack services', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'TLS for OpenStack public endpoints'}, u'cert_data': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"(settings:public_ssl.cert_source.value != 'user_uploaded') or (settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false)"}], u'description': u'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file', u'weight': 40, u'value': {u'content': u'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\naqqWL5SBsD2BnDNx9CE2RfjGUqWeOmrglo8CraDe/TWq\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\n/RmIqDcNsPeoaO6XNCg8Ri0=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n', u'name': u'ca.pem'}, u'label': u'Certificate', u'type': u'file'}, u'cert_source': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'settings:public_ssl.horizon.value == false and settings:public_ssl.services.value == false'}], u'description': u"From where we'll get certificate and private key", u'weight': 30, u'value': u'user_uploaded', u'label': u'Select source for certificate', u'values': [{u'data': u'self_signed', u'description': u'Generate private key and certificate that will be signed by this key', u'label': u'Self-signed'}, {u'data': u'user_uploaded', u'description': u'Use pre-generated key and certificate', u'label': u'I have my own keypair with certificate'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'security', u'weight': 110, u'label': u'Public TLS'}}, u'access': {u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Access'}, u'password': {u'regex': {u'source': u'\\S', u'error': u'Empty password'}, u'description': u'Password for Administrator', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Password', u'type': u'password'}, u'user': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid username'}, u'description': u'Username for Administrator', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Username', u'type': u'text'}, u'tenant': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^(?!services$)(?!nova$)(?!glance$)(?!keystone$)(?!neutron$)(?!cinder$)(?!swift$)(?!ceph$)(?!ironic$)(?![Gg]uest$)(?!.* +.*$).+', u'error': u'Invalid tenant name'}, u'description': u'Tenant (project) name for Administrator', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'admin', u'label': u'Tenant', u'type': u'text'}, u'email': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\S+@\\S+$', u'error': u'Invalid email'}, u'description': u'Email address for Administrator', u'weight': 40, u'value': u'admin@localhost', u'label': u'Email', u'type': u'text'}}, u'syslog': {u'syslog_port': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$', u'error': u'Invalid syslog port'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog port', u'weight': 20, u'value': u'514', u'label': u'Port', u'type': u'text'}, u'syslog_transport': {u'values': [{u'data': u'udp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'UDP'}, {u'data': u'tcp', u'description': u'', u'label': u'TCP'}], u'type': u'radio', u'value': u'tcp', u'weight': 30, u'label': u'Syslog transport protocol'}, u'syslog_server': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^[a-zA-Z\\d]+[-\\.\\da-zA-Z]*$', u'error': u'Invalid hostname'}, u'description': u'Remote syslog hostname', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Hostname', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'logging', u'enabled': False, u'weight': 50, u'toggleable': True, u'label': u'Syslog'}}, u'murano_settings': {u'murano_repo_url': {u'value': u'http://storage.apps.openstack.org/', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Murano Repository URL'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'message': u'Murano is not enabled on the Additional Components section', u'condition': u'settings:additional_components.murano.value == false'}], u'group': u'openstack_services', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Murano Settings'}}, u'common': {u'use_vcenter': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': False, u'weight': 30}, u'auto_assign_floating_ip': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider == 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'description': u'If selected, OpenStack will automatically assign a floating IP to a new instance', u'weight': 40, u'value': False, u'label': u'Auto assign floating IP', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'use_cow_images': {u'group': u'storage', u'description': u"For most cases you will want qcow format. If it's disabled, raw image format will be used to run VMs. OpenStack with raw format currently does not support snapshotting.", u'weight': 60, u'value': True, u'label': u'Use qcow format for images', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'auth_key': {u'group': u'security', u'description': u'Public key(s) to include in authorized_keys on deployed nodes', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'', u'label': u'Public Key', u'type': u'textarea'}, u'puppet_debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug puppet logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'Puppet debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'libvirt_type': {u'group': u'compute', u'weight': 30, u'value': u'qemu', u'label': u'Hypervisor type', u'values': [{u'data': u'kvm', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on hardware', u'label': u'KVM'}, {u'data': u'qemu', u'description': u'Choose this type of hypervisor if you run OpenStack on virtual hosts.', u'label': u'QEMU'}], u'type': u'radio'}, u'resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Whether to resume previous guests state when the host reboots. If enabled, this option causes guests assigned to the host to resume their previous state. If the guest was running a restart will be attempted when nova-compute starts. If the guest was not running previously, a restart will not be attempted.', u'weight': 50, u'value': True, u'label': u'Resume guests state on host boot', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'debug': {u'group': u'logging', u'description': u'Debug logging mode provides more information, but requires more disk space.', u'weight': 20, u'value': True, u'label': u'OpenStack debug logging', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'task_deploy': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'description': u'Enables new deployment engine based on cross-node dependencies for deployment tasks which allows to deploy all nodes simultaneously. Works only for deployment tasks with version >= 2.0.0.', u'weight': 11, u'value': False, u'label': u'Enable task based deploy', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'nova_quota': {u'group': u'compute', u'description': u'Quotas are used to limit CPU and memory usage for tenants. Enabling quotas will increase load on the Nova database.', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Nova quotas', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Common'}}, u'neutron_mellanox': {u'vf_num': {u'restrictions': [u"settings:neutron_mellanox.plugin.value != 'ethernet'"], u'description': u'Note that one virtual function will be reserved to the storage network, in case of choosing iSER.', u'weight': 70, u'value': u'16', u'label': u'Number of virtual NICs', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 50, u'enabled': True, u'label': u'Mellanox Neutron components', u'toggleable': False}, u'plugin': {u'type': u'radio', u'values': [{u'restrictions': [u'settings:storage.iser.value == true'], u'data': u'disabled', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"], u'data': u'drivers_only', u'description': u'If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed.', u'label': u'Install only Mellanox drivers'}, {u'restrictions': [u"settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"], u'data': u'ethernet', u'description': u'If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed.', u'label': u'Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}], u'value': u'disabled', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin'}}, u'public_network_assignment': {u'assign_to_all_nodes': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'When disabled, public network will be assigned to controllers only', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Assign public network to all nodes'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Public network assignment'}}, u'workloads_collector': {u'password': {u'type': u'password', u'value': u'91V98LoECouNxzAr4Ds5SCFf'}, u'enabled': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': True}, u'user': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'fuel_stats_user'}, u'tenant': {u'type': u'text', u'value': u'services'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Workloads Collector User'}}, u'kernel_params': {u'kernel': {u'type': u'text', u'description': u'Default kernel parameters', u'value': u'console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rootdelay=90 nomodeset', u'label': u'Initial parameters'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'general', u'weight': 60, u'label': u'Kernel parameters'}}, u'provision': {u'method': {u'type': u'hidden', u'value': u'image'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 80, u'label': u'Provision'}}, u'external_ntp': {u'ntp_list': {u'regex': {u'source': u'^\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*(?:,\\s*(?:(?:\\w+(?:-+\\w+)*\\.)+[a-z]+|\\d{1,3}(\\.\\d{1,3}){3})\\s*)*$', u'error': u'Invalid NTP server list'}, u'description': u'List of upstream NTP servers, separated by comma', u'weight': 10, u'value': u'', u'label': u'NTP server list', u'type': u'text'}, u'metadata': {u'group': u'network', u'weight': 40, u'label': u'Host OS NTP Servers'}}, u'corosync': {u'group': {u'value': u'', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Group'}, u'verified': {u'value': False, u'type': u'checkbox', u'description': u'Set True only if multicast is configured correctly on router.', u'weight': 10, u'label': u'Need to pass network verification.'}, u'port': {u'value': u'12000', u'type': u'text', u'description': u'', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Port'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u'true'}], u'group': u'general', u'weight': 50, u'label': u'Corosync'}}, u'neutron_advanced_configuration': {u'neutron_l3_ha': {u'restrictions': [{u'message': u'Neutron DVR must be disabled in order to use Neutron L3 HA', u'condition': u'settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_dvr.value == true'}], u'description': u'Enable High Availability features for Virtual Routers in Neutron\nRequires at least 2 Controller nodes to function properly\n', u'weight': 30, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L3 HA', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_dvr': {u'restrictions': [{u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type != 'vlan' and settings:neutron_advanced_configuration.neutron_l2_pop.value == false": u'DVR requires L2 population to be enabled.'}], u'description': u'Enable Distributed Virtual Routers in Neutron', u'weight': 20, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron DVR', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'neutron_l2_pop': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan'"}], u'description': u'Enable L2 population mechanism in Neutron', u'weight': 10, u'value': False, u'label': u'Neutron L2 population', u'type': u'checkbox'}, u'metadata': {u'restrictions': [{u'action': u'hide', u'condition': u"cluster:net_provider != 'neutron'"}], u'group': u'network', u'weight': 20, u'label': u'Neutron Advanced Configuration'}}}} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,107 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: ssl_configure with result: None 2016-05-14 01:03:51,107 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: create_cluster with result: 1 2016-05-14 01:03:51,107 - INFO actions_base.py:250 -- Cluster created with ID:1 2016-05-14 01:03:51,107 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< --------------------------------------[ FINISH Step 004. Create Fuel Environment STEP TOOK 0 min 8 sec ]-------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 01:03:51,108 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,110 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-14 01:03:51,110 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '7.98', False) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,125 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-14 01:03:51,141 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< -------------------------------------------------[ START Step 005. Add nodes to environment ]------------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 01:03:51,141 - INFO actions_base.py:186 -- Add nodes to env 1 2016-05-14 01:03:51,141 - INFO actions_base.py:200 -- Set roles ['controller'] to node slave-01 2016-05-14 01:03:51,141 - INFO actions_base.py:200 -- Set roles ['compute'] to node slave-02 2016-05-14 01:03:51,141 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_nodes with args: (, 1, {'slave-02': ['compute'], 'slave-01': ['controller']}) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,144 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,147 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-14 01:03:51,147 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-14 01:03:51,148 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:51,205 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', 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u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', 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[u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, 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u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', 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Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, 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u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-14 01:03:51,207 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-14 01:03:51,207 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-14 01:03:51,207 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-14 01:03:51,208 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,208 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,210 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-14 01:03:51,210 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-14 01:03:51,211 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:51,268 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, 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{u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, 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u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', 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u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', 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u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-14 01:03:51,270 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-14 01:03:51,270 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-14 01:03:51,271 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-14 01:03:51,271 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, 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True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': 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u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,273 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,275 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-14 01:03:51,275 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-14 01:03:51,276 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:51,333 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', 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Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, 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[u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, 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u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', 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True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions 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u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel 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u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, 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None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, 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u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-14 01:03:51,335 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-14 01:03:51,335 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-14 01:03:51,336 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', 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u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', 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u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-01', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,336 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,338 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-14 01:03:51,338 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-14 01:03:51,338 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:51,391 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': 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interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 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u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': 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u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', 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u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, 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u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, 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[]}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', 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[]}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}] 2016-05-14 01:03:51,393 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-14 01:03:51,393 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-14 01:03:51,394 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, 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True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', 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True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': 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u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', 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u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, 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None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-01', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,394 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_nodes with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], [{'name': 'slave-02_compute', 'pending_addition': True, 'cluster_id': 1, 'pending_roles': ['compute'], 'pending_deletion': False, 'id': 1}, {'name': 'slave-01_controller', 'pending_addition': True, 'cluster_id': 1, 'pending_roles': ['controller'], 'pending_deletion': False, 'id': 2}]) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,395 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:51,840 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_nodes with result: [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': True, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, 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u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, 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53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': 103, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s3'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'management', u'dev': u'enp0s5'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'storage', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': None, u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [u'controller'], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-01_controller', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': True, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size 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2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging 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Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', 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True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': 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[u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': 103, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s3'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'management', u'dev': u'enp0s5'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'storage', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': None, u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [u'compute'], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-02_compute', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}] 2016-05-14 01:03:51,841 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:51,961 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_nodes_interfaces with args: (, 1, [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': None, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, 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(NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory 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attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', 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u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, 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u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, 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{u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'Untitled (e7:a3)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, 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u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', 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u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', 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1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-01', u'name': u'Untitled (49:2e)', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': None}]) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,962 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,962 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:51,975 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster with result: {u'status': u'new', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronTUN', u'is_locked': False, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [{u'node_id': None, u'name': u'attributes'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'networks'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'vmware_attributes'}, {u'node_id': 1, u'name': u'interfaces'}, {u'node_id': 1, u'name': u'disks'}, {u'node_id': 2, u'name': u'interfaces'}, {u'node_id': 2, u'name': u'disks'}], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,975 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster_additional_components with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,975 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:51,992 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster_additional_components with result: {u'ceilometer': False, u'murano_glance_artifacts_plugin': False, u'murano': False, u'murano-cfapi': False, u'heat': True, u'sahara': False, u'ironic': False, u'mongo': False} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,992 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1377 -- Assigned networks are: {'enp0s6': ['private'], 'enp0s7': ['storage'], 'enp0s4': ['public'], 'enp0s5': ['management'], 'enp0s3': ['fuelweb_admin']} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,992 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_node_networks with args: (, 1, {'enp0s6': ['private'], 'enp0s7': ['storage'], 'enp0s4': ['public'], 'enp0s5': ['management'], 'enp0s3': ['fuelweb_admin']}) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,992 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_node_interfaces with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:51,992 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:52,032 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_node_interfaces with result: [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 1, u'name': u'fuelweb_admin'}, {u'id': 5, u'name': u'private'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 1, u'pxe': True, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 2, u'name': u'public'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 2, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 3, u'name': u'management'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 3, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 4, u'name': u'storage'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 4, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 5, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}] 2016-05-14 01:03:52,033 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: put_node_interfaces with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], [{'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 1, u'name': u'fuelweb_admin'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 1, u'pxe': True, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 2, u'name': u'public'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 2, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 3, u'name': u'management'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 3, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 5, u'name': u'private'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 4, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 4, u'name': u'storage'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 5, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], 'id': 1}]) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,034 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:52,134 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: put_node_interfaces with result: [{u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 1, u'name': u'fuelweb_admin'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 1, u'pxe': True, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 2, u'name': u'public'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 2, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 3, u'name': u'management'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, 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u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 4, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 4, u'name': u'storage'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 5, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'id': 1}] 2016-05-14 01:03:52,134 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_node_networks with result: None 2016-05-14 01:03:52,134 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_node_networks with args: (, 2, {'enp0s6': ['private'], 'enp0s7': ['storage'], 'enp0s4': ['public'], 'enp0s5': ['management'], 'enp0s3': ['fuelweb_admin']}) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,134 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_node_interfaces with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 2) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,135 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:52,175 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_node_interfaces with result: [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 1, u'name': u'fuelweb_admin'}, {u'id': 5, u'name': u'private'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 6, u'pxe': True, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 2, u'name': u'public'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 7, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 3, u'name': u'management'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 8, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 4, u'name': u'storage'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 9, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 10, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}] 2016-05-14 01:03:52,176 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: put_node_interfaces with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], [{'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 1, u'name': u'fuelweb_admin'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 6, u'pxe': True, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 2, u'name': u'public'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 7, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 3, u'name': u'management'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 8, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 5, u'name': u'private'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 9, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 4, u'name': u'storage'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 10, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], 'id': 2}]) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,176 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:52,287 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: put_node_interfaces with result: [{u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 1, u'name': u'fuelweb_admin'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 6, u'pxe': True, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 2, u'name': u'public'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 7, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 3, u'name': u'management'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 8, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 5, u'name': u'private'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 9, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'interface_properties': {u'disable_offloading': False, u'mtu': None}, u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'assigned_networks': [{u'id': 4, u'name': u'storage'}], u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'type': u'ether', u'id': 10, u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 01:03:52,287 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_node_networks with result: None 2016-05-14 01:03:52,287 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_nodes_interfaces with result: None 2016-05-14 01:03:52,289 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_nodes with result: [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': True, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'bootstrap', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': 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u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', 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u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'ip': u'', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'netmask': u'', u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'bootstrap.local', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'runtime_uuid': u'd89ad3bf-bda8-42fb-a3c6-0527b8150fad', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': 103, u'name': u'private', u'dev': u'enp0s3'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'management', u'dev': u'enp0s5'}, {u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'storage', u'dev': u'enp0s6'}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': None, u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 0, u'pending_roles': [u'controller'], u'status': u'discover', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-01_controller', u'roles': [], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}] 2016-05-14 01:03:52,289 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< -------------------------------------[ FINISH Step 005. Add nodes to environment STEP TOOK 0 min 1 sec ]-------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 01:03:52,289 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,291 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-14 01:03:52,291 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '1.15', False) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,303 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-14 01:03:52,303 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< ---------------------------------------------------[ START Step 006. Run network checker ]---------------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 01:03:52,303 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: verify_network with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,303 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_network_verify with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,303 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1030 -- Run network verification on the cluster 1 2016-05-14 01:03:52,303 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: verify_networks with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,304 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,304 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:52,323 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster with result: {u'status': u'new', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronTUN', u'is_locked': False, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [{u'node_id': None, u'name': u'attributes'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'networks'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'vmware_attributes'}, {u'node_id': 1, u'name': u'interfaces'}, {u'node_id': 1, u'name': u'disks'}, {u'node_id': 2, u'name': u'interfaces'}, {u'node_id': 2, u'name': u'disks'}], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,323 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_networks with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,324 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,324 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:52,344 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster with result: {u'status': u'new', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronTUN', u'is_locked': False, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [{u'node_id': None, u'name': u'attributes'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'networks'}, {u'node_id': None, u'name': u'vmware_attributes'}, {u'node_id': 1, u'name': u'interfaces'}, {u'node_id': 1, u'name': u'disks'}, {u'node_id': 2, u'name': u'interfaces'}, {u'node_id': 2, u'name': u'disks'}], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,344 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:52,420 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_networks with result: {u'networking_parameters': {u'configuration_template': None, u'dns_nameservers': [u'', u''], u'floating_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'floating_name': u'admin_floating_net', u'net_l23_provider': u'ovs', u'base_mac': u'fa:16:3e:00:00:00', u'internal_gateway': u'', u'internal_name': u'admin_internal_net', u'internal_cidr': u'', u'gre_id_range': [2, 65535], u'vlan_range': [1000, 1030], u'segmentation_type': u'tun'}, u'vips': {}, u'networks': [{u'name': u'public', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': u'', u'meta': {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'public', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 1, u'configurable': True, u'floating_range_var': u'floating_ranges', u'use_gateway': True, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'public', u'cidr': u'', u'gateway': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': 1, u'id': 2}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': None, u'meta': {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'management', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'internal', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': 1, u'id': 3}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': None, u'meta': {u'name': u'storage', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'storage', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': 1, u'id': 4}, {u'name': u'private', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': None, u'meta': {u'name': u'private', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 103, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'cidr': u'', u'seg_type': u'tun'}, u'vlan_start': 103, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': 1, u'id': 5}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': u'', u'meta': {u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 0, u'configurable': False, u'unmovable': True, u'use_gateway': True, u'render_addr_mask': None}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': None, u'id': 1}]} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,420 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:52,934 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: verify_networks with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'1998f0d4-c693-44e1-a414-0f89a0d0c6cc'} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,935 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_network_verify with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'1998f0d4-c693-44e1-a414-0f89a0d0c6cc'} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,935 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: assert_task_success with args: (, {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'1998f0d4-c693-44e1-a414-0f89a0d0c6cc'}, 300) {'interval': 10} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,935 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:316 -- Assert task {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'1998f0d4-c693-44e1-a414-0f89a0d0c6cc'} is success 2016-05-14 01:03:52,935 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: task_wait with args: (, {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'1998f0d4-c693-44e1-a414-0f89a0d0c6cc'}, 300, 10) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,935 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1090 -- Wait for task 300 seconds: status running name verify_networks cluster 1 result {} progress 0 message None id 1 uuid 1998f0d4-c693-44e1-a414-0f89a0d0c6cc 2016-05-14 01:03:52,935 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:03:52,936 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:03:52,949 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'1998f0d4-c693-44e1-a414-0f89a0d0c6cc'} 2016-05-14 01:04:02,959 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:04:02,960 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:04:02,977 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'1998f0d4-c693-44e1-a414-0f89a0d0c6cc'} 2016-05-14 01:04:12,983 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:04:12,984 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:04:12,998 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'1998f0d4-c693-44e1-a414-0f89a0d0c6cc'} 2016-05-14 01:04:23,008 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:04:23,009 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:04:23,021 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'1998f0d4-c693-44e1-a414-0f89a0d0c6cc'} 2016-05-14 01:04:33,031 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:04:33,032 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:04:33,050 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': [], u'progress': 30, u'message': None, u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'1998f0d4-c693-44e1-a414-0f89a0d0c6cc'} 2016-05-14 01:04:43,051 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:04:43,052 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:04:43,068 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': [], u'progress': 100, u'message': u'', u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'1998f0d4-c693-44e1-a414-0f89a0d0c6cc'} 2016-05-14 01:04:43,068 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:04:43,068 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:04:43,077 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': [], u'progress': 100, u'message': u'', u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'1998f0d4-c693-44e1-a414-0f89a0d0c6cc'} 2016-05-14 01:04:43,077 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1107 -- Task finished. Took 50.1324670315 seconds. status ready name verify_networks cluster 1 result: progress 100 message id 1 uuid 1998f0d4-c693-44e1-a414-0f89a0d0c6cc 2016-05-14 01:04:43,077 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: task_wait with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': [], u'progress': 100, u'message': u'', u'id': 1, u'uuid': u'1998f0d4-c693-44e1-a414-0f89a0d0c6cc'} 2016-05-14 01:04:43,077 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: assert_task_success with result: None 2016-05-14 01:04:43,077 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1344 -- Network verification of cluster 1 finished 2016-05-14 01:04:43,077 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: verify_network with result: None 2016-05-14 01:04:43,077 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< ---------------------------------------[ FINISH Step 006. Run network checker STEP TOOK 0 min 51 sec ]---------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 01:04:43,077 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 01:04:43,079 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-14 01:04:43,079 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '50.77', False) {} 2016-05-14 01:04:43,093 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-14 01:04:43,093 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< ----------------------------------------------------[ START Step 007. Deploy environment ]---------------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 01:04:43,093 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:724 -- Deploy cluster 1 2016-05-14 01:04:43,094 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: deploy_cluster with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:04:43,094 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:779 -- Launch deployment of a cluster #1 2016-05-14 01:04:43,094 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: deploy_cluster_changes with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 01:04:43,094 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:04:46,161 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: deploy_cluster_changes with result: {u'status': u'pending', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:04:46,161 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: deploy_cluster with result: {u'status': u'pending', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:04:46,161 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: assert_task_success with args: (, {u'status': u'pending', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'}) {'interval': 30, 'timeout': 10800} 2016-05-14 01:04:46,161 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:316 -- Assert task {u'status': u'pending', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} is success 2016-05-14 01:04:46,162 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: task_wait with args: (, {u'status': u'pending', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'}, 10800, 30) {} 2016-05-14 01:04:46,162 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1090 -- Wait for task 10800 seconds: status pending name deploy cluster 1 result {} progress 0 message None id 5 uuid 2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7 2016-05-14 01:04:46,162 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:04:46,162 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:04:46,172 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'pending', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:05:16,190 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:05:16,190 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:05:16,203 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 42, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:05:46,234 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:05:46,234 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:05:46,246 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 42, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:06:16,276 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:06:16,276 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:06:16,287 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 42, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:06:46,317 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:06:46,318 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:06:46,327 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 42, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:07:16,353 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:07:16,354 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:07:16,365 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 42, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:07:46,373 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:07:46,374 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:07:46,385 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 42, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:08:16,391 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:08:16,391 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:08:16,400 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 43, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:08:46,430 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:08:46,430 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:08:46,464 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 43, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:09:16,481 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:09:16,481 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:09:16,509 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 43, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:09:46,538 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:09:46,539 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:09:46,580 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 43, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:10:16,580 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:10:16,581 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:10:16,627 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 43, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:10:46,657 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:10:46,658 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:10:46,677 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 43, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:11:16,692 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:11:16,693 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:11:16,707 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 43, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:11:46,737 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:11:46,738 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:11:46,749 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:12:16,780 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:12:16,780 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:12:16,793 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:12:46,824 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:12:46,824 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:12:46,833 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:13:16,863 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:13:16,864 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:13:16,873 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:13:46,874 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:13:46,874 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:13:46,883 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:14:16,893 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:14:16,894 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:14:16,903 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:14:46,933 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:14:46,934 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:14:46,967 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:15:16,974 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:15:16,974 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:15:16,983 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:15:47,013 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:15:47,014 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:15:47,040 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 44, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:16:17,070 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:16:17,070 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:16:17,079 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 45, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:16:47,109 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:16:47,110 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:16:47,125 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 45, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:17:17,130 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:17:17,131 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:17:17,142 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 57, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:17:47,162 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:17:47,163 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:17:47,177 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:18:17,186 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:18:17,187 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:18:17,238 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:18:47,268 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:18:47,268 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:18:47,279 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:19:17,305 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:19:17,305 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:19:17,316 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:19:47,346 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:19:47,347 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:19:47,359 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:20:17,389 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:20:17,390 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:20:17,427 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:20:47,445 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:20:47,446 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:20:47,480 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:21:17,501 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:21:17,501 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:21:17,513 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:21:47,515 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:21:47,516 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:21:47,532 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:22:17,562 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:22:17,562 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:22:17,573 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:22:47,585 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:22:47,586 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:22:47,603 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:23:17,633 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:23:17,634 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:23:17,649 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:23:47,677 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:23:47,677 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:23:47,688 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:24:17,689 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:24:17,690 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:24:17,736 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:24:47,737 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:24:47,737 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:24:47,752 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:25:17,781 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:25:17,781 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:25:17,793 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:25:47,823 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:25:47,824 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:25:47,854 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:26:17,864 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:26:17,864 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:26:17,880 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:26:47,910 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:26:47,911 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:26:47,927 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:27:17,949 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:27:17,949 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:27:17,960 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:27:47,991 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:27:47,991 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:27:48,002 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:28:18,033 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:28:18,034 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:28:18,085 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:28:48,115 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:28:48,116 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:28:48,132 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:29:18,134 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:29:18,135 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:29:18,173 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:29:48,184 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:29:48,185 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:29:48,195 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 58, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:30:18,202 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:30:18,203 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:30:18,260 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:30:48,262 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:30:48,262 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:30:48,295 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:31:18,309 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:31:18,310 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:31:18,325 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:31:48,353 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:31:48,354 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:31:48,365 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:32:18,391 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:32:18,391 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:32:18,403 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:32:48,430 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:32:48,430 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:32:48,440 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:33:18,471 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:33:18,471 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:33:18,484 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:33:48,514 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:33:48,514 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:33:48,524 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:34:18,554 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:34:18,554 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:34:18,587 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:34:48,610 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:34:48,611 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:34:48,626 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:35:18,655 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:35:18,656 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:35:18,668 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:35:48,698 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:35:48,698 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:35:48,709 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:36:18,738 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:36:18,739 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:36:18,777 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:36:48,786 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:36:48,787 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:36:48,803 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:37:18,814 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:37:18,814 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:37:18,832 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:37:48,834 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:37:48,834 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:37:48,845 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:38:18,875 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:38:18,875 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:38:18,924 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:38:48,926 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:38:48,926 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:38:48,937 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:39:18,961 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:39:18,961 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:39:19,008 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:39:49,025 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:39:49,026 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:39:49,068 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:40:19,098 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:40:19,099 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:40:19,109 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:40:49,113 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:40:49,113 