reproduced on: {"build_id": "2015-02-05_22-55-01", "ostf_sha": "6c046b69d29021524906109f18092363505ee222", "build_number": "101", "release_versions": {"2014.2-6.1": {"VERSION": {"build_id": "2015-02-05_22-55-01", "ostf_sha": "6c046b69d29021524906109f18092363505ee222", "build_number": "101", "api": "1.0", "nailgun_sha": "d6c6d63600e3b36606be332b23a0c5490a00fbcf", "production": "docker", "python-fuelclient_sha": "521c2491f7f04f31d8c85db68499cd193d4904e3", "astute_sha": "cf25925680814745facc7ffaf1e0b08eed6f9cb5", "feature_groups": ["mirantis"], "release": "6.1", "fuelmain_sha": "", "fuellib_sha": "bc99ea769cd67121f91f49c48dffca58e3f53fdf"}}}, "auth_required": true, "api": "1.0", "nailgun_sha": "d6c6d63600e3b36606be332b23a0c5490a00fbcf", "production": "docker", "python-fuelclient_sha": "521c2491f7f04f31d8c85db68499cd193d4904e3", "astute_sha": "cf25925680814745facc7ffaf1e0b08eed6f9cb5", "feature_groups": ["mirantis"], "release": "6.1", "fuelmain_sha": "", "fuellib_sha": "bc99ea769cd67121f91f49c48dffca58e3f53fdf"} [root@nailgun ~]# fuel node id | status | name | cluster | ip | mac | roles | pending_roles | online | group_id ---|----------|------------------|---------|------------|-------------------|-------|---------------|--------|--------- 2 | discover | Untitled (63:77) | None | | 64:00:61:db:63:77 | | | True | None 1 | discover | Untitled (4a:ff) | None | | 64:ae:59:a6:4a:ff | | | True | None 3 | discover | Untitled (32:a9) | None | | 64:d6:8a:19:32:a9 | | | True | None [root@nailgun ~]# fuel env id | status | name | mode | release_id | changes | pending_release_id ---|--------|------|------|------------|---------|------------------- [root@nailgun ~]# fuel env --create --name test --rel 2 --net neutron --nst vlan --mode ha Environment 'test' with id=1, mode=ha_compact and network-mode=neutron was created! [root@nailgun ~]# fuel --env 1 set node 1 --role controller id | status | name | cluster | ip | mac | roles | pending_roles | online | group_id ---|--------|------|---------|----|-----|-------|---------------|--------|--------- [root@nailgun ~]# fuel --env 1 node set --node 1 --role controller Nodes [1] with roles ['controller'] were added to environment 1 [root@nailgun ~]# fuel --env 1 node set --node 2 --role compute Nodes [2] with roles ['compute'] were added to environment 1 [root@nailgun ~]# fuel --env 2 node --provision --node 2 Started provisioning nodes [2]. [root@nailgun ~]# [root@nailgun ~]# fuel --env 2 node --node 2 --tasks hiera Started tasks ['hiera'] for nodes nodes [2]. [root@nailgun ~]# ssh node-2 -C 'hiera nodes | grep role' Warning: Permanently added 'node-2' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. "role"=>"controller", "role"=>"compute", [root@nailgun ~]# fuel --env 1 deployment --default Default deployment info was downloaded to /root/deployment_1 [root@nailgun ~]# grep role /root/deployment_1/ compute_2.yaml primary-controller_1.yaml [root@nailgun ~]# grep role /root/deployment_1/compute_2.yaml roles: role: primary-controller role: compute role: compute [root@nailgun ~]# fuel --env 2 node --node 2 --tasks hiera ; sleep 20 Started tasks ['hiera'] for nodes nodes [2]. [root@nailgun ~]# ssh node-2 -C 'hiera nodes | grep role' Warning: Permanently added 'node-2' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. "role"=>"primary-controller", "role"=>"compute", [root@nailgun ~]# interestingly, fuel --env 1 deployment --default changed the result. The first controller became the primary controller as observed by @adidenko