Comment 0 for bug 1547590

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Dmitriy Stremkovskiy (dstremkouski) wrote :

# cat node_roles.yaml:
  name: "LCM - controller"
  description: "Install LCM controller"
  has_primary: true # whether has primary role or not
  public_ip_required: false # whether requires public net or not
  weight: 1000 # weight that will be used for ordering on fuel ui
    - '*'

# cat node_roles.yaml:
  name: "LCM - controller"
  description: "Install LCM controller"
  has_primary: true # whether has primary role or not
  public_ip_required: false # whether requires public net or not
  weight: 1000 # weight that will be used for ordering on fuel ui
  conflicts: ['*']

Nothing of above locks role alone. I am able to assign new role (lcm) to other members.
Expected: Could not assign new role to other members.