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:40:49,124 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:41:19,141 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:41:19,141 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:41:19,180 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:41:49,181 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:41:49,182 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:41:49,200 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:42:19,201 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:42:19,201 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:42:19,212 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:42:49,214 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:42:49,215 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:42:49,225 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 61, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:43:19,243 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:43:19,243 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:43:19,255 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 63, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:43:49,256 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:43:49,256 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:43:49,267 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 63, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:44:19,297 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:44:19,298 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:44:19,311 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 63, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:44:49,341 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:44:49,342 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:44:49,353 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 63, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:45:19,383 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:45:19,383 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:45:19,394 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 63, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:45:49,424 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:45:49,425 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:45:49,436 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:46:19,462 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:46:19,462 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:46:19,522 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:46:49,552 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:46:49,553 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:46:49,590 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:47:19,602 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:47:19,602 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:47:19,618 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:47:49,623 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:47:49,624 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:47:49,635 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:48:19,662 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:48:19,663 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:48:19,694 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:48:49,703 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:48:49,704 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:48:49,714 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:49:19,715 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:49:19,716 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:49:19,749 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:49:49,779 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:49:49,780 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:49:49,791 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:50:19,821 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:50:19,822 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:50:19,840 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:50:49,871 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:50:49,871 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:50:49,884 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:51:19,885 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:51:19,886 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:51:19,898 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:51:49,902 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:51:49,903 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:51:49,941 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:52:19,942 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:52:19,943 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:52:19,981 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:52:50,009 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:52:50,010 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:52:50,020 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:53:20,021 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:53:20,021 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:53:20,059 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:53:50,067 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:53:50,068 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:53:50,080 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 66, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:54:20,110 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:54:20,110 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:54:20,123 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 70, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:54:50,126 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:54:50,127 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:54:50,138 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 70, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:55:20,168 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:55:20,168 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:55:20,180 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:55:50,209 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:55:50,210 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:55:50,222 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:56:20,222 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:56:20,223 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:56:20,261 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:56:50,262 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:56:50,263 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:56:50,274 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:57:20,304 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:57:20,305 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:57:20,319 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:57:50,349 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:57:50,350 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:57:50,391 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:58:20,421 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:58:20,422 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:58:20,463 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:58:50,490 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:58:50,490 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:58:50,522 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:59:20,552 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:59:20,552 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:59:20,563 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 79, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 01:59:50,594 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 01:59:50,594 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 01:59:50,605 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 83, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 02:00:20,634 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 02:00:20,635 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:00:20,646 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 88, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 02:00:50,669 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 02:00:50,670 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:00:50,684 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 88, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 02:01:20,693 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 02:01:20,694 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:01:20,744 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 02:01:50,774 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 02:01:50,774 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:01:50,802 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 02:02:20,817 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 02:02:20,818 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:02:20,833 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 02:02:50,863 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 02:02:50,864 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:02:50,881 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 02:03:20,910 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 02:03:20,911 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:03:20,922 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': None, u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 02:03:50,932 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 02:03:50,932 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:03:50,969 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': u"Deployment of environment 'SimpleNeutronTUN' is done. \nProvision of environment 'SimpleNeutronTUN' is done. ", u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 02:03:50,970 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 5) {} 2016-05-14 02:03:50,970 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:03:50,981 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': u"Deployment of environment 'SimpleNeutronTUN' is done. \nProvision of environment 'SimpleNeutronTUN' is done. ", u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 02:03:50,982 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1107 -- Task finished. Took 3544.80770111 seconds. status ready name deploy cluster 1 result {} progress 100 message Deployment of environment 'SimpleNeutronTUN' is done. Provision of environment 'SimpleNeutronTUN' is done. id 5 uuid 2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7 2016-05-14 02:03:50,982 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: task_wait with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'deploy', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 100, u'message': u"Deployment of environment 'SimpleNeutronTUN' is done. \nProvision of environment 'SimpleNeutronTUN' is done. ", u'id': 5, u'uuid': u'2eb2abce-d965-4912-8770-e60c05e599d7'} 2016-05-14 02:03:50,982 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: assert_task_success with result: None 2016-05-14 02:03:50,982 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: assert_ha_services_ready with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:03:50,983 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:03:50,983 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:03:51,017 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster with result: {u'status': u'operational', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronTUN', u'is_locked': True, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'} 2016-05-14 02:03:51,018 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:162 -- Waiting 1200 sec. for passed OSTF HA tests. 2016-05-14 02:03:51,018 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_ostf with args: (, 1) {'should_fail': 0, 'test_sets': ['ha']} 2016-05-14 02:03:51,018 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: ostf_run_tests with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1, ['ha']) {} 2016-05-14 02:03:51,018 - INFO nailgun_client.py:272 -- Run OSTF tests at cluster #1: ['ha'] 2016-05-14 02:03:51,018 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_tests with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:03:51,019 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:03:51,544 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_tests with result: [{u'status': None, u'testset': u'cloudvalidation', u'name': u'Check disk space outage on controller and compute nodes', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.cloudvalidation.test_disk_space_outage.DiskSpaceTest.test_disk_space_outage', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check outage on controller and compute nodes\n\n \n\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'cloudvalidation', u'name': u'Check log rotation configuration on all nodes', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.cloudvalidation.test_logrotate.LogRotationTest.test_logrotate', u'description': u' Target component: Logging\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check logrotate cron job on all controller and compute nodes\n \n\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'configuration', u'name': u'Check usage of default credentials on master node', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.configuration.test_configuration.SanityConfigurationTest.test_001_check_default_master_node_credential_usage', u'description': u' Target component: Configuration\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check user can not ssh on master node with default credentials.\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'configuration', u'name': u'Check if default credentials for OpenStack cluster have changed', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.configuration.test_configuration.SanityConfigurationTest.test_002_check_default_openstack_credential_usage', u'description': u' Target component: Configuration\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check if default credentials for OpenStack cluster have changed.\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'configuration', u'name': u'Check usage of default credentials for keystone on master node', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.configuration.test_configuration.SanityConfigurationTest.test_003_check_default_keystone_credential_usage', u'description': u' Target component: Configuration\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check default credentials for keystone on master node are\n changed.\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create instance flavor', u'duration': u'30 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_create_flavor.FlavorsAdminTest.test_create_flavor', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create small-size flavor.\n 2. Check that created flavor has the expected name.\n 3. Check that the flavor disk has the expected size.\n 4. Delete created flavor.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Check create, update and delete image actions using Glance v2', u'duration': u'70 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_create_images.GlanceSmokeTests.test_create_and_delete_image_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario:\n 1.Send request to create image\n 2.Checking image status\n 3.Check that image was created successfully\n 4.Update image with properties\n 5.Check that properties was updated successfully\n 6.Delete image\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create volume and boot instance from it', u'duration': u'350 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_create_volume.VolumesTest.test_create_boot_volume', u'description': u' Target component: Compute\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new small-size volume from image.\n 2. Wait for volume status to become "available".\n 3. Launch instance from created volume.\n 4. Wait for "Active" status.\n 5. Delete instance.\n 6. Delete volume.\n 7. Verify that volume deleted\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create volume and attach it to instance', u'duration': u'350 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_create_volume.VolumesTest.test_volume_create', u'description': u' Target component: Compute\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new small-size volume.\n 2. Wait for volume status to become "available".\n 3. Check volume has correct name.\n 4. Create new instance.\n 5. Wait for "Active" status\n 6. Attach volume to an instance.\n 7. Check volume status is "in use".\n 8. Get information on the created volume by its id.\n 9. Detach volume from the instance.\n 10. Check volume has "available" status.\n 11. Delete volume.\n 12. Verify that volume deleted\n 13. Delete server.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Check network connectivity from instance via floating IP', u'duration': u'300 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_neutron_actions.TestNeutron.test_check_neutron_objects_creation', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new security group (if it doesn`t exist yet).\n 2. Create router\n 3. Create network\n 4. Create subnet\n 5. Uplink subnet to router.\n 6. Create an instance using the new security group\n in created subnet.\n 7. Create a new floating IP\n 8. Assign the new floating IP to the instance.\n 9. Check connectivity to the floating IP using ping command.\n 10. Check that public IP can be pinged from instance.\n 11. Disassociate server floating ip.\n 12. Delete floating ip\n 13. Delete server.\n 14. Remove router.\n 15. Remove subnet\n 16. Remove network\n\n \n\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create keypair', u'duration': u'25 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_001_create_keypairs', u'description': u' Target component: Nova.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new keypair, check if it was created successfully.\n \n\n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create security group', u'duration': u'25 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_002_create_security_groups', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a security group, check if it was created correctly.\n \n\n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Check network parameters', u'duration': u'50 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_003_check_networks', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Get the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that networks have expected labels.\n 3. Confirm that networks have expected ids.\n \n\n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Launch instance', u'duration': u'200 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_004_create_servers', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new security group (if it doesn`t exist yet).\n 2. Create an instance using the new security group.\n 3. Delete instance.\n \n\n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Launch instance with file injection', u'duration': u'200 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_009_create_server_with_file', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new security group (if it doesn`t exist yet).\n 2. Create an instance with injected file.\n 3. Assign floating ip to instance.\n 4. Check file exists on created instance.\n 5. Delete floating ip.\n 6. Delete instance.\n \n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Launch instance, create snapshot, launch instance from snapshot', u'duration': u'300 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_image_actions.TestImageAction.test_snapshot', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Get existing image by name.\n 2. Launch an instance using the default image.\n 3. Make snapshot of the created instance.\n 4. Delete the instance created in step 1.\n 5. Wait while instance deleted\n 6. Launch another instance from the snapshot created in step 2.\n 7. Delete server.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create user and authenticate with it.', u'duration': u'80 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_user_create.TestUserTenantRole.test_create_user', u'description': u' Target components: Nova, Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new tenant.\n 2. Check that tenant was created successfully.\n 3. Create a new user.\n 4. Check that user was created successfully.\n 5. Create a new user role.\n 6. Check that user role was created successfully.\n 7. Perform token authentication.\n 8. Check that authentication was successful.\n 9. Send authentication request to Horizon.\n 10. Confirm that response status is 200.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'tests_platform', u'name': u'Typical stack actions: create, delete, show details, etc.', u'duration': u'560 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_actions', u'description': u" Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create test flavor.\n 2. Create a stack.\n 3. Wait for the stack status to change to 'CREATE_COMPLETE'.\n 4. Get the details of the created stack by its name.\n 5. Get the resources list of the created stack.\n 6. Get the details of the stack resource.\n 7. Get the events list of the created stack.\n 8. Get the details of the stack event.\n 9. Get the stack template details.\n 10. Delete the stack and wait for the stack to be deleted.\n\n \n "}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'tests_platform', u'name': u'Advanced stack actions: suspend, resume and check', u'duration': u'660 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_advanced_actions', u'description': u" Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create test flavor.\n 2. Create a stack.\n 3. Wait until the stack status will change to 'CREATE_COMPLETE'.\n 4. Call stack suspend action.\n 5. Wait until the stack status will change to 'SUSPEND_COMPLETE'.\n 6. Check that stack resources are in 'SUSPEND_COMPLETE' status.\n 7. Check that server owned by stack is in 'SUSPENDED' status.\n 8. Call stack resume action.\n 9. Wait until the stack status will change to 'RESUME_COMPLETE'.\n 10. Check that stack resources are in 'RESUME_COMPLETE' status.\n 11. Check that instance owned by stack is in 'ACTIVE' status.\n 12. Call stack check action.\n 13. Wait until the stack status will change to 'CHECK_COMPLETE'.\n 14. Check that stack resources are in 'CHECK_COMPLETE' status.\n 15. Check that instance owned by stack is in 'ACTIVE' status.\n 16. Delete the stack and wait for the stack to be deleted.\n\n \n \n "}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'tests_platform', u'name': u'Check stack rollback', u'duration': u'310 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_rollback', u'description': u" Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create extra large flavor.\n 2. Start stack creation with rollback enabled.\n 3. Verify the stack appears with status 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'.\n 4. Wait for the stack to be deleted in result of rollback after\n expiration of timeout defined in WaitHandle resource\n of the stack.\n 5. Verify the instance of the stack has been deleted.\n\n \n "}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'tests_platform', u'name': u'Update stack actions: inplace, replace and update whole template', u'duration': u'950 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_update', u'description': u" Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create test flavor.\n 2. Create a stack.\n 3. Wait for the stack status to change to 'CREATE_COMPLETE'.\n 4. Change instance name, execute update stack in-place.\n 5. Wait for the stack status to change to 'UPDATE_COMPLETE'.\n 6. Check that instance name was changed.\n 7. Create one more test flavor.\n 8. Change instance flavor to just created and update stack\n (update replace).\n 9. Wait for the stack status to change to 'UPDATE_COMPLETE'.\n 10. Check that instance flavor was changed.\n 11. Change stack template and update it.\n 12. Wait for the stack status to change to 'UPDATE_COMPLETE'.\n 13. Check that there are only two newly created stack instances.\n 14. Delete the stack.\n 15. Wait for the stack to be deleted.\n\n \n "}] 2016-05-14 02:03:51,545 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:03:51,899 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: ostf_run_tests with result: [{u'status': u'running', u'tests': [{u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': None, u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:51.768436', u'id': 1}] 2016-05-14 02:03:51,899 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1050 -- Try to run assert ostf with expected fail name None 2016-05-14 02:03:51,899 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: assert_ostf_run with args: (, 1) {'failed_test_name': None, 'should_fail': 0, 'test_sets': ['ha'], 'timeout': 1800} 2016-05-14 02:03:51,900 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:228 -- Assert OSTF run at cluster #1. Should fail 0 tests named None 2016-05-14 02:03:51,900 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: _ostf_test_wait with args: (, 1, 1800) {} 2016-05-14 02:03:51,900 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:118 -- Wait OSTF tests at cluster #1 for 1800 seconds 2016-05-14 02:03:51,900 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:03:51,900 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:03:51,926 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'running', u'tests': [{u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': None, u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:51.768436', u'id': 1}] 2016-05-14 02:03:56,930 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:03:56,931 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:03:56,955 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'running', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.740596055984497, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.476378917694092, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.58551287651062, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.453872919082642, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.977006912231445, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.08158707618713, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'running', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 3.09944152832031e-06, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': None, u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:51.768436', u'id': 1}] 2016-05-14 02:04:01,960 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:01,960 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:01,986 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.740596055984497, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.476378917694092, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.58551287651062, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.453872919082642, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.977006912231445, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.08158707618713, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.991712093353271, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:57.794858', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:51.768436', u'id': 1}] 2016-05-14 02:04:01,986 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:01,987 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:02,009 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.740596055984497, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.476378917694092, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.58551287651062, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.453872919082642, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.977006912231445, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.08158707618713, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.991712093353271, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:57.794858', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:51.768436', u'id': 1}] 2016-05-14 02:04:02,010 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: _ostf_test_wait with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.740596055984497, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.476378917694092, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.58551287651062, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.453872919082642, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.977006912231445, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.08158707618713, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.991712093353271, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:57.794858', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:51.768436', u'id': 1}] 2016-05-14 02:04:02,010 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:258 -- OSTF test statuses are : Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node skipped RabbitMQ replication skipped Check pacemaker status success Check state of haproxy backends on controllers success Check galera environment state skipped Check data replication over mysql skipped RabbitMQ availability skipped 2016-05-14 02:04:02,010 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: assert_ostf_run with result: None 2016-05-14 02:04:02,010 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_ostf with result: None 2016-05-14 02:04:02,010 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:168 -- OSTF HA tests passed successfully. 2016-05-14 02:04:02,011 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: assert_ha_services_ready with result: None 2016-05-14 02:04:02,011 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: assert_os_services_ready with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:02,011 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:179 -- Waiting 300 sec. for passed OSTF Sanity checks. 2016-05-14 02:04:02,011 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_ostf with args: (, 1) {'should_fail': 0, 'test_sets': ['sanity']} 2016-05-14 02:04:02,011 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: ostf_run_tests with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1, ['sanity']) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:02,011 - INFO nailgun_client.py:272 -- Run OSTF tests at cluster #1: ['sanity'] 2016-05-14 02:04:02,012 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_tests with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:02,012 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:02,226 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_tests with result: [{u'status': None, u'testset': u'cloudvalidation', u'name': u'Check disk space outage on controller and compute nodes', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.cloudvalidation.test_disk_space_outage.DiskSpaceTest.test_disk_space_outage', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check outage on controller and compute nodes\n\n \n\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'cloudvalidation', u'name': u'Check log rotation configuration on all nodes', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.cloudvalidation.test_logrotate.LogRotationTest.test_logrotate', u'description': u' Target component: Logging\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check logrotate cron job on all controller and compute nodes\n \n\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'configuration', u'name': u'Check usage of default credentials on master node', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.configuration.test_configuration.SanityConfigurationTest.test_001_check_default_master_node_credential_usage', u'description': u' Target component: Configuration\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check user can not ssh on master node with default credentials.\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'configuration', u'name': u'Check if default credentials for OpenStack cluster have changed', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.configuration.test_configuration.SanityConfigurationTest.test_002_check_default_openstack_credential_usage', u'description': u' Target component: Configuration\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check if default credentials for OpenStack cluster have changed.\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'configuration', u'name': u'Check usage of default credentials for keystone on master node', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.configuration.test_configuration.SanityConfigurationTest.test_003_check_default_keystone_credential_usage', u'description': u' Target component: Configuration\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check default credentials for keystone on master node are\n changed.\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.740596055984497, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.476378917694092, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.58551287651062, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.453872919082642, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.977006912231445, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.08158707618713, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.991712093353271, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create instance flavor', u'duration': u'30 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_create_flavor.FlavorsAdminTest.test_create_flavor', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create small-size flavor.\n 2. Check that created flavor has the expected name.\n 3. Check that the flavor disk has the expected size.\n 4. Delete created flavor.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Check create, update and delete image actions using Glance v2', u'duration': u'70 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_create_images.GlanceSmokeTests.test_create_and_delete_image_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario:\n 1.Send request to create image\n 2.Checking image status\n 3.Check that image was created successfully\n 4.Update image with properties\n 5.Check that properties was updated successfully\n 6.Delete image\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create volume and boot instance from it', u'duration': u'350 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_create_volume.VolumesTest.test_create_boot_volume', u'description': u' Target component: Compute\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new small-size volume from image.\n 2. Wait for volume status to become "available".\n 3. Launch instance from created volume.\n 4. Wait for "Active" status.\n 5. Delete instance.\n 6. Delete volume.\n 7. Verify that volume deleted\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create volume and attach it to instance', u'duration': u'350 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_create_volume.VolumesTest.test_volume_create', u'description': u' Target component: Compute\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new small-size volume.\n 2. Wait for volume status to become "available".\n 3. Check volume has correct name.\n 4. Create new instance.\n 5. Wait for "Active" status\n 6. Attach volume to an instance.\n 7. Check volume status is "in use".\n 8. Get information on the created volume by its id.\n 9. Detach volume from the instance.\n 10. Check volume has "available" status.\n 11. Delete volume.\n 12. Verify that volume deleted\n 13. Delete server.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Check network connectivity from instance via floating IP', u'duration': u'300 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_neutron_actions.TestNeutron.test_check_neutron_objects_creation', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new security group (if it doesn`t exist yet).\n 2. Create router\n 3. Create network\n 4. Create subnet\n 5. Uplink subnet to router.\n 6. Create an instance using the new security group\n in created subnet.\n 7. Create a new floating IP\n 8. Assign the new floating IP to the instance.\n 9. Check connectivity to the floating IP using ping command.\n 10. Check that public IP can be pinged from instance.\n 11. Disassociate server floating ip.\n 12. Delete floating ip\n 13. Delete server.\n 14. Remove router.\n 15. Remove subnet\n 16. Remove network\n\n \n\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create keypair', u'duration': u'25 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_001_create_keypairs', u'description': u' Target component: Nova.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new keypair, check if it was created successfully.\n \n\n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create security group', u'duration': u'25 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_002_create_security_groups', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a security group, check if it was created correctly.\n \n\n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Check network parameters', u'duration': u'50 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_003_check_networks', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Get the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that networks have expected labels.\n 3. Confirm that networks have expected ids.\n \n\n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Launch instance', u'duration': u'200 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_004_create_servers', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new security group (if it doesn`t exist yet).\n 2. Create an instance using the new security group.\n 3. Delete instance.\n \n\n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Launch instance with file injection', u'duration': u'200 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_create_instance_with_connectivity.TestNovaNetwork.test_009_create_server_with_file', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new security group (if it doesn`t exist yet).\n 2. Create an instance with injected file.\n 3. Assign floating ip to instance.\n 4. Check file exists on created instance.\n 5. Delete floating ip.\n 6. Delete instance.\n \n \n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Launch instance, create snapshot, launch instance from snapshot', u'duration': u'300 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_nova_image_actions.TestImageAction.test_snapshot', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Get existing image by name.\n 2. Launch an instance using the default image.\n 3. Make snapshot of the created instance.\n 4. Delete the instance created in step 1.\n 5. Wait while instance deleted\n 6. Launch another instance from the snapshot created in step 2.\n 7. Delete server.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'smoke', u'name': u'Create user and authenticate with it.', u'duration': u'80 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.smoke.test_user_create.TestUserTenantRole.test_create_user', u'description': u' Target components: Nova, Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create a new tenant.\n 2. Check that tenant was created successfully.\n 3. Create a new user.\n 4. Check that user was created successfully.\n 5. Create a new user role.\n 6. Check that user role was created successfully.\n 7. Perform token authentication.\n 8. Check that authentication was successful.\n 9. Send authentication request to Horizon.\n 10. Confirm that response status is 200.\n \n '}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'tests_platform', u'name': u'Typical stack actions: create, delete, show details, etc.', u'duration': u'560 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_actions', u'description': u" Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create test flavor.\n 2. Create a stack.\n 3. Wait for the stack status to change to 'CREATE_COMPLETE'.\n 4. Get the details of the created stack by its name.\n 5. Get the resources list of the created stack.\n 6. Get the details of the stack resource.\n 7. Get the events list of the created stack.\n 8. Get the details of the stack event.\n 9. Get the stack template details.\n 10. Delete the stack and wait for the stack to be deleted.\n\n \n "}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'tests_platform', u'name': u'Advanced stack actions: suspend, resume and check', u'duration': u'660 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_advanced_actions', u'description': u" Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create test flavor.\n 2. Create a stack.\n 3. Wait until the stack status will change to 'CREATE_COMPLETE'.\n 4. Call stack suspend action.\n 5. Wait until the stack status will change to 'SUSPEND_COMPLETE'.\n 6. Check that stack resources are in 'SUSPEND_COMPLETE' status.\n 7. Check that server owned by stack is in 'SUSPENDED' status.\n 8. Call stack resume action.\n 9. Wait until the stack status will change to 'RESUME_COMPLETE'.\n 10. Check that stack resources are in 'RESUME_COMPLETE' status.\n 11. Check that instance owned by stack is in 'ACTIVE' status.\n 12. Call stack check action.\n 13. Wait until the stack status will change to 'CHECK_COMPLETE'.\n 14. Check that stack resources are in 'CHECK_COMPLETE' status.\n 15. Check that instance owned by stack is in 'ACTIVE' status.\n 16. Delete the stack and wait for the stack to be deleted.\n\n \n \n "}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'tests_platform', u'name': u'Check stack rollback', u'duration': u'310 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_rollback', u'description': u" Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create extra large flavor.\n 2. Start stack creation with rollback enabled.\n 3. Verify the stack appears with status 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'.\n 4. Wait for the stack to be deleted in result of rollback after\n expiration of timeout defined in WaitHandle resource\n of the stack.\n 5. Verify the instance of the stack has been deleted.\n\n \n "}, {u'status': None, u'testset': u'tests_platform', u'name': u'Update stack actions: inplace, replace and update whole template', u'duration': u'950 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_update', u'description': u" Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Create test flavor.\n 2. Create a stack.\n 3. Wait for the stack status to change to 'CREATE_COMPLETE'.\n 4. Change instance name, execute update stack in-place.\n 5. Wait for the stack status to change to 'UPDATE_COMPLETE'.\n 6. Check that instance name was changed.\n 7. Create one more test flavor.\n 8. Change instance flavor to just created and update stack\n (update replace).\n 9. Wait for the stack status to change to 'UPDATE_COMPLETE'.\n 10. Check that instance flavor was changed.\n 11. Change stack template and update it.\n 12. Wait for the stack status to change to 'UPDATE_COMPLETE'.\n 13. Check that there are only two newly created stack instances.\n 14. Delete the stack.\n 15. Wait for the stack to be deleted.\n\n \n "}] 2016-05-14 02:04:02,227 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:02,674 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: ostf_run_tests with result: [{u'status': u'running', u'tests': [{u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'sanity', u'ended_at': None, u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:04:02.496210', u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 02:04:02,675 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1050 -- Try to run assert ostf with expected fail name None 2016-05-14 02:04:02,675 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: assert_ostf_run with args: (, 1) {'failed_test_name': None, 'should_fail': 0, 'test_sets': ['sanity'], 'timeout': 1800} 2016-05-14 02:04:02,675 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:228 -- Assert OSTF run at cluster #1. Should fail 0 tests named None 2016-05-14 02:04:02,675 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: _ostf_test_wait with args: (, 1, 1800) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:02,675 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:118 -- Wait OSTF tests at cluster #1 for 1800 seconds 2016-05-14 02:04:02,675 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:02,676 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:02,701 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.740596055984497, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.476378917694092, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.58551287651062, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.453872919082642, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.977006912231445, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.08158707618713, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.991712093353271, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:57.794858', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:51.768436', u'id': 1}, {u'status': u'running', u'tests': [{u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'sanity', u'ended_at': None, u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:04:02.496210', u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 02:04:07,706 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:07,707 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:07,730 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.740596055984497, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.476378917694092, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.58551287651062, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.453872919082642, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.977006912231445, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.08158707618713, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.991712093353271, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:57.794858', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:51.768436', u'id': 1}, {u'status': u'running', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.6536557674408, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46736478805542, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 7.15255737304688e-06, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'sanity', u'ended_at': None, u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:04:02.496210', u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 02:04:12,735 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:12,736 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:12,779 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.740596055984497, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.476378917694092, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.58551287651062, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.453872919082642, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.977006912231445, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.08158707618713, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.991712093353271, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:57.794858', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:51.768436', u'id': 1}, {u'status': u'running', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.6536557674408, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46736478805542, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.07490110397339, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0431549549102783, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.370568990707397, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.309233903884888, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0134639739990234, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0109989643096924, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'sanity', u'ended_at': None, u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:04:02.496210', u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 02:04:17,780 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:17,781 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:17,804 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.740596055984497, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.476378917694092, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.58551287651062, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.453872919082642, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.977006912231445, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.08158707618713, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.991712093353271, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:57.794858', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:51.768436', u'id': 1}, {u'status': u'running', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.6536557674408, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46736478805542, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.07490110397339, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0431549549102783, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.370568990707397, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.309233903884888, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0134639739990234, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0109989643096924, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0115799903869629, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.564198970794678, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.10400390625, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 5.96046447753906e-06, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': u'wait_running', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': None, u'message': None, u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'sanity', u'ended_at': None, u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:04:02.496210', u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 02:04:22,809 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:22,810 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:22,844 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.740596055984497, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.476378917694092, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.58551287651062, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.453872919082642, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.977006912231445, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.08158707618713, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.991712093353271, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:57.794858', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:51.768436', u'id': 1}, {u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.6536557674408, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46736478805542, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.07490110397339, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0431549549102783, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.370568990707397, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.309233903884888, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0134639739990234, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0109989643096924, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0115799903869629, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.564198970794678, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.10400390625, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 4.18425989151001, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.263070821762085, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'sanity', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 02:04:21.989055', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:04:02.496210', u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 02:04:22,844 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ostf_test_run with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:22,844 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:22,869 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ostf_test_run with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.740596055984497, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.476378917694092, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.58551287651062, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.453872919082642, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.977006912231445, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.08158707618713, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.991712093353271, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:57.794858', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:51.768436', u'id': 1}, {u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.6536557674408, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46736478805542, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.07490110397339, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0431549549102783, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.370568990707397, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.309233903884888, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0134639739990234, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0109989643096924, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0115799903869629, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.564198970794678, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.10400390625, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 4.18425989151001, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.263070821762085, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'sanity', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 02:04:21.989055', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:04:02.496210', u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 02:04:22,870 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: _ostf_test_wait with result: [{u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check state of haproxy backends on controllers', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.740596055984497, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_haproxy.HAProxyCheck.test_001_check_state_of_backends', u'description': u' Target Service: HA haproxy\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Ssh on each controller and get state of HAProxy backends\n 2. Check backend state for availability\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check data replication over mysql', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.476378917694092, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_replication.TestMysqlReplication.test_mysql_replication', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Check that mysql is running on all controller or database nodes.\n 2. Create database on one node.\n 3. Create table in created database\n 4. Insert data to the created table\n 5. Get replicated data from each database node.\n 6. Verify that replicated data in the same from each database\n 7. Drop created database\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.58551287651062, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_os_databases', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Request list of tables for os databases on each node.\n 3. Check if amount of tables in databases is the same on each node\n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check galera environment state', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.453872919082642, u'message': u'There is only one database online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_mysql_status.TestMysqlStatus.test_state_of_galera_cluster', u'description': u' Target Service: HA mysql\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Detect there are online database nodes.\n 2. Ssh on each node containing database and request state of galera\n node\n 3. For each node check cluster size\n 4. For each node check status is ready\n 5. For each node check that node is connected to cluster\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'Check pacemaker status', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.977006912231445, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_pacemaker_status.TestPacemakerStatus.test_check_pacemaker_resources', u'description': u'\n Scenario:\n 1. Get pacemaker status for each online controller\n 2. Check status of online/offline controllers in pacemaker\n 3. Check status of nodes where resources are started\n 4. Check that an active resource is started and not failed\n 5. Check that list of resources is the same on all online controllers\n 6. Check that list of nodes where a resource is started is the same\n on all controllers\n 7. Check controllers that pcs resources are started on the same nodes\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ availability', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.08158707618713, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_002_rabbitmqctl_status_ubuntu', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Retrieve cluster status for each controller.\n 2. Check that numbers of rabbit nodes is the same\n in Hiera DB and in actual cluster.\n 3. Check crm status for rabbit\n 4. List channels\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'skipped', u'testset': u'ha', u'name': u'RabbitMQ replication', u'duration': u'100 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.991712093353271, u'message': u'There is only one RabbitMQ node online. Nothing to check', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.ha.test_rabbit.RabbitSanityTest.test_003_rabbitmqctl_replication', u'description': u' Scenario:\n 1. Check rabbitmq connections.\n 2. Create queue.\n 3. Publish test message in created queue\n 4. Request created queue and message\n 5. Delete queue\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'ha', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:57.794858', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:03:51.768436', u'id': 1}, {u'status': u'finished', u'tests': [{u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request flavor list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.6536557674408, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_flavors', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of flavors.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Nova', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.46736478805542, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_images', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of images.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request instance list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 1.07490110397339, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_instances', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of instances.