Case 1: 1) Install master. 2) Install plugin (attached) 3) Modify /var/www/nailgun/plugins/vip_plugin-1.0/network_roles.yaml file: - id: "public/vip" # Role mapping to network properties: # List of VIPs to be allocated vip: # Unique VIP name - name: "super_vip_name" # Optional linux namespace for VIP namespace: "haproxy" 4) Create a cluster and enable plugin. 5) Add one (for example) node with controller role 6) Deploy env for netconfig stage for example: fuel node --node 1 --end netconfig 7) Navigate to the node-1 and check /etc/hiera/astute.yaml Actual result: New vip resource is created: root@node-1:~# pcs resource show vip__super_vip_name Resource: vip__super_vip_name (class=ocf provider=fuel type=ns_IPaddr2) Attributes: bridge=br-ex base_veth=v_super_vi_a610 ns_veth=b_super_vi_a610 ip= iflabel=ka cidr_netmask=24 ns=haproxy gateway_metric=10 gateway= Meta Attrs: migration-threshold=3 failure-timeout=60 resource-stickiness=1 Operations: monitor interval=5 timeout=20 (vip__super_vip_name-monitor-5) start interval=0 timeout=30 (vip__super_vip_name-start-0) stop interval=0 timeout=30 (vip__super_vip_name-stop-0) root@node-1:~# ip netns exec haproxy ip -4 -o a| grep super 25: b_super_vi_a610 inet scope global b_super_vi_a610\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever New network role is not created. Case 2: 1) Install master. 2) Install plugin (attached) 3) Modify /var/www/nailgun/plugins/vip_plugin-1.0/network_roles.yaml file: - id: "public/vip" default_mapping: "public" properties: subnet: true gateway: false vip: - name: "super_vip_name" namespace: "haproxy" 4) Create a cluster and enable plugin. 5) Add one (for example) node with controller role 6) Deploy env for netconfig stage for example: fuel node --node 1 --end netconfig 7) Navigate to the node-1 and check /etc/hiera/astute.yaml Result: Deploy is failed. Because we try override subnet and gateway with values from network_roles.yaml. 2015-11-23T17:06:25 debug: [613] Process message from worker queue: "null" 2015-11-23T17:06:26 debug: [613] Got message with payload "null" 2015-11-23T17:06:26 err: [613] Error on sending message 'task in orchestrator': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass Case 3: 1) Install master. 2) Install plugin (attached) 3) Modify /var/www/nailgun/plugins/vip_plugin-1.0/network_roles.yaml file: - id: "public/vip2" # Role mapping to network default_mapping: "public" properties: # Should be true if network role requires subnet being set subnet: true # Should be true if network role requires gateway being set gateway: false # List of VIPs to be allocated vip: # Unique VIP name - name: "super_vip_name" # Optional linux namespace for VIP namespace: "haproxy" 4) Create a cluster and enable plugin. 5) Add one (for example) node with controller role 6) Deploy env for netconfig stage for example: fuel node --node 1 --end netconfig 7) Navigate to the node-1 and check /etc/hiera/astute.yaml Actual result: There is a new vip at new network role public/vip2 under the same subnet as public/vip network role: Section with vips contains the new one vip. root@node-1:~# grep "vip" /etc/hiera/astute.yaml public/vip: public/vip2: mgmt/vip: vips: network_role: public/vip network_role: mgmt/vip network_role: public/vip network_role: mgmt/vip super_vip_name: network_role: public/vip2 public/vip: br-ex public/vip2: br-ex mgmt/vip: br-mgmt vip_plugin: vip_plugin_text: Set default value label: Title for vip_plugin plugin root@node-1:~# grep "super_vip" /etc/hiera/astute.yaml -A6 super_vip_name: network_role: public/vip2 node_roles: - controller - primary-controller namespace: haproxy ipaddr: Fuel used: release_versions: 2015.1.0-8.0: VERSION: api: '1.0' astute_sha: 959b06c5ef8143125efd1727d350c050a922eb12 build_id: '166' build_number: '166' feature_groups: - mirantis fuel-agent_sha: 2750600e946e96701099dfef5a7d69017f2e9956 fuel-createmirror_sha: e34a0dd080fe6c133bcc75a00c31b27934ba51bc fuel-library_sha: 0d210dc3851ac6c74b3914ef4df0139defc8d117 fuel-nailgun-agent_sha: 3e9d17211d65c80bf97c8d83979979f6c7feb687 fuel-nailgun_sha: a5f4c44d08715f3be6b200a69032b30d347ac911 fuel-ostf_sha: 9690a2de829d3b063ed1e64b0b10dde39f711dc0 fuel-upgrade_sha: 1e894e26d4e1423a9b0d66abd6a79505f4175ff6 fuelmain_sha: 266f9b374934c64629a84b5146632cc0de70ac91 fuelmenu_sha: 06bbcebed6c8d0b0f9279e2997d2f958c800e98c network-checker_sha: a57e1d69acb5e765eb22cab0251c589cd76f51da openstack_version: 2015.1.0-8.0 production: docker python-fuelclient_sha: e685d68c1c0d0fa0491a250f07d9c3a8d0f9608c release: '8.0' shotgun_sha: 25dd78a3118267e3616df0727ce746e7dead2d67 shotgun_sha: 25dd78a3118267e3616df0727ce746e7dead2d67