Here again, two old arguments: 1. Linux does not come pre-installed. My answer: are people still buying crappy hardware instead of having it assembled ? Most good techies will install Linux for you, and charge for the labor. In Apple or MS-Windows you pay a heavy price for programs, the profit for the techies is in there. It will *not* cost you less; to buy better hardware. 2. Too many choices, no one standard. True. Otherwise we would all be using MS-Windows with an upgrade or die every 6 months, viruses galore and a blue screen of death every hour . (yes I'm exaggerating) Note, Ubuntu is extremely popular, that's great. But it should never be the only distrro. How many Linux users are there worldwide? Look it up ! Allengg On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 11:31 PM, spandanj