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request absolute limits list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0431549549102783, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_rate_limits', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of limits.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request snapshot list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.370568990707397, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_snapshots', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of snapshots.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request volume list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.309233903884888, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_compute.SanityComputeTest.test_list_volumes', u'description': u' Target component: Cinder\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of volumes.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v1', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0134639739990234, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request image list using Glance v2', u'duration': u'10 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0109989643096924, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_glance.GlanceSanityTests.test_glance_image_list_v2', u'description': u' Target component: Glance\n\n Scenario\n 1. Get image list using Glance\n 2. Confirm that a response is received\n\n \n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request stack list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.0115799903869629, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_heat.SanityHeatTest.test_list_stacks', u'description': u' Target component: Heat\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of stacks.\n\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request active services list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.564198970794678, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_services', u'description': u' Target component: Nova\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of services.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request user list', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.10400390625, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_identity.SanityIdentityTest.test_list_users', u'description': u' Target component: Keystone\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of users.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Check that required services are running', u'duration': u'180 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 4.18425989151001, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_infrastructure.SanityInfrastructureTest.test_001_services_state', u'description': u' Target component: OpenStack\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Execute nova-manage service list command on a controller node.\n 2. Check there are no failed services (with XXX state).\n \n '}, {u'status': u'success', u'testset': u'sanity', u'name': u'Request list of networks', u'duration': u'20 s.', u'step': None, u'taken': 0.263070821762085, u'message': u'', u'id': u'fuel_health.tests.sanity.test_sanity_networking.NetworksTest.test_list_networks_neutron', u'description': u' Target component: Neutron.\n\n Scenario:\n 1. Request the list of networks.\n 2. Confirm that a response is received.\n \n\n \n \n '}], u'testset': u'sanity', u'ended_at': u'2016-05-14 02:04:21.989055', u'meta': None, u'cluster_id': 1, u'started_at': u'2016-05-14 02:04:02.496210', u'id': 2}] 2016-05-14 02:04:22,870 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:258 -- OSTF test statuses are : Request image list using Glance v1 success Request snapshot list success Request volume list success Request flavor list success Request user list success Request image list using Nova success Request image list using Glance v2 success Request instance list success Request active services list success Request list of networks success Check that required services are running success Request stack list success Request absolute limits list success 2016-05-14 02:04:22,870 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: assert_ostf_run with result: None 2016-05-14 02:04:22,870 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_ostf with result: None 2016-05-14 02:04:22,870 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:185 -- OSTF Sanity checks passed successfully. 2016-05-14 02:04:22,870 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: assert_os_services_ready with result: None 2016-05-14 02:04:22,871 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:23,033 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_devops_node_by_nailgun_node with args: (, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, 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True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', 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u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', 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listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, 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{u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'hapr-host', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'b', u'serial': u'ba:ef:ba:4d:a9:75', u'configuration': {u'driverversion': u'1.0', u'duplex': u'full', u'ip': u'', u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'driver': u'veth', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:10'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'v_management', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'c', u'serial': u'ce:1b:bb:47:a6:8f', u'configuration': {u'driverversion': u'1.0', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'driver': u'veth', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:11'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'mgmt-conntrd', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'd', u'serial': u'76:e6:7b:df:01:0a', u'configuration': {u'driverversion': u'1.0', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'driver': u'veth', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:12'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-floating', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'e', u'serial': u'aa:2f:56:6e:65:4a', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:13'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, 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u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [{u'name': u'public', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s4', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'private', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': 103, u'dev': u'enp0s6', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-01_controller', u'roles': [u'controller'], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:23,033 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_devops_node_by_mac with args: (, u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e') {} 2016-05-14 02:04:23,040 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_devops_node_by_mac with result: Node object 2016-05-14 02:04:23,040 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_devops_node_by_nailgun_node with result: Node object 2016-05-14 02:04:23,040 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ssh_for_node with args: (, u'slave-01') {} 2016-05-14 02:04:23,040 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_node_ip_by_devops_name with args: (, u'slave-01') {} 2016-05-14 02:04:23,042 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:23,043 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-14 02:04:23,043 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-14 02:04:23,044 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:23,171 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, 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(NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'disabled': True, u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', 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u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', 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u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel 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u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:3'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'bond0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'5', u'serial': u'82:4a:d0:0e:1b:89', u'configuration': {u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'firmware': u'2', u'driver': u'bonding', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'driverversion': u'3.7.1', u'master': u'yes'}, u'id': u'network:4'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': 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{u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'private', 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{u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', 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2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE 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u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', 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u'64:26:21:4e:14:79', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': 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u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [{u'name': u'public', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s4', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'private', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': 103, u'dev': u'enp0s6', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-01_controller', u'roles': [u'controller'], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}] 2016-05-14 02:04:23,173 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-14 02:04:23,173 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-14 02:04:23,173 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-14 02:04:23,174 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, 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counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', 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extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel 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64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, 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u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-f16aac557efa4caf8ea0'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [{u'name': u'public', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s4', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'private', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': 103, u'dev': u'enp0s6', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-01', u'name': u'slave-01_controller', u'roles': [u'controller'], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1} 2016-05-14 02:04:23,175 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_node_ip_by_devops_name with result: 2016-05-14 02:04:23,182 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:23,191 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 02:04:23,292 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:23,339 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:23,339 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 02:04:23,340 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 02:04:23,343 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 02:04:23,351 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:23,363 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 02:04:23,452 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:23,514 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:23,514 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 02:04:23,515 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 02:04:23,518 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 02:04:23,519 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:23,530 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1) 2016-05-14 02:04:23,636 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (publickey) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:23,760 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:23,760 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ssh_for_node with result: 2016-05-14 02:04:23,760 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: node_freemem with args: (,) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:23,761 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_on_remote_get_results with args: (, 'free -k | grep Mem:') {} 2016-05-14 02:04:23,761 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'free -k | grep Mem:' 2016-05-14 02:04:23,771 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_on_remote_get_results with result: {'stdout_len': 1, 'stderr_len': 0, 'stdout': ['Mem: 6112412 5997260 115152 55312 1840 124832\n'], 'exit_code': 0, 'stderr_str': '', 'stderr': [], 'stdout_str': 'Mem: 6112412 5997260 115152 55312 1840 124832\n'} 2016-05-14 02:04:23,771 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_on_remote_get_results with args: (, 'free -k | grep Swap:') {} 2016-05-14 02:04:23,771 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'free -k | grep Swap:' 2016-05-14 02:04:23,844 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_on_remote_get_results with result: {'stdout_len': 1, 'stderr_len': 0, 'stdout': ['Swap: 6291452 560016 5731436\n'], 'exit_code': 0, 'stderr_str': '', 'stderr': [], 'stdout_str': 'Swap: 6291452 560016 5731436\n'} 2016-05-14 02:04:23,844 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: node_freemem with result: {'mem': {'used': 5856, 'cached': 121, 'free': 112, 'shared': 54, 'total': 5969, 'buffers': 1}, 'swap': {'total': 6143, 'free': 5597, 'used': 546}} 2016-05-14 02:04:23,844 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_on_remote_get_results with args: (, 'hiera roles') {} 2016-05-14 02:04:23,844 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'hiera roles' 2016-05-14 02:04:24,024 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_on_remote_get_results with result: {'stdout_len': 1, 'stderr_len': 0, 'stdout': ['["primary-controller"]\n'], 'exit_code': 0, 'stderr_str': '', 'stderr': [], 'stdout_str': '["primary-controller"]\n'} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,024 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 02:04:24,088 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:767 -- Node status: slave-01: Host node-2 Roles: Hiera: - primary-controller Nailgun: - controller Memory: RAM: used 5856 cached 121 free 112 shared 54 total 5969 buffers 1 SWAP: total 6143 free 5597 used 546 2016-05-14 02:04:24,089 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_devops_node_by_nailgun_node with args: (, {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'disabled': True, u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', 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u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'private', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': 103, u'dev': u'enp0s6', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-02_compute', u'roles': [u'compute'], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,089 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_devops_node_by_mac with args: (, u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3') {} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,097 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_devops_node_by_mac with result: Node object 2016-05-14 02:04:24,097 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_devops_node_by_nailgun_node with result: Node object 2016-05-14 02:04:24,097 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_ssh_for_node with args: (, u'slave-02') {} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,097 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_node_ip_by_devops_name with args: (, u'slave-02') {} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,099 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,100 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-14 02:04:24,101 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-14 02:04:24,101 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:24,227 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'disabled': True, u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': 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6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'private', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': 103, u'dev': u'enp0s6', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', 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u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', 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extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, 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(APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', 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(full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', 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u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', 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u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-030120ca90c54bf98bf5'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-6d630887728c49a8ac3e'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'72D474F4-0443-4D6C-8835-BEC833412E55', u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 2, u'hostname': u'node-2', u'network_data': [{u'name': u'public', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s4', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'private', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': 103, u'dev': u'enp0s6', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:07:0a:dc:49:2e', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-01_controller', u'roles': [u'controller'], u'fqdn': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}] 2016-05-14 02:04:24,229 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-14 02:04:24,229 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-14 02:04:24,230 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, 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u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'disabled': True, u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}, {u'capacity': 1000000000, u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6.103', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'units': u'bit/s', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'configuration': {u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'duplex': u'full', u'firmware': u'N/A', u'driver': u'802.1Q VLAN Support', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'driverversion': u'1.8', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'ovs-system', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'2', u'serial': u'a6:f4:8f:6a:95:a5', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:1'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-int', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'3', u'serial': u'2e:3a:62:b5:57:4e', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:2'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-tun', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'4', u'serial': u'8e:ed:7c:0f:e5:4a', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:3'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'bond0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'5', u'serial': u'82:4a:d0:0e:1b:89', u'configuration': {u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'firmware': u'2', u'driver': u'bonding', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'driverversion': u'3.7.1', u'master': u'yes'}, u'id': u'network:4'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'down', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'private', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': 103, u'dev': u'enp0s6', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'slave-02_compute', u'roles': [u'compute'], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,230 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_node_ip_by_devops_name with result: 2016-05-14 02:04:24,238 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:24,246 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 02:04:24,333 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:24,358 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:24,358 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 02:04:24,359 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 02:04:24,361 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 02:04:24,370 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:24,378 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 02:04:24,466 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:24,490 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:24,490 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 02:04:24,491 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 02:04:24,493 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 02:04:24,494 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:24,502 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1) 2016-05-14 02:04:24,601 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (publickey) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:24,694 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:24,695 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_ssh_for_node with result: 2016-05-14 02:04:24,695 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: node_freemem with args: (,) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,695 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_on_remote_get_results with args: (, 'free -k | grep Mem:') {} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,695 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'free -k | grep Mem:' 2016-05-14 02:04:24,704 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_on_remote_get_results with result: {'stdout_len': 1, 'stderr_len': 0, 'stdout': ['Mem: 6112412 1773032 4339380 504 131172 1168408\n'], 'exit_code': 0, 'stderr_str': '', 'stderr': [], 'stdout_str': 'Mem: 6112412 1773032 4339380 504 131172 1168408\n'} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,704 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_on_remote_get_results with args: (, 'free -k | grep Swap:') {} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,704 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'free -k | grep Swap:' 2016-05-14 02:04:24,776 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_on_remote_get_results with result: {'stdout_len': 1, 'stderr_len': 0, 'stdout': ['Swap: 6291452 0 6291452\n'], 'exit_code': 0, 'stderr_str': '', 'stderr': [], 'stdout_str': 'Swap: 6291452 0 6291452\n'} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,776 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: node_freemem with result: {'mem': {'used': 1731, 'cached': 1141, 'free': 4237, 'shared': 0, 'total': 5969, 'buffers': 128}, 'swap': {'total': 6143, 'free': 6143, 'used': 0}} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,776 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_on_remote_get_results with args: (, 'hiera roles') {} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,776 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'hiera roles' 2016-05-14 02:04:24,910 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_on_remote_get_results with result: {'stdout_len': 1, 'stderr_len': 0, 'stdout': ['["compute"]\n'], 'exit_code': 0, 'stderr_str': '', 'stderr': [], 'stdout_str': '["compute"]\n'} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,910 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 02:04:24,974 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:767 -- Node status: slave-02: Host node-1 Roles: Hiera: - compute Nailgun: - compute Memory: RAM: used 1731 cached 1141 free 4237 shared 0 total 5969 buffers 128 SWAP: total 6143 free 6143 used 0 2016-05-14 02:04:24,974 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_last_created_cluster with args: (,) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,974 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:842 -- Get ID of a last created cluster 2016-05-14 02:04:24,974 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: list_clusters with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:24,975 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:24,986 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: list_clusters with result: [{u'status': u'operational', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronTUN', u'is_locked': True, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'}] 2016-05-14 02:04:24,986 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_last_created_cluster with result: 1 2016-05-14 02:04:24,986 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:25,153 - DEBUG decorators.py:494 -- Check repository management on 2016-05-14 02:04:25,161 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:25,171 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 02:04:25,267 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:25,313 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:25,313 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 02:04:25,314 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 02:04:25,316 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 02:04:25,326 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:25,335 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 02:04:25,424 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:25,477 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:25,478 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 02:04:25,479 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 02:04:25,481 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 02:04:25,481 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:25,491 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1) 2016-05-14 02:04:25,563 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (publickey) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:25,888 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:25,889 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'apt-get clean all && apt-get update > /dev/null' 2016-05-14 02:04:30,246 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 02:04:30,310 - DEBUG decorators.py:494 -- Check repository management on 2016-05-14 02:04:30,323 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:30,334 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 02:04:30,431 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:30,479 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:30,479 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 02:04:30,480 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 02:04:30,483 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 02:04:30,495 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:30,515 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 02:04:30,605 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:30,648 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:30,649 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 02:04:30,649 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 02:04:30,652 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 02:04:30,652 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:30,660 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1) 2016-05-14 02:04:30,757 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (publickey) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:30,855 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:30,855 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'apt-get clean all && apt-get update > /dev/null' 2016-05-14 02:04:34,033 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 02:04:34,098 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: store_packages_json with args: ([(0x7f83095bc750), ip:],) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:34,098 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 02:04:34,103 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: deploy_cluster 2016-05-14 02:04:34,103 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_last_created_cluster with args: (,) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:34,103 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:842 -- Get ID of a last created cluster 2016-05-14 02:04:34,103 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: list_clusters with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:34,104 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:34,118 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: list_clusters with result: [{u'status': u'operational', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronTUN', u'is_locked': True, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'}] 2016-05-14 02:04:34,118 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_last_created_cluster with result: 1 2016-05-14 02:04:34,119 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:34,243 - DEBUG utils.py:157 -- role is compute 2016-05-14 02:04:34,255 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:34,269 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 02:04:34,362 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:34,417 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:34,417 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 02:04:34,418 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 02:04:34,421 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 02:04:34,435 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:34,449 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 02:04:34,543 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:34,595 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:34,596 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 02:04:34,597 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 02:04:34,600 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 02:04:34,600 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:34,610 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1) 2016-05-14 02:04:34,712 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (publickey) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:34,841 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:34,841 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_node_packages with args: (, 'deploy_cluster', u'compute', {'deploy_cluster': {}}) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:34,842 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'dpkg-query -W -f='${Package} ${Version}'' 2016-05-14 02:04:34,880 - DEBUG utils.py:142 -- node packages are ['accountsservice 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'acct 6.5.5-1ubuntu5', 'acl 2.2.52-1', 'acpid 1:2.0.21-1ubuntu2', 'adduser 3.113+nmu3ubuntu3', 'alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'anacron 2.3-20ubuntu1', 'apparmor 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'apt 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-transport-https 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-utils 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'atop 1.26-2', 'augeas-lenses 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'base-files 7.2ubuntu5.4', 'base-passwd 3.5.33', 'bash 4.3-7ubuntu1.5', 'bash-completion 1:2.1-4ubuntu0.1', 'bind9-host 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'binutils 2.24-5ubuntu14', 'bridge-utils 1.5-6ubuntu2', 'bsdmainutils 9.0.5ubuntu1', 'bsdutils 1:2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'build-essential 11.6ubuntu6', 'busybox-initramfs 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'busybox-static 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'bzip2 1.0.6-5', 'ca-certificates 20160104ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'cliff-tablib 1.1-1', 'cloud-guest-utils 0.27-0ubuntu9.2', 'cloud-init 0.7.5-0ubuntu1.18', 'command-not-found 0.3ubuntu12', 'command-not-found-data 0.3ubuntu12', 'conntrack 1:1.4.1-1ubuntu1', 'console-setup 1.70ubuntu8', 'coreutils 8.21-1ubuntu5.4', 'cpio 2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu1.2', 'cpp 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'cpp-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'cpu-checker 0.7-0ubuntu4', 'cpufrequtils 008-1', 'crda 1.1.2-1ubuntu2', 'cron 3.0pl1-124ubuntu2', 'curl 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'daemonize 1.7.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'dash 0.5.7-4ubuntu1', 'dbconfig-common 1.8.47+nmu1', 'dbus 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'debconf 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-i18n 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-utils 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debianutils 4.4', 'dh-python 1.20140128-1ubuntu8.2', 'diffutils 1:3.3-1', 'dkms', 'dmidecode 2.12-2', 'dmsetup 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'dnsmasq-base 2.68-1ubuntu0.1', 'dnsutils 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'dosfstools 3.0.26-1', 'dpkg 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'dpkg-dev 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'e2fslibs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'e2fsprogs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'eatmydata 26-2', 'ebtables', 'ed 1.9-2', 'eject 2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-13.1', 'ethtool 1:3.13-1', 'facter 1.7.5-1ubuntu1', 'fakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'file 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'findutils 4.4.2-7', 'fping 3.8-1', 'friendly-recovery 0.2.25', 'ftp 0.17-28', 'fuel-ha-utils 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-misc 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuse 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'g++ 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'g++-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gawk 1:4.0.1+dfsg-2.1ubuntu2', 'gcc 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'gcc-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.8-base 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.9-base 4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'gdisk 0.8.8-1ubuntu0.1', 'geoip-database 20140313-1', 'gettext-base', 'gir1.2-glib-2.0 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'gnupg 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'gpgv 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'grep 2.16-1', 'groff-base 1.22.2-5', 'grub-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-gfxpayload-lists 0.6', 'grub-pc 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-pc-bin 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub2-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'gzip 1.6-3ubuntu1', 'hdparm 9.43-1ubuntu3', 'hostname 3.15ubuntu1', 'hpsa-dkms 3.4.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'htop 1.0.2-3', 'i40e-dkms 1.3.47-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ieee-data 20131224.1', 'ifenslave 2.4ubuntu1.2', 'ifupdown', 'info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'init-system-helpers 1.18~bpo70+1~u14.04+mos1', 'initramfs-tools 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initramfs-tools-bin 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initscripts 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'insserv 1.14.0-5ubuntu2', 'install-info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'iproute2 3.12.0-2ubuntu1', 'ipset 6.20.1-1', 'iptables 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'iptables-persistent 0.5.7', 'iputils-arping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-ping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-tracepath 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'ipxe-qemu 1.0.0+git-20131111.c3d1e78-2ubuntu1.1', 'irqbalance 1.0.6-2ubuntu0.14.04.4', 'isc-dhcp-client 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'isc-dhcp-common 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'iso-codes 3.52-1', 'iw 3.4-1', 'kbd 1.15.5-1ubuntu1', 'keyboard-configuration 1.70ubuntu8', 'klibc-utils 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'kmod 15-0ubuntu6', 'kpartx 0.4.9-3ubuntu7.11', 'language-selector-common 0.129.3', 'less 458-2', 'libaccountsservice0 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'libacl1 2.2.52-1', 'libaio1 0.3.109-4', 'libalgorithm-diff-perl 1.19.02-3', 'libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl 0.04-2build4', 'libalgorithm-merge-perl 0.08-2', 'libapparmor-perl 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapparmor1 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapt-inst1.5 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libapt-pkg4.12 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libarchive-extract-perl 0.70-1', 'libasan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libasn1-8-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libasound2', 'libasound2-data', 'libasprintf0c2', 'libasyncns0 0.8-4ubuntu2', 'libatomic1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libattr1 1:2.4.47-1ubuntu1', 'libaudit-common 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaudit1 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaugeas0 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'libavahi-client3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common-data 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libbind9-90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libblas3 1.2.20110419-7', 'libblkid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libbluetooth3 4.101-0ubuntu13.1', 'libboost-system1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libboost-thread1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libbrlapi0.6 5.0-2ubuntu2', 'libbsd0 0.6.0-2ubuntu1', 'libbz2-1.0 1.0.6-5', 'libc-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc-dev-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6-dev 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libcaca0 0.99.beta18-1ubuntu5', 'libcap-ng0 0.7.3-1ubuntu2', 'libcap2 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcap2-bin 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcgmanager0 0.24-0ubuntu7.5', 'libck-connector0 0.4.5-3.1ubuntu2', 'libcloog-isl4 0.18.2-1', 'libcomerr2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libcpufreq0 008-1', 'libcurl3 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libcurl3-gnutls 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libdb5.3 5.3.28-3ubuntu3', 'libdbus-1-3 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'libdbus-glib-1-2 0.100.2-1', 'libdebconfclient0 0.187ubuntu1', 'libdevmapper-event1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdevmapper1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdns100 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libdpkg-perl 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'libdrm-intel1 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm-nouveau2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm-radeon1 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libedit2 3.1-20130712-2', 'libelf1 0.158-0ubuntu5.2', 'libestr0 0.1.9-0ubuntu2', 'libevent-2.0-5 2.0.21-stable-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libexpat1 2.1.0-4ubuntu1.1', 'libfakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'libfdt1 1.4.0+dfsg-1', 'libffi6 3.1~rc1+r3.0.13-12ubuntu0.1', 'libfile-fcntllock-perl 0.14-2build1', 'libflac8 1.3.0-2ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libfreetype6 2.5.2-1ubuntu2.5', 'libfribidi0 0.19.6-1', 'libfuse2 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'libgcc-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgcc1 1:4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'libgck-1-0 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-3-common 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-base-3-1 3.10.1-1', 'libgcrypt11 1.5.3-2ubuntu4.3', 'libgdbm3 1.8.3-12build1', 'libgeoip1 1.6.0-1', 'libgfortran3 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgirepository-1.0-1 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'libgl1-mesa-dri 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libgl1-mesa-glx 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libglapi-mesa 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libglib2.0-0 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libglib2.0-data 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libgmp10 2:5.1.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1', 'libgnutls-openssl27 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgnutls26 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgomp1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgpg-error0 1.12-0.2ubuntu1', 'libgpm2 1.20.4-6.1', 'libgssapi-krb5-2 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libgssapi3-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhcrypto4-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimbase1-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimntlm0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhx509-5-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libicu52 52.1-3ubuntu0.4', 'libidn11 1.28-1ubuntu2', 'libipset3 6.20.1-1', 'libisc95 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccc90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccfg90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisl10 0.12.2-1', 'libitm1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libjpeg-turbo8 1.3.0-0ubuntu2', 'libjpeg8 8c-2ubuntu8', 'libjs-jquery 1.7.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1', 'libjs-sphinxdoc 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'libjs-underscore 1.4.4-2ubuntu1', 'libjson-c2 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libjson0 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libk5crypto3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkeyutils1 1.5.6-1', 'libklibc 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libkmod2 15-0ubuntu6', 'libkrb5-26-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libkrb5-3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkrb5support0 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'liblapack3 3.5.0-2ubuntu1', 'libldap-2.4-2 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu8.2', 'libllvm3.4 1:3.4-1ubuntu3', 'liblocale-gettext-perl 1.05-7build3', 'liblockfile-bin 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblockfile1 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblog-message-simple-perl 0.10-1', 'liblwres90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'liblzma5 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'libmagic1 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'libmnl0 1.0.3-3ubuntu1', 'libmodule-pluggable-perl 5.1-1', 'libmount1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libmpc3 1.0.1-1ubuntu1', 'libmpdec2 2.4.0-6', 'libmpfr4 3.1.2-1', 'libmysqlclient18 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libncurses5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libncursesw5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libnetcf1 1:0.2.3-4ubuntu1', 'libnetfilter-conntrack3 1.0.4-1', 'libnewt0.52 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'libnfnetlink0 1.0.1-2', 'libnih-dbus1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnih1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-genl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-route-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnspr4 2:4.10.10-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libnss3 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnss3-nssdb 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnuma1 2.0.9~rc5-1ubuntu3.14.04.2', 'libogg0 1.3.1-1ubuntu1', 'libopts25 1:5.18-2ubuntu2', 'libp11-kit0 0.20.2-2ubuntu2', 'libpam-cap 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libpam-modules 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-modules-bin 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-runtime 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-systemd 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libpam0g 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libparted0debian1 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libpcap0.8 1.5.3-2', 'libpci3 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'libpciaccess0 0.13.2-1', 'libpcre3 1:8.31-2ubuntu2.3', 'libpgm-5.1-0 5.1.118-1~dfsg-0.1ubuntu3', 'libpipeline1 1.3.0-1', 'libpixman-1-0 0.30.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'libplymouth2 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'libpng12-0 1.2.50-1ubuntu2.14.04.2', 'libpod-latex-perl 0.61-1', 'libpolkit-agent-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpolkit-backend-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpolkit-gobject-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpopt0 1.16-8ubuntu1', 'libpq5 9.3.12-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'libprocps3 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpulse0 1:4.0-0ubuntu11.1', 'libpython-stdlib 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'libpython2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-stdlib 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython3-stdlib 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'libpython3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libpython3.4-stdlib 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libquadmath0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'librados2 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'librbd1 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'libreadline5 5.2+dfsg-2', 'libreadline6 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'libroken18-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'librtmp0 2.4+20121230.gitdf6c518-1', 'libruby1.9.1', 'libsasl2-2 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsasl2-modules-db 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsdl1.2debian 1.2.15-8ubuntu1.1', 'libseccomp2 2.1.0+dfsg-1', 'libselinux1 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsemanage-common 2.2-1', 'libsemanage1 2.2-1', 'libsepol1 2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsigsegv2 2.10-2', 'libslang2 2.2.4-15ubuntu1', 'libsndfile1 1.0.25-7ubuntu2.1', 'libspice-server1 0.12.4-0nocelt2ubuntu1.2', 'libsqlite3-0 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'libss2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libssh2-1 1.4.3-2', 'libssl1.0.0 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'libstdc++-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libstdc++6 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libsysfs2 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'libsystemd-daemon0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libsystemd-login0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libtasn1-6 3.4-3ubuntu0.4', 'libterm-ui-perl 0.42-1', 'libtext-charwidth-perl 0.04-7build3', 'libtext-iconv-perl 1.7-5build2', 'libtext-soundex-perl 3.4-1build1', 'libtext-wrapi18n-perl 0.06-7', 'libtidy-0.99-0 20091223cvs-1.2ubuntu1.1', 'libtimedate-perl 2.3000-1', 'libtinfo5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libtsan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 0~git20131104-1.1', 'libudev1 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libusb-0.1-4 2:0.1.12-23.3ubuntu1', 'libusb-1.0-0 2:1.0.17-1ubuntu2', 'libusbredirparser1 0.6-2ubuntu1.1', 'libustr-1.0-1 1.0.4-3ubuntu2', 'libuuid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libvirt-bin 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-clients 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-daemon 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-daemon-system 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt0 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvorbis0a 1.3.2-1.3ubuntu1', 'libvorbisenc2 1.3.2-1.3ubuntu1', 'libwind0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libwrap0 7.6.q-25', 'libx11-6 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-data 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-xcb1 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx86-1 1.1+ds1-10', 'libxau6 1:1.0.8-1', 'libxcb-dri2-0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-dri3-0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-glx0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-present0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-sync1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxdamage1 1:1.1.4-1ubuntu1', 'libxdmcp6 1:1.1.1-1', 'libxen-4.4 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.14.04.5', 'libxenstore3.0 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.14.04.5', 'libxext6 2:1.3.2-1ubuntu0.', 'libxfixes3 1:5.0.1-1ubuntu1.1', 'libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxml2-utils 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxmuu1 2:1.1.1-1', 'libxshmfence1 1.1-2', 'libxslt1.1 1.1.28-2build1', 'libxtables10 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'libxxf86vm1 1:1.1.3-1', 'libyajl2 2.0.4-4', 'libyaml-0-2 0.1.4-3ubuntu3.1', 'libzmq3 4.0.4+dfsg-2', 'linux-firmware 1.127.22', 'linux-firmware-nonfree 1.14ubuntu3', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-generic', 'linux-headers-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-image-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-extra-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-generic', 'linux-image-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-libc-dev 3.13.0-86.130', 'locales 2.13+git20120306-12.1', 'lockfile-progs 0.1.17', 'login 1:', 'logrotate 3.8.7-1ubuntu1', 'lsb-base 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lsb-release 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lshw 02.16-2ubuntu1.3', 'lsof 4.86+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'ltrace 0.7.3-4ubuntu5.1', 'lvm2 2.02.98-6ubuntu2', 'make 3.81-8.2ubuntu3', 'makedev 2.3.1-93ubuntu1', 'man-db', 'manpages 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'manpages-dev 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'mawk 1.3.3-17ubuntu2', 'mcollective 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mcollective-common 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mdadm 3.2.5-5ubuntu4.2', 'mime-support 3.54ubuntu1.1', 'mlocate 0.26-1ubuntu1', 'module-init-tools 15-0ubuntu6', 'mount 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'mountall 2.53', 'msr-tools 1.3-2', 'mtr-tiny 0.85-2', 'multiarch-support 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'mysql-common 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'nailgun-agent 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos151', 'nailgun-mcagents 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos699', 'nano 2.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-base 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-bin 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-term 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'net-tools 1.60-25ubuntu2.1', 'netbase 5.2', 'netcat-openbsd 1.105-7ubuntu1', 'network-checker 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos58', 'neutron-common 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'nova-common 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-compute 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-compute-qemu 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'ntfs-3g 1:2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu2', 'ntp 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ntpdate 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ohai 6.14.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'open-iscsi 2.0.873-3ubuntu9', 'openssh-client 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-sftp-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssl 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'openvswitch-common 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-datapath-dkms 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-switch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'os-prober 1.63ubuntu1.1', 'parted 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'passwd 1:', 'patch 2.7.1-4ubuntu2.3', 'pciutils 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'perl 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-base 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-modules 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'plymouth 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'pm-utils 1.4.1-13ubuntu0.2', 'policykit-1 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'popularity-contest 1.57ubuntu1', 'postfix 2.11.0-1ubuntu1', 'powermgmt-base 1.31build1', 'ppp 2.4.5-5.1ubuntu2.2', 'pppconfig 2.3.19ubuntu1', 'pppoeconf 1.20ubuntu1', 'procps 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'psmisc 22.20-1ubuntu2', 'puppet 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'puppet-common 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-aioeventlet 0.4-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqp 1.4.6-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqplib 1.0.2-1', 'python-anyjson 0.3.3-1build1', 'python-apt-common', 'python-babel 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-babel-localedata 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-boto 2.38.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-bs4 4.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-cachetools 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cffi 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-cffi-backend 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-chardet 2.0.1-2build2', 'python-cheetah 2.4.4-3.fakesyncbuild1', 'python-cinderclient 1:1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cliff 1.14.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cmd2 0.6.7-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-concurrent.futures 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-configobj 4.7.2+ds-5build1', 'python-contextlib2 0.4.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-crypto 2.6.1-4build1', 'python-cryptography 1.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-daemonize 2.2.1-0x2go1~git20131219.5~u14.04+mos2', 'python-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-dbus-dev 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-debtcollector 0.8.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-decorator 3.4.0-2build1', 'python-dns 2.3.6-3', 'python-ecdsa 0.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-editor 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-egenix-mxdatetime 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-egenix-mxtools 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-enum34 0.9.23-1', 'python-eventlet 0.17.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-extras 0.0.3-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-fasteners 0.12.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-feedparser 5.1.3-2', 'python-fixtures 1.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-formencode 1.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'python-funcsigs 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-futurist 0.1.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-gflags 1.5.1-1build1', 'python-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python-glanceclient 1:1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-greenlet 0.4.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-httplib2 0.8-2build1', 'python-idna 2.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ipaddress 1.0.14-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-iso8601 0.1.10-0ubuntu1', 'python-jinja2 2.8-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-json-patch 1.3-4', 'python-json-pointer 1.0-2build1', 'python-jsonpatch 1.3-4', 'python-jsonschema 2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-keyring 3.5-1', 'python-keystoneclient 1:1.7.4-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-keystonemiddleware 2.3.3-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-kombu 3.0.26-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-libvirt 1.2.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'python-linecache2 1.0.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-logutils 0.3.3-1', 'python-lxml 3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-mako 1.0.2+ds1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-markupsafe 0.23-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-memcache 1.56-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-migrate 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mimeparse 0.1.4-1build1', 'python-minimal 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-mock 1.3.0-2.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-monotonic 0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-msgpack 0.4.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mysqldb 1.3.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netaddr 0.7.17-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netifaces 0.10.4-0.1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-neutron 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'python-neutronclient 1:3.1.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-nova 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'python-novaclient 2:2.30.2-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-numpy 1:1.8.2-0ubuntu0.1', 'python-oauth 1.0.1-3build2', 'python-openid 2.2.5-3ubuntu1', 'python-openssl 0.15.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-openvswitch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-os-brick 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.concurrency 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.config 1:2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.context 0.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.db 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.i18n 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.log 1.11.0-1~u14.04+mos6', 'python-oslo.messaging 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos26', 'python-oslo.middleware 2.8.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.policy 0.11.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.reports 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.rootwrap 2.3.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.serialization 1.9.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.service 0.9.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-oslo.utils 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.versionedobjects 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos7', 'python-paramiko 1.15.