Detailed bug description:
Package "fuel-rabbit-fence" is built for ubuntu (debian/) & rhel (.spec), but each distro gets different init configuration:
- ubuntu: upstart & systemd
- rhel: old-style init.d script
I think for both os families we should provide systemd unit. We also can provide alternitive init.
And for all init systems we should provide proper package dependencies (debian/control, Require in spec).
Steps to reproduce:
Take latest packages, list their files and read "control" information.
Expected results:
1) Systemd unit is provided for deb/rpm
2) Other init "scripts" provided for old distro releases
3) systemd and other init systems are placed in dependency fields in packaging manifests
4) packages follows all rules above.
Actual result:
Systemd is absent in deb dependencies.
systemd unit is absent in rpm.
Description of the environment:
Operation system: Ubuntu 16.04
Versions of components: -
Reference architecture: -
Network model: -
Related projects installed: -
Additional information:
Fix proposed to branch: master /review. fuel-infra. org/23391
Change author: Alexander Tsamutali <email address hidden>
Review: https:/