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-paste', 'python-pastedeploy 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastedeploy-tpl 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastescript 1.7.5-3build1', 'python-pbr 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos2', 'python-pecan 1.0.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pkg-resources 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ply 3.4-3ubuntu2', 'python-prettytable 0.7.2-2ubuntu2', 'python-psutil 1.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-psycopg2 2.6.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyasn1 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycadf 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycparser 2.10+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'python-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python-pymysql 0.6.7-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyparsing 2.0.1+dfsg1-1build1', 'python-pypcap 1.1.2+debian-2.2', 'python-pyroute2 0.3.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyudev 0.16.1-2build1', 'python-repoze.lru 0.6-4', 'python-requests 2.7.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-retrying 1.3.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-rfc3986 0.2.0-2~u14.04+mos5', 'python-routes 2.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ryu 3.24-1.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-scapy 2.2.0-1', 'python-scgi 1.13-1.1build1', 'python-secretstorage 2.0.0-1ubuntu1.1', 'python-serial 2.6-1build1', 'python-setuptools 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-simplegeneric 0.8.1-1', 'python-simplejson 3.3.1-1ubuntu6', 'python-singledispatch', 'python-six 1.9.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy-ext 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlparse 0.1.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-stevedore 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-tablib 0.9.11-2build1', 'python-tempita 0.5.2-1build1', 'python-testresources 0.2.7-1ubuntu2', 'python-testscenarios 0.4-2ubuntu2', 'python-testtools 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-traceback2 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-trollius 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-tz 2014.10~dfsg1-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unicodecsv 0.13.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unittest2 1.1.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-urllib3 1.10.4-1~u14.04+mos9', 'python-utidylib 0.2-9build1', 'python-waitress 0.8.8-1ubuntu3', 'python-warlock 1.1.0-0ubuntu2', 'python-webob 1.3.1-1', 'python-webtest 2.0.14-1ubuntu1', 'python-wrapt 1.8.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-yaml 3.10-4ubuntu0.1', 'python-zmq 14.4.0-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python3 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-apt', 'python3-commandnotfound 0.3ubuntu12', 'python3-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python3-distupgrade 1:0.220.8', 'python3-gdbm 3.4.3-1~14.04.2', 'python3-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python3-minimal 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python3-software-properties', 'python3-update-manager 1:0.196.14', 'python3.4 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'python3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'qemu 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-keymaps 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-kvm 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-arm 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-common 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-mips 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-misc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-ppc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-sparc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-x86 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-user 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-utils 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'readline-common 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'resolvconf 1.69ubuntu1.1', 'rsync 3.1.0-2ubuntu0.2', 'rsyslog 7.4.4-1ubuntu2.6', 'ruby 1:', 'ruby-augeas 0.5.0-2', 'ruby-cstruct 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-deep-merge 1.0.0+git20150630-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ruby-hiera 1.3.1-1puppetlabs1~u14.04+mos3', 'ruby-httpclient', 'ruby-ipaddress 0.8.0-2', 'ruby-json 1.8.0-1build1', 'ruby-mixlib-cli 1.4.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-config 2.1.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-log 1.4.1-1', 'ruby-netaddr 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-openstack 1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rethtool 0.0.5-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rgen 0.6.6-1', 'ruby-safe-yaml 1.0.1-1', 'ruby-selinux 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'ruby-shadow 2.2.0-1', 'ruby-sigar 0.7.2-2', 'ruby-stomp 1.3.2-1', 'ruby-systemu 2.6.0-1', 'ruby-yajl 1.2.0-1', 'ruby1.9.1', 'screen 4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-9', 'seabios 1.7.4-4ubuntu1', 'sed 4.2.2-4ubuntu1', 'sensible-utils 0.0.9', 'sgml-base 1.26+nmu4ubuntu1', 'shared-mime-info 1.2-0ubuntu3', 'sharutils 1:4.14-1ubuntu1', 'socat', 'software-properties-common', 'sqlite3 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'ssh-import-id 3.21-0ubuntu1', 'ssl-cert 1.0.33', 'strace 4.8-1ubuntu5', 'sudo 1.8.9p5-1ubuntu1.2', 'sysfsutils 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'systemd-services 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'systemd-shim 6-2bzr1', 'sysv-rc 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'tar 1.27.1-1', 'tcpd 7.6.q-25', 'tcpdump 4.5.1-2ubuntu1.2', 'telnet 0.17-36build2', 'time 1.7-24', 'tmux 1.8-5', 'tzdata 2016d-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'ubuntu-keyring 2012.05.19', 'ubuntu-minimal 1.325', 'ubuntu-release-upgrader-core 1:0.220.8', 'ubuntu-standard 1.325', 'ucf 3.0027+nmu1', 'udev 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'ufw 0.34~rc-0ubuntu2', 'unattended-upgrades 0.82.1ubuntu2.4', 'update-manager-core 1:0.196.14', 'upstart 1.12.1-0ubuntu4.2', 'ureadahead 0.100.0-16', 'usbutils 1:007-2ubuntu1.1', 'util-linux 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'uuid-runtime 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'vbetool 1.1-3', 'vim 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-common 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-runtime 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-tiny 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'virt-what 1.13-1', 'vlan 1.9-3ubuntu10', 'watershed 7', 'websockify 0.6.1+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'wget 1.15-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'whiptail 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'wireless-regdb 2013.02.13-1ubuntu1', 'xauth 1:1.0.7-1ubuntu1', 'xkb-data 2.10.1-1ubuntu1', 'xml-core 0.13+nmu2', 'xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'zlib1g 1:1.2.8.dfsg-1ubuntu1'] 2016-05-14 02:04:34,881 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_node_packages with result: {'deploy_cluster': {u'compute': ['accountsservice 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'acct 6.5.5-1ubuntu5', 'acl 2.2.52-1', 'acpid 1:2.0.21-1ubuntu2', 'adduser 3.113+nmu3ubuntu3', 'alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'anacron 2.3-20ubuntu1', 'apparmor 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'apt 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-transport-https 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-utils 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'atop 1.26-2', 'augeas-lenses 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'base-files 7.2ubuntu5.4', 'base-passwd 3.5.33', 'bash 4.3-7ubuntu1.5', 'bash-completion 1:2.1-4ubuntu0.1', 'bind9-host 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'binutils 2.24-5ubuntu14', 'bridge-utils 1.5-6ubuntu2', 'bsdmainutils 9.0.5ubuntu1', 'bsdutils 1:2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'build-essential 11.6ubuntu6', 'busybox-initramfs 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'busybox-static 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'bzip2 1.0.6-5', 'ca-certificates 20160104ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'cliff-tablib 1.1-1', 'cloud-guest-utils 0.27-0ubuntu9.2', 'cloud-init 0.7.5-0ubuntu1.18', 'command-not-found 0.3ubuntu12', 'command-not-found-data 0.3ubuntu12', 'conntrack 1:1.4.1-1ubuntu1', 'console-setup 1.70ubuntu8', 'coreutils 8.21-1ubuntu5.4', 'cpio 2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu1.2', 'cpp 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'cpp-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'cpu-checker 0.7-0ubuntu4', 'cpufrequtils 008-1', 'crda 1.1.2-1ubuntu2', 'cron 3.0pl1-124ubuntu2', 'curl 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'daemonize 1.7.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'dash 0.5.7-4ubuntu1', 'dbconfig-common 1.8.47+nmu1', 'dbus 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'debconf 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-i18n 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-utils 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debianutils 4.4', 'dh-python 1.20140128-1ubuntu8.2', 'diffutils 1:3.3-1', 'dkms', 'dmidecode 2.12-2', 'dmsetup 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'dnsmasq-base 2.68-1ubuntu0.1', 'dnsutils 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'dosfstools 3.0.26-1', 'dpkg 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'dpkg-dev 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'e2fslibs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'e2fsprogs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'eatmydata 26-2', 'ebtables', 'ed 1.9-2', 'eject 2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-13.1', 'ethtool 1:3.13-1', 'facter 1.7.5-1ubuntu1', 'fakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'file 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'findutils 4.4.2-7', 'fping 3.8-1', 'friendly-recovery 0.2.25', 'ftp 0.17-28', 'fuel-ha-utils 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-misc 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuse 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'g++ 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'g++-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gawk 1:4.0.1+dfsg-2.1ubuntu2', 'gcc 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'gcc-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.8-base 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.9-base 4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'gdisk 0.8.8-1ubuntu0.1', 'geoip-database 20140313-1', 'gettext-base', 'gir1.2-glib-2.0 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'gnupg 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'gpgv 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'grep 2.16-1', 'groff-base 1.22.2-5', 'grub-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-gfxpayload-lists 0.6', 'grub-pc 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-pc-bin 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub2-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'gzip 1.6-3ubuntu1', 'hdparm 9.43-1ubuntu3', 'hostname 3.15ubuntu1', 'hpsa-dkms 3.4.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'htop 1.0.2-3', 'i40e-dkms 1.3.47-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ieee-data 20131224.1', 'ifenslave 2.4ubuntu1.2', 'ifupdown', 'info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'init-system-helpers 1.18~bpo70+1~u14.04+mos1', 'initramfs-tools 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initramfs-tools-bin 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initscripts 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'insserv 1.14.0-5ubuntu2', 'install-info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'iproute2 3.12.0-2ubuntu1', 'ipset 6.20.1-1', 'iptables 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'iptables-persistent 0.5.7', 'iputils-arping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-ping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-tracepath 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'ipxe-qemu 1.0.0+git-20131111.c3d1e78-2ubuntu1.1', 'irqbalance 1.0.6-2ubuntu0.14.04.4', 'isc-dhcp-client 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'isc-dhcp-common 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'iso-codes 3.52-1', 'iw 3.4-1', 'kbd 1.15.5-1ubuntu1', 'keyboard-configuration 1.70ubuntu8', 'klibc-utils 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'kmod 15-0ubuntu6', 'kpartx 0.4.9-3ubuntu7.11', 'language-selector-common 0.129.3', 'less 458-2', 'libaccountsservice0 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'libacl1 2.2.52-1', 'libaio1 0.3.109-4', 'libalgorithm-diff-perl 1.19.02-3', 'libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl 0.04-2build4', 'libalgorithm-merge-perl 0.08-2', 'libapparmor-perl 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapparmor1 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapt-inst1.5 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libapt-pkg4.12 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libarchive-extract-perl 0.70-1', 'libasan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libasn1-8-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libasound2', 'libasound2-data', 'libasprintf0c2', 'libasyncns0 0.8-4ubuntu2', 'libatomic1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libattr1 1:2.4.47-1ubuntu1', 'libaudit-common 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaudit1 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaugeas0 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'libavahi-client3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common-data 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libbind9-90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libblas3 1.2.20110419-7', 'libblkid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libbluetooth3 4.101-0ubuntu13.1', 'libboost-system1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libboost-thread1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libbrlapi0.6 5.0-2ubuntu2', 'libbsd0 0.6.0-2ubuntu1', 'libbz2-1.0 1.0.6-5', 'libc-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc-dev-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6-dev 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libcaca0 0.99.beta18-1ubuntu5', 'libcap-ng0 0.7.3-1ubuntu2', 'libcap2 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcap2-bin 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcgmanager0 0.24-0ubuntu7.5', 'libck-connector0 0.4.5-3.1ubuntu2', 'libcloog-isl4 0.18.2-1', 'libcomerr2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libcpufreq0 008-1', 'libcurl3 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libcurl3-gnutls 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libdb5.3 5.3.28-3ubuntu3', 'libdbus-1-3 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'libdbus-glib-1-2 0.100.2-1', 'libdebconfclient0 0.187ubuntu1', 'libdevmapper-event1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdevmapper1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdns100 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libdpkg-perl 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'libdrm-intel1 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm-nouveau2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm-radeon1 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libedit2 3.1-20130712-2', 'libelf1 0.158-0ubuntu5.2', 'libestr0 0.1.9-0ubuntu2', 'libevent-2.0-5 2.0.21-stable-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libexpat1 2.1.0-4ubuntu1.1', 'libfakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'libfdt1 1.4.0+dfsg-1', 'libffi6 3.1~rc1+r3.0.13-12ubuntu0.1', 'libfile-fcntllock-perl 0.14-2build1', 'libflac8 1.3.0-2ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libfreetype6 2.5.2-1ubuntu2.5', 'libfribidi0 0.19.6-1', 'libfuse2 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'libgcc-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgcc1 1:4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'libgck-1-0 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-3-common 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-base-3-1 3.10.1-1', 'libgcrypt11 1.5.3-2ubuntu4.3', 'libgdbm3 1.8.3-12build1', 'libgeoip1 1.6.0-1', 'libgfortran3 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgirepository-1.0-1 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'libgl1-mesa-dri 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libgl1-mesa-glx 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libglapi-mesa 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libglib2.0-0 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libglib2.0-data 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libgmp10 2:5.1.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1', 'libgnutls-openssl27 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgnutls26 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgomp1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgpg-error0 1.12-0.2ubuntu1', 'libgpm2 1.20.4-6.1', 'libgssapi-krb5-2 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libgssapi3-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhcrypto4-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimbase1-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimntlm0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhx509-5-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libicu52 52.1-3ubuntu0.4', 'libidn11 1.28-1ubuntu2', 'libipset3 6.20.1-1', 'libisc95 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccc90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccfg90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisl10 0.12.2-1', 'libitm1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libjpeg-turbo8 1.3.0-0ubuntu2', 'libjpeg8 8c-2ubuntu8', 'libjs-jquery 1.7.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1', 'libjs-sphinxdoc 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'libjs-underscore 1.4.4-2ubuntu1', 'libjson-c2 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libjson0 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libk5crypto3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkeyutils1 1.5.6-1', 'libklibc 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libkmod2 15-0ubuntu6', 'libkrb5-26-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libkrb5-3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkrb5support0 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'liblapack3 3.5.0-2ubuntu1', 'libldap-2.4-2 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu8.2', 'libllvm3.4 1:3.4-1ubuntu3', 'liblocale-gettext-perl 1.05-7build3', 'liblockfile-bin 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblockfile1 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblog-message-simple-perl 0.10-1', 'liblwres90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'liblzma5 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'libmagic1 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'libmnl0 1.0.3-3ubuntu1', 'libmodule-pluggable-perl 5.1-1', 'libmount1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libmpc3 1.0.1-1ubuntu1', 'libmpdec2 2.4.0-6', 'libmpfr4 3.1.2-1', 'libmysqlclient18 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libncurses5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libncursesw5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libnetcf1 1:0.2.3-4ubuntu1', 'libnetfilter-conntrack3 1.0.4-1', 'libnewt0.52 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'libnfnetlink0 1.0.1-2', 'libnih-dbus1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnih1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-genl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-route-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnspr4 2:4.10.10-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libnss3 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnss3-nssdb 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnuma1 2.0.9~rc5-1ubuntu3.14.04.2', 'libogg0 1.3.1-1ubuntu1', 'libopts25 1:5.18-2ubuntu2', 'libp11-kit0 0.20.2-2ubuntu2', 'libpam-cap 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libpam-modules 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-modules-bin 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-runtime 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-systemd 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libpam0g 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libparted0debian1 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libpcap0.8 1.5.3-2', 'libpci3 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'libpciaccess0 0.13.2-1', 'libpcre3 1:8.31-2ubuntu2.3', 'libpgm-5.1-0 5.1.118-1~dfsg-0.1ubuntu3', 'libpipeline1 1.3.0-1', 'libpixman-1-0 0.30.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'libplymouth2 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'libpng12-0 1.2.50-1ubuntu2.14.04.2', 'libpod-latex-perl 0.61-1', 'libpolkit-agent-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpolkit-backend-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpolkit-gobject-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpopt0 1.16-8ubuntu1', 'libpq5 9.3.12-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'libprocps3 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpulse0 1:4.0-0ubuntu11.1', 'libpython-stdlib 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'libpython2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-stdlib 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython3-stdlib 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'libpython3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libpython3.4-stdlib 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libquadmath0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'librados2 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'librbd1 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'libreadline5 5.2+dfsg-2', 'libreadline6 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'libroken18-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'librtmp0 2.4+20121230.gitdf6c518-1', 'libruby1.9.1', 'libsasl2-2 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsasl2-modules-db 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsdl1.2debian 1.2.15-8ubuntu1.1', 'libseccomp2 2.1.0+dfsg-1', 'libselinux1 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsemanage-common 2.2-1', 'libsemanage1 2.2-1', 'libsepol1 2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsigsegv2 2.10-2', 'libslang2 2.2.4-15ubuntu1', 'libsndfile1 1.0.25-7ubuntu2.1', 'libspice-server1 0.12.4-0nocelt2ubuntu1.2', 'libsqlite3-0 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'libss2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libssh2-1 1.4.3-2', 'libssl1.0.0 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'libstdc++-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libstdc++6 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libsysfs2 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'libsystemd-daemon0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libsystemd-login0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libtasn1-6 3.4-3ubuntu0.4', 'libterm-ui-perl 0.42-1', 'libtext-charwidth-perl 0.04-7build3', 'libtext-iconv-perl 1.7-5build2', 'libtext-soundex-perl 3.4-1build1', 'libtext-wrapi18n-perl 0.06-7', 'libtidy-0.99-0 20091223cvs-1.2ubuntu1.1', 'libtimedate-perl 2.3000-1', 'libtinfo5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libtsan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 0~git20131104-1.1', 'libudev1 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libusb-0.1-4 2:0.1.12-23.3ubuntu1', 'libusb-1.0-0 2:1.0.17-1ubuntu2', 'libusbredirparser1 0.6-2ubuntu1.1', 'libustr-1.0-1 1.0.4-3ubuntu2', 'libuuid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libvirt-bin 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-clients 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-daemon 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-daemon-system 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt0 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvorbis0a 1.3.2-1.3ubuntu1', 'libvorbisenc2 1.3.2-1.3ubuntu1', 'libwind0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libwrap0 7.6.q-25', 'libx11-6 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-data 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-xcb1 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx86-1 1.1+ds1-10', 'libxau6 1:1.0.8-1', 'libxcb-dri2-0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-dri3-0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-glx0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-present0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-sync1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxdamage1 1:1.1.4-1ubuntu1', 'libxdmcp6 1:1.1.1-1', 'libxen-4.4 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.14.04.5', 'libxenstore3.0 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.14.04.5', 'libxext6 2:1.3.2-1ubuntu0.', 'libxfixes3 1:5.0.1-1ubuntu1.1', 'libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxml2-utils 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxmuu1 2:1.1.1-1', 'libxshmfence1 1.1-2', 'libxslt1.1 1.1.28-2build1', 'libxtables10 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'libxxf86vm1 1:1.1.3-1', 'libyajl2 2.0.4-4', 'libyaml-0-2 0.1.4-3ubuntu3.1', 'libzmq3 4.0.4+dfsg-2', 'linux-firmware 1.127.22', 'linux-firmware-nonfree 1.14ubuntu3', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-generic', 'linux-headers-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-image-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-extra-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-generic', 'linux-image-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-libc-dev 3.13.0-86.130', 'locales 2.13+git20120306-12.1', 'lockfile-progs 0.1.17', 'login 1:', 'logrotate 3.8.7-1ubuntu1', 'lsb-base 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lsb-release 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lshw 02.16-2ubuntu1.3', 'lsof 4.86+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'ltrace 0.7.3-4ubuntu5.1', 'lvm2 2.02.98-6ubuntu2', 'make 3.81-8.2ubuntu3', 'makedev 2.3.1-93ubuntu1', 'man-db', 'manpages 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'manpages-dev 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'mawk 1.3.3-17ubuntu2', 'mcollective 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mcollective-common 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mdadm 3.2.5-5ubuntu4.2', 'mime-support 3.54ubuntu1.1', 'mlocate 0.26-1ubuntu1', 'module-init-tools 15-0ubuntu6', 'mount 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'mountall 2.53', 'msr-tools 1.3-2', 'mtr-tiny 0.85-2', 'multiarch-support 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'mysql-common 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'nailgun-agent 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos151', 'nailgun-mcagents 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos699', 'nano 2.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-base 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-bin 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-term 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'net-tools 1.60-25ubuntu2.1', 'netbase 5.2', 'netcat-openbsd 1.105-7ubuntu1', 'network-checker 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos58', 'neutron-common 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'nova-common 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-compute 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-compute-qemu 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'ntfs-3g 1:2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu2', 'ntp 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ntpdate 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ohai 6.14.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'open-iscsi 2.0.873-3ubuntu9', 'openssh-client 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-sftp-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssl 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'openvswitch-common 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-datapath-dkms 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-switch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'os-prober 1.63ubuntu1.1', 'parted 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'passwd 1:', 'patch 2.7.1-4ubuntu2.3', 'pciutils 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'perl 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-base 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-modules 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'plymouth 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'pm-utils 1.4.1-13ubuntu0.2', 'policykit-1 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'popularity-contest 1.57ubuntu1', 'postfix 2.11.0-1ubuntu1', 'powermgmt-base 1.31build1', 'ppp 2.4.5-5.1ubuntu2.2', 'pppconfig 2.3.19ubuntu1', 'pppoeconf 1.20ubuntu1', 'procps 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'psmisc 22.20-1ubuntu2', 'puppet 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'puppet-common 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-aioeventlet 0.4-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqp 1.4.6-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqplib 1.0.2-1', 'python-anyjson 0.3.3-1build1', 'python-apt-common', 'python-babel 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-babel-localedata 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-boto 2.38.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-bs4 4.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-cachetools 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cffi 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-cffi-backend 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-chardet 2.0.1-2build2', 'python-cheetah 2.4.4-3.fakesyncbuild1', 'python-cinderclient 1:1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cliff 1.14.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cmd2 0.6.7-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-concurrent.futures 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-configobj 4.7.2+ds-5build1', 'python-contextlib2 0.4.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-crypto 2.6.1-4build1', 'python-cryptography 1.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-daemonize 2.2.1-0x2go1~git20131219.5~u14.04+mos2', 'python-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-dbus-dev 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-debtcollector 0.8.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-decorator 3.4.0-2build1', 'python-dns 2.3.6-3', 'python-ecdsa 0.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-editor 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-egenix-mxdatetime 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-egenix-mxtools 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-enum34 0.9.23-1', 'python-eventlet 0.17.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-extras 0.0.3-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-fasteners 0.12.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-feedparser 5.1.3-2', 'python-fixtures 1.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-formencode 1.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'python-funcsigs 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-futurist 0.1.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-gflags 1.5.1-1build1', 'python-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python-glanceclient 1:1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-greenlet 0.4.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-httplib2 0.8-2build1', 'python-idna 2.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ipaddress 1.0.14-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-iso8601 0.1.10-0ubuntu1', 'python-jinja2 2.8-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-json-patch 1.3-4', 'python-json-pointer 1.0-2build1', 'python-jsonpatch 1.3-4', 'python-jsonschema 2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-keyring 3.5-1', 'python-keystoneclient 1:1.7.4-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-keystonemiddleware 2.3.3-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-kombu 3.0.26-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-libvirt 1.2.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'python-linecache2 1.0.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-logutils 0.3.3-1', 'python-lxml 3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-mako 1.0.2+ds1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-markupsafe 0.23-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-memcache 1.56-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-migrate 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mimeparse 0.1.4-1build1', 'python-minimal 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-mock 1.3.0-2.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-monotonic 0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-msgpack 0.4.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mysqldb 1.3.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netaddr 0.7.17-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netifaces 0.10.4-0.1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-neutron 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'python-neutronclient 1:3.1.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-nova 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'python-novaclient 2:2.30.2-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-numpy 1:1.8.2-0ubuntu0.1', 'python-oauth 1.0.1-3build2', 'python-openid 2.2.5-3ubuntu1', 'python-openssl 0.15.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-openvswitch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-os-brick 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.concurrency 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.config 1:2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.context 0.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.db 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.i18n 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.log 1.11.0-1~u14.04+mos6', 'python-oslo.messaging 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos26', 'python-oslo.middleware 2.8.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.policy 0.11.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.reports 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.rootwrap 2.3.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.serialization 1.9.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.service 0.9.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-oslo.utils 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.versionedobjects 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos7', 'python-paramiko 1.15.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-paste', 'python-pastedeploy 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastedeploy-tpl 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastescript 1.7.5-3build1', 'python-pbr 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos2', 'python-pecan 1.0.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pkg-resources 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ply 3.4-3ubuntu2', 'python-prettytable 0.7.2-2ubuntu2', 'python-psutil 1.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-psycopg2 2.6.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyasn1 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycadf 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycparser 2.10+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'python-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python-pymysql 0.6.7-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyparsing 2.0.1+dfsg1-1build1', 'python-pypcap 1.1.2+debian-2.2', 'python-pyroute2 0.3.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyudev 0.16.1-2build1', 'python-repoze.lru 0.6-4', 'python-requests 2.7.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-retrying 1.3.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-rfc3986 0.2.0-2~u14.04+mos5', 'python-routes 2.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ryu 3.24-1.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-scapy 2.2.0-1', 'python-scgi 1.13-1.1build1', 'python-secretstorage 2.0.0-1ubuntu1.1', 'python-serial 2.6-1build1', 'python-setuptools 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-simplegeneric 0.8.1-1', 'python-simplejson 3.3.1-1ubuntu6', 'python-singledispatch', 'python-six 1.9.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy-ext 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlparse 0.1.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-stevedore 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-tablib 0.9.11-2build1', 'python-tempita 0.5.2-1build1', 'python-testresources 0.2.7-1ubuntu2', 'python-testscenarios 0.4-2ubuntu2', 'python-testtools 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-traceback2 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-trollius 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-tz 2014.10~dfsg1-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unicodecsv 0.13.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unittest2 1.1.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-urllib3 1.10.4-1~u14.04+mos9', 'python-utidylib 0.2-9build1', 'python-waitress 0.8.8-1ubuntu3', 'python-warlock 1.1.0-0ubuntu2', 'python-webob 1.3.1-1', 'python-webtest 2.0.14-1ubuntu1', 'python-wrapt 1.8.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-yaml 3.10-4ubuntu0.1', 'python-zmq 14.4.0-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python3 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-apt', 'python3-commandnotfound 0.3ubuntu12', 'python3-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python3-distupgrade 1:0.220.8', 'python3-gdbm 3.4.3-1~14.04.2', 'python3-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python3-minimal 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python3-software-properties', 'python3-update-manager 1:0.196.14', 'python3.4 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'python3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'qemu 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-keymaps 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-kvm 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-arm 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-common 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-mips 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-misc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-ppc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-sparc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-x86 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-user 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-utils 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'readline-common 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'resolvconf 1.69ubuntu1.1', 'rsync 3.1.0-2ubuntu0.2', 'rsyslog 7.4.4-1ubuntu2.6', 'ruby 1:', 'ruby-augeas 0.5.0-2', 'ruby-cstruct 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-deep-merge 1.0.0+git20150630-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ruby-hiera 1.3.1-1puppetlabs1~u14.04+mos3', 'ruby-httpclient', 'ruby-ipaddress 0.8.0-2', 'ruby-json 1.8.0-1build1', 'ruby-mixlib-cli 1.4.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-config 2.1.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-log 1.4.1-1', 'ruby-netaddr 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-openstack 1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rethtool 0.0.5-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rgen 0.6.6-1', 'ruby-safe-yaml 1.0.1-1', 'ruby-selinux 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'ruby-shadow 2.2.0-1', 'ruby-sigar 0.7.2-2', 'ruby-stomp 1.3.2-1', 'ruby-systemu 2.6.0-1', 'ruby-yajl 1.2.0-1', 'ruby1.9.1', 'screen 4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-9', 'seabios 1.7.4-4ubuntu1', 'sed 4.2.2-4ubuntu1', 'sensible-utils 0.0.9', 'sgml-base 1.26+nmu4ubuntu1', 'shared-mime-info 1.2-0ubuntu3', 'sharutils 1:4.14-1ubuntu1', 'socat', 'software-properties-common', 'sqlite3 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'ssh-import-id 3.21-0ubuntu1', 'ssl-cert 1.0.33', 'strace 4.8-1ubuntu5', 'sudo 1.8.9p5-1ubuntu1.2', 'sysfsutils 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'systemd-services 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'systemd-shim 6-2bzr1', 'sysv-rc 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'tar 1.27.1-1', 'tcpd 7.6.q-25', 'tcpdump 4.5.1-2ubuntu1.2', 'telnet 0.17-36build2', 'time 1.7-24', 'tmux 1.8-5', 'tzdata 2016d-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'ubuntu-keyring 2012.05.19', 'ubuntu-minimal 1.325', 'ubuntu-release-upgrader-core 1:0.220.8', 'ubuntu-standard 1.325', 'ucf 3.0027+nmu1', 'udev 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'ufw 0.34~rc-0ubuntu2', 'unattended-upgrades 0.82.1ubuntu2.4', 'update-manager-core 1:0.196.14', 'upstart 1.12.1-0ubuntu4.2', 'ureadahead 0.100.0-16', 'usbutils 1:007-2ubuntu1.1', 'util-linux 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'uuid-runtime 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'vbetool 1.1-3', 'vim 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-common 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-runtime 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-tiny 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'virt-what 1.13-1', 'vlan 1.9-3ubuntu10', 'watershed 7', 'websockify 0.6.1+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'wget 1.15-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'whiptail 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'wireless-regdb 2013.02.13-1ubuntu1', 'xauth 1:1.0.7-1ubuntu1', 'xkb-data 2.10.1-1ubuntu1', 'xml-core 0.13+nmu2', 'xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'zlib1g 1:1.2.8.dfsg-1ubuntu1']}} 2016-05-14 02:04:34,881 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 02:04:34,945 - DEBUG utils.py:157 -- role is controller 2016-05-14 02:04:34,953 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:34,965 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 02:04:35,057 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:35,112 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:35,112 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 02:04:35,114 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 02:04:35,117 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 02:04:35,131 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:35,140 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 02:04:35,241 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:35,286 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:35,287 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') 2016-05-14 02:04:35,288 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] open('/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa', 'r') -> 00000000 2016-05-14 02:04:35,290 - DEBUG sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] close(00000000) 2016-05-14 02:04:35,291 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:04:35,303 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1) 2016-05-14 02:04:35,372 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (publickey) successful! 2016-05-14 02:04:35,498 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:04:35,499 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_node_packages with args: (, 'deploy_cluster', u'controller', {'deploy_cluster': {u'compute': ['accountsservice 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'acct 6.5.5-1ubuntu5', 'acl 2.2.52-1', 'acpid 1:2.0.21-1ubuntu2', 'adduser 3.113+nmu3ubuntu3', 'alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'anacron 2.3-20ubuntu1', 'apparmor 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'apt 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-transport-https 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-utils 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'atop 1.26-2', 'augeas-lenses 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'base-files 7.2ubuntu5.4', 'base-passwd 3.5.33', 'bash 4.3-7ubuntu1.5', 'bash-completion 1:2.1-4ubuntu0.1', 'bind9-host 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'binutils 2.24-5ubuntu14', 'bridge-utils 1.5-6ubuntu2', 'bsdmainutils 9.0.5ubuntu1', 'bsdutils 1:2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'build-essential 11.6ubuntu6', 'busybox-initramfs 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'busybox-static 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'bzip2 1.0.6-5', 'ca-certificates 20160104ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'cliff-tablib 1.1-1', 'cloud-guest-utils 0.27-0ubuntu9.2', 'cloud-init 0.7.5-0ubuntu1.18', 'command-not-found 0.3ubuntu12', 'command-not-found-data 0.3ubuntu12', 'conntrack 1:1.4.1-1ubuntu1', 'console-setup 1.70ubuntu8', 'coreutils 8.21-1ubuntu5.4', 'cpio 2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu1.2', 'cpp 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'cpp-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'cpu-checker 0.7-0ubuntu4', 'cpufrequtils 008-1', 'crda 1.1.2-1ubuntu2', 'cron 3.0pl1-124ubuntu2', 'curl 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'daemonize 1.7.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'dash 0.5.7-4ubuntu1', 'dbconfig-common 1.8.47+nmu1', 'dbus 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'debconf 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-i18n 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-utils 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debianutils 4.4', 'dh-python 1.20140128-1ubuntu8.2', 'diffutils 1:3.3-1', 'dkms', 'dmidecode 2.12-2', 'dmsetup 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'dnsmasq-base 2.68-1ubuntu0.1', 'dnsutils 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'dosfstools 3.0.26-1', 'dpkg 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'dpkg-dev 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'e2fslibs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'e2fsprogs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'eatmydata 26-2', 'ebtables', 'ed 1.9-2', 'eject 2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-13.1', 'ethtool 1:3.13-1', 'facter 1.7.5-1ubuntu1', 'fakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'file 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'findutils 4.4.2-7', 'fping 3.8-1', 'friendly-recovery 0.2.25', 'ftp 0.17-28', 'fuel-ha-utils 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-misc 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuse 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'g++ 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'g++-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gawk 1:4.0.1+dfsg-2.1ubuntu2', 'gcc 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'gcc-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.8-base 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.9-base 4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'gdisk 0.8.8-1ubuntu0.1', 'geoip-database 20140313-1', 'gettext-base', 'gir1.2-glib-2.0 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'gnupg 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'gpgv 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'grep 2.16-1', 'groff-base 1.22.2-5', 'grub-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-gfxpayload-lists 0.6', 'grub-pc 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-pc-bin 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub2-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'gzip 1.6-3ubuntu1', 'hdparm 9.43-1ubuntu3', 'hostname 3.15ubuntu1', 'hpsa-dkms 3.4.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'htop 1.0.2-3', 'i40e-dkms 1.3.47-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ieee-data 20131224.1', 'ifenslave 2.4ubuntu1.2', 'ifupdown', 'info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'init-system-helpers 1.18~bpo70+1~u14.04+mos1', 'initramfs-tools 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initramfs-tools-bin 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initscripts 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'insserv 1.14.0-5ubuntu2', 'install-info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'iproute2 3.12.0-2ubuntu1', 'ipset 6.20.1-1', 'iptables 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'iptables-persistent 0.5.7', 'iputils-arping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-ping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-tracepath 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'ipxe-qemu 1.0.0+git-20131111.c3d1e78-2ubuntu1.1', 'irqbalance 1.0.6-2ubuntu0.14.04.4', 'isc-dhcp-client 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'isc-dhcp-common 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'iso-codes 3.52-1', 'iw 3.4-1', 'kbd 1.15.5-1ubuntu1', 'keyboard-configuration 1.70ubuntu8', 'klibc-utils 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'kmod 15-0ubuntu6', 'kpartx 0.4.9-3ubuntu7.11', 'language-selector-common 0.129.3', 'less 458-2', 'libaccountsservice0 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'libacl1 2.2.52-1', 'libaio1 0.3.109-4', 'libalgorithm-diff-perl 1.19.02-3', 'libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl 0.04-2build4', 'libalgorithm-merge-perl 0.08-2', 'libapparmor-perl 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapparmor1 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapt-inst1.5 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libapt-pkg4.12 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libarchive-extract-perl 0.70-1', 'libasan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libasn1-8-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libasound2', 'libasound2-data', 'libasprintf0c2', 'libasyncns0 0.8-4ubuntu2', 'libatomic1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libattr1 1:2.4.47-1ubuntu1', 'libaudit-common 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaudit1 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaugeas0 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'libavahi-client3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common-data 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libbind9-90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libblas3 1.2.20110419-7', 'libblkid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libbluetooth3 4.101-0ubuntu13.1', 'libboost-system1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libboost-thread1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libbrlapi0.6 5.0-2ubuntu2', 'libbsd0 0.6.0-2ubuntu1', 'libbz2-1.0 1.0.6-5', 'libc-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc-dev-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6-dev 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libcaca0 0.99.beta18-1ubuntu5', 'libcap-ng0 0.7.3-1ubuntu2', 'libcap2 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcap2-bin 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcgmanager0 0.24-0ubuntu7.5', 'libck-connector0 0.4.5-3.1ubuntu2', 'libcloog-isl4 0.18.2-1', 'libcomerr2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libcpufreq0 008-1', 'libcurl3 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libcurl3-gnutls 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libdb5.3 5.3.28-3ubuntu3', 'libdbus-1-3 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'libdbus-glib-1-2 0.100.2-1', 'libdebconfclient0 0.187ubuntu1', 'libdevmapper-event1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdevmapper1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdns100 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libdpkg-perl 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'libdrm-intel1 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm-nouveau2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm-radeon1 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libedit2 3.1-20130712-2', 'libelf1 0.158-0ubuntu5.2', 'libestr0 0.1.9-0ubuntu2', 'libevent-2.0-5 2.0.21-stable-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libexpat1 2.1.0-4ubuntu1.1', 'libfakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'libfdt1 1.4.0+dfsg-1', 'libffi6 3.1~rc1+r3.0.13-12ubuntu0.1', 'libfile-fcntllock-perl 0.14-2build1', 'libflac8 1.3.0-2ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libfreetype6 2.5.2-1ubuntu2.5', 'libfribidi0 0.19.6-1', 'libfuse2 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'libgcc-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgcc1 1:4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'libgck-1-0 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-3-common 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-base-3-1 3.10.1-1', 'libgcrypt11 1.5.3-2ubuntu4.3', 'libgdbm3 1.8.3-12build1', 'libgeoip1 1.6.0-1', 'libgfortran3 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgirepository-1.0-1 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'libgl1-mesa-dri 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libgl1-mesa-glx 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libglapi-mesa 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libglib2.0-0 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libglib2.0-data 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libgmp10 2:5.1.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1', 'libgnutls-openssl27 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgnutls26 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgomp1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgpg-error0 1.12-0.2ubuntu1', 'libgpm2 1.20.4-6.1', 'libgssapi-krb5-2 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libgssapi3-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhcrypto4-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimbase1-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimntlm0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhx509-5-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libicu52 52.1-3ubuntu0.4', 'libidn11 1.28-1ubuntu2', 'libipset3 6.20.1-1', 'libisc95 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccc90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccfg90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisl10 0.12.2-1', 'libitm1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libjpeg-turbo8 1.3.0-0ubuntu2', 'libjpeg8 8c-2ubuntu8', 'libjs-jquery 1.7.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1', 'libjs-sphinxdoc 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'libjs-underscore 1.4.4-2ubuntu1', 'libjson-c2 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libjson0 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libk5crypto3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkeyutils1 1.5.6-1', 'libklibc 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libkmod2 15-0ubuntu6', 'libkrb5-26-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libkrb5-3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkrb5support0 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'liblapack3 3.5.0-2ubuntu1', 'libldap-2.4-2 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu8.2', 'libllvm3.4 1:3.4-1ubuntu3', 'liblocale-gettext-perl 1.05-7build3', 'liblockfile-bin 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblockfile1 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblog-message-simple-perl 0.10-1', 'liblwres90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'liblzma5 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'libmagic1 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'libmnl0 1.0.3-3ubuntu1', 'libmodule-pluggable-perl 5.1-1', 'libmount1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libmpc3 1.0.1-1ubuntu1', 'libmpdec2 2.4.0-6', 'libmpfr4 3.1.2-1', 'libmysqlclient18 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libncurses5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libncursesw5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libnetcf1 1:0.2.3-4ubuntu1', 'libnetfilter-conntrack3 1.0.4-1', 'libnewt0.52 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'libnfnetlink0 1.0.1-2', 'libnih-dbus1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnih1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-genl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-route-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnspr4 2:4.10.10-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libnss3 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnss3-nssdb 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnuma1 2.0.9~rc5-1ubuntu3.14.04.2', 'libogg0 1.3.1-1ubuntu1', 'libopts25 1:5.18-2ubuntu2', 'libp11-kit0 0.20.2-2ubuntu2', 'libpam-cap 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libpam-modules 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-modules-bin 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-runtime 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-systemd 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libpam0g 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libparted0debian1 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libpcap0.8 1.5.3-2', 'libpci3 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'libpciaccess0 0.13.2-1', 'libpcre3 1:8.31-2ubuntu2.3', 'libpgm-5.1-0 5.1.118-1~dfsg-0.1ubuntu3', 'libpipeline1 1.3.0-1', 'libpixman-1-0 0.30.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'libplymouth2 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'libpng12-0 1.2.50-1ubuntu2.14.04.2', 'libpod-latex-perl 0.61-1', 'libpolkit-agent-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpolkit-backend-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpolkit-gobject-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpopt0 1.16-8ubuntu1', 'libpq5 9.3.12-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'libprocps3 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpulse0 1:4.0-0ubuntu11.1', 'libpython-stdlib 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'libpython2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-stdlib 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython3-stdlib 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'libpython3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libpython3.4-stdlib 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libquadmath0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'librados2 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'librbd1 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'libreadline5 5.2+dfsg-2', 'libreadline6 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'libroken18-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'librtmp0 2.4+20121230.gitdf6c518-1', 'libruby1.9.1', 'libsasl2-2 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsasl2-modules-db 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsdl1.2debian 1.2.15-8ubuntu1.1', 'libseccomp2 2.1.0+dfsg-1', 'libselinux1 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsemanage-common 2.2-1', 'libsemanage1 2.2-1', 'libsepol1 2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsigsegv2 2.10-2', 'libslang2 2.2.4-15ubuntu1', 'libsndfile1 1.0.25-7ubuntu2.1', 'libspice-server1 0.12.4-0nocelt2ubuntu1.2', 'libsqlite3-0 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'libss2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libssh2-1 1.4.3-2', 'libssl1.0.0 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'libstdc++-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libstdc++6 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libsysfs2 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'libsystemd-daemon0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libsystemd-login0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libtasn1-6 3.4-3ubuntu0.4', 'libterm-ui-perl 0.42-1', 'libtext-charwidth-perl 0.04-7build3', 'libtext-iconv-perl 1.7-5build2', 'libtext-soundex-perl 3.4-1build1', 'libtext-wrapi18n-perl 0.06-7', 'libtidy-0.99-0 20091223cvs-1.2ubuntu1.1', 'libtimedate-perl 2.3000-1', 'libtinfo5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libtsan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 0~git20131104-1.1', 'libudev1 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libusb-0.1-4 2:0.1.12-23.3ubuntu1', 'libusb-1.0-0 2:1.0.17-1ubuntu2', 'libusbredirparser1 0.6-2ubuntu1.1', 'libustr-1.0-1 1.0.4-3ubuntu2', 'libuuid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libvirt-bin 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-clients 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-daemon 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-daemon-system 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt0 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvorbis0a 1.3.2-1.3ubuntu1', 'libvorbisenc2 1.3.2-1.3ubuntu1', 'libwind0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libwrap0 7.6.q-25', 'libx11-6 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-data 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-xcb1 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx86-1 1.1+ds1-10', 'libxau6 1:1.0.8-1', 'libxcb-dri2-0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-dri3-0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-glx0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-present0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-sync1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxdamage1 1:1.1.4-1ubuntu1', 'libxdmcp6 1:1.1.1-1', 'libxen-4.4 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.14.04.5', 'libxenstore3.0 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.14.04.5', 'libxext6 2:1.3.2-1ubuntu0.', 'libxfixes3 1:5.0.1-1ubuntu1.1', 'libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxml2-utils 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxmuu1 2:1.1.1-1', 'libxshmfence1 1.1-2', 'libxslt1.1 1.1.28-2build1', 'libxtables10 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'libxxf86vm1 1:1.1.3-1', 'libyajl2 2.0.4-4', 'libyaml-0-2 0.1.4-3ubuntu3.1', 'libzmq3 4.0.4+dfsg-2', 'linux-firmware 1.127.22', 'linux-firmware-nonfree 1.14ubuntu3', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-generic', 'linux-headers-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-image-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-extra-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-generic', 'linux-image-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-libc-dev 3.13.0-86.130', 'locales 2.13+git20120306-12.1', 'lockfile-progs 0.1.17', 'login 1:', 'logrotate 3.8.7-1ubuntu1', 'lsb-base 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lsb-release 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lshw 02.16-2ubuntu1.3', 'lsof 4.86+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'ltrace 0.7.3-4ubuntu5.1', 'lvm2 2.02.98-6ubuntu2', 'make 3.81-8.2ubuntu3', 'makedev 2.3.1-93ubuntu1', 'man-db', 'manpages 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'manpages-dev 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'mawk 1.3.3-17ubuntu2', 'mcollective 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mcollective-common 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mdadm 3.2.5-5ubuntu4.2', 'mime-support 3.54ubuntu1.1', 'mlocate 0.26-1ubuntu1', 'module-init-tools 15-0ubuntu6', 'mount 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'mountall 2.53', 'msr-tools 1.3-2', 'mtr-tiny 0.85-2', 'multiarch-support 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'mysql-common 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'nailgun-agent 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos151', 'nailgun-mcagents 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos699', 'nano 2.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-base 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-bin 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-term 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'net-tools 1.60-25ubuntu2.1', 'netbase 5.2', 'netcat-openbsd 1.105-7ubuntu1', 'network-checker 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos58', 'neutron-common 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'nova-common 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-compute 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-compute-qemu 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'ntfs-3g 1:2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu2', 'ntp 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ntpdate 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ohai 6.14.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'open-iscsi 2.0.873-3ubuntu9', 'openssh-client 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-sftp-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssl 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'openvswitch-common 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-datapath-dkms 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-switch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'os-prober 1.63ubuntu1.1', 'parted 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'passwd 1:', 'patch 2.7.1-4ubuntu2.3', 'pciutils 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'perl 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-base 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-modules 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'plymouth 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'pm-utils 1.4.1-13ubuntu0.2', 'policykit-1 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'popularity-contest 1.57ubuntu1', 'postfix 2.11.0-1ubuntu1', 'powermgmt-base 1.31build1', 'ppp 2.4.5-5.1ubuntu2.2', 'pppconfig 2.3.19ubuntu1', 'pppoeconf 1.20ubuntu1', 'procps 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'psmisc 22.20-1ubuntu2', 'puppet 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'puppet-common 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-aioeventlet 0.4-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqp 1.4.6-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqplib 1.0.2-1', 'python-anyjson 0.3.3-1build1', 'python-apt-common', 'python-babel 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-babel-localedata 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-boto 2.38.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-bs4 4.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-cachetools 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cffi 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-cffi-backend 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-chardet 2.0.1-2build2', 'python-cheetah 2.4.4-3.fakesyncbuild1', 'python-cinderclient 1:1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cliff 1.14.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cmd2 0.6.7-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-concurrent.futures 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-configobj 4.7.2+ds-5build1', 'python-contextlib2 0.4.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-crypto 2.6.1-4build1', 'python-cryptography 1.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-daemonize 2.2.1-0x2go1~git20131219.5~u14.04+mos2', 'python-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-dbus-dev 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-debtcollector 0.8.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-decorator 3.4.0-2build1', 'python-dns 2.3.6-3', 'python-ecdsa 0.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-editor 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-egenix-mxdatetime 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-egenix-mxtools 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-enum34 0.9.23-1', 'python-eventlet 0.17.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-extras 0.0.3-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-fasteners 0.12.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-feedparser 5.1.3-2', 'python-fixtures 1.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-formencode 1.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'python-funcsigs 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-futurist 0.1.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-gflags 1.5.1-1build1', 'python-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python-glanceclient 1:1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-greenlet 0.4.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-httplib2 0.8-2build1', 'python-idna 2.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ipaddress 1.0.14-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-iso8601 0.1.10-0ubuntu1', 'python-jinja2 2.8-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-json-patch 1.3-4', 'python-json-pointer 1.0-2build1', 'python-jsonpatch 1.3-4', 'python-jsonschema 2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-keyring 3.5-1', 'python-keystoneclient 1:1.7.4-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-keystonemiddleware 2.3.3-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-kombu 3.0.26-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-libvirt 1.2.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'python-linecache2 1.0.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-logutils 0.3.3-1', 'python-lxml 3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-mako 1.0.2+ds1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-markupsafe 0.23-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-memcache 1.56-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-migrate 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mimeparse 0.1.4-1build1', 'python-minimal 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-mock 1.3.0-2.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-monotonic 0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-msgpack 0.4.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mysqldb 1.3.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netaddr 0.7.17-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netifaces 0.10.4-0.1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-neutron 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'python-neutronclient 1:3.1.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-nova 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'python-novaclient 2:2.30.2-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-numpy 1:1.8.2-0ubuntu0.1', 'python-oauth 1.0.1-3build2', 'python-openid 2.2.5-3ubuntu1', 'python-openssl 0.15.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-openvswitch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-os-brick 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.concurrency 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.config 1:2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.context 0.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.db 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.i18n 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.log 1.11.0-1~u14.04+mos6', 'python-oslo.messaging 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos26', 'python-oslo.middleware 2.8.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.policy 0.11.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.reports 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.rootwrap 2.3.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.serialization 1.9.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.service 0.9.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-oslo.utils 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.versionedobjects 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos7', 'python-paramiko 1.15.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-paste', 'python-pastedeploy 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastedeploy-tpl 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastescript 1.7.5-3build1', 'python-pbr 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos2', 'python-pecan 1.0.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pkg-resources 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ply 3.4-3ubuntu2', 'python-prettytable 0.7.2-2ubuntu2', 'python-psutil 1.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-psycopg2 2.6.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyasn1 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycadf 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycparser 2.10+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'python-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python-pymysql 0.6.7-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyparsing 2.0.1+dfsg1-1build1', 'python-pypcap 1.1.2+debian-2.2', 'python-pyroute2 0.3.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyudev 0.16.1-2build1', 'python-repoze.lru 0.6-4', 'python-requests 2.7.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-retrying 1.3.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-rfc3986 0.2.0-2~u14.04+mos5', 'python-routes 2.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ryu 3.24-1.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-scapy 2.2.0-1', 'python-scgi 1.13-1.1build1', 'python-secretstorage 2.0.0-1ubuntu1.1', 'python-serial 2.6-1build1', 'python-setuptools 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-simplegeneric 0.8.1-1', 'python-simplejson 3.3.1-1ubuntu6', 'python-singledispatch', 'python-six 1.9.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy-ext 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlparse 0.1.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-stevedore 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-tablib 0.9.11-2build1', 'python-tempita 0.5.2-1build1', 'python-testresources 0.2.7-1ubuntu2', 'python-testscenarios 0.4-2ubuntu2', 'python-testtools 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-traceback2 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-trollius 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-tz 2014.10~dfsg1-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unicodecsv 0.13.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unittest2 1.1.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-urllib3 1.10.4-1~u14.04+mos9', 'python-utidylib 0.2-9build1', 'python-waitress 0.8.8-1ubuntu3', 'python-warlock 1.1.0-0ubuntu2', 'python-webob 1.3.1-1', 'python-webtest 2.0.14-1ubuntu1', 'python-wrapt 1.8.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-yaml 3.10-4ubuntu0.1', 'python-zmq 14.4.0-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python3 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-apt', 'python3-commandnotfound 0.3ubuntu12', 'python3-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python3-distupgrade 1:0.220.8', 'python3-gdbm 3.4.3-1~14.04.2', 'python3-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python3-minimal 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python3-software-properties', 'python3-update-manager 1:0.196.14', 'python3.4 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'python3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'qemu 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-keymaps 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-kvm 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-arm 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-common 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-mips 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-misc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-ppc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-sparc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-x86 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-user 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-utils 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'readline-common 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'resolvconf 1.69ubuntu1.1', 'rsync 3.1.0-2ubuntu0.2', 'rsyslog 7.4.4-1ubuntu2.6', 'ruby 1:', 'ruby-augeas 0.5.0-2', 'ruby-cstruct 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-deep-merge 1.0.0+git20150630-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ruby-hiera 1.3.1-1puppetlabs1~u14.04+mos3', 'ruby-httpclient', 'ruby-ipaddress 0.8.0-2', 'ruby-json 1.8.0-1build1', 'ruby-mixlib-cli 1.4.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-config 2.1.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-log 1.4.1-1', 'ruby-netaddr 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-openstack 1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rethtool 0.0.5-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rgen 0.6.6-1', 'ruby-safe-yaml 1.0.1-1', 'ruby-selinux 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'ruby-shadow 2.2.0-1', 'ruby-sigar 0.7.2-2', 'ruby-stomp 1.3.2-1', 'ruby-systemu 2.6.0-1', 'ruby-yajl 1.2.0-1', 'ruby1.9.1', 'screen 4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-9', 'seabios 1.7.4-4ubuntu1', 'sed 4.2.2-4ubuntu1', 'sensible-utils 0.0.9', 'sgml-base 1.26+nmu4ubuntu1', 'shared-mime-info 1.2-0ubuntu3', 'sharutils 1:4.14-1ubuntu1', 'socat', 'software-properties-common', 'sqlite3 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'ssh-import-id 3.21-0ubuntu1', 'ssl-cert 1.0.33', 'strace 4.8-1ubuntu5', 'sudo 1.8.9p5-1ubuntu1.2', 'sysfsutils 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'systemd-services 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'systemd-shim 6-2bzr1', 'sysv-rc 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'tar 1.27.1-1', 'tcpd 7.6.q-25', 'tcpdump 4.5.1-2ubuntu1.2', 'telnet 0.17-36build2', 'time 1.7-24', 'tmux 1.8-5', 'tzdata 2016d-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'ubuntu-keyring 2012.05.19', 'ubuntu-minimal 1.325', 'ubuntu-release-upgrader-core 1:0.220.8', 'ubuntu-standard 1.325', 'ucf 3.0027+nmu1', 'udev 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'ufw 0.34~rc-0ubuntu2', 'unattended-upgrades 0.82.1ubuntu2.4', 'update-manager-core 1:0.196.14', 'upstart 1.12.1-0ubuntu4.2', 'ureadahead 0.100.0-16', 'usbutils 1:007-2ubuntu1.1', 'util-linux 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'uuid-runtime 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'vbetool 1.1-3', 'vim 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-common 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-runtime 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-tiny 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'virt-what 1.13-1', 'vlan 1.9-3ubuntu10', 'watershed 7', 'websockify 0.6.1+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'wget 1.15-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'whiptail 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'wireless-regdb 2013.02.13-1ubuntu1', 'xauth 1:1.0.7-1ubuntu1', 'xkb-data 2.10.1-1ubuntu1', 'xml-core 0.13+nmu2', 'xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'zlib1g 1:1.2.8.dfsg-1ubuntu1']}}) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:35,499 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'dpkg-query -W -f='${Package} ${Version}'' 2016-05-14 02:04:35,546 - DEBUG utils.py:142 -- node packages are ['accountsservice 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'acct 6.5.5-1ubuntu5', 'acl 2.2.52-1', 'acpid 1:2.0.21-1ubuntu2', 'adduser 3.113+nmu3ubuntu3', 'alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'anacron 2.3-20ubuntu1', 'apache2 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.9', 'apache2-bin 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.9', 'apache2-data 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.9', 'apparmor 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'apt 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-transport-https 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-utils 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'atop 1.26-2', 'augeas-lenses 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'base-files 7.2ubuntu5.4', 'base-passwd 3.5.33', 'bash 4.3-7ubuntu1.5', 'bash-completion 1:2.1-4ubuntu0.1', 'bind9-host 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'binutils 2.24-5ubuntu14', 'blt 2.4z-9~u14.04+mos1', 'bridge-utils 1.5-6ubuntu2', 'bsdmainutils 9.0.5ubuntu1', 'bsdutils 1:2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'build-essential 11.6ubuntu6', 'busybox-initramfs 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'busybox-static 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'bzip2 1.0.6-5', 'ca-certificates 20160104ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'cinder-api 2:7.0.1-1~u14.04+mos38', 'cinder-common 2:7.0.1-1~u14.04+mos38', 'cinder-scheduler 2:7.0.1-1~u14.04+mos38', 'cirros-testvm 0.3.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'cliff-tablib 1.1-1', 'cloud-guest-utils 0.27-0ubuntu9.2', 'cloud-init 0.7.5-0ubuntu1.18', 'cluster-glue 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'command-not-found 0.3ubuntu12', 'command-not-found-data 0.3ubuntu12', 'conntrack 1:1.4.1-1ubuntu1', 'conntrackd 1:1.4.1-1ubuntu1', 'console-setup 1.70ubuntu8', 'coreutils 8.21-1ubuntu5.4', 'corosync 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'cpio 2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu1.2', 'cpp 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'cpp-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'crda 1.1.2-1ubuntu2', 'crmsh 2.1.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'cron 3.0pl1-124ubuntu2', 'curl 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'daemonize 1.7.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'dash 0.5.7-4ubuntu1', 'dbconfig-common 1.8.47+nmu1', 'dbus 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'debconf 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-i18n 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-utils 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debianutils 4.4', 'dh-python 1.20140128-1ubuntu8.2', 'diffutils 1:3.3-1', 'dkms', 'dmidecode 2.12-2', 'dmsetup 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'dnsmasq-base 2.68-1ubuntu0.1', 'dnsmasq-utils 2.68-1ubuntu0.1', 'dnsutils 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'docutils-common 0.12+dfsg-1~u14.04+mos1', 'docutils-doc 0.12+dfsg-1~u14.04+mos1', 'dosfstools 3.0.26-1', 'dpkg 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'dpkg-dev 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'e2fslibs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'e2fsprogs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'eatmydata 26-2', 'ed 1.9-2', 'eject 2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-13.1', 'erlang-asn1 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-base 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-corba 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-crypto 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-diameter 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-edoc 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-eldap 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-erl-docgen 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-eunit 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-ic 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-inets 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-mnesia 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-nox 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-odbc 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-os-mon 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-parsetools 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-percept 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-public-key 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-runtime-tools 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-snmp 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-ssh 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-ssl 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-syntax-tools 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-tools 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-webtool 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-xmerl 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ethtool 1:3.13-1', 'facter 1.7.5-1ubuntu1', 'fakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'file 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'findutils 4.4.2-7', 'fontconfig 2.11.0-0ubuntu4.1', 'fontconfig-config 2.11.0-0ubuntu4.1', 'fonts-dejavu-core 2.34-1ubuntu1', 'fonts-font-awesome 4.3.0~dfsg-2~u14.04+mos1', 'fonts-lato 1.104-4', 'fonts-liberation 1.07.3-3', 'fonts-lyx', 'fonts-materialdesignicons-webfont 1.1.70-1~u14.04+mos1', 'fonts-roboto-fontface 0.4.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'friendly-recovery 0.2.25', 'ftp 0.17-28', 'fuel-ha-utils 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-misc 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-rabbit-fence 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-umm 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuse 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'g++ 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'g++-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'galera-3 25.3.10-1~u14.04+mos2', 'gcc 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'gcc-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.8-base 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.9-base 4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'gdisk 0.8.8-1ubuntu0.1', 'geoip-database 20140313-1', 'gettext-base', 'gir1.2-glib-2.0 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'glance-api 2:11.0.1-1~u14.04+mos12', 'glance-common 2:11.0.1-1~u14.04+mos12', 'glance-registry 2:11.0.1-1~u14.04+mos12', 'gnupg 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'gpgv 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'graphviz 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'grep 2.16-1', 'groff-base 1.22.2-5', 'grub-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-gfxpayload-lists 0.6', 'grub-pc 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-pc-bin 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub2-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'gzip 1.6-3ubuntu1', 'haproxy 1.5.3-1~u14.04+mos2', 'hdparm 9.43-1ubuntu3', 'heat-api 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-api-cfn 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-api-cloudwatch 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-common 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-docker 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-engine 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'hicolor-icon-theme 0.13-1', 'hostname 3.15ubuntu1', 'hpsa-dkms 3.4.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'htop 1.0.2-3', 'i40e-dkms 1.3.47-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ieee-data 20131224.1', 'ifenslave 2.4ubuntu1.2', 'ifupdown', 'info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'init-system-helpers 1.18~bpo70+1~u14.04+mos1', 'initramfs-tools 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initramfs-tools-bin 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initscripts 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'insserv 1.14.0-5ubuntu2', 'install-info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'iproute 1:3.12.0-2ubuntu1', 'iproute2 3.12.0-2ubuntu1', 'ipset 6.20.1-1', 'iptables 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'iptables-persistent 0.5.7', 'iputils-arping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-ping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-tracepath 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'ipvsadm 1:1.26-2ubuntu1', 'irqbalance 1.0.6-2ubuntu0.14.04.4', 'isc-dhcp-client 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'isc-dhcp-common 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'iso-codes 3.52-1', 'iw 3.4-1', 'javascript-common 11', 'kbd 1.15.5-1ubuntu1', 'keepalived 1:1.2.13-1~u14.04+mos1', 'keyboard-configuration 1.70ubuntu8', 'keystone 2:8.1.0-2~u14.04+mos4', 'klibc-utils 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'kmod 15-0ubuntu6', 'language-selector-common 0.129.3', 'less 458-2', 'libaccountsservice0 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'libacl1 2.2.52-1', 'libaio1 0.3.109-4', 'libalgorithm-diff-perl 1.19.02-3', 'libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl 0.04-2build4', 'libalgorithm-merge-perl 0.08-2', 'libamd2.3.1 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libapache2-mod-wsgi 4.4.15-0.1', 'libapparmor-perl 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapparmor1 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapr1 1.5.0-1', 'libaprutil1 1.5.3-1', 'libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 1.5.3-1', 'libaprutil1-ldap 1.5.3-1', 'libapt-inst1.5 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libapt-pkg4.12 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libarchive-extract-perl 0.70-1', 'libasan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libasn1-8-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libasprintf0c2', 'libatk1.0-0 2.10.0-2ubuntu2', 'libatk1.0-data 2.10.0-2ubuntu2', 'libatomic1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libattr1 1:2.4.47-1ubuntu1', 'libaudit-common 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaudit1 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaugeas0 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'libavahi-client3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common-data 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libbind9-90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libblas3 1.2.20110419-7', 'libblkid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libboost-system1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libboost-thread1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libbsd0 0.6.0-2ubuntu1', 'libbz2-1.0 1.0.6-5', 'libc-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc-dev-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6-dev 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libcairo2 1.13.0~20140204-0ubuntu1.1', 'libcamd2.3.1 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libcap-ng0 0.7.3-1ubuntu2', 'libcap2 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcap2-bin 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libccolamd2.8.0 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libcdt5 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libcephfs1 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'libcfg6 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libcgmanager0 0.24-0ubuntu7.5', 'libcgraph6 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libcholmod2.1.2 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libcib4 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libck-connector0 0.4.5-3.1ubuntu2', 'libcloog-isl4 0.18.2-1', 'libcmap4 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libcolamd2.8.0 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libcomerr2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libcorosync-common4 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libcpg4 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libcrmcluster4 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libcrmcommon3 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libcrmservice1 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libcups2 1.7.2-0ubuntu1.7', 'libcurl3 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libcurl3-gnutls 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libdaemon0 0.14-2ubuntu1', 'libdatrie1 0.2.8-1', 'libdb5.3 5.3.28-3ubuntu3', 'libdbd-mysql-perl 4.025-1', 'libdbi-perl 1.630-1', 'libdbus-1-3 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'libdbus-glib-1-2 0.100.2-1', 'libdebconfclient0 0.187ubuntu1', 'libdevmapper-event1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdevmapper1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdns100 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libdpkg-perl 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'libdrm2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libedit2 3.1-20130712-2', 'libelf1 0.158-0ubuntu5.2', 'libesmtp6 1.0.6-1ubuntu2', 'libestr0 0.1.9-0ubuntu2', 'libevent-2.0-5 2.0.21-stable-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libexpat1 2.1.0-4ubuntu1.1', 'libexpat1-dev 2.1.0-4ubuntu1.1', 'libfakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'libffi6 3.1~rc1+r3.0.13-12ubuntu0.1', 'libfile-copy-recursive-perl 0.38-1', 'libfile-fcntllock-perl 0.14-2build1', 'libfontconfig1 2.11.0-0ubuntu4.1', 'libfreetype6 2.5.2-1ubuntu2.5', 'libfribidi0 0.19.6-1', 'libfuse2 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'libgcc-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgcc1 1:4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'libgck-1-0 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-3-common 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-base-3-1 3.10.1-1', 'libgcrypt11 1.5.3-2ubuntu4.3', 'libgd3 2.1.0-3', 'libgdbm3 1.8.3-12build1', 'libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 2.30.7-0ubuntu1.2', 'libgdk-pixbuf2.0-common 2.30.7-0ubuntu1.2', 'libgeoip1 1.6.0-1', 'libgfortran3 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgirepository-1.0-1 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'libglade2-0 1:2.6.4-2', 'libglib2.0-0 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libglib2.0-data 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libgmp10 2:5.1.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1', 'libgnutls-openssl27 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgnutls26 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgomp1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgpg-error0 1.12-0.2ubuntu1', 'libgpm2 1.20.4-6.1', 'libgraphite2-3 1.3.6-1ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libgssapi-krb5-2 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libgssapi3-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libgtk2.0-0 2.24.23-0ubuntu1.4', 'libgtk2.0-bin 2.24.23-0ubuntu1.4', 'libgtk2.0-common 2.24.23-0ubuntu1.4', 'libgvc6 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libgvpr2 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libharfbuzz0b 0.9.27-1ubuntu1', 'libhcrypto4-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheartbeat2 1:3.0.5-3.2', 'libheimbase1-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimntlm0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhtml-template-perl 2.95-1', 'libhx509-5-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libibverbs1 1.1.7-1ubuntu1.1', 'libice6 2:1.0.8-2', 'libicu52 52.1-3ubuntu0.4', 'libidn11 1.28-1ubuntu2', 'libipset3 6.20.1-1', 'libisc95 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccc90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccfg90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisl10 0.12.2-1', 'libitm1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libjasper1 1.900.1-14ubuntu3.3', 'libjbig0 2.0-2ubuntu4.1', 'libjpeg-turbo8 1.3.0-0ubuntu2', 'libjpeg8 8c-2ubuntu8', 'libjs-angular-gettext 2.1.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-angularjs 1.3.17-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-angularjs-smart-table 1.4.5-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-bootswatch 3.3.5+2+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-d3 3.5.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-jquery 1.7.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1', 'libjs-jquery-metadata 8-2', 'libjs-jquery-tablesorter 2.14.5-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-jquery-ui 1.10.1+dfsg-1', 'libjs-jquery.quicksearch 2.0.4-1~u14.04+mos3', 'libjs-jsencrypt 2.0.0+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos3', 'libjs-lrdragndrop 1.0.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-magic-search 0.2.5-1~u14.04+mos2', 'libjs-modernizr 2.6.2+ds1-1', 'libjs-qunit 1.14.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-rickshaw 1.5.1.dfsg-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-sphinxdoc 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'libjs-spin.js 1.2.8+dfsg2-1~u14.04+mos3', 'libjs-swfobject 2.2+dfsg-1', 'libjs-term.js 0.0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-twitter-bootstrap 2.0.2+dfsg-4', 'libjs-twitter-bootstrap-datepicker 1.3.1+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-underscore 1.4.4-2ubuntu1', 'libjson-c2 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libjson0 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libk5crypto3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkeyutils1 1.5.6-1', 'libklibc 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libkmod2 15-0ubuntu6', 'libkrb5-26-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libkrb5-3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkrb5support0 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'liblapack3 3.5.0-2ubuntu1', 'liblcms2-2 2.5-0ubuntu4.1', 'libldap-2.4-2 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu8.2', 'liblocale-gettext-perl 1.05-7build3', 'liblockfile-bin 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblockfile1 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblog-message-simple-perl 0.10-1', 'liblrm2 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'liblrmd1 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libltdl7 2.4.2-1.7ubuntu1', 'liblwres90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'liblzma5 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'libmagic1 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'libmnl0 1.0.3-3ubuntu1', 'libmodule-pluggable-perl 5.1-1', 'libmount1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libmpc3 1.0.1-1ubuntu1', 'libmpdec2 2.4.0-6', 'libmpfr4 3.1.2-1', 'libmysqlclient18 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libncurses5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libncursesw5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libnet1 1.1.6+dfsg-2ubuntu1', 'libnetfilter-conntrack3 1.0.4-1', 'libnetfilter-cthelper0 1.0.0-1ubuntu1', 'libnetfilter-queue1 1.0.2-1', 'libnewt0.52 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'libnfnetlink0 1.0.1-2', 'libnih-dbus1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnih1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-genl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnspr4 2:4.10.10-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libnss3 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnss3-nssdb 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnuma1 2.0.9~rc5-1ubuntu3.14.04.2', 'libodbc1 2.2.14p2-5ubuntu5', 'libopenhpi2 2.14.1-1.3ubuntu2', 'libopenipmi0 2.0.18-0ubuntu7.1', 'libopts25 1:5.18-2ubuntu2', 'libp11-kit0 0.20.2-2ubuntu2', 'libpam-cap 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libpam-modules 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-modules-bin 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-runtime 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-systemd 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libpam0g 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpango-1.0-0 1.36.3-1ubuntu1.1', 'libpangocairo-1.0-0 1.36.3-1ubuntu1.1', 'libpangoft2-1.0-0 1.36.3-1ubuntu1.1', 'libpaper-utils 1.1.24+nmu2ubuntu3', 'libpaper1 1.1.24+nmu2ubuntu3', 'libparted0debian1 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libpathplan4 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libpcap0.8 1.5.3-2', 'libpci3 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'libpcre3 1:8.31-2ubuntu2.3', 'libpe-rules2 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libpe-status4 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libpengine4 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libperl5.18 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'libpgm-5.1-0 5.1.118-1~dfsg-0.1ubuntu3', 'libpils2 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'libpipeline1 1.3.0-1', 'libpixman-1-0 0.30.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'libplumb2 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'libplumbgpl2 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'libplymouth2 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'libpng12-0 1.2.50-1ubuntu2.14.04.2', 'libpod-latex-perl 0.61-1', 'libpolkit-gobject-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpopt0 1.16-8ubuntu1', 'libpq5 9.3.12-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'libprocps3 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpython-dev 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'libpython-stdlib 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'libpython2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-dev 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-stdlib 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython3-stdlib 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'libpython3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libpython3.4-stdlib 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libqb0 0.17.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'libquadmath0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libquorum5 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'librados2 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'librbd1 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'librdmacm1 1.0.16-1', 'libreadline5 5.2+dfsg-2', 'libreadline6 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'libroken18-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'librtmp0 2.4+20121230.gitdf6c518-1', 'libruby1.9.1', 'libsam4 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libsasl2-2 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsasl2-modules-db 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsctp1 1.0.15+dfsg-1', 'libselinux1 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsemanage-common 2.2-1', 'libsemanage1 2.2-1', 'libsensors4 1:3.3.4-2ubuntu1', 'libsepol1 2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libslang2 2.2.4-15ubuntu1', 'libsm6 2:1.2.1-2', 'libsnmp-base 5.7.2~dfsg-8.1ubuntu3.2', 'libsnmp30 5.7.2~dfsg-8.1ubuntu3.2', 'libsqlite3-0 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'libss2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libssl1.0.0 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'libstdc++-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libstdc++6 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libstonith1 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'libstonithd2 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libsysfs2 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'libsystemd-daemon0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libsystemd-login0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libtasn1-6 3.4-3ubuntu0.4', 'libtcl8.6 8.6.1-4ubuntu1', 'libterm-readkey-perl 2.31-1', 'libterm-ui-perl 0.42-1', 'libtext-charwidth-perl 0.04-7build3', 'libtext-iconv-perl 1.7-5build2', 'libtext-soundex-perl 3.4-1build1', 'libtext-wrapi18n-perl 0.06-7', 'libthai-data 0.1.20-3', 'libthai0 0.1.20-3', 'libtidy-0.99-0 20091223cvs-1.2ubuntu1.1', 'libtiff5 4.0.3-7ubuntu0.4', 'libtimedate-perl 2.3000-1', 'libtinfo5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libtk8.6 8.6.1-3ubuntu2', 'libtotem-pg5 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libtransitioner2 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libtsan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libudev1 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libumfpack5.6.2 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libusb-0.1-4 2:0.1.12-23.3ubuntu1', 'libusb-1.0-0 2:1.0.17-1ubuntu2', 'libustr-1.0-1 1.0.4-3ubuntu2', 'libuuid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libvotequorum7 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libvpx1 1.3.0-2', 'libwebp5 0.4.0-4', 'libwebpmux1 0.4.0-4', 'libwind0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libwrap0 7.6.q-25', 'libx11-6 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-data 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libxau6 1:1.0.8-1', 'libxaw7 2:1.0.12-1', 'libxcb-render0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-shm0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcomposite1 1:0.4.4-1', 'libxcursor1 1:1.1.14-1', 'libxdamage1 1:1.1.4-1ubuntu1', 'libxdmcp6 1:1.1.1-1', 'libxext6 2:1.3.2-1ubuntu0.', 'libxfixes3 1:5.0.1-1ubuntu1.1', 'libxft2 2.3.1-2', 'libxi6 2:', 'libxinerama1 2:1.1.3-1', 'libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxml2-dev 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxmlsec1 1.2.18-2ubuntu1', 'libxmlsec1-openssl 1.2.18-2ubuntu1', 'libxmu6 2:1.1.1-1', 'libxmuu1 2:1.1.1-1', 'libxpm4 1:3.5.10-1', 'libxrandr2 2:1.4.2-1', 'libxrender1 1:0.9.8-1build0.14.04.1', 'libxslt1-dev 1.1.28-2build1', 'libxslt1.1 1.1.28-2build1', 'libxss1 1:1.2.2-1', 'libxt6 1:1.1.4-1', 'libxtables10 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'libyaml-0-2 0.1.4-3ubuntu3.1', 'libzmq3 4.0.4+dfsg-2', 'linux-firmware 1.127.22', 'linux-firmware-nonfree 1.14ubuntu3', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-generic', 'linux-headers-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-image-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-extra-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-generic', 'linux-image-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-libc-dev 3.13.0-86.130', 'lksctp-tools 1.0.15+dfsg-1', 'locales 2.13+git20120306-12.1', 'lockfile-progs 0.1.17', 'login 1:', 'logrotate 3.8.7-1ubuntu1', 'lsb-base 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lsb-release 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lshw 02.16-2ubuntu1.3', 'lsof 4.86+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'ltrace 0.7.3-4ubuntu5.1', 'lvm2 2.02.98-6ubuntu2', 'make 3.81-8.2ubuntu3', 'makedev 2.3.1-93ubuntu1', 'man-db', 'manpages 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'manpages-dev 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'mawk 1.3.3-17ubuntu2', 'mcollective 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mcollective-common 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mdadm 3.2.5-5ubuntu4.2', 'memcached 1.4.14-0ubuntu9', 'mime-support 3.54ubuntu1.1', 'mlocate 0.26-1ubuntu1', 'module-init-tools 15-0ubuntu6', 'mount 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'mountall 2.53', 'mtr-tiny 0.85-2', 'multiarch-support 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'mysql-client-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'mysql-client-core-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'mysql-common 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'mysql-server-wsrep-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'mysql-server-wsrep-core-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'mysql-wsrep-common-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'nailgun-agent 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos151', 'nailgun-mcagents 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos699', 'nano 2.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-base 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-bin 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-term 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'net-tools 1.60-25ubuntu2.1', 'netbase 5.2', 'netcat-openbsd 1.105-7ubuntu1', 'network-checker 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos58', 'neutron-common 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-dhcp-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-l3-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-metadata-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-plugin-ml2 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-server 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'nova-api 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-cert 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-common 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-conductor 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-consoleauth 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-consoleproxy 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-objectstore 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-scheduler 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'novnc 1:0.5.1+gitfc00821eba-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ntfs-3g 1:2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu2', 'ntp 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ntpdate 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ohai 6.14.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'openhpid 2.14.1-1.3ubuntu2', 'openssh-client 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-sftp-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssl 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'openstack-dashboard 2:8.0.1-5~u14.04+mos42', 'openvswitch-common 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-datapath-dkms 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-switch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'os-prober 1.63ubuntu1.1', 'pacemaker 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'pacemaker-cli-utils 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'parted 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'passwd 1:', 'patch 2.7.1-4ubuntu2.3', 'pciutils 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'pcs 0.9.103-1~u14.04+mos3', 'percona-xtrabackup 2.1.8-1', 'perl 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-base 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-modules 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'plymouth 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'popularity-contest 1.57ubuntu1', 'postfix 2.11.0-1ubuntu1', 'powermgmt-base 1.31build1', 'ppp 2.4.5-5.1ubuntu2.2', 'pppconfig 2.3.19ubuntu1', 'pppoeconf 1.20ubuntu1', 'procps 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'psmisc 22.20-1ubuntu2', 'puppet 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'puppet-common 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-aioeventlet 0.4-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-alabaster 0.7.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqp 1.4.6-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqplib 1.0.2-1', 'python-anyjson 0.3.3-1build1', 'python-appconf 0.5-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python-appdirs 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-apt-common', 'python-automaton 0.6.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-babel 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-babel-localedata 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-backports.ssl-match-hostname', 'python-barbicanclient 3.3.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-boto 2.38.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-bs4 4.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-bson 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-bson-ext 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cachetools 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cairo 1.8.8-1ubuntu5', 'python-castellan 0.2.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ceilometerclient 1.5.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ceph 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cephfs 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cffi 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-cffi-backend 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-chardet 2.0.1-2build2', 'python-cheetah 2.4.4-3.fakesyncbuild1', 'python-cinder 2:7.0.1-1~u14.04+mos38', 'python-cinderclient 1:1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cliff 1.14.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cmd2 0.6.7-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-compressor 1.5-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-concurrent.futures 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-configobj 4.7.2+ds-5build1', 'python-contextlib2 0.4.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-croniter 0.3.4-0ubuntu1', 'python-crypto 2.6.1-4build1', 'python-cryptography 1.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-daemon 1.5.5-1ubuntu1', 'python-daemonize 2.2.1-0x2go1~git20131219.5~u14.04+mos2', 'python-dateutil 2.4.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-dbus-dev 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-debtcollector 0.8.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-decorator 3.4.0-2build1', 'python-designateclient 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos7', 'python-dev 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-django 1.7.9-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-django-babel 0.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-django-common 1.7.9-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-django-horizon 2:8.0.1-5~u14.04+mos42', 'python-django-pyscss 2.0.2-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-dns 2.3.6-3', 'python-dnspython 1.12.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-docker 1.3.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-docutils 0.12+dfsg-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-dogpile.cache 0.5.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-dogpile.core 0.4.1+dfsg1-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ecdsa 0.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-editor 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-egenix-mxdatetime 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-egenix-mxtools 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-enum34 0.9.23-1', 'python-eventlet 0.17.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-extras 0.0.3-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-fasteners 0.12.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-feedparser 5.1.3-2', 'python-fixtures 1.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-formencode 1.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'python-funcsigs 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-futurist 0.1.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-gflags 1.5.1-1build1', 'python-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python-glade2 2.24.0-3ubuntu3', 'python-glance 2:11.0.1-1~u14.04+mos12', 'python-glance-store 0.9.2-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-glanceclient 1:1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-gobject 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python-gobject-2 2.28.6-12build1', 'python-greenlet 0.4.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-gridfs 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-gtk2 2.24.0-3ubuntu3', 'python-heat 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'python-heatclient 0.8.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-hp3parclient 3.0.0-0ubuntu1', 'python-httplib2 0.8-2build1', 'python-idna 2.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-imaging 2.9.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ipaddr 2.1.10-1', 'python-ipaddress 1.0.14-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-iso8601 0.1.10-0ubuntu1', 'python-jinja2 2.8-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-json-patch 1.3-4', 'python-json-pointer 1.0-2build1', 'python-jsonpatch 1.3-4', 'python-jsonschema 2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-kazoo 2.2.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-keyring 3.5-1', 'python-keystone 2:8.1.0-2~u14.04+mos4', 'python-keystoneclient 1:1.7.4-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-keystonemiddleware 2.3.3-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-kombu 3.0.26-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ldap 2.4.10-1build1', 'python-ldappool 1.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-lesscpy 0.9j-3fakesync2', 'python-libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'python-linecache2 1.0.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-lockfile 1:0.8-2ubuntu2', 'python-logutils 0.3.3-1', 'python-lxml 3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-magnumclient 0.2.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-mako 1.0.2+ds1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-manilaclient 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-markupsafe 0.23-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-matplotlib 1.3.1-1ubuntu5', 'python-matplotlib-data 1.3.1-1ubuntu5', 'python-memcache 1.56-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-migrate 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mimeparse 0.1.4-1build1', 'python-minimal 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-mistralclient 1:1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-mock 1.3.0-2.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-monotonic 0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-msgpack 0.4.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mysqldb 1.3.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netaddr 0.7.17-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netifaces 0.10.4-0.1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-networkx 1.10-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-neutron 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'python-neutronclient 1:3.1.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-nova 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'python-novaclient 2:2.30.2-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-novnc 1:0.5.1+gitfc00821eba-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-numpy 1:1.8.2-0ubuntu0.1', 'python-oauth 1.0.1-3build2', 'python-oauthlib 0.6.1-1', 'python-openid 2.2.5-3ubuntu1', 'python-openssl 0.15.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-openstack-auth 2.0.0-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-openstackclient 1.7.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-openvswitch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-os-brick 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-os-client-config 1.6.3-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.cache 0.7.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.concurrency 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.config 1:2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.context 0.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.db 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.i18n 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.log 1.11.0-1~u14.04+mos6', 'python-oslo.messaging 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos26', 'python-oslo.middleware 2.8.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.policy 0.11.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.reports 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.rootwrap 2.3.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.serialization 1.9.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.service 0.9.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-oslo.utils 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.versionedobjects 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos7', 'python-oslo.vmware 1.21.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-osprofiler 0.3.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pam 0.4.2-13.1ubuntu3', 'python-paramiko 1.15.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-passlib 1.6.5-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-paste', 'python-pastedeploy 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastedeploy-tpl 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastescript 1.7.5-3build1', 'python-pathlib 1.0.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pbr 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos2', 'python-pecan 1.0.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pil 2.9.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pint 0.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pkg-resources 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ply 3.4-3ubuntu2', 'python-prettytable 0.7.2-2ubuntu2', 'python-psutil 1.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-psycopg2 2.6.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyasn1 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycadf 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycparser 2.10+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'python-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python-pyeclib 1.0.7-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pygments 2.0.1+dfsg-1.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pygraphviz 1.2-1', 'python-pymongo 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pymongo-ext 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pymysql 0.6.7-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyparsing 2.0.1+dfsg1-1build1', 'python-pypcap 1.1.2+debian-2.2', 'python-pyroute2 0.3.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pysaml2 3.0.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyscss 1.3.4-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pysqlite2 2.6.3-3', 'python-pyudev 0.16.1-2build1', 'python-rados 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'python-rbd 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'python-repoze.lru 0.6-4', 'python-repoze.who 2.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-requests 2.7.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-retrying 1.3.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-rfc3986 0.2.0-2~u14.04+mos5', 'python-roman 2.0.0-1', 'python-routes 2.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-rtslib-fb 2.1.57-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ryu 3.24-1.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-saharaclient 0.11.1-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-scapy 2.2.0-1', 'python-scgi 1.13-1.1build1', 'python-scipy 0.13.3-1build1', 'python-secretstorage 2.0.0-1ubuntu1.1', 'python-semantic-version 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-serial 2.6-1build1', 'python-setuptools 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-simplegeneric 0.8.1-1', 'python-simplejson 3.3.1-1ubuntu6', 'python-singledispatch', 'python-six 1.9.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sphinx 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'python-sphinx-rtd-theme 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy-ext 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlparse 0.1.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-stevedore 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-suds 0.4.1-11ubuntu0.1', 'python-support 1.0.15', 'python-swift 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'python-swiftclient 1:2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos4', 'python-tablib 0.9.11-2build1', 'python-taskflow 1.17.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-tempita 0.5.2-1build1', 'python-testresources 0.2.7-1ubuntu2', 'python-testscenarios 0.4-2ubuntu2', 'python-testtools 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-tk 2.7.9-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-traceback2 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-trollius 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-troveclient 1:1.2.0-1~u14.04+mos18', 'python-tz 2014.10~dfsg1-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unicodecsv 0.13.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unittest2 1.1.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-urllib3 1.10.4-1~u14.04+mos9', 'python-utidylib 0.2-9build1', 'python-waitress 0.8.8-1ubuntu3', 'python-warlock 1.1.0-0ubuntu2', 'python-webob 1.3.1-1', 'python-websocket 0.18.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-webtest 2.0.14-1ubuntu1', 'python-wrapt 1.8.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-wsme 0.8.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-xattr 0.6.4-2build1', 'python-xstatic 1.0.0-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python-xstatic-angular', 'python-xstatic-angular-bootstrap', 'python-xstatic-angular-gettext', 'python-xstatic-angular-lrdragndrop', 'python-xstatic-bootstrap-datepicker', 'python-xstatic-bootstrap-scss', 'python-xstatic-bootswatch', 'python-xstatic-d3 3.4.11-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-xstatic-font-awesome 4.3.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-xstatic-hogan', 'python-xstatic-jasmine', 'python-xstatic-jquery', 'python-xstatic-jquery-migrate', 'python-xstatic-jquery-ui', 'python-xstatic-jquery.quicksearch', 'python-xstatic-jquery.tablesorter', 'python-xstatic-jsencrypt', 'python-xstatic-magic-search', 'python-xstatic-mdi', 'python-xstatic-qunit', 'python-xstatic-rickshaw', 'python-xstatic-roboto-fontface', 'python-xstatic-smart-table', 'python-xstatic-spin', 'python-xstatic-term.js', 'python-yaml 3.10-4ubuntu0.1', 'python-zaqarclient 0.2.0-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-zmq 14.4.0-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python-zope.interface 4.0.5-1ubuntu4', 'python2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python2.7-dev 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python3 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-apt', 'python3-commandnotfound 0.3ubuntu12', 'python3-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python3-distupgrade 1:0.220.8', 'python3-gdbm 3.4.3-1~14.04.2', 'python3-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python3-minimal 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python3-software-properties', 'python3-update-manager 1:0.196.14', 'python3.4 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'python3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'rabbitmq-server 3.5.6-1~u14.04+mos4', 'radvd 1:1.9.1-1.1ubuntu2', 'readline-common 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'resolvconf 1.69ubuntu1.1', 'resource-agents 1:3.9.5+git+a626847-1~u14.04+mos1', 'rsync 3.1.0-2ubuntu0.2', 'rsyslog 7.4.4-1ubuntu2.6', 'ruby 1:', 'ruby-augeas 0.5.0-2', 'ruby-cstruct 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-deep-merge 1.0.0+git20150630-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ruby-hiera 1.3.1-1puppetlabs1~u14.04+mos3', 'ruby-httpclient', 'ruby-ipaddress 0.8.0-2', 'ruby-json 1.8.0-1build1', 'ruby-mixlib-cli 1.4.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-config 2.1.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-log 1.4.1-1', 'ruby-netaddr 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-openstack 1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rethtool 0.0.5-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rgen 0.6.6-1', 'ruby-safe-yaml 1.0.1-1', 'ruby-selinux 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'ruby-shadow 2.2.0-1', 'ruby-sigar 0.7.2-2', 'ruby-stomp 1.3.2-1', 'ruby-systemu 2.6.0-1', 'ruby-yajl 1.2.0-1', 'ruby1.9.1', 'screen 4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-9', 'sed 4.2.2-4ubuntu1', 'sensible-utils 0.0.9', 'sgml-base 1.26+nmu4ubuntu1', 'shared-mime-info 1.2-0ubuntu3', 'socat', 'software-properties-common', 'sphinx-common 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'sphinx-doc 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'sphinx-rtd-theme-common 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'spice-html5 0.1.4-1', 'sqlite3 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'ssh-import-id 3.21-0ubuntu1', 'ssl-cert 1.0.33', 'strace 4.8-1ubuntu5', 'sudo 1.8.9p5-1ubuntu1.2', 'swift 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'swift-account 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'swift-container 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'swift-object 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'swift-plugin-s3 1.7-3', 'swift-proxy 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'sysfsutils 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'systemd-services 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'systemd-shim 6-2bzr1', 'sysv-rc 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'tar 1.27.1-1', 'tcpd 7.6.q-25', 'tcpdump 4.5.1-2ubuntu1.2', 'telnet 0.17-36build2', 'time 1.7-24', 'tmux 1.8-5', 'tzdata 2016d-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'ubuntu-keyring 2012.05.19', 'ubuntu-minimal 1.325', 'ubuntu-release-upgrader-core 1:0.220.8', 'ubuntu-standard 1.325', 'ucf 3.0027+nmu1', 'udev 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'ufw 0.34~rc-0ubuntu2', 'unattended-upgrades 0.82.1ubuntu2.4', 'update-inetd 4.43', 'update-manager-core 1:0.196.14', 'upstart 1.12.1-0ubuntu4.2', 'ureadahead 0.100.0-16', 'usbutils 1:007-2ubuntu1.1', 'util-linux 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'uuid-runtime 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'vim 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-common 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-runtime 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-tiny 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'virt-what 1.13-1', 'vlan 1.9-3ubuntu10', 'watershed 7', 'websockify 0.6.1+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'wget 1.15-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'whiptail 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'wireless-regdb 2013.02.13-1ubuntu1', 'x11-common 1:7.7+1ubuntu8.1', 'xauth 1:1.0.7-1ubuntu1', 'xinetd 1:2.3.15-3ubuntu1', 'xkb-data 2.10.1-1ubuntu1', 'xml-core 0.13+nmu2', 'xmlsec1 1.2.18-2ubuntu1', 'xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'zlib1g 1:1.2.8.dfsg-1ubuntu1'] 2016-05-14 02:04:35,547 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_node_packages with result: {'deploy_cluster': {u'controller': ['accountsservice 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'acct 6.5.5-1ubuntu5', 'acl 2.2.52-1', 'acpid 1:2.0.21-1ubuntu2', 'adduser 3.113+nmu3ubuntu3', 'alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'anacron 2.3-20ubuntu1', 'apache2 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.9', 'apache2-bin 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.9', 'apache2-data 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.9', 'apparmor 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'apt 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-transport-https 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-utils 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'atop 1.26-2', 'augeas-lenses 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'base-files 7.2ubuntu5.4', 'base-passwd 3.5.33', 'bash 4.3-7ubuntu1.5', 'bash-completion 1:2.1-4ubuntu0.1', 'bind9-host 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'binutils 2.24-5ubuntu14', 'blt 2.4z-9~u14.04+mos1', 'bridge-utils 1.5-6ubuntu2', 'bsdmainutils 9.0.5ubuntu1', 'bsdutils 1:2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'build-essential 11.6ubuntu6', 'busybox-initramfs 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'busybox-static 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'bzip2 1.0.6-5', 'ca-certificates 20160104ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'cinder-api 2:7.0.1-1~u14.04+mos38', 'cinder-common 2:7.0.1-1~u14.04+mos38', 'cinder-scheduler 2:7.0.1-1~u14.04+mos38', 'cirros-testvm 0.3.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'cliff-tablib 1.1-1', 'cloud-guest-utils 0.27-0ubuntu9.2', 'cloud-init 0.7.5-0ubuntu1.18', 'cluster-glue 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'command-not-found 0.3ubuntu12', 'command-not-found-data 0.3ubuntu12', 'conntrack 1:1.4.1-1ubuntu1', 'conntrackd 1:1.4.1-1ubuntu1', 'console-setup 1.70ubuntu8', 'coreutils 8.21-1ubuntu5.4', 'corosync 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'cpio 2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu1.2', 'cpp 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'cpp-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'crda 1.1.2-1ubuntu2', 'crmsh 2.1.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'cron 3.0pl1-124ubuntu2', 'curl 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'daemonize 1.7.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'dash 0.5.7-4ubuntu1', 'dbconfig-common 1.8.47+nmu1', 'dbus 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'debconf 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-i18n 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-utils 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debianutils 4.4', 'dh-python 1.20140128-1ubuntu8.2', 'diffutils 1:3.3-1', 'dkms', 'dmidecode 2.12-2', 'dmsetup 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'dnsmasq-base 2.68-1ubuntu0.1', 'dnsmasq-utils 2.68-1ubuntu0.1', 'dnsutils 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'docutils-common 0.12+dfsg-1~u14.04+mos1', 'docutils-doc 0.12+dfsg-1~u14.04+mos1', 'dosfstools 3.0.26-1', 'dpkg 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'dpkg-dev 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'e2fslibs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'e2fsprogs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'eatmydata 26-2', 'ed 1.9-2', 'eject 2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-13.1', 'erlang-asn1 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-base 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-corba 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-crypto 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-diameter 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-edoc 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-eldap 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-erl-docgen 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-eunit 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-ic 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-inets 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-mnesia 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-nox 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-odbc 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-os-mon 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-parsetools 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-percept 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-public-key 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-runtime-tools 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-snmp 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-ssh 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-ssl 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-syntax-tools 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-tools 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-webtool 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'erlang-xmerl 1:18.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ethtool 1:3.13-1', 'facter 1.7.5-1ubuntu1', 'fakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'file 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'findutils 4.4.2-7', 'fontconfig 2.11.0-0ubuntu4.1', 'fontconfig-config 2.11.0-0ubuntu4.1', 'fonts-dejavu-core 2.34-1ubuntu1', 'fonts-font-awesome 4.3.0~dfsg-2~u14.04+mos1', 'fonts-lato 1.104-4', 'fonts-liberation 1.07.3-3', 'fonts-lyx', 'fonts-materialdesignicons-webfont 1.1.70-1~u14.04+mos1', 'fonts-roboto-fontface 0.4.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'friendly-recovery 0.2.25', 'ftp 0.17-28', 'fuel-ha-utils 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-misc 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-rabbit-fence 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-umm 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuse 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'g++ 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'g++-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'galera-3 25.3.10-1~u14.04+mos2', 'gcc 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'gcc-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.8-base 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.9-base 4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'gdisk 0.8.8-1ubuntu0.1', 'geoip-database 20140313-1', 'gettext-base', 'gir1.2-glib-2.0 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'glance-api 2:11.0.1-1~u14.04+mos12', 'glance-common 2:11.0.1-1~u14.04+mos12', 'glance-registry 2:11.0.1-1~u14.04+mos12', 'gnupg 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'gpgv 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'graphviz 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'grep 2.16-1', 'groff-base 1.22.2-5', 'grub-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-gfxpayload-lists 0.6', 'grub-pc 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-pc-bin 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub2-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'gzip 1.6-3ubuntu1', 'haproxy 1.5.3-1~u14.04+mos2', 'hdparm 9.43-1ubuntu3', 'heat-api 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-api-cfn 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-api-cloudwatch 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-common 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-docker 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'heat-engine 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'hicolor-icon-theme 0.13-1', 'hostname 3.15ubuntu1', 'hpsa-dkms 3.4.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'htop 1.0.2-3', 'i40e-dkms 1.3.47-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ieee-data 20131224.1', 'ifenslave 2.4ubuntu1.2', 'ifupdown', 'info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'init-system-helpers 1.18~bpo70+1~u14.04+mos1', 'initramfs-tools 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initramfs-tools-bin 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initscripts 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'insserv 1.14.0-5ubuntu2', 'install-info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'iproute 1:3.12.0-2ubuntu1', 'iproute2 3.12.0-2ubuntu1', 'ipset 6.20.1-1', 'iptables 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'iptables-persistent 0.5.7', 'iputils-arping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-ping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-tracepath 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'ipvsadm 1:1.26-2ubuntu1', 'irqbalance 1.0.6-2ubuntu0.14.04.4', 'isc-dhcp-client 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'isc-dhcp-common 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'iso-codes 3.52-1', 'iw 3.4-1', 'javascript-common 11', 'kbd 1.15.5-1ubuntu1', 'keepalived 1:1.2.13-1~u14.04+mos1', 'keyboard-configuration 1.70ubuntu8', 'keystone 2:8.1.0-2~u14.04+mos4', 'klibc-utils 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'kmod 15-0ubuntu6', 'language-selector-common 0.129.3', 'less 458-2', 'libaccountsservice0 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'libacl1 2.2.52-1', 'libaio1 0.3.109-4', 'libalgorithm-diff-perl 1.19.02-3', 'libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl 0.04-2build4', 'libalgorithm-merge-perl 0.08-2', 'libamd2.3.1 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libapache2-mod-wsgi 4.4.15-0.1', 'libapparmor-perl 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapparmor1 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapr1 1.5.0-1', 'libaprutil1 1.5.3-1', 'libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 1.5.3-1', 'libaprutil1-ldap 1.5.3-1', 'libapt-inst1.5 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libapt-pkg4.12 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libarchive-extract-perl 0.70-1', 'libasan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libasn1-8-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libasprintf0c2', 'libatk1.0-0 2.10.0-2ubuntu2', 'libatk1.0-data 2.10.0-2ubuntu2', 'libatomic1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libattr1 1:2.4.47-1ubuntu1', 'libaudit-common 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaudit1 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaugeas0 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'libavahi-client3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common-data 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libbind9-90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libblas3 1.2.20110419-7', 'libblkid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libboost-system1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libboost-thread1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libbsd0 0.6.0-2ubuntu1', 'libbz2-1.0 1.0.6-5', 'libc-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc-dev-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6-dev 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libcairo2 1.13.0~20140204-0ubuntu1.1', 'libcamd2.3.1 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libcap-ng0 0.7.3-1ubuntu2', 'libcap2 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcap2-bin 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libccolamd2.8.0 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libcdt5 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libcephfs1 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'libcfg6 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libcgmanager0 0.24-0ubuntu7.5', 'libcgraph6 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libcholmod2.1.2 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libcib4 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libck-connector0 0.4.5-3.1ubuntu2', 'libcloog-isl4 0.18.2-1', 'libcmap4 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libcolamd2.8.0 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libcomerr2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libcorosync-common4 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libcpg4 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libcrmcluster4 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libcrmcommon3 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libcrmservice1 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libcups2 1.7.2-0ubuntu1.7', 'libcurl3 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libcurl3-gnutls 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libdaemon0 0.14-2ubuntu1', 'libdatrie1 0.2.8-1', 'libdb5.3 5.3.28-3ubuntu3', 'libdbd-mysql-perl 4.025-1', 'libdbi-perl 1.630-1', 'libdbus-1-3 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'libdbus-glib-1-2 0.100.2-1', 'libdebconfclient0 0.187ubuntu1', 'libdevmapper-event1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdevmapper1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdns100 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libdpkg-perl 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'libdrm2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libedit2 3.1-20130712-2', 'libelf1 0.158-0ubuntu5.2', 'libesmtp6 1.0.6-1ubuntu2', 'libestr0 0.1.9-0ubuntu2', 'libevent-2.0-5 2.0.21-stable-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libexpat1 2.1.0-4ubuntu1.1', 'libexpat1-dev 2.1.0-4ubuntu1.1', 'libfakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'libffi6 3.1~rc1+r3.0.13-12ubuntu0.1', 'libfile-copy-recursive-perl 0.38-1', 'libfile-fcntllock-perl 0.14-2build1', 'libfontconfig1 2.11.0-0ubuntu4.1', 'libfreetype6 2.5.2-1ubuntu2.5', 'libfribidi0 0.19.6-1', 'libfuse2 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'libgcc-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgcc1 1:4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'libgck-1-0 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-3-common 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-base-3-1 3.10.1-1', 'libgcrypt11 1.5.3-2ubuntu4.3', 'libgd3 2.1.0-3', 'libgdbm3 1.8.3-12build1', 'libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 2.30.7-0ubuntu1.2', 'libgdk-pixbuf2.0-common 2.30.7-0ubuntu1.2', 'libgeoip1 1.6.0-1', 'libgfortran3 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgirepository-1.0-1 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'libglade2-0 1:2.6.4-2', 'libglib2.0-0 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libglib2.0-data 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libgmp10 2:5.1.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1', 'libgnutls-openssl27 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgnutls26 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgomp1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgpg-error0 1.12-0.2ubuntu1', 'libgpm2 1.20.4-6.1', 'libgraphite2-3 1.3.6-1ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libgssapi-krb5-2 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libgssapi3-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libgtk2.0-0 2.24.23-0ubuntu1.4', 'libgtk2.0-bin 2.24.23-0ubuntu1.4', 'libgtk2.0-common 2.24.23-0ubuntu1.4', 'libgvc6 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libgvpr2 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libharfbuzz0b 0.9.27-1ubuntu1', 'libhcrypto4-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheartbeat2 1:3.0.5-3.2', 'libheimbase1-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimntlm0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhtml-template-perl 2.95-1', 'libhx509-5-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libibverbs1 1.1.7-1ubuntu1.1', 'libice6 2:1.0.8-2', 'libicu52 52.1-3ubuntu0.4', 'libidn11 1.28-1ubuntu2', 'libipset3 6.20.1-1', 'libisc95 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccc90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccfg90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisl10 0.12.2-1', 'libitm1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libjasper1 1.900.1-14ubuntu3.3', 'libjbig0 2.0-2ubuntu4.1', 'libjpeg-turbo8 1.3.0-0ubuntu2', 'libjpeg8 8c-2ubuntu8', 'libjs-angular-gettext 2.1.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-angularjs 1.3.17-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-angularjs-smart-table 1.4.5-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-bootswatch 3.3.5+2+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-d3 3.5.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-jquery 1.7.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1', 'libjs-jquery-metadata 8-2', 'libjs-jquery-tablesorter 2.14.5-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-jquery-ui 1.10.1+dfsg-1', 'libjs-jquery.quicksearch 2.0.4-1~u14.04+mos3', 'libjs-jsencrypt 2.0.0+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos3', 'libjs-lrdragndrop 1.0.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-magic-search 0.2.5-1~u14.04+mos2', 'libjs-modernizr 2.6.2+ds1-1', 'libjs-qunit 1.14.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-rickshaw 1.5.1.dfsg-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-sphinxdoc 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'libjs-spin.js 1.2.8+dfsg2-1~u14.04+mos3', 'libjs-swfobject 2.2+dfsg-1', 'libjs-term.js 0.0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-twitter-bootstrap 2.0.2+dfsg-4', 'libjs-twitter-bootstrap-datepicker 1.3.1+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libjs-underscore 1.4.4-2ubuntu1', 'libjson-c2 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libjson0 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libk5crypto3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkeyutils1 1.5.6-1', 'libklibc 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libkmod2 15-0ubuntu6', 'libkrb5-26-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libkrb5-3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkrb5support0 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'liblapack3 3.5.0-2ubuntu1', 'liblcms2-2 2.5-0ubuntu4.1', 'libldap-2.4-2 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu8.2', 'liblocale-gettext-perl 1.05-7build3', 'liblockfile-bin 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblockfile1 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblog-message-simple-perl 0.10-1', 'liblrm2 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'liblrmd1 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libltdl7 2.4.2-1.7ubuntu1', 'liblwres90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'liblzma5 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'libmagic1 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'libmnl0 1.0.3-3ubuntu1', 'libmodule-pluggable-perl 5.1-1', 'libmount1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libmpc3 1.0.1-1ubuntu1', 'libmpdec2 2.4.0-6', 'libmpfr4 3.1.2-1', 'libmysqlclient18 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libncurses5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libncursesw5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libnet1 1.1.6+dfsg-2ubuntu1', 'libnetfilter-conntrack3 1.0.4-1', 'libnetfilter-cthelper0 1.0.0-1ubuntu1', 'libnetfilter-queue1 1.0.2-1', 'libnewt0.52 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'libnfnetlink0 1.0.1-2', 'libnih-dbus1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnih1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-genl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnspr4 2:4.10.10-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libnss3 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnss3-nssdb 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnuma1 2.0.9~rc5-1ubuntu3.14.04.2', 'libodbc1 2.2.14p2-5ubuntu5', 'libopenhpi2 2.14.1-1.3ubuntu2', 'libopenipmi0 2.0.18-0ubuntu7.1', 'libopts25 1:5.18-2ubuntu2', 'libp11-kit0 0.20.2-2ubuntu2', 'libpam-cap 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libpam-modules 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-modules-bin 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-runtime 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-systemd 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libpam0g 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpango-1.0-0 1.36.3-1ubuntu1.1', 'libpangocairo-1.0-0 1.36.3-1ubuntu1.1', 'libpangoft2-1.0-0 1.36.3-1ubuntu1.1', 'libpaper-utils 1.1.24+nmu2ubuntu3', 'libpaper1 1.1.24+nmu2ubuntu3', 'libparted0debian1 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libpathplan4 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1', 'libpcap0.8 1.5.3-2', 'libpci3 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'libpcre3 1:8.31-2ubuntu2.3', 'libpe-rules2 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libpe-status4 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libpengine4 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libperl5.18 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'libpgm-5.1-0 5.1.118-1~dfsg-0.1ubuntu3', 'libpils2 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'libpipeline1 1.3.0-1', 'libpixman-1-0 0.30.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'libplumb2 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'libplumbgpl2 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'libplymouth2 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'libpng12-0 1.2.50-1ubuntu2.14.04.2', 'libpod-latex-perl 0.61-1', 'libpolkit-gobject-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpopt0 1.16-8ubuntu1', 'libpq5 9.3.12-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'libprocps3 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpython-dev 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'libpython-stdlib 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'libpython2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-dev 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-stdlib 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython3-stdlib 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'libpython3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libpython3.4-stdlib 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libqb0 0.17.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'libquadmath0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libquorum5 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'librados2 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'librbd1 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'librdmacm1 1.0.16-1', 'libreadline5 5.2+dfsg-2', 'libreadline6 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'libroken18-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'librtmp0 2.4+20121230.gitdf6c518-1', 'libruby1.9.1', 'libsam4 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libsasl2-2 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsasl2-modules-db 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsctp1 1.0.15+dfsg-1', 'libselinux1 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsemanage-common 2.2-1', 'libsemanage1 2.2-1', 'libsensors4 1:3.3.4-2ubuntu1', 'libsepol1 2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libslang2 2.2.4-15ubuntu1', 'libsm6 2:1.2.1-2', 'libsnmp-base 5.7.2~dfsg-8.1ubuntu3.2', 'libsnmp30 5.7.2~dfsg-8.1ubuntu3.2', 'libsqlite3-0 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'libss2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libssl1.0.0 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'libstdc++-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libstdc++6 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libstonith1 1.0.11+hg2754-1.1build1', 'libstonithd2 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libsysfs2 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'libsystemd-daemon0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libsystemd-login0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libtasn1-6 3.4-3ubuntu0.4', 'libtcl8.6 8.6.1-4ubuntu1', 'libterm-readkey-perl 2.31-1', 'libterm-ui-perl 0.42-1', 'libtext-charwidth-perl 0.04-7build3', 'libtext-iconv-perl 1.7-5build2', 'libtext-soundex-perl 3.4-1build1', 'libtext-wrapi18n-perl 0.06-7', 'libthai-data 0.1.20-3', 'libthai0 0.1.20-3', 'libtidy-0.99-0 20091223cvs-1.2ubuntu1.1', 'libtiff5 4.0.3-7ubuntu0.4', 'libtimedate-perl 2.3000-1', 'libtinfo5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libtk8.6 8.6.1-3ubuntu2', 'libtotem-pg5 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libtransitioner2 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'libtsan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libudev1 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libumfpack5.6.2 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1', 'libusb-0.1-4 2:0.1.12-23.3ubuntu1', 'libusb-1.0-0 2:1.0.17-1ubuntu2', 'libustr-1.0-1 1.0.4-3ubuntu2', 'libuuid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libvotequorum7 2.3.4-0u~u14.04+mos2', 'libvpx1 1.3.0-2', 'libwebp5 0.4.0-4', 'libwebpmux1 0.4.0-4', 'libwind0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libwrap0 7.6.q-25', 'libx11-6 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-data 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libxau6 1:1.0.8-1', 'libxaw7 2:1.0.12-1', 'libxcb-render0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-shm0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcomposite1 1:0.4.4-1', 'libxcursor1 1:1.1.14-1', 'libxdamage1 1:1.1.4-1ubuntu1', 'libxdmcp6 1:1.1.1-1', 'libxext6 2:1.3.2-1ubuntu0.', 'libxfixes3 1:5.0.1-1ubuntu1.1', 'libxft2 2.3.1-2', 'libxi6 2:', 'libxinerama1 2:1.1.3-1', 'libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxml2-dev 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxmlsec1 1.2.18-2ubuntu1', 'libxmlsec1-openssl 1.2.18-2ubuntu1', 'libxmu6 2:1.1.1-1', 'libxmuu1 2:1.1.1-1', 'libxpm4 1:3.5.10-1', 'libxrandr2 2:1.4.2-1', 'libxrender1 1:0.9.8-1build0.14.04.1', 'libxslt1-dev 1.1.28-2build1', 'libxslt1.1 1.1.28-2build1', 'libxss1 1:1.2.2-1', 'libxt6 1:1.1.4-1', 'libxtables10 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'libyaml-0-2 0.1.4-3ubuntu3.1', 'libzmq3 4.0.4+dfsg-2', 'linux-firmware 1.127.22', 'linux-firmware-nonfree 1.14ubuntu3', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-generic', 'linux-headers-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-image-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-extra-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-generic', 'linux-image-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-libc-dev 3.13.0-86.130', 'lksctp-tools 1.0.15+dfsg-1', 'locales 2.13+git20120306-12.1', 'lockfile-progs 0.1.17', 'login 1:', 'logrotate 3.8.7-1ubuntu1', 'lsb-base 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lsb-release 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lshw 02.16-2ubuntu1.3', 'lsof 4.86+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'ltrace 0.7.3-4ubuntu5.1', 'lvm2 2.02.98-6ubuntu2', 'make 3.81-8.2ubuntu3', 'makedev 2.3.1-93ubuntu1', 'man-db', 'manpages 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'manpages-dev 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'mawk 1.3.3-17ubuntu2', 'mcollective 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mcollective-common 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mdadm 3.2.5-5ubuntu4.2', 'memcached 1.4.14-0ubuntu9', 'mime-support 3.54ubuntu1.1', 'mlocate 0.26-1ubuntu1', 'module-init-tools 15-0ubuntu6', 'mount 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'mountall 2.53', 'mtr-tiny 0.85-2', 'multiarch-support 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'mysql-client-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'mysql-client-core-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'mysql-common 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'mysql-server-wsrep-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'mysql-server-wsrep-core-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'mysql-wsrep-common-5.6 5.6.23-1~u14.04+mos1', 'nailgun-agent 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos151', 'nailgun-mcagents 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos699', 'nano 2.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-base 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-bin 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-term 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'net-tools 1.60-25ubuntu2.1', 'netbase 5.2', 'netcat-openbsd 1.105-7ubuntu1', 'network-checker 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos58', 'neutron-common 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-dhcp-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-l3-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-metadata-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-plugin-ml2 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-server 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'nova-api 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-cert 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-common 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-conductor 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-consoleauth 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-consoleproxy 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-objectstore 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-scheduler 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'novnc 1:0.5.1+gitfc00821eba-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ntfs-3g 1:2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu2', 'ntp 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ntpdate 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ohai 6.14.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'openhpid 2.14.1-1.3ubuntu2', 'openssh-client 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-sftp-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssl 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'openstack-dashboard 2:8.0.1-5~u14.04+mos42', 'openvswitch-common 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-datapath-dkms 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-switch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'os-prober 1.63ubuntu1.1', 'pacemaker 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'pacemaker-cli-utils 1.1.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'parted 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'passwd 1:', 'patch 2.7.1-4ubuntu2.3', 'pciutils 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'pcs 0.9.103-1~u14.04+mos3', 'percona-xtrabackup 2.1.8-1', 'perl 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-base 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-modules 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'plymouth 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'popularity-contest 1.57ubuntu1', 'postfix 2.11.0-1ubuntu1', 'powermgmt-base 1.31build1', 'ppp 2.4.5-5.1ubuntu2.2', 'pppconfig 2.3.19ubuntu1', 'pppoeconf 1.20ubuntu1', 'procps 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'psmisc 22.20-1ubuntu2', 'puppet 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'puppet-common 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-aioeventlet 0.4-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-alabaster 0.7.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqp 1.4.6-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqplib 1.0.2-1', 'python-anyjson 0.3.3-1build1', 'python-appconf 0.5-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python-appdirs 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-apt-common', 'python-automaton 0.6.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-babel 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-babel-localedata 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-backports.ssl-match-hostname', 'python-barbicanclient 3.3.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-boto 2.38.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-bs4 4.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-bson 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-bson-ext 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cachetools 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cairo 1.8.8-1ubuntu5', 'python-castellan 0.2.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ceilometerclient 1.5.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ceph 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cephfs 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cffi 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-cffi-backend 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-chardet 2.0.1-2build2', 'python-cheetah 2.4.4-3.fakesyncbuild1', 'python-cinder 2:7.0.1-1~u14.04+mos38', 'python-cinderclient 1:1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cliff 1.14.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cmd2 0.6.7-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-compressor 1.5-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-concurrent.futures 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-configobj 4.7.2+ds-5build1', 'python-contextlib2 0.4.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-croniter 0.3.4-0ubuntu1', 'python-crypto 2.6.1-4build1', 'python-cryptography 1.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-daemon 1.5.5-1ubuntu1', 'python-daemonize 2.2.1-0x2go1~git20131219.5~u14.04+mos2', 'python-dateutil 2.4.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-dbus-dev 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-debtcollector 0.8.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-decorator 3.4.0-2build1', 'python-designateclient 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos7', 'python-dev 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-django 1.7.9-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-django-babel 0.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-django-common 1.7.9-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-django-horizon 2:8.0.1-5~u14.04+mos42', 'python-django-pyscss 2.0.2-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-dns 2.3.6-3', 'python-dnspython 1.12.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-docker 1.3.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-docutils 0.12+dfsg-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-dogpile.cache 0.5.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-dogpile.core 0.4.1+dfsg1-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ecdsa 0.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-editor 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-egenix-mxdatetime 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-egenix-mxtools 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-enum34 0.9.23-1', 'python-eventlet 0.17.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-extras 0.0.3-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-fasteners 0.12.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-feedparser 5.1.3-2', 'python-fixtures 1.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-formencode 1.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'python-funcsigs 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-futurist 0.1.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-gflags 1.5.1-1build1', 'python-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python-glade2 2.24.0-3ubuntu3', 'python-glance 2:11.0.1-1~u14.04+mos12', 'python-glance-store 0.9.2-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-glanceclient 1:1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-gobject 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python-gobject-2 2.28.6-12build1', 'python-greenlet 0.4.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-gridfs 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-gtk2 2.24.0-3ubuntu3', 'python-heat 1:5.0.1-1~u14.04+mos45', 'python-heatclient 0.8.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-hp3parclient 3.0.0-0ubuntu1', 'python-httplib2 0.8-2build1', 'python-idna 2.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-imaging 2.9.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ipaddr 2.1.10-1', 'python-ipaddress 1.0.14-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-iso8601 0.1.10-0ubuntu1', 'python-jinja2 2.8-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-json-patch 1.3-4', 'python-json-pointer 1.0-2build1', 'python-jsonpatch 1.3-4', 'python-jsonschema 2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-kazoo 2.2.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-keyring 3.5-1', 'python-keystone 2:8.1.0-2~u14.04+mos4', 'python-keystoneclient 1:1.7.4-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-keystonemiddleware 2.3.3-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-kombu 3.0.26-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ldap 2.4.10-1build1', 'python-ldappool 1.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-lesscpy 0.9j-3fakesync2', 'python-libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'python-linecache2 1.0.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-lockfile 1:0.8-2ubuntu2', 'python-logutils 0.3.3-1', 'python-lxml 3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-magnumclient 0.2.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-mako 1.0.2+ds1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-manilaclient 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-markupsafe 0.23-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-matplotlib 1.3.1-1ubuntu5', 'python-matplotlib-data 1.3.1-1ubuntu5', 'python-memcache 1.56-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-migrate 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mimeparse 0.1.4-1build1', 'python-minimal 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-mistralclient 1:1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-mock 1.3.0-2.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-monotonic 0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-msgpack 0.4.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mysqldb 1.3.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netaddr 0.7.17-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netifaces 0.10.4-0.1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-networkx 1.10-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-neutron 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'python-neutronclient 1:3.1.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-nova 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'python-novaclient 2:2.30.2-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-novnc 1:0.5.1+gitfc00821eba-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-numpy 1:1.8.2-0ubuntu0.1', 'python-oauth 1.0.1-3build2', 'python-oauthlib 0.6.1-1', 'python-openid 2.2.5-3ubuntu1', 'python-openssl 0.15.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-openstack-auth 2.0.0-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-openstackclient 1.7.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-openvswitch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-os-brick 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-os-client-config 1.6.3-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.cache 0.7.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.concurrency 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.config 1:2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.context 0.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.db 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.i18n 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.log 1.11.0-1~u14.04+mos6', 'python-oslo.messaging 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos26', 'python-oslo.middleware 2.8.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.policy 0.11.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.reports 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.rootwrap 2.3.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.serialization 1.9.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.service 0.9.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-oslo.utils 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.versionedobjects 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos7', 'python-oslo.vmware 1.21.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-osprofiler 0.3.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pam 0.4.2-13.1ubuntu3', 'python-paramiko 1.15.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-passlib 1.6.5-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-paste', 'python-pastedeploy 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastedeploy-tpl 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastescript 1.7.5-3build1', 'python-pathlib 1.0.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pbr 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos2', 'python-pecan 1.0.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pil 2.9.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pint 0.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pkg-resources 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ply 3.4-3ubuntu2', 'python-prettytable 0.7.2-2ubuntu2', 'python-psutil 1.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-psycopg2 2.6.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyasn1 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycadf 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycparser 2.10+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'python-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python-pyeclib 1.0.7-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pygments 2.0.1+dfsg-1.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pygraphviz 1.2-1', 'python-pymongo 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pymongo-ext 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pymysql 0.6.7-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyparsing 2.0.1+dfsg1-1build1', 'python-pypcap 1.1.2+debian-2.2', 'python-pyroute2 0.3.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pysaml2 3.0.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyscss 1.3.4-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pysqlite2 2.6.3-3', 'python-pyudev 0.16.1-2build1', 'python-rados 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'python-rbd 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'python-repoze.lru 0.6-4', 'python-repoze.who 2.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-requests 2.7.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-retrying 1.3.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-rfc3986 0.2.0-2~u14.04+mos5', 'python-roman 2.0.0-1', 'python-routes 2.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-rtslib-fb 2.1.57-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ryu 3.24-1.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-saharaclient 0.11.1-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-scapy 2.2.0-1', 'python-scgi 1.13-1.1build1', 'python-scipy 0.13.3-1build1', 'python-secretstorage 2.0.0-1ubuntu1.1', 'python-semantic-version 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-serial 2.6-1build1', 'python-setuptools 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-simplegeneric 0.8.1-1', 'python-simplejson 3.3.1-1ubuntu6', 'python-singledispatch', 'python-six 1.9.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sphinx 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'python-sphinx-rtd-theme 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy-ext 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlparse 0.1.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-stevedore 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-suds 0.4.1-11ubuntu0.1', 'python-support 1.0.15', 'python-swift 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'python-swiftclient 1:2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos4', 'python-tablib 0.9.11-2build1', 'python-taskflow 1.17.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-tempita 0.5.2-1build1', 'python-testresources 0.2.7-1ubuntu2', 'python-testscenarios 0.4-2ubuntu2', 'python-testtools 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-tk 2.7.9-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-traceback2 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-trollius 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-troveclient 1:1.2.0-1~u14.04+mos18', 'python-tz 2014.10~dfsg1-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unicodecsv 0.13.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unittest2 1.1.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-urllib3 1.10.4-1~u14.04+mos9', 'python-utidylib 0.2-9build1', 'python-waitress 0.8.8-1ubuntu3', 'python-warlock 1.1.0-0ubuntu2', 'python-webob 1.3.1-1', 'python-websocket 0.18.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-webtest 2.0.14-1ubuntu1', 'python-wrapt 1.8.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-wsme 0.8.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-xattr 0.6.4-2build1', 'python-xstatic 1.0.0-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python-xstatic-angular', 'python-xstatic-angular-bootstrap', 'python-xstatic-angular-gettext', 'python-xstatic-angular-lrdragndrop', 'python-xstatic-bootstrap-datepicker', 'python-xstatic-bootstrap-scss', 'python-xstatic-bootswatch', 'python-xstatic-d3 3.4.11-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-xstatic-font-awesome 4.3.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-xstatic-hogan', 'python-xstatic-jasmine', 'python-xstatic-jquery', 'python-xstatic-jquery-migrate', 'python-xstatic-jquery-ui', 'python-xstatic-jquery.quicksearch', 'python-xstatic-jquery.tablesorter', 'python-xstatic-jsencrypt', 'python-xstatic-magic-search', 'python-xstatic-mdi', 'python-xstatic-qunit', 'python-xstatic-rickshaw', 'python-xstatic-roboto-fontface', 'python-xstatic-smart-table', 'python-xstatic-spin', 'python-xstatic-term.js', 'python-yaml 3.10-4ubuntu0.1', 'python-zaqarclient 0.2.0-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-zmq 14.4.0-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python-zope.interface 4.0.5-1ubuntu4', 'python2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python2.7-dev 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python3 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-apt', 'python3-commandnotfound 0.3ubuntu12', 'python3-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python3-distupgrade 1:0.220.8', 'python3-gdbm 3.4.3-1~14.04.2', 'python3-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python3-minimal 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python3-software-properties', 'python3-update-manager 1:0.196.14', 'python3.4 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'python3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'rabbitmq-server 3.5.6-1~u14.04+mos4', 'radvd 1:1.9.1-1.1ubuntu2', 'readline-common 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'resolvconf 1.69ubuntu1.1', 'resource-agents 1:3.9.5+git+a626847-1~u14.04+mos1', 'rsync 3.1.0-2ubuntu0.2', 'rsyslog 7.4.4-1ubuntu2.6', 'ruby 1:', 'ruby-augeas 0.5.0-2', 'ruby-cstruct 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-deep-merge 1.0.0+git20150630-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ruby-hiera 1.3.1-1puppetlabs1~u14.04+mos3', 'ruby-httpclient', 'ruby-ipaddress 0.8.0-2', 'ruby-json 1.8.0-1build1', 'ruby-mixlib-cli 1.4.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-config 2.1.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-log 1.4.1-1', 'ruby-netaddr 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-openstack 1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rethtool 0.0.5-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rgen 0.6.6-1', 'ruby-safe-yaml 1.0.1-1', 'ruby-selinux 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'ruby-shadow 2.2.0-1', 'ruby-sigar 0.7.2-2', 'ruby-stomp 1.3.2-1', 'ruby-systemu 2.6.0-1', 'ruby-yajl 1.2.0-1', 'ruby1.9.1', 'screen 4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-9', 'sed 4.2.2-4ubuntu1', 'sensible-utils 0.0.9', 'sgml-base 1.26+nmu4ubuntu1', 'shared-mime-info 1.2-0ubuntu3', 'socat', 'software-properties-common', 'sphinx-common 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'sphinx-doc 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'sphinx-rtd-theme-common 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'spice-html5 0.1.4-1', 'sqlite3 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'ssh-import-id 3.21-0ubuntu1', 'ssl-cert 1.0.33', 'strace 4.8-1ubuntu5', 'sudo 1.8.9p5-1ubuntu1.2', 'swift 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'swift-account 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'swift-container 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'swift-object 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'swift-plugin-s3 1.7-3', 'swift-proxy 2.5.0-2~u14.04+mos3', 'sysfsutils 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'systemd-services 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'systemd-shim 6-2bzr1', 'sysv-rc 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'tar 1.27.1-1', 'tcpd 7.6.q-25', 'tcpdump 4.5.1-2ubuntu1.2', 'telnet 0.17-36build2', 'time 1.7-24', 'tmux 1.8-5', 'tzdata 2016d-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'ubuntu-keyring 2012.05.19', 'ubuntu-minimal 1.325', 'ubuntu-release-upgrader-core 1:0.220.8', 'ubuntu-standard 1.325', 'ucf 3.0027+nmu1', 'udev 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'ufw 0.34~rc-0ubuntu2', 'unattended-upgrades 0.82.1ubuntu2.4', 'update-inetd 4.43', 'update-manager-core 1:0.196.14', 'upstart 1.12.1-0ubuntu4.2', 'ureadahead 0.100.0-16', 'usbutils 1:007-2ubuntu1.1', 'util-linux 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'uuid-runtime 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'vim 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-common 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-runtime 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-tiny 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'virt-what 1.13-1', 'vlan 1.9-3ubuntu10', 'watershed 7', 'websockify 0.6.1+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'wget 1.15-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'whiptail 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'wireless-regdb 2013.02.13-1ubuntu1', 'x11-common 1:7.7+1ubuntu8.1', 'xauth 1:1.0.7-1ubuntu1', 'xinetd 1:2.3.15-3ubuntu1', 'xkb-data 2.10.1-1ubuntu1', 'xml-core 0.13+nmu2', 'xmlsec1 1.2.18-2ubuntu1', 'xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'zlib1g 1:1.2.8.dfsg-1ubuntu1'], u'compute': ['accountsservice 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'acct 6.5.5-1ubuntu5', 'acl 2.2.52-1', 'acpid 1:2.0.21-1ubuntu2', 'adduser 3.113+nmu3ubuntu3', 'alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'anacron 2.3-20ubuntu1', 'apparmor 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'apt 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-transport-https 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'apt-utils 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'atop 1.26-2', 'augeas-lenses 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'base-files 7.2ubuntu5.4', 'base-passwd 3.5.33', 'bash 4.3-7ubuntu1.5', 'bash-completion 1:2.1-4ubuntu0.1', 'bind9-host 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'binutils 2.24-5ubuntu14', 'bridge-utils 1.5-6ubuntu2', 'bsdmainutils 9.0.5ubuntu1', 'bsdutils 1:2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'build-essential 11.6ubuntu6', 'busybox-initramfs 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'busybox-static 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1', 'bzip2 1.0.6-5', 'ca-certificates 20160104ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'cliff-tablib 1.1-1', 'cloud-guest-utils 0.27-0ubuntu9.2', 'cloud-init 0.7.5-0ubuntu1.18', 'command-not-found 0.3ubuntu12', 'command-not-found-data 0.3ubuntu12', 'conntrack 1:1.4.1-1ubuntu1', 'console-setup 1.70ubuntu8', 'coreutils 8.21-1ubuntu5.4', 'cpio 2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu1.2', 'cpp 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'cpp-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'cpu-checker 0.7-0ubuntu4', 'cpufrequtils 008-1', 'crda 1.1.2-1ubuntu2', 'cron 3.0pl1-124ubuntu2', 'curl 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'daemonize 1.7.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'dash 0.5.7-4ubuntu1', 'dbconfig-common 1.8.47+nmu1', 'dbus 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'debconf 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-i18n 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debconf-utils 1.5.51ubuntu2', 'debianutils 4.4', 'dh-python 1.20140128-1ubuntu8.2', 'diffutils 1:3.3-1', 'dkms', 'dmidecode 2.12-2', 'dmsetup 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'dnsmasq-base 2.68-1ubuntu0.1', 'dnsutils 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'dosfstools 3.0.26-1', 'dpkg 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'dpkg-dev 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'e2fslibs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'e2fsprogs 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'eatmydata 26-2', 'ebtables', 'ed 1.9-2', 'eject 2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-13.1', 'ethtool 1:3.13-1', 'facter 1.7.5-1ubuntu1', 'fakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'file 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'findutils 4.4.2-7', 'fping 3.8-1', 'friendly-recovery 0.2.25', 'ftp 0.17-28', 'fuel-ha-utils 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuel-misc 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos7801', 'fuse 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'g++ 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'g++-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gawk 1:4.0.1+dfsg-2.1ubuntu2', 'gcc 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6', 'gcc-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.8-base 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'gcc-4.9-base 4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'gdisk 0.8.8-1ubuntu0.1', 'geoip-database 20140313-1', 'gettext-base', 'gir1.2-glib-2.0 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'gnupg 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'gpgv 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3', 'grep 2.16-1', 'groff-base 1.22.2-5', 'grub-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-gfxpayload-lists 0.6', 'grub-pc 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub-pc-bin 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'grub2-common 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.7', 'gzip 1.6-3ubuntu1', 'hdparm 9.43-1ubuntu3', 'hostname 3.15ubuntu1', 'hpsa-dkms 3.4.12-1~u14.04+mos1', 'htop 1.0.2-3', 'i40e-dkms 1.3.47-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ieee-data 20131224.1', 'ifenslave 2.4ubuntu1.2', 'ifupdown', 'info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'init-system-helpers 1.18~bpo70+1~u14.04+mos1', 'initramfs-tools 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initramfs-tools-bin 0.103ubuntu4.3', 'initscripts 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'insserv 1.14.0-5ubuntu2', 'install-info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2', 'iproute2 3.12.0-2ubuntu1', 'ipset 6.20.1-1', 'iptables 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'iptables-persistent 0.5.7', 'iputils-arping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-ping 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'iputils-tracepath 3:20121221-4ubuntu1.1', 'ipxe-qemu 1.0.0+git-20131111.c3d1e78-2ubuntu1.1', 'irqbalance 1.0.6-2ubuntu0.14.04.4', 'isc-dhcp-client 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'isc-dhcp-common 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.4', 'iso-codes 3.52-1', 'iw 3.4-1', 'kbd 1.15.5-1ubuntu1', 'keyboard-configuration 1.70ubuntu8', 'klibc-utils 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'kmod 15-0ubuntu6', 'kpartx 0.4.9-3ubuntu7.11', 'language-selector-common 0.129.3', 'less 458-2', 'libaccountsservice0 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.2', 'libacl1 2.2.52-1', 'libaio1 0.3.109-4', 'libalgorithm-diff-perl 1.19.02-3', 'libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl 0.04-2build4', 'libalgorithm-merge-perl 0.08-2', 'libapparmor-perl 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapparmor1 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5.3', 'libapt-inst1.5 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libapt-pkg4.12 1.0.1ubuntu2.13', 'libarchive-extract-perl 0.70-1', 'libasan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libasn1-8-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libasound2', 'libasound2-data', 'libasprintf0c2', 'libasyncns0 0.8-4ubuntu2', 'libatomic1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libattr1 1:2.4.47-1ubuntu1', 'libaudit-common 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaudit1 1:2.3.2-2ubuntu1', 'libaugeas0 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1', 'libavahi-client3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common-data 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libavahi-common3 0.6.31-4ubuntu1', 'libbind9-90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libblas3 1.2.20110419-7', 'libblkid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libbluetooth3 4.101-0ubuntu13.1', 'libboost-system1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libboost-thread1.54.0 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1', 'libbrlapi0.6 5.0-2ubuntu2', 'libbsd0 0.6.0-2ubuntu1', 'libbz2-1.0 1.0.6-5', 'libc-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc-dev-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libc6-dev 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'libcaca0 0.99.beta18-1ubuntu5', 'libcap-ng0 0.7.3-1ubuntu2', 'libcap2 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcap2-bin 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libcgmanager0 0.24-0ubuntu7.5', 'libck-connector0 0.4.5-3.1ubuntu2', 'libcloog-isl4 0.18.2-1', 'libcomerr2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libcpufreq0 008-1', 'libcurl3 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libcurl3-gnutls 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.6', 'libdb5.3 5.3.28-3ubuntu3', 'libdbus-1-3 1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3', 'libdbus-glib-1-2 0.100.2-1', 'libdebconfclient0 0.187ubuntu1', 'libdevmapper-event1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdevmapper1.02.1 2:1.02.77-6ubuntu2', 'libdns100 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libdpkg-perl 1.17.5ubuntu5.6', 'libdrm-intel1 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm-nouveau2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm-radeon1 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libdrm2 2.4.64-1~ubuntu14.04.1', 'libedit2 3.1-20130712-2', 'libelf1 0.158-0ubuntu5.2', 'libestr0 0.1.9-0ubuntu2', 'libevent-2.0-5 2.0.21-stable-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libexpat1 2.1.0-4ubuntu1.1', 'libfakeroot 1.20-3ubuntu2', 'libfdt1 1.4.0+dfsg-1', 'libffi6 3.1~rc1+r3.0.13-12ubuntu0.1', 'libfile-fcntllock-perl 0.14-2build1', 'libflac8 1.3.0-2ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libfreetype6 2.5.2-1ubuntu2.5', 'libfribidi0 0.19.6-1', 'libfuse2 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1', 'libgcc-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgcc1 1:4.9.3-0ubuntu4', 'libgck-1-0 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-3-common 3.10.1-1', 'libgcr-base-3-1 3.10.1-1', 'libgcrypt11 1.5.3-2ubuntu4.3', 'libgdbm3 1.8.3-12build1', 'libgeoip1 1.6.0-1', 'libgfortran3 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgirepository-1.0-1 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2', 'libgl1-mesa-dri 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libgl1-mesa-glx 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libglapi-mesa 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6', 'libglib2.0-0 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libglib2.0-data 2.40.2-0ubuntu1', 'libgmp10 2:5.1.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1', 'libgnutls-openssl27 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgnutls26 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5', 'libgomp1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libgpg-error0 1.12-0.2ubuntu1', 'libgpm2 1.20.4-6.1', 'libgssapi-krb5-2 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libgssapi3-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhcrypto4-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimbase1-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libheimntlm0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libhx509-5-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libicu52 52.1-3ubuntu0.4', 'libidn11 1.28-1ubuntu2', 'libipset3 6.20.1-1', 'libisc95 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccc90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisccfg90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'libisl10 0.12.2-1', 'libitm1 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libjpeg-turbo8 1.3.0-0ubuntu2', 'libjpeg8 8c-2ubuntu8', 'libjs-jquery 1.7.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1', 'libjs-sphinxdoc 1.3.1-6~u14.04+mos2', 'libjs-underscore 1.4.4-2ubuntu1', 'libjson-c2 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libjson0 0.11-3ubuntu1.2', 'libk5crypto3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkeyutils1 1.5.6-1', 'libklibc 2.0.3-0ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libkmod2 15-0ubuntu6', 'libkrb5-26-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libkrb5-3 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'libkrb5support0 1.12+dfsg-2ubuntu5.2', 'liblapack3 3.5.0-2ubuntu1', 'libldap-2.4-2 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu8.2', 'libllvm3.4 1:3.4-1ubuntu3', 'liblocale-gettext-perl 1.05-7build3', 'liblockfile-bin 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblockfile1 1.09-6ubuntu1', 'liblog-message-simple-perl 0.10-1', 'liblwres90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8', 'liblzma5 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'libmagic1 1:5.14-2ubuntu3.3', 'libmnl0 1.0.3-3ubuntu1', 'libmodule-pluggable-perl 5.1-1', 'libmount1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libmpc3 1.0.1-1ubuntu1', 'libmpdec2 2.4.0-6', 'libmpfr4 3.1.2-1', 'libmysqlclient18 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libncurses5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libncursesw5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libnetcf1 1:0.2.3-4ubuntu1', 'libnetfilter-conntrack3 1.0.4-1', 'libnewt0.52 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'libnfnetlink0 1.0.1-2', 'libnih-dbus1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnih1 1.0.3-4ubuntu25', 'libnl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-genl-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnl-route-3-200 3.2.21-1ubuntu1', 'libnspr4 2:4.10.10-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'libnss3 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnss3-nssdb 2:3.21-0ubuntu0.14.04.2', 'libnuma1 2.0.9~rc5-1ubuntu3.14.04.2', 'libogg0 1.3.1-1ubuntu1', 'libopts25 1:5.18-2ubuntu2', 'libp11-kit0 0.20.2-2ubuntu2', 'libpam-cap 1:2.24-0ubuntu2', 'libpam-modules 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-modules-bin 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-runtime 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpam-systemd 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libpam0g 1.1.8-1ubuntu2.2', 'libparted0debian1 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'libpcap0.8 1.5.3-2', 'libpci3 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'libpciaccess0 0.13.2-1', 'libpcre3 1:8.31-2ubuntu2.3', 'libpgm-5.1-0 5.1.118-1~dfsg-0.1ubuntu3', 'libpipeline1 1.3.0-1', 'libpixman-1-0 0.30.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'libplymouth2 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'libpng12-0 1.2.50-1ubuntu2.14.04.2', 'libpod-latex-perl 0.61-1', 'libpolkit-agent-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpolkit-backend-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpolkit-gobject-1-0 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'libpopt0 1.16-8ubuntu1', 'libpq5 9.3.12-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'libprocps3 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'libpulse0 1:4.0-0ubuntu11.1', 'libpython-stdlib 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'libpython2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython2.7-stdlib 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'libpython3-stdlib 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'libpython3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libpython3.4-stdlib 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'libquadmath0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'librados2 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'librbd1 0.94.5-0u~u14.04+mos3', 'libreadline5 5.2+dfsg-2', 'libreadline6 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'libroken18-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'librtmp0 2.4+20121230.gitdf6c518-1', 'libruby1.9.1', 'libsasl2-2 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsasl2-modules-db 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1', 'libsdl1.2debian 1.2.15-8ubuntu1.1', 'libseccomp2 2.1.0+dfsg-1', 'libselinux1 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsemanage-common 2.2-1', 'libsemanage1 2.2-1', 'libsepol1 2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'libsigsegv2 2.10-2', 'libslang2 2.2.4-15ubuntu1', 'libsndfile1 1.0.25-7ubuntu2.1', 'libspice-server1 0.12.4-0nocelt2ubuntu1.2', 'libsqlite3-0 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'libss2 1.42.9-3ubuntu1.3', 'libssh2-1 1.4.3-2', 'libssl1.0.0 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'libstdc++-4.8-dev 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libstdc++6 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libsysfs2 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'libsystemd-daemon0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libsystemd-login0 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libtasn1-6 3.4-3ubuntu0.4', 'libterm-ui-perl 0.42-1', 'libtext-charwidth-perl 0.04-7build3', 'libtext-iconv-perl 1.7-5build2', 'libtext-soundex-perl 3.4-1build1', 'libtext-wrapi18n-perl 0.06-7', 'libtidy-0.99-0 20091223cvs-1.2ubuntu1.1', 'libtimedate-perl 2.3000-1', 'libtinfo5 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'libtsan0 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1', 'libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 0~git20131104-1.1', 'libudev1 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'libusb-0.1-4 2:0.1.12-23.3ubuntu1', 'libusb-1.0-0 2:1.0.17-1ubuntu2', 'libusbredirparser1 0.6-2ubuntu1.1', 'libustr-1.0-1 1.0.4-3ubuntu2', 'libuuid1 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'libvirt-bin 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-clients 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-daemon 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt-daemon-system 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvirt0 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos5', 'libvorbis0a 1.3.2-1.3ubuntu1', 'libvorbisenc2 1.3.2-1.3ubuntu1', 'libwind0-heimdal 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1', 'libwrap0 7.6.q-25', 'libx11-6 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-data 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx11-xcb1 2:1.6.2-1ubuntu2', 'libx86-1 1.1+ds1-10', 'libxau6 1:1.0.8-1', 'libxcb-dri2-0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-dri3-0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-glx0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-present0 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb-sync1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxcb1 1.10-2ubuntu1', 'libxdamage1 1:1.1.4-1ubuntu1', 'libxdmcp6 1:1.1.1-1', 'libxen-4.4 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.14.04.5', 'libxenstore3.0 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.14.04.5', 'libxext6 2:1.3.2-1ubuntu0.', 'libxfixes3 1:5.0.1-1ubuntu1.1', 'libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxml2-utils 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'libxmuu1 2:1.1.1-1', 'libxshmfence1 1.1-2', 'libxslt1.1 1.1.28-2build1', 'libxtables10 1.4.21-1ubuntu1', 'libxxf86vm1 1:1.1.3-1', 'libyajl2 2.0.4-4', 'libyaml-0-2 0.1.4-3ubuntu3.1', 'libzmq3 4.0.4+dfsg-2', 'linux-firmware 1.127.22', 'linux-firmware-nonfree 1.14ubuntu3', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-headers-generic', 'linux-headers-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-image-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-extra-3.13.0-86-generic 3.13.0-86.130', 'linux-image-generic', 'linux-image-generic-lts-trusty', 'linux-libc-dev 3.13.0-86.130', 'locales 2.13+git20120306-12.1', 'lockfile-progs 0.1.17', 'login 1:', 'logrotate 3.8.7-1ubuntu1', 'lsb-base 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lsb-release 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1', 'lshw 02.16-2ubuntu1.3', 'lsof 4.86+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'ltrace 0.7.3-4ubuntu5.1', 'lvm2 2.02.98-6ubuntu2', 'make 3.81-8.2ubuntu3', 'makedev 2.3.1-93ubuntu1', 'man-db', 'manpages 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'manpages-dev 3.54-1ubuntu1', 'mawk 1.3.3-17ubuntu2', 'mcollective 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mcollective-common 2.3.3-1~u14.04+mos4', 'mdadm 3.2.5-5ubuntu4.2', 'mime-support 3.54ubuntu1.1', 'mlocate 0.26-1ubuntu1', 'module-init-tools 15-0ubuntu6', 'mount 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'mountall 2.53', 'msr-tools 1.3-2', 'mtr-tiny 0.85-2', 'multiarch-support 2.19-0ubuntu6.7', 'mysql-common 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1', 'nailgun-agent 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos151', 'nailgun-mcagents 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos699', 'nano 2.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-base 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-bin 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'ncurses-term 5.9+20140118-1ubuntu1', 'net-tools 1.60-25ubuntu2.1', 'netbase 5.2', 'netcat-openbsd 1.105-7ubuntu1', 'network-checker 8.0.0-1~u14.04+mos58', 'neutron-common 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'nova-common 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-compute 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'nova-compute-qemu 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'ntfs-3g 1:2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu2', 'ntp 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ntpdate 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8', 'ohai 6.14.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'open-iscsi 2.0.873-3ubuntu9', 'openssh-client 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssh-sftp-server 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.7', 'openssl 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19', 'openvswitch-common 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-datapath-dkms 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'openvswitch-switch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'os-prober 1.63ubuntu1.1', 'parted 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'passwd 1:', 'patch 2.7.1-4ubuntu2.3', 'pciutils 1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5.1', 'perl 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-base 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'perl-modules 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1', 'plymouth 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1', 'pm-utils 1.4.1-13ubuntu0.2', 'policykit-1 0.105-4ubuntu3.14.04.1', 'popularity-contest 1.57ubuntu1', 'postfix 2.11.0-1ubuntu1', 'powermgmt-base 1.31build1', 'ppp 2.4.5-5.1ubuntu2.2', 'pppconfig 2.3.19ubuntu1', 'pppoeconf 1.20ubuntu1', 'procps 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2', 'psmisc 22.20-1ubuntu2', 'puppet 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'puppet-common 3.8.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-aioeventlet 0.4-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-alembic 0.8.2-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqp 1.4.6-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-amqplib 1.0.2-1', 'python-anyjson 0.3.3-1build1', 'python-apt-common', 'python-babel 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-babel-localedata 1.3+dfsg.1-2ubuntu2', 'python-boto 2.38.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-bs4 4.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-cachetools 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cffi 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-cffi-backend 1.1.2-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-chardet 2.0.1-2build2', 'python-cheetah 2.4.4-3.fakesyncbuild1', 'python-cinderclient 1:1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-cliff 1.14.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-cmd2 0.6.7-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-concurrent.futures 3.0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-configobj 4.7.2+ds-5build1', 'python-contextlib2 0.4.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-crypto 2.6.1-4build1', 'python-cryptography 1.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-daemonize 2.2.1-0x2go1~git20131219.5~u14.04+mos2', 'python-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-dbus-dev 1.2.0-2build2', 'python-debtcollector 0.8.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-decorator 3.4.0-2build1', 'python-dns 2.3.6-3', 'python-ecdsa 0.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-editor 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-egenix-mxdatetime 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-egenix-mxtools 3.2.7-1build1', 'python-enum34 0.9.23-1', 'python-eventlet 0.17.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-extras 0.0.3-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-fasteners 0.12.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-feedparser 5.1.3-2', 'python-fixtures 1.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-formencode 1.2.6-1ubuntu1', 'python-funcsigs 0.4-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-futurist 0.1.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-gflags 1.5.1-1build1', 'python-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python-glanceclient 1:1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-greenlet 0.4.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-httplib2 0.8-2build1', 'python-idna 2.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ipaddress 1.0.14-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-iso8601 0.1.10-0ubuntu1', 'python-jinja2 2.8-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-json-patch 1.3-4', 'python-json-pointer 1.0-2build1', 'python-jsonpatch 1.3-4', 'python-jsonschema 2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-keyring 3.5-1', 'python-keystoneclient 1:1.7.4-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-keystonemiddleware 2.3.3-2~u14.04+mos0', 'python-kombu 3.0.26-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-libvirt 1.2.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.7', 'python-linecache2 1.0.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-logutils 0.3.3-1', 'python-lxml 3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1', 'python-mako 1.0.2+ds1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-markupsafe 0.23-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-memcache 1.56-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-migrate 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mimeparse 0.1.4-1build1', 'python-minimal 2.7.5-5ubuntu3', 'python-mock 1.3.0-2.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-monotonic 0.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-msgpack 0.4.6-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-mysqldb 1.3.4-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netaddr 0.7.17-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-netifaces 0.10.4-0.1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-neutron 2:7.0.4-1~u14.04+mos71', 'python-neutronclient 1:3.1.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-nova 2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21', 'python-novaclient 2:2.30.2-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-numpy 1:1.8.2-0ubuntu0.1', 'python-oauth 1.0.1-3build2', 'python-openid 2.2.5-3ubuntu1', 'python-openssl 0.15.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-openvswitch 2.3.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-os-brick 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.concurrency 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.config 1:2.4.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.context 0.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.db 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos5', 'python-oslo.i18n 2.6.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.log 1.11.0-1~u14.04+mos6', 'python-oslo.messaging 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos26', 'python-oslo.middleware 2.8.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.policy 0.11.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.reports 0.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.rootwrap 2.3.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-oslo.serialization 1.9.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.service 0.9.1-1~u14.04+mos0', 'python-oslo.utils 2.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-oslo.versionedobjects 0.10.0-1~u14.04+mos7', 'python-paramiko 1.15.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-paste', 'python-pastedeploy 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastedeploy-tpl 1.5.2-1', 'python-pastescript 1.7.5-3build1', 'python-pbr 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos2', 'python-pecan 1.0.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pkg-resources 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ply 3.4-3ubuntu2', 'python-prettytable 0.7.2-2ubuntu2', 'python-psutil 1.2.1-1ubuntu2', 'python-psycopg2 2.6.1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyasn1 0.1.8-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycadf 1.1.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pycparser 2.10+dfsg-1ubuntu2', 'python-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python-pymysql 0.6.7-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyparsing 2.0.1+dfsg1-1build1', 'python-pypcap 1.1.2+debian-2.2', 'python-pyroute2 0.3.15-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-pyudev 0.16.1-2build1', 'python-repoze.lru 0.6-4', 'python-requests 2.7.0-3~u14.04+mos1', 'python-retrying 1.3.3-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-rfc3986 0.2.0-2~u14.04+mos5', 'python-routes 2.2-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-ryu 3.24-1.1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-scapy 2.2.0-1', 'python-scgi 1.13-1.1build1', 'python-secretstorage 2.0.0-1ubuntu1.1', 'python-serial 2.6-1build1', 'python-setuptools 18.3.1-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-simplegeneric 0.8.1-1', 'python-simplejson 3.3.1-1ubuntu6', 'python-singledispatch', 'python-six 1.9.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlalchemy-ext 1.0.8~u14.04+mos1', 'python-sqlparse 0.1.13-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-stevedore 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos3', 'python-tablib 0.9.11-2build1', 'python-tempita 0.5.2-1build1', 'python-testresources 0.2.7-1ubuntu2', 'python-testscenarios 0.4-2ubuntu2', 'python-testtools 1.8.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-traceback2 1.4.0-1~u14.04+mos1', 'python-trollius 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'python-tz 2014.10~dfsg1-0u~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unicodecsv 0.13.0-2~u14.04+mos1', 'python-unittest2 1.1.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-urllib3 1.10.4-1~u14.04+mos9', 'python-utidylib 0.2-9build1', 'python-waitress 0.8.8-1ubuntu3', 'python-warlock 1.1.0-0ubuntu2', 'python-webob 1.3.1-1', 'python-webtest 2.0.14-1ubuntu1', 'python-wrapt 1.8.0-5~u14.04+mos1', 'python-yaml 3.10-4ubuntu0.1', 'python-zmq 14.4.0-4~u14.04+mos1', 'python2.7 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python2.7-minimal 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2', 'python3 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-apt', 'python3-commandnotfound 0.3ubuntu12', 'python3-dbus 1.2.0-2build2', 'python3-distupgrade 1:0.220.8', 'python3-gdbm 3.4.3-1~14.04.2', 'python3-gi 3.12.0-1ubuntu1', 'python3-minimal 3.4.0-0ubuntu2', 'python3-pycurl 7.19.3-0ubuntu3', 'python3-software-properties', 'python3-update-manager 1:0.196.14', 'python3.4 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'python3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3', 'qemu 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-keymaps 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-kvm 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-arm 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-common 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-mips 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-misc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-ppc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-sparc 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-system-x86 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-user 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'qemu-utils 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.24', 'readline-common 6.3-4ubuntu2', 'resolvconf 1.69ubuntu1.1', 'rsync 3.1.0-2ubuntu0.2', 'rsyslog 7.4.4-1ubuntu2.6', 'ruby 1:', 'ruby-augeas 0.5.0-2', 'ruby-cstruct 1.0.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-deep-merge 1.0.0+git20150630-1~u14.04+mos1', 'ruby-hiera 1.3.1-1puppetlabs1~u14.04+mos3', 'ruby-httpclient', 'ruby-ipaddress 0.8.0-2', 'ruby-json 1.8.0-1build1', 'ruby-mixlib-cli 1.4.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-config 2.1.0-1', 'ruby-mixlib-log 1.4.1-1', 'ruby-netaddr 1.5.0-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-openstack 1.1.1-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rethtool 0.0.5-1~u14.04+mos2', 'ruby-rgen 0.6.6-1', 'ruby-safe-yaml 1.0.1-1', 'ruby-selinux 2.2.2-1ubuntu0.1', 'ruby-shadow 2.2.0-1', 'ruby-sigar 0.7.2-2', 'ruby-stomp 1.3.2-1', 'ruby-systemu 2.6.0-1', 'ruby-yajl 1.2.0-1', 'ruby1.9.1', 'screen 4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-9', 'seabios 1.7.4-4ubuntu1', 'sed 4.2.2-4ubuntu1', 'sensible-utils 0.0.9', 'sgml-base 1.26+nmu4ubuntu1', 'shared-mime-info 1.2-0ubuntu3', 'sharutils 1:4.14-1ubuntu1', 'socat', 'software-properties-common', 'sqlite3 3.8.2-1ubuntu2.1', 'ssh-import-id 3.21-0ubuntu1', 'ssl-cert 1.0.33', 'strace 4.8-1ubuntu5', 'sudo 1.8.9p5-1ubuntu1.2', 'sysfsutils 2.1.0+repack-3ubuntu1', 'systemd-services 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'systemd-shim 6-2bzr1', 'sysv-rc 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6.3', 'tar 1.27.1-1', 'tcpd 7.6.q-25', 'tcpdump 4.5.1-2ubuntu1.2', 'telnet 0.17-36build2', 'time 1.7-24', 'tmux 1.8-5', 'tzdata 2016d-0ubuntu0.14.04', 'ubuntu-keyring 2012.05.19', 'ubuntu-minimal 1.325', 'ubuntu-release-upgrader-core 1:0.220.8', 'ubuntu-standard 1.325', 'ucf 3.0027+nmu1', 'udev 204-5ubuntu20.19', 'ufw 0.34~rc-0ubuntu2', 'unattended-upgrades 0.82.1ubuntu2.4', 'update-manager-core 1:0.196.14', 'upstart 1.12.1-0ubuntu4.2', 'ureadahead 0.100.0-16', 'usbutils 1:007-2ubuntu1.1', 'util-linux 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'uuid-runtime 2.20.1-5.1ubuntu20.7', 'vbetool 1.1-3', 'vim 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-common 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-runtime 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'vim-tiny 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3', 'virt-what 1.13-1', 'vlan 1.9-3ubuntu10', 'watershed 7', 'websockify 0.6.1+dfsg1-1~u14.04+mos1', 'wget 1.15-1ubuntu1.14.04.1', 'whiptail 0.52.15-2ubuntu5', 'wireless-regdb 2013.02.13-1ubuntu1', 'xauth 1:1.0.7-1ubuntu1', 'xkb-data 2.10.1-1ubuntu1', 'xml-core 0.13+nmu2', 'xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2', 'zlib1g 1:1.2.8.dfsg-1ubuntu1']}} 2016-05-14 02:04:35,547 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 02:04:35,616 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: store_packages_json with result: None 2016-05-14 02:04:35,616 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< ---------------------------------------[ FINISH Step 007. Deploy environment STEP TOOK 59 min 53 sec ]---------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 02:04:35,616 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 02:04:35,617 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-14 02:04:35,617 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '3592.52', False) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:35,631 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-14 02:04:36,050 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< ---------------------------------------------------[ START Step 008. Run network checker ]---------------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 02:04:36,050 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: verify_network with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:36,050 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: run_network_verify with args: (, 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:36,050 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1030 -- Run network verification on the cluster 1 2016-05-14 02:04:36,050 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: verify_networks with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:36,050 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:36,051 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:36,062 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster with result: {u'status': u'operational', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronTUN', u'is_locked': True, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'} 2016-05-14 02:04:36,062 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_networks with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:36,063 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_cluster with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 1) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:36,063 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:36,071 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_cluster with result: {u'status': u'operational', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronTUN', u'is_locked': True, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'} 2016-05-14 02:04:36,071 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:36,130 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_networks with result: {u'vips': {u'vrouter_pub': {u'network_role': u'public/vip', u'vendor_specific': {u'iptables_rules': {u'ns_start': [u'iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o <%INT%> -j MASQUERADE'], u'ns_stop': [u'iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o <%INT%> -j MASQUERADE']}}, u'ipaddr': u'', u'node_roles': [u'controller', u'primary-controller'], u'namespace': u'vrouter'}, u'management': {u'network_role': u'mgmt/vip', u'vendor_specific': None, u'ipaddr': u'', u'node_roles': [u'controller', u'primary-controller'], u'namespace': u'haproxy'}, u'public': {u'network_role': u'public/vip', u'vendor_specific': None, u'ipaddr': u'', u'node_roles': [u'controller', u'primary-controller'], u'namespace': u'haproxy'}, u'vrouter': {u'network_role': u'mgmt/vip', u'vendor_specific': None, u'ipaddr': u'', u'node_roles': [u'controller', u'primary-controller'], u'namespace': u'vrouter'}}, u'public_vrouter_vip': u'', u'management_vrouter_vip': u'', u'management_vip': u'', u'public_vip': u'', u'networking_parameters': {u'configuration_template': None, u'dns_nameservers': [u'', u''], u'floating_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'floating_name': u'admin_floating_net', u'net_l23_provider': u'ovs', u'base_mac': u'fa:16:3e:00:00:00', u'internal_gateway': u'', u'internal_name': u'admin_internal_net', u'internal_cidr': u'', u'gre_id_range': [2, 65535], u'vlan_range': [1000, 1030], u'segmentation_type': u'tun'}, u'networks': [{u'name': u'public', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': u'', u'meta': {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'public', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 1, u'configurable': True, u'floating_range_var': u'floating_ranges', u'use_gateway': True, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'public', u'cidr': u'', u'gateway': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': 1, u'id': 2}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': None, u'meta': {u'vips': [u'haproxy', u'vrouter'], u'name': u'management', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'internal', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': 1, u'id': 3}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': None, u'meta': {u'name': u'storage', u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': None, u'render_addr_mask': u'storage', u'cidr': u'', u'ip_range': [u'', u'']}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': 1, u'id': 4}, {u'name': u'private', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': None, u'meta': {u'name': u'private', u'notation': u'cidr', u'render_type': u'cidr', u'map_priority': 2, u'configurable': True, u'use_gateway': False, u'vlan_start': 103, u'render_addr_mask': None, u'cidr': u'', u'seg_type': u'tun'}, u'vlan_start': 103, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': 1, u'id': 5}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip_ranges': [[u'', u'']], u'gateway': u'', u'meta': {u'notation': u'ip_ranges', u'render_type': None, u'map_priority': 0, u'configurable': False, u'unmovable': True, u'use_gateway': True, u'render_addr_mask': None}, u'vlan_start': None, u'cidr': u'', u'group_id': None, u'id': 1}]} 2016-05-14 02:04:36,131 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:36,540 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: verify_networks with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'6589062f-45dc-4f03-959b-83a325314702'} 2016-05-14 02:04:36,540 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: run_network_verify with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'6589062f-45dc-4f03-959b-83a325314702'} 2016-05-14 02:04:36,540 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: assert_task_success with args: (, {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'6589062f-45dc-4f03-959b-83a325314702'}, 300) {'interval': 10} 2016-05-14 02:04:36,540 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:316 -- Assert task {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'6589062f-45dc-4f03-959b-83a325314702'} is success 2016-05-14 02:04:36,540 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: task_wait with args: (, {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'6589062f-45dc-4f03-959b-83a325314702'}, 300, 10) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:36,541 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1090 -- Wait for task 300 seconds: status running name verify_networks cluster 1 result {} progress 0 message None id 11 uuid 6589062f-45dc-4f03-959b-83a325314702 2016-05-14 02:04:36,541 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 11) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:36,541 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:36,551 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'6589062f-45dc-4f03-959b-83a325314702'} 2016-05-14 02:04:46,559 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 11) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:46,559 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:46,571 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'6589062f-45dc-4f03-959b-83a325314702'} 2016-05-14 02:04:56,573 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 11) {} 2016-05-14 02:04:56,573 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:04:56,585 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'6589062f-45dc-4f03-959b-83a325314702'} 2016-05-14 02:05:06,595 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 11) {} 2016-05-14 02:05:06,596 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:05:06,607 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': {}, u'progress': 0, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'6589062f-45dc-4f03-959b-83a325314702'} 2016-05-14 02:05:16,611 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 11) {} 2016-05-14 02:05:16,612 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:05:16,625 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'running', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': [], u'progress': 60, u'message': None, u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'6589062f-45dc-4f03-959b-83a325314702'} 2016-05-14 02:05:26,627 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 11) {} 2016-05-14 02:05:26,628 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:05:26,643 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': [], u'progress': 100, u'message': u'', u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'6589062f-45dc-4f03-959b-83a325314702'} 2016-05-14 02:05:26,643 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_task with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None], 11) {} 2016-05-14 02:05:26,643 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:05:26,654 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_task with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': [], u'progress': 100, u'message': u'', u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'6589062f-45dc-4f03-959b-83a325314702'} 2016-05-14 02:05:26,654 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1107 -- Task finished. Took 50.1022789478 seconds. status ready name verify_networks cluster 1 result: progress 100 message id 11 uuid 6589062f-45dc-4f03-959b-83a325314702 2016-05-14 02:05:26,655 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: task_wait with result: {u'status': u'ready', u'name': u'verify_networks', u'cluster': 1, u'result': [], u'progress': 100, u'message': u'', u'id': 11, u'uuid': u'6589062f-45dc-4f03-959b-83a325314702'} 2016-05-14 02:05:26,655 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: assert_task_success with result: None 2016-05-14 02:05:26,655 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:1344 -- Network verification of cluster 1 finished 2016-05-14 02:05:26,655 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: verify_network with result: None 2016-05-14 02:05:26,655 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< ---------------------------------------[ FINISH Step 008. Run network checker STEP TOOK 0 min 51 sec ]---------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 02:05:26,655 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 02:05:26,657 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-14 02:05:26,657 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '50.61', False) {} 2016-05-14 02:05:26,673 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-14 02:05:27,014 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< ---------------------------------------------[ START Step 009. Migrate Fuel Master to a compute ]--------------------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 02:05:27,015 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_last_created_cluster with args: (,) {} 2016-05-14 02:05:27,015 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:842 -- Get ID of a last created cluster 2016-05-14 02:05:27,015 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: list_clusters with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-14 02:05:27,016 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:05:27,027 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: list_clusters with result: [{u'status': u'operational', u'is_customized': False, u'release_id': 2, u'ui_settings': {u'sort': [{u'roles': u'asc'}], u'sort_by_labels': [], u'search': u'', u'filter_by_labels': {}, u'filter': {}, u'view_mode': u'standard'}, u'name': u'SimpleNeutronTUN', u'is_locked': True, u'net_provider': u'neutron', u'fuel_version': u'8.0', u'components': [], u'pending_release_id': None, u'changes': [], u'id': 1, u'mode': u'ha_compact'}] 2016-05-14 02:05:27,027 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_last_created_cluster with result: 1 2016-05-14 02:05:27,028 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_cluster_nodes_by_roles with args: (, 1, ['compute']) {} 2016-05-14 02:05:27,028 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:05:27,160 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_cluster_nodes_by_roles with result: [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'disabled': True, u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}, {u'capacity': 1000000000, u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6.103', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'units': u'bit/s', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'configuration': {u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'duplex': u'full', u'firmware': u'N/A', u'driver': u'802.1Q VLAN Support', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'driverversion': u'1.8', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'ovs-system', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'2', u'serial': u'a6:f4:8f:6a:95:a5', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:1'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-int', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'3', u'serial': u'2e:3a:62:b5:57:4e', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:2'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-tun', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'4', u'serial': u'8e:ed:7c:0f:e5:4a', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:3'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'bond0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'5', u'serial': u'82:4a:d0:0e:1b:89', u'configuration': {u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'firmware': u'2', u'driver': u'bonding', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'driverversion': u'3.7.1', u'master': u'yes'}, u'id': u'network:4'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'down', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'private', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': 103, u'dev': u'enp0s6', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-02_compute', u'roles': [u'compute'], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}] 2016-05-14 02:05:27,160 - INFO test_fuel_migration.py:73 -- Fuel Master will be migrated to slave-02_compute compute 2016-05-14 02:05:27,171 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:05:27,181 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 02:05:27,271 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 02:05:27,295 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:05:27,296 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_name with args: (, u'slave-02') {} 2016-05-14 02:05:27,296 - INFO fuel_web_client.py:859 -- Get nailgun node by slave-02 devops node 2016-05-14 02:05:27,299 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with args: (, ) {} 2016-05-14 02:05:27,301 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:879 -- Verify that nailgun api is running 2016-05-14 02:05:27,301 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:885 -- current timeouts is 60 count of attempts is 5 2016-05-14 02:05:27,301 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:05:27,433 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:888 -- Got nodes [{u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-2.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'F474D472-4304-6C4D-8835-BEC833412E55'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, 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True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, 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u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:81:5c:66:bc:f1', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:ab:f3:25:8e:19', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', 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u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:fb:b6:9d:3f:4d', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled 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u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'v_public', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1', u'serial': u'6a:1e:a8:fd:e3:d9', u'configuration': {u'driverversion': u'1.0', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'driver': u'veth', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'vr-host-base', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', 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extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', 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Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, 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(NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'3', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'serial': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:04.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s4', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'disabled': True, u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', 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u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel 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True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'2', u'serial': u'a6:f4:8f:6a:95:a5', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:1'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-int', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'3', u'serial': u'2e:3a:62:b5:57:4e', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:2'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-tun', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'4', u'serial': u'8e:ed:7c:0f:e5:4a', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': 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u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'down', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': 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u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'private', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': 103, u'dev': u'enp0s6', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', u'name': u'slave-02_compute', u'roles': [u'compute'], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1}] 2016-05-14 02:05:27,434 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:894 -- Look for nailgun node by macs set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-14 02:05:27,435 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-81-5C-66-BC-F1'), EUI('64-07-0A-DC-49-2E'), EUI('64-26-21-4E-14-79'), EUI('64-FB-B6-9D-3F-4D'), EUI('64-AB-F3-25-8E-19')]) 2016-05-14 02:05:27,435 - DEBUG fuel_web_client.py:897 -- Look for macs returned by nailgun set([EUI('64-0F-01-DC-E7-A3'), EUI('64-ED-90-CE-15-5B'), EUI('64-95-1C-73-06-AD'), EUI('64-2E-9E-6A-B6-8A'), EUI('64-A6-C0-28-55-07')]) 2016-05-14 02:05:27,436 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, 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True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', 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True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': 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u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block 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u'network:4'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, 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u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'private', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': 103, u'dev': u'enp0s6', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'slave-02_compute', u'roles': [u'compute'], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1} 2016-05-14 02:05:27,437 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_nailgun_node_by_name with result: {u'error_type': None, u'ip': u'', u'labels': {}, u'pending_addition': False, u'cluster': 1, u'meta': {u'pci_devices': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) ()', u'handle': u'DMI:0100', u'description': u'Computer', u'class': u'system', u'capabilities': {u'smbios-2.8': u'SMBIOS version 2.8', u'dmi-2.8': u'DMI version 2.8', u'vsyscall32': u'32-bit processes'}, u'id': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'configuration': {u'boot': u'normal', u'uuid': u'AA76D94D-6287-7C44-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1'}, u'children': [{u'description': u'Motherboard', u'class': u'bus', u'children': [{u'units': u'bytes', u'vendor': u'SeaBIOS', u'description': u'BIOS', u'class': u'memory', u'date': u'04/01/2014', u'version': u'1.7.5-20151012_155810-obs-1', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'firmware', u'size': 98304}, {u'slot': u'CPU 0', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0400', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'400', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:0', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 1', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0401', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page 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extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@1', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'401', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:1', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 2', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0402', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, u'fpu_exception': u'FPU exceptions reporting', u'vmx': True, u'erms': True, u'cmov': u'conditional move instruction', u'smep': True, u'fpu': u'mathematical co-processor', u'constant_tsc': True, u'pat': u'page attribute table', u'eagerfpu': True, u'tsc': u'time stamp counter', u'nx': u'no-execute bit (NX)', u'fxsr': u'fast floating point save/restore', u'pae': u'4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)', u'arch_perfmon': True, u'pcid': True, u'nopl': True, u'mmx': u'multimedia extensions (MMX)', u'arat': True, u'cx8': u'compare and exchange 8-byte', u'mce': u'machine check exceptions', u'de': u'debugging extensions', u'pclmulqdq': True, u'mca': u'machine check architecture', u'pse': u'page size extensions', u'pni': True, u'rep_good': True, u'popcnt': True, u'tsc_deadline_timer': True, u'pdpe1gb': True, u'apic': u'on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)', u'sse': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)', u'sse4_2': True, u'f16c': True, u'wp': True, u'lahf_lm': True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@2', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'402', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:2', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'slot': u'CPU 3', u'product': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'capacity': 2000000000, u'handle': u'DMI:0403', u'description': u'CPU', u'class': u'processor', u'capabilities': {u'pge': u'page global enable', u'avx': True, u'xsaveopt': True, u'clflush': True, u'sep': u'fast system calls', u'syscall': u'fast system calls', u'tsc_adjust': True, u'vme': u'virtual mode extensions', u'msr': u'model-specific registers', u'fsgsbase': True, u'xsave': True, 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True, u'rdtscp': True, u'aes': True, u'vnmi': True, u'sse2': u'streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)', u'ss': u'self-snoop', u'hypervisor': True, u'ept': True, u'sse4_1': True, u'ssse3': True, u'x86-64': u'64bits extensions (x86-64)', u'cx16': True, u'pse36': u'36-bit page size extensions', u'mtrr': u'memory type range registers', u'rdrand': True, u'x2apic': True}, u'businfo': u'cpu@3', u'width': 64, u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'physid': u'403', u'units': u'Hz', u'vendor': u'Intel Corp.', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'cores': u'1', u'threads': u'1', u'enabledcores': u'1'}, u'id': u'cpu:3', u'size': 2000000000}, {u'handle': u'DMI:1000', u'description': u'System Memory', u'class': u'memory', u'id': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1000', u'children': [{u'slot': u'DIMM 0', u'handle': u'DMI:1100', u'description': u'DIMM RAM', u'class': u'memory', u'units': u'bytes', u'physid': u'0', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'QEMU', u'id': u'bank', u'size': 6442450944}], u'size': 6442450944}, {u'product': u'440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]', u'handle': u'PCIBUS:0000:00', u'description': u'Host bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'children': [{u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.0', u'description': u'ISA bridge', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bridge', u'capabilities': {u'isa': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'id': u'isa'}, {u'product': u'82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:01.1', u'description': u'IDE interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'ide': True}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:01.1', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'1.1', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'ata_piix'}, u'id': u'ide'}, {u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:02.0', u'description': u'VGA compatible controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'vga_controller': True}, u'id': u'display', u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:02.0', u'physid': u'2', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0'}, u'class': u'display'}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:03.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s3', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:03.0', u'width': 32, 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u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:04.0', u'disabled': True, u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'4', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:1', u'serial': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:05.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s5', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:05.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'5', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:2', u'serial': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:06.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:06.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'6', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:3', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller', u'capacity': 1000000000, u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:07.0', u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'network', u'logicalname': u'enp0s7', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'rom': u'extension ROM', u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:07.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'7', u'units': u'bit/s', u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'claimed': True, u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driverversion': u'7.3.21-k8-NAPI', u'duplex': u'full', u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'driver': u'e1000', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:4', u'serial': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'product': u'uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:08.0', u'description': u'USB controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'bus', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'xhci': True, u'msi': u'Message Signalled Interrupts', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:08.0', u'width': 64, u'version': u'03', u'physid': u'8', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'NEC Corporation', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'xhci_hcd'}, u'id': u'usb'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:09.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:09.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'9', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:0'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0a.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0a.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'a', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:1'}, {u'product': u'Virtio block device', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0b.0', u'description': u'SCSI storage controller', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'storage', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering', u'scsi': True, u'msix': u'MSI-X', u'cap_list': u'PCI capabilities listing'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0b.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'b', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'scsi:2'}, {u'product': u'Virtio memory balloon', u'handle': u'PCI:0000:00:0c.0', u'description': u'Unclassified device', u'clock': 33000000, u'class': u'generic', u'capabilities': {u'bus_master': u'bus mastering'}, u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:0c.0', u'width': 32, u'version': u'00', u'physid': u'c', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Red Hat, Inc', u'configuration': {u'latency': u'0', u'driver': u'virtio-pci'}, u'id': u'generic'}], u'width': 32, u'version': u'02', u'businfo': u'pci@0000:00:00.0', u'physid': u'100', u'claimed': True, u'vendor': u'Intel Corporation', u'id': u'pci'}], u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'0', u'id': u'core'}, {u'capacity': 1000000000, u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'enp0s6.103', u'capabilities': {u'1000bt-fd': u'1Gbit/s (full duplex)', u'100bt': u'100Mbit/s', u'autonegotiation': u'Auto-negotiation', u'tp': u'twisted pair', u'10bt': u'10Mbit/s', u'10bt-fd': u'10Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'ethernet': True, u'100bt-fd': u'100Mbit/s (full duplex)', u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'units': u'bit/s', u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'1', u'serial': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'configuration': {u'autonegotiation': u'on', u'duplex': u'full', u'firmware': u'N/A', u'driver': u'802.1Q VLAN Support', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'yes', u'driverversion': u'1.8', u'speed': u'1Gbit/s', u'port': u'twisted pair'}, u'id': u'network:0', u'size': 1000000000}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'ovs-system', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'2', u'serial': u'a6:f4:8f:6a:95:a5', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:1'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-int', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'3', u'serial': u'2e:3a:62:b5:57:4e', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:2'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'br-tun', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'4', u'serial': u'8e:ed:7c:0f:e5:4a', u'configuration': {u'broadcast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'multicast': u'yes', u'driver': u'openvswitch'}, u'id': u'network:3'}, {u'description': u'Ethernet interface', u'logicalname': u'bond0', u'capabilities': {u'ethernet': True, u'physical': u'Physical interface'}, u'class': u'network', u'disabled': True, u'claimed': True, u'physid': u'5', u'serial': u'82:4a:d0:0e:1b:89', u'configuration': {u'autonegotiation': u'off', u'firmware': u'2', u'driver': u'bonding', u'broadcast': u'yes', u'multicast': u'yes', u'link': u'no', u'driverversion': u'3.7.1', u'master': u'yes'}, u'id': u'network:4'}]}, u'interfaces': [{u'name': u'enp0s3', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:03.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s4', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'down', u'mac': u'64:a6:c0:28:55:07', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:04.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s5', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:2e:9e:6a:b6:8a', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:05.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s6', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:95:1c:73:06:ad', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:06.0'}, {u'name': u'enp0s7', u'driver': u'e1000', u'state': u'up', u'mac': u'64:ed:90:ce:15:5b', u'max_speed': 1000, u'current_speed': 1000, u'offloading_modes': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-all', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-fcs', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-nocache-copy', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-vlan-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-receive-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'generic-segmentation-offload', u'sub': []}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tcp-segmentation-offload', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-tcp-segmentation', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'scatter-gather', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-scatter-gather', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksumming', u'sub': [{u'state': None, u'name': u'tx-checksum-ip-generic', u'sub': []}]}, {u'state': None, u'name': u'rx-checksumming', u'sub': []}], u'pxe': False, u'bus_info': u'0000:00:07.0'}], u'disks': [{u'name': u'vda', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-d7c2d1a92dfa404f9a6b'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vda', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdb', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-fcb570b420f34feab59a'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdb', u'size': 53687091200}, {u'name': u'vdc', u'extra': [u'disk/by-id/virtio-3f78011212c746619100'], u'removable': u'0', u'model': None, u'disk': u'vdc', u'size': 53687091200}], u'system': {u'product': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'version': u'pc-i440fx-2.4', u'uuid': u'4DD976AA-8762-447C-ABBB-6E54E76AC2E1', u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU'}, u'memory': {u'slots': 1, u'total': 6442450944, u'maximum_capacity': 6442450944, u'devices': [{u'type': u'RAM', u'size': 6442450944}]}, u'cpu': {u'real': 4, u'total': 4, u'spec': [{u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}, {u'model': u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz', u'frequency': 2099}]}}, u'os_platform': u'ubuntu', u'id': 1, u'hostname': u'node-1', u'network_data': [{u'cidr': u'', u'vlan': None, u'name': u'public', u'dev': u'enp0s4'}, {u'name': u'management', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s5', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'private', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': 103, u'dev': u'enp0s6', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'storage', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s7', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': None}, {u'name': u'fuelweb_admin', u'ip': u'', u'vlan': None, u'dev': u'enp0s3', u'netmask': u'', u'cidr': u'', u'brd': u'', u'gateway': u''}], u'online': True, u'progress': 100, u'pending_roles': [], u'status': u'ready', u'mac': u'64:0f:01:dc:e7:a3', u'manufacturer': u'QEMU', 'devops_name': u'slave-02', u'name': u'slave-02_compute', u'roles': [u'compute'], u'fqdn': u'node-1.test.domain.local', u'platform_name': u'Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)', u'kernel_params': None, u'pending_deletion': False, u'group_id': 1} 2016-05-14 02:05:27,437 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'fuel-migrate >/dev/null &' 2016-05-14 02:05:27,458 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 02:05:27,522 - INFO decorators.py:61 -- <<< ---------------------------------[ FINISH Step 009. Migrate Fuel Master to a compute STEP TOOK 0 min 1 sec ]---------------------------------- >>> 2016-05-14 02:05:27,522 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 02:05:27,524 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-14 02:05:27,524 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '0.51', False) {} 2016-05-14 02:05:27,539 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None 2016-05-14 02:05:27,685 - INFO decorators.py:53 -- <<< ------------------------------[ START Step 010. Check periodically the status of Fuel Master migration process ]------------------------------ >>> 2016-05-14 02:05:27,696 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:05:27,706 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1) 2016-05-14 02:05:27,798 - INFO transport.py:1546 -- Authentication (password) successful! 2016-05-14 02:05:27,848 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3) 2016-05-14 02:05:27,848 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: wait_phrase_in_log with args: (, 3600) {'log_path': '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log', 'phrase': 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process', 'interval': 0.2} 2016-05-14 02:05:27,848 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:28,067 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:28,285 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:28,513 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:28,737 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:28,966 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:29,191 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:29,419 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:29,642 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:29,862 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:30,081 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:30,298 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:30,515 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:30,739 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:30,956 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:31,173 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:31,391 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:31,610 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:31,829 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:32,052 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:32,282 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:32,506 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:32,729 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:32,956 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:33,180 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:33,403 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:33,627 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:33,851 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:34,072 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:34,293 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:34,518 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:34,745 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:34,966 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:35,189 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:35,413 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:35,640 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:35,860 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:36,084 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:36,308 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:36,534 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:36,752 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:36,969 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:37,189 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:37,406 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:37,624 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:37,842 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:38,060 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:38,285 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:38,512 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:38,735 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:38,964 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:39,191 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:39,417 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:39,639 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:39,857 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:40,079 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:40,301 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:40,526 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:40,753 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:40,996 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:41,228 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:41,454 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:41,681 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:41,901 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:42,125 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:42,351 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:42,577 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:42,802 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:43,023 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:43,243 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:43,464 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:43,691 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:43,912 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:44,137 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:44,360 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:44,583 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:44,806 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:45,029 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:45,254 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:45,475 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:45,699 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:45,921 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:46,151 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:46,372 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:46,593 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:46,814 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:47,035 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:47,255 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:47,475 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:47,702 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:47,938 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:48,160 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:48,382 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:48,604 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:48,827 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:49,050 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:49,272 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:49,493 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:49,714 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:49,942 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:50,171 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:50,398 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:50,623 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:50,844 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:51,071 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:51,288 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:51,507 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:51,726 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:51,949 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:52,167 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:52,384 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:52,608 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:52,825 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:53,042 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:53,259 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:53,477 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:53,697 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:53,917 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:54,136 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:54,353 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:54,571 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:54,789 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:55,007 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:55,224 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:55,442 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:55,662 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:55,881 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:56,100 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:56,319 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:56,537 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:56,756 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:56,974 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:57,194 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:57,412 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:57,633 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:57,856 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:58,074 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:58,293 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:58,510 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:58,728 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:58,946 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:59,164 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:59,382 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:59,601 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:05:59,820 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:00,040 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:00,259 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:00,476 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:00,693 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:00,912 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:01,130 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:01,348 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:01,567 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:01,788 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:02,009 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:02,227 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:02,445 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:02,663 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:02,882 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:03,103 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:03,332 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:03,549 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:03,771 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:03,989 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:04,208 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:04,427 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:04,644 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:04,862 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:05,080 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:05,314 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:05,552 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:05,776 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:06,029 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:06,248 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:06,494 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:06,721 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:06,962 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:07,203 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:07,439 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:07,684 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:07,908 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:08,139 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:08,370 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:08,598 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:08,836 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:09,057 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:09,277 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:09,497 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:09,719 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:09,942 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:10,163 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:10,381 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:10,599 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:10,817 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:11,035 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:11,252 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:11,470 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:11,693 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:11,913 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:12,130 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:12,348 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:12,569 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:12,788 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:13,009 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:13,230 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:13,449 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:13,694 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:13,923 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:14,150 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:14,372 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:14,590 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:14,808 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:15,026 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:15,243 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:15,462 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:15,680 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:15,899 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:16,117 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:16,338 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:16,555 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:16,773 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:16,991 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:17,210 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:17,427 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:17,648 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:17,870 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:18,090 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:18,312 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:18,535 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:18,761 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:18,991 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:19,216 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:19,441 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:19,667 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:19,894 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:20,113 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:20,342 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:20,568 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:20,796 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:21,017 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:21,242 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:21,463 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:21,684 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:21,902 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:22,122 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:22,348 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:22,575 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:22,802 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:23,031 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:23,258 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:23,478 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:23,696 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:23,915 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:24,134 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:24,357 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:24,577 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:24,793 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:25,011 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:25,240 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:25,463 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:25,688 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:25,906 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:26,131 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:26,358 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:26,582 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:26,805 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:27,029 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:27,247 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:27,469 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:27,689 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:27,907 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:28,127 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:28,361 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:28,579 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:28,799 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:29,017 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:29,235 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:29,458 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:29,678 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:29,899 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:30,119 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:30,337 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:30,560 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:30,777 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:31,002 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:31,225 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:31,444 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:31,665 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:31,883 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:32,105 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:32,332 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:32,556 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:32,784 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:33,007 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:33,226 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:33,451 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:33,677 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:33,896 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:34,114 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:34,337 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:34,562 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:34,787 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:35,010 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:35,230 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:35,451 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:35,669 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:35,888 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:36,108 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:36,335 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:36,554 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:36,775 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:36,999 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:37,226 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:37,454 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:37,679 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:37,896 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:38,123 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:38,352 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:38,570 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:38,791 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:39,017 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:39,243 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:39,471 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:39,694 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:39,911 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:40,133 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:40,365 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:40,593 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:40,818 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:41,044 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:41,271 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:41,491 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:41,710 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:41,933 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:42,154 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:42,377 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:42,602 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:42,828 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:43,057 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:43,283 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:43,510 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:43,730 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:43,950 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:44,177 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:44,403 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:44,626 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:44,851 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:45,072 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:45,295 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:45,515 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:45,737 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:45,956 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:46,183 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:46,416 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:46,643 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:46,865 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:47,089 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:47,307 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:47,527 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:47,747 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:47,969 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:48,188 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:48,411 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:48,639 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:48,864 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:49,086 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:49,311 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:49,541 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:49,764 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:49,982 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:50,206 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:50,425 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:50,644 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:50,861 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:51,088 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:51,311 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:51,536 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:51,761 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:51,979 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:52,203 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:52,434 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:52,659 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:52,886 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:53,112 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:53,339 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:53,560 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:53,783 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:54,004 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:54,229 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:54,451 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:54,677 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:54,902 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:55,130 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:55,357 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:55,574 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:55,795 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:56,014 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:56,238 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:56,461 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:56,681 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:56,906 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:57,129 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:57,375 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:57,600 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:57,819 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:58,038 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:58,258 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:58,478 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:58,696 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:58,918 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:59,136 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:59,358 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:59,576 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:06:59,795 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:00,013 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:00,241 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:00,461 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:00,688 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:00,905 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:01,125 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:01,351 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:01,569 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:01,793 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:02,015 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:02,235 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:02,455 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:02,683 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:02,905 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:03,132 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:03,363 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:03,583 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:03,803 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:04,021 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:04,240 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:04,469 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:04,696 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:04,919 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:05,146 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:05,368 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:05,588 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:05,808 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:06,032 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:06,256 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:06,483 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:06,705 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:06,927 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:07,155 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:07,382 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:07,606 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:07,829 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:08,053 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:08,281 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:08,503 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:08,727 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:08,953 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:09,180 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:09,408 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:09,629 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:09,848 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:10,068 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:10,292 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:10,522 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:10,754 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:10,979 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:11,201 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:11,426 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:11,647 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:11,865 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:12,088 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:12,314 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:12,538 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:12,763 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:12,989 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:13,216 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:13,441 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:13,665 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:13,885 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:14,112 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:14,341 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:14,569 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:14,792 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:15,018 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:15,243 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:15,469 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:15,695 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:15,917 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:16,138 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:16,366 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:16,591 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:16,817 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:17,043 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:17,273 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:17,499 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:17,719 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:17,939 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:18,157 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:18,378 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:18,597 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:18,821 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:19,051 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:19,275 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:19,492 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:19,713 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:19,934 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:20,155 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:20,373 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:20,591 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:20,808 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:21,025 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:21,242 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:21,459 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:21,678 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:21,899 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:22,119 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:22,339 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:22,567 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:22,789 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:23,011 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:23,236 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:23,463 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:23,684 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:23,905 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:24,128 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:24,352 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:24,580 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:24,806 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:25,033 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:25,265 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:25,492 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:25,711 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:25,929 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:26,149 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:26,371 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:26,597 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:26,815 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:27,038 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:27,262 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:27,487 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:27,711 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:27,929 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:28,147 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:28,371 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:28,598 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:28,823 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:29,051 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:29,279 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:29,500 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:29,724 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:29,949 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:30,173 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:30,392 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:30,609 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:30,827 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:31,045 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:31,262 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:31,481 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:31,700 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:31,919 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:32,141 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:32,358 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:32,576 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:32,795 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:33,016 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:33,237 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:33,459 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:33,686 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:33,904 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:34,129 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:34,348 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:34,576 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:34,801 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:35,028 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:35,245 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:35,471 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:35,696 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:35,919 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:36,136 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:36,364 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:36,588 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:36,805 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:37,027 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:37,251 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:37,478 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:37,700 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:37,921 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:38,146 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:38,370 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:38,596 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:38,823 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:39,049 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:39,276 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:39,505 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:39,727 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:39,951 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:40,172 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:40,388 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:40,608 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:40,839 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:41,059 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:41,284 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:41,509 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:41,737 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:41,956 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:42,180 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:42,405 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:42,623 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:42,852 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:43,080 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:43,309 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:43,532 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:43,755 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:43,974 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:44,192 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:44,411 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:44,633 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:44,853 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:45,071 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:45,292 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:45,510 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:45,732 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:45,951 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:46,171 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:46,391 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:46,612 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:46,836 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:47,059 - DEBUG helpers.py:355 -- Executing command: 'grep 'Rebooting to begin the data sync process' '/var/log/fuel-migrate.log'' 2016-05-14 02:07:47,059 - INFO sftp.py:129 -- [chan 0] sftp session closed. 2016-05-14 02:07:47,059 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: generate_logs with args: ([(0x7f8308ba3c50), url:None],) {} 2016-05-14 02:07:47,060 - DEBUG http.py:111 -- Set X-Auth-Token to 3859f00b647d42e5ad73743aae2052d6 2016-05-14 02:07:47,452 - ERROR decorators.py:95 -- Fetching of diagnostic snapshot failed: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/system_test/helpers/decorators.py", line 92, in wrapper "fail", name) File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/fuelweb_test/helpers/decorators.py", line 322, in create_diagnostic_snapshot task = env.fuel_web.task_wait(env.fuel_web.client.generate_logs(), 60 * 10) File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/fuelweb_test/__init__.py", line 57, in wrapped result = func(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/fuelweb_test/helpers/decorators.py", line 133, in wrapped response = func(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/fuelweb_test/models/nailgun_client.py", line 355, in generate_logs return self.client.put("/api/logs/package") File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/fuelweb_test/helpers/http.py", line 83, in put return self._open(req) File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/fuelweb_test/helpers/http.py", line 92, in _open return self._get_response(req) File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/fuelweb_test/helpers/http.py", line 116, in _get_response return self.opener.open(req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 404, in open response = self._open(req, data) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 422, in _open '_open', req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 382, in _call_chain result = func(*args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 1214, in http_open return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 1187, in do_open r = h.getresponse(buffering=True) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 1051, in getresponse response.begin() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 415, in begin version, status, reason = self._read_status() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 371, in _read_status line = self.fp.readline(_MAXLINE + 1) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 476, in readline data = self._sock.recv(self._rbufsize) error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer 2016-05-14 02:07:47,463 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:07:50,467 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:07:53,469 - DEBUG helpers.py:282 -- Connect to '' as 'root:r00tme' 2016-05-14 02:07:53,470 - ERROR decorators.py:102 -- Fetching of raw logs failed: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jenkins/workspace/8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate/system_test/helpers/decorators.py", line 97, in wrapper with args[0].env.d_env.get_admin_remote()\ File "/home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/devops/models/environment.py", line 395, in get_admin_remote password=password) File "/home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/devops/models/node.py", line 171, in remote password=password, private_keys=private_keys) File "/home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/devops/helpers/helpers.py", line 257, in __init__ self.reconnect() File "/home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/devops/helpers/helpers.py", line 300, in reconnect self.connect() File "/home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/devops/helpers/retry.py", line 27, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/devops/helpers/helpers.py", line 295, in connect password=self.password) File "/home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paramiko/client.py", line 324, in connect raise NoValidConnectionsError(errors) NoValidConnectionsError: [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on 2016-05-14 02:07:53,470 - DEBUG decorators.py:104 -- (,) 2016-05-14 02:08:39,582 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_admin_node_ip with args: ([(0x7f83095bc750), ip:],) {} 2016-05-14 02:08:39,595 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_admin_node_ip with result: 2016-05-14 02:08:39,595 - INFO decorators.py:305 -- <<<<<****************************************************************************************************>>>>> 2016-05-14 02:08:39,595 - INFO decorators.py:306 -- Failed in method 'Case_FuelMasterMigrate__Config_1ctrl_1comp_neutronTUN.Step010_check_migration_status'. Make snapshot: FuelMasterMigrate_f16a4bf5_Step010 2016-05-14 02:08:39,595 - INFO decorators.py:316 -- You could revert and ssh to master node: [source /home/jenkins/qa-venv-8.0/bin/activate; dos.py revert-resume 8.0.system_test.ubuntu.fuel_master_migrate.15.15 FuelMasterMigrate_f16a4bf5_Step010 && ssh root@] 2016-05-14 02:08:39,596 - INFO decorators.py:318 -- <<<<<****************************************************************************************************>>>>> 2016-05-14 02:08:39,596 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: get_test_method_name with args: () {} 2016-05-14 02:08:39,598 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: get_test_method_name with result: __exit__ 2016-05-14 02:08:39,598 - DEBUG __init__.py:54 -- Calling: update_yaml with args: (['__exit__', ], '191.91', False) {} 2016-05-14 02:08:39,615 - DEBUG __init__.py:59 -- Done: update_yaml with result: None